On some laptops, scaling settings might cause the DPI to drop between
96 (1x) and 144 (1.5x), and downscaled icons are probably better than
upscaled ones.
- New 2x toolbar button shapes and other icons from @johanneskrtek --
this HiDPI-ifies basically all graphics other than a few remaining item
type icons
- Use the Mac search dropmarker for all menu buttons, since it's wider
and more pleasant. Reduce menu button padding slightly to compensate.
- Better toolbar button state for inactive window and pressed state
- Fix dropmarker overlap in tag selector icon
Closes#347, Better/retina-style OS X toolbar icons
Closes#1339, Create new button PNGs for macOS
(Borrowing a technique from Thunderbird.)
This only affects the splitters in standard view. The splitter between the top
and bottom panes in stacked view still has a 1px draggable area.
We can probably do a similar thing to slim down splitters on Windows, as
planned in #367.
- Fix spacing on Windows and Linux in latest Firefox versions
- Tweak icon colors on Windows and OS X
- Adjust Z SVG to take up full height, so Z is a full 16px instead of
14px with slight anti-aliasing
- Use generated PNGs instead of SVG for Z toolbar icons, to remove the
need for complicated size rules
- Add separate platform-specific .svg files that are used by a
zotero-build script, make-z-icons, to generate the Z PNGs; the main
SVG is still used directly in the menu panel and customization
palette, with platform media queries to determine the coloring
And fix save button hover height on Windows, which somehow got out of
whack again.
Might need further tweaking on Linux
Need to find a better way to do these buttons...
Courtesy of Pastel SVG (2x famfamfam)
I didn't add 2x versions for any composite icons or any Fugue icons.
- Removed some unused/redundant images
- Switched to shadowless versions for a couple Fugue icons
- New dedicated Zotero button, available in the Customize palette
- Remove "16px" Z SVG and just render "32px" one at the smaller size
(there's a slight difference at the edges, but we should probably redo
it anyway so that dark lines reach all the way to the bottom)
- Change "Open Zotero" back to just "Zotero", since 1) it's for closing
too, 2) it can also just bring Standalone to the front, and 3) "Open
Zotero" looks weird and inconsistent in the menu panel next to things
like "Preferences"
- For now, show single large Z for combo buttons in customization
palette with "Zotero (Combo)", though we can probably do something
- Fix some HiDPI bugs when moving items between areas
Still need a layout for the panel for the combo buttons
The address bar icon now lives in a new combo buttonset containing the main Z, "Save to Zotero", and a dropmarker for the former save-icon right-click menu (which we could conceivably use more heavily going forward now that it's more accessible). There's also a separate dedicated Save to Zotero (+ dropmarker) button, not shown by default, that can be swapped in for people who don't want the Z.
The tooltip for the save icon also now shows the keyboard shortcut (though that unfortunately makes for a lot of parentheses).
Known issues:
- Untested on ESR
- Untested on Linux
- Might need refinement on Windows
- Weird 1px horizontal area at bottom of save button that highlights dropmarker (at least on OS X)
- Probably needs a third button option with just the Z icon so that the main button and the save button can be placed separately (e.g., save button in toolbar, Z in panel)
- Combo buttonset needs an inactive single-icon state for the palette and either needs a state for the panel (which might need to span all three columns?) or if possible should just move the other two icons in and put itself back in the palette
- The absurd amount of time and CSS it took to get the toolbar icons looking right on OS X, since apparently no one has put a menu-button inside a combined toolbar button before
This belongs to issue #509 and was asked several times in the forum.
* Add attribute `collapse="after"` to the splitter and add a grippy element.
* To remember its state after restart I copied `zotero-persist="state"`.
* Handle zotero-items-splitter the same as zotero-collections-splitter in zotero-platform/mac/overlay.css
* Change min-width to 250px for #zotero-item-pane in zotero/overlay.css.
* Update the function `updateToolbarPosition` in zotero/zoteroPane.js:
* The width of the items-toolbar is corrected if the left pane is collapsed (and the icons are grouped on the left margin together).
* If the right pane is collapsed, then the items-toolbar is made flexible while making the item-toolbar unflexible. As a result the search box and locate icon are flushed right to the other icons.
Yosemite introduces a new search textbox shape, but Firefox still uses
the old focus ring shape until 34, so we fake the old searchbox shape
for earlier versions.
That was easy. (@simonster, since you disabled this originally, any reason not
to do this, other than the extra tab stop? At least in current Firefox
versions, this is the default behavior.)
Using separate arrows from treetwisty.svg from Mozilla, since it doesn't seem
to be possible to use list-style-position in the tree
The reason we still have to do this at all is that coloring of the twisties in
the tree still gets messed up as you move around the tree. (This still happens
in Places and Thunderbird as well.)
- New promise-based architecture
- Library-specific file sync queues, allowing other libraries to
continue if there's an error in one library
- Library-specific sync errors, with error icons next to each library
- Changed file uploading in on-demand download mode, which had been missing
- On-demand download progress indicator in middle pane
- More accurate progress indicator
- Various tweaks and bug fixes
- Various future tweaks and bug fixes
- Adds a per-library "Duplicate Items" virtual search to the source list -- shows up by default for "My Library" but can be added to and removed from all libraries
- Current matching algorithm is very basic: finds exact title matches (after normalizing case/diacritics/punctuation/spacing) and DOI/ISBN matches (untested)
- In duplicates view, sets are selected automatically; in other views, duplicate items can be selected manually and the merge interface can be brought up with "Merge Items" in the context menu
- Can select a master item and individual fields to merge from other versions
- Word processor integration code will automatically find mapped replacements and update documents with new item keys
Possible future improvements:
- Improved detection algorithms
- UI tweaks
- Currently if any items differ, all available versions will be shown as master item options, even if only one item is different; probably the earliest equivalent item should be shown for each distinct version
- Caching of results for performance
- Confidence scale
- Creator version selection (currently the creators from the chosen master item are kept)
- Merging of matching child items
- Better sorting of duplicates if not clustered together by the selected sort column
- Relation path compression when merging items that are already mapped to previously removed duplicates
Other changes in this commit:
- Don't show Trash in word processor integration windows
- Consider items in trash to be missing in word processor documents
- Selection of special views (Trash, Unfiled, Duplicates) is now restored properly in new windows
- Disabled field transform context menu when item isn't editable
- Left/right arrow now expands/collapses all selected items instead of just the last-selected row
- Relation deletions are now synced
- The same items row is now reselected after item deletion
- (dev) Zotero.Item.getNotes(), Zotero.Item.getAttachments(), and Zotero.Item.getTags() now return empty arrays rather than FALSE if no matches -- tests on those return values in third-party code will need to be changed
- (dev) New function Zotero.Utilities.removeDiacritics(str, lowercaseOnly) -- could be used to generate ASCII BibTeX keys
- (dev) New 'tempTable' search condition can take a table to join against -- useful for implementing virtual source lists
- (dev) Significant UI code cleanup
- (dev) Moved all item pane content into itemPane.xul
- Probably various other things
Needless to say, this needs testing.
- attachment notes box is now located at bottom, with linked items options above it
- notes no longer display the parent item title. I think this is a waste of space, but if someone wants it back, I can do that
- notes editor spans entire pane
- notes editor does not have gray borders on left or right
- metadata display in notes and attachments boxes is consistent with metadata display in item pane