Prompt to reset local group files on 403 for file attachment upload
And reset modified file attachments when resetting files
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 199 additions and 44 deletions
@ -1983,6 +1983,21 @@ Zotero.Sync.Data.Engine.prototype._checkObjectUploadError = Zotero.Promise.corou
else if (code == 403) {
// Prompt to reset local group files on 403 for file attachment upload
if (objectType == 'item') {
let item = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(this.libraryID, key);
if (this.library.libraryType == 'group' && item.isFileAttachment()) {
let index = Zotero.Sync.Storage.Utilities.showFileWriteAccessLostPrompt(
null, this.library
if (index === 0) {
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.resetUnsyncedLibraryFiles(this.libraryID);
return false;
// This shouldn't happen, because the upload request includes a library version and should
// prevent an outdated upload before the object version is checked. If it does, we need to
// do a full sync. This error is checked in handleUploadError().
@ -239,6 +239,8 @@ Zotero.Sync.Data.Local = {
_libraryHasUnsyncedFiles: Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID) {
// TODO: Check for modified file attachment items, which also can't be uploaded
// (and which are corrected by resetUnsyncedLibraryFiles())
yield Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.checkForUpdatedFiles(libraryID);
return !!(yield Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.getFilesToUpload(libraryID)).length;
@ -253,42 +255,9 @@ Zotero.Sync.Data.Local = {
for (let objectType of Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.getTypesForLibrary(libraryID)) {
let objectTypePlural = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.getObjectTypePlural(objectType);
let objectsClass = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.getObjectsClassForObjectType(objectType);
// New/modified objects
let ids = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getUnsynced(objectType, libraryID);
let keys = => objectsClass.getLibraryAndKeyFromID(id).key);
let cacheVersions = yield this.getLatestCacheObjectVersions(objectType, libraryID, keys);
let toDelete = [];
for (let key of keys) {
let obj = objectsClass.getByLibraryAndKey(libraryID, key);
// If object is in cache, overwrite with pristine data
if (cacheVersions[key]) {
let json = yield this.getCacheObject(objectType, libraryID, key, cacheVersions[key]);
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
yield this._saveObjectFromJSON(obj, json, {});
// Otherwise, erase
else {
toDelete.push(objectsClass.getIDFromLibraryAndKey(libraryID, key));
if (toDelete.length) {
yield objectsClass.erase(
skipEditCheck: true,
skipDeleteLog: true
// Deleted objects
keys = yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getDeleted(objectType, libraryID);
yield this.removeObjectsFromDeleteLog(objectType, libraryID, keys);
let ids = yield this.getUnsynced(objectType, libraryID);
yield this._resetObjects(libraryID, objectType, ids);
// Mark library for full sync
@ -305,13 +274,62 @@ Zotero.Sync.Data.Local = {
* _libraryHasUnsyncedFiles(), which checks for updated files, must be called first.
resetUnsyncedLibraryFiles: Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (libraryID) {
var itemIDs = yield Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.getFilesToUpload(libraryID);
resetUnsyncedLibraryFiles: async function (libraryID) {
// Reset unsynced file attachments
var itemIDs = await Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getUnsynced('item', libraryID);
var toReset = [];
for (let itemID of itemIDs) {
let item = Zotero.Items.get(itemID);
yield item.deleteAttachmentFile();
if (item.isFileAttachment()) {
await this._resetObjects(libraryID, 'item', toReset);
// Delete unsynced files
var itemIDs = await Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.getFilesToUpload(libraryID);
for (let itemID of itemIDs) {
let item = Zotero.Items.get(itemID);
await item.deleteAttachmentFile();
_resetObjects: async function (libraryID, objectType, ids) {
var objectsClass = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.getObjectsClassForObjectType(objectType);
var keys = => objectsClass.getLibraryAndKeyFromID(id).key);
var cacheVersions = await this.getLatestCacheObjectVersions(objectType, libraryID, keys);
var toDelete = [];
for (let key of keys) {
let obj = objectsClass.getByLibraryAndKey(libraryID, key);
// If object is in cache, overwrite with pristine data
if (cacheVersions[key]) {
let json = await this.getCacheObject(objectType, libraryID, key, cacheVersions[key]);
await Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
await this._saveObjectFromJSON(obj, json, {});
// Otherwise, erase
else {
toDelete.push(objectsClass.getIDFromLibraryAndKey(libraryID, key));
if (toDelete.length) {
