Commit graph

265 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dan Stillman
78a92255d8 - Add the Zotero icon to the add-on bar instead of the status bar in Fx4
- Make the add-on bar visible if the Zotero icon isn't set to hidden, which is an annoying way of dealing with not yet landing -- people who use an upper toolbar button and don't want the add-on bar to show will need to set the Zotero icon to hidden

Addresses #1726, Firefox 4 Compatibility
2011-01-07 06:36:31 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
b43c6da675 disable full screen button in standalone (for now, until preview pane is implemented) 2010-12-21 05:54:33 +00:00
Dan Stillman
1977ae1541 Tweak spacing of "Get word processor plugins..." line in prefs 2010-12-13 22:45:53 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
0f96de71ac also update timeline 2010-12-11 07:01:39 +00:00
Dan Stillman
4e677668aa Fix empty single autocomplete row (fixed originally in r5179, accidentally reverted in r5596) 2010-11-09 19:34:18 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
26edf1a3f9 hide create item from current page button in standalone (and create new file for standalone-specific CSS) 2010-10-24 05:27:39 +00:00
Dan Stillman
84f59ab451 Run TinyMCE as content rather than chrome (and now without needing any modifications)
Also upgraded to latest version

Popup windows currently show location and status bars, which needs to be fixed
2010-10-09 08:04:25 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
f79e18d3cb modified icons that work with ImageMagick (not sure why the old versions didn't) 2010-09-23 04:21:19 +00:00
Dan Stillman
0d47e224fa About pane updates 2010-09-16 07:31:32 +00:00
Dan Stillman
6ba92efdbb - Add instructions line to CR window saying to click Next/Done
- Resize CR window better for smaller screens (which will hopefully keep the button in view)
2010-09-05 07:18:06 +00:00
Dan Stillman
fe6713b358 Fix CSS parsing errors (which possibly meant the affected rules aren't necessary) 2010-08-27 19:16:29 +00:00
Dan Stillman
84cf9d8cbe Closes #1037, Remove Firefox 2.0/3.0–specific code 2010-07-09 20:10:43 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
75374af5af - add Frank's citation re-ordering patch, with a few changes
- fix error when canceling citation add after editing
2010-06-06 00:01:11 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
bd0a4a3b96 Use citeproc-js as CSL parser. There is an issue with multiple citations in numbered styles that I will probably need Frank's help to track down, but otherwise, this seems to work. Many things are completely untested, including EndNote style support. Currently requires CSL 1.0 styles. In the near future, I hope to use the XSLT stylesheet to transform CSL 0.8 to CSL 1.0.
closes #1650: suppress author does not work for multiple sources
closes #1505: Edit Biblography Button Strips Year Disambiguation
closes #1503: Editing a bibliography resets all reference numbers to 1 (new)
closes #1262: Broken pluralization with et al. + other issues
closes #1238: Localize quotation marks
closes #1191: Harmonize 'plural/pluralize' label attribute with CSL schema
closes #1154: Only one works page numbers are added to the citation are when citing multiple works by the same author
closes #1097: Disambiguation issues
closes #1083: Defect in IEEE CSL with Multiple Citations
closes #993: more sophisticated subsequent-author-substitute
closes #833: text-transform doesn't work with name
2010-05-30 11:25:25 +00:00
Dan Stillman
268f37194f Always show last sync time if available in sync button tooltip -- this should make it clearer when one sync has stopped and another has started 2010-05-01 05:46:01 +00:00
Dan Stillman
8f0bc38da3 - Use a different sync error icon for version cut-offs
- Use full sync error for icon tooltip
2010-02-04 04:45:29 +00:00
Dan Stillman
d3d88b350d Fix some spacing issues in metadata pane 2010-01-16 05:19:34 +00:00
Dan Stillman
8870d5e514 Support for NSF Reviewer item type (for NSF use only -- not installed by default)

