Updates locales from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
48 changed files with 89 additions and 89 deletions
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=افتح في %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=هذا الإصدار من وظائف زوتيرو الاضافية لمعالج النصوص ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) غير متوافق مع الإصدار المنصب حاليا من امتداد زوتيرو لمتصفح الفايرفوكس (%1$S). الرجاء التأكد من أنك تستخدم أحدث الإصدارات من المكونين.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=يتطلب %1$S لزوتيرو %2$S %3$S أو الاحدث. الرجاء تحميل أحدث نسخة من %2$S من موقع zotero.org.
integration.error.title=خطأ في توافق زوتيرو
integration.error.notInstalled=لم يتمكن متصفح الفايرفوكس من تحميل المكونات المطلوبة للإتصال بمعالج النصوص الخاص بك. الرجاء التأكد من تنصيب الامتدادالمناسب من زوتيرو لمتصفح الفايرفوكس ثم أعد المحاولة.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=واجه زوتيرو خطأ في تحديث مستندك.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=يجب إدراج الاستشهاد قبل تنفيذ هذه العملية.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=يجب إدراج قائمة المراجع قبل تنفيذ هذه العملية.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Тази версия на плъгина за текстови редактори на Зотеро ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) не е съвместима с инсталираната понастоящем версия на Зотеро (%1$S). Моля убедете се, че използвате последните версии на двата компонента.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Грешка в интеграцията на Зотеро
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox не успя да зареди компонент необходим за комуникацията с текстовият редактор. Моля уверете се, че сте инсталирали правилното разширение за Firefox.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Грешка при осъвременяването на Вашият документ от Зотеро.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Трябва да вмъкнете цитат преди да изпълните тази операция.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Трябва да вмъкнете библиография преди да изпълните тази операция.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Obre a %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Aquesta versió del connector de processador de textos del Zotero ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) és incompatible ambla versió actual del Zotero (%1$S). Assegureu-vos que feu servir les darreres versions de tots dos components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requereix %2$S %3$S o versions posteriors. Descarregueu la darrera versió de %2$S des de zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Error d'integració del Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=El Zotero no pot carregar el component necessari per comunicar-se amb el processador de textos. Assegureu-vos que hi ha instal·lada l'extensió apropiada i torneu-ho a intentar.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=S'ha produït un error al Zotero en l'actualització del document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Cal inserir una cita abans de realitzar aquesta operació.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Cal inserir una bibliografia abans de realitzar aquesta operació.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Otevřít v %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Tato verze pluginu pro textové procesory ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) není kompatibilní s aktuálně nainstalovanou verzí rozšíření Zotero pro Firefox (%1$S). Ujistěte se prosím, že používáte nejnovější verze obou komponent.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S vyžaduje %2$S %3$S nebo novější. Prosím, stáhněte nejnovější verzi %2$S ze zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Chyba integrace Zotera
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox nemohl nahrát komponentu potřebnou ke komunikaci s vaším textovým procesorem. Ujistěte se, že je nainstalována odpovídající verze rozšíření Zotero pro Firefox a poté to zkuste znovu.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero zaznamenalo během aktualizace vašeho dokumentu chybu.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Před provedením této operace musíte vložit citaci.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Před provedením této operace musíte vložit bibliografii.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Åbn i %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Denne version af Zotero-udvidelsesmodulet til tekstbehandlingsprogrammer ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) er ikke kompatibel med den installerede version af Zotero (%1$S). Sikr dig, at du bruger den nyeste version af begge komponenter.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S kræver %2$S %3$S eller senere. Hent venligst den seneste version af %2$S på zotero.org.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero kunne ikke indlæse komponenten til at kommunikere med dit tekstbehandlingsprogram. Sikr dig, at den nødvendige udvidelse er installeret og prøv igen.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero stødte på en fejl under opdatering af dit dokument.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Du skal indsætte en henvisning for at kunne udføre denne handling.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Du skal indsætte en referenceliste for at kunne udføre denne handling.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=In %S öffnen
