Merge new English strings
This commit is contained in:
205 changed files with 9105 additions and 1444 deletions
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Spesiale dank:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Sluit">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "More Credits & Acknowledgements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Verstek:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "items">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Algemeen">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sync attachment files in My Library using">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sync attachment files in group libraries using Zotero storage">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "By using Zotero storage, you agree to become bound by its">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "terms and conditions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Full Sync with Zotero Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Merge local Zotero data with data from the sync server, ignoring sync history.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restore from Zotero Server">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Erase all server data and overwrite with local Zotero data.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reset File Sync History">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Force checking of the storage server for all local attachment files.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reset...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Updated">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Get additional styles...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Snelsleutels">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Any string">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Advanced">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Locate">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Article Lookup Engine Manager">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Kies...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Show Data Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Database Maintenance">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Check Database Integrity">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reset Translators and Styles...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Close">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "About &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Support and Documentation">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Troubleshooting Information">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Submit Feedback…">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Redigeer">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Skrap">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "The error log may include messages unrelated to Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Wag asseblief terwyl die foutboodskap voorgelê word">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Die foutboodskap is voorgelê">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Pos asseblief 'n boodskap aan die Zotero-forum ( met hierdie Verslag-ID, 'n beskrywing van die probleem en enige stappe wat nodig is om dit te reproduseer.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Error reports are generally not reviewed unless referred to in the forums.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "'n Nuwe weergawe van Zotero in geïnstalleer">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Die Zotero-databasis moet bygewerk word om by die nuwe weergawe aan te pas.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Die bestaande databasis sal automaties gerugsteun word voor enige veranderinge gemaak word.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Regte">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Datum bygevoeg">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Date Modified">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Show in Library">
<!ENTITY "Add Note">
@ -75,8 +93,8 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "New Item">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "More">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create New Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create Web Page Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item(s) by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.removeItem.label "Remove Item...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newCollection.label "New Collection...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newGroup "New Group...">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transform Text">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Title Case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sentence case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "New Note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "New Standalone Note">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Select visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Deselect visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Deselect all">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Rename Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Delete Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter the ISBN, DOI, or PMID to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter one or more ISBNs, DOIs, or PMIDs to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Select Items">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Select which items you'd like to add to your library">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Ongekontroleerde etikette sal nie gestoor word nie.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Die etiket sal geskrap word van alle items.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Volmag erken">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Voeg slegs volmag wat aan u biblioteek, skool of korporatiewe webwerf gekoppel is, by">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Deur ander volmag by te voeg, laat kwaadwillige werwe toe om hulle as werwe wat u vertrou voor te doen.">
@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ general.restartLater=Restart later
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=An error has occurred.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=An unknown error occurred.
general.restartFirefox=Please restart %S.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart %S and try again.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Please restart Firefox.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart Firefox and try again.
general.checkForUpdate=Check for update
general.actionCannotBeUndone=This action cannot be undone.
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=See %S for more information.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=A Zotero operation is currently in progress.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Please wait until it has finished.
@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ upgrade.advanceMessage=Press %S to upgrade now.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=The Zotero database must be updated.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Your Zotero database must be repaired before the upgrade can continue.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Load Database Repair Tool
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart %S to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart Firefox to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=If you continue to receive this message, restart your computer.
errorReport.reportError=Report Error...
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Press %S to send an error report to the Zotero develo
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Steps to Reproduce:
errorReport.expectedResult=Expected result:
errorReport.actualResult=Actual result:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=The Zotero data directory could not be found.
dataDir.previousDir=Previous directory:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Use %S profile directory
dataDir.selectDir=Select a Zotero data directory
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Directory Not Empty
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=The directory you selected is not empty and does not appear to be a Zotero data directory.\n\nCreate Zotero files in this directory anyway?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Existing Zotero Library Found
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=This appears to be your first time using %1$S. Would you like %1$S to import settings from %2$S and use your existing data directory?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S will share its data directory with the most recently used profile.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=New Saved Search
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Enter a name for this saved search:
pane.collections.rename=Rename collection:
pane.collections.library=My Library
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.unfiled=Unfiled Items
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Are you sure you want to delete this tag?\n\nThe
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 tags selected
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S tag selected
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S tags selected
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Loading items list...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Move to Trash
pane.items.trash=Are you sure you want to move the selected item to the Trash?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Are you sure you want to move the selected items to the Trash?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S items selected
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Change Item Type
pane.item.changeType.text=Are you sure you want to change the item type?\n\nThe following fields will be lost:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ attachments:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S attachment:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S attachments:
|||| a File
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=click here
|||| tags:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S tag:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S tags:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=User-added tag
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automatically added tag
|||| related:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S related:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S related:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Save to Zotero using "%S"
ingester.scraping=Saving Item...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Item Saved
ingester.scrapeError=Could Not Save Item
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=An error occurred while saving this item. Check %S for more information.
@ -427,13 +468,14 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Do you want to import items from "%1$S" into
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Always allow for this site
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?\n\nItems will be added to a new collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Performing Lookup…
ingester.lookup.error=An error occurred while performing lookup for this item.
db.dbCorrupted=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart %S to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart Firefox to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and no automatic backup is available.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestored=The Zotero database '%1$S' appears to have become corrupted.\n\nYour data was restored from the last automatic backup made on %2$S at %3$S. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestoreFailed=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and an attempt to restore from the last automatic backup failed.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| resolvers found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resolver found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resolvers found
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| Index
|||| you want to rebuild the entire index? This may take a while.\n\nTo index only items that haven't been indexed, use %S.
|||| Index
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Any new or modified tra
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Reset Styles
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Any new or modified styles will be lost.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=The following files already existed in the destination directory and were not copied:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=The following files were not found and could not be copied:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Import
fileInterface.exportedItems=Exported Items
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=No translator could be found for the given file.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Untitled Bibliography
fileInterface.importError=An error occurred while trying to import the selected file. Please ensure that the file is valid and try again.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=The items you have selected contain no reference
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again.
fileInterface.exportError=An error occurred while trying to export the selected file.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Advanced search mode — press Enter to search.
searchInProgress=Search in progress — please wait.
@ -613,11 +677,12 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Blank Citation
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=The citation you have specified would be empty in the currently selected style. Are you sure you want to add it?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generat
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Install style "%1$S" from %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Update existing style "%1$S" with "%2$S" from %3$S?
styles.installed=The style "%S" was installed successfully.
styles.installError=%S does not appear to be a valid style file.
styles.installError="%S" is not a valid style file.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S references an invalid or non-existent CSL file at %2$S as its source.
styles.deleteStyle=Are you sure you want to delete the style "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Are you sure you want to delete the selected styles?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancel Sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Open Sync Preferences...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reset Group and Sync
@ -660,18 +733,55 @@ sync.remoteObject=Remote Object
sync.mergedObject=Merged Object
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Password not set
sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on the server, and local modifications to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, cancel the sync now.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=An automatic sync resulted in a conflict that requires manual intervention.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to sync manually.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to resolve them.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Not yet synced
sync.status.lastSync=Last sync:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Uploading data to sync server
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Upload accepted \u2014 waiting for sync server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Syncing files
|||| remaining
|||| remaining
||||$S/%2$S files
|||| File
|||| File
|||| File
@ -692,17 +805,23 @@ configuration verified
||| sync is successfully set up.
|||| Account Settings
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| server %S could not be reached.
|||| do not have permission to create a Zotero directory at the following address:
|||| check your file sync settings or contact your server administrator.
|||| verification failed. Verify your file sync settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| file '%S' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| no longer have file editing access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
|||| you would like a chance to copy changed items and files elsewhere, cancel the sync now.
|||| upload failed.
|||| not found
|||| does not exist.
|||| you want to create it now?
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| is not a valid WebDAV URL.
|||| WebDAV server did not accept the username and password you entered.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ connection error connecting to
||| your WebDAV URL in the browser for more information.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| have reached your Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| your account settings for additional storage options.
|||| group '%S' has reached its Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| group owner can increase the group's storage capacity from the storage settings section on
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Save Tag
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Save Tags
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Could not read text from PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No matching references found.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=File not found.
recognizePDF.limit=Query limit reached. Try again later.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metadata Retrieval Complete.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Select a location in which to save the formatted file
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Lookup Failed
lookup.failure.description=Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| Online
|||| to this item online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "شكر خاص:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "إغلاق">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "المزيد من الشكر والتقدير">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "الإفتراضي:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "عناصر">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "عام">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "الرابط:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "قم بمزامنة الملفات المرفقة في مكتبتي باستخدام">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "قم بمزامنة الملفات المرفقة في مجموعة المكتبات باستخدام مساحة تخزين زوتيرو">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "باستخدامك مساحة تخزين زوتيرو، فإنك توافق على الالتزام بكافة">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "الشروط والأحكام">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "التزامن الكامل مع خادم زوتيرو">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "دمج بيانات زوتيرو المحلية مع البيانات من خادم التزامن، مع تجاهل سجل التزامن.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "الاسترجاع من خادم زوتيرو">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "حذف جميع بيانات الخادم وإحلال بيانات زوتيرو المحلية على الخادم.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "إعادة تعيين ملف سجل المزامنة">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "تنفيذ عملية التحقق من الخادم لتخزين جميع الملفات المحلية المرفقة.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "إعادة التعيين...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "اسم النمط">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "آخر تحديث">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "احصل على انماط اضافية...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "اختصارات">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - لأي سلسلة حرفية">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "متقدم">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "تحديد موقع المقتنى">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "إدارة محرك البحث">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "اختر...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "عرض مجلد البيانات">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "صيانة قاعدة البيانات">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "التأكد من سلامة قاعدة البيانات">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "اعادة تعيين المترجمات والانماط...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "إغلاق">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "ق">
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "حول اسم العلامة التجارية القصير؛">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "مساعدة ووثائق">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "معلومات المساعدة والتنويه">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "م">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "ارسال ملاحظات">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "تحرير">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "حذف">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "قد يتضمن سجل الاخطاء على رسائل ليس لها علاقة بزوتيرو.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "برجاء الانتظار لحين الانتهاء من ارسال التقرير عن الخطأ.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "تم ارسال التقرير عن الخطأ.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "برجاء كتابة رسالة في منتديات زوتيرو ( تتضمن رقم التقرير، ووصف للمشكلة، والخطوات التي تؤدي لظهورها.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "لن يتم مراجعة تقارير الخطأ ما لم يكن مشار إليها في المنتديات.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "لقد قمتَ بتنصيب نسخة جديدة من زوتيرو.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "يجب ترقية قاعدة بيانات زوتيرو لكي تعمل مع النسخة الجديدة.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "سيتم عمل نسخة احتياطية من قاعدة البيانات قبل إجراء أي تغييرات.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "الملكية الفكرية">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "تاريخ الإضافة">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "تاريخ التعديل">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "عرض في المكتبة">
<!ENTITY "اضافة ملاحظة">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "تغيير حالة النص">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "حرف كبير في بداية كل كلمة">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "حالة الجملة">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "ملاحظة جديدة">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "ملاحظة جديدة مستقلة بذاتها">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "تحديد العناصر الظاهرة">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "إلغاء تحديد العناصر الظاهرة">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "إلغاء تحديد الكل">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "تغيير اسم الوسم...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "حذف الوسم...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "ادخل الترقيم الدولي الموحد للكتاب او معرف مقالات الميدلاين او معرف الوثيقة الرقمية.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "تحديد العناصر">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "حدد العناصر التي تريد إضافتها لمكتبتك">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "لن يتم حفظ الاوسمة الغير محددة.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "سيتم حذف الوسم من جميع العناصر.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "التعرف على الوكيل">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "قم فقط بإضافة الوكلاء التي لها وصلات على موقع مكتبتك او مدرستك او شركتك">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "إضافة وكلاء أخرين يسمح للمواقع الضارة بالتنكر كمواقع موثوق بها.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=إعادة التشغيل لاحقاً
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=حدث خطأ.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=حدث خطأ غير معروف.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=برجاء أعادة تشغيل %S.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=برجاء أعادة تشغيل %S ثم أعد المحاولة مرة أخرى.
general.checkForUpdate=التحقق من وجود تحديث
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=شاهد %S لمزيد من المعلومات.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=عملية زوتيرو حاليا في التقدم.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=يرجى الانتظار لحين انتهاء.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=اضغط على %S لإرسال بلاغ عن خطأ
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=خطوات لإعادة ظهور الخطأ:
errorReport.expectedResult=النتيجة المتوقعة:
errorReport.actualResult=النتيجة الفعلية:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=تعذر إيجاد مجلد بيانات زوتيرو.
dataDir.previousDir=المجلد السابق:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=استخدم مجلد الملف الشخصي لفايرف
dataDir.selectDir=تحديد مجلد بيانات زوتيرو
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=المجلد غير فارغ
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=المجلد المحدد غير فارغ، ولا يبدو انه مجلد بيانات زوتيرو.\n\nهل ترغب بإنشاء ملفات زوتيرو في هذا الدليل؟
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=إخطار الترحيل لزوتيرو
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=يبدو أن هذه المرة الأولى التي تستخدم فيها %1$S. هل ترغب من %1$S باستيراد البيانات من %2$S واستخدام مجلد بياناتك الحالي؟
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S سوف يشارك مجلد زوتيرو بياناته مع مجلد الملف الشخصي الأكثر استخداما.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=بحث مخزن جديد
pane.collections.savedSearchName=أدخل اسماً لهذا البحث المخزن:
pane.collections.rename=إعادة تسمية مجموعة العناصر:
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.trash=سلة المحذوفات
pane.collections.untitled=بدون عنوان
pane.collections.unfiled=العناصر الغير مصنفة
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=هل ترغب في حذف هذا الوسم؟\n\
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=لايوجد أوسمة محددة
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S أوسمة محددة
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S وسم محدد
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=تحميل قائمة العناصر...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=نقل لسلة المحذوفات
pane.items.trash=هل ترغب في نقل العنصر المحدد إلى سلة المحذوفات؟
pane.items.trash.multiple=هل ترغب في نقل العناصر المحددة إلى سلة المحذوفات؟
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S عنصر محدد
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=تغيير نوع العنصر
pane.item.changeType.text=هل ترغب في تغيير نوع العنصر؟\n\nستفقد الحقول التالية:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@لا توجد مرفقات:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S مرفقات:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S مرفق:
||||تحديد الملف
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=انقر هنا
||||لا توجد أوسمة:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S أوسمة:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S وسم:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=الوسم المضاف من قبل المستخدم
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=الوسم المضاف تلقائياً
pane.item.related=عناصر مرتبطة:
||||لا توجد ارتباطات:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S ارتباطات:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S ارتباط:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=لا يمكن اضافة ملفات لمج
ingester.saveToZotero=حفظ في زوتيرو
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=احفظ في زتوروه باستخدام تحت اسم "%S"
ingester.scraping=حفظ العنصر...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=تم حفظ العنصر
ingester.scrapeError=تعذر حفظ العنصر
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=حدث خطأ أثناء حفظ العنصر. قم بمراجعة %S لمزيد من المعلومات.
@ -428,6 +469,7 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=السماح دائما لهذا المو
ingester.importFile.title=استورد ملف
ingester.importFile.text=هل تريد استيراد الملف "%S"?\n\nستضاف الخانات إلى مجموعة جديدة.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=تنفيذ البحث ...
ingester.lookup.error=حدث خطأ أثناء تنفيذ البحث لهذا البند.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
|||لا توجد مقررات
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=توجد %S مقررات
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=يوجد %S مقرر
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
||||إعادة بناء الكشاف
||||هل ترغب في إعادة بناء الكشاف كاملاً؟ قد يستغرق ذلك بعض الوقت.\n\n لتكشيف العناصر التي لم تكشف بعد، استخدم %S.
||||مسح الكشاف
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=سيتم فقدان ا
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=إعادة تعيين الأنماط
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=سيتم فقدان الأنماط المضافة أو المعدلة.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=لم يتم نسخ الملفات التالية لأنها موجودة بالفعل في المجلد الهدف:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=لم يتم نسخ الملفات التالية لأنه لم يتم العثور عليها:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=استيراد
fileInterface.exportedItems=العناصر المصدَّرة
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=تعذر إيجاد مترجمات للملف المطلوب.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=قائمة مراجع بدون عنوان
fileInterface.bibliographyHTMLTitle=قائمة المراجع
fileInterface.importError=حدث خطأ اثناء محاولة استيراد العنصر الذي اخترته. برجاء التأكد من صحة الملف ثم حاول مرة أخرى.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=العناصر التي اخترتها لا تح
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=حدث خطأ أثناء انتاج قائمة المراجع. الرجاء إعادة المحاولة.
fileInterface.exportError=حدث خطأ أثناء محاولة تصدير الملف المحدد.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=وضع البحث المتقدم — اضغط مفتاح Enter للبحث.
searchInProgress=جاري البحث — برجاء الانتظار.
@ -613,6 +677,7 @@ integration.cited.loading=البحث عن عناصر استشهاد...
integration.ibid=المرجع السابق
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=استشهاد فارغ
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=الاقتباس الذي قمت بتحديده سيكون فارغ في النمط المحدد حاليا. هل ترغب في إضافته؟
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=هذا الإصدار من وظائف زوتيرو الاضافية لمعالج النصوص ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) غير متوافق مع الإصدار المنصب حاليا من امتداد زوتيرو لمتصفح الفايرفوكس (%1$S). الرجاء التأكد من أنك تستخدم أحدث الإصدارات من المكونين.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=يتطلب %1$S لزوتيرو %2$S %3$S أو الاحدث. الرجاء تحميل أحدث نسخة من %2$S من موقع
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=قمت بتعديل هذا الاقتباس منذ
integration.citationChanged.description=بالنقر على "نعم" سيمنع Zotero من تحديث هذا الاقتباس إذا أضفت استشهادات إضافية، وأساليب تبديل، أو تعديل المرجع الذي يشير إليه. النقر على "لا" سيمحو التغييرات.
integration.citationChanged.edit=قمت بتعديل هذا الاقتباس منذ أنشئه Zotero. التحرير سيمسح التعديلات. هل ترغب في الاستمرار؟
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=هل تريد تنصيب النمط "%1$S" من %2$S؟
styles.updateStyle=هل تريد تحديث النمط الموجود"%1$S" مع "%2$S" من %3$S؟
styles.installed=تم تنصيب نمط "%S" بنجاح..
styles.installError=%S لا يبدو أنه ملف نمط صحيح.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S المراجع غير صالحة او ان ملف CSL غير موجود في %2$S كمصدر له.
styles.deleteStyle=هل ترغب في حذف النمط "%1$S"؟
styles.deleteStyles=هل ترغب في حذف النمط المحدد؟
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=إلغاء التزامن
sync.openSyncPreferences=فتح تفضيلات التزامن...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=إعادة تعيين مجموعات المشاركة و المزامنة
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=كائن عن بعد
sync.mergedObject=كائن مدمج
sync.error.usernameNotSet=لم يتم تعيين اسم المستخدم
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=لم يتم تعيين كلمة المرور
sync.error.invalidLogin=اسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور غير صحيح
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=الرجاء إدخال كلمة المرور.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=لم يتمكن زوتيرو من الوصول لمعلومات تسجيل الدخول لديك، وذلك على الارجح بسبب عطب في قاعدة بيانات ادارة تسجيل الدخول لمتصفح الفايرفوكس.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=قم بإغلاق متصفح الفايرفوكس، قم بإجراء النسخ الاحتياطي وحذف تسجيلات الدخول.* من الملف الشخصي لمتصفح فايرفوكس الخاص بك, ثم قم بإعادة إدخال معلومات تسجيل الدخول لزوتيرو في تبويب التزامن بتفضيلات زوتيرو.
@ -672,6 +747,41 @@ sync.error.groupWillBeReset=إذا قمت بالمتابعة، سيتم إعاد
sync.error.copyChangedItems=إذا كنت ترغب بنسخ التغييرات التي قمت بها في مكان آخر أو طلب حق الكتابة من مسؤول مجموعة المشاركة، قم بإلغاء التزامن الآن.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=أسفرت المزامنة التلقائية عن تضارب الذي يتطلب التدخل اليدوي.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=اضغط على أيقونة التزامن للتزامن يدويا.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=لم تتم مزامنته بعد
sync.status.lastSync=آخر تزامن:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=جاري رفع البيانات لخادم التزا
sync.status.uploadAccepted=تم قبول الرفع \u2014 في انتظار خادم التزامن
sync.status.syncingFiles=جاري مزامنة الملفات
|||| remaining
||||تبقى %SKB
||||$S/%2$S ملف
||||لا شيء
||||ملف محلي
||||ملف عن بعد
||||ملف محفوظ
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@تم التحقق من تهيئة ال
|||تم تجهيز مزامنة الملفات.
||||فتح إعدادات الحساب
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
||||لا يمكن الوصول للخادم %S .
||||ليس لديك الصلاحية لإنشاء مجلد زوتيرو في المسار التالي:
||||الرجاء التحقق من إعدادات تزامن الملفات أو اتصل بمسؤول الخادم لديك.
||||فشل التحقق من %S . تحقق من إعدادات تزامن الملفات في تبويب التزامن بتفضيلات زوتيرو.
||||لا يمكن إنشاء الملف '%S' في مجلد زوتيرو 'تخزين'.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
||||لم يعد لديك صلاحية تحرير الملف بمجموعة مشاركة زوتيرو '%S'، والملفات التي قمت بإضافتها أو تحريرها لا يمكن مزامنتها إلى الخادم.
||||إذا كنت ترغب بنسخ العناصر والملفات المعدلة في مكان آخر، قم بإلغاء التزامن الآن.
||||فشلت عملية رفع الملف لعدم توافر المساحة الكافية على خادم WebDAV .
||||المجلد غير موجود
|||| غير موجود.
||||هل تريد إنشاؤه الآن؟
||||برجاء ادخال موقع WebDAV.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| موقع WebDAV غير صالح.
||||لم يقبل خادم WebDAV اسم المستخدم وكلمة السر التي قمت بإدخالهما.
||||ليس لديك الصلاحية للوصول الى %S على خادم WebDAV.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@خطأ في اتصال SSL عند
|||لمزيد من المعلومات قم بزيارة موقع WebDAV.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
||||تحميل موقع WebDAV
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
||||لقد بلغت الحد الاقصى من حصتك في السعة التخزينية للملفات. لن يتم رفع بعض الملفات. ولكن سيتم مواصلة تزامن البيانات الاخرى لزوتيرو الى الخادم.
||||للحصول على مساحة تخزين إضافية اطلع على إعدادات حسابك في موقع
||||لقد بلغت مجموعة المشاركة لزوتيرو '%S' الحد الاقصى من حصتك في السعة التخزينية للملفات. لن يتم رفع بعض الملفات. ولكن سيتم مواصلة تزامن البيانات الاخرى لزوتيرو الى الخادم.
||||يستطيع مالك مجموعة المشاركة زيادة مساحتها التخزينية وذلك من خلال قسم الاعدادات بموقع
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=حفظ الوسم
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=حفظ الأوسمة
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=تعذر قراءة النص في ملف PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=لم يتم العثور على مراجع مطابقة.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=لم يتم العثور على الملف.
recognizePDF.limit=بلغ الاستعلام للحد الاقصى. حاول مجددا فيما بعد.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=تمت عملية استرجاع البيانات الوصفية.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=تنسيق النص الغني (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=حدد موقعا لحفظ الملف المصاغ
rtfScan.scannedFileSuffix=(تم فحصه)
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=فشل في تحديد موقع العنصر
lookup.failure.description=لم يستطع زوتيرو العثور على التسجيلة الببليوجرافية للمعرف المحدد. برجاء التأكد من معرف العنصر وإعادة المحاولة مرة اخرى.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
||||العرض على الانترنت
||||الذهاب لهذا العنصر على الانترنت
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Специални благодарности:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Затваряне">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "More Credits & Acknowledgements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "По подразбиране:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "записи">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Общи">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "Адрес:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Прекачените файлове в Моята Библиотека се синхронизират с">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Синхронизира прекачените файлове в груповите библиотеки с хранилището на Зотеро.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Използвайки хранилището на Зотеро, Вие се съгласявате да бъдете обвързани с неговите">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "правила и условия">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Пълно синхронизиране със сървъра на Зотеро">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Обединява локалните дани на Зотеро с даните от сървъра, като игнорира историята на предходните синхронизации.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Възстановява Зотеро сървъра">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Изтрива всички дани от сървъра и ги замества с локалната информация.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Изтрива историята на предходните файлови синхронизации">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Принудителна проверка на хранилището за копията на всички локални файлове.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Възстановява...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Updated">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Инсталира на допълнителни стилове...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Клавишни Комбинации">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Какъвто и да е низ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Допълнителни">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Locate">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Article Lookup Engine Manager">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Избор...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Показва папката с дани">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Подръжка на базата дани">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Проверка на цялостта на базата дани">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Възстановява преводачите и стиловете...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Close">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "About &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Support and Documentation">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Troubleshooting Information">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Submit Feedback…">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Редактира">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Изтрива">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "Дневника с грешките може да съдържа съобщения несвързани с Зотеро.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Моля изчакайте докато бъде подаден отчета с грешките.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Отчета с грешките беше подаден.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Моля оставете съобщение във форумите на Zotero ( с идентификационият номер на отчета, описание на проблема и стъпките необходими, за да бъде възпроизведен.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "В общият случай, отчетите с грешки няма да бъдат разглеждани, освен ако не са оповестени във форумите.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Инсталирахте нова версия на Зотеро.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Вашата база дани на Зотеро трябва да бъде осъвременена за да може да работи с новата версия.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Автоматично ще бъде направено копие на вашата база дани, преди да бъдат въвеждани каквито и да било промени.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Права">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Добавен на">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Променен на">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Показва в библиотеката">
<!ENTITY "Добавя Бележка">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Преобразува текст">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Заглавни букви">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sentence case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "New Note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Нова самостоятелна бележка">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Избор на видимите">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Отказ на видимите">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Отказ на всички">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Преименува отметката...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Изтрива отметка...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Въведете ISBN, DOI, или PMID за търсене в полето по-долу.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Избрани записи">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Изберете кои записи искате да добавите към Вашата библиотека">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Неотбелязаните отметки няма да бъдат съхранени.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Отметката ще бъде изтрита от всички записи.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Проксито е разпознато">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Добавяйте само проксита свързани със страницата на вашата библиотека, училище или фирма">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Добавянето на други проксита може да позволи злонамерени интернет страници да се маскират като страници на които се доверявате.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=Отлага рестартирането
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Възникна грешка.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Възникна неизвестна грешка.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Моля рестартирайте Firefox.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Моля рестартирайте Firefox и опитайте отново.
general.checkForUpdate=Проверка за осъвременена версия
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=Виж %S за повече информация.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Операция на Зотеро е активна в момента.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Моля изчакайте докато приключи.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Натиснете %S за да изпратите о
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Стъпки за възпроизвеждане:
errorReport.expectedResult=Очакван резултат:
errorReport.actualResult=Получен резултат:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=Папката се даните на Зотеро не беше намерена.
dataDir.previousDir=Предишна папка:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Използва на папката на Firefox проф
dataDir.selectDir=Изберете папка за даните на Зотеро
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Папката не е празна
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Папката която избрахте не е празна и не изглежда като папка за дани на Зотеро.\n\nДа бъдат ли създадени файловете на Зотеро независимо от това?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Existing Zotero Library Found
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=This appears to be your first time using %1$S. Would you like %1$S to import settings from %2$S and use your existing data directory?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S will share its data directory with the most recently used profile.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Ново записано търсене
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Въведете име за това записано търсене:
pane.collections.rename=Преименува колекцията:
pane.collections.library=Моята библиотека
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.trash=Кошче за боклук
pane.collections.untitled=Без име
pane.collections.unfiled=Unfiled Items
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Отметката ще бъде изтрита
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=Избрани са 0 отметки
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=Избрана е %S отметка
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=Избрани са %S отметки
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Зарежда списъка на записите...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Премества в кошчето за боклук
pane.items.trash=Сигурни ли сте, че искате да преместите избраният запис в кошчето за боклук?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Сигурни ли сте, че искате да преместите избраните записи в кошчето за боклук?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=Избрани са %S записа
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Променя типа на записа
pane.item.changeType.text=Сигурни ли сте, че искате да промените типа на записа?\n\nСледните полета ще бъдат загубени:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ приложения:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S приложение:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S приложения:
||||Избор на файл
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=натиснете тук
|||| отметки:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S отметки:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S отметки:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Отметки добавени от потребителя
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Автоматично добавени отметки
|||| близки:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S близък:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S близки:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=Съхранява в Зотеро
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Save to Zotero using "%S"
ingester.scraping=Съхранява записа...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Записа е съхранен.
ingester.scrapeError=Записа не беше съхранен.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=По време на записа на този запис възникна грешка. Моля опитайте отново. Ако тази грешка продължава да се появява, моля свържете се с автора на преводача.
@ -427,7 +468,8 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Do you want to import items from "%1$S" into
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Always allow for this site
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?\n\nItems will be added to a new collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Performing Lookup…
ingester.lookup.error=An error occurred while performing lookup for this item.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
|||Намерени са %S решаващи сървъра.
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=Намерен е %S решаващ сървър.
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=Намерени са %S решаващи сървъра.
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
||||Пресъздава индекс
||||Желаете ли индекса да бъде пресъздаден? Това може да отнеме известно време.\n\nЗа индексиране само на записи които не са били индексирани преди, използвайте %S.
||||Изчиства индекс
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Всички нови
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Възстановява стиловете по подразбиране
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Всички нови или модифицирани стилове ще бъдат загубени.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Папката вече съдържа следните файлове и те не бяха копирани.
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Следните файлове не бяха намерени и не могат да бъдат копирани:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Внос
fileInterface.exportedItems=Изнесени записи
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=Не бяха намерени преводачи за избрания файл.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Библиография без име
fileInterface.importError=Възникна грешка при опита за внос на избрания файл. Моля уверете се, че файла е валиден и опитайте отново.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=Избраните записи не съдър
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=По време на създаването на библиографията възникна грешка. Моля опитайте отново.
fileInterface.exportError=Възникна грешка при опита за износ на избрания файл.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Търсене за напреднали - натиснете Enter за да търсите.
searchInProgress=Търсене - моля изчакайте.
@ -613,6 +677,7 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Празен цитат
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=Цитатът който сте избрали ще бъден празен, след като се форматира според настоящият стил. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да го добавите?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Тази версия на плъгина за текстови редактори на Зотеро ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) не е съвместима с инсталираната понастоящем версия на Зотеро (%1$S). Моля убедете се, че използвате последните версии на двата компонента.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generat
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Да бъде ли инсталиран стила "%1$S" от %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Да бъде ли осъвременен съществуващия стил "%1$S" с "%2$S" от %3$S?
styles.installed=Стилът "%S" беше успешно инсталиран.
styles.installError=%S не е валиден стилов (CSL) файл.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S препраща към невалиден или несъщесвуваш CSL файл в %2$S, като негов източник.
styles.deleteStyle=Сигурни ли сте че искате да изтриете стила "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Сигурни ли сте че искате да изтриете избраните стилове?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Отказ на синхронизацията
sync.openSyncPreferences=Отваря настройките за синхронизация...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Визстановява групата и синхронизация
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=Делечен запис
sync.mergedObject=Слят запис
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Потребителското име не е въведено
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Паролата не е въведена
sync.error.invalidLogin=Невалидно потребитлско име или парола
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Моля въведете парола
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Зотеро няма достъп до информацията за вашият логин. Вероятно това се дължи на проблем в базата дани с логин информация на Firefox.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Затворете Firefox, копирайте и изтрийте записана логин информация* от вашият Firefox профил, след което въведете отново Вашият Зотеро логин в панела за синхронизация на настройките на Зотеро.
@ -672,6 +747,41 @@ sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Ако продължите, вашето копие
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Ако желаете да копирате вашите промени някъде другаде или да поискате достъп за писане от администратора на вашата група, откажете синхронизацията.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Възникна конфликт по време на автоматичната синхронизация, който изисква корекция на ръка.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=За ръчна синхронизация щракнете иконата за синхронизация.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Все още не е синхронизиран
sync.status.lastSync=Последна синхронизация:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Качва дани в синхронизиращия
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Качването на дани е прието - чака за синхронизиращ сървър
sync.status.syncingFiles=Сихронизира файлове
|||| remaining
||||Остават %SKB
||||$S/%2$S Файла
||||Локален файл
||||Далечен файл
||||Съхранен файл
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@Кофигурацията на сър
|||Синхронизацията на файловете е настроена успешно.
||||Отваря настройките на регистрацията
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
||||Сървърът %S не беше достигнат.
||||Нямате разрешение за създаване на Зотеро директория на следният адрес:
||||Моля проверете настройките на файловата синхронизация или се свържете с администратора на сървъра.
|||| проверкате беше неуспешна. Проверете параметрите на файловата синхронизация в панела за синхронизация в настройките на Зотеро.
||||Файлът '%S' не може да бъде създаден в папката за съхранение нв Зотеро.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
||||Вие нямате разрешение да редактирате файлове в Зотеро групата %S и файловете които сте добавили или редактирали не могат да бъдат синхронизирани със сървъра.
||||Ако искате да копирате променените записи и файлове, откажете синхронизацията.
||||Файлът не беше качен.
||||Папката не беше намерена
|||| не съществува.
||||Искате ли да го създадете сега?
||||Моля въведете WebDAV адрес.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| не е валиден WebDAV адрес.
|||| сървъра не приема потребителското име и паролата, които Вие въведохте.
||||Нямате разрешение за достъп до %S в WebDAV сървъра.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@Грешка в SSL връзкат
|||Заредете WebDAV адреса в браузера за повече информация.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
||||Вие достигнахте лимита на квотата за съхранение на файлове. Част от файловете не бяха качени. Останалите дани на Зотеро ще бъдат синхронизирани със сървъра.
||||Вижте параметрите на вашият акаунт за допълнителни опции за съхранение.
||||Групата %S достигна лимита на квотата си за съхранение на файлове. Част от файловете не бяха качени. Останалите дани на Зотеро ще бъдат синхронизирани със сървъра.
||||Собственика на групата може да да увеличи капацитета за съхранение от скецията с настройките за съхранение в
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Съхранява отметка
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Съхранява отметките
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Текста на този PDF файл не може
recognizePDF.noMatches=Не са открити съответстващи препратки.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Файла не беше намерен.
