Add FeedReader

This commit is contained in:
Aurimas Vinckevicius 2014-11-06 22:08:56 -06:00 committed by Dan Stillman
parent c02baa639d
commit ca36096bcf
2 changed files with 531 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
Copyright © 2015 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <>.
* Sample feeds:
* class Zotero.FeedReader
* Asynchronously reads an ATOM/RSS feed
* @param {String} url URL of the feed
* @property {Zotero.Promise<Object>} feedProperties An object
* representing feed properties
* @property {Zotero.Promise<FeedItem>*} itemIterator Returns an iterator
* for feed items. The iterator returns FeedItem promises that have to be
* resolved before requesting the next promise. When all items are exhausted.
* the promise resolves to null.
* @method {void} terminate Stops retrieving/parsing the feed. Data parsed up
* to this point is still available.
Zotero.FeedReader = new function() {
let ios = Components.classes[";1"]
* Item processing functions *
* Determine item type based on item data
function guessItemType(item) {
// Default to journalArticle
item.itemType = 'journalArticle';
if (item.ISSN) {
return; // journalArticle
if (item.ISBN) {
item.itemType = 'bookSection';
if (item.publicationType) {
let type = item.publicationType.toLowerCase();
if (type.indexOf('conference') != -1) {
item.itemType = 'conferencePaper';
if (type.indexOf('journal') != -1) {
item.itemType = 'journalArticle';
if (type.indexOf('book') != -1) {
item.itemType = 'bookSection';
* Fetch creators from given field of a feed entry
function processCreators(feedEntry, field, role) {
let names = [],
try {
let personArr = feedEntry[field]; // Seems like this part can throw if there is no author data in the feed
for (let i=0; i<personArr.length; i++) {
let person = personArr.queryElementAt(i, Components.interfaces.nsIFeedPerson);
if (!person || ! continue;
let name = Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal(;
if (!name) continue;
let commas = name.split(',').length - 1,
other = name.split(/\s(?:and|&)\s|;/).length - 1,
separators = commas + other;
if (personArr.length == 1 &&
// Has typical name separators
(other || commas > 1
// If only one comma and first part has more than one space,
// it's probably not lastName, firstName
|| (commas == 1 && name.split(/\s*,/)[0].indexOf(' ') != -1)
) {
// Probably multiple authors listed in a single field
nameStr = name;
break; // For clarity. personArr.length == 1 anyway
} else {
} catch(e) {
if (e.result != Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) throw e
if (field != 'authors') return [];
// ieeexplore places these in "authors"... sigh
nameStr = getFeedField(feedEntry, null, 'authors');
if (nameStr) nameStr = Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal(nameStr);
if (!nameStr) return [];
if (nameStr) {
names = nameStr.split(/\s(?:and|&)\s|\s*[,;]\s*/);
let creators = [];
for (let i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
let creator = Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(
names[i].split(',').length == 2
if (!creator.firstName) {
creator.fieldMode = 1;
return creators;
* Utility functions *
* Convert HTML-formatted text to Zotero-compatible formatting
let domDiv = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getDOMDocument().createElement("div");
function getRichText(feedText, field) {
let domFragment = feedText.createDocumentFragment(domDiv);
return Zotero.Utilities.dom2text(domFragment, field);
* Format JS date as SQL date + time zone offset
function formatDate(date) {
let offset = (date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60) * -1;
let absOffset = Math.abs(offset);
offset = offset
? ' ' + (offset < 0 ? '-' : '+')
+ Zotero.Utilities.lpad(Math.floor(absOffset), '0', 2)
+ ('' + ( (absOffset - Math.floor(absOffset)) || '' )).substr(1) // Get ".5" fraction or "" otherwise
: '';
return Zotero.Date.dateToSQL(date, false) + offset;
* Get field value from feed entry by namespace:fieldName
// Properties are stored internally as ns+name, but only some namespaces are
// supported. Others are just "null"
let ns = {
'prism': 'null',
'dc': 'dc:'
function getFeedField(feedEntry, namespace, field) {
let prefix = namespace ? ns[namespace] || 'null' : '';
try {
return feedEntry.fields.getPropertyAsAUTF8String(prefix+field);
} catch(e) {}
try {
if (namespace && !ns[namespace]) {
prefix = namespace + ':';
return feedEntry.fields.getPropertyAsAUTF8String(prefix+field);