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Diese Version des Zotero Textverarbeitungs-Plugins ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) ist nicht mit der aktuell installierten Version der Zotero (%1$S) kompatibel. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die aktuellsten Versionen der beiden Komponenten verwenden.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S benötigt %2$S %3$S oder neuer. Bitte laden Sie die neueste Verson von %2$S von zotero.org herunter.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero konnte die zur Kommunikation mit Ihrer Textverarbeitung notwendige Komponente nicht laden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die korrekte Erweiterung installiert haben, und versuchen Sie es dann erneut.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Ein Fehler ist beim Update Ihres Dokuments aufgetreten.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Sie müssen eine Zitation einfügen, bevor Sie diese Operation durchführen.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Sie müssen ein Literaturverzeichnis einfügen, bevor Sie diese Operation durchführen.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of Zotero (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Abrir en %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Esta versión del complemento de Zotero para procesador de textos ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) es incompatible con la versión de Zotero instalada actualmente (%1$S). Por favor, verifica que estás utilizando la última versión de ambos componentes.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requiere %2$S %3$S o posterior. Por favor, descarga la última versión de %2$S desde zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Error en la integración de Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero no ha podido cargar el componente necesario para comunicarse con tu procesador de textos. Por favor, asegúrate de que está instalada la extensión apropiada y vuelve a intentarlo.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experimentó un error al actualizar tu documento.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Debes insertar una cita antes de realizar esta operación.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Debes insertar una bibliografía antes de realizar esta operación.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=See versioon Zotero tesktiredaktori pluginist ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) ei ühildu Zotero Firefoxi lisaga (%1$S). Palun neid uuendada.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S nõuab %2$S %3$S või hilisemat. Palun laadige %2$S alla zotero.org lehelt.
integration.error.title=Zotero ühildumise viga
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox ei suutnud leida komponenti, mis suhtleks teie tekstiredaktoriga. Palun kindlustage, et oleks olemas õige Firefoxi lisa ja proovige uuesti.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Dokumendi uuendamisel tekkis Zotero viga.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Enne seda toimingut peate lisama viite.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Enne seda toimingut peate lisama bibliograafia.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Errorea
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Errorea eguneratzekotan.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Sartu aipamen bat, ez dago ezer eta!
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Lehenik, Bibliografiaren kokalekua hautatu behar da
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "آیتم">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "تنظیمات">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.custom "Custom…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.custom "سفارشی...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "عمومی">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.userInterface "رابط کاربری">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.layout "Layout:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.layout.standard "Standard">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.layout.standard "استاندارد">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.layout.stacked "Stacked">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize "اندازه قلم:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fontSize.small "کوچک">
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.tags "برچسبها">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds "Feeds">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.label "Sorting:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.label "مرتبسازی:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.newest "Newest items first">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.oldest "Oldest items first">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.feedDefaults "Feed Defaults">
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "با استفاده از سامانه ذخیره زوترو (Zotero storage) میپذیرید که تابع">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "شرایط و قوانین آن باشید ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync "Libraries to Sync">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.button "Choose Libraries…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.button "انتخاب کتابخانهها...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.sync "Sync">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.library "Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "پاک کردن تاریخچه همزمانسازی پروندهها">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Compare all attachment files with the storage service">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "تنظیم مجدد">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reset…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "بازنشانی...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.search "جستجو">
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.domainPath "دامنه/مسیر">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.domainPath.example "(e.g., wikipedia.org)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.format "Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.locale "Language">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.locale "زبان">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.dragLimit "غیر فعال کردن رونوشت سریع در زمان کشیدن بیش از ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.cite "یادکرد">
