- added "Change Parent Item…" context menu option to
itemTree as a non-drag-drop alternative to changing the
parent of attachments or notes
- context menu option appears only when all selected
items are notes or attachments
- upon activation, a dialog to select the new parent
will appear. Added a tweak to the dialog to disable
the "accept" button if a selected item is not top level
- minor edit to itemTree to set the multiselect property
based on a prop, since we do not want to have multiselect
enabled in this instance
- hide all virtual collections in selectItemsDialog via new
io.hideCollections parameter
- "Convert to Standalone Attachment" button in dialog if
child attachment is selected
- shift enter on a creator row will add a new empty creator
row after focused row. If shift-Enter is on the last creator
before "More creators", all creators will be rendered.
- fixed encountered glitch where switching the mode of
creator would not always update the pref, so next time
a new creator row is added, it would not be of correct
- fixed encountered bug where a newly added creator row
could receive an index of an existing creator that is not rendered
( "More creators" label is displayed). In that case,
saving such creator would override an existing creator
and erasing that creator would remove invisible creators.
- added a few tests for these edge cases
- on shift-enter in unsaved creator row that only
has whitespace, do nothing, the focus will stay
in that row. It will be discarded if the focus leaves
it with nothing but whitespace.
- fix focus getting lost on shift-enter on an edited
creator field after adding just some whitespace.
Fixes: #4393Fixes: #4710
- Return base field instead of throwing if base field is passed for a
type that has a base-mapped field
- Return false instead of throwing for invalid type-field combination
* New `attachmentTitle` field, returns the title of the current attachment (or
the future title of the attachment being created)
* New function `match` to enable testing values with a regex.
* New function `start` to enable truncating from the beginning.
* Ignore new line characters in the template for easier editing.
* Avoid repeated characters when changing case (snake/dash)
* Increase the size of the template input field.
- display the first continuous span of emojis in the primary cell of
the itemTree for non-colored tags.
- the emojis appear after the colored tags' circles (if any)
- to keep things consistent with itemTree, sort tags in the tagsBox in
the following order: colored tags first sorted by their position,
emoji tags after sorted alphabetically, followed by remaining tags sorted
By moving the setAutoAttachmentTitle() calls to importFromFile() /
- Chop off file extension when setting the parent's title based on the
filename in Create Parent Item -> Manual Entry.
- Fix Manual Entry not renaming the attachment correctly by awaiting
- Wait for the itemsView to be initialized in the onload listener of the
Advanced Search window
- moved waitForTagSelector in a few tests to avoid it resolving too
early. For some tests these tweaks are always required, for others -
tests would pass half the time. Again, not clear why it's necessary,
potentially some flakiness from react 18?
- revert change from 2401a34031
that only loads un-trashed collections in _loadCollections.
If an item only belongs to deleted collections, item._loaded.collections = true
from _loadCollections will never run, so an exception
will be thrown in item.toJSON() when syncing happens.
Instead, to address the problem of item.getCollections()
having stale data #4307, add 'includeTrashed' parameter to
item.getCollections() based on which item._collections
will be filtered. Fixes: #4346
- revert earlier, no more necessary, changes from a532cfb475
to not alter item._collections cache when collections are being trashed or restored.
Collection is removed from item._collections only when it is permanently
- removed unnecessary test checking for consistent item._collections
value before and after reload, since item._collections is no longer
- fix encountered bug where a trashed child collection is not
unloaded if a parent collection is erased without being trashed first.
- tweaked Zotero.Search sql construction to count items
that only belong to trashed collections into 'unfiled'. Fixes: #4347
Co-authored-by: Dan Stillman
- listen to 'collection' notifier events and re-render
the section if a relevant collection is moved to trash or
modified. That way, a deleted collection will be removed,
a restored collection will be added back, and renaming a
collection will update the name.
- fixed a bug where a restored collection would not
be added into item._collections cache. Fixed false-positive
test for it.
- do not add deleted collections into items. _collections cache in
Zotero.Items._loadCollections. Otherwise, deleted collections will
appear in librariesCollectionsBox after the app is restarted.
a532cfb475 added `isCollection()`, `isSearch()`, and `isItem()` methods
to data objects to handle collections and searches in the trash, with
`isItem()` checking whether `._ObjectType` was `Item`. That left out
feed items (`._ObjectType` == `FeedItem`), and when c384fef867 made
`getSelectedItems()` return only items, it used `isItem()`, so feed
items were excluded, which broke feed-item toggling between read and
unread [1] and possibly some other things.
The simple fix would be to make `isItem` match feed items as well (which
could potentially fix other bugs related to feed items), but there was
actually no need to add new methods (which can get confused with
`CollectionTreeRow` methods) when we can just check the object type with
`obj instanceof Zotero.Item`, which gets the benefit of inheritance and
matches `Zotero.FeedItem` instances as well.
[1] https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/115571/cannot-change-the-status-of-title-in-subscribtion
This changes `createDataObject()` to pass `skipSelect: true` for objects
other than items. If a test is creating a bunch of collections, there's
no reason for each one to be selected and for an items list to start to
load. If a test does need a new collection or search to be selected, it
can call the new convenience function `await select(win, obj)`, which
will select the passed object in the collection tree and wait for its
items list to load. I'm hoping this reduces random test failures due to
items list churn.
This adds an explicit function on ZoteroPane and the item tree for
getting objects -- including collections and searches in the trash --
and limits `getSelectedItems()` to returning actual items from the
selection. We shim various item properties on the collections and
searches in the trash, but code that's getting the selection should be
explicit about what it wants. Outside of the trash, they're equivalent,
except `getSelectedObjects()` does have an `asIDs` mode.
This switches to using getSelectedObjects() in various places and fixes
collections in the trash appearing as belonging to My Publications when
using the collections-containing-an-item highlight [1].
This also adds support for highlighting the parent collections of
collections in the trash.
[1] https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/115449/zotero-7-beta-deleted-collection-appears-as-belonging-to-my-publications