From dd146557b7f110ab1c2f485519bbd5d95a72b3df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dan Stillman Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2015 02:13:24 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Merge non-English strings --- chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/de/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/km/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ | 2 +- chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ | 2 +- 44 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-) diff --git a/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ index 8f1762af27..618e9b1b35 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ index aa08abcb4b..3dfcbda45b 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=خطأ في موصل الزوتيرو connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ index 7be677d217..3de5203079 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ index de104ecf2c..15e233ef17 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Error del connector de Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=No es pot accedir a la base de dades perquè el Zotero Independent està obert. Visualitzeu el elements al Zotero Independent. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero pot reconèixer una referència en aquesta pàgina. Feu clic en aquesta icona a la barra d'adreces per desar la referència a la biblioteca del Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero també permet especificar editors i traductors. Pots convertir un autor en un editor o traductor mitjançant la selecció d'aquest menú. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Escriu un títol o autor per cercar una referència.\n\nDesprés que hagis fet la teva selecció, fes clic a la bombolla o prem Ctrl-\u2193 per afegir números de pàgina, prefixos o sufixos. També pots incloure un número de pàgina juntament amb els teus termes de cerca per afegir-lo directament.\n\nLes cites es poden editar directament en el document del processador de textos. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Escriu un títol o autor per cercar una referència.\n\nDesprés que hagis fet la teva selecció, fes clic a la bombolla o prem Cmd-\u2193 per afegir números de pàgina, prefixos o sufixos. També pots incloure un número de pàgina juntament amb els teus termes de cerca per afegir-lo directament.\n\nLes cites es poden editar directament en el document del processador de textos. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ index 7df2471313..a58f2f7808 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Chyba připojení Zotera. connector.standaloneOpen=Není možné přistupovat k vaší databázi, protože je otevřeno Samostatné Zotero. K prohlížení vašich položek použijte prosím Samostatné Zotero. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone bylo spuštěno, ale není přístupné. Pokud jste při otevírání Zotera Standalone narazili na chybu, restartujte Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero rozpoznalo na této stránce citaci. Pro její uložení do knihovny Zotera, klikněte na tuto ikonu v adresní liště. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero umožňuje zvolit i editory a překladatele. Volbou v tomto menu můžete změnit autora na editora či překladatele. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Napište název, nebo autora k nimž hledáte citaci.\n\n Když si vyberete, kliknutím na bublinu, nebo stiskem Ctrl-\u2193 můžete přidat čísla stran, prefixy, či sufixy. Číslo stránky můžete vložit přímo k vašim vyhledávaným výrazům.\n\nCitace můžete editovat přímo ve vašem textovém procesoru. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Napište název, nebo autora k nimž hledáte citaci.\n\n Když si vyberete, kliknutím na bublinu, nebo stiskem Ctrl-\u2193 můžete přidat čísla stran, prefixy, či sufixy. Číslo stránky můžete vložit přímo k vašim vyhledávaným výrazům.\n\nCitace můžete editovat přímo ve vašem textovém procesoru. otevřete kliknutím sem, nebo použitím klávesové zkratky %S firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Ikona Zotero se nyní nachází v Panelu nástrojů Firefoxu. Zotero otevřete kliknutím na ikonu, nebo stisknutím %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliografiežit citační styl. diff --git a/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ index 157d00e3e2..944e2230a0 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero forbinderfejl connector.standaloneOpen=Din database kan ikke tilgås, fordi Zotero Standalone er åben. Se dine elementer i Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone blev startet, men er ikke tilgængelig. Hvis du stødte på en fejl under opstart af Zotero Standalone, så genstart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero har fundet en reference på denne side. Klik på dette ikon i adressefeltet for at gemme referencen i dit Zotero-bibliotek. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lader dig anføre redaktører og oversættere. Du kan ændre en forfatter til en redaktør eller oversætter ved at vælge fra denne menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Indtast en titel eller forfatter for at søge efter en reference.\n\nNår du har foretaget dit valg, så klik på boblen eller tryk Ctrl-↓ for at tilføje sidenumre, præfikser eller suffikser. Du kan også inkludere et sidenummer sammen med dine søgetermer.\n\nDu kan redigere henvisninger direkte i dit tekstbehandlingsdokument. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Indtast en titel eller forfatter for at søge efter en reference.\n\nNår du har foretaget dit valg, så klik på boblen eller tryk Cmd-↓ for at tilføje sidenumre, præfikser eller suffikser. Du kan også inkludere et sidenummer sammen med dine søgetermer.\n\nDu kan redigere henvisninger direkte i dit tekstbehandlingsdokument. her for at åbne Zotero eller anvend %S-tastaturgenvejen. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Zotero-ikonet kan nu findes i Firefox-værktøjslinjen. Klik ikonet for at åbne Zotero eller anvend %S-tastaturgenvejen. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Referenceliste henvisningsformat diff --git a/chrome/locale/de/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/de/zotero/ index c7f1ac6e23..f3acb8c689 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/de/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/de/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero-Connector-Fehler connector.standaloneOpen=Zugriff auf Ihre Datenbank nicht möglich, da Zotero Standalone im Moment läuft. Bitte betrachten Sie Ihre Einträge in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone wurde gestartet, aber es ist kein Zugriff möglich. Wenn ein Fehler beim Öffnen von Zotero Standalone auftritt, starten Sie Firefox erneut. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero erkennt einen Eintrag auf dieser Seite. Klicken Sie auf das Icon in der Addressleiste, um diesen Eintrag in Ihrer Zotero-Bibliothek zu speichern. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero ermöglicht es Ihnen, auch Herausgeber und Übersetzer anzugeben. Sie können einen Autor zum Übersetzer machen, indem Sie in diesem Menü die entsprechende Auswahl treffen. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Geben Sie einen Titel oder Autor ein, um nach einer Zitation zu suchen.\n\nNachdem Sie Ihre Auswahl getroffen haben, klicken Sie auf die Blase oder drücken Sie Strg-\u2193, um Seitenzahlen, Präfixe oder Suffixe hinzuzufügen. Sie können die Seitenzahl auch zu Ihren Suchbegriffen hinzufügen, um diese direkt hinzuzufügen.\n\nSie können alle Zitationen direkt im Dokument bearbeiten. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Geben Sie einen Titel oder Autor ein, um nach einer Zitation zu suchen.\n\nNachdem Sie Ihre Auswahl getroffen haben, klicken Sie auf die Blase oder drücken Sie Cmd-\u2193, um Seitenzahlen, Präfixe oder Suffixe hinzuzufügen. Sie können die Seitenzahl auch zu Ihren Suchbegriffen hinzufügen, um diese direkt hinzuzufügen.\n\nSie können alle Zitationen direkt im Dokument bearbeiten. Sie hier oder verwenden Sie die %S Tastenkombination um Zotero zu öffnen. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Das Zotero Icon ist jetzt in der Firefox Symbolleiste. Klicken Sie das Icon oder verwenden Sie die %S Tastenkombination um Zotero zu öffnen. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliografie speichern diff --git a/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ index eaf35c028a..c081256247 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ index aa267a7061..152ae294e8 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Error de conector Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=No se puede acceder a tu base de datos debido a que Zotero Standalone está abierto. Por favor, mira tus ítems en Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero autónomo fue lanzado, pero no está accesible. Si ha experimentado un error al abrir Zotero autónomo, reinicie Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero ha reconocido una referencia en esta página. Pulse este icono en la barra de direcciones para guardar la referencia en tu bibliografía de Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero te permite también especificar editores y traductores. Puedes cambiar el rol de autor a editor o traductor seleccionándolo desde este menú. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Escribe el título o el autor para buscar una referencia. \n\nDespués de que hayas hecho tu selección, haz clic en la burbuja o pulsa Ctrl-\u2193 para agregar números de página, prefijos o sufijos. También puedes incluir un número de página junto con tus términos de búsqueda para añadirlo directamente.\n\nPuedes editar citas directamente en el documento del procesador de textos. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Escribe el título o el autor para buscar una referencia. \n\nDespués de que hayas hecho tu selección, haz clic en la burbuja o pulsa Cmd-\u2193 para agregar números de página, prefijos o sufijos. También puedes incluir un número de página junto con tus términos de búsqueda para añadirlo directamente.\n\nPuedes editar citas directamente en el documento del procesador de textos. aquí para abrir Zotero o utilice el atajo de teclado %S firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=El ícono Zotero ahora se encuentra en la barra de Firefox. Clic en el ícono para abrir Zotero, o use el atajo de teclado %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliografí­a estilo de cita diff --git a/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ index c064ad2a12..8075ce62bf 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero ühendaja viga connector.standaloneOpen=Andmebaasiga ei õnnestu kontakteeruda, sest Autonoomne Zotero on parajasti avatud. Palun vaadake oma kirjeid seal. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero tunneb sellel lehel ära viite. Kirje salvestamiseks Zotero baasi vajutage sellele ikoonile brauseri aadressiribal. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero võimaldab määrata ka toimetajaid ja tõlkijaid. Autori saab muuta toimetajaks või tõlkijaks sellest menüüst. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Viite otsimiseks kirjutage pealkiri või autor.\n\nKui olete valiku teinud, siis leheküljenumbrite, prefiksite või sufiksite lisamiseks klikkige viite kastikesele või vajutage Ctrl-\u2193. Leheküljenumbri võite sisestada ka kohe kastikese sisse.\n\nSamas võite viiteid toimetada ka tekstiredaktoris. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Viite otsimiseks kirjutage pealkiri või autor.\n\nKui olete valiku teinud, siis leheküljenumbrite, prefiksite või sufiksite lisamiseks klikkige viite kastikesele või vajutage Cmd-\u2193. Leheküljenumbri võite sisestada ka kohe kastikese sisse.\n\nSamas võite viiteid toimetada ka tekstiredaktoris. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ index 15fb356fd2..f60c4ad7fc 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ index 3c5dca6baa..57c5d5f46a 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=کتابنامه Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ index 1b3da689cf..eb2e0c62f0 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector -ongelma. connector.standaloneOpen=Tietokantaasi ei saada yhteyttä, koska Zotero Standalone on tällä hetkellä auki. Käytä Zotero Standalonea nimikkeidesi tarkasteluun. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone on käynnistettiin, mutta se ei ole käytettävissä. Jos Zotero Standalonen käynnistämiseen liittyi virhe, käynnistä Firefox uudestaan. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero tunnistaa viitteen tällä sivulla. Paina osoitepalkin kuvaketta tallentaaksesi viitteen Zotero-kirjastoon. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zoterossa voit myös määritellä teoksen toimittajat ja kääntäjät. Voit muuttaa kirjoittajan toimittajaksi tai kääntäjäksi tästä valikosta. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Kirjoita otsikko tai tekijä etsiäksesi viitettä.\n\nKun olet tehnyt valinnan, klikkaa kuplaa tai paina Ctrl-\u2193 lisätäksesi sivunumerot sekä etu- ja jälkiliitteet. Voit myös sisällyttää sivunumeron hakutermien mukana lisätäksesi sen suoraan.\n\nVoit muokata sitaatteja suoraan tekstinkäsittelyohjelman asiakirjassa. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Kirjoita otsikko tai tekijä etsiäksesi viitettä.\n\nKun olet tehnyt valinnan, klikkaa kuplaa tai paina Ctrl-\u2193 lisätäksesi sivunumerot sekä etu- ja jälkiliitteet. Voit myös sisällyttää sivunumeron hakutermien mukana lisätäksesi sen suoraan.\n\nVoit muokata sitaatteja suoraan tekstinkäsittelyohjelman asiakirjassa. tästä avataksesi Zoteron, tai käyttää %S-näppäinoikotietä. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Zoteron kuvake on nyt Firefoxin työkalurivillä. Paina kuvaketta avataksesi Zoteron, tai käytä %S-näppäinoikotietä. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ index 9b249c3d2f..ce5f18a206 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Erreur du connecteur Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=Votre base de données est inaccessible car Zotero Standalone est actuellement ouvert. Veuillez visualiser vos documents dans Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone a été démarré mais n'est pas accessible. Si vous avez rencontré une erreur en ouvrant Zotero Standalone, redémarrez Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero a détecté une référence sur cette page. Cliquez sur cette icône dans la barre d'adresse pour enregistrer cette référence dans votre bibliothèque Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero vous permet également de préciser les éditeurs scientifiques, directeurs de publication et les traducteurs. Vous pouvez changer un auteur en éditeur ou en traducteur en cliquant sur le triangle à gauche de "Auteur". firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Tapez son titre ou son auteur pour rechercher une référence.\n\nAprès l'avoir sélectionnée, cliquez sur la bulle ou appuyer sur Ctrl-\u2193 pour ajouter les numéros des pages, un préfixe ou un suffixe. Vous pouvez aussi inclure un numéro de page en même temps que vos termes de recherche afin de l'ajouter directement.\n\nVous pouvez modifier les citations directement dans le document du traitement de texte. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Tapez son titre ou son auteur pour rechercher une référence.\n\nAprès l'avoir sélectionnée, cliquez sur la bulle ou appuyer sur Cmd-\u2193 pour ajouter les numéros des pages, un préfixe ou un suffixe. Vous pouvez aussi inclure un numéro de page en même temps que vos termes de recherche afin de l'ajouter directement.\n\nVous pouvez modifier les citations directement dans le document du traitement de texte. ici pour ouvrir Zotero, ou utilisez le raccourci clavier %S. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=L'icône Zotero est désormais dans la barre d'outils Firefox. Cliquez sur l'icône pour ouvrir Zotero, ou utilisez le raccourci clavier %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliographie le style de citation diff --git a/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ index db46807fa4..61da995e2d 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Erro do conector de Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=A súa base de datos non se puido acceder xa que neste momento está aberto Zotero. Vexa os seus elementos empregando Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone iniciouse pero non está accesible. Se tivo algún erro abrindo Zotero Standalone reinicie Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero recoñece unha referencia nesta páxina. Faga clic na icona na dirección de barras para gardar esa referencia na súa biblioteca de Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero permítelle ademais especificar os editores e tradutores. Escolléndoo neste menú pode asignar a un autor como editor ou tradutor. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Teclee un título ou autor para buscar unha referencia.\n\nDespois de facer a selección faga clic na burbulla ou prema Ctrl-\↓ para engadir números de páxina, prefixos ou sufixos. Así mesmo, pode incluír un número de páxina cos datos de busca e engadilo directamente.\n\Ademais, pode editar citas directamente dende o procesador de documentos de texto. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Teclee un título de autor para facer unha busca dunha referencia.\n\nDespois de ter feito a selección prema na burbulla ou prema Cmd-\↓ para engadir os números de páxina, prefixos ou sufixos. Igualmente, pode incluír un número de páxina co seus termos de busca empregados e engadilo directamente.\n\nPode ademais editar citas directamente desde o procesador de documentos de textos. abrir Zotero preme aquí ou usa o atallo de teclado %S firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=A icona de Zotero pódese atopar na barra de ferramentas do Firefox. Preme na icona de Zotero para abrilo ou usa o atallo de teclado %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ index 34a75572bb..f691c64d54 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ index 8f1762af27..618e9b1b35 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ index 92981857e4..c3f2ca9d5e 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector hiba connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=A Zotero Standalone-t elindult, de nem elérhető. Ha hibát tapasztalt a Zotero Standalone indításakor, indítsa újra a Firefoxot. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. Zotero megnyitásához kattintásához kattintson ide, vagy használja a %S billentyűparancsot. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=A Zotero ikon mostantól a Firefox eszköztárán található. A Zotero megnyitásához kattintson az ikonra, vagy használja a %S gyorsbillentyűt. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliográfiaási stílus mentése diff --git a/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ index 48cb8f9d8f..441d0526b2 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Konektor Zotero Mengalami Kesalahan connector.standaloneOpen=Database Anda tidak dapat diakses karena Zotero Standalone Anda sedang terbuka. Silakan lihat item-item Anda di dalam Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero dapat mengenali referensi yang terdapat pada halaman ini. Klik logo pada address bar untuk menyimpan referensi tersebut ke dalam perpustakaan Zotero Anda. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero juga mengizinkan untuk Anda menentukan editor dan translator. Anda dapat mengubah penulis menjadi editor atau translator dengan cara memilih dari menu ini. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Ketikkan judul atau nama penulis untuk mencari sebuah referensi.\n\nSetelah Anda melakukannya, klik pada gelembung atau tekan Ctrl-\u2193 untuk menambahkan nomor halaman, prefiks, atau sufiks. Anda juga dapat memasukkan nomor halaman bersamaan dengan istilah pencarian untuk menambahkannya secara langsung.\n\nAnda dapat mengedit sitasi secara langsung di dalam dokumn pengolah kata. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Ketikkan judul atau nama penulis untuk mencari sebuah referensi.\n\nSetelah Anda melakukannya, klik pada gelembung atau tekan Cmd-\u2193 untuk menambahkan nomor halaman, prefiks, atau sufiks. Anda juga dapat memasukkan nomor halaman bersamaan dengan istilah pencarian untuk menambahkannya secara langsung.\n\nAnda dapat mengedit sitasi secara langsung di dalam dokumn pengolah kata. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ index 62b71cf77d..5fbd874fa2 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero tengingarvilla connector.standaloneOpen=Ekki reyndist hægt að opna gagnagrunninn þinn vegna þess að Zotero Standalone forritið er opið. Vinsamlegast skoðaðu færslurnar þínar í Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone var opnað en ekki aðgengilegt. Ef þú lendir í vandræðum við að opna Zotero Standalone, prófaðu þá að endurræsa Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero hefur fundið tilvitnun á þessari síðu. Ýtið á þetta tákn í vistfangaslánni til að vista tilvitnunina í Zotero safninu þínu. