Update locales from Transifex and merge new English strings
This commit is contained in:
88 changed files with 360 additions and 8 deletions
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Boekmerke">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "الاشارات المرجعية">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "استخدام اختصارات دورية ميدلين">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "سيتم تجاهل حقل "اختصار المجلة".">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=ستظهر جميع العناصر
integration.citationChanged=قمت بتعديل هذا الاقتباس منذ أنشئه Zotero. هل تريد أن تبقي التعديلات ومن التحديثات المستقبلية؟
integration.citationChanged.description=بالنقر على "نعم" سيمنع Zotero من تحديث هذا الاقتباس إذا أضفت استشهادات إضافية، وأساليب تبديل، أو تعديل المرجع الذي يشير إليه. النقر على "لا" سيمحو التغييرات.
integration.citationChanged.edit=قمت بتعديل هذا الاقتباس منذ أنشئه Zotero. التحرير سيمسح التعديلات. هل ترغب في الاستمرار؟
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=ثبت نمط
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Отметки">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Всички записи цитир
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Adreces d'interès">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Les adreces d'interès es conserven entre el Microsoft Word i l'OpenOffice però es poden veure modificades accidentalment.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Abrevia automàticament els títols de les publicacions">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Les abreviacions de la revista MEDLINE es generaràn automàticament ambs els noms de les revistes. S'ignorarà el camp "Revista abr.”.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Tots els elements citats al text apa
integration.citationChanged=Heu modificat aquesta cita des que Zotero la va generar. Voleu mantenir les modificacions i prevenir futures actualitzacions?
integration.citationChanged.description=En feu clic a "Sí" evitareu que el Zotero actualitzi aquesta cita si n'afegiu més de cites, commuteu els estils, o modifiqueu la referència a què es refereix. Si feu clic a "No", s'eliminaran els canvis.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Heu modificat aquesta cita des que el Zotero la generà. Si l'editeu netejareu les modificacions. Voleu continuar?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Instal·la l'estil
styles.install.unexpectedError=S'ha produït un error inesperat durant la instal·lació de "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Záložky">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Použít zkrácené názvy časopisů MEDLINE">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Pole "Zkrácený název časopisu" bude ignorováno">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Všechny položky v textu se objeví
integration.citationChanged=Citace byla upravena poté, co ji Zotero nagenerovalo. Přejete si zachovat vaše úpravy a zabránit budoucím aktualizacím?
integration.citationChanged.description=Kliknutím na "Ano" zabráníte Zoteru aktualizovat tuto citaci když přidáte další citace, přepnete styly, nebo upravíte odkaz, na které odkazuje. Kliknutím na "Ne" smažete vaše změny.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Citace byla po vygenerování Zoterem ručně upravena. Editování smaže vaše úpravy. Přejete si pokračovat?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=instalovat Styl
styles.install.unexpectedError=Při instalaci "%1$S" došlo k neočekávané chybě
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Bogmærker">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bogmærker kan deles mellem Word og LibreOffice, men kan skabe fejl, hvis de utilsigtet ændres, og de kan ikke indsættes i fodnoter.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Brug MEDLINE's tidsskriftforkortelser">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Feltet “Journal Abbr” vil blive ignoreret.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Alle elementer henvist til i teksten
integration.citationChanged=Du har ændret denne henvisning siden Zotero indsatte den. Vil du beholde dine rettelser og forhindre fremtidige opdateringer?
integration.citationChanged.description=Hvis du trykker "Ja", vil Zotero ikke opdatere denne henvisning, hvis du tilføjer flere henvisninger, skifter bibliografisk format eller ændrer elementet, som der henvises til. Hvis du trykker "Nej", vil dine ændringer blive slettet.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Du har ændret denne henvisning, siden Zotero dannede den. Redigering vil slette dine ændringer. Ønsker du at fortsætte?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Installér bibliografisk format
styles.install.unexpectedError=Der opstod en uventet fejl under forsøget på at installere "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Lesezeichen">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Lesezeichen können zwischen Microsoft Word und OpenOffice.org geteilt werden, aber dies ist fehleranfällig falls diese versehentlich verändert werden und können nicht als Fußnoten benutzt werden.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Abgekürzte Zeitschriftentitel von MEDLINE verwenden">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Das Feld "Zeitschriften-Abkürzung" wird ignoriert.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Alle im Text zitierten Einträge wer
integration.citationChanged=Sie haben Veränderungen an dieser Zitation vorgenommen, nachdem sie von Zotero erstellt wurde. Wollen Sie Ihre Veränderungen beibehalten und spätere Updates verhindern?
