Dan Stillman
- Change upgrade wizard title to "Zotero Upgrade Wizard" instead of just "Zotero"
- Remove default platform-specific window caption, which was "Introduction" on OS X and, apparently, "Welcome to the Zotero" on Windows
2010-01-27 08:21:33 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix error performing a quoted quick search
2010-01-27 07:01:10 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Error message tweak
2010-01-26 23:06:30 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix "No fields in itemTypeFields" upgrade error
2010-01-26 20:48:57 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Temporary fix to retain special date handling for filingDate even though it's been unmapped from Date base field
2010-01-26 09:51:53 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix upgrade error
2010-01-26 09:41:05 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix UI problem when adding a note to an item after deleting child notes from that item
2010-01-26 03:57:43 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Remove in-development message from Sync pane of the preferences -- replace with "About Sync" link
2010-01-26 01:07:59 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Schema updates:
- For "Book Section", added "Book Author" (needs to be mapped to CSL container-author) (closes #872 )
- For A/V item types, "Recording Type" mapped to "Type" is now "Format" mapped to "Medium" (closes #1060 )
- For "Radio Broadcast" and "TV Broadcast", replaced "Series Title" with "Program Title" mapped to "Publication Title" (CSL field container-title rather than collection-title) (closes #860 )
- For "Patent", added "Country" field, removed (nonfunctional) base-map from "Place" to "Country", added "Issuing Authority", replaced "Date" with "Filing Date" (not currently mapped to CSL), and moved "Date" data to "Filing Date". Kept "Issue Date" base-mapped to "Date". (closes #1375 )
- For "Film", mapped "Distributor" to "Publisher" (closes #861 ) and added "Genre" mapped to "Type"
- For "Podcast", mapped "Audio File Type" to "Medium" rather than "Type"
- For "Bill", added "Cosponsor" creator type (closes #655 )
- For "Case", added "Author" as primary creator type instead of "Counsel" (#655 )
- For "Computer Program", added "Date" (closes #1502 )
- For "Thesis" and "Newspaper Article", added "Place" (closes #1274 )
- For "Thesis", replaced 'pages' with 'numPages' (closes #1618 )
This can't yet sync, so upping sync API version and delaying dev XPI build.
2010-01-25 23:16:15 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Missing file from previous commit
2010-01-25 20:34:42 +00:00
Dan Stillman
More helpful error message pulling sync data with an unknown item type
2010-01-25 20:33:46 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Don't store literal 'today' in Date field
2010-01-25 18:39:23 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix "Item already exists outside of collection" error and UI weirdness dragging child items between items
(Don't bother removing an existing row for the item when creating the new one, since the old one will be removed in the fullness of time.)
2010-01-25 08:50:47 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix UI badness and "Item already exists outside of collection" error duplicating a child note
2010-01-23 08:22:46 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix typo in locale key
2010-01-22 19:43:14 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Restore first-run tab -- /start currently redirects to QSG
2010-01-22 06:53:36 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Restore Quick Start Guide item for new installations
2010-01-22 06:48:31 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix date fields on Windows (since recent update)
2010-01-22 05:49:49 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Files with spaces were saved via Create New Item from Current Page with '20' in them (stripped from '%20') -- filenames now have proper spaces
2010-01-21 20:25:10 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Extra debugging info for mod time mismatches
2010-01-19 23:00:10 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix item highlighting in Fx3.6 on child item drag (same as r5555, but for items pane)
2010-01-19 06:32:39 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix recursion error shift-tabbing in metadata pane on item types with no creators
2010-01-18 06:51:39 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Update (deprecated) Zotero.Item.toArray() to not substitute 'title' for base-mapped title fields, since this isn't done for other base-mapped fields
Report generation and a couple other things might need to be updated to deal with this
2010-01-17 11:25:25 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix for spacebar not working on attachment view/show buttons
2010-01-17 11:15:29 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Frank's patch to add support for Cyrillic characters to Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor() -- now splits Cyrillic capital letters into separate initials
2010-01-16 19:33:08 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Remove redundant line
2010-01-16 09:43:55 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix some spacing issues in metadata pane
2010-01-16 05:19:34 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Delete invalid triggers
2010-01-16 01:37:40 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Clarify WebDAV error message
2010-01-15 21:57:13 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Support for NSF Reviewer item type (for NSF use only -- not installed by default)
- Beginnings of custom item type/field support, though not intended for external use yet
- Zotero.Date.strToDate() now parses 'yesterday'/'today'/'tomorrow' and localized equivalents, allowing those strings to be used in fields such as 'Accessed'
- Cleaner display of dates without times in 'Accessed' field
- Item type menus in metadata pane, New drop-down, and advanced search window now sort by localized string
New methods:
- Zotero.CreatorTypes.itemTypeHasCreators(itemTypeID)
- Saved searches on item type should now use 'itemType' condition rather than 'itemTypeID'
2010-01-15 21:55:25 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix for note cursor being reset while editing (since r5572)
2010-01-13 21:28:10 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Fix autocomplete date searches (broken since autocomplete speedup)
- Fix search for January dates
- Support 'yesterday'/'today'/'tomorrow' and localized equivalents (case-insensitive) in date searches (e.g., [Date Added] [is] ['yesterday'])
2010-01-12 23:06:26 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Add error message with filename when file creation fails during sync
2010-01-08 06:52:13 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Fix "script stack space quota is exhausted" error with extremely large notes
- Fix repeated text-to-HTML conversion of unedited plaintext notes (which might exist at this point only from direct DB writes)
2010-01-05 08:51:44 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Include filename in logged error message on quota error
2010-01-04 23:20:51 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Don't automatically retry sync for 400 errors (now) sent from the server
2009-12-31 00:19:31 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix collection highlighting when dragging items in Firefox 3.6 (due to recent Fx change, I would think)
2009-12-30 23:22:08 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix error dragging note in Fx3.0
2009-12-30 22:30:29 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Don't include deleted items in collection-based operations (export, create bib)
2009-12-30 21:08:45 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Error from localization
2009-12-30 20:58:45 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Export Library was exporting items in all group libraries
2009-12-30 20:21:43 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Addresses #1475 , Localize add-on strings
Added a few more localizations (and reformatted a few)
2009-12-30 20:00:16 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Addresses #1475 , Localize add-on strings
Localizes most (though not quite all) of the new unlocalized strings, hopefully without breaking anything
2009-12-30 07:22:53 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
Fix DOI translator hang on error
2009-12-30 06:00:27 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Missed file in previous commit
2009-12-29 22:22:43 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Closes #1543 , Add db integrity check for 1.0 to 2.0 upgrades
Also added different text coming from 1.0 with a link to http://zotero.org/support/upgrade , which needs content
2009-12-29 22:21:54 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Don't show various context menu options for imported attachments in group if no file editing access
- Don't show "Show in Library" in groups
2009-12-29 09:32:36 +00:00
Dan Stillman
ECL 1.0 -> GPLv3
2009-12-28 09:47:49 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Display implicit title for related items when they're letters or interviews
2009-12-27 11:42:49 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Reverse Zotero.Utilities.prototype.arrayDiff operator order to be consistent with PHP's array_diff
2009-12-27 02:11:32 +00:00