Including in the DB, which it turns out isn't really all that bad (thanks, among other things, to SQLite's ability to DROP tables within transactions without autocommitting (which MySQL can't do))
In other words, show both "Shakespeare" and "Shakespeare, William" in the drop-down, and if the latter is chosen, save both fields
One issue is that since the autocomplete is by default limited to the width of the textbox, longer entries get truncated (though you can see them with a mouseover), and that may not be easy to fix.
Differentiates between single and double fields for the search, but there's a problem in the current implementation in that only one field is editable at once, so displaying two-field names in a drop-down is a little problematic. While I could display the full names, comma-delimited, and get the discrete parts (which is what Scholar.Utilities.AutoComplete.getResultComment(), included in this commit, is for--the creatorID for the row would be hidden in the autocomplete drop-down comment field), it's a bit unclear what should happen when a user selects a comma-separated name from the drop-down of one of the fields. One option would be to have a row for the last name (in case that's all they want to complete) and other rows for "last, first" matches, and selecting one of the two-part names would replace whatever's in the opposite name field with the appropriate text (and save it to the DB, I'm afraid, unless I change how the creator fields work), keeping the focus in the current textbox for easy tabbing. Not great, but it might work.
Other ideas?
Addresses #260, Add auto-complete to search window
- New XPCOM autocomplete component for Zotero data -- can be used by setting the autocompletesearch attribute of a textbox to 'zotero' and passing a search scope with the autocompletesearchparam attribute. Additional parameters can be passed by appending them to the autocompletesearchparam value with a '/', e.g. 'tag/2732' (to exclude tags that show up in item 2732)
- Tag entry now uses more or less the same interface as metadata -- no more popup window -- note that tab isn't working properly yet, and there's no way to quickly enter multiple tags (though it's now considerably quicker than it was before)
- Autocomplete for tags, excluding any tags already set for the current item
- Standalone note windows now register with the Notifier (since tags needed item modification notifications to work properly), which will help with #282, "Notes opened in separate windows need item notification"
- Tags are now retrieved in alphabetical order
- Scholar.Item.replaceTag(oldTagID, newTag), with a single notify
- Scholar.getAncestorByTagName(elem, tagName) -- walk up the DOM tree from an element until an element with the specified tag name is found (also checks with 'xul:' prefix, for use in XBL), or false if not found -- probably shouldn't be used too widely, since it's doing string comparisons, but better than specifying, say, nine '.parentNode' properties, and makes for more resilient code
A few notes:
- Autocomplete in Minefield seems to self-destruct after using it in the same field a few times, taking down saving of the field with it -- this may or may not be my fault, but it makes Zotero more or less unusable in 3.0 at the moment. Sorry. (I use 3.0 myself for development, so I'll work on it.)
- This would have been much, much easier if having an autocomplete textbox (which uses an XBL-generated popup for the suggestions) within a popup (as it is in the independent note edit panes) didn't introduce all sorts of crazy bugs that had to be defeated with annoying hackery -- one side effect of this is that at the moment you can't close the tags popup with the Escape key
- Independent note windows now need to pull in itemPane.js to function properly, which is a bit messy and not ideal, but less messy and more ideal than duplicating all the dual-state editor and tabindex logic would be
- Hitting tab in a tag field not only doesn't work but also breaks things until the next window refresh.
- There are undoubtedly other bugs.