- Protocol handler extensions can now handle promises and can also make
data available as it's ready instead of all at once (e.g., reports now
output one entry at a time)
- zotero:// URL syntaxes are now more consistent and closer to the web
API (old URLs should work, but some may currently be broken)
- Code to generate server API, currently available for testing via
zotero://data URLs but eventually moving to HTTP -- zotero://data URLs match
web API URLs, with a different prefix for the personal library (/library vs.
- Miscellaneous fixes to data objects
Under the hood:
- Extensions now return an AsyncChannel, which is an nsIChannel implementation
that takes a promise-yielding generator that returns a string,
nsIAsyncInputStream, or file that will be used for the channel's data
- New function Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getAsyncInputStream() takes a
generator that yields either promises or strings and returns an async input
stream filled with the yielded strings
- Zotero.Router parsers URLs and extract parameters
- Zotero.Item.toResponseJSON()