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=این نگارش از افزونه واژهپرداز زوترو ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) با نگارش فعلی زوتروی نصب شده در فایرفاکس (%1$S) ناسازگار است. لطفا از نصب آخرین نگارش هر دو برنامه مطمئن شوید.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=زوترو %1$S به %2$S %3$S یا جدیدتر نیاز دارد. لطفا آخرین نسخه %2$S را از zotero.org بارگیری کنید.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=فایرفاکس نتوانست برنامه لازم برای ارتباط با واژهپرداز شما را بار کند. لطفا از نصب افزونه مناسب مطمئن شوید و بعد دوباره تلاش کنید.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=زوترو هنگام روزآمدسازی سند شما با خطا مواجه شد.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=قبل از انجام این کار، باید یک یادکرد وارد کنید.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=قبل از انجام این کار، باید کتابنامه را وارد کنید.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Avaa %S:ssä
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S vaatii %2$S %3$S:n tai uudemman. Lataa %2$S:n uusin versio osoitteesta zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zoteron integraatiovirhe
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Virhe asiakirjaa päivitettäessä
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Sinun täytyy lisätä viite ennen tämän toiminnon suorittamista.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Sinun täytyy lisätä lähdeluettelo ennen tämän toiminnon suorittamista
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Ouvrir dans %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Cette version du module Zotero pour traitement de texte ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) est incompatible avec la version actuellement installée de Zotero (%1$S). Veuillez vous assurer que vous utilisez les dernières versions des deux composants.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S nécessite %2$S %3$S ou ultérieur. Veuillez télécharger la dernière version de %2$S sur zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Erreur d'intégration de Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero n'a pas pu charger le composant nécessaire pour communiquer avec votre traitement de texte. Veuillez vous assurer que le module approprié est installé et réessayez.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero a rencontré une erreur lors de la mise à jour de votre document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Vous devez insérer une citation avant d'effectuer cette opération.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Vous devez insérer une bibliographie avant d'effectuer cette opération.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Abrir en %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Esta versión do engadido o para procesador de texto de Zotero ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) é incompatible coa versión de Zotero (%1$S) que está instalada. Asegúrese de usar as últimas versións de ámbolos dous complementos.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S require %2$S %3$S ou superior. Descargue a última versión de dende %2$S zotero.org
integration.error.title=Erro do conectador de Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox non puido cargar o compoñente que se precisa para comunicarse co procesador de texto. Asegúrese de que está instalado engadido axeitado e ténteo de novo.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experimentou un erro ao actualizar o documento.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Ten que introducir unha cita antes de realizar esta operación.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Ten que introducir unha bibliografía antes de realizar esta operación.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Megnyitás %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=A Zotero %1$S hez %2$S %3$S vagy újabb verzió szükséges. Kérem töltse le a %2$S legújabb verzióját a zotero.org oldalról.
integration.error.title=Zotero illesztési hiba
integration.error.notInstalled=A Zotero nem tud kommunikálni a szövegszerkesztővel. Győződjön meg róla, hogy a megfelelő kiegészítő telepítve van majd próbálja újra.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=A Zotero hibát észlelt a dokumentum frissítése közben.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Be kell illesztenie egy hivatkozást.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Be kell illesztenie egy bibliográfiát.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Versi plugin pengolah kata Zotero ($INTEGRATED_VERSION) tidak kompatibel dengan versi Zotero yang saat ini terinstal (%1$S). Mohon pastikan Anda menggunakan versi terbaru untuk kedua komponen tersebut.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S membutuhkan %2$S %3$S atau yang lebih baru. Silakan unduh versi terbaru %2$S dari zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Kesalahan Integrasi Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero tidak dapat memuat komponen yang diperlukan untuk berkomunikasi dengan pengolah kata Anda. Mohon pastikan bahwa ektensi yang benar telah terinstal lalu coba kembali.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero mengalami kesalahan dalam memutakhirkan dokumen Anda.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Anda harus memasukkan sitasi sebelum melakukan prosedur ini.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Anda harus memasukkan bibliografi sebelum melakukan prosedur ini.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Opna í %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S krefst %2$S %3$S eða nýrri. Náðu í nýjustu útgáfu af %2$S frá zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero samhæfingarvilla