recognizePDF.limit=Достигнат е лимита на запитванията. Опитайте отново по-късно.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Изтеглянето на метаданите приключи.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Богат текстов формат (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Изберете къде да бъде записан форматираният файл
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Неуспешно търсене
lookup.failure.description=Зотеро не може да намери запис за избраният идентификатор. Моля проверете идентификатора и опитайте отново.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| Online
|||| to this item online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Agraïments especials:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Tanca">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Més crèdits i reconeixements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -1,46 +1,47 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.title "Preferències de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.title "Preferències del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Per defecte:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "ítems">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "elements">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "General">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.userInterface "Interfície d'usuari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn "Carrega Zotero en:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.userInterface "Interfície de l'usuari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn "Carrega el Zotero en:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.browserPane "Subfinestra del navegador">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.separateTab "Pestanya separada">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.appTab "Pestanya d'aplicacions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.statusBarIcon "Icona a la barra d'estatus">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.statusBarIcon.none "Cap">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize "Mida de la font:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize "Mida de lletra:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize.small "Petita">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize.medium "Mitjana">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize.large "Gran">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize.xlarge "X-gran">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize.notes "Mida del tipus de lletra de la nota">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize.xlarge "Molt gran">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize.notes "Mida de lletra de la nota:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.miscellaneous "Miscel·lania">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoUpdate "Automàticament cerca actualitzacions dels transcriptors">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.miscellaneous "Miscel·lània">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoUpdate "Cerca automàticament actualitzacions dels transcriptors">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.updateNow "Actualitza ara">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.reportTranslationFailure "Envia un informe dels transcriptors trencats">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader "Permeteu que personalizi el contingut en base a la versió actual de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader.tooltip "If enabled, the current Zotero version will be added to HTTP requests to">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.parseRISRefer "utilitza Zotero per a arxius RIS/Refer descarregats">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticSnapshots "Automàticament crea una captura quan es creïn elements des de pàgines web">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.downloadAssociatedFiles "Automàticament adjunta documents PDF associats i altres arxius quan es desin els elements">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticTags "Automàticament etiqueta els elements amb les capçaleres de paraules clau i tema">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.trashAutoEmptyDaysPre "Elimina automàticament els ítems de la paperera suprimits fa més de">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader "Permeteu que personalitzi el contingut en base a la versió actual del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader.tooltip "Si està activat, la versió actual del Zotero s'afegirà a les petitcions HTTP per">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.parseRISRefer "Fes servir el Zotero per als fitxers RIS/Refer descarregats">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticSnapshots "Crea automàticament una captura quan es creïn elements des de pàgines web">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.downloadAssociatedFiles "Adjunta automàticament documents PDF associats i altres fitxers quan es desin els elements">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticTags "Etiqueta automàticament els elements amb les capçaleres de paraules clau i el tema">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.trashAutoEmptyDaysPre "Elimina automàticament els elements de la paperera que s'han suprimit fa més de">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.trashAutoEmptyDaysPost "dies">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups "Grups">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.whenCopyingInclude "Quan copiï ítems entre les biblioteques, inclou:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.whenCopyingInclude "Quan copiïs elements entre les biblioteques, inclou:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childNotes "notes descendents">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childFiles "instantànies descendents i fitxers importats">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childLinks "enllaços descendents">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.tags "tags">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.tags "etiquetes">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openurl.caption "OpenURL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openurl.caption "Obre la URL">
<!ENTITY "Cerca resolutors">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openurl.custom "Personalitzat...">
@ -50,57 +51,63 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.sync "Sincronitza">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.username "Nom d'usuari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.password "Contrasenya">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncServer "Servidor de sincronització de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncServer "Servidor de sincronització del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.createAccount "Crea un compte">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.lostPassword "Has oblidat la contrasenya?">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncAutomatically "Sincronitza automàticament">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.about "Al voltant de la sincronització">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.about "Quant a la sincronització">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing "Sincronització dels fitxers">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sincronitza els fitxers adjunts de La meva biblioteca mitjançant">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sincronitza els fitxers adjunts de les biblioteques de grup mitjançant l'enmagatzenatge de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Amb l'ús de l'emmagatzematge de Zotero, vostè accepta quedar obligat pels seus">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sincronitza els fitxers adjunts de la biblioteca mitjançant">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sincronitza els fitxers adjunts de les biblioteques de grup mitjançant l'emmagatzematge del Zotero">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Amb l'ús de l'emmagatzematge del Zotero, accepteu quedar obligat pels">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "termes i condicions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Sincronització completa amb el Servidor de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Fusionar les dades locals de Zotero amb dades del servidor de sincronització tot ignorant la història de sincronització.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restaura des del Servidor de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Elimina totes les dades locals de Zotero i restaura-les des del servidor de sincronització">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Restaura al Servidor de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Elimina totes les dades del servidor i sobreescriu-les amb les dades locals de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Sincronització completa amb el servidor del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Fusiona les dades locals del Zotero amb les dades del servidor de sincronització i ignorant l'historial de sincronització.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restaura des del servidor del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Elimina totes les dades locals del Zotero i restaura-les des del servidor de sincronització">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Restaura al servidor del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Elimina totes les dades del servidor i sobreescriu-les amb les dades locals del Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reinicia l'historial de sincronització dels fitxers">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Força la comprovació del servidor d'emmagatzematge per a tots els fitxers adjunts locals.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reinicia...">
<!ENTITY "Cerca">
<!ENTITY "Memòria cau de text-complet">
<!ENTITY "Indexat de PDF">
<!ENTITY "Estadístiques d'índex">
<!ENTITY "Memòria cau de text complet">
<!ENTITY "Indexació dels PDF">
<!ENTITY "Estadístiques de l'índex">
<!ENTITY "Indexat:">
<!ENTITY "Indexació:">
<!ENTITY "Parcialment:">
<!ENTITY "Sense indexar:">
<!ENTITY "Paraules:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fulltext.textMaxLength "Caràcters màxims indexats per arxiu:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fulltext.pdfMaxPages "Pàgines màximes indexades per arxiu:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fulltext.textMaxLength "Nombre màxim de caràcters indexats per fitxer:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fulltext.pdfMaxPages "Nombe màxim de pàgines indexades per fitxer:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.export "Exporta">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.citationOptions.caption "Opcions de cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL "Incloure URLs d'articles en paper a les referències">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL.description "Quan aquesta opció està deshabilitada, Zotero inclou URLs quan es citen articles de premsa, revistes i revistes acadèmiques només si l'article no té un ranc de pàgines assignat.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL "Inclou les URL dels articles a les referències">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL.description "Quan aquesta opció està deshabilitada, el Zotero inclou les URL quan se citen articles de premsa, revistes i revistes acadèmiques només si l'article no té un ran dge pàgines assignat.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.caption "Còpia ràpida">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.defaultOutputFormat "Format de sortida per defecte:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.copyAsHTML "Copiar com a HTML">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.copyAsHTML "Copia com a HTML">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.macWarning "Nota: el format de text enriquit es perdrà en Mac OS X">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.setings "Configuració específica per a llos web:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.setings "Configuració específica per a llocs web:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.domainPath "Domini/Ruta">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.domainPath.example "(p.ex.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.domainPath.example "(per exemple,">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.outputFormat "Format de sortida">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.dragLimit "Desactiva la Còpia Ràpida en arrossegar més de">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.dragLimit "Desactiva la còpia ràpida quan arrosseguis més de">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.cite "Cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles "Estils">
@ -108,84 +115,92 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.wordProcessors.noWordProcessorPluginsInstalled "Actualment no hi ha instal·lat cap connector.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.wordProcessors.getPlugins "Obtén connectors de processadors de textos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.wordProcessors.getPlugins.url "">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.wordProcessors.useClassicAddCitationDialog "Utilitza el diàleg clàssic Afegeix Cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.wordProcessors.useClassicAddCitationDialog "Utilitza el diàleg clàssic Afegeix cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager "Gestor d'estils">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Títol">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Actualitzat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Aconsegueix estils adicionals...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Aconsegueix estils addicionals...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Dreceres de teclat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.openZotero "Obre/Tanca Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.openZotero "Obre/Tanca el Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.toggleFullscreen "Canvia a pantalla completa">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.focusLibrariesPane "Focus Libraries Pane">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.focusLibrariesPane "Enfoca la subfinestra de les biblioteques">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.quicksearch "Cerca ràpida">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.newItem "Crea un nou element">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.newItem "Crea un element nou">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.newNote "Crea una nova nota">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.toggleTagSelector "Canvia el selector d'etiquetes">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.copySelectedItemCitationsToClipboard "Copia les cites dels elements seleccionats al porta-retalls">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.copySelectedItemsToClipboard "Copia els elements seleccionats al porta-retalls">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.importFromClipboard "Importa des del porta-retalls">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.overrideGlobal "intenta corregir els conflictes n les dreceres de teclat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.changesTakeEffect "Els canvis tenen efecte només en noves finestres">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.overrideGlobal "intenta corregir els conflictes en les dreceres de teclat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.changesTakeEffect "Els canvis tenen efecte només en les finestres noves">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.proxies "Servidors intermediaris">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.proxyOptions "Opcions dels servidor intermediari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.desc_before_link "Zotero redirigirà de manera transparent les peticions a través dels servidors intermediaris desats. Vegeu el">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.proxyOptions "Opcions del servidor intermediari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.desc_before_link "El Zotero redirigirà de manera transparent les peticions a través dels servidors intermediaris desats. Vegeu ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.desc_link "Documentació del servidor intermediari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.desc_after_link "per obtenir més informació.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.transparent "Transparently redirect requests through previously used proxies">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.desc_after_link "per a més informació.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.transparent "Habilita la redirecció del servidor intermediari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.autoRecognize "Reconeix automàticament els recursos dels servidors intermediaris">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.disableByDomain "Desactivar la redirecció del servidor intermediari quan el meu nom de domini conté">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.disableByDomain "Desactiva la redirecció del servidor intermediari quan el nom del domini contingui">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.configured "Servidors intermediaris configurats">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.hostname "Nom de l'amfitrió">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.scheme "Combinació">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.multiSite "Multi-lloc">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.autoAssociate "Associa els nous amfitrions automàticament">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.variables "Pots utilitzar les següents variables en la teva combinació de servidor intermediari:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.multiSite "Multilloc">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.autoAssociate "Associa automàticament els amfitrions nous">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.variables "Podeu fer servir les variables següents en la combinació del servidor intermediari:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.h_variable "%h - El nom d'amfitrió del lloc del servidor intermediari (per exemple,">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.p_variable "%p - El camí de la pàgina del servidor intermediari sense la barra principal (p.ex., about/index.html)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.d_variable "%d - El camí del directori (p.ex., about/)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.f_variable "%f - El nom de fitxer (p.ex., index.html)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.p_variable "%p - El camí de la pàgina del servidor intermediari sense la barra principal (per exemple, about/index.html)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.d_variable "%d - El camí del directori (per exemple, about/)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.f_variable "%f - El nom de fitxer (per exemple, index.html)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Qualsevol cadena">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Avançat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Localitza">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Gestor del motor de cerca d'articles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.description "Descripció">
<!ENTITY "Nom">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEnginedescription "Un motor de cerca estén la capacitat del desplegable Localitzeu en el panell d'informació. En activar els Motors de Cerca a la llista a continuació s'afegiran a la llista desplegable i es podran utilitzar per localitzar els recursos de la vostra biblioteca al web.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.addDescription "To add a Lookup Engine that is not on the list, visit the desired search engine in your browser and select 'Add' from the Firefox Search Bar. When you reopen this preference pane you will have the option to enable the new Lookup Engine.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEnginedescription "Un motor de cerca estén la capacitat del desplegable de localització en el panell d'informació. Quan habiliteu els motors de cerca a la llista, s'afegiran a la llista desplegable i es podran fer servir per localitzar els recursos de la vostra biblioteca al web.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.addDescription "Per afegir un motor de cerca que no és a la llista, visiteu el motor de cerca que voleu amb el navegador i seleccioneu "Add" del menú de localització del Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.restoreDefaults "Restaura els valors predeterminats">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.charset "Codificació de caràcters">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.charset.importCharset "Importa la codificació de caràcters">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.charset.displayExportOption "Mostra l'opció de codificació de caràcters en l'exportació">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir "Lloc d'emmagatzematge">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir "Lloc d'emmagatzematge">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.useProfile "Fer servir el directori del perfil del Firefox">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.custom "Personalitzat:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Escull...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Trieu...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Mostra el directori de dades">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Manteniment de la base de dades">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Comprova la integritat de la base de dades">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reinicialitza traductors i estils...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslators "Reinicialitza traductors...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetStyles "Reinicialitza estils...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reinicialitza els traductors i els estils...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslators "Reinicialitza els traductors...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetStyles "Reinicialitza els estils...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging "Enregistrament del resultat de la depuració">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging.message "El resultat de la depuració pot ajudar els desenvolupadors de Zotero a diagnosticar problemes en Zotero. L'enregistrament de la depuració alentirà Zotero pel que haurieu de deixar-la desactivada a menys que un desenvolupador de Zotero sol·liciti el resultat de la depuració.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging.message "El resultat de la depuració pot ajudar els desenvolupadors del Zotero a diagnosticar problemes. L'enregistrament de la depuració alentirà el Zotero, per això hauríeu de deixar-la deshabilitada si no és que un desenvolupador del Zotero us sol·licita el resultat de la depuració.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging.linesLogged "línies registrades">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging.enableAfterRestart "Activa després de reiniciar">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging.viewOutput "Veges el resultat de sortida">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging.viewOutput "Visualitza el resultat de sortida">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging.clearOutput "Neteja el resultat de sortida">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging.submitToServer "Tramet al Servidor Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.debugOutputLogging.submitToServer "Tramet al servidor del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openAboutConfig "Obri about:config">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openCSLEdit "Obri l'editor CSL">
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<!ENTITY "de les següents:">
<!ENTITY "Cerca dins les subcarpetes">
<!ENTITY "Mostra només ítems de nivell superior">
<!ENTITY "Mostra només elements de nivell superior">
<!ENTITY "Inclou pares i descendents dels elements coincidents">
<!ENTITY "Frase">
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdMac.label "Preferències">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdMac.label "Preferències...">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdMac.commandkey ",">
<!ENTITY servicesMenuMac.label "Serveis">
<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmdMac.label "Oculta &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmdMac.commandkey "H">
<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmdMac.label "Oculta els altres">
<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmdMac.commandkey "H">
<!ENTITY showAllAppsCmdMac.label "Mostra tot">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdMac.label "Surt de Zotero">
<!ENTITY showAllAppsCmdMac.label "Mostra-ho tot">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdMac.label "Surt del Zotero">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdMac.key "Q">
@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
<!ENTITY deleteCmd.label "Elimina">
<!ENTITY deleteCmd.key "D">
<!ENTITY deleteCmd.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Selecciona tot">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Selecciona-ho tot">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.key "A">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Opcions">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Opcions...">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdUnix.label "Preferències...">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdUnix.accesskey "n">
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Tramet comentaris">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.accesskey "S">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.label "Informa dels errors a Zotero">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.label "Informa d'errors al Zotero">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.label "Comprova actualitzacions">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.accesskey "U">
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
general.title=Línia del temps de Zotero
general.title=Línia del temps del Zotero
general.clearAll=Neteja-ho tot
@ -5,30 +5,32 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Edita">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Suprimeix">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "El registre d'error pot incloure missatges no relacionats amb Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Si-us-plau espera mentre s'envia l'informe d'error.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "El registre d'error pot incloure missatges no relacionats amb el Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Espereu mentre s'envia l'informe d'error.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "L'informe d'error ha estat enviat correctament.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.reportID "Número de referència de l'informe:">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Si us plau, escriu un missatge al fòrum de Zotero ( amb aquest número de referència de l'informe, una descripció del problema i qualsevol pas necessari per a reproduir-lo.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Els informes d'error generalment no són revisats ni no es notifique al fòrum.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Escriu un missatge al fòrum del Zotero ( amb aquest número de referència de l'informe, una descripció del problema i qualsevol pas necessari per a reproduir-lo.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Els informes d'error generalment no es revisen ni no es notifiquen al fòrum.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Has instal·lat una nova versió de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "La teva base de dades s'ha d'actualitzar per a funcionar amb la nova versió.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Has instal·lat una nova versió del Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "La vostra base de dades s'ha d'actualitzar per a funcionar amb la nova versió.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Es farà una còpia de seguertat de la base de dades existent abans de fer cap canvi">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.majorUpgrade "Aquesta és una actualització principal.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.majorUpgradeBeforeLink "Assegureu-vos de revisar">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.majorUpgradeLink "instruccions d'actualització">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.majorUpgradeAfterLink "abans de continuar.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeInProgress "Si-us-plau espera que s'acabi el procés d'actualització. Pot trigar uns minuts.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeSucceeded "La teva base de dades de Zotero s'ha actualitzat correctament">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.changeLogBeforeLink "Si-us-plau mira">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.changeLogLink "el llistat de canvis">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeInProgress "Espereu que s'acabi el procés d'actualització. Pot trigar uns minuts.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeSucceeded "La vostra base de dades del Zotero s'ha actualitzat correctament">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.changeLogBeforeLink "Mireu">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.changeLogLink "la llista de canvis">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.changeLogAfterLink "per esbrinar les novetats">
<!ENTITY zotero.contextMenu.addTextToCurrentNote "Afegeix la selecció a una nota de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.contextMenu.addTextToNewNote "Crea un element de Zotero i una nota amb la selecció">
<!ENTITY zotero.contextMenu.saveLinkAsItem "Desa l'enllaç com un ítem de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.contextMenu.saveImageAsItem "Desa l'imatge com un ítem de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.contextMenu.addTextToCurrentNote "Afegeix la selecció a una nota del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.contextMenu.addTextToNewNote "Crea un element del Zotero i una nota amb la selecció">
<!ENTITY zotero.contextMenu.saveLinkAsItem "Desa l'enllaç com un element del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.contextMenu.saveImageAsItem "Desa la imatge com un element del Zotero">
<!ENTITY "Informació">
<!ENTITY zotero.tabs.notes.label "Notes">
@ -38,9 +40,9 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.notes.separate "Edita en una finestra separada">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.duplicate.label "Mostra els duplicats">
<!ENTITY zotero.collections.showUnfiledItems "Mostra els ítems no arxivats">
<!ENTITY zotero.collections.showUnfiledItems "Mostra els elements no arxivats">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.itemType "Tipus d'ítem">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.itemType "Tipus d'element">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.type_column "Tipus">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.title_column "Títol">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.creator_column "Creador">
@ -50,37 +52,53 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.publication_column "Publicació">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.journalAbbr_column "Abreviatura de la revista">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.language_column "Llengua">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.accessDate_column "Accedit">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.accessDate_column "Data d'accés">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.libraryCatalog_column "Catàleg de la biblioteca">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.callNumber_column "Codi de Catàleg">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.callNumber_column "Codi del catàleg">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Drets">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Data d'incorporació">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Data de modificació">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Mostra a la biblioteca">
<!ENTITY "Afegeix nota">
<!ENTITY "Afegeix una nota">
<!ENTITY "Afegeix un adjunt">
<!ENTITY "Adjunta la captura de la pàgina actual">
<!ENTITY "Adjunta enllaç a la pàgina actual">
<!ENTITY "Adjunta un enllaç a la pàgina actual">
<!ENTITY "Adjunta un enllaç a l'identificador uniforme de recursos...">
<!ENTITY "Adjunta la còpia emmagatzemada del fitxer...">
<!ENTITY "Adjunta un enllaç al fitxer...">
<!ENTITY "Restaura a la biblioteca">
<!ENTITY "Duplica l'element seleccionat">
<!ENTITY "Combina els ítems...">
<!ENTITY "Combina els elements...">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.versionSelect "Tria la versió de l'ítem com a ítem prinicpal:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.fieldSelect "Select fields to keep from other versions of the item:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.versionSelect "Triaeu la versió de l'element com a element prinicpal:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.fieldSelect "Seleccioneu els camps que voleu mantenir de les altres versions de l'element:">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "Element nou">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "Més">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Crea un nou element a partir de la pàgina actual">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Afegeix un ítem segons l'identificador">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Crea un element nou a partir de la pàgina actual">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Afegeix un element segons l'identificador">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.removeItem.label "Esborra l'element...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newCollection.label "Nova col·lecció...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newCollection.label "Col·lecció nova...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newGroup "Grup nou...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newSubcollection.label "Nova subcol·lecció...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newSubcollection.label "Subcol·lecció nova...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newSavedSearch.label "Nova cerca desada...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.emptyTrash.label "Buida la paperera">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.tagSelector.label "Mostra/Oculta el selector d'etiquetes">
@ -88,60 +106,69 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.import.label "Importa...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.importFromClipboard "Importa del porta-retalls">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.export.label "Exporta la biblioteca...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "RTF Scan...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "Escaneig de l'RTF...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.timeline.label "Crea línia del temps">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.preferences.label "Preferències...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.supportAndDocumentation "Assistència i documentació">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.about.label "Sobre Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.about.label "Quant al Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.advancedSearch "Cerca avançada">
<!ENTITY "Commuta el mode tabulació">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.openURL.label "Localitza">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.openURL.tooltip "Cerca'l a la teva biblioteca local">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.openURL.tooltip "Cerqueu-lo a la biblioteca local">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.add "Afegeix">
<!ENTITY "Mostra el fitxer">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transforma el text">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Tipus Frase">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Majúscules o minúscules">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Majúscules o minúscules del títol">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Majúscules o minúscules de la frase">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Nota nova">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Nova nota independent">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.child "Afegeix una nota descendent">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup "Lookup by Identifier...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup "Cerca per l'identificador...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.attachment.linked "Enllaç al fitxer...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.attachment.add "Emmagatzema copia de l'arxiu...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.attachment.add "Emmagatzema una còpia del fitxer...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.attachment.weblink "Desa l'enllaç a la pàgina actual">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.attachment.snapshot "Captura la pàgina actual">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.noTagsToDisplay "No hi ha etiquetes per mostrar">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.filter "Filtre:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.showAutomatic "Mostra automàtic">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.displayAllInLibrary "Display all tags in this library">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.displayAllInLibrary "Mostra totes les etiquetes a la biblioteca">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Selecciona les visibles">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Desselecciona les visibles">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Desselecciona-ho tot">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Reanomena l'etiqueta...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Esborra l'etiqueta...">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Introduïu l'ISBN, DOI, o PMID per cercar en el quadre tot seguit.">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Introduïu l'ISBN, DOI, o PMID per cercar en el quadre inferior.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Selecciona elements">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Selecciona els elements que vols afegir a la biblioteca">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Seleccioneu els elements que voleu afegir a la biblioteca">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.cancel.label "Cancel·la">
<!ENTITY "D'acord">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.title "Crea cita / bibliografia">
<!ENTITY "Estil de cites:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMode "Output Mode:">
<!ENTITY "Estil de la cita:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMode "Mode de sortida:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.bibliography "Bibliografia">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMethod "Output Method:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMethod "Mètode de sortida:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.saveAsRTF.label "Desa com a RTF">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.saveAsHTML.label "Desa com a HTML">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.copyToClipboard.label "Desa al porta-retalls">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.print.label "Imprimeix">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.docPrefs.title "Preferències del document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.addEditCitation.title "Afegeix / Edita cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.addEditCitation.title "Afegeix / Edita la cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.editBibliography.title "Edita la bibliografia">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.quickFormatDialog.title "Cita de format ràpid">
@ -167,10 +194,10 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.annotate.toolbar.add.label "Afegeix anotació">
<!ENTITY zotero.annotate.toolbar.add.label "Afegeix una anotació">
<!ENTITY zotero.annotate.toolbar.collapse.label "Col·lapsa totes les anotacions">
<!ENTITY zotero.annotate.toolbar.expand.label "Expandeix totes les anotacions">
<!ENTITY zotero.annotate.toolbar.highlight.label "Marca el text">
@ -178,73 +205,77 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.displayAs.label "Mostra les cites com a:">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.footnotes.label "Notes al peu">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.endnotes.label "Notes finals">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.endnotes.label "Notes al final">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.formatUsing.label "Format utilitzat:">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Adreces d'interès">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Les adreces d'interès es conserven entre Microsoft Word i OpenOffice però poden veure's accidentalment modificades.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Les adreces d'interès es conserven entre el Microsoft Word i l'OpenOffice però es poden veure modificades accidentalment.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.storeReferences.label "Emmagatzema les referències al document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.storeReferences.caption "L'emmagatzematge de les referències en el document augmenta lleugerament la mida del fitxer, però li permet compartir el seu document amb altres persones sense necessitat d'utilitzar un grup de Zotero. Per actualitzar els documents creats amb aquesta opció és necessari Zotero 3.0 o versions posteriors.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.storeReferences.caption "L'emmagatzematge de les referències en el document augmenta lleugerament la mida del fitxer, però us permet compartir el document amb altres persones sense necessitat de fer servir un grup del Zotero. Per actualitzar els documents creats amb aquesta opció cal tenir la versió Zotero 3.0 o versions posteriors.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.showEditor.label "Mostra l'editor">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.classicView.label "Vista clàssica">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.references.label "Referències a la bibliografia">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.button "Sincronitza amb el Servidor de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.button "Sincronitza amb el servidor del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.error "Error de sincronització">
<!ENTITY "Progrés:">
<!ENTITY "Descàrregues:">
<!ENTITY "Càrregues">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.followingTagTooLong "La següent etiqueta de la seva biblioteca Zotero és massa llarga perquè es sincronitzi amb el servidor:">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.syncedTagSizeLimit "Les etiquetes sincronitzades ha d'ésser inferiors a 256 caràcters.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.splitEditDelete "Pot dividir l'etiqueta en vàries etiquetes, editar-la manualment per reduir la seva longitud, o suprimir-la.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.followingTagTooLong "L'etiqueta següent de la biblioteca Zotero és massa llarga perquè se sincronitzi amb el servidor:">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.syncedTagSizeLimit "Les etiquetes sincronitzades ha de tenir menys de 256 caràcters.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.splitEditDelete "Podeu dividir l'etiqueta en diverses etiquetes, editar-la manualment per reduir-ne la longitud, o suprimir-la.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.split "Divideix">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.splitAtThe "Divideix en el">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.character "caràcter">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.characters "caràcters">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Les etiquetes desactivades no es desaran.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "L'etiqueta es suprimirà de tots els ítems.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "L'etiqueta se suprimirà de tots els elements.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Servidor intermediari reconegut">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Afegiu tan sols servidors intermediaris enllaçats des del lloc web de la vostra biblioteca, escola o corporació">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "L'addició d'altres servidors intermediaris permet als llocs maliciosos fer-se passar pels llocs de confiança.">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.disable.label "No redirigeixis automàticament les peticions a través de servidors intermediaris prèviament reconeguts">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "L'addició d'altres servidors intermediaris permet als llocs maliciosos fer-se passar per llocs de confiança.">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.disable.label "No redirigeixis automàticament les peticions a través de servidors intermediaris reconeguts prèviament ">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.ignore.label "Ignora">
<!ENTITY zotero.recognizePDF.recognizing.label "Retrieving Metadata...">
<!ENTITY zotero.recognizePDF.recognizing.label "S'estan recuperant les metadades...">
<!ENTITY zotero.recognizePDF.cancel.label "Cancel·la">
<!ENTITY zotero.recognizePDF.pdfName.label "Nom PDF">
<!ENTITY zotero.recognizePDF.itemName.label "Nom de l'ítem">
<!ENTITY zotero.recognizePDF.pdfName.label "Nom del PDF">
<!ENTITY zotero.recognizePDF.itemName.label "Nom de l'element">
<!ENTITY zotero.recognizePDF.captcha.label "Escriviu el text de sota per continuar la recuperació de les metadades.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.title "Escaneig de RTF">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.title "Escaneig de l'RTF">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.cancel.label "Cancel·la">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.citation.label "Cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.itemName.label "Nom de l'ítem">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.itemName.label "Nom de l'element">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.unmappedCitations.label "Cites desassociades">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.ambiguousCitations.label "Cites ambigües">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.mappedCitations.label "Cites sassociades">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.mappedCitations.label "Cites associades">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.introPage.label "Introducció">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.introPage.description "Zotero can automatically extract and reformat citations and insert a bibliography into RTF files. To get started, choose an RTF file below.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.introPage.description2 "Per començar, seleccioneu un fitxer d'entrada RTF i un arxiu de sortida tot seguit:">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.introPage.description "El Zotero pot recuperar i reformatar les cites i inserir una bibliografia als fitxers RTF. La funció d'escaneig dels fitxers RTF actualment permet les cites amb les variacions de format següents: ">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.introPage.description2 "Per començar, seleccioneu un fitxer d'entrada RTF i un fitxer de sortida:">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.scanPage.label "Escanejant en cerca de cites">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.scanPage.description "Zotero es troba escanejant el document cercant-hi cites. Si us plau, sigui pacient.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.citationsPage.label "Verifica els ítems citats">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.citationsPage.description "Reviseu la llista de cites reconegudes tot seguit per assegurar-se que Zotero ha seleccionat correctament els ítems corresponents. Totes les cites desassociades o ambigües han de ser resoltes abans de procedir al següent pas.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.scanPage.description "El Zotero està escanejant el document cercant-hi cites. Tingueu pacipència.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.citationsPage.label "Verifica els elements citats">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.citationsPage.description "Reviseu la llista de cites reconegudes següent per assegurar-vos que el Zotero ha seleccionat correctament els elements corresponents. Totes les cites desassociades o ambigües s'han de resoldre abans d'anar al següent pas.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.stylePage.label "Formatació del document">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.formatPage.label "Formatant les cites">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.formatPage.description "Zotero es troba processant i formatant el seu fitxer RTF. Si us plau, sigui pacient.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.completePage.label "Escaneig RFT completat">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.completePage.description "El document ja s'ha analitzat i processat. Si us plau, comproveu que és formatat correctament.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.formatPage.description "El Zotero està processant i formatant el fitxer RTF. Tingueu paciència.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.completePage.label "Escaneig de l'RFT completat">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.completePage.description "El document ja s'ha analitzat i processat. Comproveu que s'ha formatat correctament.">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.inputFile.label "Fitxer d'entrada">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.outputFile.label "Fitxer de sortida">
<!ENTITY zotero.file.choose.label "Tria un fitxer...">
<!ENTITY zotero.file.noneSelected.label "No s'ha seleccionat cap fitxer">
<!ENTITY zotero.file.choose.label "Trieu un fitxer...">
<!ENTITY zotero.file.noneSelected.label "No heu seleccionat cap fitxer">
<!ENTITY zotero.downloadManager.label "Desa a Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.downloadManager.saveToLibrary.description "Els adjunts no es poden desar a la biblioteca seleccionada. En comptes, aquest ítem es desarà a la seva biblioteca.">
<!ENTITY zotero.downloadManager.noPDFTools.description "Per utilitzar aquesta funció, primer cal instal·lar les eines de PDF en les preferències de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.downloadManager.label "Desa al Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.downloadManager.saveToLibrary.description "Els adjunts no es poden desar a la biblioteca seleccionada. Aquest element es desarà a la biblioteca.">
<!ENTITY zotero.downloadManager.noPDFTools.description "Per utilitzar aquesta funció, primer cal instal·lar les eines de PDF en les preferències del Zotero.">
@ -1,30 +1,33 @@
|||'eina de recerca de la següent generació
||||'eina de recerca de la generació següent
general.success=Amb èxit
general.dontShowWarningAgain=No mostris més aquesta advertència.
general.browserIsOffline=%S es troba actualment treballant fora de línia
general.browserIsOffline=%S actualment treballa fora de línia
general.restartRequired=Es requereix reiniciar
general.restartRequired=Cal reiniciar
general.restartRequiredForChange=S'ha de reiniciar el %S per tal que el canvi faci efecte
general.restartRequiredForChanges=S'ha de reiniciar el %S per tal que els canvis facin efecte
general.restartNow=Reinicia ara
general.restartLater=Reinicia més tard
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.restartApp=Reinicia %S
general.errorHasOccurred=S'ha produït un error
general.unknownErrorOccurred=S'ha produït un error desconegut.
general.restartFirefox=Si-us-plau reinicia el Firefox.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Si-us-plau reinicia el Firefox i torna-ho a provar
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Reinicieu el Firefox.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Reinicieu el Firefox i torneu-ho a provar
general.checkForUpdate=Comprova si hi ha actualitzacions
general.actionCannotBeUndone=Aquesta acció no es pot desfer.
general.updateAvailable=Actualització disponible
general.failed=Ha fallat
general.accessDenied=Accés denegat
general.permissionDenied=Permís denegat
@ -32,14 +35,18 @@ general.character.singular=caràcter
general.seeForMoreInformation=Mira %S per a més informació.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Obre la documentació
general.numMore=%S more…
general.numMore=%S més...
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Una operació de Zotero està actualment en curs.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Si us plau, espereu fins que hagi acabat.
general.operationInProgress=Una operació del Zotero està actualment en curs.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Espereu fins que hagi acabat.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=Si us plau, espereu fins que hagi acabat i torneu a intentar.
@ -47,34 +54,54 @@ punctuation.closingQMark="
install.quickStartGuide=Guia d'inici ràpid
install.quickStartGuide.message.welcome=Benvingut a Zotero
install.quickStartGuide.message.welcome=Us donem la benvinguda al Zotero
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=Llegiu la Guia d'inici ràpid per a saber com començar a recollir, gestionar, citar i compartir les vostres fonts d'investigació.
install.quickStartGuide.message.thanks=Gràcies per instal·lar Zotero.
upgrade.failed.title=No s'ha pogut actualitzar
upgrade.failed=L'actualització de la base de dades de Zotero ha fallat:
upgrade.advanceMessage=Prem %S per a actualitzar ara.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=La base de dades de Zotero s'ha d'actualitzar.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=La teva base de dades de Zotero ha de ser reparada abans de continuar amb l'actualització.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Carrega l'Eina de reparació de bases de dades
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart %S to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=Si continues rebent aquest missatge, reinicia l'equip.
upgrade.failed=L'actualització de la base de dades del Zotero ha fallat:
upgrade.advanceMessage=Premu %S per a actualitzar ara.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=La base de dades del Zotero s'ha d'actualitzar.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=La vostra base de dades del Zotero s'ha de reparada abans de continuar amb l'actualització.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Carrega l'Eina de reparació de la bases de dades
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=El Zotero no pot moure tots els fitxers necessaris.\nTanqueu tots els fitxers adjunts que estiguin oberts i reinicieu el Firefox per tornar a intentar l'actualització.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=Si continueu rebent aquest missatge, reinicieu l'ordinador.
errorReport.reportError=Report Error...
errorReport.reportError=Notifica un error...
errorReport.reportErrors=Notifica errors...
errorReport.reportInstructions=Pots notificar aquest error seleccionat "%S" des del menú Accions (engranatge)
errorReport.followingErrors=Els següents errors han ocorregut des de l'inici de %S:
errorReport.advanceMessage=Prem %S per enviar un informe d'error als desenvolupadors de Zotero
errorReport.reportInstructions=Podeu notificar aquest error seleccionat "%S" des del menú Accions (engranatge)
errorReport.followingErrors=Els errors següents han ocorregut des de l'inici de %S:
errorReport.advanceMessage=Premeu %S per enviar un informe d'error als desenvolupadors del Zotero
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Passos per a reproduir-lo:
errorReport.expectedResult=Resultat esperat:
errorReport.actualResult=Resultat real:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
dataDir.notFound=No es pot trobar el directori de dades de Zotero
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=No es pot trobar el directori de dades del Zotero
dataDir.previousDir=Directori anterior:
dataDir.useProfileDir=Utilitza el directori del perfil del Firefox
dataDir.selectDir=Selecciona directori de dates per a Zotero
dataDir.selectDir=Selecciona el directori de dades per al Zotero
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=El directori no està buit
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=El directori que has seleccionat no està buit i no sembla que sigui un directori de dades de Zotero.\n\n Vols crear arxius de Zotero en aquest directori de totes maneres?
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=El directori que has seleccionat no està buit i no sembla que sigui un directori de dades del Zotero.\n\n Vols crear arxius de Zotero en aquest directori de totes maneres?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=S'ha trobat una Biblioteca de Zotero
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=Sembla ser la teva primera vegada utilitzant %1$S. T'agradaria que %1$S importés la configuració de %2$S i fes ús del teu directori de dades?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S compartirà el seu directori de dades amb el perfil utilitzat més recentment.
@ -85,10 +112,10 @@ app.firefox=Zotero per Firefox
startupError=Hi ha hagut un error en iniciar Zotero.
startupError.databaseInUse=La teva base de dades de Zotero està actualment en ús. En aquest moment i simultàniament només pot estar oberta una instància de Zotero amb la mateixa base de dades.
startupError.closeStandalone=Si Zotero Independent és obert, tanqueu-lo i reinicieu Firefox.
startupError.closeStandalone=Si el Zotero Independent és obert, tanqueu-lo i reinicieu Firefox.
startupError.closeFirefox=Si Firefox amb l'extensió Zotero és obert, tanqueu i reinicieu Zotero Independent.
startupError.databaseCannotBeOpened=La base de dades de Zotero no es pot obrir.
startupError.checkPermissions=Make sure you have read and write permissions to all files in the Zotero data directory.
startupError.checkPermissions=Assegure-vos que heu llegit els permisos per a tots els fitxers al directori de dades del Zotero.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder=Aquesta versió de Zotero és més vella que la darrera versió què s'utilitzà amb la teva base de dades.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Si us plau, actualitzeu a la darrera versió de
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.current=Versió actual: %S
@ -105,19 +132,20 @@ date.relative.daysAgo.multiple=Fa %S dies
||| 1 any
date.relative.yearsAgo.multiple=Fa %S anys
pane.collections.delete=Estàs segur que vols eliminar la col·lecció seleccionada?
pane.collections.deleteSearch=Estàs segur que vols eliminar la cerca seleccionada?
pane.collections.emptyTrash=Segur que vols eliminar permanentment els ítems de la Paperera?
pane.collections.delete=Segur que voleu eliminar la col·lecció seleccionada?
pane.collections.deleteSearch=Segur que voleu eliminar la cerca seleccionada?
pane.collections.emptyTrash=Segur que vols eliminar permanentment els elements de la paperera?
pane.collections.newCollection=Nova col·lecció
|||| de la col·lecció:
pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Nova cerca desada
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Entra un mom per aquesta cerca desada
pane.collections.rename=Canvia el nom de la col·lecció:
pane.collections.library=La meva llibreria
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=Sense títol
pane.collections.unfiled=Ítems sense arxivar
pane.collections.duplicate=Duplicate Items
pane.collections.unfiled=Elements sense emplenar
pane.collections.duplicate=Duplica els elements
|||| el nom de la col·lecció...
|||| la cerca desada
@ -132,36 +160,42 @@ un informe a partir de la
||| un informe a partir de la cerca desada...
pane.tagSelector.rename.title=Si us plau entra un nou nom per aquesta etiqueta.
pane.tagSelector.rename.message=Aquesta etiqueta serà canviada per a tots els elements associats.
pane.tagSelector.delete.title=Estàs segur que vols esborrar aquesta etiqueta?
pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Aquesta etiqueta serà esborrada de tots els elements.
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=Cap etiqueta seleccionada
pane.tagSelector.rename.message=Aquesta etiqueta es canviarà per a tots els elements associats.
pane.tagSelector.delete.title=Segur que voleu esborrar aquesta etiqueta?
pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Aquesta etiqueta s'esborrarà de tots els elements.
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=No hi ha cap etiqueta seleccionada
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S etiqueta seleccionada
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S etiquetes seleccionades
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Carregant la llista d'elements...
pane.items.trash.title=Mou a la Paperera
pane.items.trash=Segur que vols moure l'ítem seleccionat a la Paperera?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Segur que vols moure els ítems seleccionats a la Paperera?
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Mou a la paperera
pane.items.trash=Segur que voleu moure l'element seleccionat a la paperera?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Segur que voleu moure els elements seleccionats a la paperera?
pane.items.delete=Estàs segur que vols eliminar l'element seleccionat?
pane.items.delete.multiple=Estàs segur que vols eliminar els elements seleccionats?
pane.items.delete=Segur que voleu eliminar l'element seleccionat?
pane.items.delete.multiple=Segur que voleu eliminar els elements seleccionats?
|||| l'element seleccionat
|||| els elements seleccionats
|||| l'element seleccionat de la Llibreria...
|||| els elements seleccionats de la Llibreria...
|||| l'element seleccionat de la biblioteca...
|||| els elements seleccionats de la biblioteca...
|||| l'element seleccionat...
|||| els elements seleccionat...
|||| bibliografia a partir de l'element seleccionat...
|||| bibliografia a partir dels elements seleccionats...
|||| els elements seleccionats...
|||| una bibliografia a partir de l'element seleccionat...
|||| una bibliografia a partir dels elements seleccionats...
|||| un informe a partir de l'element seleccionat...
|||| un informe a partir dels elements seleccionats...
|||| element
|||| elements
|||| metadades per a fitxers PDF
|||| metadades per a fitxers PDF
|||| un ítem ascendent de l'ítem seleccionat
|||| ítems ascendents dels ítems seleccionats
|||| metadades per a fitxers PDF
|||| un element ascendent de l'element seleccionat
|||| elements ascendents dels elements seleccionats
|||| el nom del fitxer amb les metadades ascendents
|||| els noms del fitxers amb les metadades ascendents
@ -174,54 +208,60 @@ pane.items.interview.twoParticipants=Entrevista per %S i %S
pane.items.interview.threeParticipants=Entrevista per %S, %S i %S
pane.items.interview.manyParticipants=Entrevista per %S i altres
|||| element seleccionat
|||| hi ha cap element seleccionat
pane.item.selected.multiple=%S elements seleccionats
|||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
|||| hi ha elements en aquesta visualització
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S element en aquesta visualització
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S elements en aquesta visualització
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Canvia el tipus d'element
pane.item.changeType.text=Estàs segur que vols canviar el tipus d'element?\n\n Es perdran els següents camps:
pane.item.changeType.text=Segur que voleu canviar el tipus d'element?\n\n Es perdran els camps següents:
pane.item.defaultFullName=Nom complet
|||| a un sol camp
pane.item.switchFieldMode.two=Canvia a dos camps
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Move Up
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Move Down
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Mou amunt
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Mou avall
pane.item.notes.untitled=Nota sense títol
pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Estàs segur que vols eliminar aquesta nota?
pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Segur que voleu eliminar aquesta nota?
|||| nota:
pane.item.notes.count.singular=%S nota:
pane.item.notes.count.plural=%S notes:
pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Nou títol:
pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Canvia el nom de l'arxiu associat
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=Ha succeït un error quan es canviava el nom de l'arxiu.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=Arxiu no trobat
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text=L'arxiu adjunt no es pot trobar.\n\nPotser ha estat mogut fora de Zotero.
pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Canvia el nom del fitxer associat
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=S'ha produït un error quan es canviava el nom del fitxer.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=No s'ha trobat el fitxer
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text=No s'ha pogut trobar el fitxer adjunt.\n\nPotser s'ha mogut o s'ha esborrat fora del Zotero.
pane.item.attachments.delete.confirm=Estàs segur que vols eliminar aquest arxiu adjunt?
|||| arxiu adjunt:
|||| fitxer adjunt:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S arxiu adjunt:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S arxius adjunts:
|||| un arxiu
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S fitxers adjunts:
|||| un fitxer
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=clica aquí
|||| etiqueta:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S etiqueta:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S etiquetes:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Etiqueta afegida per l'usuari
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Etiqueta afegida automàticament
|||| element relacionat:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S element relacionat:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S elements relacionats:
pane.item.parentItem=Ítem ascendent
pane.item.parentItem=Element ascendent
noteEditor.editNote=Edita nota
noteEditor.editNote=Edita la nota
itemTypes.attachment=Arxiu adjunt
itemTypes.attachment=Fitxer adjunt
itemTypes.bookSection=Capítol d'un llibre
itemTypes.journalArticle=Article de revista acadèmica
@ -243,7 +283,7 @@ itemTypes.statute=Estatut
||| electrònic
itemTypes.blogPost=Entrada de bloc
itemTypes.instantMessage=Missatge instantàni
itemTypes.instantMessage=Missatge instantani
itemTypes.forumPost=Comentari en un fòrum
itemTypes.audioRecording=Enregistrament d'àudio
@ -264,7 +304,7 @@ itemFields.dateModified=Modificat
itemFields.attachments=Arxius adjunts
itemFields.attachments=Fitxers adjunts
itemFields.related=Elements relacionats
@ -280,13 +320,13 @@ itemFields.publicationTitle=Publicació
itemFields.callNumber=Número de Catàleg
itemFields.callNumber=Número de catàleg
itemFields.archiveLocation=Localització a l'arxiu
itemFields.journalAbbreviation=Abreviatura de la revista
itemFields.accessDate=Últim accés
itemFields.seriesTitle=Títol de la sèrie
itemFields.seriesText=Text de la sèrie
itemFields.seriesNumber=Número de la sèrie
@ -298,7 +338,7 @@ itemFields.legislativeBody=Cos legislatiu
itemFields.numberOfVolumes=# de volums
itemFields.numberOfVolumes=Nre. de volums
itemFields.patentNumber=Número de patent
@ -327,18 +367,18 @@
itemFields.postType=Tipus d'escrit
itemFields.audioFileType=Tipus d'arxiu
itemFields.audioFileType=Tipus de fitxer
itemFields.conferenceName=Títol de la conferència
itemFields.encyclopediaTitle=Títol de l'enciclopèdia
itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Títol del diccionari
itemFields.websiteTitle=Títol de la web
itemFields.websiteTitle=Títol del web
itemFields.reportNumber=Número d'informe
itemFields.billNumber=Número de llei
itemFields.codeVolume=Volum del codi
@ -348,7 +388,7 @@ itemFields.reporterVolume=Volum del reporter
itemFields.firstPage=Primera pàgina
itemFields.documentNumber=Número de document
itemFields.dateEnacted=Data d'aprovació
itemFields.publicLawNumber=Número de Dret Públic
itemFields.publicLawNumber=Número de dret públic
itemFields.applicationNumber=Número d'aplicació
itemFields.forumTitle=Títol de fòrum/llista
@ -362,7 +402,7 @@ itemFields.proceedingsTitle=Títol de la ponència
itemFields.bookTitle=Títol del llibre
itemFields.shortTitle=Títol curt
itemFields.docketNumber=Número d'expedient
itemFields.numPages=# of pàgines
itemFields.numPages=Nre. de pàgines
itemFields.programTitle=Títol del programa
itemFields.issuingAuthority=Autoritat emissora
itemFields.filingDate=Data de presentació
@ -385,7 +425,7 @@ creatorTypes.counsel=Conseller
@ -396,7 +436,7 @@ creatorTypes.presenter=Presentador
creatorTypes.reviewedAuthor=Autor revisat
creatorTypes.bookAuthor=Autor del llibre
fileTypes.webpage=Pàgina web
@ -407,58 +447,73 @@ídeo
save.attachment=Desant captura...
|||| enllaç...
save.attachment=Desant la captura...
|||| l'enllaç...
||||'ha produït un error en desar aquest enllaç.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=No pots fer canvis en la col·lecció seleccionada actualment.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=No pots afegir fitxers en la col·lecció seleccionada actualment.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=No podeu fer canvis a la col·lecció seleccionada actualment.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=No podeu afegir fitxers a la col·lecció seleccionada actualment.
ingester.saveToZotero=Desa a Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Desa a Zotero amb "%S"
ingester.saveToZotero=Desa al Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Desa al Zotero amb "%S"
ingester.scraping=Desant l'element...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Element desat.
ingester.scrapeError=No s'ha pogut desar l'element.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=S'ha produït un error quan es desava aquest element. Comprova %S per a més informació
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.linkText=Incidències conegudes per aquest traductor
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.previousError=El procés de desar ha fallat degut a un error anterior de Zotero.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.previousError=El procés de desar ha fallat a causa d'un error anterior de Zotero.
ingester.importReferRISDialog.title=Importació RIS/Refer de Zotero
ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Vols importar elements de "%1$S" a Zotero?\n\nPots desactivar la importació automàtica de RIS/Refer en les preferències de Zotero.
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Permetre sempre a aquest lloc
ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Voleu importar elements de "%1$S" a Zotero?\n\nPodeu desactivar la importació automàtica de RIS/Refer a les preferències del Zotero.
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Permet sempre a aquest lloc
ingester.importFile.title=Importa el fitxer
ingester.importFile.text=Vols importar el fitxer "%S"?\n\nEls ítems s'afegiran a una nova col·lecció.
ingester.importFile.text=Voleu importar el fitxer "%S"?\n\nEls elements s'afegiran a una col·lecció nova.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Realitzant una cerca...
ingester.lookup.error=S'ha produït un error en mentre es cercava aquest ítem.
ingester.lookup.error=S'ha produït un error mentre se cercava aquest element.
db.dbCorrupted=Sembla que la base de dades '%S' de Zotero s'ha corromput.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Si-us-plau reinicia el Firefox per intentar una restauració automàtica a partir de l'última copia de seguretat.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=Sembla que la base de dades '%S' de Zotero s'ha corromput i no hi ha cap copia de seguretat disponible.\n\nEs crearà una nova base de dades. L'arxiu malmès s'ha desat al directori de Zotero.
db.dbRestored=Sembla que la base de dades '%1$S' de Zotero s'ha corromput.\n\nLes teves dades s'han recuperat des de l'última copia de seguretat disponible feta el %2$S a les %3$S. L'arxiu malmès s'ha desat al directori de Zotero.
db.dbRestoreFailed=Sembla que la base de dades '%S' de Zotero s'ha corromput i l'intent de recuperació a partir de l'última copia de seguretat disponible ha fallat. L'arxiu malmès s'ha desat al directori de Zotero.
db.dbCorrupted=Sembla que la base de dades '%S' del Zotero està malmesa.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Reinicieu el Firefox per intentar una restauració automàtica a partir de l'última còpia de seguretat.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=Sembla que la base de dades '%S' de Zotero està malmesa i no hi ha cap còpia de seguretat disponible.\n\nEs crearà una nova base de dades. El fitxer malmès s'ha desat al directori del Zotero.
db.dbRestored=Sembla que la base de dades '%1$S' del Zotero està malmesa.\n\nLes dades s'han recuperat des de l'última còpia de seguretat disponible feta el %2$S a les %3$S. El fitxer malmès s'ha desat al directori del Zotero.
db.dbRestoreFailed=Sembla que la base de dades '%S' del Zotero està malmesa i l'intent de recuperació a partir de l'última copia de seguretat disponible ha fallat. L'arxiu malmès s'ha desat al directori de Zotero.
db.integrityCheck.passed=No s'han trobat erros a la base de dades
db.integrityCheck.failed=S'han trobat erros a la base de dades!
db.integrityCheck.passed=No s'han trobat erros a la base de dades.
db.integrityCheck.failed=S'han trobat erros a la base de dades.
db.integrityCheck.dbRepairTool=Podeu utilitzar l'eina de reparació de base de dades en per intentar corregir aquests errors.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero can attempt to correct these errors.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=%S will need to be restarted.
db.integrityCheck.fixAndRestart=Fix Errors and Restart %S
db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=The errors in your Zotero database have been corrected.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=Zotero was unable to correct all the errors in your database.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=You can report this problem in the Zotero Forums.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero pot intentar corregir aquests errors.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=Caldrà que reinicieu %S.
db.integrityCheck.fixAndRestart=Corregeix errors i reinicia %S
db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=S'han corregit els errors de la vostra base de dades del Zotero.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=El Zotero no pot corregir tots els errors de la vostra base de dades.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=Podeu informar d'aquest problema als Fòrums del Zotero.
