diff --git a/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/plugins.js b/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/plugins.js
index 060c22ed96..2e435ccf76 100644
--- a/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/plugins.js
+++ b/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/plugins.js
@@ -30,9 +30,16 @@ Zotero.Plugins = new function () {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, {
XPIDatabase: "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.jsm",
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetters(lazy, {
+ aomStartup: [
+ "@mozilla.org/addons/addon-manager-startup;1",
+ "amIAddonManagerStartup",
+ ],
+ });
var scopes = new Map();
var observers = new Set();
var addonVersions = new Map();
+ var addonL10nSources = new Map();
const REASONS = {
@@ -63,7 +70,7 @@ Zotero.Plugins = new function () {
addonVersions.set(addon.id, addon.version);
- registerLocales(addon);
+ await registerLocales(addon);
await _callMethod(addon, 'startup', REASONS.APP_STARTUP);
@@ -366,28 +373,150 @@ Zotero.Plugins = new function () {
- // Automatically register l10n sources for enabled plugins.
- //
- // A Fluent file located at
- // [plugin root]/locale/en-US/make-it-red.ftl
- // could be included in an XHTML file as
- //
- //
- // If a plugin doesn't have a subdirectory for the active locale, en-US strings
- // will be used as a fallback.
- function registerLocales(addon) {
- let source = new L10nFileSource(
- addon.id,
- 'app',
- Services.locale.availableLocales,
- addon.getResourceURI().spec + 'locale/{locale}/',
- );
- L10nRegistry.getInstance().registerSources([source]);
+ /**
+ * Automatically register l10n sources for a plugin.
+ *
+ * A Fluent file located at
+ * [plugin root]/locale/en-US/make-it-red.ftl
+ * could be included in an XHTML file as
+ *
+ *
+ * Locale subdirectories that match Zotero locales (Services.locale.availableLocales)
+ * are registered as is. Other locales are aliased to a best-fit Zotero locale.
+ * For example, Zotero has an 'eu-ES' locale but no 'eu-FR' locale. If a plugin
+ * included an 'eu-FR' locale instead, 'eu-FR' would be aliased to 'eu-ES',
+ * and 'eu-FR' strings would show if the user's Zotero locale is 'eu-ES'.
+ *
+ * If a plugin doesn't have a locale matching the current Zotero locale, 'en-US'
+ * is used as a fallback. If it doesn't have an 'en-*' locale, Fluent chooses a
+ * fallback arbitrarily. For instance, a plugin with only a 'de' locale would
+ * show German strings even if the user's Zotero locale is 'en-US'.
+ *
+ * @param addon
+ * @returns {Promise}
+ */
+ async function registerLocales(addon) {
+ let rootURI = addon.getResourceURI();
+ let zoteroLocales = Services.locale.availableLocales;
+ let pluginLocales;
+ try {
+ pluginLocales = await readDirectory(rootURI, 'locale', true);
+ if (!pluginLocales.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ Zotero.logError(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ let matchedLocales = [];
+ let unmatchedLocales = [];
+ for (let pluginLocale of pluginLocales) {
+ (zoteroLocales.includes(pluginLocale) ? matchedLocales : unmatchedLocales)
+ .push(pluginLocale);
+ }
+ let sources = [];
+ // All locales that exactly match a Zotero locale can be registered at once
+ if (matchedLocales.length) {
+ sources.push(new L10nFileSource(
+ addon.id,
+ 'app',
+ matchedLocales,
+ // {locale} is replaced with the locale code
+ rootURI.spec + 'locale/{locale}/',
+ ));
+ }
+ // Other locales need to be registered individually to create aliases
+ for (let unmatchedLocale of unmatchedLocales) {
+ let resolvedLocale = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.resolveLocale(unmatchedLocale, zoteroLocales);