- Beginnings of custom item type/field support, though not intended for external use yet
- Zotero.Date.strToDate() now parses 'yesterday'/'today'/'tomorrow' and localized equivalents, allowing those strings to be used in fields such as 'Accessed'
- Cleaner display of dates without times in 'Accessed' field
- Item type menus in metadata pane, New drop-down, and advanced search window now sort by localized string

New methods:

- Zotero.CreatorTypes.itemTypeHasCreators(itemTypeID)
- Saved searches on item type should now use 'itemType' condition rather than 'itemTypeID'
2010-01-15 21:55:25 +00:00
Dan Stillman
3d78c2b4d8 Closes #1543, Add db integrity check for 1.0 to 2.0 upgrades
Also added different text coming from 1.0 with a link to, which needs content
2009-12-29 22:21:54 +00:00
Dan Stillman
771b025679 Give all three merge panes a minimum width 2009-12-11 09:31:44 +00:00
Dan Stillman
2866faac5e Change 'searchcondition' element to 'zoterosearchcondition', just in case someone else binds to searchcondition 2009-12-11 08:47:00 +00:00
Dan Stillman
6539cace59 Add Zotero storage TOS link 2009-11-28 21:45:25 +00:00
Dan Stillman
f8e995409f - Support server-based sync request queuing
- Fix "Module not initialized" error
- Display sync status in sync icon tooltip
2009-11-25 06:33:10 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
2b019c4427 fix tab weirdness in FF 3.6 2009-11-17 19:15:41 +00:00
Dan Stillman
3fd5fe06a3 Remove unused eval() calls in Timeline code to avoid AMO flagging, though we should probably integrate a newer version of Timeline anyway 2009-11-13 06:13:08 +00:00
Dan Stillman
b6980b6c76 - Restore Notes tab
- "Add" button in Notes tab now uses inline notes editor by default instead of new window -- Shift toggles
- Fix overflow of tab panels in right column
- Fix error clicking on parent item title in unsaved new note window
2009-10-13 08:56:04 +00:00
Dan Stillman
83781293da - Display more helpful message for "(NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED) [nsIFile.remove]" error when a remotely modified file is in use locally on Windows
- Fix a potential NS_ERROR_TARGET_FILE_EXISTS error from a recent commit
- Fix alignment of sync error icon
2009-10-01 20:26:31 +00:00
Dan Stillman
f482f65a46 - Fix some causes of "Source item for keyed source doesn't exist"
- If a child item is in conflict, always keep parent item if one side has one regardless of which side is chosen
- On cancelling sync from CR window, don't continue with file sync
- Clarify "Background sync resulted in conflict" message
- Display the error icon rather than the warning icon on errors (though some file sync problems should be changed to warnings instead)
2009-09-28 06:39:54 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
f5c988f918 - add resizer to integration windows
- don't automatically resize integration windows if a button is pressed
- move integration js/xul to integration subdirectory
2009-09-25 08:30:07 +00:00
Dan Stillman
e09c80e5e1 Fix collections-containing-an-item highlighting on OS X 2009-09-21 19:08:34 +00:00
Dan Stillman
ad3d5faddc Fix empty single autocomplete row in item pane 2009-09-21 07:26:12 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
e828ea6fa6 fix uneven field mode toggle highlight 2009-09-14 19:20:29 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
6268887048 fix creator alignment on Linux 2009-09-14 18:47:52 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
1d799a0bbe tighten up spacing some more 2009-09-14 18:13:04 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
1afb607512 tighten up row spacing 2009-09-14 18:04:11 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
4f48210682 proper look for disabled "-" icon on new item 2009-09-14 09:24:21 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
cc93621678 fix Extra and Abstract field alignment 2009-09-14 09:21:13 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
04796cd4d2 fix more spacing issues 2009-09-14 08:51:41 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
4f2a7a5463 fix itembox alignment issues 2009-09-14 08:46:39 +00:00
Dan Stillman
b7907f4883 Fix some margin/padding in metadata pane 2009-09-14 07:33:02 +00:00
Dan Stillman
1e2a71666e - Restore item pane and tag selector font size to default
- Decrease space between metadata columns
- Increase metadata pane left padding
2009-09-14 06:58:59 +00:00
Dan Stillman
11c1277ea7 - Changed toolbar note button to context-sensitive menu for adding standalone and child notes
- Added toolbar button with context-sensitive menu for adding child attachments
2009-09-14 04:18:58 +00:00
Dan Stillman
884e5474fe Zotero File Storage megacommit
- Group file sync via Zotero File Storage
- Split file syncing into separate modules for ZFS and WebDAV
- Dragging items between libraries copies child notes, snapshots/files, and links based on checkboxes for each (enabled by default) in the Zotero preferences
- Sync errors now trigger an exclamation/error icon separate from the sync icon, with a popup window displaying the error and an option to report it
- Various errors that could cause perpetual sync icon spinning now stop the sync properly
- Zotero.Utilities.md5(str) is now md5(strOrFile, base64)
- doPost(), doHead(), and retrieveSource() now takes a headers parameter instead of requestContentType
- doHead() can now accept an nsIURI (with login credentials), is a background request, and isn't cached
- When library access or file writing access is denied during sync, display a warning and then reset local group to server version
- Perform additional steps (e.g., removing local groups) when switching sync users to prevent errors
- Compare hash as well as mod time when checking for modified local files
- Don't trigger notifications when removing groups from the client
- Clear relation links to items in removed groups
- Zotero.Item.attachmentHash property to get file MD5
- importFromFile() now takes libraryID as a third parameter
- Zotero.Attachments.getNumFiles() returns the number of files in the attachment directory
- Zotero.Attachments.copyAttachmentToLibrary() copies an attachment item, including files, to another library
- Removed Zotero.File.getFileHash() in favor of updated Zotero.Utilities.md5()
- Zotero.File.copyDirectory(dir, newDir) copies all files from dir into newDir
- Preferences shuffling: OpenURL to Advanced, import/export character set options to Export, "Include URLs of paper articles in references" to Styles
- Other stuff I don't remember