integration.citationChanged.description=Wenn Sie "Ja" auswählen, wird Zotero diese Zitation nicht aktualisieren, wenn Sie weitere Zitationen hinzufügen, einen anderen Zitationsstil wählen oder die Literaturangabe, auf die sie sich bezieht, verändern. Wenn Sie "Nein" wählen, werden ihre Veränderungen gelöscht.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Sie haben Veränderungen an dieser Zitation vorgenommen, nachdem sie von Zotero erstellt wurde. Das Editieren wird Ihre Veränderungen löschen. Wollen Sie fortsetzen?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Zitierstil installieren
styles.install.unexpectedError=Bei der Installation von "%1$S" trat ein unerwarteter Fehler auf
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Σελιδοδείκτες">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Marcadores">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Los marcadores se pueden compartir entre Word y LibreOffice, pero pueden causar errores si se modifican accidentalmente y no se pueden insertar en notas a pie de página.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Usar abreviaturas de la revista MEDLINE">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "El campo "Abrev. de la revista" será ignorado.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Todos los ítems citados en el texto
integration.citationChanged=Has modificado esta cita desde que Zotero la generó. ¿Quieres mantener tus modificaciones e impedir futuras actualizaciones?
integration.citationChanged.description=Al pulsar "Si" impedirás que Zotero actualice esta cita si agregas citas adicionales, cambias citas o modificas la referencia al cual refiere. Al pulsar "No" borrarás tus cambios.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Has modificado esta cita desde que Zotero la generó. Editándola borrarás tus modificaciones. ¿Deseas continuar?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Instalar estilo
styles.install.unexpectedError=Ha habido un error inesperado mientras se instalaba "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Järjehoidjaid">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Kõik kirjed tekstis ilmuvad uude bi
integration.citationChanged=Viidet on muudetud pärast seda kui Zotero on selle loonud. Kas soovite muutusi säilitada ja tõkestada edasised uuendused sellele viitele?
integration.citationChanged.description=Kui jah, siis edaspidi Zotero ei uuenda seda viidet ka juhul, kui lisate viiteid, vahetate stiile või muudate seda kirjet Zotero baasis. Kui valite "Ei", siis Zotero kustutab praegused muudatused.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Viidet on muudetud pärast seda kui Zotero on selle loonud. Redigeerimine kustutab teie muudatused. Kas soovite jätkata?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Lastermarkak">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "نشانک">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=همه آیتمهای مورد ا
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Kirjanmerkit">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Kaikki tekstissä siteeratut nimikke
integration.citationChanged=Olet muokannut sitaatti sen jälkeen kuin Zotero generoi sen. Haluatko pitää kiinni muutoksista ja estää tulevat päivitykset?
integration.citationChanged.description=Jos painat "Kyllä", Zotero ei voi päivittää tätä sitaattia, vaikka lisäisi uusia sitaatteja, vaihtaisit tyylejä tai muokkaisit nimikettä, johon sitaatti viittaa. Jos painat "Ei", muutoksesi poistetaan.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Olet muokannut tätä sitaattia sen jälkeen kun Zotero generoi sen. Muokkaaminen poistaa muutokset. Haluatko jatkaa?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Asenna tyyli
styles.install.unexpectedError=Odottamaton virhe "%1$S":n asennuksessa
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Signets">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Les signets (ou repères de texte) peuvent être partagés entre Word et LibreOffice, mais ils engendrent parfois des erreurs s'ils sont modifiés accidentellement et ne peuvent pas être insérés en notes de bas de page.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Utiliser les abréviations MEDLINE des titres de revues">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Le champ Zotero "Abrév. de revue" sera ignoré.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Tous les documents cités dans le te
integration.citationChanged=Vous avez modifié cette citation depuis que Zotero l'a créée. Voulez-vous conserver vos modifications et empêcher de futures mises à jour ?