} catch(e) {}
* Parse feed entry into a Zotero item
function getFeedItem(feedEntry, feedInfo) {
// ID is not required, but most feeds have these and we have to rely on them
// to handle updating properly
if (! {
Zotero.debug("FeedReader: Feed item missing an ID");
let item = {
if (feedEntry.title) item.title = getRichText(feedEntry.title, 'title');
if (feedEntry.summary) {
item.abstractNote = getRichText(feedEntry.summary, 'abstractNote');
if (!item.title) {
// We will probably have to trim this, so let's use plain text to
// avoid splitting inside some markup
let title = Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal(feedEntry.summary.plainText());
let splitAt = title.lastIndexOf(' ', 50);
if (splitAt == -1) splitAt = 50;
item.title = title.substr(0, splitAt);
if (splitAt <= title.length) item.title += '...';
if ( item.url =;
if (feedEntry.updated) item.dateModified = new Date(feedEntry.updated);
if (feedEntry.published) {
let date = new Date(feedEntry.published);
if (!date.getUTCSeconds() && !(date.getUTCHours() && date.getUTCMinutes())) {
// There was probably no time, but there may have been a a date range,
// so something could have ended up in the hour _or_ minute field = getFeedField(feedEntry, null, 'pubDate')
/* In case it was magically pulled from some other field */
|| ( date.getUTCFullYear() + '-'
+ (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-'
+ date.getUTCDate() );
} else { = formatDate(date);
// Add time zone
if (!item.dateModified) {
items.dateModified = date;
if (!item.dateModified) {
// When there's no reliable modification date, we can assume that item doesn't get updated
Zotero.debug("FeedReader: Feed item missing a modification date (" + item.guid + ")");
item.dateModified = null;
if (! && item.dateModified) {
// Use lastModified date = formatDate(item.dateModified);
// Convert date modified to string, since those are directly comparable
if (item.dateModified) item.dateModified = Zotero.Date.dateToSQL(item.dateModified, true);
if (feedEntry.rights) item.rights = getRichText(feedEntry.rights, 'rights');
item.creators = processCreators(feedEntry, 'authors', 'author');
if (!item.creators.length) {
// Use feed authors as item author. Maybe not the best idea.
for (let i=0; i<feedInfo.creators.length; i++) {
if (feedInfo.creators[i].creatorType != 'author') continue;
let contributors = processCreators(feedEntry, 'contributors', 'contributor');
if (contributors.length) item.creators = item.creators.concat(contributors);
/** Done with basic metadata, now look for better data **/
let date = getFeedField(feedEntry, 'prism', 'publicationDate')
|| getFeedField(feedEntry, 'dc', 'date');
if (date) = date;
let publicationTitle = getFeedField(feedEntry, 'prism', 'publicationName')
|| getFeedField(feedEntry, 'dc', 'source')
|| getFeedField(feedEntry, null, 'pubTitle');
if (publicationTitle) item.publicationTitle = publicationTitle;
let publicationType = getFeedField(feedEntry, null, 'pubType');
if (publicationType) item.publicationType = publicationType;
let startPage = getFeedField(feedEntry, null, 'startPage');
let endPage = getFeedField(feedEntry, null, 'endPage');
if (startPage || endPage) {
item.pages = ( startPage || '' )
+ ( endPage && startPage ? '' : '' )
+ ( endPage || '' );
let issn = getFeedField(feedEntry, 'prism', 'issn');
if (issn) item.ISSN = issn;
let isbn = getFeedField(feedEntry, 'prism', 'isbn')
|| getFeedField(feedEntry, null, 'isbn')
if (isbn) item.ISBN = isbn;
let identifier = getFeedField(feedEntry, 'dc', 'identifier');
if (identifier) {
let cleanId = Zotero.Utilities.cleanDOI(identifier);
if (cleanId) {
if (!item.DOI) item.DOI = cleanId;
} else if (cleanId = Zotero.Utilities.cleanISBN(identifier)) {
if (!item.ISBN) item.ISBN = cleanId;
} else if (cleanId = Zotero.Utilities.cleanISSN(identifier)) {
if (!item.ISSN) item.ISSN = cleanId;
let publisher = getFeedField(feedEntry, 'dc', 'publisher');
if (publisher) item.publisher = publisher;
let rights = getFeedField(feedEntry, 'prism', 'copyright')
|| getFeedField(feedEntry, 'dc', 'rights')
|| getFeedField(feedEntry, null, 'copyright');
if (rights) item.rights = rights;
let language = getFeedField(feedEntry, 'dc', 'language')
|| getFeedField(feedEntry, null, 'language');
if (language) item.language = language;
/** Incorporate missing values from feed metadata **/
let supplementFields = ['publicationTitle', 'ISSN', 'publisher', 'rights', 'language'];
