Use stdout redirection scripts for pdfinfo and, on Windows, a script to
run pdftotext hidden, which together allow for all unmodified binaries
(including, probably, symlinked system ones, though I didn't test that).
On Windows, using a .vbs does cause a brief wait cursor. The stock
pdfinfo needs the redirection script anyway, so that's unavoidable, but
on the async branch I think we'll be able to switch to pdf.js for the
page count, at which point maybe I'll try to remember how I modified the
Windows binaries to be hidden and use a modified version of pdftotext to
avoid VBScript. (We use the stock pdftotext elsewhere already.)
- Use async DB and OS.File for bundled file updates
- Remove support for translator/style ZIP files -- the two options are
now non-unpacked XPIs with subfolders or unpacked source installations
- Now that we have async file access, don't store translator code in
database cache -- just store metadata so that it's available without
reading each translator file
- Change the (previously partially asyncified) Zotero.Styles/Translators
APIs a bit -- while the getAll/getVisible methods are asynchronous and
will wait for loading, the get() methods are synchronous and require
styles/translators to be initialized before they're called. Most
places that end up calling get() probably call getAll/getVisible first
and should therefore be async, but if there's any way to trigger a
get() first, that will need to be adjusted.
- Asyncify various other style/translator-related code
XPI support is untested, as is style/translator usage, so there are
almost certainly bugs. The latter depends on updated export format
support (#659), since toArray() no longer exists on this branch.
Addresses #529 and #520
There are hundreds more, but these are all the ones that generate warnings in
the console at startup. XPCOM/XBL ones don't seem to do so, so we can ignore
those for now (and hopefully not bother with them on 4.0). Instances in
translators do generate warnings.
Addresses #656
Note that this loses conflicting changes to translate_item.js from 849803473a,
so those will need to be reapplied if applicable. /cc @aurimasv, @mtd91429
I didn't really investigate this, but errors from the outside world seem
to not pass the "obj instanceof Error" test due to some weirdness that
Bluebird is doing. (When I took this out recently I thought we just were
throwing some custom errors that didn't properly extend Error, but that
isn't the issue.) This restores the earlier workaround.
Instead of limiting charsets to a fixed list, dynamically populate it
with any charset name of less than 50 ASCII characters. Previously,
unknown charsets were discarded.
Zotero.Item.prototype.attachmentCharset now always returns a charset
name. It can be set with either a name or a charsetID.
- Remove the unused 'originalPath' column in itemAttachments
...with fewer modifications, since one (better debug info on an invalid
yield value) was implemented in Bluebird and the other (detecting a
thrown error that doesn't properly extend Error) we should just fix in
our code.
Our modifications no longer include a custom yield handler to
automatically call all() on yielded arrays (which maintained Bluebird
1.x behavior). It's now necessary to call all() or similar explicitly.
Also fixed a few incorrect yields hidden by that behavior.
- Protocol handler extensions can now handle promises and can also make
data available as it's ready instead of all at once (e.g., reports now
output one entry at a time)
- zotero:// URL syntaxes are now more consistent and closer to the web
API (old URLs should work, but some may currently be broken)
- Code to generate server API, currently available for testing via
zotero://data URLs but eventually moving to HTTP -- zotero://data URLs match
web API URLs, with a different prefix for the personal library (/library vs.
- Miscellaneous fixes to data objects
Under the hood:
- Extensions now return an AsyncChannel, which is an nsIChannel implementation
that takes a promise-yielding generator that returns a string,
nsIAsyncInputStream, or file that will be used for the channel's data
- New function Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getAsyncInputStream() takes a
generator that yields either promises or strings and returns an async input
stream filled with the yielded strings
- Zotero.Router parsers URLs and extract parameters
- Zotero.Item.toResponseJSON()
This required doing additional caching at startup (e.g., item types and fields)
so that various methods can remain synchronous.
This lets us switch back to using the current Sqlite.jsm. Previously we were
bundling the Fx24 version, which avoided freezes with locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE
with both sync and async queries.
Known broken things:
- Autocomplete
- Database backup
- UDFs (e.g., REGEXP function used in Zotero.DB.getNextName())
Promise-based rewrite of most of the codebase, with asynchronous database and file access -- see for details.
WARNING: This includes backwards-incompatible schema changes.
An incomplete list of other changes:
- Schema overhaul
- Replace main tables with new versions with updated schema
- Enable real foreign key support and remove previous triggers
- Don't use NULLs for local libraryID, which broke the UNIQUE index
preventing object key duplication. All code (Zotero and third-party)
using NULL for the local library will need to be updated to use 0
instead (already done for Zotero code)
- Add 'compatibility' DB version that can be incremented manually to break DB
compatibility with previous versions. 'userdata' upgrades will no longer
automatically break compatibility.
- Demote creators and tags from first-class objects to item properties
- New API syncing properties
- 'synced'/'version' properties to data objects
- 'etag' to groups
- 'version' to libraries
- Create Zotero.DataObject that other objects inherit from
- Consolidate data object loading into Zotero.DataObjects
- Change object reloading so that only the loaded and changed parts of objects are reloaded, instead of reloading all data from the database (with some exceptions, including item primary data)
- Items and collections now have .parentItem and .parentKey properties, replacing item.getSource() and item.getSourceKey()
- New function Zotero.serial(fn), to wrap an async function such that all calls are run serially
- New function Zotero.Utilities.Internal.forEachChunkAsync(arr, chunkSize, func)
- Add tag selector loading message
- Various API and name changes, since everything was breaking anyway
Known broken things:
- Syncing (will be completely rewritten for API syncing)
- Translation architecture (needs promise-based rewrite)
- Duplicates view
- DB integrity check (from schema changes)
- Dragging (may be difficult to fix)
Lots of other big and little things are certainly broken, particularly with the UI, which can be affected by async code in all sorts of subtle ways.
With Task.spawn, regular expressions in Zotero.DB were causing "too much
recursion" errors on Windows with JIT enabled.
This requires a change to Q to allow async() to take a generator instead
of a generator-maker (which is the reason it was using Task.spawn to
begin with).