It seems that style calculation gets insane when `overflow: auto` is used inside a collapsed box (specifically inside contextPane), although there might be more factors
7ef7943a17 made "Loading items…" small again after it got big during
HTMLification but made everything else (e.g., welcome message, My
Publications intro) small as well. This adds an ugly hack to keep the
loading message small for now (without passing dedicated HTML from a
bunch of different places).
- Just a single huge commit. This has been developed over too long a
time, required many tiny changes across too many files and has seen too
many iterations to be separated into separate commits.
The original branch with all the messy commits will be kept around for
- Replaces XUL <tree> element across the whole zotero client codebase
with a custom supermegafast virtualized-table inspired by
react-virtualized yet mimicking old XUL treeview API. The
virtualized-table sits on top on a raw-to-the-metal,
interpreted-at-runtime JS based windowing solution inspired by
react-window. React-based solutions could not be used because they were
slow and Zotero UI needs to be responsive and be able to
display thousands of rows in a treeview without any slowdowns.
- Attempts were made at making this screen-reader friendly, but yet to
be tested with something like JAWS
- RTL-friendly
- Styling and behaviour across all platforms was copied as closely as
possible to the original XUL tree
- Instead of row-based scroll snapping this has smooth-scrolling. If
you're using arrow keys to browse through the tree then it effectively
snap-scrolls. Current CSS snap scroll attributes do not seem to work in
the way we would require even on up-to-date browsers, yet alone the ESR
version of FX that Zotero is on. JS solutions are either terrible for
performance or produce inexcusable jitter.
- When dragging-and-dropping items the initial drag freezes the UI for
a fairly jarring amount of time. Does not seem to be fixable due to
the synchronous code that needs to be run in the dragstart handler.
Used to be possible to run that code async with the XUL tree.
- Item tree column picker no longer has a dedicated button. Just
right-click the columns. The column preferences (width, order, etc) are
no longer handled by XUL, which required a custom serialization and
storage solution that throws warnings in the developer console due to
the amount of data being stored. Might cause temporary freezing on HDDs
upon column resize/reorder/visibility toggling.
- Context menu handling code basically unchanged, but any UI changes
that plugins may have wanted to do (including adding new columns) will
have to be redone by them. No serious thought has gone into how plugin
developers would achieve that yet.
- Opens up the possibility for awesome alternative ways to render the
tree items, including things like multiple-row view for the item tree,
which has been requested for a long while especially by users switching
from other referencing software
- Add Zotero logo
- Move most acknowledgements to the website, where they can be more more
easily updated and more comprehensive
- Increase font size
- Center window on screen
- Always show both sections
- Do not show empty sections when searching
- Collapse notes list when all tabs are closed
- Work around search input to take full width without breaking its stuff
- Show child notes at top of notes list, with separate headers for "Item
Notes" and "All Notes"
- Fix "New Child Note" option
- Add parent item title above note editor when editing child note
- Cleanup
- Search on parent item title for child notes
- Remove item pane tabs
- Show all notes in notes pane, showing the parent title where
- Show drop-down menu for "New Note" button in notes pane that allows
creating standalone or child notes
- Add some temporary styling for notes in the notes pane
- Show child notes at top of notes list, with separate headers for "Item
Notes" and "All Notes"
- Fix "New Child Note" option
- Add parent item title above note editor when editing child note
- Search on parent item title for child notes
- Revert `notesList` to standalone notes mode only
- Fix splitter styling on Windows
- Fix `contextPane` performance fixes
- Add a customizable throttle function to `Zotero.Utilities`
- Fix reader tab selection issues
- Improve error handling in the new editor
- Update pdf-reader and zotero-note-editor submodules
- Fix contextPane child notes list
- Properly notify editor about new images
- Fix note title and body snippet extraction
- Persist right-hand pane state when switching tab
- Hopefully fix two panes visible at the same time
- Rollback all redundant changes made in the last few months
- Introduce `contextPane`
- Show child notes in the notes pane
- Fix splitter styling
- Various bug fixes
- Fix contextPane switching and states persistence
- Persist reader sidebar open/close state
- Fix bottom pane placeholder updating concurrency issues
- Fix toolbar placeholder width updating
- Display titles for split button
- Fix toolbar position when switching tabs
- Add PDF tab loading cover
- Improve notes and citations insertion
- Clean up and refactor code
- Fixes and cleanups to PDF reader
- Show item title at top of item pane in contextual mode not in a
library tab
- Show "All Notes" at top of standalone notes pane
- Add background color when clicking notes in standalone notes list
- Clean up back buttons
Mode button is still a placeholder but uses emoji to show the mode
- Use the "Chrome" theme
- Hide the gutter
- Don't highlight the active line
- Remove default iframe borders
- Focus the editor on window open
Ace instances (e.g., Scaffold) are now responsible for setting their own
theme (to avoid a flash of Monokai before a lighter theme appears).
- Properly truncate and ellipsize long tags
- Show scrollbar if tags go off the bottom of the pane
These both improve on the pre-React version, which didn't properly
truncate tags (at least in the current version, though I think it used
to) and scrolled the Add button off the top of the screen.
In particular, remove code related to opening/closing the Zotero pane,
which affects tests. The pane is now opened by default in Firefox, which
brings its behavior closer to the main version.