for (let i=0; i<supplementFields.length; i++) {
let field = supplementFields[i];
if (!item[field] && feedInfo[field]) {
item[field] = feedInfo[field];
return item;
* FeedReader object *
let FeedReader = function(url) {
if (!url) throw new Error("Feed URL must be supplied");
this._feed = Zotero.Promise.defer(); // Fetched asynchronously
this._feedProperties = this._feed.promise
.then(function(feed) {
let info = {};
info.title = feed.title ? feed.title.plainText() : '';
info.subtitle = feed.subtitle ? feed.subtitle.plainText() : '';
if (feed.updated) info.updated = new Date(feed.updated);
// categories: MDN says "not yet implemented"
info.creators = processCreators(feed, 'authors', 'author');
// TODO: image as icon
let publicationTitle = getFeedField(feed, 'prism', 'publicationName')
|| getFeedField(feed, null, 'pubTitle');
if (publicationTitle) info.publicationTitle = publicationTitle;
let publisher = getFeedField(feed, 'dc', 'publisher');
if (publisher) info.publisher = publisher;
let rights = (feed.rights && feed.rights.plainText())
|| getFeedField(feed, 'prism', 'copyright')
|| getFeedField(feed, 'dc', 'rights')
|| getFeedField(feed, null, 'copyright');
if (rights) info.rights = rights;
let issn = getFeedField(feed, 'prism', 'issn');
if (issn) info.ISSN = issn;
let isbn = getFeedField(feed, 'prism', 'isbn')
|| getFeedField(feed, null, 'isbn')
if (isbn) info.ISBN = isbn;
let language = getFeedField(feed, 'dc', 'language')
|| getFeedField(feed, null, 'language');
if (language) info.language = language;
let ttl = getFeedField(feed, null, 'ttl');
if (ttl) info.ttl = ttl;
return info;
// Array of deferred item promises
this._feedItems = [Zotero.Promise.defer()];
// Process items once they're available and push them into the array
(feed, feedInfo) => {
let items = feed.items;
if (items && items.length) {
for (let i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
let item = items.queryElementAt(i, Components.interfaces.nsIFeedEntry);
if (!item) continue;
let feedItem = getFeedItem(item, feedInfo);
if (!feedItem) continue;
let lastItem = this._feedItems[this._feedItems.length - 1];
this._feedItems.push(Zotero.Promise.defer()); // Push a new deferred promise so an iterator has something to return
.finally(() => {
// Make sure the last promise gets resolved to null
let lastItem = this._feedItems[this._feedItems.length - 1];
// Set up asynchronous feed processor
let feedProcessor = Components.classes[";1"]
let feedUrl = ios.newURI(url, null, null);
feedProcessor.parseAsync(null, feedUrl);
feedProcessor.listener = {
* MDN suggests that we could use nsIFeedProgressListener to handle the feed
* as it gets loaded, but this is actually not implemented (as of 32.0.3),
* so we have to load the whole feed and handle it in handleResult.
handleResult: (result) => {
if (!result.doc) {
this.terminate("No Feed");
let newFeed = result.doc.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFeed);
Zotero.debug("FeedReader: Fetching feed from " + feedUrl.spec);
this._channel = ios.newChannelFromURI(feedUrl);
this._channel.asyncOpen(feedProcessor, null); // Sends an HTTP request
Zotero.defineProperty(FeedReader.prototype, 'feedProperties', {
get: function() this._feedProperties
* Feed item iterator
* Each iteration returns a _promise_ for an item. The promise _MUST_ be
* resolved before requesting the next item.
* The last item will always be resolved to `null`, unless the feed processing
* is terminated ahead of time, in which case it will be rejected with the reason
* for termination.
Zotero.defineProperty(FeedReader.prototype, 'itemIterator', {
get: function() {
let items = this._feedItems;
return new function() {
let i = 0; = function() {
let item = items[i++];
return {
value: item ? item.promise : null,
done: i >= items.length
* Terminate feed processing at any given time
* @param {String} status Reason for terminating processing
FeedReader.prototype.terminate = function(status) {
Zotero.debug("FeedReader: Terminating feed reader (" + status + ")");
// Reject feed promise if not resolved yet
if (this._feed.promise.isPending()) {
// Reject feed item promise if not resolved yet
let lastItem = this._feedItems[this._feedItems.length - 1];
if (lastItem.promise.isPending()) {
// Close feed connection
if (channel.isPending) {
return FeedReader;

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@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ const xpcomFilesLocal = [