Replace Online Library can upload annotations created by others in a
group library, so if the upload resulted in a local write, "Cannot edit
item in library" was thrown, since annotations by others aren't
writable. This should've only been a problem if the uploaded data was
actually modified by the server, but we were also checking whether
objects were editable before checking if they had actually changed, so
it would happen for any upload of another person's annotation.
This fixes the order of checks when saving objects and makes an
edit-check exception for saving uploaded data for group annotations.
- Support removeHandler()
- Return DB items from translate() when called with libraryID
- Don't invoke done until attachments are done
Fixes#3084 ("after all" hook still times out, but that happens even if the test
is disabled)
HTML files are now indexed instead of read directly, and indexing was
previous skipped in tests and otherwise performed on a delay, so set a
flag in the affected tests that triggers inline indexing.
Having a single customElements.js file that we import everywhere we need it
helps with organization, and it gives us a single place to put things like the
<tab> fix.
We could switch to using setElementCreationCallback() like Firefox if the number
of imports gets out of hand, but the overhead right now should be small.
Prevents bug in zotero-citation plugin (at least on macOS) from creating
a search that breaks syncing
We were already checking for a missing name in `saveTx()`, but the
plugin is saving the same search twice in rapid succession, the second
time without a name, and the second attempt clears the search object's
name value after the first save's `_initSave()` check and before its SQL
write. The second save fails, but the first save goes through without a
name, resulting in a sync error.
It seems that the issue wasn't that zotero:// URLs can't be loaded in a content
browser, but rather that the report extension was returning a channel that the
content browser couldn't access. For some reason, it handled that failure by
passing the URL off to the OS, which then opened a duplicate instance of Zotero.
- Remove ensureBrowserType() and always use <browser type="content"> in
basicViewer (see b8966f)
- Fix system principal being used to load extensions without `loadAsChrome` set
to true if an extension with `loadAsChrome` set to true had been loaded in the
It does not appear to be possible to create a creator with no values in
Mendeley, however we got reports of these causing the imports to fail.
This tweak makes the importer more resilient by discarding empty/invalid
- Show "More information" link next to relink option
- Automatically check relink option when coming from integration prompt
- Change done message to "[x] items were relinked" instead of "0 items
were imported"
New option only appears if importer version is < 1 or not present.
It will:
* Skip fetching collections and attachments
* Skip any new items
* Update relations on existing items