integration.citationChanged.description=Cliquer sur "Oui" empêchera Zotero de mettre à jour cette citation (si vous ajoutez des citations supplémentaires, changez de style ou modifiez, dans Zotero, la référence à laquelle cette citation se réfère). Cliquer sur "Non" effacera vos modifications.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Vous avez modifié cette citation depuis que Zotero l'a créée. Son édition supprimera vos modifications. Voulez-vous continuer ?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Installer le style
styles.install.unexpectedError=Une erreur inattendue s'est produite lors de l'installation de "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Marcador">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Os marcapáxinas pódense compartir entre Word e LibreOffice. Porén, se se modifican por erro xa non se poden introducir nas notas ao pé do texto.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Empregar as abreviaturas de MEDLINE">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "O campo «Abrv. Xornal» hase ignorar. ">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Todos os artigos citados no texto ap
integration.citationChanged=Modificou as citas dende que Zotero as xerou. Quere manter esas modificacións e evitar actualizacións máis adiante?
integration.citationChanged.description=Premendo «Si» evítase que Zotero actualice a cita cando se engaden outras adicionais, cando se fan cambios de estilo ou cando se modifica a referencia á que se dirixen. Premendo «Non» elimínanse os vosos cambios anteriores.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Modificou a cita desde que Zotero a xerou. Unha edición borra as súas modificacións. Quere continuar?.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Instalar estilo
styles.install.unexpectedError=Aconteceu un erro que non se agardaba instalando «%1$S»
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "סימניות">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Könyvjelzők">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Az összes hivatkozott elem megjelen
integration.citationChanged=Módosította ezt a hivatkozást, amióta a Zotero generálta. Megtartja a módosításokat és megakadályozza a jövőbeli frissítésüket?
integration.citationChanged.description=Kattintson az „Igen” gombra, ha nem akarja, hogy a Zotero frissítse ezt a hivatkozást további hivatkozások hozzáadásakor, stílusváltáskor, vagy az elem módosításakor. Ha a „Nem”-re kattint elvesznek a módosításai.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Módosította ezt a hivatkozást, amióta a Zotero generálta. A szerkesztéssel elvesznek a módosítások. Folytatja?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Stílus telepítése
styles.install.unexpectedError=A "%1$S" telepítésekor váratlan hiba történt.
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Bookmark">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Semua item yang dikutip di dalam tek
integration.citationChanged=Anda telah memodifikasi sitasi ini sejak Zotero membuatnya. Apakah Anda ingin menjaga modifikasi tersebut dan mencegah pemutakhiran lebih lanjut?
integration.citationChanged.description=Mengklik "Ya" akan mencegah Zotero memutakhirkan sitasi ini jika Anda menambahkan sitasi-sitasi tambahan, atau memodifikasi referensi yang merujuk kepadanya. Mengklik "Tidak" akan menghapus perubahan Anda.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Anda telah memodifikasi sitasi ini sejak Zotero menyusunnya. Pengeditan akan membersihkan modifikasi Anda. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Bókamerki">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bókamerkjum er hægt að deila á milli Word og LibreOffice, en upp geta komið villur ef þeim er breytt fyrir slysni og ekki er hægt að setja þau inn í neðanmálsgreinar.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Nota MEDLINE skammstafanir">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Gagnasviðið “Journal Abbr” verður hunsað.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Allar færslur sem textinn vísar ti
integration.citationChanged=Þú hefur breytt þessari tilvitnun frá því Zotero bjó hana til. Viltu halda þínum breytingum og koma í veg fyrir síðari uppfærslur?