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when possible
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Obre els PDF i la resta de fitxers a %S quan sigui possible
|||| s'ha trobat cap resoledor
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resoledor trobat
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resoledor found
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| índex
|||| reconstruir l'índex sencer? Això pot trigar una mica.\n\nPer indexar només els elements que no han estat indexats fes servir %S.
|||| l'Índex
||||és de netejar l'índex el contingut dels arxius adjunts no serà cercable.\n\nEls enllaços web no es poden reindexar sense tornar a visitar la pàgina. Per a deixar els enllaços web indexats escull %S.
|||| reconstruir l'índex sencer? Això pot tardar una mica.\n\nPer indexar només els elements que no han estat indexats feu servir %S.
|||| l'índex
||||és de netejar l'índex el contingut dels fitxers adjunts no serà cercable.\n\nEls enllaços web no es poden reindexar sense tornar a visitar la pàgina. Per a deixar els enllaços web indexats escull %S.
|||| to excepte els enllaços web
|||| els elements no indexats
|||| està instal·lat
@ -469,56 +524,65 @@ usuaris avançats pot ser que vu
|||| l'instal·lador
|||| %S eines actualment no estan disponibles per a la teva plataforma via
|||| %S eines actualment no estan disponibles per a la vostra plataforma via
|||| la documentació per a intruccions d'instal·lació manual.
|||| disponibles per a %1$S des de %2$S:
||||àrregues disponibles per a %1$S des de %2$S:
|||| disponibles per a %1$S des de %2$S:
||||$S versió %2$S
|||| pot instal·lar-ho automàticament al directori de dades de Zotero
|||| pot instal·lar-les automàticament al directori de dades de Zotero
|||| les pot instal·lar automàticament al directori de dades de Zotero
||||'ha produït un error quan s'intentava descarregar l'eina %S des de
||||, torna a provar-ho més tard o mira la documentació per a les instruccions per a l'instal·lació manual.
|||| a provar més tard o consulteu la documentació per a les instruccions de la instal·lació manual.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.bibStyles=Estils bibliogràfics
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Formats d'exportació
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=Copia ràpida permet copiar les referències seleccionades al portaretalls prement una drecera de teclat o arrossegant els elements a un quadre de text en una pàgina web.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=For bibliography styles, you can copy citations or footnotes by pressing %S or holding down Shift before dragging items.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=La còpia ràpida permet copiar les referències seleccionades al porta-retalls prement una drecera de teclat o arrossegant els elements a un quadre de text en una pàgina web.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=Per als estils de bibliografia, podeu copiar les cites o les notes al peu de pàgina prement %S o mantenint premuda la tecla Maj abans d'arrossegar els elements.
zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Afegeix un estil
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles=Reinicialitzar traductors i estils
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles=Reinicialitza traductors i estils
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles.changesLost=Qualsevol traductor i/o estil nou o modificat es perdrà
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators=Reinicialitzar traductors
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators=Reinicialitza els traductors
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Qualsevol traductor nou o modificat es perdrà
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Reinicialitzar estils
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Reinicialitza els estils
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Qualsevol estil nou o modificat es perdrà
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Els següents arxiu ja existeixen al directori de destí i no poden ser copiats:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Els següents arxius no s'han trobat i no s'han pogut copiar:
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Els fitxers següents ja existeixen al directori de destinació i no es poden copiar:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Els fitxers següents no s'han trobat i no s'han pogut copiar:
fileInterface.itemsImported=Important elements...
fileInterface.itemsExported=Exportant elements...
fileInterface.exportedItems=Elements exportats
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=No s'ha pogut trobar un traductor per aquest arxiu.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Bibliografia sense títol
fileInterface.importError=Ha succeït un error quan s'intentava importar l'arxiu seleccionat. Si us plau assegura't que l'arxiu és correcte i tornar-ho a intentar.
fileInterface.importError=S'ha produït un error quan s'intentava importar el fitxer seleccionat. Assegureu-vos que el fitxer és correcte i torneu-ho a intentar.
fileInterface.importClipboardNoDataError=No s'han pogut llegir dades importables des del porta-retalls.
fileInterface.noReferencesError=Els elements seleccionats no contenen cap referència. Si us plau selecciona una o més referències i tornar-ho a intentar.
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Ha succeït un error quan es generava la bibliografia. Si us plau torna-ho a intentar.
fileInterface.exportError=Ha succeït un error quan s'intentava exportar l'element seleccionat.
fileInterface.noReferencesError=Els elements seleccionats no contenen cap referència. Seleccioneu una o més referències i tornar-ho a intentar.
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=S'ha produït un error quan es generava la bibliografia. Torneu-ho a intentar.
fileInterface.exportError=S'ha produït un error quan s'intentava exportar l'element seleccionat.
advancedSearchMode=Mode de cerca avançada — prem la tecla de Retorn per a cercar
searchInProgress=Cerca en curs — si us plau tingues paciència
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Mode de cerca avançada — premeu la tecla de Retorn per a cercar
searchInProgress=Cerca en curs — espereu.
searchOperator.isNot=no és
searchOperator.beginsWith=comença amb
searchOperator.doesNotContain=no conté
searchOperator.isLessThan=és menor que
searchOperator.isGreaterThan=és major que
searchOperator.isLessThan=és més petit de
searchOperator.isGreaterThan=és més gran de
searchOperator.isBefore=és abans
searchOperator.isAfter=és després
searchOperator.isInTheLast=és en l'últim
@ -535,7 +599,7 @@ searchConditions.type=Tipus
searchConditions.thesisType=Tipus de tesi
searchConditions.reportType=Tipus d'informe
searchConditions.videoRecordingFormat=Format de gravació de vídeo
searchConditions.audioFileType=Tipus d'arxiu d'àudio
searchConditions.audioFileType=Tipus de fitxer d'àudio
searchConditions.audioRecordingFormat=Format de gravació d'àudio
searchConditions.letterType=Tipus de carta
searchConditions.interviewMedium=Mitjà de l'entrevista
@ -546,17 +610,17 @@ searchConditions.medium=Mitjà
searchConditions.artworkMedium=Mitjà artístic
searchConditions.dateModified=Data de modificació
searchConditions.fulltextContent=Contingut de l'arxiu adjunt
searchConditions.programmingLanguage=Llenguatge de programació
searchConditions.fileTypeID=Tipus d'arxiu adjunt
searchConditions.programmingLanguage=Llengua de programació
searchConditions.fileTypeID=Tipus de fitxer adjunt
exportOptions.exportNotes=Exportar les notes
exportOptions.exportFileData=Exportar els arxius adjunts
exportOptions.useJournalAbbreviation=Use Journal Abbreviation
exportOptions.exportNotes=Exporta les notes
exportOptions.exportFileData=Exporta els fitxers adjunts
exportOptions.useJournalAbbreviation=Utilitza l'abreviació de la publicació
charset.UTF8withoutBOM=Unicode (UTF-8 sense BOM)
charset.autoDetect=(Detecció automàtica)
@ -571,88 +635,97 @@ date.tomorrow=demà
citation.multipleSources=Múltiples fonts...
citation.singleSource=Única font...
citation.showEditor=Mostra editor...
citation.hideEditor=Oculta editor...
citation.hideEditor=Oculta l'editor...
report.title.default=Informe de Zotero
report.title.default=Informe del Zotero
report.parentItem=Element pare:
annotations.confirmClose.title=Estàs segur que vols tancar aquesta anotació?
annotations.confirmClose.title=Segur que voleu tancar l'anotació?
annotations.confirmClose.body=Tot el text es perdrà.
annotations.close.tooltip=Esborra l'anotació.
annotations.move.tooltip=Mou l'anotació.
annotations.collapse.tooltip=Col·lapsa l'anotació.
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expandeix l'anotació.
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Les anotacions en una captura només es poden obrir en una finestra del navegador simultàniament. Aquesta captura s'obrirà sense aanotacions
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Les anotacions en una captura només es poden obrir en una finestra del navegador simultàniament. Aquesta captura s'obrirà sense anotacions.
integration.referenceMarks.label=Marques de referències
integration.fields.caption=Els camps de Microsoft Word són menys susceptibles de ser accidentalment modificats però no es poden compartir amb OpenOffice.
integration.fields.caption=Els camps del Microsoft Word són menys susceptibles de modificar-se accidentalment, però no es poden compartir amb l'OpenOffice.
integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Cal desar el document en el format de fitxer .doc o .docx.
integration.referenceMarks.caption=Les marques de referències d'OpenOffice són menys susceptibles de ser accidentalment modificats però no es poden compartir amb Microsoft. Word
integration.referenceMarks.caption=Les marques de referències de l'OpenOffice són menys susceptibles de modificar-se accidentalment, però no es poden compartir amb el Microsoft Word.
integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Cal desar el document en el format de fitxer .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Vols regenerar la cita?
integration.regenerate.title=Voleu regenerar la cita?
integration.regenerate.body=Els canvis fets a l'editor de cites es perdran.
integration.regenerate.saveBehavior=Segueix sempre aquesta selecció.
integration.revertAll.title=Segur que vols revertir tots els canvis a la teva bibliografia?
integration.revertAll.body=Si decideixes continuar, totes les referències citades en el text apareixeran a la bibliografia amb el seu text original i s'eliminaran de la bibliografia totes les referències agregades manualment.
integration.revertAll.button=Revertir tot
integration.revert.title=Segur que vols revertir aquesta canvi?
integration.revert.body=Si decideixes continuar, el text de les entrades de la bibliografia corresponents al(s) ítem(s) seleccionat(s) serà reemplaçat pel text sense modificar especificat per l'estil seleccionat.
integration.removeBibEntry.title=Les referències seleccionades es citen en el document.
integration.removeBibEntry.body=Segur que vols ometre-la en la teva bibliografia?
integration.revertAll.title=Segur que voleu revertir tots els canvis a la vostra bibliografia?
integration.revertAll.body=Si decidiu continuar, totes les referències citades al text apareixeran a la bibliografia amb el text original i s'eliminaran de la bibliografia totes les referències afegides manualment.
integration.revertAll.button=Reverteix-ho tot
integration.revert.title=Segur que voleu revertir aquest canvi?
integration.revert.body=Si decidiu continuar, el text de les entrades de la bibliografia corresponents a l'element seleccionat (o els elements seleccionats) se substituirà pel text sense modificar especificat per l'estil seleccionat.
integration.removeBibEntry.title=Les referències seleccionades se citen al document.
integration.removeBibEntry.body=Segur que la voleu ometre a la vostra bibliografia?
integration.cited.loading=Carregant ítems citats
integration.cited.loading=Carregant els elements citats...
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Cita en blanc
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=La cita s'ha especificat estaria buida en l'estil seleccionat. Segur que voleu afegir-la?
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=La cita s'ha especificat estaria buida en l'estil seleccionat. Segur que la voleu afegir?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requereix %2$S %3$S o versions posteriors. Si us plau descarregueu la darrera versió de %2$S des de
integration.error.title=Error d'integració de Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.generic=Zotero ha sofert un error en l'actualització del seu document.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Aquesta versió del connector de processador de textos del Zotero ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) és incompatible ambla versió actual del Zotero (%1$S). Assegureu-vos que feu servir les darreres versions de tots dos components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requereix %2$S %3$S o versions posteriors. Descarregueu la darrera versió de %2$S des de
integration.error.title=Error d'integració del Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=El Zotero no pot carregar el component necessari per comunicar-se amb el processador de textos. Assegureu-vos que hi ha instal·lada l'extensió apropiada i torneu-ho a intentar.
integration.error.generic=S'ha produït un error al Zotero en l'actualització del document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Cal inserir una cita abans de realitzar aquesta operació.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Cal inserir una bibliografia abans de realitzar aquesta operació.
integration.error.cannotInsertHere=Els camps de Zotero no es poden inserir aquí.
integration.error.cannotInsertHere=Els camps del Zotero no es poden inserir aquí.
integration.error.notInCitation=Cal situar el cursor en una cita de Zotero per a editar-la.
integration.error.noBibliography=L'estil bibliogràfic actual no defineix una bibliografia. Si vols afegir una bibliografia, si us plau tria un altre estil.
integration.error.deletePipe=No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el conducte que Zotero utilitza per comunicar-se amb el processador de textos. T'agradaria que Zotero tractara de corregir aquest error? Se et demanarà la teva contrasenya.
integration.error.invalidStyle=L'estil que has seleccionat no sembla vàlid. Si has creat aquest estil tu mateix, si us plau assegura't que passa la validació tal i com es descriu a Com a alternativa, proba de seleccionar un altre estil.
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=Zotero no pot actualitzar aquest document, ja que va ser creat per una aplicació de processament de textos diferent amb una codificació de camps incompatible. Per tal de fer un document compatible amb Word i, obre el document en el processador de textos amb què va ser creat originalment i canviar el tipus de camp a Marcadors en les Preferències de document de Zotero.
integration.error.noBibliography=L'estil bibliogràfic actual no defineix una bibliografia. Si voleu afegir una bibliografia, trieu un altre estil.
integration.error.deletePipe=No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el conducte que Zotero utilitza per comunicar-se amb el processador de textos. Voleu que el Zotero intenti corregir aquest error? Se us demanarà la contrasenya.
integration.error.invalidStyle=L'estil que heu seleccionat no sembla vàlid. Si heu creat aquest estil, assegureu-vos que passa la validació tal i com es descriu a Com a alternativa, proveu de seleccionar un altre estil.
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=El Zotero no pot actualitzar aquest document, ja que va ser creat per una aplicació de processament de textos diferent amb una codificació de camps incompatible. Per tal de fer un document compatible amb Word i, obriu el document en el processador de textos amb què va ser creat originalment i canvieu el tipus de camp a Marcadors en les Preferències de document del Zotero.
integration.replace=Reemplaça aquest camp de Zotero?
integration.missingItem.single=Aquest ítem ja no existeix a la base de dades de Zotero. Vols seleccionar un altre ítem?
integration.missingItem.multiple=L'ítem %1$S d'aquesta cita ja no existeix a la base de dades de Zotero. Vols seleccionar un altre ítem?
integration.missingItem.description=En fer clic a "No" es suprimiran els codis de camp de les cites que continguin aquest ítem i es mantindrà el text la cita però se suprimirà de la teva bibliografia.
integration.replace=Substitueix aquest camp del Zotero?
integration.missingItem.single=Aquest element ja no existeix a la base de dades del Zotero. Voleu seleccionar un altre element?
integration.missingItem.multiple=L'element %1$S d'aquesta cita ja no existeix a la base de dades del Zotero. Voleu seleccionar un altre element?
integration.missingItem.description=Si feu clic a "No" se suprimiran els codis de camp de les cites que continguin aquest element i es mantindrà el text de la cita, però se suprimirà de la vostra bibliografia.
integration.removeCodesWarning=L'eliminació dels codis de camp evitarà que Zotero actualitzi les cites i bibliografies en aquest document. Segur que vols continuar?
integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.upgradeWarning=El document ha d'estar actualitzat permanentment per treballar amb el Zotero 2.1 o versions posteriors. És reomanable que feu una còpia de seguretat abans de continuar. Segur que voleu continuar?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=El document s'ha creat amb una versió més nova de Zotero (%1$S) que la versió actualment instal·lada (%1$S). Si us plau, actualitzeu Zotero abans de modificar aquest document.
integration.corruptField=El codi de camp de Zotero corresponent a aquesta cita, què diu Zotero l'ítem de la biblioteca al qual la cita representa, ha estat danyat. T'agradaria tornar a seleccionar aquest ítem?
integration.corruptField.description=En fer clic a "No" es suprimiran els codis de camp de les cites que continguin aquest element i es mantindrà el text la cita, però potencialment se suprimirà la teva bibliografia.
integration.corruptBibliography=El codi de camp de Zotero de la teva bibliografia està danyat. Ha de netejar Zotero aquest codi de camp i generar una nova bibliografia?
integration.corruptBibliography.description=Tots els ítems citats en el text apareixeran a la nova bibliografia però les modificacions que has fet al diàleg "Edita bibliografia" es perdran.
integration.citationChanged=Has modificat aquesta cita des que Zotero la va generar. Vols mantenir a les teves modificacions i prevenir futures actualitzacions?
integration.citationChanged.description=En fer clic a "Sí" evitaràs que Zotero actualitzi aquesta cita si n'afegeixes més de cites, commutes els estils, o modifiques la referència a què es refereix. En fer clic a "No", s'eliminaran els canvis.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Has modificat aquesta cita des que Zotero la generà. Si l'edites netejaràs les teves modificacions. Vols continuar?
integration.corruptField=El codi de camp del Zotero corresponent a aquesta cita, que diu Zotero l'element de la biblioteca al qual la cita representa, s'ha malmès. Voleu tornar a seleccionar aquest element?
integration.corruptField.description=En fer clic a "No" se suprimiran els codis de camp de les cites que continguin aquest element i es mantindrà el text la cita, però potencialment se suprimirà la teva bibliografia.
integration.corruptBibliography=El codi de camp del Zotero de la teva bibliografia està danyat. Ha de netejar Zotero aquest codi de camp i generar una nova bibliografia?
integration.corruptBibliography.description=Tots els elements citats al text apareixeran a la nova bibliografia, però les modificacions que heu fet al diàleg "Edita la bibliografia" es perdran.
integration.citationChanged=Heu modificat aquesta cita des que Zotero la va generar. Voleu mantenir les modificacions i prevenir futures actualitzacions?
integration.citationChanged.description=En feu clic a "Sí" evitareu que el Zotero actualitzi aquesta cita si n'afegiu més de cites, commuteu els estils, o modifiqueu la referència a què es refereix. Si feu clic a "No", s'eliminaran els canvis.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Heu modificat aquesta cita des que el Zotero la generà. Si l'editeu netejareu les modificacions. Voleu continuar?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Instal·la estil "%1$S" des de %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Actualitza l'estil existent "%1$S" amb "%2$S" des de %3$S?
styles.installed=L'estil "%S" s'ha instal·lat correctament
styles.installError=%S no sembla un fitxer d'estil vàlid.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S fa referència a un fitxer inexistent o no vàlid a %2$S com la seva font.
styles.deleteStyle=Segur que vols suprimir l'estil "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Segur que vols suprimir els estils seleccionats?
styles.deleteStyle=Segur que voleu suprimir l'estil "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Segur que voleu suprimir els estils seleccionats?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancel·la la sincronització
sync.openSyncPreferences=Open Sync Preferences...
sync.openSyncPreferences=Obre les preferències de sincroització...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reinicia el grup i sincronitza
sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Elimina el grup i sincronitza
sync.localObject=Objecte local
@ -660,18 +733,55 @@ sync.remoteObject=Objecte remot
sync.mergedObject=Objecte fusionat
sync.error.usernameNotSet=No s'ha establit un nom d'usuari
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=No s'ha establit una contrasenya
sync.error.invalidLogin=Nom d'usuari o contrasenya no vàlid
sync.error.enterPassword=Si us plau, introdueix una contrasenya.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Introduïu una contrasenya.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=El Zotero no pot accedir a la vostra informació d'entrada, likely due to a corrupted login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Ja està en marxa una operació de sincronització.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Ja no tens accés d'escriptura al grupo de Zotero '%S' i els fitxers que has afegit o editat no es poden sincronitzar amb el servidor.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Si continues, la còpia del grup es reinicialitzarà al seu estat en el servidor i les modificacions locals des ítems i fixers es perdran.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Si continueu, la còpia del grup es reinicialitzarà al vostre estat al servidor i les modificacions locals dels elements i els fitxers es perdran.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Cancel·la la sincronització ara si t'agradaria tenir l'oportunitat de copiar els canvis en un altre lloc o per tal de sol·licitar l'accés d'escriptura a un administrador del grup.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Una sincronització automàtica ha donat lloc a un conflicte que requereix intervenció manual.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Fes clic a la icona de sincronització per sincronitzar de forma manual.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Encara no s'ha sincronitzat
sync.status.lastSync=Darrera sincronització:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Carregant dades per sincronitzar el servidor
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Càrrega acceptada \u2014 en espera del servidor de sincronització
sync.status.syncingFiles=Sincronització dels fitxers
|||| %SKB
|||| remaining
|||| %S kB
||||$S/%2$S fitxers
|||| local
|||| remot
|||| desat
@ -692,31 +805,44 @@ó del servidor verificada
||| sincronització de fitxers és configurada correctament.
|||| la configuració del compte
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| s'ha pogut contactar amb el servidor %S.
|||| tens permís per crear un directori de Zotero en la següent adreça:
|||| us plau comprova la configuració de sincronització dels fitxers o posa't contacte amb l'administrador del servidor.
|||| verificació de%S ha fallat. Verifica la teva configuració de sincronització de fitxers en el panell de sincronització de les preferències de Zotero.
|||| s'ha pogut crear el fitxer '%S' en el directori d'"emmagatzematge" de Zotero.
|||| no té accés d'edició de fitxers del grup de Zotero '%S' i els fitxers que has afegit o editat no es poden sincronitzar amb el servidor.
||||·la la sincronització ara si t'agradaria tenir l'oportunitat de copiar els ítems i fitxers modificats en un altre lloc, .
|||| teniu permís per crear un directori del Zotero a l'adreça següent:
|||| la configuració de sincronització dels fitxers o poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador del servidor.
|||| verificació de %S ha fallat. Verifique la configuració de sincronització de fitxers al panell de sincronització de les preferències del Zotero.
|||| s'ha pogut crear el fitxer '%S' al directori d'"emmagatzematge" del Zotero.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| no teniu accés d'edició de fitxers del grup del Zotero '%S' i els fitxers que heu afegit o editat no es poden sincronitzar amb el servidor.
||||·leu la sincronització ara si voleu tenir l'oportunitat de copiar els elements i els fitxers modificats en un altre lloc, .
|||| càrrega de fitxers ha fallat.
|||| s'ha trobat el directori
|||| no existeix.
|||| crear-lo ara?
|||| us plau, introduïu un URL WebDAV.
|||| no és un URL WebDAV vàlid.
|||| servidor WebDAV no va acceptar el nom d'usuari i contrasenya.
|||| tens permís per accedir a %S al servidor WebDAV.
|||| càrrega del fitxer ha fallat per falta d'espai al servidor WebDAV.
|||| de certificat SSL en conectar-se a %S
|||| de certificat SSL en conectar-se a %S
|||| el teu URL WebDAV en el navegador per obtenir més informació.
|||| la documentació d'anul·lació del certificat per més informació.
|||| l'URL WebDAV
|||| arribat al teu límit d'emmagatzematge de fitxers a Zotero. Alguns fitxers no s'han carregat. La resta de dades de Zotero continuarà sincronitzant-se amb el servidor.
|||| la configuració del teu compte a per conèixer opcions addicionals d'emmagatzematge.
|||| grup '%S' ha arribat al seu límit d'emmagatzematge de fitxers a Zotero. Alguns fitxers no s'han carregat. La resta de dades de Zotero continuarà sincronitzant-se amb el servidor.
|||| crear-lo ara?
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| no és una URL WebDAV vàlida.
|||| servidor WebDAV no accepta el nom d'usuari i contrasenya.
|||| teniu permís per accedir a %S al servidor WebDAV.
|||| càrrega del fitxer ha fallat per manca d'espai al servidor WebDAV.
|||| de certificat SSL en connectar-se a %S
|||| de certificat SSL en connectar-se a %S
|||| la URL WebDAV al navegador per obtenir més informació.
|||| la documentació d'anul·lació del certificat per a més informació.
|||| la URL WebDAV
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| arribat al límit d'emmagatzematge de fitxers al Zotero. Alguns fitxers no s'han carregat. La resta de dades del Zotero se seguiran sincronitzant amb el servidor.
|||| la configuració del vostre compte a per conèixer opcions addicionals d'emmagatzematge.
|||| grup '%S' ha arribat al límit d'emmagatzematge de fitxers al Zotero. Alguns fitxers no s'han carregat. La resta de dades del Zotero es continuaran sincronitzant amb el servidor.
|||| propietari del grup pot augmentar la capacitat d'emmagatzematge del grup des de la secció de configuració d'emmagatzematge en
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Desa l'etiqueta
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Desa les etiquetes
@ -735,7 +861,7 @@ proxies.notification.associated.label=Zotero ha associat automàticament aquest
proxies.notification.redirected.label=Zotero ha redirigit automàticament la teva sol·licitud a %1$S a través del servidor intermediari %2$S.
proxies.notification.settings.button=Proxy Settings...
proxies.recognized.message=L'addició d'aquest servidor intermediari permet Zotero reconèixer els ítems de les seves pàgines i redirigirà automàticament les peticions futures a %1$S a través de %2$S.
proxies.recognized.message=L'addició d'aquest servidor intermediari permet que el Zotero reconegui els elements de les pàgines i redirigeixi automàticament les peticions futures a %1$S a través de %2$S.
proxies.recognized.add=Afegeix el servidor intermediari
recognizePDF.noOCR=El PDF no conté text reconeixible.
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=No s'ha pogut llegir el text d'un PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No s'han trobat referències coincidents.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=No s'ha trobat el fitxer.
recognizePDF.limit=Límit de consulta assolit. Intenta-ho més tard.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Recuperació de les metadades completada.
@ -753,17 +880,30 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Format de text enriquit (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Selecciona una ubicació per desar el fitxer formatat
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Error en la cerca
lookup.failure.description=Zotero no va poder trobar un registre per l'identificador especificat. Si us plau, comprova l'identificador i torna a intentar-ho.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| en línia
|||| a aquest ítem en línia
||||és a aquest element en línia
locate.pdf.label=Veure el PDF
locate.pdf.tooltip=Obre el PDF amb el visor seleccionat
locate.snapshot.label=Veure l'instantània
locate.snapshot.tooltip=View snapshot for this item
locate.file.label=Veure el fitxer
locate.file.tooltip=Obra el fitxer utilitzant el visor seleccionat
locate.file.tooltip=Obre el fitxer utilitzant el visor seleccionat
locate.externalViewer.label=Obre en un visor extern
locate.externalViewer.tooltip=Obre el fitxer en una altra aplicació
locate.internalViewer.label=Obre en el visor intern
@ -771,7 +911,7 @@ locate.internalViewer.tooltip=Obre el fitxer en aquesta aplicació
locate.showFile.label=Mostra el fitxer
locate.showFile.tooltip=Obre el directori on resideix el fitxer
locate.libraryLookup.label=Cerca la biblioteca
locate.libraryLookup.tooltip=Cerca aquest ítem utilitzant el resolutor OpenURL seleccionat
locate.libraryLookup.tooltip=Cerca aquest element utilitzant el resolutor OpenURL seleccionat
locate.manageLocateEngines=Manage Lookup Engines...
standalone.corruptInstallation=La teva instal·lació de Zotero Independent sembla estar danyada a causa d'un error d'actualització automàtica. Mentre que Zotero pot seguir funcionant, per evitar possibles errors, si us plau descarrega la darrera versió de Zotero Independent de tan aviat com sigui possible.
@ -779,7 +919,7 @@ standalone.addonInstallationFailed.title=La intal·lació del complement ha fall
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.body=No s'ha pogut instal·lar el complement "%S". Potser és incompatible amb aquesta versió de Zotero Independent.
connector.error.title=Error del connector de Zotero
connector.standaloneOpen=No es pot accedir a la base de dades perquè Zotero Independent està actualment obert. Si us plau, mira el ítems a Zotero Independent.
connector.standaloneOpen=No es pot accedir a la base de dades perquè el Zotero Independent està obert. Visualitzeu el elements al Zotero Independent.
firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero pot reconèixer una referència en aquesta pàgina. Fes clic en aquesta icona a la barra d'adreces per desar la referència a la teva biblioteca de Zotero.
firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero també permet especificar editors i traductors. Pots convertir un autor en un editor o traductor mitjançant la selecció d'aquest menú.
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Zvláštní poděkování:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Zavřít">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Další spolupracovníci a poděkování...">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Původní:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "položky">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Obecné">
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childNotes "dceřiné poznámky">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childFiles "dceřiné snímky a importované soubory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childLinks "dceřiné odkazy">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.tags "tags">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.tags "štítky">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openurl.caption "OpenURL">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "K synchronizaci příloh v Mojí knihovně použít">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Synchronizovat přílohy ve skupinových knihovnách pomocí úložiště Zotera">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Použitím úložiště Zotera souhlasíte s">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "podmínkami a ujednáními">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Plně synchronizovat se Zotero Serverem">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Sloučit lokální data Zotera s daty ze synchronizačního serveru (nebude se brát v potaz historie synchronizací).">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Obnovit ze Zotero Serveru">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Vymazat všechna data na serveru a přepsat je lokálními daty Zotera.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Resetovat historii synchronizace souborů">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Vynutit kontrolu, zda jsou všechny lokální soubory příloh uloženy v úložišti.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reset...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Název">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Aktualizováno">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Získat další styly...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Klávesové zkratky">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Nějaký řetězec">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Pokročilé">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Najít">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Správce mechanismu pro vyhledávání článků">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Vybrat...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Ukázat Datový adresář">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Údržba databáze">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Zkontrolovat integritu databáze">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Resetovat překladače a styly...">
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
<!ENTITY fileMenu.label "Soubor">
<!ENTITY fileMenu.accesskey "F">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Save…">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Uložit...">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.key "S">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.label "Page Setup…">
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.label "Nastavení stránky...">
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Tisk...">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Zavřít">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Editovat">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Smazat">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "Záznam o chybách může obsahovat informace nesouvisející se Zoterem.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Čekejte, prosím, dokud nebude zpráva o chybách odeslána.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Zpráva o chybách byla odeslána.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Prosím, napište zprávu do Zotero fóra ( Napište ID hlášení, popis problému a postupné kroky k jeho reprodukování.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Chybová hlášení nejsou zpracovávána, dokud nejsou nahlášena do fóra.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Nainstalovali jste novou verzi Zotera.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Databáze vašeho Zotera musí být aktualizována, aby mohla pracovat s novou verzí.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Vaše existující databáze bude zálohována předtím, než budou provedeny jakékoli změny.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Práva">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Přidáno dne">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Upraveno dne">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Ukázat v knihovně">
<!ENTITY "Přidat poznámku">
@ -68,10 +86,10 @@
<!ENTITY "Obnovit do knihovny">
<!ENTITY "Duplikovat vybranou položku">
<!ENTITY "Merge Items…">
<!ENTITY "Sloučit položky...">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.versionSelect "Choose the version of the item to use as the master item:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.fieldSelect "Select fields to keep from other versions of the item:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.versionSelect "Vyberte verzi položky, jež bude použita jako hlavní položka:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.fieldSelect "Vyberte pole z jiných verzí položky, která se mají zachovat:">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "Nová položka">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "Více">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Převést text">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Velká Písmena">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Velké první písmeno">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Nová poznámka">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Nová samostatná poznámka">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Vybrat viditelné">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Zrušit výběr viditelných">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Zrušit výběr všech">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Přejmenovat štítek...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Smazat štítek...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Do políčka níže vložte ISBN, DOI nebo PMID, podle kterého chcete vyhledávat.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Označit položky">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Označte položky, které byste rádi přidali do Vaší knihovny">
@ -132,9 +159,9 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.title "Vytvořit bibliografii">
<!ENTITY "Citační styl:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMode "Output Mode:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.bibliography "Bibliography">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMethod "Output Method:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMode "Výstupní režim:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.bibliography "Bibligrafie">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMethod "Výstupní metoda:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.saveAsRTF.label "Uložit jako RTF">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.saveAsHTML.label "Uložit jako HTML">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.copyToClipboard.label "Kopírovat do schránky">
@ -143,7 +170,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.docPrefs.title "Vlastnosti dokumentu">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.addEditCitation.title "Přidat/Upravit citaci">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.editBibliography.title "Upravit bibliografii">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.quickFormatDialog.title "Quick Format Citation">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.quickFormatDialog.title "Rychlý formát citace">
<!ENTITY zotero.progress.title "Postup">
@ -162,7 +189,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.suppressAuthor.label "Potlačit autora">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.prefix.label "Předpona:">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.suffix.label "Přípona:">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.editorWarning.label "Warning: If you edit a citation in the editor it will no longer update to reflect changes in your database or the citation style.">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.editorWarning.label "Upozornění: Pokud upravíte citaci v editoru, nebude se nadále aktualizovat na základě změn v databázi, nebo citačního stylu.">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.italic.label "Kurzíva">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.bold.label "Tučné">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Nezaškrtnuté štítky nebudou uloženy.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Štítky budou smazány ze všech položek.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Rozpoznána proxy">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Přidávejte pouze proxy ze stránek vaší knihovny, školy nebo zaměstnání.">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Přidání jiných proxy může umožnit škodlivým stránkám vydávat se za stránky, kterým věříte.">
@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ general.restartRequiredForChange=Aby se změna projevila, musí být restartová
general.restartRequiredForChanges=Aby se změny projevily, musí být restartován %S.
general.restartNow=Restartovat ihned
general.restartLater=Restartovat později
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.restartApp=Restartovat %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Vyskytla se chyba.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Nastala neznámá chyba.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Prosím, restartujte Firefox.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Prosím, restartujte Firefox a zkuste to znovu.
general.checkForUpdate=Zkontrolovat, jestli nejsou k dispozici aktualizace
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=Pro více informací se podívejte na %S
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Otevřít dokumentaci
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Právě probíhá operace se Zoterem.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Počkejte prosím, dokud neskončí.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Stisknutím %S pošlete hlášení o chybách vývoj
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Kroky k zopakování:
errorReport.expectedResult=Očekávaný výsledek:
errorReport.actualResult=Dosažený výsledek:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=Datový adresář aplikace Zotero nebyl nalezen.
dataDir.previousDir=Předchozí adresář:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Použít adresář profilu aplikace Firefox
dataDir.selectDir=Vybrat Datový adresář aplikace Zotero
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Adresář není prázdný
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Adresář, který jste vybrali, není prázdný a zřejmě není Datovým adresářem aplikace Zotero.\n\nChcete přesto vytvořit soubory aplikace Zotero v tomto adresáři?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Nalezená existující knihovna Zotera
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=Toto je zřejmě první případ, kdy používáte %1$S. Přejete si, aby bylo vaše nastavení z %2$S importováno do %1$S a aby se použil existující datový adresář?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S bude sdílet svůj datový adresář s naposledy použitým profilem.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Nové Uložené hledání
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Zadejte jméno pro toto Uložené hledání:
pane.collections.rename=Přejmenovat kolekci:
pane.collections.library=Moje knihovna
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.unfiled=Nezařazené položky
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Jste si jisti, že chcete smazat tento štítek?
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=vybráno: 0 štítků
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=vybrán 1 štítek
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=vybráno: %S štítků
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Nahrávám seznam položek...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Přesunout do Koše
pane.items.trash=Jste si jisti, že chcete přesunout vybranou položku do Koše?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Jste si jisti, že chcete přesunout vybranou položku do Koše?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=vybráno %S položek
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Změnit typ položky
pane.item.changeType.text=Jste si jisti, že chcete změnit typ této položky?\n\nNásledující pole budou ztracena:
@ -188,8 +227,8 @@ pane.item.defaultLastName=poslední
pane.item.defaultFullName=plné jméno
||||řepnout na jedno pole
pane.item.switchFieldMode.two=Přepnout na více polí
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Move Up
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Move Down
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Posunout nahoru
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Posunout dolů
pane.item.notes.untitled=Nepojmenovaná poznámka
pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Jste si jistý, že chcete smazat tuto poznámku?
|||| poznámek:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ příloh:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S příloha:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S příloh:
|||| soubor
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=klikněte zde
|||| štítků:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S štítek:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S štítků:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Uživatelem přidaný štítek
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automaticky přidaný štítek
|||| souvisejících:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S související:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S souvisejících:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Do aktuálně vybrané kolekce nemůžete
ingester.saveToZotero=Uložit do Zotera
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Uložit do Zotera pomocí "%S"
ingester.scraping=Ukládá se položka...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Položka uložena
ingester.scrapeError=Nebylo možné uložit položku
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Při ukládání této položky nastala chyba. Zkontrolujte %S pro více informací.
@ -428,6 +469,7 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Vždy povolit pro tuto stránku.
ingester.importFile.title=Importovat soubor
ingester.importFile.text=Chcete importovat soubor "%S"?\n\nPoložky budou přidány do nové kolekce.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Provádí se vyhledávání...
ingester.lookup.error=Během vyhledávání této položky došlo k chybě.
@ -441,20 +483,33 @@ db.dbRestoreFailed=Zotero databáze '%S' byla pravděpodobně porušena a pokus
db.integrityCheck.passed=V databázi nebyly nalezeny žádné chyby.
db.integrityCheck.failed=V Zotero databázi byly nalezeny chyby!
db.integrityCheck.dbRepairTool=Můžete použít nástroj pro opravu databáze z a pokusit se opravit tyto chyby
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero can attempt to correct these errors.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=%S will need to be restarted.
db.integrityCheck.fixAndRestart=Fix Errors and Restart %S
db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=The errors in your Zotero database have been corrected.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=Zotero was unable to correct all the errors in your database.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=You can report this problem in the Zotero Forums.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero se může pokusit tyto chyby opravit.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=Je potřeba restartovat %S
db.integrityCheck.fixAndRestart=Opravit chyby a restartovat %S
db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=Chyby ve vaší Zotero databázi byly opraveny.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=Zoteru se nepodařilo opravit všechny chyby ve vaší databázi.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=Můžete nahlásit problém na fórech Zotero
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when possible
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Pokud je to možné, otevírat soubory PDF a další přímo v %S
|||| %S resolverů
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=nalezen %S resolver
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=nalezeno %S resolverů
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| vytvořit celý index
|||| znovu vytvořit celý index? To může chvíli trvat.\n\nPro indexování pouze těch položek, které nebyly indexovány, použijte %S.
|||| index
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Všechny nové nebo upr
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Resetovat styly
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Všechny nové nebo upravené styly budou ztraceny.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Následující soubory v cílovém adresáři již existují a nebyly zkopírovány:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Následující soubory nebyly nalezeny a nemohly být zkopírovány:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Import
fileInterface.exportedItems=Exportované položky
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=Žádné překladače nemohly být nalezeny pro daný soubor.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Nepojmenovaná bibliografie
fileInterface.importError=Při importu vybraného souboru došlo k chybě. Přesvědčte se, prosím, že je soubor v pořádku, a zkuste import znovu.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=Položky, které jste vybrali, neobsahují žád
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Při generování Vaší bibliografie nastala chyba. Zkuste to prosím znovu.
fileInterface.exportError=Při pokusu o export vybraného souboru nastala chyba.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Mód pokročilého vyhledávání - zmáčkněte Enter pro vyhledávání.
searchInProgress=Probíhá vyhledávání - prosím, čekejte.
@ -556,7 +620,7 @@ fulltext.indexState.partial=Částečný
exportOptions.exportNotes=Exportovat poznámky
exportOptions.exportFileData=Exportovat soubory
exportOptions.useJournalAbbreviation=Use Journal Abbreviation
exportOptions.useJournalAbbreviation=Použí zkratku časopisu
charset.UTF8withoutBOM=Unicode (UTF-8 bez BOM)
charset.autoDetect=(automaticky detekovat)
@ -572,8 +636,8 @@ citation.multipleSources=Více zdrojů...
citation.singleSource=Jednotlivý zdroj...
citation.showEditor=Zobrazit editor...
citation.hideEditor=Skrýt editor...
report.title.default=Zotero report
report.parentItem=Rodičovská položka:
@ -613,6 +677,7 @@ integration.cited.loading=Nahrávají se citované položky...
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Prázdná citace
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=Citace, kterou jste specifikovali, by byla podle aktuálně zvoleného stylu prázdná. Jste si jisti, že ji chcete přidat?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Tato verze pluginu pro textové procesory ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) není kompatibilní s aktuálně nainstalovanou verzí rozšíření Zotero pro Firefox (%1$S). Ujistěte se prosím, že používáte nejnovější verze obou komponent.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S vyžaduje %2$S %3$S nebo novější. Prosím, stáhněte nejnovější verzi %2$S ze
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=Citace byla upravena poté, co ji Zotero nageneroval
integration.citationChanged.description=Kliknutím na "Ano" zabráníte Zoteru aktualizovat tuto citaci když přidáte další citace, přepnete styly, nebo upravíte odkaz, na které odkazuje. Kliknutím na "Ne" smažete vaše změny.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Citace byla po vygenerování Zoterem ručně upravena. Editování smaže vaše úpravy. Přejete si pokračovat?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Instalovat styl "%1$S" z %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Aktualizovat existující styl "%1$S" stylem "%2$S" z %3$S?
styles.installed=Styl "%S" byl úspěšně nainstalován.
styles.installError=%S zřejmě není platný soubor stylu.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S odkazuje na neplatný nebo neexistující CSL soubor %2$S.
styles.deleteStyle=Jste si jisti, že chcete smazat styl "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Jste si jisti, že chcete smazat vybrané styly?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Zrušit synchronizaci
sync.openSyncPreferences=Otevřít nastavení synchronizace
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Resetovat Skupinu a synchronizovat
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=Vzdálený objekt
sync.mergedObject=Sloučený objekt
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Uživatelské jméno není nastaveno
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Heslo není nastaveno
sync.error.invalidLogin=Neplatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Prosím zadejte heslo.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero nemůže přistoupit k vašim přihlašovacím údajům. Pravděpodobnou příčinou je poškozená databáze přihlašovacích údajů v aplikaci Firefox.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Zavřete Firefox, proveďte zálohu a smažte singons.* ze svého profilu ve Firefoxu. Poté znovu vložte své přihlašovací údaje do panelu Sync v Nastavení Zotera.