+ // resolveLocale() returns en-US as a fallback; don't use it unless
+ // the unmatched plugin locale is en-*
+ if (resolvedLocale === 'en-US' && !unmatchedLocale.startsWith('en')) {
+ Zotero.debug(`${addon.id}: No matching locale for ${unmatchedLocale}`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ Zotero.debug(`${addon.id}: Aliasing ${unmatchedLocale} to ${resolvedLocale}`);
+ if (sources.some(source => source.locales.includes(resolvedLocale))) {
+ Zotero.debug(`${addon.id}: ${resolvedLocale} already registered`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ sources.push(new L10nFileSource(
+ addon.id + '-' + unmatchedLocale,
+ 'app',
+ [resolvedLocale],
+ // Don't use the {locale} placeholder here - manually specify the aliased locale code
+ rootURI.spec + `locale/${unmatchedLocale}/`,
+ ));
+ }
+ L10nRegistry.getInstance().registerSources(sources);
+ addonL10nSources.set(addon.id, sources.map(source => source.name));
function unregisterLocales(addon) {
- L10nRegistry.getInstance().removeSources([addon.id]);
+ let sources = addonL10nSources.get(addon.id);
+ if (sources) {
+ L10nRegistry.getInstance().removeSources(sources);
+ addonL10nSources.delete(addon.id);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read the contents of a directory in a plugin.
+ * https://searchfox.org/mozilla-esr115/rev/7a83be92b8356ea63559bc3623b2b91a43f2ae05/toolkit/components/extensions/Extension.sys.mjs#882
+ *
+ * @param {nsIURI} rootURI
+ * @param {string} path
+ * @param {boolean} [directoriesOnly=false]
+ * @returns {Promise}
+ */
+ async function readDirectory(rootURI, path, directoriesOnly = false) {
+ if (rootURI instanceof Ci.nsIFileURL) {
+ let uri = Services.io.newURI("./" + path, null, rootURI);
+ let fullPath = uri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file.path;
+ let results = [];
+ try {
+ let children = await IOUtils.getChildren(fullPath);
+ for (let child of children) {
+ if (!directoriesOnly || (await IOUtils.stat(child)).type == "directory") {
+ results.push(PathUtils.filename(child));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (ex) {
+ // Fall-through, return what we have.
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ rootURI = rootURI.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIJARURI);
+ // Append the sub-directory path to the base JAR URI and normalize the
+ // result.
+ let entry = `${rootURI.JAREntry}/${path}/`
+ .replace(/\/\/+/g, "/")
+ .replace(/^\//, "");
+ rootURI = Services.io.newURI(`jar:${rootURI.JARFile.spec}!/${entry}`);
+ let results = [];
+ for (let name of lazy.aomStartup.enumerateJARSubtree(rootURI)) {
+ if (!name.startsWith(entry)) {
+ throw new Error("Unexpected ZipReader entry");
+ }
+ // The enumerator returns the full path of all entries.
+ // Trim off the leading path, and filter out entries from
+ // subdirectories.
+ name = name.slice(entry.length);
+ if (name && !/\/./.test(name) && (!directoriesOnly || name.endsWith("/"))) {
+ results.push(name.replace("/", ""));
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
@@ -521,7 +650,7 @@ Zotero.Plugins = new function () {
- registerLocales(addon);
+ await registerLocales(addon);
await _callMethod(addon, 'install', reason);
if (addon.isActive) {
await _callMethod(addon, 'startup', reason);
@@ -534,7 +663,7 @@ Zotero.Plugins = new function () {
Zotero.debug("Enabling plugin " + addon.id);
- registerLocales(addon);
+ await registerLocales(addon);
await _callMethod(addon, 'startup', REASONS.ADDON_ENABLE);
@@ -581,7 +710,7 @@ Zotero.Plugins = new function () {
await _callMethod(addon, 'install', REASONS.ADDON_INSTALL);
if (addon.isActive) {
- registerLocales(addon);
+ await registerLocales(addon);
await _callMethod(addon, 'startup', REASONS.ADDON_INSTALL);