integration.citationChanged.description=Ef "Já" er valið þá mun Zotero ekki geta uppfært þessa tilvísun ef þú bætir við tilvísunum, breytir stíl eða breytir færslunni sem hún vísar til. Ef "Nei" er valið þá munu breytingar þínar hverfa.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Þú hefur breytt þessari tilvísun síðan Zotero útbjó hana. Ef sýslað er með hana munu þær breytingar glatast. Viltu halda áfram?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Setja upp stíl
styles.install.unexpectedError=Óvænt villa átti sér stað við uppsetningu á
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Segnalibri">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Tutti gli elementi citati nel testo
integration.citationChanged=La citazione corrente è stata modificata successivamente alla sua creazione da parte di Zotero. Si desidera conservare le modifiche e prevenirne aggiornamenti futuri?
integration.citationChanged.description=Selezionando "Sì" verrà impedito a Zotero di aggiornare questa citazione nel caso vengano aggiunte altre citazioni, si cambi stile o si modifichi l'elemento al quale si riferisce. Selezionando "no" verrano persi tutti i cambiamenti.
integration.citationChanged.edit=La citazione è stata modificata successivamente alla sua creazione da parte di Zotero. Continuando la modifica si perderanno i cambiamenti apportati. Si desidera continuare?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Installa Stile
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "ブックマーク">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "ブックマークはWordとLibreOfficeの間で共有できますが、意図せずに変更された場合にエラーを生じる場合があり、また脚注に挿入することが出来ません。">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "MEDLINEの略誌名を使用する">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "「雑誌略誌名」のフィールドは無視されます。">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=文書中に引用されたアイテ
integration.citationChanged=Zotero がこの出典表記を生成してから、あなたはこれに変更を加えました。この変更を維持し、今後の更新を防ぎますか?
integration.citationChanged.description="YES"をクリックすると、他の出典表記を追加したり、スタイルを変更したり、該当する文献の書誌情報を修正したりした場合でも、Zotero はこの出典表記を更新しません。"No"をクリックすると変更内容が失われます。
integration.citationChanged.edit=Zotero がこの出典表記を生成してから、あなたはこれに変更を加えました。編集をするとこの変更内容を消去することになります。続けてもよろしいですか?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "កំណត់ចំណាំគេហទំព័រទុក">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=រាល់ឯកសារដែល
integration.citationChanged=អ្នកបានកែតម្រូវអាគតដ្ឋាននេះតាំងពីហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូបានបង្កើតមកម្លេះ។ តើអ្នកចង់រក្សានូវកំណែប្រែនេះដោយមិនឲមានទំនើបកម្មនៅពេលអនាគត?
integration.citationChanged.description=សូមចុច "បាទ" ដើម្បីកុំឲហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូធ្វើទំនើបកម្មអាគតដ្ឋាននេះ ទោះបីជាអ្នកដាក់អាគតដ្ឋានថ្មី ប្តូររចនាបថ ឬក៏កែកំណត់យោងចំពោះអត្ថបទ។ សូមចុច "ទេ" ដើម្បីលុបរាល់ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរទាំងអស់។
integration.citationChanged.edit=អ្នកបានកែតម្រូវអាគតដ្ឋាននេះតាំងពីហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូបានបង្កើតមកម្លេះ។ កំណែតម្រូវនឹងលុបចោលរាល់ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរទាំងអស់។ តើអ្នកចង់បន្តទៅមុខទៀតទេ?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "북마크">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "책갈피가 Word와 LibreOffice 사이에 공유될 수 있습니다, 단 우연히 변경될 때 오류를 일으킬 수 있으며 각주로 넣을 수 없습니다.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "MEDLINE 저널 약자 사용">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption ""저널 약자" 필드가 무시됩니다.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=텍스트에 인용된 모든 항목
integration.citationChanged=Zotero가 이 인용을 생성한 후, 수정이 이루어졌습니다. 수정된 내용을 유지하기 위해 업데이트를 하지 말까요?
integration.citationChanged.description="예"를 클릭하면 인용추가, 스타일 변경, 참고하는 자료의 수정 등에 대해 Zotero가 이 인용을 업데이트하지 못하게 합니다. "아니오"를 클릭하면 수정한 내용이 삭제됩니다.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Zotero가 이 인용을 생성한 후, 수정이 이루어졌습니다. 편집을 하면 수정 내용이 사라지게 됩니다. 계속 진행할까요?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=스타일 설치
styles.install.unexpectedError="%1$S" 설치 중 알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다.
