Fix issue with old-style persisted 'collapsed' attribute on tag selector

If localstore.rdf has the tag selector persisted closed from before
zotero-persist, the 'state' attribute on the splitter that we now use
won't cause the tag selector to open.
This commit is contained in:
Dan Stillman 2013-12-17 18:12:42 -05:00
parent b5760d7f45
commit c9dbd34e01

View file

@ -319,7 +319,13 @@
<grippy oncommand="ZoteroPane_Local.toggleTagSelector()"/>
<zoterotagselector id="zotero-tag-selector" zotero-persist="height,showAutomatic,filterToScope"
<!-- 'collapsed' is no longer necessary here due to the persisted 'state' on
zotero-tags-splitter, but without this an old-style entry for 'collapsed'
in localstore.rdf can cause the pane to always be closed on Zotero open.
TODO: deal with this some other way?
<zoterotagselector id="zotero-tag-selector" zotero-persist="height,collapsed,showAutomatic,filterToScope"