@ -672,6 +747,41 @@ sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Pokud budete pokračovat, vaše kopie skupiny bude r
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Pokud chcete zkopírovat své soubory jinam, nebo požádat administrátora skupiny o práva pro zápis, zrušte synchronizaci.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Automatická synchronizace způsobila konflikt, který vyžaduje ruční zásah uživatele.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Klikněte na ikonu synchronizace pro provedení manuální synchronizace.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Zatím nesynchronizováno
sync.status.lastSync=Poslední synchronizace:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Nahrávám data na synchronizační server
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Nahraná data přijata - čeká se na synchronizační server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Synchronizuji soubory
|||| remaining
|||| zbývá
||||$S/%2$S soubory
||||ální soubor
||||álený soubor
||||žený soubor
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@ serveru ověřeno
|||í synchronizace bylo úspěšně nastaveno.
||||řít nastavení účtu
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
||||řilo se dosáhnout serveru %S.
||||áte práva vytvořit Zotero adresář na následující adrese:
||||ím, zkontrolujte své nastavení synchronizace, nebo kontaktujte administrátora vašeho serveru.
||||ěření %S selhalo. Zkontrolujte vaše nastavení synchronizace souborů v panelu Sync v Nastavení Zotera.
||||řilo se vytvořit soubor '%S' v uložném adresáři Zotera.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| Zotero skupině '%S' už nemáte právo editace souborů a soubory, které jste přidali či editovali, nemohou být synchronizovány se serverem.
|||| byste chtěli uložit kopii změněných položek a souborů jinam, zrušte teď synchronizaci.
||||ání souborů se nezdařilo.
||||ář nebyl nalezen
|||| neexistuje.
|||| ho teď vytvořit?
||||ím vložte WebDAV URL.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| není platná WebDAV URL.
|||| server nepřijal uživatelské jméno a heslo, které jste zadali.
||||áte práva přístupu pro %S na WebDAV serveru.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ SSL spojení při připojová
||| vaší WebDAV URL do prohlížeče pro více informací.
||||íce informací najdete v dokumentaci překonání certifikátu (certificate override documentation).
||||číst WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
||||áhli jste vaší kvóty v Zotero úložišti souborů. Některé soubory nebudou nahrány. Ostatní data Zotera se budou i nadále synchronizovat se serverem.
|||| zobrazení dalších možností ukládání použijte nastavení účtu na
|||| '%S' dosáhla její kvóty v Zotero úložišti souborů. Některé soubory nebyly nahrány. Ostatní data Zotera se budou i nadále synchronizovat se serverem.
||||ík skupiny může zvětšit kapacitu úložiště skupiny pomocí sekce 'nastavení úložiště' na
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Uložit štítek
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Uložit štítky
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Není možné přečíst text z PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=Nebyly nalezeny odpovídající reference.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Soubor nenalezen.
recognizePDF.limit=Dosažen maximální počet dotazů. Zkuste to později.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Získávání metadat bylo dokončeno.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Vyberte umístění, do kterého bude uložen naformátovaný soubor
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Vyhledání se nezdařilo
lookup.failure.description=Zotero nedokázalo najít záznam odpovídající specifikovanému identifikátoru. Prosím ověřte správnost identifikátoru a zkuste to znovu.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| online
||||řejít na tuto položku online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Særlig tak til:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Luk">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Flere anerkendelser">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Default:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "Elementer">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Generelt">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Synkroniser Vedhæftninger i Mit Bibliotek ved hjælp af">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Synkroniser Vedhæftninger i gruppe-biblioteker ved hjælp af Zoteros online-lager">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Når du anvender Zoteros online-lager, er du forpligtet på dets">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "betingelser">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Fuld synkronisering med Zotero Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Flet de lokale Zotero-data med data fra synkroniserings-serveren uanset deres synkroniserings-historik.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Gendan fra Zotero Server">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Slet alle server-data og overskriv med lokale data fra Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Nulstil historik for fil-synkronisering">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Gennemtving et tjek af lager-serveren for alle lokale Vedhæftninger">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Nulstil...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Titel">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Opdateret">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Hent yderligere formater">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Genvejs-taster">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Enhver tegnstreng">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Avanceret">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Lokaliser">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Håndtering af søgemaskiner for artikler">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Vælg...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Vis data-mappen">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Vedligeholdelse af databasen">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Tjek databasens gyldighed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reset "oversættere" og formater...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Luk">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Rediger">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Slet">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "Logfilen for fejl kan indeholde meddelelser der ikke har med Zotero at gøre.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Vent venligst mens fejlrapporten registreres.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Din fejlrapport er registreret.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Læg venligst en besked på Zoteros fora ( med dette Rapport-ID, en beskrivelse af problemet og det der får problemet til at opstå.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Fejlrapporter bliver ikke læst medmindre der henvises til dem i Zoteros fora.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Du har installeret en ny version af Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Din Zotero-database skal opgraderes for at virke med den seneste version.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Din nuværende database vil blive sikkerhedskopieret, inden der foretages ændringer.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Rettigheder">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Tilføjet den">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Ændret den">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Vis i bibliotek">
<!ENTITY "Tilføj note">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transformer tekst">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Betydende ord med stort ">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Første bogstav med stort">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Ny note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Ny selvstændig note">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Vælg de synlige">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Fravælg de synlige">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Fravælg alle">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Omdøb mærkaten...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Slet mærkaten...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Indtast ISBN, DOI eller PMID for opslag nedenfor.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Vælg elementer">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Vælg de elementer, du ønsker at tilføje til dit bibliotek">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Mærkater, der ikke er markeret, vil ikke blive gemt.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Mærkatet vil blive fjernet fra alle elementer.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proxy registreret">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Tilføj kun proxyer, der er knyttet til dit biblioteks, din institutions eller din virksomheds web-sted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Hvis du tilføjer andre proxyer, kan ondsindede web-steder optræde som steder du stoler på.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=Genstart senere
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Der er opstået en fejl.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Der er opstået en ukendt fejl.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Genstart %S.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Genstart %S og prøv igen.
general.checkForUpdate=Tjek om der er en opdatering
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=Se %S for nærmere oplysninger.
general.enable=Slå til
general.disable=Slå fra
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=En Zotero-operation er ved at blive udført.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Vent venligst til den er færdig.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Tryk %S for at sende en fejlmeldining til holdet bag
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Følgende skridt kan genskabe situationen:
errorReport.expectedResult=Forventet resultat:
errorReport.actualResult=Faktisk resultat:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=Zoteros datamappe kunne ikke findes.
dataDir.previousDir=Tidligere mappe:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Anvend Firefox' profilmappe
dataDir.selectDir=Vælg en datamappe til Zotero
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Mappen er ikke tom
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Mappen du oprettede er ikke tom og synes ikke at være en datamappe til Zotero.\n\nØnsker du at oprette Zotero-filer i denne mappe alligevel?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Der er fundet et allerede eksisterende Zotero-Bibliotek.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=Det ser ud til at være første gang du bruger %1$S. Skal %1$S importere dine valg fra %2$S og bruge din nuværende datamappe?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S vil dele sin datamappe med den sidst anvende profil.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Ny gemt Søgning
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Giv den gemte Søgning et navn:
pane.collections.rename=Giv Samlingen et nyt navn:
pane.collections.library=Mit Bibliotek
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=Uden navn
pane.collections.unfiled=Elementer som ikke er gemt.
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Er du sikker på at du vil slette dette tag?\n\n
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 Tags er valgt
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S Tag valgt
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S Tags er valgt.
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Henter listen med Elementer...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Læg Elementerne i papirkurven
pane.items.trash=Er du sikker på at du vil lægge disse Elementer i papirkurven?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Er du sikker på at du vil lægge disse Elementer i papirkurven?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S Elementer valgt
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Henfør Elementet til en ny type
pane.item.changeType.text=Er du sikker på at du vil ændre Elementets Type?\n\nFølgende felter går tabt:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ Vedhæftninger.
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S Vedhæftning:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S Vedhæftninger:
||||ælg en fil
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=Klik her
|||| Tags:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S Tag:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S Tags:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Tag tilføjet af bruger
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Tag tilføjet automatisk
|||| relaterede:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S relateret:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S relaterede:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=Gem i Zotoro
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Gem i Zotero med brug af "%S"
ingester.scraping=Gemmer Element...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Elementet er gemt
ingester.scrapeError=Elementet kunne ikke gemmes.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=En fejl opstod under forsøget på at gemme Elementet. Tjek %S for mere information.
@ -428,6 +469,7 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Brug det altid for dette sted.
ingester.importFile.text=Vil du importere filen "%S"?\n\nElementer bliver placeret i en ny Samling.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Foretager opslag...
ingester.lookup.error=Der opstod en fejl under forsøget på opslag for Elementet.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| "resolvere" fundet
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S "resolver" fundet
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S "resolvere" fundet
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| indeks
|||| you want to rebuild the entire index? This may take a while.\n\nTo index only items that haven't been indexed, use %S.
|||| indeks
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Alle nye eller revidere
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Gendan de oprindelige bibliografiske formater
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Alle nye eller reviderede bibliografiske formater vil gå tabt.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Følgende filer fandtes allerede i mål-mappen og blev ikke kopieret:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Følgende filer kunne ikke findes og kunne derfor ikke kopieres:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Import
fileInterface.exportedItems=Eksporterede Elementer
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=Ingen "oversætter" kunne findes for den pågældende fil
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Referenceliste uden navn
fileInterface.importError=Der opstod en fejl under import af den valgte fil. Tjek om filen er i et gyldigt format og ikke beskadet. Prøv så igen.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=De elementer du valgt indeholder ingen reference
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=En fejl opstod under dannelsen af referencelisten. Prøv igen.
fileInterface.exportError=En fejl opstod under eksport af den valgte fil.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Avanceret søgning - tryk Retur for at sætte den igang.
searchInProgress=Søgning pågår - vent venligst-
@ -613,11 +677,12 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Tom henvisning
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=Den henvisning du har bedt om vil være tom i det aktuelle bibliografiske format. Er du sikker på at du vil tilføje den?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Du må indsætte en henvisng for at kunne udføre denne handling.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=Du har ændret denne henvisning siden Zotero indsatt
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Install style "%1$S" from %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Vil du opdatere det nuværende format "%1$S" med "%2$S" fra %3$S?
styles.installed=The style "%S" was installed successfully.
styles.installError=%S does not appear to be a valid style file.
styles.installError="%S" is not a valid style file.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S references an invalid or non-existent CSL file at %2$S as its source.
styles.deleteStyle=Are you sure you want to delete the style "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Are you sure you want to delete the selected styles?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancel Sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Indstillinger for Open Sync...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reset Group and Sync
@ -660,18 +733,55 @@ sync.remoteObject=Remote Object
sync.mergedObject=Merged Object
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Password not set
sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on the server, and local modifications to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, cancel the sync now.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=An automatic sync resulted in a conflict that requires manual intervention.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to sync manually.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to resolve them.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Not yet synced
sync.status.lastSync=Last sync:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Uploading data to sync server
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Upload accepted \u2014 waiting for sync server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Syncing files
|||| remaining
|||| remaining
||||$S/%2$S files
|||| File
|||| File
|||| File
@ -692,17 +805,23 @@ configuration verified
||| sync is successfully set up.
|||| Account Settings
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| server %S could not be reached.
|||| do not have permission to create a Zotero directory at the following address:
|||| check your file sync settings or contact your server administrator.
|||| verification failed. Verify your file sync settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| file '%S' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| no longer have file editing access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
|||| you would like a chance to copy changed items and files elsewhere, cancel the sync now.
|||| upload failed.
|||| not found
|||| findes ikke.
|||| you want to create it now?
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| is not a valid WebDAV URL.
|||| WebDAV server did not accept the username and password you entered.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ connection error connecting to
||| your WebDAV URL in the browser for more information.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| have reached your Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| your account settings for additional storage options.
|||| group '%S' has reached its Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| group owner can increase the group's storage capacity from the storage settings section on
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Save Tag
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Save Tags
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Could not read text from PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No matching references found.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=File not found.
recognizePDF.limit=Query limit reached. Try again later.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metadata Retrieval Complete.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Select a location in which to save the formatted file
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Lookup Failed
lookup.failure.description=Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| Online
|||| to this item online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Besonderer Dank gebührt:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Schließen">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Außerdem danken wir:">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Standardeinstellungen:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "Einträge">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Allgemein">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Angehängte Dateien in Meine Bibliothek synchronisieren mit:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Angehängte Dateien in Gruppen-Bibliotheken mit Zotero Storage synchronisieren">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "Über die Dateisynchronisierung">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Wenn Sie Zotero Storage benutzen, erklären Sie sich einverstanden mit den">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Komplette Synchronisierung mit Zotero-Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Lokale Zotero-Daten mit Daten vom Sync-Server zusammenführen, ohne die Sync-History zu beachten.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Vom Zotero-Server wiederherstellen">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Alle Server-Daten löschen und mit lokalen Zotero-Daten überschreiben.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Zurücksetzen des Synchronisierungsverlaufs">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Überprüfung des Sicherungsservers für alle lokalen Datei-Anhänge erzwingen.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Zurücksetzen...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Titel">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Aktualisiert">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Weitere Stile hinzufügen...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Tastenkombinationen">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Beliebiger String">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Erweitert">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Finden">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Artikel Finder verwalten">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Auswählen...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Datenverzeichnis anzeigen">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Datenbankwartung">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Integrität der Datenbank überprüfen">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Übersetzer und Stile zurücksetzen...">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Bearbeiten">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Löschen">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "Dieses Fehlerprotokoll kann unter Umständen Nachrichten enthalten, die nicht mit Zotero in Verbindung stehen.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Bitte warten Sie, während der Fehlerbericht übermittelt wird.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Der Fehlerbericht wurde übermittelt.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Bitte erstellen Sie einen Beitrag in den Zotero-Foren ( mit dieser Berichts-ID, einer Beschreibung des Fehlers und den Schritten, die notwendig sind, um ihn zu reproduzieren.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Fehlerberichte werden im Allgemeinen nicht beachtet, wenn kein entsprechender Thread im Forum erstellt wird.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Sie haben eine neue Version von Zotero installiert.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Ihre Zotero-Datenbank muss aktualisiert werden, damit sie mit der neuen Version funktioniert.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Ihre vorhandene Datenbank wird automatisch gesichert, bevor Änderungen vorgenommen werden.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Rechte">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "hinzugefügt am">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "geändert am">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "In Bibliothek anzeigen">
<!ENTITY "Notiz hinzufügen">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Text transformieren">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "englische Titel-Großschreibung">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "englische Satz-Großschreibung">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Neue Notiz">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Neue eigenständige Notiz">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Sichtbare auswählen">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Sichtbare abwählen">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Alle abwählen">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Tag umbenennen...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Tag löschen...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Geben Sie die nachzuschlagende ISBN, DOI or PMID in das Eingabefeld unten ein.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Einträge auswählen">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Auswählen, welche Artikel zu Ihrer Bibliothek hinzugefügt werden sollen">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Nicht-markierte Tags werden nicht gespeichert.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Das Tag wird aus allen Einträgen gelöscht.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proxy erkannt">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Nur Proxys hinzufügen, die von Ihrer Bibliotheks-, Universitäts- oder Firmenwebsite verlinkt sind">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Das Hinzufügen anderer Proxies erlaubt es bösartigen Websites, sich als vertrauenswürdig auszugeben.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=Später neustarten
general.restartApp=%S neu starten
general.errorHasOccurred=Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Bitte starten Sie %S neu.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Bitte starten Sie %S neu und versuchen Sie es erneut.
general.checkForUpdate=Auf Updates überprüfen
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=Siehe %S für weitere Informationen.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Dokumentation öffnen
general.numMore=%S mehr...
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Zotero ist beschäftigt.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Bitte warten Sie, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Drücken Sie %S, um einen Fehlerbericht an die Zotero
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Schritte zur Reproduktion:
errorReport.expectedResult=Erwartetes Ergebnis:
errorReport.actualResult=Tatsächliches Ergebnis:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=Der Zotero-Daten-Ordner konnte nicht gefunden werden.
dataDir.previousDir=Vorheriger Ordner:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Den Firefox-Profil-Ordner verwenden
dataDir.selectDir=Zotero-Daten-Ordner auswählen
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Ordner nicht leer
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Der Ordner, den Sie ausgewählt haben, ist nicht leer und scheint kein Zotero-Daten-Verzeichnis zu sein.\n\nDie Zotero-Dateien trotzdem in diesem Ordner anlegen?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Bestehende Zotero-Bibliothek gefunden
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=Sie benutzen %1$S anscheinend zum ersten Mal. Wollen Sie, dass %1$S die Einstellungen von %2$S übernimmt und Ihr bestehendes Datenverzeichnis verwendet?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S wird seine Daten mit dem zuletzt verwendeten Profil teilen.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Neue gespeicherte Suche
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Geben Sie einen Namen für diese gespeicherte Suche an:
pane.collections.rename=Sammlung umbenennen:
pane.collections.library=Meine Bibliothek
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=Ohne Titel
pane.collections.unfiled=Einträge ohne Sammlung
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Tag löschen wo
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 Tags ausgewählt
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S Tag ausgewählt
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S Tags ausgewählt
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Lade die Liste der Einträge...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=In den Papierkorb verschieben
pane.items.trash=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den ausgewählten Eintrag in den Papierkorb verschieben wollen?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die ausgewählten Einträge in den Papierkorb verschieben wollen?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S Einträge ausgewählt
||| Einträge in dieser Ansicht
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S Eintrag in dieser Ansicht
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S Einträge in dieser Ansicht
pane.item.selectToMerge=Wählen Sie die zu zusammenführenden Einträge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Eintragstyp ändern
pane.item.changeType.text=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Eintragstyp ändern wollen?\n\nDie folgenden Felder werden dabei verloren gehen:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ Anhänge:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S Anhang:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S Anhänge:
|||| auswählen
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=hier klicken
|||| Tags:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S Tag:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S Tags:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Vom Benutzer hinzugefügtes Tag
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automatisch hinzugefügtes Tag
pane.item.related=Verwandte Einträge:
|||| verwandte Einträge:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S verwandter Eintrag:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S verwandte Einträge:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Sie können keine Dateien zur im Moment au
ingester.saveToZotero=In Zotero speichern
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=In Zotero mit "%S" speichern
ingester.scraping=Speichere Eintrag...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Eintrag gespeichert.
ingester.scrapeError=Eintrag konnte nicht gespeichert werden.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten beim Versuch, diesen Artikel zu speichern. Überprüfen Sie %S für weitere Informationen.
@ -428,6 +469,7 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Für diese Website immer erlauben
ingester.importFile.title=Datei importieren
ingester.importFile.text=Wollen Sie die Datei "%S" importieren?\n\nDie Einträge werden zu einer neuen Sammlung hinzugefügt werden.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.error=Beim Nachschlagen dieses Eintrags ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=PDF- und andere Dateien in %S öffnen, f
||| Resolver gefunden
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S Resolver gefunden
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S Resolver gefunden
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| neu aufbauen
|||| Sie den gesamten Index neu aufbauen? Dies kann eine Weile dauern.\n\nUm nur die noch nicht indizierten Einträge zu indizieren, verwenden Sie %S.
|||| löschen
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Sämtliche neuen oder m
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Stile zurücksetzen
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Sämtliche neuen oder modifizierten Stile werden verloren gehen.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Die folgenden Dateien waren im Zielordner bereits vorhanden und wurden nicht kopiert:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Die folgenden Dateien wurden nicht gefunden und konnten nicht kopiert werden:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Importieren
fileInterface.exportedItems=Exportierte Einträge
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=Kein Übersetzer wurde für die ausgewählte Datei gefunden.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Literaturverzeichnis ohne Titel
fileInterface.importError=Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten beim Importieren der ausgewählten Datei. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei korrekt ist und versuchen Sie es erneut.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=Die ausgewählten Einträge beinhalten keine Lit
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten bei dem Versuch, das Literaturverzeichnis zu erstellen. Bitte erneut versuchen.
fileInterface.exportError=Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten bei dem Versuch, die ausgewählte Datei zu exportieren.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Erweiterter Suchmodus — drücken Sie die Eingabetaste zum Suchen.
searchInProgress=Suche läuft — bitte warten.
@ -613,6 +677,7 @@ integration.cited.loading=Lade zitierte Einträge
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Leere Zitation
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=Die ausgewählte Zitation wäre im aktuell ausgewählten Stil leer. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sie hinzufügen wollen?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Diese Version des Zotero Textverarbeitungs-Plugins ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) ist nicht mit der aktuell installierten Version der Zotero-Firefox-Erweiterung (%1$S) kompatibel. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die aktuellsten Versionen der beiden Komponenten verwenden.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S benötigt %2$S %3$S oder neuer. Bitte laden Sie die neueste Verson von %2$S von herunter.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=Sie haben Veränderungen an dieser Zitation vorgenom
integration.citationChanged.description=Wenn Sie "Ja" auswählen, wird Zotero diese Zitation nicht aktualisieren, wenn Sie weitere Zitationen hinzufügen, einen anderen Zitationsstil wählen oder die Literaturangabe, auf die sie sich bezieht, verändern. Wenn Sie "Nein" wählen, werden ihre Veränderungen gelöscht.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Sie haben Veränderungen an dieser Zitation vorgenommen, nachdem sie von Zotero erstellt wurde. Das Editieren wird Ihre Veränderungen löschen. Wollen Sie fortsetzen?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Stil "%1$S" von %2$S installieren?
styles.updateStyle=Bestehenden Stil "%1$S" mit "%2$S" von %3$S aktualisieren?
styles.installed=Der Stil "%S" wurde erfolgreich installiert.
styles.installError=%S scheint keine gültige Zitierstils-Datei zu sein.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S ruft eine ungültige oder nicht existierenden CSL-Datei unter %2$S als Quelle auf.
styles.deleteStyle=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Stil "%1$S" löschen wollen?
styles.deleteStyles=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die ausgewählten Stile löschen wollen?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Sync abbrechen
sync.openSyncPreferences=Sync-Einstellungen öffnen...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Gruppe zurücksetzen und synchronisieren
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=Remote-Objekt
sync.mergedObject=Zusammengeführtes Objekt
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Benutzername nicht definiert
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Passwort nicht definiert
sync.error.invalidLogin=Ungültiger Benutzername oder Passwort
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort ein.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero kann nicht auf Ihre Login-Informationen zugreifen, wahrscheinlich aufgrund einer beschädigten %S-Login-Manager-Datenbank.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Schließen Sie %S, legen Sie ein Backup an und löschen Sie signons.* aus Ihrem %S-Profilordner. Geben Sie dann Ihre Logindaten erneut im Sync-Reiter der Zotero-Einstellungen ein.
@ -672,6 +747,41 @@ sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Wenn Sie fortfahren, wird Ihre Kopie der Gruppe zur
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Wenn Sie Ihre Änderungen an einen anderen Ort kopieren oder sich vom Gruppenadministrator Schreibrechte erbitten wollen, brechen Sie die Synchronisierung jetzt ab.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Eine automatische Synchronisierung führte zu einem Konflikt, der manuelles Eingreifen notwendig macht.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Klicken Sie auf das Synchronisierungs-Icon, um manuell zu synchronisieren.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Noch nicht synchronisiert
sync.status.lastSync=Letzte Synchronisierung:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Daten zum Sync-Server hochladen
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Upload akzeptiert \u2014 warte auf Sync-Server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Synchronisiere Dateien
|||| remaining
|||| verbleibend
||||$S/%2$S Dateien
|||| Datei
|||| Datei
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@ verifiziert
||| wurde erfolgreich eingerichtet.
|||| öffnen
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server %S konnte nicht erreicht werden.
|||| haben keine hinreichenden Rechte, um ein Zotero-Verzeichnis unter der folgenden Adresse anzulegen:
|||| überprüfen Sie Ihre Datei-Sync-Einstellungen oder kontaktieren Sie Ihren Server-Administrator.
|||| Verifizierung fehlgeschlagen. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Datei-Sync-Einstellungen im Sync-Reiter der Zotero-Einstellungen.
|||| Datei '%S' konnte nicht im Zotero-Ordner "storage" angelegt werden.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| haben keine Dateibearbeitungsberechtigung mehr für die Zotero-Gruppe '%S', und die Dateien, die Sie hinzugefügt oder bearbeitet haben, können nicht mit dem Server synchronisiert werden.
|||| Sie die veränderten Einträge und Dateien an einen anderen Ort kopieren wollen, brechen Sie die Synchronisierung jetzt ab.
|||| fehlgeschlagen.
|||| nicht gefunden
|||| existiert nicht.
|||| Sie es jetzt erstellen?
|||| geben Sie eine WebDAV-URL ein.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| ist keine gültige WebDAV-URL.
|||| WebDAV-Server hat den eingegebenen Benutzernamen und das Passwort nicht akzeptiert.
|||| haben keine Zugriffsberechtigung für %S auf dem WebDAV-Server.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ beim Verbinde
||| Sie Ihre WebDAV-URL im Browser für weitere Informationen.
|||| die Dokumenkation zum Zertifikats-Override für weitere Informationen.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| haben Ihr Zotero-Dateispeicherungskontingent ausgeschöpft. Einige Dateien wurden nicht hochgeladen. Andere Zotero-Daten werden weiterhin zum Server synchronisiert.
|||| Sie zu Ihren Accounteinstellungen für weitere Speicheroptionen.
|||| Gruppe '%S' hat ihr Zotero-Dateispeicherungskontingent ausgeschöpft. Einige Dateien wurden nicht hochgeladen. Andere Zotero-Daten werden weiterhin zum Server synchronisiert.
|||| Gruppenbesitzer kann das Speicherungskontigent in den Speichereinstellungen auf vergrößern.
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Tag speichern
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Tags speichern
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Text aus PDF konnte nicht gelesen werden.
recognizePDF.noMatches=Keine passenden Bezüge gefunden.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Datei nicht gefunden.
recognizePDF.limit=Abfrage-Limit erreicht. Versuchen Sie es später erneut.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metadaten-Abruf abgeschlossen.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Wählen Sie einen Speicherort für die formatierte Datei
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Nachschlagen fehlgeschlagen
lookup.failure.description=Zotero konnte keinen Eintrag für den angegeben Identifier finden. Bitte überprüfen Sie den Identifier und versuchen Sie es erneut.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| anzeigen
|||| zu diesem Eintrag gehen
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Ειδικές Ευχαριστίες:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Κλείσιμο">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "More Credits & Acknowledgements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Default:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "items">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "General">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sync attachment files in My Library using">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sync attachment files in group libraries using Zotero storage">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "By using Zotero storage, you agree to become bound by its">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "terms and conditions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Full Sync with Zotero Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Merge local Zotero data with data from the sync server, ignoring sync history.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restore from Zotero Server">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Erase all server data and overwrite with local Zotero data.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reset File Sync History">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Force checking of the storage server for all local attachment files.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reset...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Updated">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Get additional styles...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Shortcut Keys">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Any string">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Advanced">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Locate">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Article Lookup Engine Manager">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Choose...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Show Data Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Database Maintenance">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Check Database Integrity">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reset Translators and Styles...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Close">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "About &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Support and Documentation">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Troubleshooting Information">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Submit Feedback…">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Edit">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Delete">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "The error log may include messages unrelated to Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Please wait while the error report is submitted.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Your error report has been submitted.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Please post a message to the Zotero forums ( with this Report ID, a description of the problem, and any steps necessary to reproduce it.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Error reports are generally not reviewed unless referred to in the forums.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "You have installed a new version of Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Your Zotero database must be upgraded to work with the new version.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Your existing database will be backed up automatically before any changes are made.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Rights">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Date Added">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Date Modified">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Show in Library">
<!ENTITY "Add Note">
@ -75,8 +93,8 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "New Item">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "More">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create New Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create Web Page Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item(s) by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.removeItem.label "Remove Item...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newCollection.label "New Collection...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newGroup "New Group...">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transform Text">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Title Case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sentence case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "New Note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "New Standalone Note">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Select visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Deselect visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Deselect all">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Rename Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Delete Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter the ISBN, DOI, or PMID to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter one or more ISBNs, DOIs, or PMIDs to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Select Items">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Select which items you'd like to add to your library">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Unchecked tags will not be saved.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "The tag will be deleted from all items.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proxy Recognized">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Only add proxies linked from your library, school, or corporate website">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Adding other proxies allows malicious sites to masquerade as sites you trust.">
@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ general.restartLater=Restart later
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=An error has occurred.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=An unknown error occurred.
general.restartFirefox=Please restart %S.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart %S and try again.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Please restart Firefox.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart Firefox and try again.
general.checkForUpdate=Check for update
general.actionCannotBeUndone=This action cannot be undone.
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=See %S for more information.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=A Zotero operation is currently in progress.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Please wait until it has finished.
@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ upgrade.advanceMessage=Press %S to upgrade now.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=The Zotero database must be updated.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Your Zotero database must be repaired before the upgrade can continue.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Load Database Repair Tool
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart %S to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart Firefox to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=If you continue to receive this message, restart your computer.
errorReport.reportError=Report Error...
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Press %S to send an error report to the Zotero develo
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Steps to Reproduce:
errorReport.expectedResult=Expected result:
errorReport.actualResult=Actual result:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=The Zotero data directory could not be found.
dataDir.previousDir=Previous directory:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Use %S profile directory
dataDir.selectDir=Select a Zotero data directory
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Directory Not Empty
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=The directory you selected is not empty and does not appear to be a Zotero data directory.\n\nCreate Zotero files in this directory anyway?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Existing Zotero Library Found
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=This appears to be your first time using %1$S. Would you like %1$S to import settings from %2$S and use your existing data directory?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S will share its data directory with the most recently used profile.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=New Saved Search
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Enter a name for this saved search:
pane.collections.rename=Rename collection:
pane.collections.library=My Library
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.unfiled=Unfiled Items
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Are you sure you want to delete this tag?\n\nThe
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 tags selected
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S tag selected
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S tags selected
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Loading items list...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Move to Trash
pane.items.trash=Are you sure you want to move the selected item to the Trash?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Are you sure you want to move the selected items to the Trash?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S items selected
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Change Item Type
pane.item.changeType.text=Are you sure you want to change the item type?\n\nThe following fields will be lost:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ attachments:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S attachment:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S attachments:
|||| a File
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=click here
|||| tags:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S tag:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S tags:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=User-added tag
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automatically added tag
|||| related:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S related:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S related:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Save to Zotero using "%S"
ingester.scraping=Saving Item...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Item Saved
ingester.scrapeError=Could Not Save Item
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=An error occurred while saving this item. Check %S for more information.
@ -427,13 +468,14 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Do you want to import items from "%1$S" into
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Always allow for this site
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?\n\nItems will be added to a new collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Performing Lookup…
ingester.lookup.error=An error occurred while performing lookup for this item.
db.dbCorrupted=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart %S to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart Firefox to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and no automatic backup is available.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestored=The Zotero database '%1$S' appears to have become corrupted.\n\nYour data was restored from the last automatic backup made on %2$S at %3$S. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestoreFailed=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and an attempt to restore from the last automatic backup failed.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| resolvers found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resolver found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resolvers found
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| Index
|||| you want to rebuild the entire index? This may take a while.\n\nTo index only items that haven't been indexed, use %S.
|||| Index
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Any new or modified tra
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Reset Styles
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Any new or modified styles will be lost.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=The following files already existed in the destination directory and were not copied:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=The following files were not found and could not be copied:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Import
fileInterface.exportedItems=Exported Items
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=No translator could be found for the given file.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Untitled Bibliography
fileInterface.importError=An error occurred while trying to import the selected file. Please ensure that the file is valid and try again.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=The items you have selected contain no reference
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again.
fileInterface.exportError=An error occurred while trying to export the selected file.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Advanced search mode — press Enter to search.
searchInProgress=Search in progress — please wait.
@ -613,11 +677,12 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Blank Citation
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=The citation you have specified would be empty in the currently selected style. Are you sure you want to add it?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generat
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Install style "%1$S" from %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Update existing style "%1$S" with "%2$S" from %3$S?
styles.installed=The style "%S" was installed successfully.
styles.installError=%S does not appear to be a valid style file.
styles.installError="%S" is not a valid style file.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S references an invalid or non-existent CSL file at %2$S as its source.
styles.deleteStyle=Are you sure you want to delete the style "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Are you sure you want to delete the selected styles?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancel Sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Open Sync Preferences...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reset Group and Sync
@ -660,18 +733,55 @@ sync.remoteObject=Remote Object
sync.mergedObject=Merged Object
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Password not set
sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on the server, and local modifications to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, cancel the sync now.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=An automatic sync resulted in a conflict that requires manual intervention.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to sync manually.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to resolve them.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Not yet synced
sync.status.lastSync=Last sync:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Uploading data to sync server
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Upload accepted \u2014 waiting for sync server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Syncing files
|||| remaining
|||| remaining
||||$S/%2$S files
|||| File
|||| File
|||| File
@ -692,17 +805,23 @@ configuration verified
||| sync is successfully set up.
|||| Account Settings
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| server %S could not be reached.
|||| do not have permission to create a Zotero directory at the following address:
|||| check your file sync settings or contact your server administrator.
|||| verification failed. Verify your file sync settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| file '%S' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| no longer have file editing access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
|||| you would like a chance to copy changed items and files elsewhere, cancel the sync now.
|||| upload failed.
|||| not found
|||| does not exist.
|||| you want to create it now?
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| is not a valid WebDAV URL.
|||| WebDAV server did not accept the username and password you entered.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ connection error connecting to
||| your WebDAV URL in the browser for more information.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| have reached your Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| your account settings for additional storage options.
|||| group '%S' has reached its Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| group owner can increase the group's storage capacity from the storage settings section on
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Save Tag
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Save Tags
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Could not read text from PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No matching references found.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=File not found.
recognizePDF.limit=Query limit reached. Try again later.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metadata Retrieval Complete.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Select a location in which to save the formatted file
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Lookup Failed
lookup.failure.description=Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| Online
|||| to this item online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Agradecimientos especiales:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Cerrar">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Más créditos y reconocimientos">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.title "Preferencias de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Inicial:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "ítems">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "elementos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ",">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "General">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.userInterface "Interfaz de usuario">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn "Cargar Zotero en:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.browserPane "Panel de navegador">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.separateTab "Lengüeta de separación">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.appTab "Lengüeta de aplicación">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.separateTab "Pestaña de separación">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.appTab "Pestaña de aplicación">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.statusBarIcon "Icono en la barra de estado:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.statusBarIcon.none "Nada">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize "Tamaño de letra:">
@ -25,20 +26,20 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.updateNow "Hacerlo ahora">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.reportTranslationFailure "Informar de fallos en los traductores de página">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader "Permitir que personalice contenido basándose en la versión actual de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader.tooltip "Si se habilita, la versión actual de Zotero se agregará a las peticiones HTTP a">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.parseRISRefer "Usar Zotero para los ficheros RIS/Refer descargados">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticSnapshots "Tomar instantáneas automáticamente al crear ítems a partir de páginas Web">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.downloadAssociatedFiles "Adjuntar automáticamente los archivos PDF y de otros tipos al guardar ítems">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticTags "Marcar ítems automáticamente con palabras clave y cabeceras de asunto">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.trashAutoEmptyDaysPre "Eliminar automáticamente ítems de la papelera que fueron borrados hace más de ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader.tooltip "Si se activa, la versión actual de Zotero se añadirá a las peticiones HTTP a">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.parseRISRefer "Usar Zotero para los archivos RIS/Refer descargados">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticSnapshots "Tomar instantáneas automáticamente al crear elementos a partir de páginas Web">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.downloadAssociatedFiles "Adjuntar automáticamente los archivos PDF y de otros tipos al guardar elementos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticTags "Marcar elementos automáticamente con palabras clave y cabeceras de asunto">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.trashAutoEmptyDaysPre "Eliminar automáticamente elementos de la papelera que se eliminaron hace más de ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.trashAutoEmptyDaysPost "días">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups "Grupos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.whenCopyingInclude "Al copiar ítems entre bibliotecas, incluir:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.whenCopyingInclude "Al copiar elementos entre bibliotecas, incluir:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childNotes "notas subordinadas">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childFiles "capturas subordinadas y ficheros importados">
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@ -52,55 +53,61 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.createAccount "Crear cuenta">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.lostPassword "¿Has perdido la clave?">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.lostPassword "¿Olvidó su contraseña?">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncAutomatically "Sincronizar automáticamente">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.about "Sobre la sincronización">
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<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sincronizar los ficheros adjuntos en Mi Biblioteca usando">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sincronizar los ficheros en bibliotecas de grupo usando el almacén Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Al usar el almacén de Zotero, aceptas sus">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sincronizar los archivos adjuntos en Mi biblioteca usando">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sincronizar los archivos en bibliotecas de grupo usando el almacén Zotero">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Al usar el almacén de Zotero, acepta sus">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "términos y condiciones">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Sincronización completa con el servidor Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Mezclar los datos locales de Zotero con los del servidor, descartando el historial de sincronización.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restaurar desde el servidor Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Eliminar toda la información local Zotero y restaurar del servidor de sincronización.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Restaurar al servidor Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Borrar toda la información del servidor y sobreescribir con la información local de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reajustar la historia de sincronización de archivo">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Restablecer el historial de sincronización de archivo">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Forzar la comprobación del servidor de almacenamiento de todos los archivos adjuntos locales.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reajustar...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Restablecer…">
<!ENTITY "Búsqueda">
<!ENTITY "Copia local para búsquedas a texto completo">
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<!ENTITY "Estadísticas de indizado">
<!ENTITY "Indización de PDF">
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<!ENTITY "Indizados:">
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<!ENTITY "No indizados:">
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<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL "Incluir los URLs de los artículos en las referencias">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL.description "Sin esta opción, Zotero sólo incluye los URLs al citar artículos de revistas y periódicos si el artículo no tiene un intervalo de páginas especificado.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL "Incluir los URL de los artículos en las referencias">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL.description "Sin esta opción, Zotero solo incluye los URL al citar artículos de revistas y periódicos si el artículo no tiene un intervalo de páginas especificado.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.caption "Copia rápida">
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<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.dragLimit "Desactivar Copia rápida cuando arrastre más de">
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@ -114,13 +121,14 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Obtener estilos adicionales...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Atajos de teclado">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.openZotero "Abrir/cerrar el panel de Zotero">
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<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.newNote "Crear una nueva nota">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Cualquier cadena">
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@ -168,11 +177,17 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.charset.displayExportOption "Mostrar opción de codificación de caracteres en la exportación">
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<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.useProfile "Usar el directorio del perfil de usuario">
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<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Elegir...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Mostrar el directorio de datos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Mantenimiento de la base de datos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Comprobar la integridad de la base de datos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Restablecer los traductores y estilos...">
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Editar">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Borrar">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "El informe de errores puede incluir mensajes sin relación con Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Por favor, espera mientras se envía el informe de error.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Se ha enviado el informe de error.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Envía un mensaje a los foros de Zotero ( con este identificador de informe, una descripción del problema, y los pasos necesarios para repetirlo.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Los informes de error, en general, no se revisan a menos que se los mencione en los foros.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Has instalado una versión nueva de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Tu base de datos de Zotero debe actualizarse para funcionar con la versión nueva.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Se hará una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de hacer cambios.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Derechos">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Fecha de adición">
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<!ENTITY "Mostrar en la biblioteca">
<!ENTITY "Añadir nota">
@ -68,10 +86,10 @@
<!ENTITY "Restaurar a la biblioteca">
<!ENTITY "Duplicar el ítem seleccionado">
<!ENTITY "Merge Items…">
<!ENTITY "Combinar elementos…">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.versionSelect "Choose the version of the item to use as the master item:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.fieldSelect "Select fields to keep from other versions of the item:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.versionSelect "Elija la versión del elemento a usa como el elemento maestro">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.fieldSelect "Seleccione los campos a conservar de otras versiones del ítem:">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "Nuevo ítem">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "Más">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transformar texto">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Capitalización De Título">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Capitalización de oración">
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<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Nueva nota">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Nueva nota independiente">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Seleccionar las visibles">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Descartar las visibles">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Sin selección">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Cambiar nombre...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Borrar marca...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Introduce el ISBN, DOI o PMID para buscar en la caja de abajo.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Seleccionar ítems">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Marca los ítems que te apetezca añadir a tu biblioteca">
@ -132,9 +159,9 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.title "Crear bibliografía">
<!ENTITY "Estilo de cita:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMode "Output Mode:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.bibliography "Bibliography">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMethod "Output Method:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMode "Modo de salida:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.bibliography "Bibliografía">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMethod "Método de salida:">
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@ -143,7 +170,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.docPrefs.title "Ajustes de documento">
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.editBibliography.title "Modificar bibliografía">
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.quickFormatDialog.title "Formato rápido de cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.progress.title "Progreso">
@ -162,7 +189,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.suppressAuthor.label "Omitir el autor">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.prefix.label "Prefijo:">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.suffix.label "Sufijo:">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.editorWarning.label "Warning: If you edit a citation in the editor it will no longer update to reflect changes in your database or the citation style.">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.editorWarning.label "Aviso: Si modifica una cita en el editor, no se actualizará más para reflejar los cambios en su base de datos o en el estilo de cita.">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.italic.label "Itálica">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.bold.label "Negrita">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Etiquetas sin marcar no serán guardadas.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "La etiqueta será borrada de todos los ítems.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proxy reconocido">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Solo agregue proxies enlazados desde su biblioteca, escuela o sitio corporativo">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Agregando otros proxies permite a sitios maliciosos a enmascararse como sitios que Usted confía.">
@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ general.restartRequiredForChange=%S debe reiniciarse para que se realice el camb
general.restartRequiredForChanges=%S debe reiniciarse para que se realicen los cambios.
general.restartNow=Reiniciar ahora
general.restartLater=Reiniciar más tarde
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.restartApp=Reiniciar %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Ha ocurrido un error.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Ha ocurrido un error desconocido.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Por favor reinicia %S.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Por favor reinicia %S y prueba de nuevo.
general.checkForUpdate=Comprobar si hay actualizaciones
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=Mira en %S para más información
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Abrir documentación
general.numMore=%S more…
general.numMore=%S más…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Una operación de Zotero se encuentra en progreso.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Espera hasta que termine.
@ -53,7 +60,7 @@ install.quickStartGuide.message.thanks=Gracias por instalar Zotero.
upgrade.failed.title=Ha fallado la actualización
upgrade.failed=La actualización de la base de datos de Zotero ha fallado:
upgrade.advanceMessage=Pulse %S para actualizar ahora.
upgrade.advanceMessage=Pulsa %S para actualizar ahora.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=La base de datos de Zotero tiene que actualizarse.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Tu base de datos de Zotero necesita repararse para que la actualización pueda continuar.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Cargar la herramienta de reparación de bases de datos
@ -68,13 +75,33 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Pulsa %S para enviar un informe de error a los creado
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Pasos para reproducirlo:
errorReport.expectedResult=Resultado esperado:
errorReport.actualResult=Resultado real:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=No se encuentra el directorio de datos de Zotero.
dataDir.previousDir=Directorio anterior:
dataDir.useProfileDir=Usar el directorio de perfil de Firefox
dataDir.useProfileDir=Usar el directorio de perfil de %S
dataDir.selectDir=Elige un directorio de datos para Zotero
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=El directorio no está vacío
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=El directorio que has seleccionado no está vacío y no parece que sea un directorio de datos de Zotero.\n\n¿Deseas crear los ficheros de Zotero ahí de todas formas?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Se ha encontrado una Biblioteca de Zotero preexistente
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=Parece que es la primera vez que usas %1$S. ¿Te gustaría que %1$S importe la configuración de %2$S y usar tu directorio de datos existente?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S compartirá su directorio de datos con el perfil usado más recientemente.
@ -90,7 +117,7 @@ startupError.closeFirefox=Si Firefox con la extensión de Zotero está abierto,
startupError.databaseCannotBeOpened=No puedo abrir la base de datos de Zotero.
startupError.checkPermissions=Asegúrate de tener permiso de lectura y escritura en el directorio de datos de Zotero.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder=Esta versión de Zotero es anterior a la versión usada con tu base de datos.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Actualizalo a la última versión en
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Actualízalo a la última versión en
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.current=Versión actual: %S
startupError.databaseUpgradeError=Error de actualización de la base de datos
@ -114,10 +141,11 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Nueva carpeta de búsqueda
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Nombre para esta carpeta de búsqueda:
pane.collections.rename=Renombrar colección:
pane.collections.library=Mi biblioteca
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=Sin título
pane.collections.unfiled=Ítems sin archivar
pane.collections.duplicate=Duplicate Items
pane.collections.duplicate=Ítems duplicados
|||| la colección...
|||| la carpeta de búsqueda
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=¿Seguro que quieres borrar esta marca?\n\nLa ma
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=Ninguna seleccionada
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S marca seleccionada
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S marcas seleccionadas
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Cargando la lista de ítems...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Enviar a la papelera
pane.items.trash=¿Seguro que quieres enviar el ítem a la papelera?
pane.items.trash.multiple=¿Seguro que quieres enviar los ítems a la papelera?
@ -176,10 +210,15 @@ pane.items.interview.manyParticipants=Entrevista por %S et al.
||||ún ítem seleccionado
pane.item.selected.multiple=%S ítems seleccionados
|||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
|||| hay ítems en esta vista
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S ítem en esta vista
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S ítems en esta vista
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Cambiar el tipo de ítem
pane.item.changeType.text=¿Seguro que quieres cambiar el tipo de ítem?\n\nLos siguientes campos se perderán:
@ -188,8 +227,8 @@ pane.item.defaultLastName=último
pane.item.defaultFullName=nombre completo
|||| a campo simple
pane.item.switchFieldMode.two=Cambiar a dos campos
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Move Up
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Move Down
pane.item.notes.untitled=Nota sin título
pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=¿Seguro que quieres borrar esta nota?
|||| nota.