Suffice it to say, this could use testing.
2009-09-13 07:23:29 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
a611706f86 fix appearance on FF3.0 for Mac 2009-09-08 22:23:37 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
24ea6dbb5c Fix buttons so that they work on FF3.0 2009-09-08 20:53:03 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
7d4432cc8a Use zotero-clicky on field mode button instead of toolbarbutton to save space and fix alignment issues on Windows 2009-09-08 20:23:49 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
4f5feb98a2 UI improvements on OS X
still need to work out the appropriate opacity for the glow on each individual toolbar button, and to make some similar changes for Windows
2009-09-02 08:26:24 +00:00
Ben Parr
ac79b1d05f Add Zotero Commons feature (integration between Zotero and Internet Archive).
- dropping Zotero items into a bucket puts them in that IA bucket
- double clicking a bucket takes you to that IA bucket

In order to enable Zotero Commons:
1) Get an access key and secret key at
2) Go to about:config
3) Search "commons" (no quotes)
4) Set "extensions.zotero.commons.enabled" to true
5) Enter your S3 access key into "extensions.zotero.commons.accessKey"
6) Enter your S3 secret key into "extensions.zotero.commons.secretKey"
7) Enter your buckets into "extensions.zotero.commons.buckets" as a comma separated list

Note: Steps 4-7 take effect in new windows
2009-08-13 10:56:47 +00:00
Dan Stillman
53bd9afeac Remove option to display Zotero pane above browser content
There are times when I am right, when I demonstrate profound foresight sometimes borne out only years down the line. Then there are the other times.
2009-08-09 22:40:42 +00:00
Dan Stillman
fa23cf9036 Closes #522, Arrow on full-screen button should point the other way when in full-screen mode 2009-08-09 22:26:59 +00:00