- Adds a per-library "Duplicate Items" virtual search to the source list -- shows up by default for "My Library" but can be added to and removed from all libraries
- Current matching algorithm is very basic: finds exact title matches (after normalizing case/diacritics/punctuation/spacing) and DOI/ISBN matches (untested)
- In duplicates view, sets are selected automatically; in other views, duplicate items can be selected manually and the merge interface can be brought up with "Merge Items" in the context menu
- Can select a master item and individual fields to merge from other versions
- Word processor integration code will automatically find mapped replacements and update documents with new item keys
Possible future improvements:
- Improved detection algorithms
- UI tweaks
- Currently if any items differ, all available versions will be shown as master item options, even if only one item is different; probably the earliest equivalent item should be shown for each distinct version
- Caching of results for performance
- Confidence scale
- Creator version selection (currently the creators from the chosen master item are kept)
- Merging of matching child items
- Better sorting of duplicates if not clustered together by the selected sort column
- Relation path compression when merging items that are already mapped to previously removed duplicates
Other changes in this commit:
- Don't show Trash in word processor integration windows
- Consider items in trash to be missing in word processor documents
- Selection of special views (Trash, Unfiled, Duplicates) is now restored properly in new windows
- Disabled field transform context menu when item isn't editable
- Left/right arrow now expands/collapses all selected items instead of just the last-selected row
- Relation deletions are now synced
- The same items row is now reselected after item deletion
- (dev) Zotero.Item.getNotes(), Zotero.Item.getAttachments(), and Zotero.Item.getTags() now return empty arrays rather than FALSE if no matches -- tests on those return values in third-party code will need to be changed
- (dev) New function Zotero.Utilities.removeDiacritics(str, lowercaseOnly) -- could be used to generate ASCII BibTeX keys
- (dev) New 'tempTable' search condition can take a table to join against -- useful for implementing virtual source lists
- (dev) Significant UI code cleanup
- (dev) Moved all item pane content into itemPane.xul
- Probably various other things
Needless to say, this needs testing.
- Implement connector for Firefox (should switch in/out of connector mode automatically when Standalone is launched or closed, although this has only been tested extensively on OS X)
- Share core translation code between Zotero and connectors
Still to be done:
- Run translators in non-Fx connectors (this works in theory, but it's not currently enabled for any translators)
- Show translation results in non-Fx connectors
- Ability to translate to server when Zotero Standalone is not running
Adds "Show Unfiled Items" context menu to libraries, which adds a virtual saved search for unfiled items. Right-click, Remove to hide. Per-library visibility is saved in prefs and persists across restarts.
Implemented as 'unfiled' search condition, but not accessible via search UI
Should probably use a different color icon to differentiate from real saved searches
also adds a parameter to disable proxy redirection by domain (although if I had known how much work would be involved in implementing this before I started, I wouldn't have bothered)
closes#1650: suppress author does not work for multiple sources
closes#1505: Edit Biblography Button Strips Year Disambiguation
closes#1503: Editing a bibliography resets all reference numbers to 1 (new)
closes#1262: Broken pluralization with et al. + other issues
closes#1238: Localize quotation marks
closes#1191: Harmonize 'plural/pluralize' label attribute with CSL schema
closes#1154: Only one works page numbers are added to the citation are when citing multiple works by the same author
closes#1097: Disambiguation issues
closes#1083: Defect in IEEE CSL with Multiple Citations
closes#993: more sophisticated subsequent-author-substitute
closes#833: text-transform doesn't work with name
- Renamed 'Repository' to 'Library Catalog' and added 'Archive'
- Moved 'Repository' data to 'Archive' for item types other than books, periodicals, and theses
- Mapped 'Archive' to CSL 'archive'