@ -198,21 +237,22 @@ pane.item.notes.count.plural=%S notas:
pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Nuevo título:
pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Renombrar el archivo asociado
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=Ha ocurrido un error al renombrar el archivo.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=Fichero no encontrado
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text=No se encuentra el fichero adjunto.\n\nPuede haber sido movido o borrado fuera de Zotero.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=Archivo no encontrado
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text=No se encuentra el archivo adjunto.\n\nPuede haber sido movido o borrado fuera de Zotero.
pane.item.attachments.delete.confirm=¿Seguro que quieres borrar este adjunto?
|||| adjuntos:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S adjunto:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S adjuntos:
|||| un archivo
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=pulsa aquí
|||| marcas:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S marca:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S marcas:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Marca definida por el usuario
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Marca automática
|||| relacionados:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S relacionado:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S relacionados:
@ -410,12 +450,13 @@ fileTypes.document=Documento
save.attachment=Guardando instantánea...
|||| enlace...
|||| ocurrido un error guardando este enlace.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=No puede hacer cambios a la actual colección.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=No puede agregar archivos a la actual colección.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=No puedes hacer cambios a la actual colección.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=No puedes agregar archivos a la actual colección.
ingester.saveToZotero=Guardar en Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Guardar en Zotero usando "%S"
ingester.scraping=Guardando ítem...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Ítem guardado
ingester.scrapeError=No he podido guardar el ítem
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Ha ocurrido un error al grabar este ítem. Mira en %S para más información.
@ -423,11 +464,12 @@ ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.linkText=Problemas conocidos del traductor
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.previousError=La grabación ha fallado debido a un error anterior en Zotero.
ingester.importReferRISDialog.title=Importador Zotero RIS/Remitir
ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Quiere importar ítems desde "%1$S" dentro Zotero?\n\nPuede deshabilitar la importación automática RIS/Refer en las preferencias de Zotero.
ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=¿Quieres importar ítems desde "%1$S" dentro Zotero?\n\nPuedes deshabilitar la importación automática RIS/Refer en las preferencias de Zotero.
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Permitir siempre para este sitio
ingester.importFile.title=Importar archivo
ingester.importFile.text=¿Quieres importar el archivo "%S"?\n\nLos ítems se agregarán a una nueva colección.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Realizando búsqueda...
ingester.lookup.error=Ha ocurrido un error mientras se realizaba la búsqueda de este ítem.
@ -441,20 +483,33 @@ db.dbRestoreFailed=La base de datos de Zotero '%S' parece haberse corrompido, y
db.integrityCheck.passed=No se han encontrado errores en la base de datos.
db.integrityCheck.failed=Se han encontrado errores en la base de datos de Zotero.
db.integrityCheck.dbRepairTool=Puedes usar la herramienta de reparación de base de datos en para intentar corregir estos errores.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero can attempt to correct these errors.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=%S will need to be restarted.
db.integrityCheck.fixAndRestart=Fix Errors and Restart %S
db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=The errors in your Zotero database have been corrected.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=Zotero was unable to correct all the errors in your database.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=You can report this problem in the Zotero Forums.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero puede intentar corregir estos errores.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=Se necesita reiniciar %S.
db.integrityCheck.fixAndRestart=Corregir los errores y reiniciar %S
db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=Se han corregido los errores en tu base de datos de Zotero.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=Zotero no ha podido corregir todos los errores en tu base de datos.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=Puedes informar de este problema en los Foros de Zotero.
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when possible
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Abrir PDFs y otros ficheros dentro de %S cuando sea posible
||||ún resolutor encontrado
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resolutor encontrado
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resolutores encontrados
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| índice
||||¿Quieres reconstruir el índice entero? Puede tardar un rato.\n\nPara indizar sólo ítems nuevos, usa %S.
|||| el índice
@ -462,7 +517,7 @@ vaciar el índice, no se podrá busc
||| todo excepto los enlaces web
|||| los ítems nuevos
|||| está instalado
|||| no está instalado
|||| NO está instalado
|||| indizado de PDF require las utilidades %1$S y %2%S del proyecto %3$S.
|||| puede descargar e instalar automáticamente estas aplicaciones desde en ciertas plataformas.
|||| avanzados: véase el %S para instrucciones de instalación manual.
@ -481,7 +536,7 @@ de nuevo m
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.bibStyles=Estilos bibliográficos
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Formatos de exportación
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=La copia rápida te permite copiar referencias seleccionadas al portapapeles pulsando un atajo (%S) o arrastrando ítems a una casilla de texto en una página web.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=For bibliography styles, you can copy citations or footnotes by pressing %S or holding down Shift before dragging items.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=Para estilos bibliográficos, puedes copiar las citas o pies de página presionando %S o manteniendo pulsada la tecla Mayúsculas antes de arrastrar los ítems.
zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Agregar estilo
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles=Restablecer los traductores y estilos
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Se perderán los traduc
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Restablecer estilos
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Se perderán los estilos añadidos o modificados.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Ya existían los siguientes ficheros en el directorio de destino, y no se han copiado:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=No se han encontrado los siguientes ficheros, y no han podido ser copiados:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Importar
fileInterface.exportedItems=Ítems exportados
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=No se ha encontrado traductor para el archivo dado.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Bibliografía sin título
fileInterface.importError=Ha ocurrido un error al intentar importar el archivo seleccionado. Asegúrate de que el archivo es válido y prueba de nuevo.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=Los ítems que has seleccionado no contienen ref
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Ha ocurrido un error al generar tu bibliografía. Prueba de nuevo.
fileInterface.exportError=Ha ocurrido un error al intentar exportar el archivo seleccionado.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Modo de búsqueda avanzada — pulsa Intro para buscar.
searchInProgress=Búsqueda en marcha — espera, por favor.
@ -556,7 +620,7 @@ fulltext.indexState.partial=Parcial
exportOptions.exportNotes=Exportar notas
exportOptions.exportFileData=Exportar archivos
exportOptions.useJournalAbbreviation=Use Journal Abbreviation
exportOptions.useJournalAbbreviation=Usar abreviatura de la revista
charset.UTF8withoutBOM=Unicode (UTF-8 sin BOM)
@ -572,8 +636,8 @@ citation.multipleSources=Fuentes múltiples...
citation.singleSource=Fuente única...
citation.showEditor=Mostrar editor...
citation.hideEditor=Ocultar editor...
report.title.default=Informe de Zotero
report.parentItem=Ítem contenedor:
@ -600,7 +664,7 @@ integration.regenerate.body=Se perderán los cambios hechos en el editor de cita
integration.regenerate.saveBehavior=Seguir siempre esta selección.
integration.revertAll.title=¿Seguro que quieres revertir todas las ediciones a tu bibliografía?
integration.revertAll.body=Si eliger continuar, todas las referencias citadas en el texto aparecerán en la bibliografía con su texto original, y todas las referencias agregadas manualmente serán eliminadas de la bibliografía.
integration.revertAll.body=Si eliges continuar, todas las referencias citadas en el texto aparecerán en la bibliografía con su texto original, y todas las referencias agregadas manualmente serán eliminadas de la bibliografía.
integration.revertAll.button=Revertir todo
integration.revert.title=¿Seguro que quieres revertir esta edición?
integration.revert.body=Si eliges continuar, el texto de las entradas de bibliografía correspondiente a los items seleccionados será reemplazado con el texto sin modificar especificado por el estilo seleccionado.
@ -613,6 +677,7 @@ integration.cited.loading=Cargando ítems citados...
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Cita en blanco
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=La cita que has especificado estaría vacía en el estilo seleccionado actualmente. ¿Seguro que quieres agregarla?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Esta versión del complemento de Zotero para procesador de textos ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) es incompatible con la versión de Zotero instalada actualmente (%1$S). Por favor verifica que estás utilizando la última versión de ambos componentes.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requiere %2$S %3$S o posterior. Por favor descarga la última versión de %2$S desde
@ -623,36 +688,44 @@ integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Debes insertar una cita antes de realizar e
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Debes insertar una bibliografía antes de realizar esta operación.
integration.error.cannotInsertHere=No se pueden insertar campos de Zotero aquí.
integration.error.notInCitation=Debes colocar el cursor en una cita de Zotero para editarla.
integration.error.noBibliography=El estilo bibliográfico actual no define una bibliografía. Si desea agregar una bibliografía, por favor elija otro estilo.
integration.error.deletePipe=El conducto que Zotero utiliza para comunicar con el procesador de texto no se pudo inicializar. Desea que Zotero intente corregir este error? Se le alertará por su contraseña.
integration.error.invalidStyle=El estilo que ha seleccionado no parece ser válido. Si ha creado este estilo por sí mismo, por favor asegúrese de que traspasa la validación, como se describe en Alternativamente, intente seleccionar otro estilo.
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=Zotero no puede actualizar este documento porque fue creado por una aplicación de procesamiento de texto con una codificación de campo incompatible. Con el fin de hacer un documento compatible con Word y, abra el documento en el procesador de textos con el que se creó originalmente y cambie el tipo de campo a Favoritos en las preferencias del documento Zotero.
integration.error.noBibliography=El estilo bibliográfico actual no define una bibliografía. Si deseas agregar una bibliografía, por favor elige otro estilo.
integration.error.deletePipe=El conducto que Zotero utiliza para comunicar con el procesador de texto no se pudo inicializar. ¿Deseas que Zotero intente corregir este error? Te pedirá tu contraseña.
integration.error.invalidStyle=El estilo que ha seleccionado no parece ser válido. Si has creado este estilo por tí mismo, por favor asegúrate de que pasa la validación, como se describe en Alternativamente, intenta seleccionar otro estilo.
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=Zotero no puede actualizar este documento porque fue creado por una aplicación de procesamiento de texto con una codificación de campo incompatible. Con el fin de hacer un documento compatible con Word y, abre el documento en el procesador de textos con el que se creó originalmente y cambia el tipo de campo a Favoritos en las preferencias del documento Zotero.
integration.replace=¿Reemplazar este campo de Zotero?
integration.missingItem.single=Este ítem ya no existe en tu base de datos de Zotero. ¿Quieres seleccionar un ítem para sustituirlo?
integration.missingItem.multiple=El ítem %1$S en esta cita ya no existe en tu base de datos de Zotero. ¿Quieres seleccionar un ítem para sustituirlo?
integration.missingItem.description=Clickeando "No" borrará los códigos de campo para citas conteniendo este ítem, manteniendo el texto de la cita pero borrándolo de su bibliografía.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Quitando los códigos de campo evitará a Zotero de actualizar citas y bibliografías en sus documentos. Está seguro que desea continuar?
integration.missingItem.description=Al pulsar "No" borrarás los códigos de campo para citas conteniendo este ítem, manteniendo el texto de la cita pero borrándolo de tu bibliografía.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Quitando los códigos de campo impedirás que Zotero de actualice citas y bibliografías en este documento. ¿Estás seguro de que deseas continuar?
integration.upgradeWarning=Tu documento debe ser actualizado de versión de manera permanente para poder funcionar con Zotero 2.1 o posterior. Se recomienda hacer una copia de seguridad antes de proceder. ¿Seguro que quieres continuar?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Su documento fue creato con una versión más moderna de Zotero (%1$S) que su actual versión instalada (%1$S). Por favor, actualice Zotero antes de editar este documento.
integration.corruptField=El código de campo Zotero correspondiente a esta cita, el cual señala a Zotero qué ítem en su biblioteca esta cita representa, se ha dañado. ¿Le gustaría volver a seleccionar este ítem?
integration.corruptField.description=Clickeando "No" borrará los códigos de campo para las citas conteniendo este ítem, preservando este texto de cita pero potencialmente borrándolo de su bibliografía.
integration.corruptBibliography=El código de campo Zotero en su bibliografía está corrupto. Debería Zotero borrar este código de campo y generar una nueva bibliografía?
integration.corruptBibliography.description=Todos los ítems citado en el texto aparecerán en la nueva bibliografía, pero las modificaciones que realice en el cuadro de diálogo "Editar Bibliografía" serán perdidas.
integration.citationChanged=Ha modificado esta cita desde que Zotero la generó. Quiere mantener sus modificaciones y prevenir futuras actualizaciones?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clickeando en "Si" evitará a Zotero de actualizar esta cita si agrega citas adicionales, cambia citas o modifica la referencia al cual refiere. Clickeando "No" borrará sus cambios.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Ha modificado esta cita desde que Zotero la generó. Editándola borrará sus modificaciones. Desea continuar?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Tu documento fue creado con una versión más moderna de Zotero (%1$S) que la versión instalada actualmente (%1$S). Por favor, actualiza Zotero antes de editar este documento.
integration.corruptField=El código de campo Zotero correspondiente a esta cita, el cual señala a Zotero qué ítem en su biblioteca esta cita representa, se ha dañado. ¿Te gustaría volver a seleccionar este ítem?
integration.corruptField.description=Al pulsar "No" borrarás los códigos de campo para las citas conteniendo este ítem, preservando este texto de cita pero potencialmente borrándolo de tu bibliografía.
integration.corruptBibliography=El código de campo Zotero en tu bibliografía está corrupto. ¿Debería Zotero borrar este código de campo y generar una nueva bibliografía?
integration.corruptBibliography.description=Todos los ítems citados en el texto aparecerán en la nueva bibliografía, pero las modificaciones que realices en el cuadro de diálogo "Editar Bibliografía" se perderán.
integration.citationChanged=Has modificado esta cita desde que Zotero la generó. ¿Quieres mantener tus modificaciones e impedir futuras actualizaciones?
integration.citationChanged.description=Al pulsar "Si" impedirás que Zotero actualice esta cita si agregas citas adicionales, cambias citas o modificas la referencia al cual refiere. Al pulsar "No" borrarás tus cambios.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Has modificado esta cita desde que Zotero la generó. Editándola borrarás tus modificaciones. ¿Deseas continuar?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=¿Instalar el estilo "%1$S" desde %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=¿Actualizar el estilo existente "%1$S" con "%2$S" desde %3$S?
styles.installed=El estilo "%S" se ha instalado correctamente.
styles.installError=%S no parecer ser un archivo válido de estilo.
styles.installError=%S no parece ser un archivo válido de estilo.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S referencia un archivo CSL inválido o inexistente en %2$S como su origen.
styles.deleteStyle=¿Seguro que quieres borrar el estilo "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=¿Seguro que quieres borrar los estilos seleccionados?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancelar sincronización
sync.openSyncPreferences=Open Sync Preferences...
sync.openSyncPreferences=Abrir preferencias de sincronización
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reajustar grupo y sincronizar
sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Quitar grupos y sincronizar
sync.localObject=Objeto local
@ -660,31 +733,71 @@ sync.remoteObject=Objeto remoto
sync.mergedObject=Unir objeto
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nombre de usuario no provisto
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Contraseña no provista
sync.error.invalidLogin=Nombre de usuario o contraseña inválida
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Por favor, ingrese una contraseña.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero no puede acceder a su información de inicio de sesión, probablemente debido a que esté corrupta la base de datos de gestión de inicios de sesión de %S.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Cierra %1$S, haz copia de seguridad y borra signons.* de tu perfil %2$S, y reintroduce tu información de inicio de sesión en Zotero en el panel Sincronización de las preferencias de Zotero.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Una operación de sincronización ya está en marcha.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Ya no posee licencia para escribir en el grupo Zotero '%S', y sus archivos que ha agregado o editado no pueden ser sincronizados con el servidor.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Si continua, su copia del grupo reajustará su estado en el servidor, y las modificaciones locales a los ítems y archivos serán perdidos.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Si le gustaría tener la oportunidad de copiar los cambios en otra parte o solicitar acceso de escritura desde un administrador de grupo, cancele la sincronización ahora.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Espera a que se complete la sincronización anterior o reinicia %S.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Ya no posees permiso para escribir en el grupo Zotero '%S', y los archivos que has agregado o editado no pueden ser sincronizados con el servidor.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Si continúas, tu copia del grupo reajustará su estado en el servidor, y las modificaciones locales a los ítems y archivos se perderán.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Si te gustaría tener la oportunidad de copiar los cambios en otra parte o solicitar acceso de escritura a un administrador de grupo, cancela la sincronización ahora.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Una sincronización automática resultó en un conflicto, lo cual requiere una intervención manual.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Clic en el ícono Sincronizar para sincronizar manualmente.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Pulsa el icono Sincronizar para sincronizar manualmente.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Aún sin sincronizar
sync.status.lastSync=Última sincronización:
sync.status.loggingIn=Registrándome con el servidor de sincronización
sync.status.loggingIn=Iniciando sesión en el servidor de sincronización
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=Obteniendo datos actualizados del servidor de sincronización
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Procesando los datos actualizados
sync.status.uploadingData=Subiendo los datos al servidor de sincronización
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Subida aceptada — esperando al servidor de sincronización
sync.status.syncingFiles=Sincronizando ficheros
|||| remaining
|||| restantes
||||$S/%2$S archivos
|||| local
|||| remoto
|||| guardado
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@ la configuración del servid
||| correctamente el fichero de sincronización.
|||| ajustes de la cuenta
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| puedo llegar al servidor %S.
|||| tienes permiso para crear un directorio de Zotero en la siguiente dirección:
|||| tus ajustes de fichero de sincronización o informa al administrador de tu servidor.
||||ó la verificación de %S. Comprueba tus ajustes de fichero de sincronización en el panel "Sincronización" de las preferencias de Zotero.
|||| archivo '%S' no se pudo crear en el directorio 'storage' de Zotero.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| no tienes acceso a modificar ficheros en el grupo Zotero '%S', y los ficheros que has añadido o modificado no pueden sincronizarse con el servidor.
|||| quieres tener la oportunidad de copiar los ítems y fichero cambiados a otro sitio, debes cancelar la sincronización ahora.
||||ó la subida del fichero.
|||| encuentro el directorio
|||| existe %S
||||¿Quieres crearlo ahora?
|||| un URL WebDAV.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| no es un URL WebDAV válido.
|||| servidor WebDAV no ha aceptado el nombre y clave que has introducido.
|||| tienes permiso para acceder a %S en el servidor WebDAV.
@ -711,50 +830,71 @@ó una subida de fichero por fal
||| de certificado SSL al conectar con %S
|||| de conexión SSL al conectar con %S
|||| tu URL WebDAV en el navegador para más información.
|||| la documentación Partida decisiva para una mayor información.
|||| la documentación de sobreescritura de certificado para mayor información.
|||| la URL del WebDAV
|||| alcanzado su cuota de almacenamiento de archivo Zotero. Algunos archivos no se cargaron. Otros datos Zotero continuarán sincronizando con el servidor.
|||| la configuración de su cuenta en por otras opciones adicionales de almacenaje.
|||| grupo '%S' ha alcanzado su quota de almacenamiento de archivos Zotero. Algunos archivos no se cargaron. Otros datos Zotero continuarán sincronizando con el servidor.
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| alcanzado tu cuota de almacenamiento de archivo Zotero. Algunos archivos no se cargaron. Otros datos de Zotero continuarán sincronizándose con el servidor.
|||| la configuración de tu cuenta en para opciones adicionales de almacenaje.
|||| grupo '%S' ha alcanzado su quota de almacenamiento de archivos Zotero. Algunos archivos no se cargaron. Otros datos de Zotero continuarán sincronizándose con el servidor.
|||| propietario del grupo puede aumentar la capacidad de almacenamiento del grupo desde la sección configuración de almacenamiento en
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Guardar etiqueta
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Guardar etiquetas
sync.longTagFixer.deleteTag=Borrar etiqueta
proxies.error=Information Validation Error
proxies.error=Opciones de proxy inválidas
proxies.error.scheme.noHTTP=Los esquemas válidos de servidores proxy deben comenzar con "http://" o "https://"
|||| ingresar un hostname completo para el sitio alojado por este proxy (ejemplo:
|||| introducir un nombre de servidor completo para el sitio alojado por este proxy (ejemplo:
proxies.error.scheme.noHost=El esquema proxy multi-sitio debe contener la variable host (%h).
proxies.error.scheme.noPath=Un esquema proxy válido dee contener o la variable path (%p) o las variables directory y filename (%d y %f).
|||| ha definido otro proxy para el host %1$S.
proxies.error.scheme.invalid=El esquema proxy ingresado es inválido; y se aplicaría a todos los hosts.
proxies.notification.recognized.label=Zotero detectó que está accediendo a este sitio a través de un servidor proxy. Le gustaría que las futuras peticiones sean automáticamente redirigidas desde %1$S a través de %2$S?
proxies.notification.associated.label=Zotero automáticamente asoció este sitio con un proxy previamente definido. Futuras peticiones a %1$S serán redirigidos a %2$S.
proxies.notification.recognized.label=Zotero detectó que está accediendo a este sitio a través de un servidor proxy. ¿Te gustaría que las futuras peticiones sean automáticamente redirigidas desde %1$S a través de %2$S?
proxies.notification.associated.label=Zotero automáticamente asoció este sitio con un proxy previamente definido. Futuras peticiones a %1$S serán redirigidas a %2$S.
proxies.notification.redirected.label=Zotero automáticamente redirigirá su petición a %1$S a través del proxy en %2$S.
proxies.notification.settings.button=Proxy Settings...
proxies.recognized.message=Agregando este proxy permitirá a Zotero reconocer ítems desde estas páginas y automaticamente redirigirá futuras peticiones a %1$S a través de %2$S.
proxies.notification.settings.button=Opciones de Proxy...
proxies.recognized.message=Agregando este proxy permitirá a Zotero reconocer ítems desde estas páginas y automáticamente redirigirá futuras peticiones a %1$S a través de %2$S.
proxies.recognized.add=Agregar proxy
recognizePDF.noOCR=PDF no contiene texto reconocido por OCR.
recognizePDF.couldNotRead=No se puede leer texto desde el PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No hay referencias encontradas.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Archivo no encontrado.
recognizePDF.limit=Límite de consultas alcanzado. Reinténtelo más tarde.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Recuperación de metadatos completo.
recognizePDF.limit=Límite de consultas alcanzado. Reinténtalo más tarde.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Recuperación de metadatos completa.
rtfScan.openTitle=Seleccionar un archivo a escanear
rtfScan.scanning.label=Scanning RTF Document...
rtfScan.saving.label=Formatting RTF Document...
rtfScan.scanning.label=Escaneando documento RTF...
rtfScan.saving.label=Formateando documento RTF...
rtfScan.rtf=Formato de texto enriquecido (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Seleccionar un lugar donde guardar el archivo con formato
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Búsqueda fallida
lookup.failure.description=Zotero no puede encontrar un registro del identificador especificado. Por favor, verifique el identificador e inténtelo nuevamente.
lookup.failure.description=Zotero no puede encontrar un registro del identificador especificado. Por favor, verifica el identificador e inténtalo nuevamente.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| en línea
|||| a este ítem en línea
@ -771,17 +911,17 @@ locate.internalViewer.tooltip=Abrir archivo en esta aplicación
locate.showFile.label=Mostrar archivo
locate.showFile.tooltip=Abrir el directorio en el cual reside el archivo
locate.libraryLookup.label=Búsqueda biblioteca
locate.libraryLookup.tooltip=Busque este ítem utilizando el OpenURL seleccionado
locate.manageLocateEngines=Manage Lookup Engines...
locate.libraryLookup.tooltip=Busca este ítem utilizando el OpenURL seleccionado
locate.manageLocateEngines=Gestionar motores de búsqueda...
standalone.corruptInstallation=Su instalación Zotero parece estar corrupta debido a una fallida auto-actualización. Mientras Zotero puede seguir funcionando, para evitar posibles errores, por favor, descargue la última versión de Zotero en tan pronto como sea posible.
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.title=Instalación de complemento fallada
standalone.corruptInstallation=Tu instalación Zotero parece estar corrupta debido a una fallida auto-actualización. Aunque Zotero puede seguir funcionando, para evitar posibles errores, por favor, descarga la última versión de Zotero en tan pronto como sea posible.
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.title=Instalación de complemento fallida
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.body=El complemento "%S" no puede ser instalado. Puede ser incompatible con esta versión de Zotero Standalone.
connector.error.title=Error de conector Zotero
connector.standaloneOpen=Su base de datos no puede ser acceder debido a que Zotero Standalone está actualmente abierta. Por favor, vea sus ítems en Zotero Standalone.
connector.standaloneOpen=No se puede acceder a tu base de datos debido a que Zotero Standalone está abierto. Por favor, mira tus ítems en Zotero Standalone.
firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero fue reconocer una referencia en esta página. Cliquee este ícono
firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero le permite también especificar editores y traductores. Puede cambiar el rol de autor a editor o traductor seleccionándolo desde este menú.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Escriba el título o el autor para buscar una referencia. \n\nDespués que haya hecho su selección, haga clic en la burbuja o pulse Ctrl-\u2193 para agregar números de página, prefijos o sufijos. También puede incluir un número de página junto con sus términos de búsqueda para añadirlo directamente.\n\nPuede editar citas directamente en el documento del procesador de textos.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Escriba el título o el autor para buscar una referencia. \n\nDespués que haya hecho su selección, haga clic en la burbuja o pulse Cmd-\u2193 para agregar números de página, prefijos o sufijos. También puede incluir un número de página junto con sus términos de búsqueda para añadirlo directamente.\n\nPuede editar citas directamente en el documento del procesador de textos.
firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero ha reconocido una referencia en esta página. Pulse este icono en la barra de direcciones para guardar la referencia en tu bibliografía de Zotero.
firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero te permite también especificar editores y traductores. Puedes cambiar el rol de autor a editor o traductor seleccionándolo desde este menú.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Escribe el título o el autor para buscar una referencia. \n\nDespués de que hayas hecho tu selección, haz clic en la burbuja o pulsa Ctrl-\u2193 para agregar números de página, prefijos o sufijos. También puedes incluir un número de página junto con tus términos de búsqueda para añadirlo directamente.\n\nPuedes editar citas directamente en el documento del procesador de textos.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Escribe el título o el autor para buscar una referencia. \n\nDespués de que hayas hecho tu selección, haz clic en la burbuja o pulsa Cmd-\u2193 para agregar números de página, prefijos o sufijos. También puedes incluir un número de página junto con tus términos de búsqueda para añadirlo directamente.\n\nPuedes editar citas directamente en el documento del procesador de textos.
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Tänud:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Sulge">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Veel autoreid ja tänusõnu">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Vaikimisi:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "kirjet">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Üldine">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Minu raamatukogus olevate lisade sünkroonimine kasutades">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Minu grupi raamatukogus olevate lisade sünkroonimine kasutades Zotero hoidlat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Kasutades Zotero hoidlat, nõustute järgmiste">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "tingimuste ja piirangutega">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Zotero serveriga täissünkroonimine">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Liita kohalikele Zotero andmetele sünkroon-serveris olevad andmed, jättes tähelepanuta sünkroonimise ajaloo">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Taastada Zotero serverist">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Kustutada kõik sünkroon-serveri andmed ja taastada need kohalikust hoidlast">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Algseadistada failide sünkroonimise ajalugu">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Rakendada hoidla serveri kontrolli kõigi kohalikele lisatud failidele.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Algseadistada...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Pealkiri">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Uuendatud">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Veel stiile...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Kiirvaliku klahvid">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Suvaline string">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Täpsemalt">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Otsing">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Artikli otsingumootori haldaja">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Valida...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Andmete kataloogi näitamine">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Andmebaasi hooldus">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Andmebaasi sidususe kontroll">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Alglaadida tõlkijad ja stiilid...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Sulgeda">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Toimetada">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Kustutada">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "Vealogi võib sisaldada teateid, mis ei puutu Zoterosse.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Palun oodake kuni veateadet saadetakse.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Teie veateade on saadetud.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Palun postitage teade foorumisse ( koos veateate ID-ga ja kirjeldusega, millistel asjaoludel probleem esineb ning mis seda iseloomustab.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Veateadetega, millest ei ole foorumites teada antud, üldjuhul ei tegeleta.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Paigaldasite uue Zotero versiooni.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Et Zotero andmebaas töötaks uue versiooniga on seda tarvis uuendada.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Enne muudatuste tegemist varundatakse olemasolev andmebaas automaatselt.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Õigused">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Lisamise kuupäev">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Muutmise kuupäev">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Näidata raamatukogus">
<!ENTITY "Märkuse lisamine">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Teksti muutmine">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Suurteks Algustähtedeks">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Lause tõst">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Uus märkus">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Uus sõltumatu märkus">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Valida nähtav">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Nähtava valiku eemaldamine">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Ära vali midagi">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Lipiku ümbernimetamine...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Lipiku kustutamine...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Sisestada otsitava ISBN, DOI või PMID allolevasse lahtrisse.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Kirjete valimine">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Valida millised kirjeid soovite lisada raamatukokku">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Valimata lipikuid ei salvestata.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Lipik kustutatakse kõigilt kirjetelt.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proksi omaks võetud.">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Lisage vaid oma raamatukogust, koolist või firmast lähtuvaid proksisid">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Teiste prokside lisamine võib kujutada turvariski.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=Alglaadida hiljem
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Tekkis viga.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Tundmatu viga.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Palun Firefox alglaadida.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Palun Firefox alglaadida ja siis uuesti proovida.
general.checkForUpdate=Uuenduste kontrollimine
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=Edasise info tarbeks vaadake %S.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Dokumentatsiooni avamine
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Zotero parajasti toimetab.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Palun oodake kuni see lõpeb.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Veateate saatmiseks Zotero arendajatele vajutage %S.
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Kuidas viga tekib:
errorReport.expectedResult=Loodetud tulemus:
errorReport.actualResult=Tegelik tulemus:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=Zotero andmete kataloogi ei leitud.
dataDir.previousDir=Eelmine kataloog:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Kasutada Firefoxi profiili kataloogi
dataDir.selectDir=Zotero andmete kataloogi valimine
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Kataloog ei ole tühi
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Kataloog, mille valisite ei ole ilmselt tühi ja ei ole ka Zotero andmete kataloog.\n\nLuua Zotero failid sellest hoolimata sinna kataloogi?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Zotero uuendamise teadaanne
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=Paistab, et kasutate esmakordselt %1$St. Kas soovite %1$Si laadida seaded %2$Sst ja kasutada olemasolevat andmete kataloogi?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S jagab andmete kataloogi viimati kasutatud profiiliga.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Uus salvestatud otsing
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Pange salvestatud otsingule nimi:
pane.collections.rename=Nimetage teema ümber:
pane.collections.library=Minu raamatukogu
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.unfiled=Teemata kirjed
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Soovite kindlasti lipikut kustutada?\n\nLipik ee
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 lipikut valitud
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S lipik valitud
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S lipikut valitud
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Kirjete nimekirja laadimine...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Liiguta Prahi hulka
pane.items.trash=Olete kindel, et soovite valitud kirje Prahi hulka liigutada?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Olete kindel, et soovite valitud kirjed Prahi hulka liigutada?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S kirjet valitud
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Kirje tüübi muutmine
pane.item.changeType.text=Soovite kindlasti selle kirje tüüpi muutma?\n\nJärgnevad väljad kustutatakse:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ manust:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S manus:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S manust:
|||| valimine
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=vajutage siia
|||| lipikut:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S lipik:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S lipikut:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Kasutaja poolt lisatud lipik
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automaatselt lisatud lipik
|||| seotut:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S seotud:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S seotut:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Valitud teemasse ei ole võimalik kirjeid
ingester.saveToZotero=Salvestada Zoterosse
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Salvestada Zoterosse kasutades "%S"
ingester.scraping=Kirje salvestamine...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Kirje salvestatud
ingester.scrapeError=Kirje salvestamine ei õnnestunud
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Selle kirje salvestamisel tekkis viga. Lisainformatsiooniks vaadake %S.
@ -428,6 +469,7 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Selle saidi puhul alati lubada
ingester.importFile.title=Faili importimine
ingester.importFile.text=Soovite importida faili "%S"?\n\nKirjed lisatakse uude teemasse.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Teostan otsimist...
ingester.lookup.error=Selle kirje otsimisel tekkis viga.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| lahendajat leitud
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S lahendaja leitud
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S lahendajat leitud
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| taasloomine
|||| kogu indeksi taasluua? See võib võtta aega.\n\nEt indekseerida vaid kirjed, mis on indekseerimata, kasutage %S.
|||| tühjendamine
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Kõik uued või muudetu
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Stiilid alglaadida
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Kõik uued või muudetud stiilid lähevad kaotsi.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Järgnevad failid olid juba kataloogis ning neid ei kopeeritud:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Järgnevad faile ei leitud ning neid ei saanud kopeerida:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Import
fileInterface.exportedItems=Eksporditud kirjed
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=Antud faili jaoks ei leitud tõlkijat.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Nimetu biblograafia
fileInterface.importError=Valitud faili importimisel tekkis viga. Veenduge, et tegemist on õige failiga ning proovige uuesti.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=Kirjed, mida te olete valinud, ei sisalda viitei
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Bibliograafia loomisel tekkis viga. Palun proovige uuesti.
fileInterface.exportError=Valitud faili eksportimisel tekkis viga.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Ekspertotsing — vajutage otsimiseks vajutage sisesta (Enter).
searchInProgress=Toimub otsimine — palun oodake.
@ -613,6 +677,7 @@ integration.cited.loading=Tsiteeritud kirjete laadimine...
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Tühi viide.
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=Viide, mille valisite, oleks praeguse viitestiili järgi tühi. Olete kindel, et soovite seda lisada?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=See versioon Zotero tesktiredaktori pluginist ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) ei ühildu Zotero Firefoxi lisaga (%1$S). Palun neid uuendada.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S nõuab %2$S %3$S või hilisemat. Palun laadige %2$S alla lehelt.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=Viidet on muudetud pärast seda kui Zotero on selle
integration.citationChanged.description=Kui jah, siis edaspidi Zotero ei uuenda seda viidet ka juhul, kui lisate viiteid, vahetate stiile või muudate seda kirjet Zotero baasis. Kui valite "Ei", siis Zotero kustutab praegused muudatused.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Viidet on muudetud pärast seda kui Zotero on selle loonud. Redigeerimine kustutab teie muudatused. Kas soovite jätkata?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Paigaldada stiil "%1$S" asukohast %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=uuendada olemasolevat stiili "%1$S" stiiliks "%2$S" asukohast %3$S?
styles.installed=Stiili "%S" paigaldamine õnnestus.
styles.installError=%S näib olevat vigane.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S viitab vigasele või puuduvale CSL failile %2$S.
styles.deleteStyle=Olete kindel, et soovite stiili "%1$S" kustutada?
styles.deleteStyles=Olete kindel, et soovite neid stiile kustutada?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Lõpeta sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Sync eelistused
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Algseadista Grupp ja Sync
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=Serveri objekt
sync.mergedObject=Liidetud objekt
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Kasutajanimi ei ole määratud
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Salasõna ei ole määratud
sync.error.invalidLogin=Vigane kasutajanimi või salasõna
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Palun sisestada salasõna.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero ei saa sisse logimisega hakkama, ilmselt Firefoxi salvestatud salasõna vea tõttu.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Sulgege Firefox, tehke varukoopia ja kustutage enda Firefoxi profiilist salvestatud sisselogimise info. Seejärel sisestage enda info uuesti Zotero seadetes.
@ -672,6 +747,41 @@ sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Kui jätkate, taastatakse grupi raamatukogu sellest
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Kui soovite salvestada tehtud muudatused kuhugi mujale või taodelda muutmisõigust grupi administraatori käest, katkestage sünkroonimine.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Automaatne sünkroonimine põhjustas konflikti, mis nõuab teie sekkumist.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Sünkroonimiseks vajutage sünkroonimise ikooni.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Sünkroonimist ei ole toimunud
sync.status.lastSync=Viimane sünkroonimine:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Andmete laadimine serverisse
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Suhtlus serveriga
sync.status.syncingFiles=Andmete sünkroonimine
|||| remaining
||||äänud on %SKB
||||$S/%2$S faili
|||| fail
|||| asuv fail
|||| fail
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@ seadistamine kinnitatud
||| sünkroonimise seadistamine edukas
|||| konto seaded
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| %S ei ole kättesaadav
|||| aadressil ei ole teil õigust luua Zotero kataloogi:
|||| kontrollida sünkroonimise seaded või võtke ühendust serveri administraatoriga.
|||| konnitamine ebaõnnestus. Kontrollige sünkroonimise seaded Zotero seadete alt.
|||| "%S" ei ole võimalik Zotero hoidlas luua.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| ei ole enam ligipääsu Zotero grupp "%S"-le ning lisatud või muudetud faile ei ole võimaik serverisse sünkroniseerida.
|||| soovite salvestada tehtud muudatused kuhugi mujale, katkestage sünkroonimine.
|||| üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus.
|||| ei leitud
|||| ei leidu.
|||| soovite seda luua?
|||| WebDAV URL.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| ei ole korrektne WebDAV URL.
|||| server ei tunnista sisestatud kasutajanime ja salasõna.
|||| puudub WebDAV serveris ligipääs %S-le.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ ühendumisel tekkis SSL ühendus
||| infoks laadige WebDAV URL brauseris.
|||| vaadake sertifikaadi tühistamise dokumentatsiooni.
|||| URL laadimine
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| serveris teile eraldatud laoruum on täis saanud. Mõningaid faile ei laaditud üles, ülejäänud zotero andmeid aga sünkroonitakse endiselt.
|||| laoruumi saamiseks vaadake enda kontot.
|||| '%S' on ära kasutanud serveris eraldatud laoruumi. Mõningaid faile ei laaditud üles, ülejäänud zotero andmeid aga sünkroonitakse endiselt.
|||| omanik saab laoruumi suurendada.
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Salvestada lipik
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Salvestada lipikud
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=PDFist ei õnnetstu teksti lugeda.
recognizePDF.noMatches=Sobivaid vasteid ei leitud.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Faili ei leitud.
recognizePDF.limit=Päringulimiit saavutatud. Palun hiljem uuesti proovida.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metaandmete kogumine lõppenud.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Valige asukoht, kuhu formateeritud fail salvestada
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Otsing luhtus
lookup.failure.description=Zotero ei leidnud määratud identifikaatorit. Palun kontrollige identifikaatorit ja proovige uuesti.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| vaade
|||| kirje vaatamine võrgus
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Mila esker:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Gora askatasuna">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "More Credits & Acknowledgements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Lehenetsia:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "itemak">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Orokorra">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sync attachment files in My Library using">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sync attachment files in group libraries using Zotero storage">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "By using Zotero storage, you agree to become bound by its">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "terms and conditions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Full Sync with Zotero Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Datu-base lokala eta zerbitzarikoa batu, sinkronizatze-kronika bastertuz.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Datu-basea zerbitzaritik jeitsi">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Ezabatu zerbitzariko datu-basea eta igo fitxategi lokalak.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Garbitu Sync kronika">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Force checking of the storage server for all local attachment files.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reset...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Updated">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Estilo gehialgo instalatu...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Teklatu-komandoak">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Any string">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Advanced">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Locate">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Article Lookup Engine Manager">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Choose...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Show Data Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Database Maintenance">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Check Database Integrity">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reset Translators and Styles...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Close">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "About &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Support and Documentation">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Troubleshooting Information">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Submit Feedback…">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Editatu">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Ezabatu">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "The error log may include messages unrelated to Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Please wait while the error report is submitted.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Your error report has been submitted.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Please post a message to the Zotero forums ( with this Report ID, a description of the problem, and any steps necessary to reproduce it.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Error reports are not reviewed unless referred to in the forums.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Zotero-ren bertsio berria instalatu egin duzu.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Zure Zotero datu-basea eguneratu behar da bertsio berriarekin erabili ahal izateko.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Zure oraingo datu-basea gorde egingo da inolako aldaketarik egin baino lehen..">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Jabetza">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Noiz gehitua">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Noiz aldatua">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Bilatu liburutegian">
<!ENTITY "Oharra gehitu">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Testua bihurtu">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "letra larria">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sentence case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "New Note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Ohar solte berria...">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Agerikoak hautatu">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Agerikoak desautatu">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Guztiak desautatu">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Esteka izenaz aldatu...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Esteka ezabatu...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Kuadroan ISBN, DOI, edo PMID zenbakia sartu:">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Hautatu Itemak">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Hautatu liburutegira gehitu nahi dituzun Itemak">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Desautatutako estekak ez dira gordeko.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Esteka hau Item guztietatik kenduko da.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proxy onartuta">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Only add proxies linked from your library, school, or corporate website">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Adding other proxies allows malicious sites to masquerade as sites you trust.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=Berrabiarazi gero
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Errore bat gertatu da.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Errore ezezagun bat gertatu da.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Berrabiarazi ezazu Firefox.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Berrabiarazi ezazu Firefox eta saiatu berriro.
general.checkForUpdate=Bilatu eguneraketak
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=%S-en informazio gehiago duzu.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Zotero lanean ari da.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Itxaren ezazu bukatu arte.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Sakatu %S Zotero garatzaileei errore-txostena bidaltz
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Steps to Reproduce:
errorReport.expectedResult=Expected result:
errorReport.actualResult=Actual result:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=Zotero datu basea ezin da aurkitu.
dataDir.previousDir=Aurreko kokalekua:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Zure "Firefox profile" karpeta erabili
dataDir.selectDir=Datu-baseari kokalekua ezarri
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Kokalekua ez dago hutsik
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Hautatu duzun kokalekua ez dago hutsik eta ez dirudi Zotero datu-base batena denik.\n\nSortu Zotero fitxategiak hemen hala ere?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Existing Zotero Library Found
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=This appears to be your first time using %1$S. Would you like %1$S to import settings from %2$S and use your existing data directory?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S will share its data directory with the most recently used profile.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Gordetako bilaketa berria
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Sartu gordetako bilaketaren izena:
pane.collections.rename=Aldatu bildumaren izena:
pane.collections.library=Nire Liburutegia
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=Titulu gabe
pane.collections.unfiled=Unfiled Items
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Benetan ezabatu esteka?\n\n Esteka dagozkion ite
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=Estekarik hautatu gabe
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S esteka hautatu
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S esteka hautatu
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=datuak kargatzen ari...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Zaborrara bota
pane.items.trash=Hautatutako itema zaborrera bota?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Hautatutako itemak zaborrera bota?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S hautaturiko item
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Aldatu item mota
pane.item.changeType.text=Benetan item mota alduatu?\n\nOndorengo eremuak galduko dira:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ eranskin:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=eranskin %S:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S eranskin:
|||| fitxategi bat
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=klikatu hemen
|||| %S:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S esteka:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S esteka:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=esteka erabiltzaileak sortua
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=esteka automatikoki sortua
|||| erlaziodun:
pane.item.related.count.singular=erlaziodun %S:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S erlaziodun:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=Zotero-n gorde
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Save to Zotero using "%S"
ingester.scraping=Itema gordetzen ari...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Itema gorde egin da.
ingester.scrapeError=Itema ezin izan da gorde.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Errore bat gertatu da gordetzekotan. Sakatu %S gehiago jakiteko.
@ -427,7 +468,8 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Do you want to import items from "%1$S" into
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Always allow for this site
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?\n\nItems will be added to a new collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Performing Lookup…
ingester.lookup.error=An error occurred while performing lookup for this item.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| resolvers found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resolver found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resolvers found
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| Index
|||| you want to rebuild the entire index? This may take a while.\n\nTo index only items that haven't been indexed, use %S.
|||| Index
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Any new or modified tra
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Reset Estiloak
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Aldatutako estiloak eta estilo berriak galdu egingo dira.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Ondorengo fitxategiak kopiatzeko kokalekuan izenkideak izanez, ez dira kopiatu:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Ondornego fitxategiak ez dira aurkitu ezta kopiatu:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Inporta
fileInterface.exportedItems=Esportatuko itemak
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=No translator could be found for the given file.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Izengabeko Bibliografia
fileInterface.importError=Errore bat gertatu da fitxategia inportatzekotan. Egiaztatu fitxategiaren balioa eta saiatu berriro.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=Zuk hautatutako itemek ez dute erreferentziarik
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Errore bat gertatu da bibliografia sortzekotan. Saiatu berriro.
fileInterface.exportError=Errore bat gertatu da fitxategia esportatzekotan.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Bilaketa aurreratua - Sakatu SARTU bilatzeko.
searchInProgress=Bilaketa burutzen ari - itxaron mesedez.