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Žymelės">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Žymelės išlaikomos tiek „Word“, tiek „LibreOffice“ programose, tačiau netyčia jas pakeitus, gali atsirasti klaidų. Žymelių negalite įterpti į išnašas ar galines išnašas.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Naudoti MEDLINE žurnalų santrumpas">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Ignoruosima reikšmė „žurnalo santrumpos“ laukelyje">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Visi šiame cituojami įrašai bus
integration.citationChanged=Nuo to laiko, kai Zotero sukūrę citavimą, Jūs jį pakeitėte. Ar norėtumėte išlaikyti savo pakeitimus ir apsaugoti nuo vėlesnių atnaujinimų?
integration.citationChanged.description=Spausdami „Taip“, neleisite Zotero programai atnaujinti šio citavimo pridedant papildomas citatas, keičiant stilius ir keičiant su juo susijusį įrašą. Spausdami „Ne“ prarasite savo pataisymus.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Nuo to laiko, kai Zotero sukūrę citavimą, Jūs jį pakeitėte. Redaguodami prarasite tuos tuos pakeitimus. Norite tęsti?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Diegti stilių
styles.install.unexpectedError=Netikėta klaida diegiant „%1$S“.
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Bokmerker">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Bladwijzers">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Alle items die in de tekst aangehaal
integration.citationChanged=U heeft deze door Zotero gemaakte verwijzing aangepast. Wilt u uw wijzigingen behouden en voorkomen dat de verwijzing in de toekomst wordt bijgewerkt?
integration.citationChanged.description=Als u op "Ja" klikt zal Zotero de verwijzing niet bijwerken als u andere verwijzingen toevoegt, de stijl verandert, of item waarna het verwijst bijwerkt. Als u op "Nee" klikt gaan uw wijzigingen verloren.
integration.citationChanged.edit=U heeft deze door Zotero gemaakte verwijzing aangepast. Als u de verwijzing wilt bewerken gaan deze aanpassen verloren. Wilt u doorgaan?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Installeer citeerstijl
styles.install.unexpectedError=Een onverwachte fout is opgetreden bij het installeren van "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Bokmerke">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bokmerke kan utvekslast mellom Microsoft Word og OpenOffice, men er utsette for utilsikta endringar. Dei kan ikkje plasserast i fotnotar.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Bruk MEDLINE-journalforkortingar">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Feltet «Tidsskriftforkorting» vert ignorert.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Zakładki">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Zakładki mogą być współdzielone między edytorami Word i LibreOffice Writer, ale w razie ich przypadkowej modyfikacji mogą wystąpić błędy i nie mogą być one wstawiane do przypisów dolnych.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Użyj skrótów czasopism w formacie MEDLINE">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Pole "Skrót czasopisma" będzie ignorowane.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Wszystkie pozycje cytowane w tekści
integration.citationChanged=Dokonano modyfikacji tego odnośnika, zanim Zotero je utworzył. Czy chcesz zachować swoje zmiany i zapobiec przyszłym aktualizacjom?