await objectsClass.erase(
skipEditCheck: true,
skipDeleteLog: true
// Deleted objects
keys = await Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.getDeleted(objectType, libraryID);
await this.removeObjectsFromDeleteLog(objectType, libraryID, keys);
getSkippedLibraries: function () {
@ -3024,6 +3024,67 @@ describe("Zotero.Sync.Data.Engine", function () {
assert.equal(called, 1);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 2);
it("should show file-write-access-lost dialog on 403 for attachment upload in group", async function () {
var group = await createGroup();
var libraryID = group.libraryID;
var libraryVersion = 5;
group.libraryVersion = libraryVersion;
await group.saveTx();
({ engine, client, caller } = await setup({
stopOnError: false
var item1 = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID });
var item2 = await importFileAttachment(
version: 5
var called = 0;
server.respond(function (req) {
let requestJSON = JSON.parse(req.requestBody);
if (called == 0) {
"Last-Modified-Version": ++libraryVersion
successful: {
0: item1.toResponseJSON({ version: libraryVersion })
unchanged: {},
failed: {
1: {
code: 403,
message: "File editing access denied"
var promise = waitForDialog();
var spy = sinon.spy(engine, "onError");
var result = await engine._startUpload();
assert.equal(result, engine.UPLOAD_RESULT_SUCCESS);
assert.equal(called, 1);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 1);
@ -313,27 +313,88 @@ describe("Zotero.Sync.Data.Local", function() {
var libraryID = group.libraryID;
// File attachment that's totally in sync -- leave alone
var attachment1 = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { libraryID });
attachment1.attachmentSyncState = "in_sync";
attachment1.attachmentSyncedModificationTime = 1234567890000;
attachment1.attachmentSyncedHash = "8caf2ee22919d6725eb0648b98ef6bad";
var attachment2 = yield importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { libraryID });
attachment1.attachmentSyncedModificationTime = yield attachment1.attachmentModificationTime;
attachment1.attachmentSyncedHash = yield attachment1.attachmentHash;
attachment1.synced = true;
yield attachment1.saveTx({
skipSyncedUpdate: true
// File attachment that's in sync with changed file -- delete file and mark for download
var attachment2 = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { libraryID });
attachment2.synced = true;
yield attachment2.saveTx({
skipSyncedUpdate: true
// File attachment that's unsynced -- delete item and file
var attachment3 = yield importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { libraryID });
// Has to be called before resetUnsyncedLibraryFiles()
assert.isTrue(yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local._libraryHasUnsyncedFiles(libraryID));
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.resetUnsyncedLibraryFiles(libraryID);
assert.isFalse(yield attachment1.fileExists());
assert.isTrue(yield attachment1.fileExists());
assert.isFalse(yield attachment2.fileExists());
assert.isFalse(yield attachment3.fileExists());
attachment1.attachmentSyncState, Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.SYNC_STATE_TO_DOWNLOAD
attachment1.attachmentSyncState, Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.SYNC_STATE_IN_SYNC
attachment2.attachmentSyncState, Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.SYNC_STATE_TO_DOWNLOAD
it("should revert modified file attachment item", async function () {
var group = await createGroup({
version: 1,
libraryVersion: 2
var libraryID = group.libraryID;
// File attachment that's changed but file is in sync -- reset item, keep file
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { libraryID });
var originalTitle = attachment.getField('title');
attachment.attachmentSyncedModificationTime = await attachment.attachmentModificationTime;
attachment.attachmentSyncedHash = await attachment.attachmentHash;
attachment.attachmentSyncState = "in_sync";
attachment.synced = true;
attachment.version = 2;
await attachment.saveTx({
skipSyncedUpdate: true
// Save original in cache
await Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.saveCacheObject(
// TEMP: md5 and mtime aren't currently included in JSON, and without it the
// file gets marked for download when the item gets reset from the cache
md5: attachment.attachmentHash,
mtime: attachment.attachmentSyncedModificationTime
// Modify title
attachment.setField('title', "New Title");
await attachment.saveTx();
await Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.resetUnsyncedLibraryFiles(libraryID);
assert.isTrue(await attachment.fileExists());
assert.equal(attachment.getField('title'), originalTitle);
attachment.attachmentSyncState, Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.SYNC_STATE_IN_SYNC
Add table
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