@ -613,11 +677,12 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Aipamen hutsa
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=Zuk zehaztu duzun erreferentzia hutsik geratuko litzateke oraingo estiloaren arabera. Benetan gehitu?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Errorea
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.generic=Errorea eguneratzekotan.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Sartu aipamen bat, ez dago ezer eta!
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Lehenik, Bibliografiaren kokalekua hautatu behar da
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generat
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Instalatu "%1$S" estilo %2$S-tik?
styles.updateStyle=Eguneratu dagoen "%1$S" estilo "%2$S" %3$S-tik erabiliz?
styles.installed="%S" estiloaren instalaziñoa ongi burutu da.
styles.installError=%S-ek ez du estilo fitxategi baliorik.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S references an invalid or non-existent CSL file at %2$S as its source.
styles.deleteStyle=Are you sure you want to delete the style "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Are you sure you want to delete the selected styles?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancel Sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Ireki Sync Hobespenak...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reset Group eta Sync
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=serbidoreko itema
sync.mergedObject=proposamen automatikoa
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Erabiltzaile izena ezarri gabe
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Pasahitza ezarri gabe
sync.error.invalidLogin=Erabiltzailea edo pasahitza okerra
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Sartu pasahitza, mesedez
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
@ -670,8 +745,43 @@ sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Itxaron hura bukatu arte eta berrabiarazi Firefox
sync.error.writeAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on the server, and local modifications to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, cancel the sync now.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=An automatic sync resulted in a conflict that requires manual intervention.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Sakatu Sync ikurra eskuz sinkronizatzeko.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Sinkronizatu gabe oraindik
sync.status.lastSync=Azken Sync:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Datuak zerbitzarira igotzen
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Upload accepted — waiting for sync server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Fitxategiak sinkronizatzen ari...
|||| remaining
|||| falta dira
||||$S/%2$S fitxategi
|||| ez
|||| lokala
|||| fitxategia
|||| den fitxategia
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@ configuration verified
||| File sync is successfully set up.
|||| Kontu-hobespenak
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| zerbitzarira ezin izan da heldu.
|||| bat zure baimenekin: You do not have permission to create a Zotero directory at the following address:
|||| check your file sync settings or contact your server administrator.
|||| egiaztapenak huts egin du. Egiaztatu Sync hobespenak Zotero panelean.
|||| file '%S' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| no longer have file editing access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
|||| you would like a chance to copy changed items and files elsewhere, cancel the sync now.
|||| File upload failed.
|||| Kokapena ezin aurkitu
|||| %S ez dago.
|||| sortu?
|||| WebDAV URL bat.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| ez du balio WebDAV URL gisa.
|||| zerbitzariak zure erabiltzailea eta pasahitza ukatu egin ditu
|||| You don't have permission to access %S on the WebDAV server.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ SSL connection error conne
||| your WebDAV URL in the browser for more information.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| gordetzen den lekua Zotero zerbitzarian gainezka dago. Zenbait fitxategi ez dira hara bidali. Besteak sinkronizatzen jarraituko dira.
|||| your account settings for additional storage options.
|||| group '%S' has reached its Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| group owner can increase the group's storage capacity from the storage settings section on
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Gorde Esteka
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Gorde Estekak
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Could not read text from PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No matching references found.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=File not found.
recognizePDF.limit=Query limit reached. Try again later.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metadata Retrieval Complete.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Select a location in which to save the formatted file
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Lookup Failed
lookup.failure.description=Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| Online
|||| to this item online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "تشکر ویژه از:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "بستن">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "More Credits & Acknowledgements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "پیشفرض:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "آیتم">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "عمومی">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "آدرس:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "همزمانسازی پروندههای پیوست در کتابخانه با استفاده از ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "همزمانسازی پروندههای پیوست در کتابخانههای گروهی با استفاده از سامانه ذخیره زوترو (Zotero storage)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "با استفاده از سامانه ذخیره زوترو (Zotero storage) میپذیرید که تابع">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "شرایط و قوانین آن باشید ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "همزمانسازی کامل با کارگزار زوترو">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "تلفیق اطلاعات محلی زوترو با اطلاعات کارگزار همزمانسازی و نادیده گرفتن تاریخچه همزمانسازی.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "بازیابی از کارگزار زوترو">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "پاک کردن همه اطلاعات و رونویسی با اطلاعات محلی زوترو">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "پاک کردن تاریخچه همزمانسازی پروندهها">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Force checking of the storage server for all local attachment files.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "بازنشانی...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "عنوان">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "روزآمد">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "دریافت شیوههای بیشتر...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "کلیدهای میانبر">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - هر نوع رشته">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "پیشرفته">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "مکانیابی">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "ساماندهی مکانیاب مقالات">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "انتخاب...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "نمایش محل ذخیره اطلاعات">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "رسیدگی به دادگان">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "بررسی یکپارچگی دادگان">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "بازنشانی مترجمها و شیوهها...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Close">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "About &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Support and Documentation">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Troubleshooting Information">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Submit Feedback…">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "ویرایش">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "حذف">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "گزارش خطا ممکن است شامل پیامهای غیر مرتبط با زوترو باشد.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "لطفا تا پایان ارسال گزارش خطا، صبر کنید.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "گزارش خطا ارسال شد.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "لطفا یک پیام به انجمن گفتگوی زوترو به آدرس بفرستید که شامل شناسه گزارش، شرحی از مشکل و مراحل لازم برای تولید مجدد آن باشد.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "برای بررسی گزارش خطا، حتما باید آن را به انجمن گفتگو ارجاع دهید. در غیر این صورت گزارش بررسی نخواهد شد.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "شما نسخه جدیدی از زوترو را نصب کردهاید.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "برای کار کردن با نسخه جدید، بانک اطلاعات زوترو باید ارتقا یابد.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "از بانک اطلاعات موجود، پیش از انجام هر تغییری، به صورت خودکار نسخه پشتیبان تهیه خواهد شد.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "حقوق">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "تاریخ افزودن">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "تاریخ تغییر">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "نمایش در کتابخانه">
<!ENTITY "افزودن یادداشت">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "تبدیل متن">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "حروف اول بزرگ">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sentence case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "New Note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "یادداشت مستقل جدید">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "انتخاب برچسبهای پیدا">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "عدم انتخاب برچسبهای پیدا">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "انتخاب هیچکدام">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "تغییر نام برچسب...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "حذف برچسب...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "شابک، DOI یا PMID را برای جستجو در کادر زیر وارد کنید.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "انتخاب آیتمها">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "آیتمهای مورد نظر را برای افزودن به کتابخانه انتخاب کنید">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "برچسبهای انتخاب نشده، ذخیره نخواهند شد.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "برچسب در همه آیتمها پاک خواهد شد.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "پیشکار شناسایی شد">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "فقط پیشکارهای مرتبط با کتابخانه، شرکت یا دانشگاه خود را بیفزایید.">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary " افزودن پیشکارهای متفرقه، ممکن است به وبگاههای بدخواه امکان دهد که خود را به صورت منابع قابل اعتماد معرفی کنند.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=راهاندازی مجدد بعدا انجام شود
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=رخداد خطا.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=خطای ناشناخته.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=لطفا فایرفاکس را دوباره راهاندازی کنید.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=لطفا فایرفاکس را مجددا راهاندازی و دوباره تلاش کنید.
general.checkForUpdate=گشتن به دنبال روزآمد
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=برای اطلاعات بیشتر %S را ببی
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=زوترو در حال انجام کاری است.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=لطفا تا زمان اتمام آن صبر کنید.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=%S را برای ارسال یک گزارش خطا ب
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=گامهای مورد نیاز برای تولید دوباره:
errorReport.expectedResult=نتیجه مورد انتظار:
errorReport.actualResult=نتیجه واقعی:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=پوشه دادههای زوترو پیدا نشد.
dataDir.previousDir=پوشه قبلی:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=استفاده از پوشه پروفایل فایرفاک
dataDir.selectDir=انتخاب پوشه دادههای زوترو
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=پوشه خالی نیست
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=پوشه انتخاب شده خالی نیست و به نظر نمیرسد که پوشه دادههای زوترو باشد. \n\n آیا به هرحال میخواهید پروندههای زوترو در این پوشه ساخته شوند؟
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=تذکر انتقال به زوتروی جدید
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=به نظر میرسد که بار اولی است که از %1$S استفاده میکنید. آیا میخواهید %1$S تنظیمات و پوشه دادهها شما را از %2$S درونبرد کند؟
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S پوشه دادههای خود را با آخرین پروفایل مورد استفاده، به اشتراک خواهد گذاشت.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=جستجوی ذخیره شده جدید
pane.collections.savedSearchName=یک نام برای این جستجوی ذخیره شده وارد کنید:
pane.collections.rename=تغییر نام مجموعه:
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.trash=سطل بازیافت
pane.collections.untitled=بدون عنوان
pane.collections.unfiled=آیتمهای دستهبندی نشده
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=آیا واقعا میخواهید این ب
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=هیچ برچسبی انتخاب نشده است
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=یک برچسب انتخاب شده است
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S برچسب انتخاب شدهاند
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=بار کردن لیست آیتمها...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=انتقال به سطل بازیافت
pane.items.trash=آیتم انتخاب شده به سطل بازیافت برود؟
pane.items.trash.multiple=آیتمهای انتخاب شده به سطل بازیافت بروند؟
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S آیتم انتخاب شده
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=تغییر نوع آیتم
pane.item.changeType.text=آیا واقعا میخواهید نوع آیتم را عوض کنید؟\n\nاین فیلدها از بین خواهند رفت:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@بدون پیوست:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=یک پیوست:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S پیوست:
||||انتخاب پرونده
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=کلیک کنید
||||بدون برچسب:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=یک برچسب:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S برچسب:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=برچسب وارد شده توسط کاربر
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=برچسب افزوده شده به صورت خودکار
||||بدون آیتم مرتبط:
pane.item.related.count.singular=یک آیتم مرتبط:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S آیتم مرتبط:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=ذخیره در زوترو
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Save to Zotero using "%S"
ingester.scraping=در حال ذخیره...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=ذخیره شد
ingester.scrapeError=ذخیره امکانپذیر نیست
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=در زمان ذخیره این آیتم، خطایی رخ داد. %S را برای اطلاعات بیشتر چک کنید.
@ -427,7 +468,8 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=آیا میخواهید آیتمها ا
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=همیشه برای این وبگاه، اجازه داده شود
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?\n\nItems will be added to a new collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Performing Lookup…
ingester.lookup.error=An error occurred while performing lookup for this item.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
|||هیچ تشخیصدهندهای پیدا نشد
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=یک تشخیصدهنده پیدا شد
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S تشخیصدهنده پیدا شد
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
||||نوسازی نمایه
||||آیا میخواهید تمام نمایه را نوسازی کنید؟ این کار احتمالا مدتی طول خواهد کشید. \n\n برای محدود کردن نمایهسازی به آیتمهایی که هنوز نمایه نشدهاند، میتوانید از %S استفاده کنید.
||||پاک کردن نمایه
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=همه مترجمه
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=بازنشانی شیوهها
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=همه شیوههای جدید یا اصلاح شده از دست خواهند رفت.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=این پروندهها از قبل در پوشه مقصد وجود داشتند و رونوشتبرداری نشدند:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=این پروندهها پیدا نشدند و رونوشت برداشتن از آنها ممکن نبود:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=درونبرد
fileInterface.exportedItems=آیتمهای صادر شده
fileInterface.imported=درونبرد شده
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=هیچ مترجمی برای پرونده مورد نظر پیدا نشد.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=کتابنامه بدون عنوان
fileInterface.importError=در حین تلاش برای درونبرد پرونده انتخاب شده، خطایی رخ داد. لطفا از معتبر بودن پرونده مطمئن شوید و دوباره تلاش کنید.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=آیتمهایی که شما انتخاب ک
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=در زمان تولید کتابنامه، خطایی رخ داد. لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید.
fileInterface.exportError=در حین تلاش برای صدور پرونده انتخاب شده، خطایی رخ داد.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=جستجوی پیشرفته - برای جستجو Enter را بزنید.
searchInProgress=در حال جستجو - لطفا صبر کنید.
@ -613,6 +677,7 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=یادکرد خالی
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=یادکرد تعیین شده در شیوه فعلی خالی خواهد بود. آیا واقعا میخواهید آن را بیفزایید؟
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=این نگارش از افزونه واژهپرداز زوترو ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) با نگارش فعلی زوتروی نصب شده در فایرفاکس (%1$S) ناسازگار است. لطفا از نصب آخرین نگارش هر دو برنامه مطمئن شوید.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=زوترو %1$S به %2$S %3$S یا جدیدتر نیاز دارد. لطفا آخرین نسخه %2$S را از بارگیری کنید.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generat
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=شیوهنامه "%1$S" از %2$S نصب شود؟
styles.updateStyle=شیوهنامه "%1$S" با "%2$S" از %3$S روزآمد شود؟
styles.installed=شیوهنامه "%S" با موفقیت نصب شد.
styles.installError=%S پرونده شیوهنامه معتبری نیست.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S به پرونده سیاسالی در %2$S به عنوان منبع ارجاع میدهد که وجود ندارد یا معتبر نیست.
styles.deleteStyle=آیا واقعا میخواهید شیوهنامه "%1$S" را حذف کنید؟
styles.deleteStyles=آقای واقعا میخواهید شیوهنامههای انتخاب شده را حذف کنید؟
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=لغو همزمانسازی
sync.openSyncPreferences=باز کردن تنظیمات همزمانسازی...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=بازنشانی گروه و همزمانسازی
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=شیء دور
sync.mergedObject=شیء تلفیقی
sync.error.usernameNotSet=نام کاربری وارد نشده است
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=گذرواژه تنظیم نشده است
sync.error.invalidLogin=گذرواژه یا نام کاربری درست نیست.
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=لطفا یک گذرواژه وارد کنید.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=زوترو نمیتواند به اطلاعات لازم برای ورود به وبگاه دسترسی پیدا کند. احتمالا این اشکال به خاطر خرابی دادگان ثبت ورود فایرفاکس ایجاد شده است.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=فایرفاکس را ببندید و بعد از پشتیبان گرفتن، همه پروندههای signons.* را از پوشه پروفایل فایرفاکس پاک کنید و اطلاعات ثبت ورود زوترو را در قسمت مربوط به تنظیمات همزمانسازی، از نو وارد کنید.
@ -672,6 +747,41 @@ sync.error.groupWillBeReset=اگر ادامه دهید، رونوشت شما ا
sync.error.copyChangedItems=اگر میخواهید از تغییرات خود در جای دیگری، رونوشت بگیرید یا از سرپرست یک گروه، دسترسی برای نوشتن را درخواست کنید، هماکنون همزمانسازی را لغو کنید.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=همزمانسازی خودکار، منجر به ناسازگاریای شده است که به دخالت دستی نیاز دارد.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=برای همزمانسازی دستی، نشانه همزمانسازی را کلیک کنید.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=هنوز همزمان نشده است
sync.status.lastSync=آخرین همزمانسازی:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=در حال بارگذاری دادهها به کا
sync.status.uploadAccepted=بارگذاری پذیرفته شد. \u2014 در انتظار کارگزار همزمانسازی
sync.status.syncingFiles=در حال همزمانسازی پروندهها
|||| remaining
|||| باقی مانده است
||||پروندههای %1$S/%2$S
||||پرونده محلی
||||پرونده دور
||||پرونده ذخیره شده
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@تنظیمات کارگزار تایی
|||تنظیمات همزمانسازی پرونده با موفقیت انجام شد.
||||باز کردن تنظیمات حساب کاربری
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
||||دسترسی به کارگزار %S امکانپذیر نیست.
||||شما مجوز ساخت پوشه زوترو در این آدرس را ندارید:
||||لطفا تنظیمات همزمانسازی پروندههای خود را بررسی کنید یا با سرپرست کارگزار تماس بگیرید.
|||| تایید نشد. تنظیمات همزمانسازی پرونده را در قسمت تنظیمات همزمانسازی زوترو، بازبینی کنید.
||||زوترو نتوانست پرونده '%S' را در پوشه 'storage' بسازد.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
||||شما دیگر به گروه زوترو با نام '%S' دسترسی برای ویرایش ندارید. در نتیجه امکان همزمانسازی با کارگزار برای پروندههایی که افزودهاید یا ویرایش کردهاید، وجود ندارد.
||||اگر میخواهید از تغییرات خود در جای دیگری، رونوشت بگیرید یا از سرپرست یک گروه، دسترسی برای نوشتن را درخواست کنید، هماکنون همزمانسازی را لغو کنید.
||||بارگذاری پرونده ناموفق بود.
||||پوشه پیدا نشد
|||| وجود ندارد.
||||آیا میخواهید آن را ایجاد کنید؟
||||لطفا یک WebDAV URL وارد کنید.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| یک WebDAV URL معتبر نیست.
||||کارگزار WebDAV نام کاربر و گذرواژهای که وارد کردید را نپذیرفت.
||||شما مجوز دسترسی به %S روی کارگزار WebDAV را ندارید.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@خطای اتصال SSL در زما
|||برای اطلاعات بیشتر WebDAV URL خود را در مرورگر وارد کنید.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
||||سهمیه «ذخیره پروندههای زوترو»ی شما پر شده است. برخی پروندهها، بارگذاری نشدند. همزمانسازی سایر دادههای زوترو با کارگزار همچنان انجام خواهد شد.
||||تنظیمات حساب کاربری خود در را برای گزینههای ذخیره بیشتر ببینید.
||||سهمیه «ذخیره پروندههای زوترو» گروه '%S' پر شده است. برخی پروندهها باگذاری نشدند. همزمانسازی سایر دادههای زوترو با کارگزار، همچنان انجام خواهد شد.
||||مالک گروه میتواند ظرفیت ذخیره گروه را در قسمت تنظیمات ذخیره در وبگاه افزایش دهد.
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=ذخیره برچسب
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=ذخیره برچسبها
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=خواندن متن از PDF امکانپذیر ن
recognizePDF.noMatches=مرجع مطابقت کنندهای پیدا نشده
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=پرونده پیدا نشد.
recognizePDF.limit=Query limit reached. Try again later.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=بازیابی فرادادهها تمام شد.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=مکانی را برای ذخیره پرونده قالببندی شده انتخاب کنید
rtfScan.scannedFileSuffix=(پیمایش شد)
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=جستجوی ناموفق
lookup.failure.description=زوترو نتوانست رکوردی برای شناسه مورد نظر پیدا کند. لطفا شناسه را بازبینی کنید و دوباره تلاش کنید.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
||||نمایش نسخه برخط
||||رفتن به نسخه برخط این آیتم
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Erityiskiitokset:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Sulje">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Lisää kiitoksia">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Oletus:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "nimikkeet">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Yleistä">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "Osoite:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Synkronoi liitetiedostot Omaan Kirjastoon käyttäen protokollaa">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Synkronoi ryhmäkirjastojen liitetiedostot käyttäen Zoteron tallennustilaa">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Käyttämällä Zoteron tallennustilaa sitoudut samalla siihen liittyviin">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "käyttöehtoihin">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Täydellinen synkronointi Zotero-palvelimen kanssa">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Yhdistä paikallinen Zotero-aineisto synkronointipalvelimen aineiston kanssa jättäen synkronointihistoria huomioimatta">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Palauta aineisto Zotero-palvelimelta">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Poista kaikki palvelimella oleva aineisto ja korvaa se paikallisella Zotero-aineistolla">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Poista tiedostojen synkronointihistoria">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Tarkistaa jokaisen paikallisen liitetiedoston löytymisen tallennuspalvelimelta">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Palauta">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Nimi">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Päivitetty">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Hanki lisää tyylejä...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Shortcut Keys">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Mikä tahansa merkkijono">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Lisäasetukset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Paikanna">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Artikkelihakumoottorin hallinta">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Valitse...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Näytä datahakemisto">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Tietokannan huolto">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Tarkista tietokannan eheys">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Palauta sivustotulkkien ja tyylien oletusarvot...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Sulje">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Muokkaa">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Poista">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "Virhepäiväkirjassa saattaa olla mukana Zoteroon liittymättömiä viestejä.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Odota">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Virheraporttisi on toimitettu.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Lähetä Zoteron keskustelualueelle ( viesti, joka sisältää raportin tunnuksen, ongelman kuvauksen sekä toimenpiteet, joilla virhe saadaan toistettua.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Error reports are generally not reviewed unless referred to in the forums.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Olet asentanut Zoteron uuden version.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Zotero-tietokantasi täytyy päivittää, jotta se toimisi uuden version kanssa.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Tietokantasi varmuuskopioidaan automaattisesti ennen muutosten tekemistä.">
@ -56,7 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Oikeudet">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Lisätty">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Muokattu">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.numChildren_column "+">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Näytä kirjastossa">
<!ENTITY "Lisää muistiinpano">
@ -104,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Muunna teksti">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Otsikon aakkoslaji">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Lauseenkaltainen">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Uusi muistiinpano">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Uusi itsenäinen muistiinpano">
@ -121,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Select visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Deselect visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Deselect all">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Rename Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Delete Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Kirjoita ISBN-, DOI tai PMID-koodi allaolevaan laatikkoon.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Valitse nimikkeet">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Valitse nimikkeet, jotka haluat lisätä kirjastoon">
@ -209,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Rastittamattomia merkkejä ei tallenneta.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Merkki poistetaan kaikista nimikkeistä.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Välityspalvelin tunnistettu">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Lisää vain välityspalvelimia, jotka on linkitetty kirjastostasi, koulustasi tai yrityksestäsi">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Muiden välityspalvelinten lisääminen antaa haittasivustoille mahdollisuuden naamioitua luotettaviksi sivustoiksi.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=Käynnistä uudelleen myöhemmin
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=On tapahtunut virhe
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Tapahtui tuntematon virhe.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Käynnistä Firefox uudelleen.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Käynnistä Firefox uudelleen ja kokeile uudestaan
general.checkForUpdate=Tarkista päivitykset
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=Katso %S, jos haluat tietää lisää.
general.enable=Laita päälle
general.disable=Ota pois päältä
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Avaa käyttöohje
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Zoteron toimenpide on käynnissä.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Odota, kunnes se valmis.
@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ upgrade.advanceMessage=Paina %S päivittääksesi nyt.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=Zoteron tietokanta on päivitettävä.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Zotero-tietokantasi on korjattava ennen päivityksen jatkamista.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Lataa tietokannan korjaustyökalu
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart %S to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart Firefox to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=Jos saat toistuvasti tämän viestin, käynnistä tietokone uudelleen.
errorReport.reportError=Report Error...
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Paina %S lähettääksesi virheraportin Zoteron kehit
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Virheen saa aikaan tekemällä näin:
errorReport.expectedResult=Odottamani lopputulos:
errorReport.actualResult=Todellinen lopputulos:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=Zoteron datakansiota ei löytynyt.
dataDir.previousDir=Edellinen kansio:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Käytä Firefoxin profiilikansiota
dataDir.selectDir=Valitse kansio Zoteron datalle
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Kansio ei ole tyhjä
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Valitsemasi kansio ei ole tyhjä eikä ilmeisesti Zoteron datakansio.\n\nLuodaanko Zoteron tiedot tähän kansioon siitä huolimatta?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Aiempi Zotero-kirjasto löytyi
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=Tämä vaikuttaa olevan ensimmäinen %1$S-kertasi. Haluatko, että %1$S tuo asetukset %2$S:sta ja käyttää aiempaa datahakemistoa?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S jakaa datahakemiston viimeisimmän käytetyn profiilin kanssa.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Uusi tallennettu haku
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Anna tälle tallennetulle haulle nimi:
pane.collections.rename=Anna kokoelmalle uusi nimi:
pane.collections.library=Oma Kirjasto
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.unfiled=Lajittelemattomat nimikkeet
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän merkin?\n\nMer
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 merkkiä valittuna
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S merkki valittuna
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S merkkiä valittuna
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Ladataan kohdeluettelo...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Siirrä roskakoriin
pane.items.trash=Haluatko varmasti siirtää valitun nimikkeen roskakoriin?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Haluatko varmasti siirtää valitut nimikkeet roskakoriin?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S kohdetta valittuna
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Vaihda kohteen tyyppi
pane.item.changeType.text=Haluatko varmasti vaihtaa kohteen tyypin?\n\nSeuraavat kentät menetetään:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ liitettä:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S liite:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S liitettä:
|||| tiedosto
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=napsauta tästä
|||| merkkiä:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S merkki:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S merkkiä:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Käyttäjän lisäämä merkki
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automaattisesti lisätty merkki
|||| liittyvää:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S liittyvä:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S liittyvää:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Et voi lisätä tiedostoja valittuun kokoe
ingester.saveToZotero=Tallenna Zoteroon
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Tallentaan Zoteroon käyttäen "%S"
ingester.scraping=Saving Item...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Nimike tallennettu
ingester.scrapeError=Nimikettä ei voitu tallentaa
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Nimikkeen tallentamisessa tapahtui virhe. Katso %S, jos haluat tietää lisää.
@ -428,12 +469,13 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Salli aina tälle sivustolle
ingester.importFile.title=Tuo tiedosto
ingester.importFile.text=Haluatko tuoda tiedoston "%S"?\n\nNimikkeet lisätään uuteen kokoelmaan.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Haku suoritetaan...
ingester.lookup.error=Hakua suoritettaessa tapahtui virhe.
db.dbCorrupted=Zotero-tietokanta '%S' vaikuttaa olevan vioittunut.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart %S to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart Firefox to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=Zotero-tietokanta '%S' vaikuttaa olevan vioittunut, eikä automaattista varmuuskopioita ole saatavilla.\n\nUusi tietokantatiedosto on nyt luotu. Vioittunut tiedosto on tallennettu Zotero-hakemistoosi.
db.dbRestored=Zotero-tietokanta '%1S' vaikuttaa olevan vioittunut.\n\nTiedot palautettiin automaattisesta varmuuskopiosta, joka on tehty %2$S %3$S. Vioittunut tiedosto on tallennettu Zotero-hakemistoosi.
db.dbRestoreFailed=Zotero-tietokanta '%S' vaikuttaa olevan vioittunut, ja yritys palauttaa automaattinen varmuuskopio epäonnistui.\n\nUusi tietokantatiedosto on nyt luotu. Vioittunut tiedosto on tallennettu Zotero-hakemistoosi.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| linkkipalvelinta löytyi
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S linkkipalvelin löytyi
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S linkkipalvelinta löytyi
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| indeksi uudelleen
|||| luoda koko indeksin uudelleen? Tämä saattaa kestää hetken.\n\nIndeksoidaksesi vain aiemmin indeksoimattomat nimikkeet käytä toimintoa %S.
||||ä indeksi
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Kaikki uudet tai muokat
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Resetoi tyylit
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Kaikki uudet tai muokatut tyylit menetetään
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Seuraavat tiedostot olivat jo valmiiksi kohdehakemistossa, ja niitä ei kopioitu:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Seuraavia tiedostoja ei löytynyt eikä niitä voinut kopioida:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Tuonti
fileInterface.exportedItems=Viedyt nimikkeet
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=Annetulle tiedostolle ei löytynyt tulkkia.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Nimetön lähdeluettelo
fileInterface.importError=Tapahtui virhe yrittäessä tuoda valittua tiedostoa. Varmista, että tiedosto on kunnossa, ja yritä uudelleen.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=Valitsemissasi nimikkeissä ei ole viitteitä. V
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Lähdeluetteloa luotaessa tapahtui virhe. Yritä uudelleen.
fileInterface.exportError=Valittua tiedostoa vietäessä tapahtui virhe.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Tarkennettu haku — paina Enter etsiäksesi.
searchInProgress=Haku käynnissä — odota hetki.
@ -613,11 +677,12 @@ integration.cited.loading=Ladataan siteerattuja nimikkeitä...
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=tyhjä sitaatti
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=Määrittelemäsi sitaatti olisi tyhjä valitussa tyylissä. Haluatko varmasti lisätä sen?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S edellytyksenä on %2$S %3$S tai uudempi. Lataa %2$S:n uusin versio osoitteesta
integration.error.title=Zoteron integraatiovirhe
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.generic=Virhe asiakirjaa päivitettäessä
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Sinun täytyy lisätä sitaatti ennen tämän toiminnon suorittamista
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Sinun täytyy lisätä lähdeluettelo ennen tämän toiminnon suorittamista
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=Olet muokannut sitaatti sen jälkeen kuin Zotero gen
integration.citationChanged.description=Jos painat "Kyllä", Zotero ei voi päivittää tätä sitaattia, vaikka lisäisi uusia sitaatteja, vaihtaisit tyylejä tai muokkaisit nimikettä, johon sitaatti viittaa. Jos painat "Ei", muutoksesi poistetaan.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Olet muokannut tätä sitaattia sen jälkeen kun Zotero generoi sen. Muokkaaminen poistaa muutokset. Haluatko jatkaa?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Asennetaanko tyyli "%1$S" lähteestä %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Päivitetäänkö aiempi tyyli "%1$S" tyylillä "%2$S" lähteestä %3$S?
styles.installed=Tyyli "%S" asennettiin onnistuneesti.
styles.installError=%S ei vaikuta olevan kelvollinen tyylitiedosto.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S viittaa epäkelpoon tai olemattoon CSL-tiedostoon %2$S.
styles.deleteStyle=Haluatko varmasti poistaa tyylin "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Haluatko varmasti poistaa valitut tyylit?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Peruuta synkronointi
sync.openSyncPreferences=Open Sync Preferences...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Resetoi ryhmä ja synkronointi
@ -660,18 +733,55 @@ sync.remoteObject=Etäobjekti
sync.mergedObject=Yhdistetty objekti
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Käyttäjänimeä ei määritetty
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Salasanaa ei määritetty
sync.error.invalidLogin=Virheellinen käyttäjänimi tai salasana
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Anna salasana.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Synkronointi on jo käynnissä.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Sinulla ei enää ole kirjoitusoikeutta Zoteron ryhmään '%S'. Lisäämiäsi tai muokkaamiasi tiedostoja ei voida synkronoida palvelimelle.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Jos jatkat, kopiosi ryhmästä resetoituu siihen tilaan, missä se palvelimella on. Paikalliset muokkaukset nimikkeisiin ja tiedostoihin menetetään.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Jos haluat mahdollisuuden kopioida tekemäsi muutokset muualle tai pyytää kirjoitusoikeutta ryhmän ylläpitäjältä, peruuta synkronointi nyt.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Automaattinen synkronointi johti konfliktiin, joka vaatii manuaalista väliintuloa.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Paina synkronointikuvaketta aloittaaksesi synkronoinnin manuaalisesti.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Ei vielä synkronoitu
sync.status.lastSync=Viimeisin synkronointi:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Siirretään tietoja synkronointipalvelimelle
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Tiedonsiirto hyväksytty \u2014 odotetaan synkronointipalvelinta
sync.status.syncingFiles=Synkronoidaan tiedostoja
|||| remaining
|||| kt jäljellä
||||$S/%2$S tiedostoa
|||| mitään
|||| tiedosto
|||| tiedosto
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@ varmistettu
||| on nyt määritetty.
|||| tilin asetukset
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| %S ei voitu tavoittaa.
|||| ei ole oikeutta luoda Zotero-kansiota osoitteeseen:
|||| tiedostojen synkronoinnin asetukset tai ota yhteyttä palvelimesi ylläpitäjään.
|||| tarkistus epäonnistui. Tarkista tiedostojen synkronointiasetukset Zoteron asetusten Synkronisaatio-välilehdeltä.
|||| '%S' ei voitu luoda Zoteron 'storage'-kansioon.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| ei enää ole muokkausoikeutta Zoteron ryhmään '%S', joten lisäämiäsi tai muokkaamiasi tiedostoja ei voida synkronoida palvelimelle.
|||| haluat säilyttää mahdollisuuden kopioida muutetut nimikkeet ja tiedostot muualle, peruuta synkronointi nyt.
|||| siirto palvelimelle epäonnistui.
|||| ei löytynyt
|||| %S ei ole olemassa.
|||| luoda sen nyt?
|||| WebDAV-osoite.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| ei ole kelvollinen WebDAV-osoite.
|||| ei hyväksynyt antamaasi käyttäjätunnusta ja salasanaa.
|||| ei ole käyttöoikeutta WebDAV-palvelimen sijaintiin %S.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ yhdistettäessä ko
||| WebDAV-osoite nettiselaimessa saadaksesi lisätietoja
|||| lisätietoja sertifikaatin ohittamisen ohjeista.
|||| WebDAV-osoite
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
||||ö palvelimelle tallennettaville tiedostoille on tullut täyteen. Osa tiedoista jäi siirtämättä. Muu Zotero-aineisto synkronoituu edelleen palvelimelle.
|||| tallennustilan lisäpalveluihin osoitteessa
||||än '%S' kiintiö palvelimelle tallennettaville tiedostoille on tullut täyteen. Osa tiedoista jäi siirtämättä. Muu Zotero-aineisto synkronoituu edelleen palvelimelle.
||||än omistaja voi lisätä ryhmän tallennustilaa osoitteessa
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Tallenna merkki
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Tallenna merkit
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=PDF-tiedoston tekstiä ei voi lukea.
recognizePDF.noMatches=Nimikkeitä ei löytynyt.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Tiedostoa ei löydy
recognizePDF.limit=Kyselyjen raja ylitetty. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metatiedon haku on valmis.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Valitse muotoillun tiedoston tallennuksen kohde
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Haku epäonnistui
lookup.failure.description=Zotero ei löytänyt annettua tunnistetta rekistereistä. Tarkista tunniste ja yritä uudelleen.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| verkossa
|||| tämä nimike verkosta
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Remerciements particuliers :">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Fermer">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Crédits supplémentaires & remerciements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Par défaut :">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "documents">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Générales">
@ -28,8 +29,8 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader.tooltip "Si activé, le numéro de version de Zotero sera ajouté aux requêtes HTTP vers">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.parseRISRefer "Utiliser Zotero pour les fichiers RIS/Refer téléchargés">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticSnapshots "Faire une capture automatique de la page lors de la création de documents à partir de pages Web">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.downloadAssociatedFiles "Joindre automatiquement les fichers PDF associés lors de l'enregistrement d'un document">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticTags "Ajouter automatiquement aux documents des marqueurs grâce aux mots-clés et aux sujets">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.downloadAssociatedFiles "Joindre automatiquement les fichiers PDF associés lors de l'enregistrement d'un document">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticTags "Ajouter automatiquement aux documents des marqueurs grâce aux mots-clés et aux rubriques">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.trashAutoEmptyDaysPre "Supprimer automatiquement les documents mis à la corbeille depuis plus de">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.trashAutoEmptyDaysPost "jours">
@ -56,20 +57,26 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncAutomatically "Synchroniser automatiquement">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.about "À propos de la synchronisation">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing "Synchronisation des fichiers">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "Adresse :">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "Adresse (URL) :">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Synchroniser les fichiers joints de Ma bibliothèque en utilisant">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Synchroniser les fichiers joints dans les bibliothèques de groupe en utilisant le stockage de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "À propos de la synchronisation des fichiers">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "En utilisant le stockage de Zotero, vous acceptez d'être lié par ses">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "modalités et conditions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Synchronisation complète avec le serveur Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Fusionner les données de Zotero locales avec les données du serveur de synchronisation, ignorant ainsi l'historique de synchronisation.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Fusionner les données locales de Zotero avec les données du serveur de synchronisation, ignorant ainsi l'historique de synchronisation.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restaurer à partir du serveur Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Effacer toutes les données locales de Zotero et restaurer à partir du serveur de synchronisation.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Restaurer le serveur Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Restaurer vers le serveur Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Effacer toutes les données du serveur et les écraser avec les données locales de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Réinitialiser l'historique de synchronisation des fichiers">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Forcer la recherche de tous les fichiers joints dans le serveur de stockage.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Réinitialiser">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Titre">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Mis à jour">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Obtenir des styles supplémentaires…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Raccourcis clavier">
@ -137,7 +145,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.desc_before_link "Zotero redirigera les requêtes de manière transparente à travers les serveurs mandataires enregistrés. Consultez la">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.desc_link "documentation concernant les serveurs mandataires">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.desc_after_link "pour plus d'information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.transparent "Activer la redirection par un serveur mandataire">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.transparent "Activer la redirection par un serveur mandataire (proxy)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.autoRecognize "Reconnaître automatiquement les ressources passant par un serveur mandataire">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.disableByDomain "Désactiver la redirection par un serveur mandataire lorsque mon nom de domaine contient ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.configured "Serveurs mandataires configurés">
@ -145,7 +153,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.scheme "Schéma">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.multiSite "Multi-site">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.autoAssociate "Associer automatiquement les nouveaux hôtes">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.autoAssociate "Associer automatiquement les nouvelles adresses">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.variables "Vous pouvez utiliser les variables suivantes dans votre schéma de mandataire :">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.h_variable "%h - L'adresse du site atteint via un serveur mandataire (ex.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.p_variable "%p - Le chemin vers la page transmise via un serveur mandataire en excluant la barre oblique initiale (ex. about/index.html)">
@ -154,12 +162,13 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - N'importe quelle chaîne de caractère">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Avancées">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Localiser">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Gestion des moteurs de recherche d'articles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.description "Description">
<!ENTITY "Nom">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEnginedescription "Un moteur de recherche étend les capacités du menu Localiser du panneau d'information. En activant des moteurs de recherche dans la liste ci-dessous, ils seront ajoutés au menu déroulant et pourront être utilisés pour localiser des ressources de votre bibliothèque sur le Web.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEnginedescription "Un moteur de recherche étend les capacités du menu Localiser du panneau Info. En activant des moteurs de recherche dans la liste ci-dessous, ils seront ajoutés au menu déroulant et pourront être utilisés pour localiser des ressources de votre bibliothèque sur le Web.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.addDescription "Pour ajouter un moteur de recherche absent de la liste, allez sur le moteur de recherche voulu dans votre navigateur et sélectionnez "Ajoutez" dans le menu "Localiser" de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.restoreDefaults "Rétablir les moteurs par défaut">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Sélectionner…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Afficher le répertoire contenant les données">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Maintenance de la base de données">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Vérifier l'intégrité de la base de données">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Réinitialiser les convertisseurs et les styles…">
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY "à toutes les">
<!ENTITY "condition(s) suivante(s) :">
<!ENTITY "Rechercher dans les sous-dossiers">
<!ENTITY "Rechercher dans les sous-collections">
<!ENTITY "Ne montrer que les objets de niveau supérieur">
<!ENTITY "Inclure les objets parents et enfants correspondants">
@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Modifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Supprimer">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "Le journal des erreurs peut comprendre des messages sans rapport avec Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Veuillez patienter pendant la transmission du rapport d'erreur.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Le rapport d'erreur a été transmis.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.reportID "ID du rapport :">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Veuillez poster un message sur les forums Zotero ( avec cet ID du rapport, une description du problème et les étapes nécessaires pour le reproduire.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Les rapports d'erreurs ne sont généralement pas étudiés sauf sauf s'ils sont référencés dans les forums.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Les rapports d'erreurs ne sont pas étudiés s'ils ne sont pas référencés sur les forums Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Vous avez installé une nouvelle version de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Votre base de données Zotero doit être mise à jour pour fonctionner avec cette nouvelle version.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Votre base de données actuelle va être sauvegardée automatiquement avant toute modification.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Autorisations">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Date d'ajout">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Date de modification">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Afficher dans la bibliothèque">
<!ENTITY "Ajouter une note">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transformer le texte">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Initiales En Majuscules">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Lettre capitale en début de phrase">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Nouvelle note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Nouvelle note indépendante">
@ -120,17 +139,25 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Sélectionner ce qui est visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Désélectionner ce qui est visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Tout désélectionner">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Renommer le marqueur…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Effacer le marqueur…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Saisir l'ISBN, le DOI ou le PMID à chercher dans la boîte ci-dessous.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Sélectionner des documents">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Veuillez sélectionner les documents à ajouter à votre bibliothèque">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.cancel.label "Annuler">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.title "Créer une bibliographie">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.title "Créer une citation/bibliographie">
<!ENTITY "Style de citation :">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMode "Mode de création :">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.bibliography "Bibliographie">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Les marqueurs non sélectionnés ne seront pas sauvegardés.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Le marqueur sera supprimé de tous les documents.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Serveur mandataire identifié">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Ajouter uniquement des serveurs mandataires référencés par le site de votre bibliothèque, établissement scolaire ou société">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Ajouter d'autres serveurs mandataires permet à des sites malveillants de se faire passer pour des sites de confiance.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=Redémarrer plus tard
general.restartApp=Redémarrer %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Une erreur est survenue.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Une erreur indéterminée est survenue.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Veuillez redémarrer %S.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Veuillez redémarrer %S et essayer à nouveau.
general.checkForUpdate=Rechercher des mises à jour
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=Consultez %S pour plus d'information.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Consulter la documentation
general.numMore=%S autres…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Une opération Zotero est actuellement en cours.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Veuillez attendre jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit terminée.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Appuyez sur %S pour envoyer un rapport d'erreur aux d
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Étapes à reproduire :
errorReport.expectedResult=Résultat attendu :
errorReport.actualResult=Résultat obtenu :
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=Le répertoire des données de Zotero n'a pu être trouvé.
dataDir.previousDir=Répertoire précédent :
@ -75,7 +98,11 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Utiliser le répertoire de profil de %S
dataDir.selectDir=Sélectionner un répertoire de données Zotero
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Répertoire non vide
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Le répertoire que vous avez sélectionné n'est pas vide et ne semble pas être un répertoire de données Zotero.\n\nCréer néanmoins les fichiers Zotero dans ce répertoire ?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Notification de migration Zotero
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Bibliothèque Zotero existante détectée
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=Il semble que cela soit votre première utilisation de %1$S. Souhaitez-vous que %1$S importe les paramètres de %2$S et utilise votre répertoire de données déjà existant ?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S partagera son répertoire de données avec le dernier profil utilisé.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.selectCustom=Répertoire de données personnalisé…
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Nouvelle recherche enregistrée
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Entrez un nom pour cette recherche enregistrée :
pane.collections.rename=Renommer la collection :
pane.collections.library=Ma bibliothèque
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=Sans titre
pane.collections.unfiled=Non classés
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Voulez-vous vraiment effacer ce marqueur ?\n\nIl
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=Aucun marqueur sélectionné
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S marqueur sélectionné
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S marqueurs sélectionnés
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Chargement de la liste des objets…
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Mettre à la corbeille
pane.items.trash=Voulez-vous vraiment mettre le document sélectionné à la corbeille?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Voulez-vous vraiment mettre les documents sélectionnés à la corbeille?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S documents sélectionnés
||| document dans cet affichage
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S document dans cet affichage
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S documents dans cet affichage
pane.item.selectToMerge=Sélectionnez les documents à fusionner
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Changer le type du document
pane.item.changeType.text=Voulez-vous vraiment changer le type du document ?\n\nLes champs suivants seront perdus :
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ pièce jointe :
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S pièce jointe :
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S pièces jointes :
||||électionner un fichier
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=Cliquez ici
pane.item.tags=Marqueurs :
|||| marqueur :
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S marqueur :
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S marqueurs :
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Marqueur ajouté par l'utilisateur
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Marqueur ajouté automatiquement
pane.item.related=Connexes :
|||| connexe :
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S connexe :
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S connexes :
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter des fichiers à
ingester.saveToZotero=Enregistrer vers Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Enregistrer vers Zotero en utilisant "%S"
ingester.scraping=Enregistrement du document en cours…
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Document enregistré
ingester.scrapeError=Échec de l'enregistrement
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de ce document. Veuillez consulter %s pour davantage de précisions.
