Addresses #260, Add auto-complete to search window
- New XPCOM autocomplete component for Zotero data -- can be used by setting the autocompletesearch attribute of a textbox to 'zotero' and passing a search scope with the autocompletesearchparam attribute. Additional parameters can be passed by appending them to the autocompletesearchparam value with a '/', e.g. 'tag/2732' (to exclude tags that show up in item 2732)
- Tag entry now uses more or less the same interface as metadata -- no more popup window -- note that tab isn't working properly yet, and there's no way to quickly enter multiple tags (though it's now considerably quicker than it was before)
- Autocomplete for tags, excluding any tags already set for the current item
- Standalone note windows now register with the Notifier (since tags needed item modification notifications to work properly), which will help with #282, "Notes opened in separate windows need item notification"
- Tags are now retrieved in alphabetical order
- Scholar.Item.replaceTag(oldTagID, newTag), with a single notify
- Scholar.getAncestorByTagName(elem, tagName) -- walk up the DOM tree from an element until an element with the specified tag name is found (also checks with 'xul:' prefix, for use in XBL), or false if not found -- probably shouldn't be used too widely, since it's doing string comparisons, but better than specifying, say, nine '.parentNode' properties, and makes for more resilient code
A few notes:
- Autocomplete in Minefield seems to self-destruct after using it in the same field a few times, taking down saving of the field with it -- this may or may not be my fault, but it makes Zotero more or less unusable in 3.0 at the moment. Sorry. (I use 3.0 myself for development, so I'll work on it.)
- This would have been much, much easier if having an autocomplete textbox (which uses an XBL-generated popup for the suggestions) within a popup (as it is in the independent note edit panes) didn't introduce all sorts of crazy bugs that had to be defeated with annoying hackery -- one side effect of this is that at the moment you can't close the tags popup with the Escape key
- Independent note windows now need to pull in itemPane.js to function properly, which is a bit messy and not ideal, but less messy and more ideal than duplicating all the dual-state editor and tabindex logic would be
- Hitting tab in a tag field not only doesn't work but also breaks things until the next window refresh.
- There are undoubtedly other bugs.
- import translators no longer fail when trying to import an item with no name
- the T2/BT field becomes the publication title when no JO/JF field is available (fixes newspaper issues)
- Y2 is now treated as part of the date if and only if it is improperly formatted (seriously, why can't Thomson get their own specs straight?)
- work around EndNote's strange behavior of putting article titles into notes for no apparent reason
- RIS export gives dates as per specification
- fixed a bug that could have (potentially) caused problems formatting "January"
- allow translators to access strToDate function
positions "saving item" window in a slightly better place on Windows
the UMich bug was actually bigger than I though. as it turns out, the HiddenDOMWindow in Windows is not a chrome window, so i had to modify createHiddenBrowser() to attach the hidden browser object to an existing browser window. i don't believe this should have any adverse effects for snapshots, etc., but Dan, correct me if i'm wrong. it would be nice to be able to create a real chrome instance instead of a XUL element, but all of my attempts at doing so have failed.
- make EBSCO scraper work better through a proxy
- shorten Accession Number -> Accession No, Journal Abbreviation -> Journal Abbr, Publication Title -> Publication. it does look a bit stranger, but it also makes the interface more functional (especially for those of us without giant widescreen LCDs ;-)
modifies scrapers to use dates in the format that comes out of the page, rather than converting to SQL
adds Scholar.Date.formatDate() to provide a pretty representation of dates
- Scholar.strToDate() accepts a string date and returns an object containing year, month, day, and part
- capture access date whenever URL is captured
- updated to use new namespaces
- About panel now gets version number automatically
- Change version from 1.0a1 to 1.0b1
* Important: If you're on an SVN install, you need to rename the text file in your profile extension directory to *
XPI installs will (I think) update automatically, since I kept an entry in updates.rdf with the old GUID
Added isUTC parameter to Scholar.Date.sqlToDate() and now run the two columns through that
Side effect: now using toLocaleString() to format the date strings
The Scholar database is backed up on browser close. On startup, if the main database is damaged, the extension saves a copy of the damaged file and tries to restore from the last automatic backup. If it fails, it creates a new database file.
New methods:
Scholar.getScholarDatabase(string [ext])
Scholar.moveToUnique(file, newFile) -- find a unique filename using the leafName of newFile as the suggested name (using the built-in Mozilla functionality) and move the file there
closes#4, Make printable version
- moves functions for creating and deleting hidden browser objects to scholar.js (from ingester.js), since these are necessary for printing as well
- allows saving bibliography in HTML or printing bibliography. style support is not yet complete (pending finalization of 0.9 version of CSL specification).
- Added detection for network failure -- debug message is output and noNetwork property is added to the xmlhttp object
- Removed onStatus callback from HTTP.doGet and HTTP.doPost -- that was copied over from the Piggy Bank API, but the onDone callback has to handle errors anyway, so it can just check the status code if it actually cares to differentiate non-200 status codes from any other error
- Added error handling for empty responseXML to Schema._updateScrapersRemoteCallback
Scholar.Prefs also registers itself as a preferences observer and can be used to trigger actions when certain prefs are changed by editing the switch statement in the observe() method
Updated preferences.js to use Scholar.Prefs
Added a separate retry interval so that the extension retries sooner after failures (browser offline, request failure, etc.)
Revision 200 -- w00t i am victorious
- Removed localLastUpdated field from scrapers table and renamed centralLastUpdated to lastUpdated; updated scraper queries accordingly
- Added query in scrapers.sql to update version table 'repository' row to prevent immediate downloads of newly installed scrapers
- Get version property from extension manager in Scholar.init() and assign to Scholar.version
Scholar.HTTP.doGet(url, onStatus, onDone) and Scholar.HTTP.doPost(url, body, onStatus, onDone) -- onStatus and onDone are callbacks to call on non-200 responses and the response body, respectively
- Broke schema functions into separate object and got rid of DB_VERSION config constant in favor of a toVersion variable in the _migrateSchema command (which isn't technically necessary either, since the version number at the top of schema.sql is now always compared to the DB version at startup) but will help reduce the chance that someone will update the schema file without adding migration steps)
- Removed Amazon scraper from schema.sql, as it will be loaded with the rest of the scrapers
- Lots of work to be done. For example, the present way of showing a textbox is sort of a hack - taking a label, assigning certain properties to a textbox, then removing the label and placing the textbox in its place. I will be looking into our options.
- Also, I need to figure out adding/editing/deleting creators.
- When the textbox loses focus, it updates and saves the item (like iCal).
Date: removed Scholare.Date functions, as they are overkill. We can use the built-in Date.toLocaleString()