integration.citationChanged.description=Wybranie "Tak" spowoduje, że Zotero nie zaktualizuje tego odnośnika jeśli dodasz dodatkowe źródła, zmienisz styl lub zmodyfikujesz pozycję, do której się on odnosi. Wybranie "Nie" usunie Twoje zmiany.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Dokonano modyfikacji tego odnośnika, zanim Zotero je utworzył. Edycja usunie twoje modyfikacje. Czy chcesz kontynuować?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Zainstaluj styl
styles.install.unexpectedError=Podczas instalacji "%1$@" napotkano nieoczekiwany błąd
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Marcadores">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Os marcadores podem ser compartilhados entre o Word e o LibreOffice, mas podem causar erros caso sejam modificados acidentalmente e não podem ser inserido nas notas de rodapé.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Usar as abreviaturas de periódicos MEDLINE">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "O campo "Abreviatura do periódico" será ignorado.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Todos os itens citados no texto apar
integration.citationChanged=Você modificou essa citação desde que o Zotero a gerou. Você gostaria de manter suas modificações e evitar futuras atualizações?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicar em "Sim" impedirá que o Zoter atualize essa citação se você vier a adicionar citações suplementares, alterar estilos, ou mesmo modificar as referências a que ela se refere. Clicar em "Não" apagará as suas modificações.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Você modificou essa citação desde que o Zotero a gerou. Sua edição irá apagar as modificações. Você quer continuar?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Instalar estilo
styles.install.unexpectedError=Um erro não esperado ocorreu enquanto instalava "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Marcadores">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Os marcadores podem ser partilhados entre o Word e o LibreOffice, mas podem causar erros se forem acidentalmente modificados e não podem ser inseridos em notas de rodapé.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Usar abreviaturas de publicações periódicas do MEDLINE">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "O campo «Abreviatura da Publicação» será ignorado.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Todos os itens citados no texto apar
integration.citationChanged=Alterou esta citação depois da sua geração pelo Zotero. Quer manter as suas alterações e cancelar futuras actualizações.
integration.citationChanged.description=Carregar em "Sim" impedirá o Zotero de actualizar esta citação no caso de adicionar novas citações, de trocar de estilos ou de modificar a referência citada. Carregar em "No" apagará as suas alterações.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Alterou esta citação desde a sua geração pelo Zotero. Editá-la cancelará as suas alterações. Quer mesmo continuar?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Instalar Estilo
styles.install.unexpectedError=Ocorreu um erro inesperado ao instalar «%1$S»
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Semne de carte">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Semnele de carte pot fi partajate între Word și LibreOffice, dar pot cauza erori dacă sunt modificate accidental și nu pot fi introduse în notele de subsol.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Folosește abrevierile de reviste MEDLINE">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Câmpul „Abrev. revistă” va fi ignorat.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Toate înregistrările citate în te
integration.citationChanged=Ai modificat această citare de când Zotero a generat-o. Vrei să-ți păstrezi modificările și să previi viitoarele actualizări?
integration.citationChanged.description=Dacă apeși pe "Da", Zotero va fi împiedicat să actualizeze această citare, atunci când adaugi și alte citări, schimbi stilurile sau modifici înregistrarea la care se referă. Dacă apeși pe "Nu", schimbările tale vor fi șterse.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Ai modificat această citare de când Zotero a generat-o. Editarea va șterge modificările tale. Vrei să continui?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Instalează stil
styles.install.unexpectedError=O eroare neașteptată a apărut la instalarea "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Закладки">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ general.operationInProgress=В настоящий момент Zotero выпол
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Пожалуйста, подождите, пока оно закончится.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=Пожалуйста, подождите, пока оно закончится, и попробуйте снова.
about.createdBy=Zotero проект [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media], разрабатываемый [международным сообществом].
about.createdBy=Zotero проект [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media], разработанный [международным сообществом].
about.getInvolved=Нужна помощь? [Присоединяйтесь]!
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ itemTypes.bill=Законопроект
itemTypes.statute=норм. прав. акт
itemTypes.email=Электронная почта
itemTypes.blogPost=Сообщение в блоге
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ itemFields.archiveLocation=Место в архиве
itemFields.journalAbbreviation=Журнал сокращ.
itemFields.accessDate=Дата доступа
itemFields.seriesTitle=Название серии
itemFields.seriesText=Текст серии
@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ itemFields.dateDecided=Дата решения
itemFields.reporterVolume=Том отчета
itemFields.firstPage=Первая стр.
itemFields.documentNumber=Номер документа
itemFields.dateEnacted=Дата постановл.
itemFields.publicLawNumber=Номер закона
itemFields.dateEnacted=Дата акта
itemFields.publicLawNumber=Номер акта
itemFields.applicationNumber=Номер заявки
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Все документы, цити
integration.citationChanged=Вы изменили эту цитату с того момента, как Zotero сгенерировал её. Хотите сохранить изменения и заблокировать будущие изменения?