@ -427,7 +468,8 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Voulez-vous importer des documents de "%1$S"
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Toujours autoriser pour ce site
ingester.importFile.title=Importer un fichier
ingester.importFile.text=Voulez-vous importer le fichier "%S" ?\n\ndocuments seront ajoutés à une nouvelle collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Voulez-vous importer le fichier "%S" ?\n\n documents seront ajoutés à une nouvelle collection.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Recherche en cours...
ingester.lookup.error=Une erreur s'est produite lors de la recherche pour ce document.
@ -439,7 +481,7 @@ db.dbRestored=La base de données Zotero '%1$S' semble avoir été corrompue.\n\
db.dbRestoreFailed=La base de données Zotero '%S'semble avoir été corrompue et une tentative de récupération à partir de la dernière sauvegarde automatique a échoué.\n\nUne nouvelle base de données a été créée. Le fichier endommagé a été enregistré dans votre dossier Zotero.
db.integrityCheck.passed=Aucune erreur trouvée dans la base de données.
db.integrityCheck.failed=Des erreurs ont été trouvées dans la base de données !
db.integrityCheck.failed=Des erreurs ont été trouvées dans votre base de données Zotero.
db.integrityCheck.dbRepairTool=Vous pouvez utiliser l'outil de réparation de base de données en ligne à pour tenter de corriger ces erreurs.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero peut essayer de corriger ces erreurs.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=%S devra être redémarré.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Ouvrir les PDF et les autres fichiers da
||| résolveur de liens trouvé
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S résolveur de liens trouvé
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S résolveurs de liens trouvé
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| l'index
|||| reconstruire l'index entier ? Cela peut prendre un moment.\n\nPour n'indexer que les documents non indexés, utilisez %S.
|||| l'index
@ -480,7 +535,7 @@ erreur est survenue en essa
||| réessayer plus tard, ou consultez la documentation pour les instructions d'installation manuelle.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.bibStyles=Styles bibliographiques
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Formats d'exportation
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=La copie rapide vous permet de copier les références sélectionnées vers le presse-papiers par un raccourci clavier (%S) ou en glissant les références dans une zone de texte d'une page Web.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=La copie rapide vous permet de copier les références sélectionnées vers le presse-papiers en appuyant sur les touches %S ou en glissant-déposant les références dans une zone de texte d'une page Web.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=Pour les styles bibliographiques, vous pouvez en outre copier les références sous forme de citations / notes de bas de page avec le raccourci clavier %S ou en maintenant la touche Maj enfoncée pendant que vous glissez-déposez les références.
zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Ajouter un style
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Tous les convertisseurs
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Réinitialiser les styles
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Tous les styles nouveaux ou modifiés seront perdus.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Les fichiers suivants existent déjà dans le répertoire de destination et n'ont pas été copiés :
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Les fichiers suivants n'ont pas été trouvés et n'ont pas pu être copiés :
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Importer
fileInterface.exportedItems=Documents exportés
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=Aucun collecteur de données n'a pu être trouvé pour le fichier indiqué.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Bibliographie sans nom
fileInterface.importError=Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative d'importation du fichier sélectionné. Veuillez vérifier que le fichier est valide et réessayez.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=Les documents que vous avez sélectionnés ne co
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création de votre bibliographie. Veuillez réessayer.
fileInterface.exportError=Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative d'exportation du fichier sélectionné.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Mode recherche avancée — Touche Entrée pour lancer la recherche.
searchInProgress=Recherche en cours — Veuillez patientez.
@ -591,7 +655,7 @@ annotations.oneWindowWarning=Les annotations d'une capture d'écran ne peuvent
integration.referenceMarks.label=Marques de référence
integration.fields.caption=Les champs de Microsoft Word risquent moins d'être modifiés accidentellement mais ne peuvent pas être partagés avec OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Le document doit être enregistré dans le format de fichier .doc ou .docx.
integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Le document doit être enregistré dans le format de fichier .doc
integration.referenceMarks.caption=Les marques de référence d'OpenOffice/LibreOffice risquent moins d'être modifiés accidentellement mais ne peuvent pas être partagés avec Microsoft Word.
integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Le document doit être enregistré dans le format de fichier .odt.
@ -613,6 +677,7 @@ integration.cited.loading=Chargement des références citées en cours…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Citation vierge
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=La citation indiquée serait vide dans le style actuellement sélectionné. Voulez-vous vraiment l'ajouter ?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Cette version du plugin Zotero pour traitement de texte ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) est incompatible avec la version actuellement installée de Zotero (%1$S). Veuillez vous assurer que vous utilisez les dernières versions des deux composants.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S nécessite %2$S %3$S ou ultérieur. Veuillez télécharger la dernière version de %2$S sur
@ -625,12 +690,12 @@ integration.error.cannotInsertHere=Des champs Zotero ne peuvent pas être insér
integration.error.notInCitation=Vous devez disposer le curseur dans une citation Zotero pour la modifier.
integration.error.noBibliography=Ce style bibliographique ne définit pas une bibliographie. Si vous souhaitez ajouter une bibliographie, veuillez sélectionner un autre style.
integration.error.deletePipe=Le canal utilisé par Zotero pour communiquer avec le traitement de texte n'a pas pu être initialisé. Voulez-vous que Zotero essaie de corriger cette erreur ? Votre mot de passe vous sera demandé.
integration.error.invalidStyle=Le style que vous avez sélectionné ne semble pas valide. Si vous l'avez créé vous-même, assurez-vous qu'il satisfait les conditions de validation décrites sur Autrement, essayez de sélectionner un autre style.
integration.error.invalidStyle=Le style que vous avez sélectionné ne semble pas valide. Si vous l'avez créé vous-même, assurez-vous qu'il satisfait les conditions de validation décrites sur Autrement, essayez de sélectionner un autre style.
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=Zotero ne peut pas mettre à jour ce document car il a été créé par un autre traitement de texte avec un encodage incompatible des champs. Afin de le rendre compatible avec Word et, ouvrez le document avec le traitement de texte avec lequel il a été originellement créé, ouvrez les Préférences Zotero du document et choisissez de le formater en utilisant des Signets.
integration.replace=Remplacer ce champ Zotero ?
integration.missingItem.single=Ce document n'existe plus dans votre base de données Zotero. Voulez-vous sélectionner un document de substitution ?
integration.missingItem.multiple=Le document %1$S de cette citation n'existe plus dans votre base de données Zotero. Voulez-vous sélectionner un document de substitution ?
integration.missingItem.single=La citation en surbrillance n'existe plus dans votre base de données Zotero. Voulez-vous sélectionner un document de substitution ?
integration.missingItem.multiple=Le document %1$S de la citation en surbrillance n'existe plus dans votre base de données Zotero. Voulez-vous sélectionner un document de substitution ?
integration.missingItem.description=Cliquer sur "Non" supprimera les codes de champ pour les citations comportant ce document, conservant le texte de la citation mais le supprimant de votre bibliographie.
integration.removeCodesWarning=La suppression des codes de champ empêchera Zotero de mettre à jour les citations et bibliographies dans ce document. Voulez-vous vraiment continuer ?
integration.upgradeWarning=Votre document doit être mis à jour de façon définitive pour fonctionner avec Zotero 2.0b7 ou ultérieur. Il est conseillé de faire une sauvegarde avant de poursuivre. Voulez-vous vraiment continuer ?
@ -640,19 +705,27 @@ integration.corruptField.description=Cliquer "Non" effacera les codes de champ p
integration.corruptBibliography=Le code de champ Zotero pour votre bibliographie est corrompu. Zotero doit-il effacer ce code de champ et créer une nouvelle bibliographie ?
integration.corruptBibliography.description=Tous les documents cités dans le texte figureront dans la nouvelle bibliographie mais les modifications réalisées avec la boîte de dialogue "Modifier la bibliographie" serons perdues.
integration.citationChanged=Vous avez modifié cette citation depuis que Zotero l'a créée. Voulez-vous conserver vos modifications et empêcher de futures mises à jour ?
integration.citationChanged.description=Cliquer sur "Oui" empêchera Zotero de mettre à jour cette citation si vous ajoutez des citations supplémentaires, changez de style ou modifiez les références auxquelles elle se réfère. Cliquer sur "Non" effacera vos modifications.
integration.citationChanged.description=Cliquer sur "Oui" empêchera Zotero de mettre à jour cette citation (si vous ajoutez des citations supplémentaires, changez de style ou modifiez, dans Zotero, la référence à laquelle cette citation se réfère). Cliquer sur "Non" effacera vos modifications.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Vous avez modifié cette citation depuis que Zotero l'a créée. Son édition supprimera vos modifications. Voulez-vous continuer ?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Installer le style "%1$S" à partir de %2$S ?
styles.updateStyle=Actualiser le style "%1$S" existant avec "%2$S" à partir de %3$S ?
styles.installed=Le style "%S" a été installé avec succès.
styles.installError=%S ne paraît pas être un fichier de style valide.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S fait référence à un fichier CSL non valide ou inexistant ayant %2$S comme source.
styles.deleteStyle=Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer le style "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les styles sélectionnés ?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Annuler la synchronisation
sync.openSyncPreferences=Ouvrir les préférences de synchronisation…
sync.openSyncPreferences=Ouvrir les préférences de synchronisation
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Réinitialiser le groupe et synchroniser
sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Retirer les groupes et synchroniser
sync.localObject=Objet local
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=Objet distant
sync.mergedObject=Objet fusionné
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Identifiant non défini
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Mot de passe non défini
sync.error.invalidLogin=Identifiant ou mot de passe invalide
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero ne peut pas accéder à vos informations de connexion, probablement en raison de la corruption de la base de données du gestionnaire de connexions de %S.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Fermez %1$S, sauvegardez signons.* puis supprimez-le de votre profil %2$S, et finalement entrez à nouveau vos informations de connexion dans le panneau de synchronisation dans les préférences de Zotero.
@ -672,19 +747,57 @@ sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Si vous poursuivez, votre copie du groupe sera réin
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Pour avoir une chance de copier vos modifications ailleurs ou pour demander un accès en écriture à un administrateur du groupe, annulez la synchronisation maintenant.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Une synchronisation automatique a causé un conflit qui requiert une intervention manuelle.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Cliquez sur l'icône de synchronisation pour synchroniser manuellement.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Pas encore synchronisé.
sync.status.lastSync=Dernière synchronisation :
sync.status.loggingIn=Connexion au serveur de synchronisation
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=Obtention des données mises à jour à partir du serveur de synchronisation
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Traitement des données mises à jour
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Traitement des données mises à jour depuis le serveur de synchronisation
sync.status.uploadingData=Mise en ligne des données vers le serveur de synchronisation
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Mise en ligne acceptée — en attente du serveur de synchronisation
sync.status.syncingFiles=Synchronisation des fichiers en cours
|||| remaining
|||| restant
||||$S/%2$S fichiers
|||| local
|||| distant
|||| enregistré
@ -692,31 +805,44 @@ du serveur vérifiée
||| synchronisation de fichier a été configurée avec succès.
|||| les paramètres du compte
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| serveur %S n'a pu être atteint.
|||| n'avez pas le droit de créer un répertoire Zotero à l'adresse suivante :
|||| vérifier vos paramètres de synchronisation de fichier ou contacter l'administrateur de votre serveur.
|||| vérification %S a échoué. Vérifiez vos paramètres de synchronisation de fichier dans le panneau de synchronisation des préférences Zotero.
|||| fichier '%S' n'a pas pu être créé dans le répertoire 'storage' de Zotero.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| n'avez plus d'accès en modification de fichier pour le groupe Zotero '%S', et les fichiers que vous avez ajoutés ou modifiés ne peuvent pas être synchronisés vers le serveur.
|||| avoir une chance de copier les documents et fichiers modifiés ailleurs, annulez la synchronisation maintenant.
|||| mise en ligne du fichier a échoué.
|||| répertoire est introuvable.
|||| n'existe pas.
|||| le créer maintenant?
|||| entrer une URL WebDAV.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| n'est pas une URL WebDAV valide.
|||| serveur WebDAV n'a pas accepté l'identifiant et le mot de passe que vous avez entrés.
|||| n'avez pas le droit d'accéder à %S sur le serveur WebDAV.
|||| mise en ligne de fichier a échoué en raison d'un manque d'espace sur le serveur WebDAV.
|||| erreur de certificat SSL s'est produite en se connectant à %S.
|||| erreur de connexion SSL s'est produite en se connectant à %S.
|||| erreur de certificat SSL s'est produite en se connectant à %S
|||| erreur de connexion SSL s'est produite en se connectant à %S
|||| votre URL WebDAV dans votre navigateur pour plus d'information.
|||| la documentation relative aux exceptions de certificats auto-signés (certificate override) pour plus d'information.
|||| l'URL WebDAV
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| avez atteint votre quota de stockage de fichiers Zotero. Certains fichiers n'ont pas été mis en ligne. D'autres données Zotero continueront d'être synchronisées avec le serveur.
|||| les paramètres de votre compte pour plus d'options de stockage.
|||| groupe '%S' a atteint son quota de stockage de fichiers Zotero. Certains fichiers n'ont pas été mis en ligne. D'autres données Zotero continueront d'être synchronisées avec le serveur.
|||| propriétaire du groupe peut augmenter la capacité de stockage du groupe à partir de la section des paramètres de stockage sur
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Enregistrer le marqueur
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Enregistrer les marqueurs
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Le texte du PDF n'a pas pu être lu.
recognizePDF.noMatches=Il n'a pas été trouvé de référence correspondante.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Fichier non trouvé.
recognizePDF.limit=Limite de la requête atteinte. Réessayez plus tard.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Récupération des métadonnées achevée.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Sélectionnez l'emplacement de sauvegarde du fichier mis en forme
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=La recherche a échoué
lookup.failure.description=Zotero n'a pas trouvé d'enregistrement pour l'identifiant spécifié. Veuillez vérifier l'identifiant et réessayer.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| en ligne
|||| à ce document en ligne
@ -781,7 +921,7 @@ standalone.addonInstallationFailed.body=L'extension "%S" ne peut pas être insta
connector.error.title=Erreur du connecteur Zotero
connector.standaloneOpen=Votre base de données est inaccessible car Zotero Standalone est actuellement ouvert. Veuillez visualiser vos documents dans Zotero Standalone.
firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero peut reconnaître une référence sur cette page. Cliquez sur cette icône dans la barre d'adresse pour enregistrer cette référence dans votre bibliothèque Zotero.
firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero a détecté une référence sur cette page. Cliquez sur cette icône dans la barre d'adresse pour enregistrer cette référence dans votre bibliothèque Zotero.
firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero vous permet également de préciser les éditeurs scientifiques, directeurs de publication et les traducteurs. Vous pouvez changer un auteur en éditeur ou en traducteur en cliquant sur le triangle à gauche de "Auteur".
firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Tapez son titre ou son auteur pour rechercher une référence.\n\nAprès l'avoir sélectionnée, cliquez sur la bulle ou appuyer sur Ctrl-\u2193 pour ajouter les numéros des pages, un préfixe ou un suffixe. Vous pouvez aussi inclure un numéro de page en même temps que vos termes de recherche afin de l'ajouter directement.\n\nVous pouvez modifier les citations directement dans le document du traitement de texte.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Tapez son titre ou son auteur pour rechercher une référence.\n\nAprès l'avoir sélectionnée, cliquez sur la bulle ou appuyer sur Ctrl-\u2193 pour ajouter les numéros des pages, un préfixe ou un suffixe. Vous pouvez aussi inclure un numéro de page en même temps que vos termes de recherche afin de l'ajouter directement.\n\nVous pouvez modifier les citations directement dans le document du traitement de texte.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Tapez son titre ou son auteur pour rechercher une référence.\n\nAprès l'avoir sélectionnée, cliquez sur la bulle ou appuyer sur Cmd-\u2193 pour ajouter les numéros des pages, un préfixe ou un suffixe. Vous pouvez aussi inclure un numéro de page en même temps que vos termes de recherche afin de l'ajouter directement.\n\nVous pouvez modifier les citations directement dans le document du traitement de texte.
@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.director "Director">
<!ENTITY zotero.directors "Directores:">
<!ENTITY zotero.developers "Desenvolvedores">
<!ENTITY zotero.alumni "Antigos alumnos:">
<!ENTITY zotero.alumni "Alumnos:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.localizations "Idiomas dispoñibles">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.additionalSoftware "Software de terceiros e normas:">
<!ENTITY zotero.executiveProducer "Produtor executivo:">
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Agradecementos especiais:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Pechar">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Outros créditos e recoñecementos">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Por defecto:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "Elementos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Xeral">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.userInterface "Interface de usuario">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn "Mostrar o Zotero en:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn "Cargar Zotero en:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.browserPane "Panel do navegador">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.separateTab "Lapela propia">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.showIn.appTab "Lapela de aplicativos">
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childNotes "notas fillas">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childFiles "capturas de imaxe fillas e ficheiros importados">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childLinks "ligazóns fillas">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.tags "tags">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.tags "etiquetas">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openurl.caption "OpenURL">
@ -57,11 +58,16 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.about "Acerca da sincronización">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing "Sincronizando o ficheiro">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sincronizar os ficheiros adxuntos da miña biblioteca usando">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sincronizar os ficheiros adxuntos da Miña Biblioteca usando">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sincronizar os ficheiros adxuntos das bibliotecas de grupo utilizando o almacenamento de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Ao usar o almacenamento de Zotero estas a aceptar as obrigas establecidas nos seus">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "Termos e Condicións">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Sincronización completa co servidor de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Eliminar todos os datos locais de Zotero e restauralos sincronizando co servidor.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restaurar a partir do servidor de Zotero">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Borrar todos os datos do servidor e substituír con datos locais de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reiniciar o historial de sincronización de ficheiros">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Forzar a comprobación do servidor de almacenamento para todos os ficheiros locais anexos.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reiniciar...">
@ -114,13 +121,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Título">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Actualizado">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Obter máis estilos...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Atallos de teclado">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.openZotero "Abrir/Pechar o panel de Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.toggleFullscreen "Cambiar ao modo de pantalla completa">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.focusLibrariesPane "Focus Libraries Pane">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.focusLibrariesPane "Foco no panel de bibliotecas">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.quicksearch "Busca rápida">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.newItem "Crear un novo elemento">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.keys.newNote "Crear unha nova nota">
@ -149,11 +157,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.variables "Pode usar as seguintes variables no seu esquema de proxy:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.h_variable "%h - O nome do host do sitio a través do proxy (por exemplo,">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.p_variable "%p - A ruta da páxina a través do proxy excluíndo a barra á esquerda (slash) (por exemplo, about/index.html)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.d_variable "%d - A ruta do directorio (por exemplo, about/)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.d_variable "%d - A ruta do cartafol (por exemplo, about/)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.f_variable "%f - O nome do ficheiro (por exemplo, index.html)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Calquera cadea">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Avanzado">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Localizador">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Xestor do motor de busca de artigos">
@ -167,11 +176,17 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.charset.importCharset "Importación a codificación de carácteres">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.charset.displayExportOption "Mostrar a opción de codificación de caracteres na exportación">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir "Localización do directorio de almacenamento">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.useProfile "Usar o directorio de perfís">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir "Localización do cartafol de almacenamento">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.useProfile "Usar o cartafol de perfís">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.custom "Personalizado:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Escoller...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Mostrar o directorio de datos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Mostrar o cartafol de datos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Mantemento da base de datos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Comprobar a integridade da base de datos">
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY "todos">
<!ENTITY "dos seguintes:">
<!ENTITY "Buscar en subcartafois">
<!ENTITY "Buscar en subcartafoles">
<!ENTITY "Só mostrar temas de nivel superior">
<!ENTITY "Incluír artigos pais e fillos de artigos coincidentes">
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
<!ENTITY fileMenu.label "Ficheiro">
<!ENTITY fileMenu.accesskey "F">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Save…">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.key "S">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Gardar...">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.key "G">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.label "Page Setup…">
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.label "Configurar a páxina...">
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Imprimir...">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Pechar">
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Escoller todo">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.key "A">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Opcións_">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Opcións...">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdUnix.label "Preferencias">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdUnix.accesskey "n">
@ -97,5 +97,5 @@
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.accesskey "S">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.label "Informar de erros a Zotero">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.label "Comprobar se hai actualizacións_">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.label "Comprobar se hai actualizacións...">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.accesskey "U">
@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Editar">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Borrar">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "O rexistro de erros pode incluír mensaxes que non gardan relación con Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Espere mentres que se presenta o informe de erro.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Presentouse o informe de erro .">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.reportID "ID do informe:">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Envie unha mensaxe aos foros do Zotero ( con este ID (identificador) do informe, unha descrición do problema e os pasos necesarios para reproducilo.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Envíe unha mensaxe aos foros do Zotero ( con este ID (identificador) do informe, unha descrición do problema e os pasos necesarios para reproducilo.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Non se adoitan revisar os informes de erro agás que nos foros haxa unha referencia a eles.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "Instalou unha nova versión de Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "A súa base de datos de Zotero tense que actualizar para traballar coa nova versión.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Antes de realizar cambios farase unha copia de seguridade automática da base de datos.">
@ -56,25 +58,40 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Dereitos">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Data de alta">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Data de modificación">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.numChildren_column "+">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Amosar na biblioteca">
<!ENTITY "Engadir unha nota">
<!ENTITY "Engadir un anexo">
<!ENTITY "Adxuntar unha instantánea da páxina actual">
<!ENTITY "Adxuntar a ligazón á páxina actual">
<!ENTITY "Adxuntar a ligazón ao URI...">
<!ENTITY "Anexar unha instantánea da páxina actual">
<!ENTITY "Anexar a ligazón á páxina actual">
<!ENTITY "Anexar a ligazón ao URI...">
<!ENTITY "Anexar a copia almacenada do ficheiro...">
<!ENTITY "Anexar a ligazón do ficheiro...">
<!ENTITY "Restaurar na biblioteca">
<!ENTITY "Duplicar os elementos seleccionados">
<!ENTITY "Merge Items…">
<!ENTITY "Xunguir os elemento...">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.versionSelect "Choose the version of the item to use as the master item:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.fieldSelect "Select fields to keep from other versions of the item:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.versionSelect "Escolle que versión deste elemento queres usar como o principal:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.fieldSelect "Escolle os campos a manter das outras versións do elemento:">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "Novo Elemento">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "Novo elemento">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "Máis">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Crear un novo elemento a partir da páxina actual">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Engadir un elemento polo identificador">
@ -89,7 +106,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.import.label "Importar...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.importFromClipboard "Importar do portaretallos">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.export.label "Exportar a biblioteca...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "RTF Scan...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "Escáner RTF">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.timeline.label "Crear un cronograma">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.preferences.label "Preferencias...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.supportAndDocumentation "Axuda e documentación">
@ -104,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transformar o texto">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Maiúsculas comezando cada palabra">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Maiúsculas comezando cada oración">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Nota nova">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Nova nota independente">
@ -117,34 +135,42 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.noTagsToDisplay "Non hai etiquetas que mostrar">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.filter "Filtro:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.showAutomatic "Mostrar automáticamente">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.displayAllInLibrary "Display all tags in this library">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.displayAllInLibrary "Mostrar todas as etiquetas nesta librería">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Seleccionar o visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Desmarcar o visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Desmarcar todo">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Renomear a etiqueta...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Eliminar a etiqueta...">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Introduza na caixa de debaixo un ISBN, un DOI ou un PMID que buscar.">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Seleccionar Elementos">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Introduza na caixa de debaixo un ISBN, un DOI ou un PMID que buscar.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Seleccionar elementos">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Seleccione os elementos que desexa engadir á súa biblioteca">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.cancel.label "Cancelar">
<!ENTITY "Aceptar">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.title "Crear a bibliografía">
<!ENTITY "Estilo de cita:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMode "Output Mode:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.bibliography "Bibliography">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMethod "Output Method:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.saveAsRTF.label "Gravar como RTF">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.saveAsHTML.label "Gravar como HTML">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMode "Modo de saída:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.bibliography "Bibliografía:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.outputMethod "Método de saída:">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.saveAsRTF.label "Gardar como RTF">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.saveAsHTML.label "Gardar como HTML">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.copyToClipboard.label "Copiar no portaretallos">
<!ENTITY zotero.bibliography.print.label "Imprimir">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.docPrefs.title "Preferencias do documento">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.addEditCitation.title "Engadir/Editar a cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.editBibliography.title "Editar a bibliografía">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.quickFormatDialog.title "Quick Format Citation">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.quickFormatDialog.title "Formato rápido de citación">
<!ENTITY zotero.progress.title "Progreso">
@ -163,10 +189,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.suppressAuthor.label "Eliminar o autor">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.prefix.label "Prefixo:">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.suffix.label "Sufixo:">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.editorWarning.label "Warning: If you edit a citation in the editor it will no longer update to reflect changes in your database or the citation style.">
<!ENTITY zotero.citation.editorWarning.label "Aviso: se editas a cita no editor non se actualizará máis reflictindo os cambios tanto na base de datos como no estilo de citas.">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.italic.label "Cursiva">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.bold.label "Grosa">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.bold.label "Negriña">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.underline.label "Subliñado">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.superscript.label "Superíndice">
<!ENTITY zotero.richText.subscript.label "Subíndice">
@ -205,11 +231,15 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.split "Dividir">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.splitAtThe "Dividir en">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.character "carácter">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.characters "carácteres">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.characters "caracteres">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Non se gardarán as etiquetas que non estean marcadas.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Eliminarase a etiqueta de todos os elementos.">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Recoñeceuse o Proxy">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Recoñeceuse o proxy">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Engadir só proxies ligados desde a súa biblioteca, escola ou sitio web corporativo">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Engadir outros proxies permítelle a sitios maliciosos que se pasen por sitios nos cales confias.">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.disable.label "Non redireccionar automaticamente as solicitudes a través de proxies previamente recoñecidos">
@ -225,7 +255,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.cancel.label "Cancelar">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.citation.label "Cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.itemName.label "Nome do elemento">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.unmappedCitations.label "Citas non Mapeadas">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.unmappedCitations.label "Citas non mapeadas">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.ambiguousCitations.label "Citas ambiguas">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.mappedCitations.label "Citas mapeadas">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.introPage.label "Introdución">
@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ general.restartRequiredForChange=Debe reiniciar %S para que o cambio teña efect
general.restartRequiredForChanges=Debe reiniciar %S para que os cambios teña efecto.
general.restartNow=Produciuse un erro.
general.restartLater=Reiniciar máis tarde
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.restartApp=Reiniciar %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Produciuse un erro.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Produciuse un erro descoñecido.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Reinicie %S.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Reinicie %S e volva intentalo.
general.checkForUpdate=Comprobar as actualizacións
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=Vexa %S para máis información.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Abrir a documentación
general.numMore=%S more…
general.numMore=%S máis...
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=Está en marcha unha operación Zotero
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Agarde ata que teña acabado.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Prema %S para enviar un informe de erros aos desenvol
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Pasos a reproducir:
errorReport.expectedResult=Resultado esperado:
errorReport.actualResult=Resultado real:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=Non se atopou o directorio de datos de Zotero.
dataDir.previousDir=Directorio anterior:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Usar directorio de perfís de Firefox
dataDir.selectDir=Seleccionar un directorio de datos de Zotero
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Directorio non baleiro
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=O directorio que seleccionou non está baleiro e non parece ser un directorio de datos de Zotero.\n\nAinda así quere que Zotero xestione ficheiros nese directorio?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Atopouse unha biblioteca de Zotero que xa existía
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=Semella que é a primeira vez que emprega %1%S. Quere que %1$S inporte as configuracións de %2$S e se use o directorio de datos que xa existe?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S compartirá os seus directorio de datos co perfil empregado máis recementente.
@ -114,10 +141,11 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Nova busca gardada
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Introduza un nome para esta procura gardada:
pane.collections.rename=Cambiar o nome da colección:
pane.collections.library=A miña biblioteca
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=Sen título
pane.collections.unfiled=Elementos sen título
pane.collections.duplicate=Duplicate Items
pane.collections.duplicate=Elementos duplicados
|||| a colección...
|||| a busca gardada
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Seguro que desexa eliminar esta etiqueta?\n\nEli
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 etiquetas seleccionadas
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S etiqueta seleccionada
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S etiquetas seleccionadas
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Cargando a lista de elementos ...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Mover ao lixo
pane.items.trash=Seguro que quere mover o elemento seleccionado ao lixo?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Seguro que quere mover os elementos seleccionados ao lixo?
@ -176,10 +210,15 @@ pane.items.interview.manyParticipants=Entrevista realizada por %S et al.
|||| hai elementos seleccionados
pane.item.selected.multiple=%S elementos seleccionados
|||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
|||| elementos nesta vista
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S elementos nesta vista
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S elementos nesta vista
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Cambiar o tipo de elemento
pane.item.changeType.text=Está seguro de que quere cambiar o tipo de elemento?\n\nPerderanse os seguintes campos:
@ -188,8 +227,8 @@ pane.item.defaultLastName=último
pane.item.defaultFullName=nome completo
|||| a un só campo
pane.item.switchFieldMode.two=Cambiar a dous campos
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Move Up
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Move Down
pane.item.notes.untitled=Nota sen título
pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Seguro que desexa eliminar esta nota?
|||| notas:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ adxuntos:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S adxunto:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S adxuntos:
|||| un ficheiro
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=prema aquí
|||| etiquetas:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S etiqueta:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S etiquetas:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Etiqueta engadida polo usuario
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Etiqueta engadida automáticamente
|||| relacionados:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S relacionado:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S relacionados:
@ -245,7 +285,7 @@
itemTypes.blogPost=Entrada de blogue
itemTypes.instantMessage=Mensaxe instantáneo
itemTypes.forumPost=Entrada de foro
itemTypes.audioRecording=Gravación de audio
itemTypes.audioRecording=Gravación de son
itemTypes.videoRecording=Gravación de vídeo
itemTypes.tvBroadcast=Emisión de TV
@ -402,7 +442,7 @@ creatorTypes.bookAuthor=Autor do libro
fileTypes.webpage=Páxina web
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Non pode engadir ficheiros á colección q
ingester.saveToZotero=Gardar en Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Gardar en Zotero empregando «%S»
ingester.scraping=Gardando o elemento...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Gardouse o elemento
ingester.scrapeError=Non se puido gardar o elemento
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Produciuse un erro ao gardalo. Comprobe %S para obter máis información.
@ -428,6 +469,7 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Permitir sempre para este sitio
ingester.importFile.title=Importar o ficheiro
ingester.importFile.text=Quere importar o ficheiro «%S»?\n\nEses elementos engadiranse a unha nova colección.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Facendo unha busca…
ingester.lookup.error=Aconteceu un erro ao buscar ese elemento.
@ -441,20 +483,33 @@ db.dbRestoreFailed=A base de datos '%S' de Zotero parece haberse corrompido, e u
db.integrityCheck.passed=Non se atoparon erros na base de datos.
db.integrityCheck.failed=Atoparonse erros na base de datos de Zotero!
db.integrityCheck.dbRepairTool=Pode utilizar a ferramenta de reparación da base de datos para tratar de corrixir estes erros.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero can attempt to correct these errors.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=%S will need to be restarted.
db.integrityCheck.fixAndRestart=Fix Errors and Restart %S
db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=The errors in your Zotero database have been corrected.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=Zotero was unable to correct all the errors in your database.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=You can report this problem in the Zotero Forums.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero pode probar a arranxar estes erros.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=%S precisará reiniciarse.
db.integrityCheck.fixAndRestart=Corrixir os erros e reiniciar %S
db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=Corrixíronse s erros na base de datos de Zotero.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=Zotero non puido corrixir todos os erros na base de datos.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=Podes informar deste problema nos foros de Zotero.
zotero.preferences.update.upToDate=Coa última actualización
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when possible
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Abrir os PDFs e outros ficheiros con %S sempre que sexa posible
|||| resolvedores atopados
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resolvedor atopado
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resolvedores atopados
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
||||ír o Índice
|||| reconstruír todo o índice? Pode tardar.\n\nPara engadir só os elementos novos use %S.
|||| o índice
@ -481,7 +536,7 @@énteo de novo
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.bibStyles=Estilos bibliográficos
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Formatos de exportación
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=As copias rápidas permiten copiar referencias seleccionadas ao portaretallos pulsando unha tecla de acceso (%S) ou arrastrar obxectos desde un cadro de texto nunha páxina web.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=For bibliography styles, you can copy citations or footnotes by pressing %S or holding down Shift before dragging items.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=Para os estilos de bibliografía, podes copiar as citacións ou os rodapés premento %S ou apretando Shift antes de arrastrar e soltar os elementos.
zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Engadir un estilo
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles=Recuperar tradutores e estilos
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Perderase todo tradutor
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Recuperar os estilos
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Perderanse todo os estilos novo ou modificados.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Os seguintes ficheiros xa existían no directorio de destino e non se copiaron:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Os seguintes ficheiros non se atoparon e non se puideron copiar:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Importar
fileInterface.exportedItems=Elementos exportados
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=Non se puido atopar ningún tradutor para o ficheiro dado.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Bibliografía sen título
fileInterface.importError=Erro ao intentar importar o ficheiro seleccionado. Asegúrese de que o ficheiro é válido e volva intentalo.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=Os elementos que seleccionou non conteñen refer
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Produciuse un erro ao xerar a súa bibliografía. Inténteo de novo.
fileInterface.exportError=Produciuse un erro ao intentar a exportación do ficheiro seleccionado.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Modo de busca avanzada - pulse Enter para buscar.
searchInProgress=Busca en curso - espere.
@ -535,7 +599,7 @@ searchConditions.type=Tipo
searchConditions.thesisType=Tipo de tesis
searchConditions.reportType=Tipo de informe
searchConditions.videoRecordingFormat=Formato de gravación de vídeo
searchConditions.audioFileType=Tipo de ficheiro de audio
searchConditions.audioFileType=Tipo de ficheiro de son
searchConditions.audioRecordingFormat=Formato de gravación de audio
searchConditions.letterType=Tipo de carta
searchConditions.interviewMedium=Medio da entrevista
@ -556,7 +620,7 @@ fulltext.indexState.partial=Parcial
exportOptions.exportNotes=Exportar Notas
exportOptions.exportFileData=Exportar Arquivos
exportOptions.useJournalAbbreviation=Use Journal Abbreviation
exportOptions.useJournalAbbreviation=Usar a abreviación de xornal
charset.UTF8withoutBOM=Unicode (UTF-8 sen BOM)
charset.autoDetect=(detección automática)
@ -572,8 +636,8 @@ citation.multipleSources=Múltiples fontes...
citation.singleSource=Fonte única....
citation.showEditor=Mostrar o editor
citation.hideEditor=Agochar o editor
report.title.default=Informe de Zotero
report.parentItem=Artigo pai:
@ -613,6 +677,7 @@ integration.cited.loading=Cargando os elementos citados...
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Cita en branco
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=A cita que indicou estaría baleira co estilo que está seleccionado actualmente. Seguro que desexa engadila?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Esta versión do engadido o para procesador de texto de Zotero ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) é incompatible coa versión de Zotero (%1$S) que está instalada. Asegúrese de usar as últimas versións de ámbolos dous complementos.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S require %2$S %3$S ou superior. Descargue a última versión de dende %2$S
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=Modificou as citas dende que Zotero as xerou. Quere
integration.citationChanged.description=Premendo «Si» evítase que Zotero actualice a cita cando se engaden outras adicionais, cando se fan cambios de estilo ou cando se modifica a referencia á que se dirixen. Premendo «Non» elimínanse os vosos cambios anteriores.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Modificou a cita desde que Zotero a xerou. Unha edición borra as súas modificacións. Quere continuar?.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Instalar o estilo «%1$S» desde %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Actualizar o estilo «%1$S» con «%2$S» desde %3$S?
styles.installed=Instalouse correctamente o estilo «%S».
styles.installError=%S non parece ser un ficheiro de estilo válido.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S fai referencia a un ficheiro CSL que non é válido ou non existe e que ten como orixe %2$S.
styles.deleteStyle=Seguro que desexa borrar o estilo «%1$S»?
styles.deleteStyles=Seguro que desexa eliminar os estilos seleccionados?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancelar a sincronización
sync.openSyncPreferences=Abrir as preferencias de sincronización ...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reaxustar o grupo e a sincronización
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=Obxecto remoto
sync.mergedObject=Obxecto unido
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nome de usuario sen definir
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Contrasinal sen definir
sync.error.invalidLogin=Nome de usuario ou contrasinal non válidos
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Introduza un contrasinal.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero non pode acceder a información de entrada, probablemente debido a unha base de datos de rexistro corrompida.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Peche o %S, faga unha copia de seguridade e elimine signons.* no seu perfil de %S e reintroduza a súa información de rexistro no panel de sincronización no panel de preferencias do Zotero.
@ -672,6 +747,41 @@ sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Se continúa, a súa copia do grupo será restaurada
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Cancele a sincronización se antes prefire copiar os cambios noutro lugar ou solicitar o acceso de escritura a un administrador do grupo.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Unha sincronización automática produciu un conflito que require resolvelo manualmente.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Faga clic na icona de sincronización para sincronizar a man.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Aínda non sincronizado
sync.status.lastSync=Última sincronización:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Enviando datos ao servidor de sincronización
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Carga aceptada \— esperando polo servidor de sincronización
sync.status.syncingFiles=Sincronizando ficheiros
|||| remaining
|||| restantes
|||| %1$S/%2$S
|||| local
|||| remoto
|||| gardado
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@ a configuración do servidor
||| sincronización de arquivos está configurada correctamente.
|||| a Configuración da Conta
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| se pode localizar o servidor %S.
|||| ten permiso para crear un directorio Zotero no seguinte enderezo:
|||| as opcións de sincronización de ficheiros ou contacte co seu administrador do servidor.
|||| a verificación de %S. Comprobe as súas opcións de sincronización de ficheiros no panel de sincronización de preferencias de Zotero.
|||| se puido crear o ficheiro «%S» no directorio de almacenamento de Zotero.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| non ten acceso a edición de ficheiros no grupo de Zotero '%S' e os ficheiros que acaba de engadir o ou editar xa non poden sincronizarse co servidor.
|||| agora a sincronización se desexa unha oportunidade de copiar os elementos alterados e os arquivos noutro lugar.
|||| a carga do ficheiro.
|||| non atopado
|||| non existe.
|||| crealo agora?
|||| a URL WebDAV.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| non é unha URL WebDAV válida.
|||| servidor WebDAV non acepta o nome de usuario e o contrasinal que inseriu.
|||| ten permiso para acceder a %S no servidor WebDAV.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ de conexión SSL ao conectar c
||| a súa URL WebDAV no navegador para ter máis información.
|||| a documentación de sobreescritura do certificado para ter máis información.
|||| a URL WebDAV
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| a cota máxima de almacenamento de ficheiros de Zotero. Algúns ficheiros non se enviaron. Porén, outros datos de Zotero continuarán igualmente a súa sincronización no servidor.
|||| a configuración da súa conta para as opcións de almacenamento adicional.
|||| grupo «%S» acaba de acadar a cota máxima de almacenamento de ficheiros de Zotero. Porén, outros datos de Zotero continuarán igualmente a súa sincronización no servidor.
|||| dono do grupo pode aumentar a capacidade de almacenamento do grupo na sección de opcións de almacenamento en
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Gardar a etiqueta
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Gardar as etiquetas
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Non se puido ler o texto do PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=Non se atoparon referencias que coincidan.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Non se atopou o ficheiro.
recognizePDF.limit=Acadouse o límite de consultas. Ténteo de novo máis tarde.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Recuperación completa de metadatos.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Formato de texto enriquecido (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Seleccione o lugar onde desexa gardar o ficheiro formatado
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Fallou a busca
lookup.failure.description=Zotero non atopou un rexistro para o identificador especificado. Verifique o identificador e ténteo de novo.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| en liña
|||| a este elemento en liña
@ -782,6 +922,6 @@ connector.error.title=Erro do conector de Zotero
connector.standaloneOpen=A súa base de datos non se puido acceder xa que neste momento está aberto Zotero. Vexa os seus elementos empregando Zotero Standalone.
firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero recoñece unha referencia nesta páxina. Faga clic na icona na dirección de barras para gardar esa referencia na súa biblioteca de Zotero.
firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero permítelle ademais especificar os editores e tradutores. Escolléndoo neste menú pode asginar a un autor como editor ou tradutor.
firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero permítelle ademais especificar os editores e tradutores. Escolléndoo neste menú pode asignar a un autor como editor ou tradutor.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Teclee un título ou autor para buscar unha referencia.\n\nDespois de facer a selección faga clic na burbulla ou prema Ctrl-\↓ para engadir números de páxina, prefixos ou sufixos. Así mesmo, pode incluír un número de páxina cos datos de busca e engadilo directamente.\n\Ademais, pode editar citas directamente dende o procesador de documentos de texto.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Teclee un título de autor para facer unha busca dunha referencia.\n\nDespois de ter feito a selección prema na burbulla ou prema Cmd-\↓ para engadir os números de páxina, prefixos ou sufixos. Igualmente, pode incluír un número de páxina co seus termos de busca empregados e engadilo directamente.\n\nPode ademais editar citas directamente desde o procesador de documentos de textos.
