- tweak twisty appearance on OS X (highlight-on-click is gone, but this seems preferable to the previous behavior)
- simplify chrome.manifest for standalone
- Make the add-on bar visible if the Zotero icon isn't set to hidden, which is an annoying way of dealing with https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=616419 not yet landing -- people who use an upper toolbar button and don't want the add-on bar to show will need to set the Zotero icon to hidden
Addresses #1726, Firefox 4 Compatibility
closes#1650: suppress author does not work for multiple sources
closes#1505: Edit Biblography Button Strips Year Disambiguation
closes#1503: Editing a bibliography resets all reference numbers to 1 (new)
closes#1262: Broken pluralization with et al. + other issues
closes#1238: Localize quotation marks
closes#1191: Harmonize 'plural/pluralize' label attribute with CSL schema
closes#1154: Only one works page numbers are added to the citation are when citing multiple works by the same author
closes#1097: Disambiguation issues
closes#1083: Defect in IEEE CSL with Multiple Citations
closes#993: more sophisticated subsequent-author-substitute
closes#833: text-transform doesn't work with name
- Beginnings of custom item type/field support, though not intended for external use yet
- Zotero.Date.strToDate() now parses 'yesterday'/'today'/'tomorrow' and localized equivalents, allowing those strings to be used in fields such as 'Accessed'
- Cleaner display of dates without times in 'Accessed' field
- Item type menus in metadata pane, New drop-down, and advanced search window now sort by localized string
New methods:
- Zotero.CreatorTypes.itemTypeHasCreators(itemTypeID)
- Saved searches on item type should now use 'itemType' condition rather than 'itemTypeID'
- "Add" button in Notes tab now uses inline notes editor by default instead of new window -- Shift toggles
- Fix overflow of tab panels in right column
- Fix error clicking on parent item title in unsaved new note window
- If a child item is in conflict, always keep parent item if one side has one regardless of which side is chosen
- On cancelling sync from CR window, don't continue with file sync
- Clarify "Background sync resulted in conflict" message
- Display the error icon rather than the warning icon on errors (though some file sync problems should be changed to warnings instead)