integration.citationChanged.description=Нажав "Да", вы включите блокировку изменений этой цитаты, если захотите добавить дополнительные цитаты, сменить стили или изменить ссылку. \nНажав "Нет", вы удалите свои изменения.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Вы изменили эту цитату с того момента, как Zotero сгенерировал её. Редактирование удалит внесённые вами изменения. Хотите продолжить?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Установить стиль
styles.install.unexpectedError=Непредвиденная ошибка при установке "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "záložiek">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Záložky sa dajú zdieľať medzi Wordom a LibreOffice, ale môžu zapríčiniť chyby, ak sa náhodne upravia a nedajú sa vložiť do poznámok pod čiarou.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Použiť skratky časopisu MEDLINE">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Pole "skratiek časopisov" bude ignorované.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Všetky záznamy citované v texte s
integration.citationChanged=Upravili ste túto citáciu potom ako ju Zotero vygeneroval. Chcete zachovať svoje úpravy a nedovoliť budúce aktualizácie?
integration.citationChanged.description=Kliknutím na "Áno" sa Zoteru znemožní aktualizácia tejto citácie, ak pridáte ďalšie citácie, prepnete štýly alebo upravíte záznam, ktorý na ňu odkazuje. Kliknutím na "Nie" sa vaše zmeny stratia.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Túto citáciu ste zmenili potom ako ju Zotero vygeneroval. Upravovaním sa vaše zmeny stratia. Chcete pokračovať?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Nainštalovať štýl
styles.install.unexpectedError=Pri inštalácii "%1$S" sa vyskytla nečakaná chyba
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Uporabi okrajšave revij MEDLINE">
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@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Vsa polja, citirana v besedilu, se b
integration.citationChanged=Ta navedek ste spremenili, odkar ga je Zotero izdelal. Želite obdržati svoje spremembe in preprečiti nadaljnje posodobitve?
integration.citationChanged.description=S klikom »Da« boste preprečili Zoteru, da posodobi navedek, če dodate dodatne navedke, spremenite sloge ali spremenite sklic, kamor se sklicuje. S klikom »Ne« boste izbrisali vse spremembe.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Ta navedek ste spremenili, odkar ga je Zotero izdelal. Z urejanjem boste počistili svoje spremembe. Želite nadaljevati?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Namesti slog
styles.install.unexpectedError=Pri nameščanju "%1$S" je prišlo do napake
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Обележивачи се могу делити између програма Word и LibreOffice, али могу направити проблеме уколико их случајно промените и не могу бити уметнути као фусноте.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Користи скраћенице часописа из MEDLINE-а">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Поље „Скраћеница часописа“ ће бити занемарено.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Bokmärken">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bokmärken kan delas mellan Word och LibreOffice, men kan orsaka fel om de ändras av misstag. De kan inte infogas i fotnoter.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Använd MEDLINE:s tidskriftsförkortningar">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Tidskriftsförkortningsfältet kommer att ignoreras.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Alla källor som hänvisats till i t
integration.citationChanged=Du har ändrat den här källhänvisningen sedan den skapades av Zotero. Vill du behålla dina ändringar och förhindra framtida uppdateringar?
integration.citationChanged.description=Om du klickar "Ja" så förhindras Zotero att uppdatera denna referens om du lägger till fler källor, byter referensstil, eller ändrar refereringen. Om du klickar "Nej" tas dina tidigare ändringar bort.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Du har ändrat den här källhänvisningen sedan den skapades av Zotero. Om du redigerar den tas dina ändringar bort. Vill du fortsätta?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Installera stil
styles.install.unexpectedError=Ett oväntat fel uppstod vid installation av "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=รายการที่อ้า
integration.citationChanged=คุณแก้ไขการอ้างอิงนี้ตั้งแต่ Zotero สร้าง คุณต้องการเก็บการแก้ไขนี้และไม่ให้ปรับเป็นปัจจุบันอีกใช่หรือไม่?
