* qf: remove transparent window background from win
Because it seems to still sometimes cause the qf window
to disappear. I could not reproduce it but disabling
background: transparent did help with the issue of qf
disappearing in the past. It allows us to remove very
specific chromemargins which, apparently, do not work
in all cases.
Removed border-radius from qf on windows because now that
the window is not transparent, its corners would be visible.
But the window itself has rounded corners so it doesn't look
that different.
The main drawback now is that a secondary window without titlebar
on win becomes resizable, and having background: transparent was
a workaround to disable that. So now, we set max width and height
so that the window cannot be stretched but, unfortunately, the
resize cursor appears when you hover over the edge of the dialog.
* qf: minor style fixes
- hardcode light theme value for accept button and the
spinner so they don't disappear when the theme is dark
- make sure the item's color from reference panel is not
overriden by a lighter one from another stylesheet
- css tweaks for proper sizing and minor cleanup
of unused classes and properties
- added flip="none" for the panels to not bounce
around window's edges
- removed dialog's marginBottom on macOS - it doesn't
seem needed anymore
- close and reopen panel when window's height changes
on all platforms. It used to only happen on windows
but now the panel remains at it's original location on
macOS as well, so we'll always reopen the panel so
that is is positioned close to the dialog
- try to postion the panel in the middle on windows
- fix progress meter not appearing
* improved qf window drag
- not using old windowDraggingUtils since it causes
issues on windows with the mouse outrunning the window.
- instead, set -moz-window-drag: drag on dialog when
the mouse is over the red border
- added chromeutils param to the window. These are required
for dragging to work on windows and their values are
important because wrong values will cause the window to
shrink and basically disappear. 0,0,15,0 seems to work
most reliably though the reason why other values (e.g.
0,2,2,2 as on the ZoteroPane window) break window is not
- added margins around the dialog on windows. moz-window-drag
doesn't seem to properly work for mouse clicks very close
to the window's edge
- with fx115, the <panel> does not follow the window
when it is dragged, so we have to hide the panel during dragging.
Unfortunately, mouseup/down events don't fire on the dialog when
moz-window-drag: drag is set on windows. Without these events,
as a workaround, we check window's position periodically and
hide/display the reference panel based on that.
- removed initial window.resizeTo() right when the content is
loaded. It's not needed and sometimes causes rendering
issues when the dialog appears shrunk.
* fx115 linux css edits
- try to make the dialog look like dialogs on other platforms.
Red background, no chrome etc. The actual window's background can't seem
to be transparant, so no round borders
- minor edits to sizing on linux
Citation dialog: keep reference panel open without selection
- Reference panel remains opened while the focus is on an input
- The first item from the reference panel is no longer selected by default
to avoid unwanted items being added as a bubble
- The first item from the reference panel is selected only when the
dialog has no bubbles or when a search for a non-empty input has ran
- Shift-Enter from input or reference panel will accept the dialog's
state instead of creating a bubble
- Ensure that the reference panel reloads when a bubble is deleted
- Added button to accept the citation dialog
Some other changes:
- Z-icon and spinner/accept icon occupy the same amount
of space
- Ensure that window's width is 800px
- Set the editor's width dynamically when DOM is loaded
- Remove not used css classes and css adding margins to
- Do not accept/bubbleize while loading