This isn't ideal, but it mostly works, and keeps the dialogs vertically
(if not horizontally) moveable. It would be nice if the dialogs
automatically flowed to the available width.
This could be turned off in standalone note windows above a certain
- New flat theme (with padding tightened a bit from the default to fit
in right-hand pane)
- Adds search/replace within notes
- Adds URL autolinking
- Image pasting/dragging is now properly disallowed (though TinyMCE 4
has hooks that may allow us to actually support this by automatically
creating attachments)
- New blockquote style with color bar
- Replaces custom context menu on link click with built-in version
- Fix display of pop-ups, which are now modal dialogs within the note
frame instead of pop-up windows, to stay fully within the frame
- Localize (more important now that there are tooltips)
- Support image dragging
- Update elements list for HTML5, for better drag-and-drop?
- Move directionality control to context menu instead of taking up
toolbar space?
- Evaluate other plugins for potential inclusion
- Show additional controls in separate note window?
- Fix opacity of text in tooltips
Closes#451, closes#421
There are hundreds more, but these are all the ones that generate warnings in
the console at startup. XPCOM/XBL ones don't seem to do so, so we can ignore
those for now (and hopefully not bother with them on 4.0). Instances in
translators do generate warnings.
Addresses #656