(Even if it's generally a bad idea without hyphenation)
Also adds unused code that could replace the three alignment buttons in
the toolbar with a split-button menu with all four options. We could use
this if we needed more space and didn't think people would mind the
extra click when switching between left and center.
* Use mocha, chai & sinon from the npm. As of sinon 2.0
sinon-as-promised is no longer required so it is removed
* Tweak code to re-use the same loader with the same environment
throghout the code
* Introduce browserify step for testing tools that only provide
node-compatible libraries (sinon, chai-as-promised)
* Introduce copy step for test data to resolve multiple issues with
tests depending on files not being symlinks
* Re-introduce custom implementation of setTimeout to resolve issues
with few tests
* Re-introduce custom Bluebird Promises config & monkey patch
* Add a multi-process, gulp-based build system to support es6 features,
async/await, jsx and scss
* Add a package.json to support dependency management and allow starting
the build process via npm
* Replace embedded Bluebird library with npm-installed one
* Add react, react-dom and web-library
* Introduce a custom require() loader in include.js as well as a minimal
local require() implementation in various other places
Allow this to continue working until we have a better solution that
keeps data URIs out of note markup and is counted against file quota.
Syncing most notes with embedded images will still result in a
note-too-long error.
Instead of My Publications being a separate library, have it be a
special collection inside My Library. Top-level items can be dragged
into it as before, and child items can be toggled off and on with a
button in the item pane. Newly added child items won't be shown by
For upgraders, items in the My Publications library will be moved into
My Library, which might result in their being duplicated if the items
weren't removed from My Library. The client will then upload those new
items into My Library.
The API endpoint will continue to show items in the separate My
Publications library until My Publications items are added to My
Library, so the profile page will continue to show them.
This (and some other things) will help avoid changes in uploaded notes, which
cause loss of cursor position and other problems after local notes are updated
with the server version.
A side effect is that multiple spaces won't be converted to ` `, so
anything consuming note content will have to use `white-space: pre`.
(Notes in reports appear to be substituting ` ` as necessary,
though I'm not sure where that's happening.)
The Firefox French language pack contains some mistakes regarding
the short form of months. As a consequence, French month parsing
didn't work.
Please note that these values aren't even the correct abbreviations
but only the three or four first letters of the correct abbreviations.
See the French CSL locale for the correct abbreviations.
Month values from the Firefox language packs are included in a
JSON file used by `Zotero.Date.getMonths()`. `getMonths(true)` includes
English months as well.
The JSON file should be bundled with the connectors as well, and
Zotero.Date.init() should be updated to populate the month data from
Immediate sync triggering on remote library change using WebSocket API.
Currently kicks off a normal sync process for the modified library --
actual object data isn't pushed.
(This might not stay enabled for 5.0 Final.)