[style] Better add/remove Creator buttons.
[fix] The sorting should not randomly switch the order of two items with the same sort value (eg, Barnes vs. Barnes).
[fix] The browser should not open with two sorted columns.
* Renamed treeView.js to folderTreeView.js (more changes on this file forthcoming) -- this will soon be specifically for folders.
* Added itemTreeView.js, with new Scholar.ItemTreeView class -- specifically for items.
* The items list now supports 3 additional columns: rights, date added, and date modified.
* For now, selecting an item loads the "I'm Feeling Lucky" result of a Google search on the item title.
More details coming on Basecamp: http://chnm.grouphub.com/W161222
*** Important note: after checking out this code, be sure to delete the compreg.dat and xpti.dat files in your FF profile directory or else the extension will not load. They'll be regenerated when you start FF again, and you won't have to do it again unless we add interfaces or other components. Once I set up the XPI packaging system, this step won't be necessary. ***
- Localization properties are now loaded directly via nsIStringBundleService and available via Scholar.getString(name) -- removed stringbundle from XUL
- Updated status line in bottom right to reflect whether Scholar is loaded correctly or not (temporary, obviously)
I also started implementing some of the localization. There is a lot to do still, and I am still learning a lot of the Firefox extension technologies (XUL, adv. Javascript, etc.) but things are going great.