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero leyfir þér einnig að tilgreina ritstjóra og þýðendur. Þú getur breytt höfundi í ritstjóra eða þýðanda í þessum valskjá. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Sláðu inn titil eða höfund til að leita að heimild.\n\nEftir val þitt, ýttu þá á belginn eða á Ctrl-↓ til að bæta við blaðsíðunúmerum, forskeytum eða viðskeytum. Þú getur einnig tilgreint síðunúmer í leitinni til að bæta því strax við.\n\nÞú getur breytt tilvitnunum þar sem þær standa í ritvinnsluskjalinu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Sláðu inn titil eða höfund til að leita að heimild.\n\nEftir val þitt, ýttu þá á belginn eða á Ctrl-↓ til að bæta við blaðsíðunúmerum, forskeytum eða viðskeytum. Þú getur einnig tilgreint síðunúmer í leitinni til að bæta því strax við.\n\nÞú getur breytt tilvitnunum þar sem þær standa í ritvinnsluskjalinu.Ýttu hér til að opna Zotero, eða notaðu %S flýtitakka. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Zotero táknið mun nú sjást á Firefox tólaslánni. Ýttu á táknið til að opna Zotero eða notaðu %S flýtitakka. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ index d046760d9c..92690dfa5e 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Errore di Zotero Connector connector.standaloneOpen=Non è possibile accedere al database perché Zotero Standalone è attualmente in esecuzione. Consultare i propri dati con Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero ha individuato un riferimento bibliografico su questa pagina. Fare click sull'icona nella barra dell'indirizzo per salvare il riferimento nella propria libreria di Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero consente di specificare anche i curatori e i traduttori. È possibile convertire un autore in un curatore o traduttore selezionando da questo menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Digitare un titolo o un autore per cercare un riferimento bibliografico.\n\nDopo aver effettuato una selezione cliccare la bolla o premere Ctrl-\u2193 per aggiungere i numeri di pagina, prefissi o suffissi. È possibile includere un numero di pagina nei termini di ricerca per aggiungerlo direttamente.\n\nÈ possibile modificare le citazioni direttamente nel documento dell'elaboratore di testi. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Digitare un titolo o un autore per cercare un riferimento bibliografico.\n\nDopo aver effettuato una selezione cliccare la bolla o premere Cmd-\u2193 per aggiungere i numeri di pagina, prefissi o suffissi. È possibile includere un numero di pagina nei termini di ricerca per aggiungerlo direttamente.\n\nÈ possibile modificare le citazioni direttamente nel documento dell'elaboratore di testi. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ index b531c8a26b..143ff72459 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero コネクタのエラー connector.standaloneOpen=スタンドアローン版 Zotero が現在立ち上がっているため、 あなたのデータベースにアクセスすることができません。アイテムはスタンドアローン版 Zotero の中で閲覧してください。 connector.loadInProgress=スタンドアローン版 Zotero が起動されましたが、アクセスできません。もしスタンドアローン版 Zotero を開くときにエラーが生じた場合は、Firefox を再起動して下さい。 -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero はこのページの文献を認識することができます。この文献をあなたの Zotero ライブラリへ保存するには、アドレスバーのアイコンをクリックしてください。 firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero では、編集者と翻訳者についても指定することができます。このメニューから選択することによって、作者を編集者または翻訳者へと切り替えることができます。 firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=題名か著者名を入力して文献を探してください。\n\n選択が完了したら、必要に応じて、泡をクリックするか Ctrl-\u2193を押して、ページ番号、接頭辞、接尾辞を追加してください。検索語句にページ番号を含めれば、ページ番号を直接追加することもできます。\n\n出典表記はワードプロセッサ文書中で直接編集することが可能です。 firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=題名か著者名を入力して文献を探してください。\n\n選択が完了したら、必要に応じて、泡をクリックするか Cmd-\u2193を押して、ページ番号、接頭辞、接尾辞を追加してください。検索語句にページ番号を含めれば、ページ番号を直接追加することもできます。\n\n出典表記はワードプロセッサ文書中で直接編集することが可能です。ここをクリックしてZoteroを開くか、%S のキーボードショートカットを使用してください firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Zotero アイコンは Firefox ツールバーに表示されます。アイコンをクリックしてZoteroを起動するか、%S のキーボードショートカットを使用してください +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=参考文献目録引用スタイルを保存する diff --git a/chrome/locale/km/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/km/zotero/ index ba9000930a..56f92f05b3 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/km/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/km/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=កម្ជាប់ហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូបា connector.standaloneOpen=ទិន្នន័យរបស់អ្នកមិនអាចចូលមើលបានទេ ដោយសារតែហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូស្វ័យ​ដំណើរការនៅបើកនៅឡើយ។ សូមមើលឯកសាររបស់អ្នកនៅក្នុង​ហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូ​ស្វ័យ​ដំណើរការ។ connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=ហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូអាចទទួលស្គាល់កំណត់យោងនៅលើទំព័រនេះ។ សូមចុច​រូបភាព​នេះនៅលើរបារអាសយដ្ឋាន ដើម្បីទាញរក្សាទុកកំណត់យោងនៅក្នុង​បណ្ណាល័យហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូរបស់អ្នក។ firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=ហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូក៏អាចឲអ្នកធ្វើការកត់សម្គាល់អ្នកកែតម្រូវ និង អ្នកបកប្រែផងដែរ។ អ្នកអាចធ្វើការប្តូរអ្នកនិពន្ធទៅជាអ្នកកែតម្រូវ​ និង អ្នកបកប្រែតាមរយៈការ​ជ្រើសរើសចេញពីបញ្ជីនេះ។ firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=សូមវាយចំណងជើង ឬ អ្នកនិពន្ធសម្រាប់ស្រាវជ្រាវរកឯកសារយោង។​ បន្ទាប់​ពីអ្នកបានជ្រើសរើស សូមចុចរូបសញ្ញា ឬ ចុច Ctrl-\u2193​ ដើម្បីបន្ថែមលេខ​ទំព័រ បុព្វបទ ឬ បច្ច័យ។ អ្នក​ក៏​អាចបន្ថែមលេខទំព័រដោយផ្ទាល់ទៅនឹងកិច្ចការ​ស្រាវជ្រាវ។ អ្នកអាចកែតម្រូវអគត​ដ្ឋាន​បានដោយផ្ទាល់នៅក្នុងឯកសារវើដ។ firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=សូមវាយចំណងជើង ឬ អ្នកនិពន្ធសម្រាប់ស្រាវជ្រាវរកឯកសារយោង។​ បន្ទាប់​ពីអ្នកបានជ្រើសរើស សូមចុចរូបសញ្ញា ឬ ចុច Cmd-\u2193 ដើម្បីបន្ថែម​លេខ​​ទំព័រ បុព្វបទ ឬ បច្ច័យ។ អ្នក​ក៏​អាចបន្ថែមលេខទំព័រដោយផ្ទាល់ទៅនឹងកិច្ចការ​ស្រាវជ្រាវ។ អ្នកអាចកែតម្រូវអគត​ដ្ឋាន​បានដោយផ្ទាល់នៅក្នុងឯកសារវើដ។ here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ index 2ba9c27e00..cbc7ef4a93 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero 커넥터 오류 connector.standaloneOpen=Zotero Standalone이 실행중이기 때문에 데이터베이스 접근에 실패했습니다. Zotero Standalone에서 항목을 보시기 바랍니다. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero가 이 페이지에서 레퍼런스를 인식했습니다. Zotero 라이브러리로 저장하려면 주소창의 아이콘을 클릭하십시오. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=편집자나 번역자 등을 입력할 수도 있습니다. 작가 탭의 메뉴에서 편집자나 번역가 등을 선택하시면 됩니다. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-\u2193 to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-\u2193 to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ index 7401257d24..d11f110510 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero prisijungimo klaida connector.standaloneOpen=Negalima pasiekti jūsų duomenų bazės, nes šiuo metu atverta atskira Zotero programa. Įrašus peržiūrėkite savarankiškoje Zotero programoje. connector.loadInProgress=Savarankiška Zotero programa paleista, bet nėra pasiekiama. Jei vis dar susiduriate su nesklandumais atverdami savarankišką Zotero programą, iš naujo paleiskite Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Šiame puslapyje Zotero aptiko nuorodą. Norėdami nuorodą įtraukti į Zotero biblioteką, nuspauskite ženkliuką, esantį adreso juostoje. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero leidžia jums dar nurodyti sudarytojus (redaktorius) ir vertėjus. Šiame meniu žmogų, kuris šiuo metu nurodytas esąs autorius, galite nurodyti esant sudarytoju arba vertėju. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Įveskite ieškomą pavadinimą arba autorių.\n\nPasirinkę norimą, paspauskite ties skrituliuku arba nuspauskite Vald+↓ – tada galėsite nurodyti puslapius, priešdėlius, priesagas. Paieškoje prie ieškomų raktažodžių galite nurodyti puslapius.\n\nCitavimą galite redaguoti tekstų rengyklėje tiesiogiai. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Įveskite ieškomą pavadinimą arba autorių.\n\nPasirinkę norimą, paspauskite ties skrituliuku arba nuspauskite Cmd+↓ – tada galėsite nurodyti puslapius, priešdėlius, priesagas. Paieškoje prie ieškomų raktažodžių galite nurodyti puslapius.\n\nCitavimą galite redaguoti tekstų rengyklėje tiesiogiai.Čia spragtelėję arba nuspaudę %S klavišus, atversite Zotero. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Nuo šiol „Zotero“ ženkliuką rasite Firefox įrankinėje. „Zotero“ atversite spustelėję ženkliuką arba nuspaudę %S klavišus. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=BibliografijaĮrašyti citavimo stilių diff --git a/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ index 311459791b..a3b528754a 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ index 033c82f1e7..3390634d6c 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ index 64cabab603..b6d257b88e 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector-fout connector.standaloneOpen=Er is geen toegang mogelijk tot uw database omdat Zotero Stand-alone is geopend. Bekijk uw items in Zotero Stand-alone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Stand-alone was gestart maar is niet beschikbaar. Wanneer u een fout krijgt bij het openen van Zotero Stand-alone, start Firefox opnieuw op. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero heeft een verwijzing op deze pagina gevonden. Klik op het pictogram in de adresbalk om de verwijzing op te slaan in uw Zotero-bibliotheek. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero ondersteund ook redacteuren en vertalers. U kunt een auteur veranderen in een redacteur of vertaler via dit menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type een titel of auteur in om een verwijzing op te zoeken.\n\nNadat u uw selectie heeft gemaakt, klik op de ballon of druk op Ctrl-↓ om pagina-nummers, voorvoegsels en achtervoegsels toe te voegen. U kunt ook het pagina-nummer toevoegen aan uw zoektermen om het zo automatisch toe te voegen.\n\nU kunt verwijzingen direct aanpassen in het document van de tekstverwerker. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type een titel of auteur in om een verwijzing op te zoeken.\n\nNadat u uw selectie heeft gemaakt, klik op de ballon of druk op Cmd-↓ om pagina-nummers, voorvoegsels en achtervoegsels toe te voegen. U kunt ook het pagina-nummer toevoegen aan uw zoektermen om het zo automatisch toe te voegen.\n\nU kunt verwijzingen direct aanpassen in het document van de tekstverwerker. hier om Zotero te openen, of gebruik de sneltoets %S op het toetsenbord. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Het Zotero-icoon kan nu gevonden worden in de Firefox-toolbar. Klik op het icoon om Zotero te openen, of gebruik de sneltoets %S op het toetsenbord. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliografie opslaan diff --git a/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ index 4cfd2e362b..241802e469 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ index 15c3b1fd16..070f4714df 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Błąd połączenia Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=Nie można uzyskać dostępu do twojej bazy danych, ponieważ samodzielny program Zotero jest uruchomiony. Możesz przeglądać swoje zbiory w samodzielnym programie Zotero. connector.loadInProgress=Samodzielny program Zotero został uruchomiony, ale nie jest dostępny. Jeśli podczas uruchamiania samodzielnego programu Zotero pojawił się błąd, uruchom ponownie Firefoksa. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero rozpoznaje cytowanie na tej stronie. Kliknij tą ikonę na pasku adresu, aby zapisać cytowania w twojej bibliotece Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero pozwala także na dodawanie redaktorów i tłumaczy. Można zmienić autora na tłumacza wybierając z tego menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Wpisz tytuł lub autora aby szukać pozycji w bibliotece.\n\nGdy dokonasz wyboru, kliknij bąbelek lub wciśnij Ctrl-\↓ aby dodać numery stron, przedrostki lub przyrostki. Możesz również wpisać numery stron wraz z wyszukiwanymi frazami, aby dodać je bezpośrednio.\n\nMożesz zmieniać odnośniki bezpośrednio w dokumencie edytora tekstu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Wpisz tytuł lub autora aby szukać pozycji w bibliotece.\n\nGdy dokonasz wyboru, kliknij bąbelek lub wciśnij Cmd-\↓ aby dodać numery stron, przedrostki lub przyrostki. Możesz również wpisać numery stron wraz z wyszukiwanymi frazami, aby dodać je bezpośrednio.\n\nMożesz zmieniać odnośniki bezpośrednio w dokumencie edytora tekstu. tutaj, aby otworzyć Zotero lub użyj skrótu klawiaturowego %S. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Ikonę Zotero znajdziesz teraz w pasku narzędzi Firefoksa. Kliknij ikonę, aby uruchomić Zotero lub użyj skrótu klawiaturowego %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliografia styl cytowania diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ index 034c6d6f8a..bb3c57c411 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Falha do conector do Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=Sua base de dados não pode ser acessada porque o Zotero Standalone está aberto no momento. Por favor, veja seus itens no Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=O Zotero Standalone foi aberto mas não está acessível. Se você experimentar um erro abrindo o Zotero Standalone, reinicie o Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero pode reconhecer uma referência nessa página. Clique nesse ícone na barra de endereços para salvar a referência em sua biblioteca do Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=O Zotero também permite que você especifique editores e tradutores. Você pode tornar um autor em um editor ou tradutor através desse menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Digite um título ou autor para procurar por uma referência.