integration.citationChanged.description=คลิก "ใช่" จะทำให้ Zotero ปรับการอ้างอิงนี้ให้เป็นปัจจุบันไม่ได้ถ้าคุณเพิ่มการอ้างอิง เปลี่ยนรูปแบบการอ้างอิงหรือแก้ไขเอกสารอ้างอิงของรายการที่อ้างถึง คลิก "ไม่ใช่" จะลบการแก้ไขของคุณทั้งหมด
integration.citationChanged.edit=คุณได้แก้ไขการอ้างอิงนี้ตั้งแต่ Zotero สร้าง การแก้ไขนี้จะลบการปรับแก้ของคุณ คุณต้องการทำต่อหรือไม่?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Yer imleri">
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "MEDLINE dergi kısaltmalarını kullan">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "“Dergi Kısaltması” alanı yok sayılacaktır.">
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zotero.preferences.locale.automaticWithLocale=Otomatik (%S)
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Metinde alıntı yapılan tüm eserl
integration.citationChanged=Bu göndermeyi Zotero oluşturduktan sonra değiştirmişsiniz. Değişikliklerinizi korumak ve gelecekteki güncellemeleri engellemek ister misiniz?
integration.citationChanged.description="Evet"i tıklamak, yeni göndermeler eklemeniz, stil değiştirmeniz veya bu göndermenin kaynağını değiştirmeniz durumunda Zotero'nun göndermenizi güncellemesini engelleyecektir. "Hayır"ı tıklamak değişikliklerinizi silecektir.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Bu göndermeyi Zotero oluşturduktan spnra değiştirmişsiniz. Yapılacak düzenlemeler tüm değişikliklerinizi yok edecektir. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Stili Kur
styles.install.unexpectedError="%1$S"'u kurarken beklenmedik bir hata oluştu.
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Закладки">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Закладки можна поширювати між Word та LibreOffice, але це може викликати помилки в разі випадкого редагування та неможливість вставки у виноски.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Використовувати абревіатуру журналу в MEDLINE">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Поле "Журнал скор." буде проігнороване.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Всі документи проци
integration.citationChanged=Ви змінили цю цитату з того моменту, як Zotero генерував її. Ви хочете, щоб зберегти ваші зміни і запобігти від майбутніх оновлень?
integration.citationChanged.description=Натиснувши "Так" ви включите блокування оновлення цієї цитати, якщо ви додасте додаткові посилання, переключите стилі, або зміните елемент, до якого вона належить. При натисканні кнопки "Ні" зітре свої зміни.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Ви змінили цю цитату з того моменту як Zotero згенерував її. Редагування очистить ваші зміни. Бажаєте продовжити?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Встановити стиль
styles.install.unexpectedError=Непередбачена помилка при встановленні "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=All items cited in the text will app
integration.citationChanged=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.
integration.citationChanged.edit=You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Editing will clear your modifications. Do you want to continue?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "使用 MEDLINE 期刊缩写">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "“期刊缩写”字段将被忽略。">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=文中引用的所有条目将出现
integration.citationChanged=在 Zotero 创建此引文后,您做了修改。您要保留修改并防止 Zotero 未来更新它吗?
integration.citationChanged.description=点击“确定”将在您添加其它的引文,更换样式或修改了它所指向的参考文献时,防止 Zotero 更新该引文,点击“取消”将删除你的变更.
integration.citationChanged.edit=在 Zotero 创建此引文后,您做了修改。编辑操作将清除您的变更。您确定要继续吗?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.unexpectedError=安装 "%1$S" 时发生未可预知的错误
@ -231,6 +231,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "書籤">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Bookmarks can be shared between Word and LibreOffice, but may cause errors if accidentally modified and cannot be inserted into footnotes.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "使用 MEDLINE 期刊簡寫">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "The “Journal Abbr” field will be ignored.">
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=在文章中所引用的項目都會
integration.citationChanged=自 Zotero 產生此引用文獻後,又被修改過。編輯會清除修改。要繼續嗎?
integration.citationChanged.description=按「確定」將防止 Zotero 未來新增附加的引用文獻、切換樣式,或修改它所指向的項目後更新此引用文獻。按「否定」會移除所做的變更。
integration.citationChanged.edit=自 Zotero 產生此引用文獻後,又被修改過。編輯會清除修改。要繼續嗎?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero plugin when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
styles.install.unexpectedError=安裝 "%1$S" 出現意料之外的錯誤
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