closes#3, Overflow metadata dumps into "extra" field
add "extra" data where such data is useful and conveniently accessible (not available for XML-based export or MARC formats yet)
add links to permanent URLs
download associated files from full text sources (if extensions.scholar.downloadAssociatedFiles preference is enabled)
fix WorldCat translator
improve InnoPAC translator (it now works on Georgetown search results pages, albeit slowly, because it must first realize the catalog is misconfigured)
tag items from SIRSI and WorldCat
return to putting the full lengths of books into "pages," because some citation styles require it
fix COinS (broken a few revisions ago)
Scholar should now attempt to process citation information from EndNote download links (MIME types application/x-endnote-refer and application/x-research-info-systems). in situations where Scholar cannot process the information, a standard helper app dialog will appear. this behavior is controlled by the preference extensions.scholar.parseEndNoteMIMETypes.
Scholar.OpenURL.resolve(item) returns the URL that retrieves an item from the user's OpenURL resolver. this means we can implement a "find in my library" feature.
Scholar.OpenURL.discoverResolvers() returns a list of available resolvers for the user's current location (by IP address).