\n\nDepois de feita a sua seleção, clique na bolha ou pressione Ctrl-\u2193 para adicionar número de páginas, prefixos ou sufixos. Você também pode incluir um número de página junto aos termos de sua pesquisa para adicioná-lo diretamente.\n\nVocê pode editar citações diretamente no seu processador de texto. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Digite um título ou autor para procurar por uma referência.\n\nDepois de feita a sua seleção, clique na bolha ou pressione Cmd-\u2193 para adicionar os números de página, prefixos ou sufixo. Você também pode incluir um número de página junto aos seus termos de pesquisa para adicioná-lo diretamente.\n\nVocê pode editar as citações diretamente do processador de texto. aqui para abrir o Zotero, ou utilize o atalho %S em seu teclado. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=O ícone do Zotero pode agora ser encontrado na barra de ferramentas do Firefox. Clique no ícone para abrir o Zotero, ou utilize o atalho %S em seu teclado. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliografia o estilo de citação diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ index 540d04d869..b62ebe051e 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Erro no Conector Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=Não foi possível aceder à sua base de dados, pois o Zotero Standalone está aberto. Por favor veja os seus itens nessa aplicação. connector.loadInProgress=O Zotero Autónomo foi lançado mas não está acessível. Se obteve um erro ao abrir o Zotero Autónomo, reinicie o Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=O Zotero reconhece uma referência nesta página. Carregue sobre este ícone na barra de endereços para guardar essa referência na sua biblioteca Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=O Zotero também lhe permite especificar editores e tradutores. Pode transformar um autor num editor ou num tradutor fazendo a sua escolha neste menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Introduza um título ou um autor para procurar uma referência.\n\nDepois de fazer a sua selecção, carregue na bolha ou carregue em Ctrl-\u2193 para adicionar números de páginas, prefixos ou sufixos. Pode também incluir um número de página junto com os termos da sua pesquisa para o adicionar directamente.\n\nPode editar as citações directamente no documento do processador de texto. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Introduza um título ou um autor para procurar uma referência.\n\nDepois de fazer a sua selecção, carregue na bolha ou carregue em Cmd-\u2193 para adicionar números de páginas, prefixos ou sufixos. Pode também incluir um número de página junto com os termos da sua pesquisa para o adicionar directamente.\n\nPode editar as citações directamente no documento do processador de texto. aqui para abrir o Zotero ou use o atalho do teclado %S. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=O ícone do Zotero pode agora ser encontrado na barra de ferramentas do Firefox. Clique no ícone para abrir o Zotero ou use o atalho do teclado %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ index d7c44bb24c..0649c40869 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Eroare la conectorul Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=Baza ta de date nu poate fi accesată fiindcă Zotero Standalone este deschis. Te rog să-ți vizualizezi înregistrările în Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone a fost lansat dar nu este accesibil. Dacă întâmpini o eroare la deschiderea programului Zotero Standalone, repornește Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero a găsit o referință pe această pagină. Fă clic pe această iconiță din bara de adrese pentru a salva referința în biblioteca ta Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero îți permite, de asemenea, să specifici editorii și traducătorii. Poți să schimbi un autor într-un editor sau traducător făcând o selecție în acest meniu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Tastează un titlu sau un autor pentru a căuta o referință.\n\nDupă ce ai făcut selecția pe care o dorești, apasă bulina sau Ctrl-↓ pentru a adăuga numere de pagină, prefixe sau sufixe. Poți, de asemenea, să incluzi un număr de pagină odată cu căutarea termenilor pentru a-l adăuga direct.\n\nPoți modifica citările direct în documentul din procesorul de texte. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Tastează un titlu sau un autor pentru a căuta o referință.\n\nDupă ce ai făcut selecția pe care o dorești, apasă bulina sau Cmd-↓ pentru a adăuga numere de pagină, prefixe sau sufixe. Poți, de asemenea, să incluzi numărul de pagină odată cu căutarea termenilor, pentru a-l adăuga direct.\n\nPoți modifica citările direct în documentul din procesorul de texte. aici pentru a deschide Zotero sau folosește scurtătura de la tastatură %S. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Iconița Zotero poate fi găsită acum în bara de instrumente Firefox. Clic pe iconiță pentru a deschide Zotero sau folosește scurtătura de la tastatură %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ index 43af83300b..c1d0964843 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Ошибка соединения Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=Ваша база данных недоступна, поскольку открыто Автономное Zotero. Пожалуйста, посмотрите ваши документы в Автономном Zotero. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero может распознать ссылку на эту страницу. Нажмите на этот значок в панели навигации для сохранения ссылки в вашей библиотеке Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero также позволяет указывать редакторов и трансляторов. Вы можете превратить автора в редактора или в транслятора, сделав выбор в меню. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Введите наименование или автора для поиска по ссылке.\n\nПосле выбора, нажмите на сноску или Ctrl-↓ для добавления номеров страниц, префиксов или суффиксов. Также можно включить номер страницы в условия поиска, чтобы сразу его добавить.\n\n\Цитаты можно редактировать в самом документе, открытом в редакторе. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Введите наименование или автора для поиска по ссылке.\n\nПосле выбора, нажмите на сноску или Cmd-↓ для добавления номеров страниц, префиксов или суффиксов. Также можно включить номер страницы в условия поиска, чтобы сразу его добавить.\n\n\Цитаты можно редактировать в самом документе, открытом в редакторе. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ index 3d2d4e70d2..f7d5ccedb7 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Chyba spojovníka s Zoterom connector.standaloneOpen=Nedá sa vojsť do vašej databázy, pretože Samostatné Zotero je práve otvorené. Prezrite si vaše položky prosím v Samostatnom Zotere. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone bolo spustené, ale nie je dostupné. Ak sa sa stretli s chybou pri otváraní Zotera Standalone, reštartuje Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero dokáže rozpoznať citáciu na tejto stránke. Kliknutím na ikonku v adresovom riadku uložíte citáciu do svojej knižnice Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero vám tiež dovoľuje určiť zostavovateľov a prekladateľov. Autora môžete zmeniť na zostavovateľa alebo prekladateľa pomocou výberu z tejto ponuky. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Zadaním názvu alebo autora spustíte hľadanie odkazu.\n\nPo uskutočnení výberu, kliknite na bublinu alebo stlačte Ctrl-\u2193 na pridanie čísiel strán, predpôn alebo prípon. Môžete tiež pridať číslo strany spolu s hľadanými pojmamy, a tak ich môžete zadať priamo.\n\nCitácie môžete upravovať priamo v dokumente textového procesora. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Zadaním názvu alebo autora spustíte hľadanie odkazu.\n\nPo uskutočnení výberu, kliknite na bublinu alebo stlačte Ctrl-\u2193 na pridanie čísiel strán, predpôn alebo prípon. Môžete tiež pridať číslo strany spolu s hľadanými pojmamy, a tak ich môžete zadať priamo.\n\nCitácie môžete upravovať priamo v dokumente textového procesora. Zotero kliknutím sem alebo pomocou klávesovej skratky %S. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Ikonu Zotera je teraz možné nájsť v nástrojovej lište Firefoxu. Otvorte Zotero kliknutím na ikonu alebo pomocou klávesovej skratky %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliografiažiť citačný štýl diff --git a/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ index a89c38a3af..3b6b33a088 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Napaka povezave Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=Dostop do vaše zbirke podatkov ni možen, ker je trenutno odprt Zotero Standalone. Predmete si zato oglejte v njem. connector.loadInProgress=Samostojni Zotero je bil zagnan, a ni dosegljiv. Če ste naleteli na napako pri odpiranju samostojnega Zotera, ponovno zaženite Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero lahko prepozna sklic na tej strani. Kliknite to ikono v naslovni vrstici, da shranite sklic v svojo knjižnico Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero omogoča tudi določitev urednikov in prevajalcev. Avtorja lahko spremenite v urednika ali prevajalca z ukazom v tem meniju. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Za iskanje sklica vnesite naslov ali avtorja.\n\nKo ste opravili izbor, kliknite oblaček ali pritisnite krmilka-↓ za dodajanje številk strani, predpon ali pripon. Z iskanimi nizi lahko neposredno vnesete tudi številko strani.\n\nNavedke lahko uredite neposredno v dokumentu urejevalnika besedil. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Za iskanje sklica vnesite naslov ali avtorja.\n\nKo ste opravili izbor, kliknite oblaček ali pritisnite Cmd-↓ za dodajanje številk strani, predpon ali pripon. Z iskanimi nizi lahko neposredno vnesete tudi številko strani.\n\nNavedke lahko uredite neposredno v dokumentu urejevalnika besedil. sem, da odprete Zotero, ali uporabite kombinacijo tipk %S. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Ikono Zotero zdaj najdete v orodni vrstici Firefox. Kliknite ikono, da odprete Zotero, ali uporabite kombinacijo tipk %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliografija slog citiranja diff --git a/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ index 94ea8de534..21521a645f 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ index 786d41be5f..5d944402be 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector-fel connector.standaloneOpen=Din databas kan inte nås eftersom Zotero Standalone är aktivt. Använd Zotero Standalone för att se dina källor. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone startades men är inte tillgängligt. Om ett fel uppstod när Zotero Standalone startades, starta om Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero känner igen en referens på denna sidan. Klicka på denna ikon i adressraden för att spara referensen i din Zoterokatalog. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero låter dig även ange redaktörer och översättare. Du kan göra så att en författare anges som redaktör eller översättare från denna meny. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Skriv in en titel eller författare för att söka bland referenserna.\n\nEfter att du har gjort ditt val, klicka i rutan eller tryck Ctrl-\u2193 för att lägga till sidnummer, prefix eller suffix. Du kan också lägga in ett sidnummer tillsammans med din sökning för att lägga till det direkt.\n\nDu kan redigera citeringen direkt i ordbehandlaren. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Skriv in en titel eller författare för att söka bland referenserna.\n\nEfter att du har gjort ditt val, klicka i rutan eller tryck Ctrl-\u2193 för att lägga till sidnummer, prefix eller suffix. Du kan också lägga in ett sidnummer tillsammans med din sökning för att lägga till det direkt.\n\nDu kan redigera citeringen direkt i ordbehandlaren. här för att öppna Zotero, eller använd %S kortkommandot. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Zotero-ikonen ligger nu i Firefoxs verktygsrad. Klicka på ikonen för att öppna Zotero, eller använd %S kortkommandot. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Källförteckning referensstil diff --git a/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ index 1105871ce6..6a15b11fbe 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=ตัวเชื่อมต่อ Zotero ผิดพ connector.standaloneOpen=ฐานข้อมูลของคุณไม่สามารถเข้าถึงได้ เพราะ Zotero แบบสแตนด์อะโลนกำลังเปิดใช้อยู่ โปรดดูรายการของคุณใน Zotero แบบสแตนด์อะโลน connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero สามารถจดจำเอกสารอ้างอิงในหน้านี้ คลิกไอคอนในแถบที่อยู่เพื่อบันทึกเอกสารอ้างอิงไปยังไลบรารี่ Zotero ของคุณ firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero ให้คุณกำหนดบรรณาธิการและผู้แปลด้วย คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนจากผู้แต่งเป็นบรรณาธิการหรือผู้แปลได้โดยเลือกจากเมนูนี้ firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=พิมพ์ชื่อเรื่องหรือผู้แต่งเพื่อค้นหาเอกสารอ้างอิง\n\nหลังจากเลือกแล้ว ให้คลิกฟองหรือกด Ctrl-\u2193 เพื่อเพิ่มเลขหน้า คำนำหน้าหรือคำตามหลัง คุณสามารถใส่เลขหน้าไปพร้อมกับคำที่ต้องการค้นหาได้โดยตรง\n\nคุณสามารถแก้ไขการอ้างอิงในโปรแกรมประมวลผคำได้โดยตรง firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=พิมพ์ชื่อเรื่องหรือผู้แต่งเพื่อค้นหาเอกสารอ้างอิง\n\nหลังจากเลือกแล้ว ให้คลิกฟองหรือกด Cmd-\u2193 เพื่อเพิ่มเลขหน้า คำนำหน้าหรือคำตามหลัง คุณสามารถใส่เลขหน้าไปพร้อมกับคำที่ต้องการค้นหาได้โดยตรง\n\nคุณสามารถแก้ไขการอ้างอิงในโปรแกรมประมวลผลคำได้โดยตรง here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ index 0893983ede..6ae6d30f15 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Bağlayıcısı Hatası connector.standaloneOpen=Tek Başına Zotero şu an açık olduğundan, veritabanınıza ulaşılamıyor. Eserlere lütfen Tek Başına Zotero'da bakınız. connector.loadInProgress=Tek Başına Zotero başlatıldı, ama Tek Başına Zotero'ya erişilemiyor. Tek Başına Zotero açılırken bir hata olduğunu gördüyseniz, Firefox'u yeniden başlatın. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero bu sayfada bir kaynak tanıdı. Kaynağı, adres çubuğundaki bu simgeyi tıklayarak, Zotero kitaplığınıza ekleyebilirsiniz. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero istediğiniz düzenleyici ve çevirmenleri belirtmenize izin vermektedir. Bu menüden seçerek, bir yazarı düzenleyici veya çevirmene dönüştürebilirsiniz. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Bir kaynak aramak için bir başlık ya da yazar adı yazınız.\n\nSeçiminizi yaptıktan sonra, sayfa numaraları, önekler ve sonekler eklemek için kabarcığa tıklayınız veya Ctrl-\u2193'ya basınız. Ayrıca arama terimlerinize sayfa numarasını katarak, onları doğrudan ekleyebilirsiniz.\n\nGöndermelerinizi sözcük işlemcisi belgesinde doğrudan değiştirebilirsiniz. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Bir kaynak aramak için bir başlık ya da yazar adı yazınız.\n\nSeçiminizi yaptıktan sonra, sayfa numaraları, önekler ve sonekler eklemek için kabarcığa tıklayınız veya Cmd-\u2193'ya basınız. Ayrıca arama terimlerinize sayfa numarasını katarak, onları doğrudan ekleyebilirsiniz.\n\nGöndermelerinizi sözcük işlemcisi belgesinde doğrudan değiştirebilirsiniz.'yu başlatmak için buraya tıklayınız, ya da klavye kısayolu olan %S'i kullanınız. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Zotero simgesi, artık Firefox araç çubuğunda buulunabilir. Zotero'yu başlatmak için bu simgeye tıklayınız, ya da klavye kısayolu olan %S'i kullanınız. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliyografyaça Biçimini Kaydet diff --git a/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ index c4c3fa6f68..b19dfd5304 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Пмилка з'єднання Zotero connector.standaloneOpen=Ваша база даних недоступна, тому що в даний час відкритий Zotero Standalone. Будь ласка, перегляньте ваші локументи в Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone був запущений, але не доступний. Якщо ви зазнали помилки під час відкриття Zotero Standalone, перезавантажте Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero знайшов посилання на цій сторінці. Натисніть цю іконку в адресному рядку, щоб зберегти посилання в вашій бібліотеці Zotero. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero також дозволяє вказати редакторів і перекладачів. Ви можете перетворити автора в редактора чи перекладача, вибравши з цього меню. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Введіть назву або автора для пошуку посилання.\n\nПісля того як ви зробили свій вибір, натисніть виноску або натисніть Ctrl-↓ щоб додати номери сторінок, префікси або суфікси. Ви можете також включити номер сторінки разом з умовами пошуку, щоб додати його безпосередньо. \n \nВи можете редагувати цитати прямо в документі текстового редактора. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Введіть назву або автора для пошуку посилання. \n\nПісля того як ви зробили свій вибір, натисніть виноску або натисніть Cmd-↓ щоб додати номери сторінок, префікси або суфікси. Ви можете також включити номер сторінки разом з умовами пошуку, щоб додати його безпосередньо. \n\nВи можете редагувати цитати прямо в документі текстового реактора.Натисніть тут, щоб відкрити Zotero або використайте комбінацію клавіш %S. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Значок Zotero тепер можна знайти на панелі інструментів Firefox. Клацніть по значку, щоб відкрити Zotero або використовуйте комбінацію клавіш %S. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Список літературиЗберегти стиль цитування diff --git a/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ index bd6da49f0f..94865b2fbd 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero Connector Error connector.standaloneOpen=Your database cannot be accessed because Zotero Standalone is currently open. Please view your items in Zotero Standalone. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero Standalone was launched but is not accessible. If you experienced an error opening Zotero Standalone, restart Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero has found a reference on this page. Click this icon in the address bar to save the reference to your Zotero library. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero lets you specify editors and translators, too. You can turn an author into an editor or translator by selecting from this menu. firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Ctrl-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference.\n\nAfter you've made your selection, click the bubble or press Cmd-↓ to add page numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. You can also include a page number along with your search terms to add it directly.\n\nYou can edit citations directly in the word processor document. here to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut. +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ index 4102caafac..bb7ae14ba1 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero连接器错误 connector.standaloneOpen=由于 Zotero 独立版正在运行, 您无法对数据库进行操作. 请在Zotero 独立版中浏览您的条目. connector.loadInProgress=Zotero 独立版启动后不可用. 如果您在启动Zotero 独立版时遇到错误, 请重新启动Firefox. -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero 可以识别该页面中的参考文献. 在地址栏点击该图标, 将参考文献保存在Zotero文献库中. firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero 允许您指定编辑及译者. 您可以从该菜单选择变更编辑或译者 firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=键入一个标题或作者搜索特定的参考文献.\n\n一旦选中, 点击气泡或按下 Ctrl-↓ 添加页码, 前缀或后缀. 您也可以将页码直接包含在你的搜索条目中, 然后直接添加.\n\n您可以在文字处理程序中直接编辑引文. firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=键入一个标题或作者搜索特定的参考文献.\n\n一旦选中, 点击气泡或按下 Cmd-↓ 添加页码, 前缀或后缀.您也可以将页码直接包含在你的搜索条目中, 然后直接添加.\n\n您可以在文字处理程序中直接编辑引文.点击这里打开Zotero,或者使用快捷键 %S 。 firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Zotero图标可以在Firefox工具栏找到。点击图标打开Zotero,或者使用快捷键 %S 。 +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=参考书目保存引文样式 diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ index 4e8b821fa9..d30267db9b 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ @@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ connector.error.title=Zotero 資料庫連結器錯誤 connector.standaloneOpen=無法存取您的資料庫,因為 Zotero 獨立版目前是開啟的。請於 Zotero 獨立版檢視項目。 connector.loadInProgress=Zotero 獨立版已啟動,但無法存取。若開啟 Zotero 獨立版食慾倒錯誤,請重新啟動 Firefox。 -firstRunGuidance.saveIcon=Zotero 於此頁找到參考文獻條。按網址列的這個圖示以將參考文獻條存入 Zotero 文獻庫。 firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero 也讓您指定編者與譯者。您能由此選單選擇將作者轉成編者或譯者。 firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=輸入標題或作者以找出參考文獻條。\n\n選擇後,按橢圓泡或按 Ctrl-↓ 以加入頁碼或前綴或後綴。。可在待找字後加上頁碼,產生無前後綴的引用文獻條。\n\n也可在文書處理器直接編輯引用文獻條。 firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=輸入標題或作者以找出參考文獻條。\n\n選擇後,按橢圓泡或按 Ctrl-↓ 以加入頁碼或前綴或後綴。可在待找字後加上頁碼,產生無前後綴的引用文獻條。\n\n也可在文書處理器直接編輯引用文獻條。按此以開啟 Zotero,或用 %S 快鍵。 firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=Firefox 工具列上可看到 Zotero 圖示了。按圖示以開啟 Zotero,或用 %S 快鍵。 +firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date. styles.bibliography=參考文獻表儲存文獻之樣式: