File Issues: Greatest Hits, 2006-2015
- When relinking a missing stored file, copy it into the attachment's storage directory automatically - Previously, selecting a file outside the attachment subdir would just result in a missing attachment, since it only looks for stored files within the subdir - Display an error message if a Windows shortcut (.lnk) is added via drag-and-drop or via a file dialog on non-Windows systems, until we can figure out how to determine the original file - Shortcuts can cause errors during syncing, for unclear reasons - Neither nsIFile::copyToFollowingLinks() nor nsIFile::target work for me to get the original file, even when nsIFile::isSymlink() returns true - Windows file dialogs seem to automatically resolve shortcuts, so it's only an issue there for drag-and-drop - Disallow hidden files from being selected in relink dialog - I think some people on Windows with hidden files shown relink the .zotero* files that show up when they click Locate, which causes file sync errors. Which brings us to... - Fix file sync errors for *.lnk and .zotero* files - Ignore existing .zotero* attachment files, treating the files as missing instead to encourage relinking - Strip leading period in getValidFileName() to prevent added files from being hidden - This allows hidden files to be added explicitly; they just won't stay that way in the storage directory (These things should have tests, but that will have to happen on the 5.0 branch.)
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 128 additions and 34 deletions
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ var wpdCommon = {
aFile.copyTo(aDir, destfile);
aFile.copyToFollowingLinks(aDir, destfile);
return true; // Added by Dan S. for Zotero
@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ Zotero.Attachments = new function(){
throw ("'" + file.leafName + "' must be a file in Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile()");
if (file.leafName.endsWith(".lnk")) {
throw new Error("Cannot add Windows shortcut");
try {
@ -165,7 +169,7 @@ Zotero.Attachments = new function(){
var storageDir = Zotero.getStorageDirectory();
var destDir = this.getStorageDirectory(itemID);
file.parent.copyTo(storageDir, destDir.leafName);
file.parent.copyToFollowingLinks(storageDir, destDir.leafName);
// Point to copied file
var newFile = destDir.clone();
@ -2863,6 +2863,11 @@ Zotero.Item.prototype.getFile = function(row, skipExistsCheck) {
if (Zotero.isWin || path.indexOf('/') != -1) {
path = Zotero.File.getValidFileName(path, true);
// Ignore .zotero* files that were relinked before we started blocking them
if (path.startsWith(".zotero")) {
Zotero.debug("Ignoring attachment file " + path, 2);
return false;
var file = Zotero.Attachments.getStorageDirectory(;
file.setRelativeDescriptor(file, path);
@ -3109,15 +3114,47 @@ Zotero.Item.prototype.relinkAttachmentFile = function(file, skipItemUpdate) {
throw('Cannot relink linked URL in Zotero.Items.relinkAttachmentFile()');
if (file.leafName.endsWith(".lnk")) {
throw new Error("Cannot relink to Windows shortcut");
var newName = Zotero.File.getValidFileName(file.leafName);
if (!newName) {
throw ("No valid characters in filename after filtering in Zotero.Item.relinkAttachmentFile()");
// Rename file to filtered name if necessary
if (file.leafName != newName) {
Zotero.debug("Renaming file '" + file.leafName + "' to '" + newName + "'");
file.moveTo(null, newName);
try {
// If selected file isn't in the attachment's storage directory,
// copy it in and use that one instead
var storageDir = Zotero.Attachments.getStorageDirectory(;
if (this.isImportedAttachment() && !file.parent.equals(storageDir)) {
// If file with same name already exists in the storage directory,
// move it out of the way
let targetFile = storageDir.clone();
let renamedFile;
if (targetFile.exists()) {
renamedFile = targetFile.clone();
renamedFile.moveTo(null, newName + ".bak");
Zotero.File.copyToUnique(file, targetFile);
file = targetFile;
// Delete backup file
if (renamedFile) {
// Rename file to filtered name if necessary
else if (file.leafName != newName) {
Zotero.debug("Renaming file '" + file.leafName + "' to '" + newName + "'");
file.moveTo(null, newName);
catch (e) {
return false;
var path = Zotero.Attachments.getPath(file, linkMode);
@ -3128,7 +3165,7 @@ Zotero.Item.prototype.relinkAttachmentFile = function(file, skipItemUpdate) {
skipClientDateModifiedUpdate: skipItemUpdate
return false;
return true;
@ -3342,7 +3379,8 @@ Zotero.Item.prototype.__defineGetter__('attachmentPath', function () {
var sql = "SELECT path FROM itemAttachments WHERE itemID=?";
var path = Zotero.DB.valueQuery(sql,;
if (!path) {
// Ignore .zotero* files that were relinked before we started blocking them
if (!path || path.startsWith('.zotero')) {
path = '';
this._attachmentPath = path;
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ Zotero.File = new function(){
