Search results scraping for PubMed and Google Books. This marks the end of what I can do with respect to #15 until I'm at home or CHNM, where I'll have access to the gated collections.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 72 additions and 24 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- 15
-- 16
-- Set the following timestamp to the most recent scraper update date
REPLACE INTO "version" VALUES ('repository', STRFTIME('%s', '2006-06-24 11:22:00'));
REPLACE INTO "version" VALUES ('repository', STRFTIME('%s', '2006-06-24 13:31:00'));
REPLACE INTO "scrapers" VALUES('96b9f483-c44d-5784-cdad-ce21b984fe01', '2006-06-22 22:58:00', ' Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://www\.amazon\.com/(?:gp/(?:product|search)/|exec/obidos/search-handle-url/)', NULL, 'var prefixRDF = '''';
var prefixDC = '''';
@ -1747,23 +1747,52 @@ for(i in elmts) {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixRDF + "type", prefixDummy + "journal", false);');
REPLACE INTO "scrapers" VALUES('fcf41bed-0cbc-3704-85c7-8062a0068a7a', '2006-06-18 11:19:00', 'PubMed Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://www\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov/entrez/query\.fcgi\?(?:.*db=PubMed.*list_uids=[0-9]|.*list_uids=[0-9].*db=PubMed)', NULL, 'var prefixRDF = '''';
REPLACE INTO "scrapers" VALUES('fcf41bed-0cbc-3704-85c7-8062a0068a7a', '2006-06-24 13:17:00', 'PubMed Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://www\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov/entrez/query\.fcgi\?(?:.*db=PubMed.*list_uids=[0-9]|.*list_uids=[0-9].*db=PubMed|.*db=PubMed.*CMD=search|.*CMD=search.*db=PubMed)', NULL, 'var prefixRDF = '''';
var prefixDC = '''';
var prefixDCMI = '''';
var prefixDummy = '''';
function mapRDF(text, rdfUri) {
function mapRDF(uri, text, rdfUri) {
if(text != "") {
model.addStatement(uri, rdfUri, text, true);
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUri = "";
var ids = new Array();
var idRegexp = /[\?\&]list_uids=([0-9\,]+)/;
var m = idRegexp.exec(uri);
newUri += m[1];
var m = idRegexp.exec(uri);
if(m) {
} else {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var items = new Array();
var tableRows = utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''//div[@class="ResultSet"]/table/tbody'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
var link = utilities.getNode(doc, tableRows[i], ''.//a'', nsResolver);
var article = utilities.getNode(doc, tableRows[i], ''./tr[2]/td[2]/text()[1]'', nsResolver);
items[link.href] = article.nodeValue;
items = utilities.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(i in items) {
var m = idRegexp.exec(i);
var newUri = ""+ids.join(",");
utilities.HTTPUtilities.doGet(newUri, null, function(text) {
// Remove xml parse instruction and doctype
text = text.replace(/<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>/, "").replace(/<\?xml[^>]*\?>/, "");
@ -1773,6 +1802,7 @@ utilities.HTTPUtilities.doGet(newUri, null, function(text) {
for(var i=0; i<xml.PubmedArticle.length(); i++) {
var citation = xml.PubmedArticle[i].MedlineCitation;
var uri = ""+citation.PMID.text();
if(citation.PMID.length()) {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + "identifier", "PMID "+citation.PMID.text(), true);
@ -1793,14 +1823,14 @@ utilities.HTTPUtilities.doGet(newUri, null, function(text) {
if(article.Journal.Title.length()) {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDummy + "publication", utilities.superCleanString(article.Journal.Title.text()), true);
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDummy + "publication", utilities.superCleanString(article.Journal.Title.text().toString()), true);
} else if(citation.MedlineJournalInfo.MedlineTA.length()) {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDummy + "publication", utilities.superCleanString(citation.MedlineJournalInfo.MedlineTA.text()), true);
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDummy + "publication", utilities.superCleanString(citation.MedlineJournalInfo.MedlineTA.text().toString()), true);
if(article.Journal.JournalIssue.length()) {
mapRDF(article.Journal.JournalIssue.Volume.text(), prefixDummy + "volume");
mapRDF(article.Journal.JournalIssue.Issue.text(), prefixDummy + "number");
mapRDF(uri, article.Journal.JournalIssue.Volume.text(), prefixDummy + "volume");
mapRDF(uri, article.Journal.JournalIssue.Issue.text(), prefixDummy + "number");
if(article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.length()) {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + "date", article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Day.text()+" "+article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Month.text()+" "+article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Year.text(), true);
@ -1810,22 +1840,22 @@ utilities.HTTPUtilities.doGet(newUri, null, function(text) {
if(article.AuthorList.length() && article.AuthorList.Author.length()) {
var authors = article.AuthorList.Author;
for(var j=0; j<authors.length(); j++) {
var lastName = authors[j].LastName.text();
var firstName = authors[j].FirstName.text();
var lastName = authors[j].LastName.text().toString();
var firstName = authors[j].FirstName.text().toString();
if(firstName == "") {
var firstName = authors[j].ForeName.text();
var firstName = authors[j].ForeName.text().toString();
if(firstName && lastName) {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + "creator", firstName + " " + lastName);
model.addStatement(uri, prefixRDF + "type", prefixDummy + "journal", false);
model.addStatement(uri, prefixRDF + "type", prefixDummy + "journal", false);
REPLACE INTO "scrapers" VALUES('951c027d-74ac-47d4-a107-9c3069ab7b48', '2006-06-20 10:52:00', 'Scraper for Dublin Core expressed as HTML META elements', 'Simon Kornblith', NULL,
@ -1862,21 +1892,41 @@ for(var i=0; i<metaTags.length; i++) {
REPLACE INTO "scrapers" VALUES('3e684d82-73a3-9a34-095f-19b112d88bbf', '2006-06-21 10:28:00', 'Google Books Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', 'http://books\.google\.com/books\?vid=.*\&id=.*', NULL,
REPLACE INTO "scrapers" VALUES('3e684d82-73a3-9a34-095f-19b112d88bbf', '2006-06-24 13:31:00', 'Google Books Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', 'http://books\.google\.com/books\?(.*vid=.*\&id=.*|.*q=.*)', NULL,
'var prefixRDF = '''';
var prefixDC = '''';
var prefixDCMI = '''';
var prefixDummy = '''';
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUris = new Array();
var re = new RegExp(''http://books\\.google\\.com/books\\?vid=([^&]+).*\\&id=([^&]+)'', ''i'');
var urlParts = re.exec(uri);
var newUri = ''''+urlParts[1]+''&id=''+urlParts[2];
var m = re.exec(uri);
if(m) {
} else {
var items = utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, ''http://books\\.google\\.com/books\\?vid=([^&]+).*\\&id=([^&]+)'', ''^(?:All matching pages|About this Book)'');
// Drop " - Page" thing
for(i in items) {
items[i] = items[i].replace(/- Page [0-9]+\s*$/, "");
items = utilities.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(i in items) {
var m = re.exec(i);
utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
newDoc = newBrowser.contentDocument;
utilities.processDocuments(browser, null, newUris, function(newBrowser) {
var newDoc = newBrowser.contentDocument;
var uri = newDoc.location.href;
var namespace = newDoc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
@ -1923,8 +1973,6 @@ utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixRDF + "type", prefixDummy + "book", false);
}, function() {});
}, function() { done(); }, function() {});
Add table
Reference in a new issue