- New promise-based architecture
- Library-specific file sync queues, allowing other libraries to
continue if there's an error in one library
- Library-specific sync errors, with error icons next to each library
- Changed file uploading in on-demand download mode, which had been missing
- On-demand download progress indicator in middle pane
- More accurate progress indicator
- Various tweaks and bug fixes
- Various future tweaks and bug fixes
- Open in current window if one is already open
- Use a button instead of a label
- Don't show button if citation item is not linked to a Zotero item
This doesn't currently work if the Zotero pane has never been opened in the given window, because ZoteroPane.selectItem() appears to fail in that circumstance. This needs to be fixed.
Can be moved/removed via Customize as well as via Zotero prefs. The icon
can be in the toolbar or in the add-on bar, but not both, because
it's now the same button with different styling depending on where it is.
If the icon does not exist in the UI and the pref is set to show (as it
is by default), the icon is added to the add-on bar and the add-on bar is
persisted open. This has the effect of showing the icon/bar on
first run. If the icon is removed or the bar is hidden, they remain that
Can choose to download files "at sync time" or "as needed"
On-demand defaults to on, but remains off for existing users
- Handling of local and remote file changes on on-demand download
(currently if a file exists it isn't downloaded, which means a
remotely modified file won't be redownloaded in on-demand mode)
- Additional control over file downloading and retention
Other changes:
- Overhauled entire file syncing architecture
- Replaced numAttachments column with Note and Attachment columns with
dynamic icons to indicate status
- Double-clicking a parent with a missing best attachment and on-demand
downloading off no longer loads the parent URL
- Bugs
TODO: limit to large syncs?
This needs a lot of testing.
- Tweak pumpGenerator() wait level behavior to match Zotero.wait()
- If Zotero is closed in the top-most window, show a popup instead of the pane-covering progress meter, and take an optional icon in Zotero.showZoteroPaneProgressMeter() for use in the popup
- Restore protection against opening Zotero pane when Zotero.locked is set
- Display a nicer error if Zotero.DB.commitTransaction() is called without an active transaction
- Allow text with icons to extend to multiple lines in progressWindow popup
- Automatically use current window if one isn't specified in Zotero.repaint()