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks ":תודות מיוחדות">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "סגור">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "More Credits & Acknowledgements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default ":ברירת מחדל">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "items">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "כללי">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "קישור:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sync attachment files in My Library using">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sync attachment files in group libraries using Zotero storage">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "By using Zotero storage, you agree to become bound by its">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "terms and conditions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Full Sync with Zotero Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Merge local Zotero data with data from the sync server, ignoring sync history.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restore from Zotero Server">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Erase all server data and overwrite with local Zotero data.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reset File Sync History">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Force checking of the storage server for all local attachment files.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reset...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "כותרת">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Updated">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Get additional styles...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Shortcut Keys">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Any string">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "מתקדם">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Locate">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Article Lookup Engine Manager">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "בחר...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Show Data Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Database Maintenance">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "בדוק שלמות מסד נתונים">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reset Translators and Styles...">
@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdMac.label "Preferences…">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdMac.label "...העדפות">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdMac.commandkey ",">
<!ENTITY servicesMenuMac.label "Services">
<!ENTITY servicesMenuMac.label "שירותים">
<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmdMac.label "Hide &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmdMac.commandkey "H">
<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmdMac.label "Hide Others">
<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmdMac.label "הסתר אחרים">
<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmdMac.commandkey "H">
<!ENTITY showAllAppsCmdMac.label "Show All">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdMac.label "Quit Zotero">
<!ENTITY showAllAppsCmdMac.label "הצג הכל">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdMac.label "צא מ-Zotero">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdMac.key "Q">
<!ENTITY fileMenu.label "File">
<!ENTITY fileMenu.label "קובץ">
<!ENTITY fileMenu.accesskey "F">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Save…">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "שמירה...">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.key "S">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.label "Page Setup…">
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "הדפסה...">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Close">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdWin.label "Exit">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdWin.label "יציאה">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdWin.accesskey "x">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.label "Quit">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.accesskey "Q">
<!ENTITY editMenu.label "Edit">
<!ENTITY editMenu.label "עריכה">
<!ENTITY editMenu.accesskey "E">
<!ENTITY undoCmd.label "Undo">
<!ENTITY undoCmd.key "Z">
@ -37,60 +37,60 @@
<!ENTITY redoCmd.label "Redo">
<!ENTITY redoCmd.key "Y">
<!ENTITY redoCmd.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY cutCmd.label "Cut">
<!ENTITY cutCmd.label "חתוך">
<!ENTITY cutCmd.key "X">
<!ENTITY cutCmd.accesskey "t">
<!ENTITY copyCmd.label "Copy">
<!ENTITY copyCmd.label "העתק">
<!ENTITY copyCmd.key "C">
<!ENTITY copyCmd.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY copyCitationCmd.label "Copy Citation">
<!ENTITY copyBibliographyCmd.label "Copy Bibliography">
<!ENTITY pasteCmd.label "Paste">
<!ENTITY copyCitationCmd.label "העתק ציטוט">
<!ENTITY copyBibliographyCmd.label "העתק ביבליוגרפיה">
<!ENTITY pasteCmd.label "הדבק">
<!ENTITY pasteCmd.key "V">
<!ENTITY pasteCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY deleteCmd.label "Delete">
<!ENTITY deleteCmd.label "מחק">
<!ENTITY deleteCmd.key "D">
<!ENTITY deleteCmd.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Select All">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "בחר הכל">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.key "A">
<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Options…">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "אפשרויות...">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdUnix.label "Preferences">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdUnix.label "העדפות">
<!ENTITY preferencesCmdUnix.accesskey "n">
<!ENTITY findCmd.label "Find">
<!ENTITY findCmd.accesskey "F">
<!ENTITY findCmd.commandkey "f">
<!ENTITY bidiSwitchPageDirectionItem.label "Switch Page Direction">
<!ENTITY bidiSwitchPageDirectionItem.label "החלף כיוון עמוד">
<!ENTITY bidiSwitchPageDirectionItem.accesskey "g">
<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.label "Switch Text Direction">
<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.label "החלף כיוון טקסט">
<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.accesskey "w">
<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.commandkey "X">
<!ENTITY toolsMenu.label "Tools">
<!ENTITY toolsMenu.label "כלים">
<!ENTITY toolsMenu.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY addons.label "Add-ons">
<!ENTITY addons.label "תוספים">
<!ENTITY minimizeWindow.key "m">
<!ENTITY minimizeWindow.label "Minimize">
<!ENTITY bringAllToFront.label "Bring All to Front">
<!ENTITY zoomWindow.label "Zoom">
<!ENTITY windowMenu.label "Window">
<!ENTITY windowMenu.label "חלון">
<!ENTITY helpMenu.label "Help">
<!ENTITY helpMenu.label "עזרה">
<!ENTITY helpMenu.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY helpMenuWin.label "Help">
<!ENTITY helpMenuWin.label "עזרה">
<!ENTITY helpMenuWin.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY helpMac.commandkey "?">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "About &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Support and Documentation">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "תמיכה ותיעוד">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Troubleshooting Information">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Submit Feedback…">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "ערוך">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "מחק">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "The error log may include messages unrelated to Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Please wait while the error report is submitted.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Your error report has been submitted.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Please post a message to the Zotero forums ( with this Report ID, a description of the problem, and any steps necessary to reproduce it.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Error reports are generally not reviewed unless referred to in the forums.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "You have installed a new version of Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Your Zotero database must be upgraded to work with the new version.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Your existing database will be backed up automatically before any changes are made.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "זכויות">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "תאריך הוספה">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "תאריך שינוי">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "הצג בספרייה">
<!ENTITY "הוסף פתק">
@ -75,8 +93,8 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "פריט חדש">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "More">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create New Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create Web Page Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item(s) by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.removeItem.label "הסר פריט">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newCollection.label "...אוסף חדש">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newGroup "New Group...">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transform Text">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Title Case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sentence case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "פתק חדש">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "New Standalone Note">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Select visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Deselect visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Deselect all">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Rename Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "מחק תג...">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter the ISBN, DOI, or PMID to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter one or more ISBNs, DOIs, or PMIDs to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Select Items">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Select which items you'd like to add to your library">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Unchecked tags will not be saved.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "The tag will be deleted from all items.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proxy Recognized">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Only add proxies linked from your library, school, or corporate website">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Adding other proxies allows malicious sites to masquerade as sites you trust.">
@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ general.restartLater=הפעל מחדש מאוחר יותר
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=ארעה שגיאה
general.unknownErrorOccurred=An unknown error occurred.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=.הפעילו מחדש את פיירפוקס בבקשה
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart %S and try again.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart Firefox and try again.
general.checkForUpdate=בדוק אם יש עידכונים
general.actionCannotBeUndone=This action cannot be undone.
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=See %S for more information.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=A Zotero operation is currently in progress.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Please wait until it has finished.
@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ upgrade.advanceMessage=Press %S to upgrade now.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=יש לעדכן את בסיס הנתונים של זוטרו.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Your Zotero database must be repaired before the upgrade can continue.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Load Database Repair Tool
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart %S to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart Firefox to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=If you continue to receive this message, restart your computer.
errorReport.reportError=Report Error...
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Press %S to send an error report to the Zotero develo
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Steps to Reproduce:
errorReport.expectedResult=Expected result:
errorReport.actualResult=Actual result:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=The Zotero data directory could not be found.
dataDir.previousDir=Previous directory:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Use %S profile directory
dataDir.selectDir=Select a Zotero data directory
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=ספרייה אינה ריקה
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=The directory you selected is not empty and does not appear to be a Zotero data directory.\n\nCreate Zotero files in this directory anyway?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Existing Zotero Library Found
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=This appears to be your first time using %1$S. Would you like %1$S to import settings from %2$S and use your existing data directory?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S will share its data directory with the most recently used profile.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=חיפוש שמור חדש
pane.collections.savedSearchName=רשום שם לחיפוש השמור
pane.collections.rename=שינוי שם אוסף
pane.collections.library=הספרייה שלי
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=ללא שם
pane.collections.unfiled=Unfiled Items
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=תג זה ימחק מכל הפריטים
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 תגיות נבחרו
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S tag selected
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S tags selected
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=טוען רשימת פריטים...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Move to Trash
pane.items.trash=Are you sure you want to move the selected item to the Trash?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Are you sure you want to move the selected items to the Trash?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S items selected
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=שנה סוג פריט
pane.item.changeType.text=Are you sure you want to change the item type?\n\nThe following fields will be lost:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ attachments:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S attachment:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S attachments:
||||בחר קובץ
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=לחץ כאן
|||| tags:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S tag:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S tags:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=User-added tag
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=תגית שנוספה אוטומטית
|||| related:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S related:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S related:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Save to Zotero using "%S"
ingester.scraping=Saving Item...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=פריט נשמר.
ingester.scrapeError=Could Not Save Item
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=An error occurred while saving this item. Check %S for more information.
@ -427,13 +468,14 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Do you want to import items from "%1$S" into
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Always allow for this site
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?\n\nItems will be added to a new collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Performing Lookup…
ingester.lookup.error=An error occurred while performing lookup for this item.
db.dbCorrupted=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart %S to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart Firefox to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and no automatic backup is available.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestored=The Zotero database '%1$S' appears to have become corrupted.\n\nYour data was restored from the last automatic backup made on %2$S at %3$S. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestoreFailed=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and an attempt to restore from the last automatic backup failed.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| resolvers found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resolver found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resolvers found
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| Index
|||| you want to rebuild the entire index? This may take a while.\n\nTo index only items that haven't been indexed, use %S.
|||| Index
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Any new or modified tra
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Reset Styles
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Any new or modified styles will be lost.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=The following files already existed in the destination directory and were not copied:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=The following files were not found and could not be copied:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=יבוא
fileInterface.exportedItems=Exported Items
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=No translator could be found for the given file.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=ביבליוגרפיה ללא כותרת
fileInterface.importError=An error occurred while trying to import the selected file. Please ensure that the file is valid and try again.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=The items you have selected contain no reference
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again.
fileInterface.exportError=An error occurred while trying to export the selected file.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Advanced search mode — press Enter to search.
searchInProgress=Search in progress — please wait.
@ -613,11 +677,12 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Blank Citation
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=The citation you have specified would be empty in the currently selected style. Are you sure you want to add it?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generat
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Install style "%1$S" from %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Update existing style "%1$S" with "%2$S" from %3$S?
styles.installed=The style "%S" was installed successfully.
styles.installError=%S does not appear to be a valid style file.
styles.installError="%S" is not a valid style file.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S references an invalid or non-existent CSL file at %2$S as its source.
styles.deleteStyle=Are you sure you want to delete the style "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Are you sure you want to delete the selected styles?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancel Sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Open Sync Preferences...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reset Group and Sync
@ -660,18 +733,55 @@ sync.remoteObject=Remote Object
sync.mergedObject=Merged Object
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Password not set
sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on the server, and local modifications to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, cancel the sync now.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=An automatic sync resulted in a conflict that requires manual intervention.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to sync manually.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to resolve them.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Not yet synced
sync.status.lastSync=Last sync:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Uploading data to sync server
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Upload accepted \u2014 waiting for sync server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Syncing files
|||| remaining
|||| remaining
||||$S/%2$S files
|||| File
|||| File
|||| File
@ -692,17 +805,23 @@ configuration verified
||| sync is successfully set up.
|||| Account Settings
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| server %S could not be reached.
|||| do not have permission to create a Zotero directory at the following address:
|||| check your file sync settings or contact your server administrator.
|||| verification failed. Verify your file sync settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| file '%S' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| no longer have file editing access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
|||| you would like a chance to copy changed items and files elsewhere, cancel the sync now.
|||| upload failed.
|||| not found
|||| does not exist.
|||| you want to create it now?
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| is not a valid WebDAV URL.
|||| WebDAV server did not accept the username and password you entered.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ connection error connecting to
||| your WebDAV URL in the browser for more information.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| have reached your Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| your account settings for additional storage options.
|||| group '%S' has reached its Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| group owner can increase the group's storage capacity from the storage settings section on
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Save Tag
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Save Tags
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Could not read text from PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No matching references found.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=File not found.
recognizePDF.limit=Query limit reached. Try again later.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metadata Retrieval Complete.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Select a location in which to save the formatted file
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Lookup Failed
lookup.failure.description=Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| Online
|||| to this item online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Posebna zahvala:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Zatvori">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "More Credits & Acknowledgements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Default:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "items">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "General">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sync attachment files in My Library using">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sync attachment files in group libraries using Zotero storage">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "By using Zotero storage, you agree to become bound by its">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "terms and conditions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Full Sync with Zotero Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Merge local Zotero data with data from the sync server, ignoring sync history.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restore from Zotero Server">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Erase all server data and overwrite with local Zotero data.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reset File Sync History">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Force checking of the storage server for all local attachment files.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reset...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Updated">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Get additional styles...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Shortcut Keys">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Any string">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Advanced">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Locate">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Article Lookup Engine Manager">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Choose...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Show Data Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Database Maintenance">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Check Database Integrity">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reset Translators and Styles...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Close">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "About &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Support and Documentation">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Troubleshooting Information">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Submit Feedback…">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Edit">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Delete">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "The error log may include messages unrelated to Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Please wait while the error report is submitted.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Your error report has been submitted.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Please post a message to the Zotero forums ( with this Report ID, a description of the problem, and any steps necessary to reproduce it.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Error reports are generally not reviewed unless referred to in the forums.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "You have installed a new version of Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Your Zotero database must be upgraded to work with the new version.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Your existing database will be backed up automatically before any changes are made.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Rights">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Date Added">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Date Modified">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Show in Library">
<!ENTITY "Add Note">
@ -75,8 +93,8 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "New Item">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "More">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create New Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create Web Page Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item(s) by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.removeItem.label "Remove Item...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newCollection.label "New Collection...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newGroup "New Group...">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transform Text">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Title Case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sentence case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "New Note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "New Standalone Note">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Select visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Deselect visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Deselect all">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Rename Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Delete Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter the ISBN, DOI, or PMID to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter one or more ISBNs, DOIs, or PMIDs to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Select Items">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Select which items you'd like to add to your library">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Unchecked tags will not be saved.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "The tag will be deleted from all items.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proxy Recognized">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Only add proxies linked from your library, school, or corporate website">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Adding other proxies allows malicious sites to masquerade as sites you trust.">
@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ general.restartLater=Restart later
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=An error has occurred.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=An unknown error occurred.
general.restartFirefox=Please restart %S.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart %S and try again.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Please restart Firefox.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart Firefox and try again.
general.checkForUpdate=Check for update
general.actionCannotBeUndone=This action cannot be undone.
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=See %S for more information.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=A Zotero operation is currently in progress.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Please wait until it has finished.
@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ upgrade.advanceMessage=Press %S to upgrade now.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=The Zotero database must be updated.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Your Zotero database must be repaired before the upgrade can continue.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Load Database Repair Tool
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart %S to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart Firefox to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=If you continue to receive this message, restart your computer.
errorReport.reportError=Report Error...
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Press %S to send an error report to the Zotero develo
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Steps to Reproduce:
errorReport.expectedResult=Expected result:
errorReport.actualResult=Actual result:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=The Zotero data directory could not be found.
dataDir.previousDir=Previous directory:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Use %S profile directory
dataDir.selectDir=Select a Zotero data directory
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Directory Not Empty
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=The directory you selected is not empty and does not appear to be a Zotero data directory.\n\nCreate Zotero files in this directory anyway?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Existing Zotero Library Found
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=This appears to be your first time using %1$S. Would you like %1$S to import settings from %2$S and use your existing data directory?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S will share its data directory with the most recently used profile.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=New Saved Search
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Enter a name for this saved search:
pane.collections.rename=Rename collection:
pane.collections.library=My Library
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.unfiled=Unfiled Items
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Are you sure you want to delete this tag?\n\nThe
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 tags selected
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S tag selected
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S tags selected
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Loading items list...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Move to Trash
pane.items.trash=Are you sure you want to move the selected item to the Trash?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Are you sure you want to move the selected items to the Trash?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S items selected
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Change Item Type
pane.item.changeType.text=Are you sure you want to change the item type?\n\nThe following fields will be lost:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ attachments:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S attachment:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S attachments:
|||| a File
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=click here
|||| tags:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S tag:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S tags:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=User-added tag
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automatically added tag
|||| related:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S related:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S related:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Save to Zotero using "%S"
ingester.scraping=Saving Item...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Item Saved
ingester.scrapeError=Could Not Save Item
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=An error occurred while saving this item. Check %S for more information.
@ -427,13 +468,14 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Do you want to import items from "%1$S" into
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Always allow for this site
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?\n\nItems will be added to a new collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Performing Lookup…
ingester.lookup.error=An error occurred while performing lookup for this item.
db.dbCorrupted=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart %S to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart Firefox to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and no automatic backup is available.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestored=The Zotero database '%1$S' appears to have become corrupted.\n\nYour data was restored from the last automatic backup made on %2$S at %3$S. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestoreFailed=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and an attempt to restore from the last automatic backup failed.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| resolvers found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resolver found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resolvers found
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| Index
|||| you want to rebuild the entire index? This may take a while.\n\nTo index only items that haven't been indexed, use %S.
|||| Index
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Any new or modified tra
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Reset Styles
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Any new or modified styles will be lost.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=The following files already existed in the destination directory and were not copied:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=The following files were not found and could not be copied:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Import
fileInterface.exportedItems=Exported Items
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=No translator could be found for the given file.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Untitled Bibliography
fileInterface.importError=An error occurred while trying to import the selected file. Please ensure that the file is valid and try again.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=The items you have selected contain no reference
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again.
fileInterface.exportError=An error occurred while trying to export the selected file.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Advanced search mode — press Enter to search.
searchInProgress=Search in progress — please wait.
@ -613,11 +677,12 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Blank Citation
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=The citation you have specified would be empty in the currently selected style. Are you sure you want to add it?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generat
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Install style "%1$S" from %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Update existing style "%1$S" with "%2$S" from %3$S?
styles.installed=The style "%S" was installed successfully.
styles.installError=%S does not appear to be a valid style file.
styles.installError="%S" is not a valid style file.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S references an invalid or non-existent CSL file at %2$S as its source.
styles.deleteStyle=Are you sure you want to delete the style "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Are you sure you want to delete the selected styles?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancel Sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Open Sync Preferences...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reset Group and Sync
@ -660,18 +733,55 @@ sync.remoteObject=Remote Object
sync.mergedObject=Merged Object
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Password not set
sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on the server, and local modifications to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, cancel the sync now.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=An automatic sync resulted in a conflict that requires manual intervention.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to sync manually.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to resolve them.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Not yet synced
sync.status.lastSync=Last sync:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Uploading data to sync server
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Upload accepted \u2014 waiting for sync server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Syncing files
|||| remaining
|||| remaining
||||$S/%2$S files
|||| File
|||| File
|||| File
@ -692,17 +805,23 @@ configuration verified
||| sync is successfully set up.
|||| Account Settings
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| server %S could not be reached.
|||| do not have permission to create a Zotero directory at the following address:
|||| check your file sync settings or contact your server administrator.
|||| verification failed. Verify your file sync settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| file '%S' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| no longer have file editing access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
|||| you would like a chance to copy changed items and files elsewhere, cancel the sync now.
|||| upload failed.
|||| not found
|||| does not exist.
|||| you want to create it now?
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| is not a valid WebDAV URL.
|||| WebDAV server did not accept the username and password you entered.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ connection error connecting to
||| your WebDAV URL in the browser for more information.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| have reached your Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| your account settings for additional storage options.
|||| group '%S' has reached its Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| group owner can increase the group's storage capacity from the storage settings section on
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Save Tag
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Save Tags
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Could not read text from PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No matching references found.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=File not found.
recognizePDF.limit=Query limit reached. Try again later.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metadata Retrieval Complete.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Select a location in which to save the formatted file
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Lookup Failed
lookup.failure.description=Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| Online
|||| to this item online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Külön köszönet:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Bezárás">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "More Credits & Acknowledgements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Alapértelmezett">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "elemek">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Általános">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "A könyvtáramban található fájlok szinkronizálása">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "A csoport könyvtárához tartozó fájlok szinkronizálása a Zotero tárhely használatával">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "A Zotero tárhely használata esetén elfogadom a">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "felhasználási feltételeket">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Teljes szinkornizáció a Zotero szerverrel">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "A helyi adatok összefésülése a szerveren található adatokkal, a szinkronizációs előzmények figyelmen kívül hagyása.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Visszaállítás a Zotero szerverről">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "A szerveren található adatok törlése és frissítése a helyi adatokkal.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "A szinkronizációs előzmények törlése">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Valamennyi helyi csatolmány ellenőrzése a tárhely szerveren">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Visszaállítás">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Updated">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "További stílusok telepítése...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Billentyűparancsok">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Bármilyen szöveg">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Haladó">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Locate">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Article Lookup Engine Manager">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Tallózás...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Az adatkönyvtár mutatása">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Adatbázis karbantartás">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Az adatbázis integritásának ellenőrzése">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Fordítók és stílusok visszaállítása...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Close">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "About &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Support and Documentation">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Troubleshooting Information">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Submit Feedback…">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Szerkesztés">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Törlés">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "A hibanapló a Zoterohoz nem kapcsolódó bejegyzéseket is tartalmazhat">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Várjon a hibajelentés elküldéséig.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "A hibajelentés elküldve.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Küldje el a Zotero fórumba ( a probléma leírását, hogy hogyan jutott idáig, ill. a hibaüzenet ID-jét .">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "A fórumba be nem küldött hibaüzenetek nem kerülnek kivizsgálásra.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "A Zotero új verziójának telepítése sikerült.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Frissíteni kell a Zotero adatbázist, hogy működjön az új verzióval.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Az adatbázisról a módosítás előtt biztonsági másolat készül.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Jogok">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Hozzáadás dátuma">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Módosítás dátuma">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Megjelenítés a könyvtárban">
<!ENTITY "Jegyzet hozzáadása">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Szöveg átalakítása">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Szókezdő">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sentence case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "New Note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Új önálló jegyzet">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Látható címkék kiválasztása">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Látható címkék kiválasztásának megszüntetése">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Összes címke kiválasztásának megszüntetése">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Címke átnevezése...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Címke törlése...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Adja meg az ISBN, DOI vagy PMID azonosítót az alábbi dobozban.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Elemek kiválasztása">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "A könyvtárhoz hozzáadni kíván elemek kiválasztása">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "A jelöletlenül hagyott címkék nem lesznek elmentve.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "Ez a címke törölve lesz valamennyi elemről.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proxy felismerve">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Only add proxies linked from your library, school, or corporate website">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Adding other proxies allows malicious sites to masquerade as sites you trust.">
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ general.restartLater=Újraindítás később
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Hiba lépett fel.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Ismeretlen hiba.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Indítsa újra a Firefoxot.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Indítsa újra a Firefoxot és próbálja meg újra.
general.checkForUpdate=Frissítések keresése
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=A %S bővebb információkat tartalmaz.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=A Zotero dolgozik.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Kérjük várjon, amíg a művelet befejeződik.
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Nyomja meg a %S gombot a hibajelentés elküldéséhe
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Hiba reprodukálásához szükséges lépések:
errorReport.expectedResult=Elvárt működés:
errorReport.actualResult=Tényleges működés:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=A Zotero adatokat tartalmazó mappa nem található.
dataDir.previousDir=Előző mappa:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=A Firefox profilkönyvtár használata
dataDir.selectDir=Válassza ki a Zotero adatokat tartalmazó mappát
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=A mappa nem üres
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=A kiválasztott mappa nem üres és nem tartalmaz Zotero adatokat.\n\nEnnek ellenére hozza létre a Zotero fájlokat?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Existing Zotero Library Found
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=This appears to be your first time using %1$S. Would you like %1$S to import settings from %2$S and use your existing data directory?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S will share its data directory with the most recently used profile.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Új mentett keresés
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Adjon meg egy új nevet az elmentett keresésnek
pane.collections.rename=Új név:
pane.collections.library=Teljes könyvtár
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=cím nélkül
pane.collections.unfiled=Unfiled Items
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=A címke törlésének megerősítése?\n\nA cí
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=Nincs kiválasztva címke
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S címke kiválasztva
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S címke kiválasztva
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Elemek listájának betöltése...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Áthelyezés a kukába
pane.items.trash=A kukába helyezés megerősítése?
pane.items.trash.multiple=A kukába helyezés megerősítése?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S elem kiválasztva
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Elem típusának módosítása
pane.item.changeType.text=Az elemtípus módosításának megerősítése?\n\nA következő mezők elvesznek.
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ csatolmány:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S csatolmány:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S csatolmány:
||||ájl kiválasztása
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=kattintson ide
|||| címke:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S címke:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S címke:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Felhasználó által adott címke
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automatikus címke
|||| kapcsolat:
pane.item.related.count.singular=% kapcsolat:
pane.item.related.count.plural=% kapcsolat:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=Mentés a Zoteroba
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Save to Zotero using "%S"
ingester.scraping=Elem mentése...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Elem elmentve.
ingester.scrapeError=Elem mentése sikertelen.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Hiba az elem mentése során. Próbálja meg újra. Ha a hiba továbbra is fenn áll, lépjen kapcsolatba az adatkonverter készítőjével.
@ -427,7 +468,8 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Do you want to import items from "%1$S" into
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Always allow for this site
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?\n\nItems will be added to a new collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Performing Lookup…
ingester.lookup.error=An error occurred while performing lookup for this item.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| linkfeloldó található
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S linkfeloldó található
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S linkfeloldó található
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| újraépítése
|||| teljes index újraépítésének megerősítése? Ez időbe telhet.\n\nAz eddig nem indexelt elemek indexeléséhez használja a %S-t.
|||| törlése
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Az új vagy módosítot
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Stílusok visszaállítása
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Az új vagy módosított stílusok elvesznek.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Az alábbi fájlok már léteznek a célmappában, ezért nem kerültek bemásolásra.
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Az alábbi fájlok nem találhatóak, ezért nem lehet őket másolni:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Importálás
fileInterface.exportedItems=Exportált elemek
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=A megadott fájlhoz nincs adatkonverter.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Cím nélküli bibliográfia
fileInterface.importError=Hiba az kiválasztott fájl importálása során. Győződjön meg róla, hogy a fájl érvényes, és próbálja meg újra.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=A kiválasztott elemek nem tartalmaznak hivatkoz
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Hiba az bibliográfia előállítása során. Próbálja meg újra.
fileInterface.exportError=Hiba az kiválasztott fájl exportálása során.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Haladó keresés - a keresés az Enter billentyű leütésével indul
searchInProgress=Keresés folyamatban
@ -613,11 +677,12 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Blank Citation
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=The citation you have specified would be empty in the currently selected style. Are you sure you want to add it?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generat
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=A "%1$S" stílus importálása a %2$S-ból?
styles.updateStyle=A "%1$S" stílus lecserélése %2$S-re a %3$S-ból?
styles.installed=A "%1$S" stílus importálása sikerült.
styles.installError=%S does not appear to be a valid style file.
styles.installError="%S" is not a valid style file.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S references an invalid or non-existent CSL file at %2$S as its source.
styles.deleteStyle=Are you sure you want to delete the style "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Are you sure you want to delete the selected styles?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Szinkronizáció elvetése
sync.openSyncPreferences=Szinkronizációs beállítások megnyitása
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Csoport és szinkronizáció visszaállítása
@ -660,8 +733,10 @@ sync.remoteObject=Távoli objektum
sync.mergedObject=Összefésült objektum
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Felhasználónév nincs megadva
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=A jelszó nincs megadva
sync.error.invalidLogin=Hibás felhasználónév vagy jelszó
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Adja meg a jelszót.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=A Zotero nem fér hozzá a bejelentkezési adatokhoz, valószínűleg a Firefox bejelentkezési adatbázisának sérülése miatt.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Zárja be a Firefoxot, készítsen biztonsági másolatot, és törölje ki a bejelentkezési adatokat a Firefox profiljából, majd adja meg újra a bejelentkezési adatokat a Zotero beállítások Szinkronizáció nevű lapján.
@ -672,6 +747,41 @@ sync.error.groupWillBeReset=Ha folytatja, a helyi változások elvesznek, és a
sync.error.copyChangedItems=Ha jogosultságot szeretne kérni vagy egy másik csoporttal szinkronizálni, vesse el a szinkronizációt.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Az automatikus szinkronizáció hibát talált, ezért beavatkozásra van szükség.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Kattintson a szinkronizációs ikonra a szinkronizáció kézi indításához.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Nincs szinkronizálva
sync.status.lastSync=Utoljára szinkronizálva:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Adatok feltöltése a szinkronizációs szerverre
sync.status.uploadAccepted=A feltöltés elfogadva — várakozás a szinkronizációs szerverre
sync.status.syncingFiles=Fájlok szinkronizálása
|||| remaining
|||| remaining
||||$S/%2$S files
|||| fájl
||||ávoli fájl
|||| fájl
@ -692,18 +805,24 @@ szerver konfigurációja ellenőrizve
||| fájl szinkronizáció beállítása sikeres.
||||álói fiók beállítása
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| %S szerver nem elérhető.
|||| jogosultsága az alábbi címen Zotero könyvtárat létrehozni:
||||őrizze a fájl szinkronizációs beállításokat vagy forduljon a rendszergazdához.
|||| %S szerver ellenőrzése sikertelen. Ellenőrizze a fájl szinkronizációs beállításokat a Zoteto beállítások Szinkronizáció lapján.
|||| file '%S' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| módosítási jogosultsága a '%S' csoporthoz, ezért az új vagy módosított fájlokat nem lehet szinkronizálni a szerverrel.
|||| jogosultságot szeretne kérni vagy egy másik csoporttal szinkronizálni, vesse el a szinkronizációt.
|||| fájl feltöltése sikertelen.
|||| könyvtár nem található
|||| %S nem található.
|||| URL megadása.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| nem egy érvényes WebDAV URL.
|||| WebDAV szerver nem fogadta el a megadott felhasználói nevet és jelszót.
|||| hozzáférési jogosultsága a WebDAV szerver %S könyvtárához.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ kapcsolódási hiba az %S szerv
|||ábbi informáációkért töltse be a WebDAV URL-t a böngészőben.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| a kvóta, ezért néhány fájl nem lett felöltve. A többi Zotero adat szinkronizálása folytatódik.
||||ábbi információk a fiók beállítások pontja alatt.
|||| '%S' csoport kvótája betelt, ezért néhány fájl nem lett felöltve. A többi Zotero adat szinkronizálása folytatódik.
|||| csoport tulajdonosa bővítheti a csoport tárhelyét a tárhelybeállítások pontja alatt.
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Címke mentése
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Címke mentése
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Could not read text from PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No matching references found.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=File not found.
recognizePDF.limit=Query limit reached. Try again later.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metadata Retrieval Complete.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Select a location in which to save the formatted file
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Lookup Failed
lookup.failure.description=Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| Online
|||| to this item online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Sérstakar þakkir:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Loka">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "More Credits & Acknowledgements">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Default:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "items">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Almennt">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sync attachment files in My Library using">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sync attachment files in group libraries using Zotero storage">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "By using Zotero storage, you agree to become bound by its">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "terms and conditions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Full Sync with Zotero Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Merge local Zotero data with data from the sync server, ignoring sync history.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restore from Zotero Server">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Erase all server data and overwrite with local Zotero data.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reset File Sync History">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Force checking of the storage server for all local attachment files.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reset...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Updated">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Get additional styles...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Flýtihnappar">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Any string">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Advanced">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Locate">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Article Lookup Engine Manager">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Choose...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Show Data Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Database Maintenance">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Check Database Integrity">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reset Translators and Styles...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Close">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "About &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Support and Documentation">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Troubleshooting Information">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Submit Feedback…">
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Edit">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Delete">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "The error log may include messages unrelated to Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Please wait while the error report is submitted.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Your error report has been submitted.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Please post a message to the Zotero forums ( with this Report ID, a description of the problem, and any steps necessary to reproduce it.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Error reports are generally not reviewed unless referred to in the forums.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "You have installed a new version of Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Your Zotero database must be upgraded to work with the new version.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Your existing database will be backed up automatically before any changes are made.">
@ -56,6 +58,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.rights_column "Rights">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateAdded_column "Date Added">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.dateModified_column "Date Modified">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.extra_column "Extra">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archive_column "Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.archiveLocation_column "Loc. in Archive">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.place_column "Place">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.volume_column "Volume">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.edition_column "Edition">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.pages_column "Pages">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.issue_column "Issue">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.series_column "Series">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.seriesTitle_column "Series Title">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.court_column "Court">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.medium_column "Medium/Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.genre_column "Genre">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.system_column "System">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.moreColumns.label "More Columns">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.restoreColumnOrder.label "Restore Column Order">
<!ENTITY "Show in Library">
<!ENTITY "Add Note">
@ -75,8 +93,8 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItem.label "New Item">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "More">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create New Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newItemFromPage.label "Create Web Page Item from Current Page">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Add Item(s) by Identifier">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.removeItem.label "Remove Item...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newCollection.label "New Collection...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newGroup "New Group...">
@ -103,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Transform Text">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Title Case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sentence case">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Swap first/last names">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "New Note">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "New Standalone Note">
@ -120,10 +139,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.selectVisible "Select visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearVisible "Deselect visible">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Deselect all">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Assign Color…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Rename Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteTag "Delete Tag...">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter the ISBN, DOI, or PMID to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.title "Choose a Tag Color and Position">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.color "Color:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.position "Position:">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Set Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Remove Color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter one or more ISBNs, DOIs, or PMIDs to look up in the box below.">
<!ENTITY "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Select Items">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.intro.label "Select which items you'd like to add to your library">
@ -208,6 +235,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.uncheckedTagsNotSaved "Unchecked tags will not be saved.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.tagWillBeDeleted "The tag will be deleted from all items.">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.title "Conflict Resolution">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.of "of">
<!ENTITY zotero.merge.deleted "Deleted">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.title "Proxy Recognized">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning "Only add proxies linked from your library, school, or corporate website">
<!ENTITY zotero.proxy.recognized.warning.secondary "Adding other proxies allows malicious sites to masquerade as sites you trust.">
@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ general.restartLater=Restart later
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.errorHasOccurred=An error has occurred.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=An unknown error occurred.
general.restartFirefox=Please restart %S.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart %S and try again.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.restartFirefox=Please restart Firefox.
general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain=Please restart Firefox and try again.
general.checkForUpdate=Check for update
general.actionCannotBeUndone=This action cannot be undone.
@ -35,8 +38,12 @@ general.seeForMoreInformation=See %S for more information.
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.operationInProgress=A Zotero operation is currently in progress.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Please wait until it has finished.
@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ upgrade.advanceMessage=Press %S to upgrade now.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=The Zotero database must be updated.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Your Zotero database must be repaired before the upgrade can continue.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Load Database Repair Tool
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart %S to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero could not migrate all necessary files.\nPlease close any open attachment files and restart Firefox to try the upgrade again.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=If you continue to receive this message, restart your computer.
errorReport.reportError=Report Error...
@ -68,6 +75,22 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage=Press %S to send an error report to the Zotero develo
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Steps to Reproduce:
errorReport.expectedResult=Expected result:
errorReport.actualResult=Actual result:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
dataDir.notFound=The Zotero data directory could not be found.
dataDir.previousDir=Previous directory:
@ -75,6 +98,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir=Use %S profile directory
dataDir.selectDir=Select a Zotero data directory
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Directory Not Empty
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=The directory you selected is not empty and does not appear to be a Zotero data directory.\n\nCreate Zotero files in this directory anyway?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title=Existing Zotero Library Found
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description=This appears to be your first time using %1$S. Would you like %1$S to import settings from %2$S and use your existing data directory?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles=%1$S will share its data directory with the most recently used profile.
@ -114,6 +141,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=New Saved Search
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Enter a name for this saved search:
pane.collections.rename=Endurnefnt safn:
pane.collections.library=Mitt safn
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.untitled=Enginn titill
pane.collections.unfiled=Unfiled Items
@ -138,8 +166,14 @@ pane.tagSelector.delete.message=The tag will be removed from all items.
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 tög valin
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S tag valið
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S tög valin
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.loading=Loading items list...
|||| Link to URI
|||| a URI:
pane.items.trash.title=Move to Trash
pane.items.trash=Are you sure you want to move the selected item to the Trash?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Are you sure you want to move the selected items to the Trash?
@ -179,7 +213,12 @@ pane.item.selected.multiple=%S færslur valdar
||| items in this view
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
pane.item.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Select items to merge
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Merge %S items
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.changeType.title=Change Item Type
pane.item.changeType.text=Are you sure you want to change the item type?\n\nThe following fields will be lost:
@ -205,14 +244,15 @@ viðhengi:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S viðhengi:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S viðhengi:
|||| skrá
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=click here
|||| tög:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S tag:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S tög:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=User-added tag
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automatically added tag
|||| tengt:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S tengt:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S tengt:
@ -416,6 +456,7 @@ save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently sele
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
ingester.saveToZoteroUsing=Save to Zotero using "%S"
ingester.scraping=Vista færslu...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Færsla vistuð
ingester.scrapeError=Gat ekki vistað færslu.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=An error occurred while saving this item. Check %S for more information.
@ -427,13 +468,14 @@ ingester.importReferRISDialog.text=Do you want to import items from "%1$S" into
ingester.importReferRISDialog.checkMsg=Always allow for this site
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?\n\nItems will be added to a new collection.
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Import into new collection
ingester.lookup.performing=Performing Lookup…
ingester.lookup.error=An error occurred while performing lookup for this item.
db.dbCorrupted=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart %S to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Please restart Firefox to attempt an automatic restore from the last backup.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and no automatic backup is available.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestored=The Zotero database '%1$S' appears to have become corrupted.\n\nYour data was restored from the last automatic backup made on %2$S at %3$S. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
db.dbRestoreFailed=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and an attempt to restore from the last automatic backup failed.\n\nA new database file has been created. The damaged file was saved in your Zotero directory.
@ -455,6 +497,19 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when
||| resolvers found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resolver found
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resolvers found
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=All data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server will be erased and replaced with data from this copy of Zotero.\n\nDepending on the size of your library, there may be a delay before your data is available on the server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceServerData=Replace Server Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=All file sync history will be cleared.\n\nAny local attachment files that do not exist on the storage server will be uploaded on the next sync.
|||| Index
|||| you want to rebuild the entire index? This may take a while.\n\nTo index only items that haven't been indexed, use %S.
|||| Index
@ -491,6 +546,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Any new or modified tra
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Reset Styles
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Any new or modified styles will be lost.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.sent=Debug output has been sent to the Zotero server.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.debug.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=The following files already existed in the destination directory and were not copied:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=The following files were not found and could not be copied:
@ -500,7 +559,8 @@ fileInterface.import=Flytja inn
fileInterface.export=Flytja út
fileInterface.exportedItems=Flutt út
fileInterface.imported=Flutt inn
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported=No translator could be found for the given file.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Ónefnd heimildaskrá
fileInterface.importError=An error occurred while trying to import the selected file. Please ensure that the file is valid and try again.
@ -509,6 +569,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError=The items you have selected contain no reference
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again.
fileInterface.exportError=Villa kom upp við útflutning á valdri skrá.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Advanced search mode — press Enter to search.
searchInProgress=Leit í gangi, vinsamlegast hinkraðu
@ -613,11 +677,12 @@ integration.cited.loading=Loading Cited Items…
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Blank Citation
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=The citation you have specified would be empty in the currently selected style. Are you sure you want to add it?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -643,14 +708,22 @@ integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generat
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Install style "%1$S" from %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Update existing style "%1$S" with "%2$S" from %3$S?
styles.installed=The style "%S" was installed successfully.
styles.installError=%S does not appear to be a valid style file.
styles.installError="%S" is not a valid style file.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not valid CSL 1.0, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S references an invalid or non-existent CSL file at %2$S as its source.
styles.deleteStyle=Are you sure you want to delete the style "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Are you sure you want to delete the selected styles?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.cancel=Cancel Sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Open Sync Preferences...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reset Group and Sync
@ -660,18 +733,55 @@ sync.remoteObject=Remote Object
sync.mergedObject=Merged Object
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Password not set
sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, likely due to a corrupted Firefox login manager database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close Firefox, back up and delete signons.* from your Firefox profile, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset=If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on the server, and local modifications to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.copyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, cancel the sync now.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=An automatic sync resulted in a conflict that requires manual intervention.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to sync manually.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Click the sync icon to resolve them.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This Zotero database was last synced with a different account ('%1$S') from the current one ('%2$S').
sync.localDataWillBeCombined=If you continue, local Zotero data will be combined with data from the '%S' account stored on the server.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved1=Local groups, including any with changed items, will also be removed.
sync.avoidCombiningData=To avoid combining or losing data, revert to the '%S' account or use the Reset options in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.localGroupsWillBeRemoved2=If you continue, local groups, including any with changed items, will be removed and replaced with groups linked to the '%1$S' account.\n\nTo avoid losing local changes to groups, be sure you have synced with the '%2$S' account before syncing with the '%1$S' account.
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the%S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations.
sync.conflict.chooseVersionToKeep=Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Not yet synced
sync.status.lastSync=Last sync:
@ -682,9 +792,12 @@ sync.status.uploadingData=Uploading data to sync server
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Upload accepted \u2014 waiting for sync server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Syncing files
|||| remaining
|||| remaining
||||$S/%2$S files
|||| File
|||| File
|||| File
@ -692,17 +805,23 @@ configuration verified
||| sync is successfully set up.
|||| Account Settings
|||| file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
|||| server %S could not be reached.
|||| do not have permission to create a Zotero directory at the following address:
|||| check your file sync settings or contact your server administrator.
|||| verification failed. Verify your file sync settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| file '%S' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory.
|||| creating file '%S'.\n\nSee for more information.
|||| no longer have file editing access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
|||| you would like a chance to copy changed items and files elsewhere, cancel the sync now.
|||| upload failed.
|||| not found
|||| does not exist.
|||| you want to create it now?
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
|||| enter a WebDAV URL.
|||| is not a valid WebDAV URL.
|||| WebDAV server did not accept the username and password you entered.
@ -713,10 +832,17 @@ connection error connecting to
||| your WebDAV URL in the browser for more information.
|||| the certificate override documentation for more information.
|||| WebDAV URL
|||| potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
|||| Server Configuration Error
|||| WebDAV server returned an internal error.
|||| file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
|||| have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
|||| have reached your Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| your account settings for additional storage options.
|||| group '%S' has reached its Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.
|||| group owner can increase the group's storage capacity from the storage settings section on
|||| file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Save Tag
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Save Tags
@ -743,6 +869,7 @@ recognizePDF.couldNotRead=Could not read text from PDF.
recognizePDF.noMatches=No matching references found.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=File not found.
recognizePDF.limit=Query limit reached. Try again later.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred.
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metadata Retrieval Complete.
@ -753,8 +880,21 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Select a location in which to save the formatted file
file.accessError.theFile=The file '%S'
file.accessError.aFile=A file
file.accessError.cannotBe=cannot be
|||| that the file is not currently in use and that it is not marked as read-only. To check all files in your Zotero data directory, right-click on the 'zotero' directory, click Properties, clear the Read-Only checkbox, and apply the change to all folders and files in the directory.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
lookup.failure.title=Lookup Failed
lookup.failure.description=Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
|||| Online
|||| to this item online
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.thanks "Ringraziamenti speciali:">
<!ENTITY zotero.about.close "Chiudi">
<!ENTITY zotero.moreCreditsAndAcknowledgements "Altri riconoscimenti">
<!ENTITY zotero.citationProcessing "Citation & Bibliography Processing">
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.default "Predefinito:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "elementi">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Settings">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Generale">
@ -59,9 +60,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sincronizza gli allegati nella mia libreria con">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sincronizza gli allegati nelle librerie di gruppo con Zotero storage">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.about "About File Syncing">
<!ENTITY "Download files">
<!ENTITY "at sync time">
<!ENTITY "as needed">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Utilizzando Zotero storage, ne accetti implicitamente le">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "condizioni d'uso">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sync Reset Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " for more information.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync "Sincronizzazione completa con il server Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fullSync.desc "Unisci i dati locali di Zotero con i dati dal server, senza tenere conto delle precedenti sincronizzazioni.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Ripristina dal server Zotero">
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Erase all server data and overwrite with local Zotero data.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Azzera la cronologia della sincronizzazione file">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Richiedi un controllo di tutti gli allegati locali sul server.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Azzera...">
@ -114,6 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.title "Titolo">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.updated "Aggiornato">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager.csl "CSL">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.automaticTitleAbbreviation "Automatically abbreviate journal titles">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.getAdditionalStyles "Scarica ulteriori stili...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.keys "Scorciatoie da tastiera">
@ -154,6 +162,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.proxies.a_variable "%a - Qualunque testo">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.advanced "Avanzate">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Files and Folders">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Trova">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Gestore dei motori di ricerca di articoli">
@ -173,6 +182,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Sfoglia...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Visualizza la cartella dati">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.caption "Linked Attachment Base Directory">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.message "Zotero will use relative paths for linked file attachments within the base directory, allowing you to access files on different computers as long as the file structure within the base directory remains the same.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.basePath "Base directory:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.selectBasePath "Choose…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.attachmentBaseDir.resetBasePath "Revert to Absolute Paths…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance "Manutenzione database">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.integrityCheck "Controlla l'integrità del database">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dbMaintenance.resetTranslatorsAndStyles "Reimposta motori di ricerca e stili...">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!ENTITY pageSetupCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print…">
<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Chiudi">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
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