// Copy file to unique name
file.copyTo(newFile.parent, newName);
file.copyToFollowingLinks(newFile.parent, newName);
return newFile;
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ Zotero.File = new function(){
while (otherFiles.hasMoreElements()) {
var file = otherFiles.getNext();
file.copyTo(newDir, null);
file.copyToFollowingLinks(newDir, null);
@ -505,6 +505,8 @@ Zotero.File = new function(){
// Strip characters not valid in XML, since they won't sync and they're probably unwanted
fileName = fileName.replace(/[\u0000-\u0008\u000b\u000c\u000e-\u001f\ud800-\udfff\ufffe\uffff]/g, '');
// Don't allow hidden files
fileName = fileName.replace(/^\./, '');
// Don't allow blank or illegal filenames
if (!fileName || fileName == '.' || fileName == '..') {
fileName = '_';
@ -2810,7 +2810,7 @@ Zotero.ItemTreeView.fileDragDataProvider.prototype = {
parentDir.copyTo(destDir, newName ? newName : dirName);
parentDir.copyToFollowingLinks(destDir, newName ? newName : dirName);
// Store nsIFile
if (useTemp) {
@ -2851,7 +2851,7 @@ Zotero.ItemTreeView.fileDragDataProvider.prototype = {
file.copyTo(destDir, newName ? newName : null);
file.copyToFollowingLinks(destDir, newName ? newName : null);
// Store nsIFile
if (useTemp) {
@ -3219,6 +3219,14 @@ Zotero.ItemTreeView.prototype.drop = function(row, orient, dataTransfer) {
var itemID = Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile(file, sourceItemID);
else {
if (file.leafName.endsWith(".lnk")) {
let wm = Components.classes[";1"]
let win = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
var itemID = Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile(file, sourceItemID, targetLibraryID);
// If moving, delete original file
if (dragData.dropEffect == 'move') {
@ -1486,6 +1486,10 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
if (!file) {
throw ("Empty path for item " + item.key + " in " + funcName);
// Don't save Windows aliases
if (file.leafName.endsWith('.lnk')) {
return false;
var fileName = file.leafName;
var renamed = false;
@ -1899,8 +1903,9 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
sql += ") "
// Skip attachments with empty path, which can't be saved
+ "AND path!=''";
// Skip attachments with empty path, which can't be saved, and files with .zotero*
// paths, which have somehow ended up in some users' libraries
+ "AND path!='' AND path NOT LIKE 'storage:.zotero%'";
var itemIDs = Zotero.DB.columnQuery(sql, params);
if (!itemIDs) {
return [];
@ -3116,8 +3116,16 @@ var ZoteroPane = new function()
var attachmentID;
attachmentID = Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile(file, id);
else {
if (file.leafName.endsWith(".lnk")) {
let wm = Components.classes[";1"]
let win = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
attachmentID = Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile(file, id, libraryID);
if(attachmentID && !id)
@ -3757,6 +3765,16 @@ var ZoteroPane = new function()
// TODO: Figure out a functioning way to get the original path and just copy the real file
this.displayCannotAddShortcutMessage = function (path) {
Zotero.getString("file.error.cannotAddShortcut") + (path ? "\n\n" + path : "")
function showAttachmentNotFoundDialog(itemID, noLocate) {
var ps = Components.classes[";1"].
@ -3951,25 +3969,43 @@ var ZoteroPane = new function()
throw('Item ' + itemID + ' not found in ZoteroPane_Local.relinkAttachment()');
var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
var fp = Components.classes[";1"]
fp.init(window, Zotero.getString(''), nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
var file = item.getFile(false, true);
var dir = Zotero.File.getClosestDirectory(file);
if (dir) {
fp.displayDirectory = dir;
if ( == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
var file = fp.file;
while (true) {
var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
var fp = Components.classes[";1"]
fp.init(window, Zotero.getString(''), nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
var file = item.getFile(false, true);
var dir = Zotero.File.getClosestDirectory(file);
if (dir) {
fp.displayDirectory = dir;
if ( == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
let file = fp.file;
// Disallow hidden files
// TODO: Display a message
if (file.leafName.startsWith('.')) {
// Disallow Windows shortcuts
if (file.leafName.endsWith(".lnk")) {
@ -963,6 +963,7 @@ = Check that the file is not currently in use,
file.accessError.message.other = Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart = Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir = Show Parent Directory
file.error.cannotAddShortcut = Shortcut files cannot be added directly. Please select the original file.
lookup.failure.title = Lookup Failed
lookup.failure.description = Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again.
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