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero lenti í villu við að uppfæra skjalið þitt.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Þú verður að setja inn tilvitnun áður en þú framkvæmir þessa aðgerð.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Þú verður að setja inn heimildaskrá áður en þú framkvæmir þessa aðgerð.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Apri in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Questa versione del plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) per il programma di video-scrittura non è compatibile con la versione di Zotero installata (%1$S). Aggiornare all'ultima versione disponibile entrambi i componenti.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S necessita di %2$S %3$S o successivo. Scaricare l'ultima versione di %2$S da zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Errore di integrazione di Zotero.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero non è riuscito a caricare il componente necessario per comunicare con il programma di video-scrittura. Assicurarsi che l'estensione corretta sia installata e provare nuovamente.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Si è verificato un errore di Zotero nel corso dell'aggiornamento del documento.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=È necessario inserire una citazione prima di eseguire questa operazione.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=È necessario inserire una bibliografia prima di eseguire questa operazione.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=%S で開く
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=このバージョンの Zotero ワードプロセッサ・プラグイン ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) は、現在インストールされているバージョンの Zotero (%1$S) と互換性がありません。両方について最新版を使用することをご確認ください。
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S は %2$S %3$S 以降を必要とします。最新版の %2$S を zotero.org からダウンロードしてください。
integration.error.title=Zotero インテグレーションのエラー(Zotero Integration Error)
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero はあなたのワードプロセッサと交信するために必要な構成要素を読み込むことができませんでした。適切な機能拡張がインストールされていることを確認してから、もう一度お試しください。
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero が文書を更新中にエラーが発生しました。
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=កំណែថ្មីនៃកម្មវិធីជំនួយវាយអត្ថបទហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូនេះ (កំណែថ្មីបញ្ចូលរួមគ្នា) គឺមានវិសមិតភាពទៅនឹងហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូកម្ជាប់នឹងហ្វៃអ៊ើហ្វក់ស៍ (%1$S) ដែលបានដំឡើងនៅក្នុងកំព្យូទ័ររបស់អ្នកទេ។ សូមបញ្ជាក់ថា អ្នកត្រូវប្រើកំណែថ្មីបំផុតនៃសមាសភាពទាំងពីរ។
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=ហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូ %1$S តម្រូវឲប្រើកំណែថ្មី %2$S %3$S ឬ ទំនើបជាងនេះ។ សូមទាញយកកំណែថ្មីបំផុត %2$S ពីគេហទំព័រ zotero.org ។
integration.error.notInstalled=ហ្វៃអ៊ើហ្វក់ស៍មិនអាចផ្ទុកសមាសធាតុដែលអាចធ្វើការទាក់ទងជាមួយកម្មវិធីវាយអត្ថបទរបស់អ្នក។ សូមធ្វើការបញ្ជាក់ថា កម្ជាប់ជាមួយហ្វៃអ៊ើហ្វក់ស៍ត្រូវបានដំឡើងដោយត្រឹមត្រូវ និង ព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត។
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=ហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូបានជួបកំហុសឆ្គងកើតឡើង ខណៈពេលធ្វើទំនើបកម្មឯកសាររបស់អ្នក។
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=អ្នកត្រូវដាក់អាគតដ្ឋាន មុនពេលចាប់ផ្តើមប្រតិបត្តិការនេះ។
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=អ្នកត្រូវដាក់គន្ថនិទេ្ទស មុនពេលចាប់ផ្តើមប្រតិបត្តិការនេះ។
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=%S로 열기
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S 이 %2$S %3$S 이상을 필요로 합니다. zotero.org에서 최신버전의 %2$S 을 다운받으시기 바랍니다.
integration.error.title=Zotero 통합 오류
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero가 문서를 갱신하는 중에 오류를 경험했습니다.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=이 작업을 수행하기 전에 인용을 먼저 삽입해야 합니다.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=이 작업을 수행하기 전에 참고문헌 목옥을 먼저 삽입해야 합니다.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Atverti „%S“
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Šis Zotero tekstų rengyklės papildinys ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) nesuderinamas su dabar įdiegta Zotero versija (%1$S). Įsitikinkite, ar naudojate abiejų komponentų naujausias versijas.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S programai reikia %2$S %3$S arba naujesnės versijos. Naujausią %2$S versiją parsisiųskite iš zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero integravimo klaida
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero negali įkelti komunikavimui su tekstų rengykle reikalingo komponento. Įsitikinkite, kad įdiegėte tinkamą papildinį, ir bandykite vėl.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero klaida atnaujinant jūsiškį dokumentą.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Prieš šį veiksmą, turite įterpti citavimą.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Prieš šį veiksmą turite įterpti bibliografiją.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Deze versie van de Zotero tekstverwerker-plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is niet geschikt voor de geïnstalleerde versie van Zotero (%1$S). Zorg ervoor dat u van beide componenten de laatste versie gebruikt.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S heeft %2$S %3$S of nieuwer nodig. Download de nieuwste versie van %2$S vanaf zotero.org.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero kon de benodige component voor communicatie met uw tekstverwerker niet laden. Zorg ervoor dat de juiste uitbreiding is geïnstalleerd en probeer het opnieuw.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Bij het bijwerken van uw document is er een fout opgetreden in Zotero.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=U moet eerst een verwijzing toevoegen voordat u deze actie kunt uitvoeren.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=U moet eerst een bibliografie toevoegen voordat u deze actie kunt uitvoeren.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Denne versjonen av Zotero teksthandsamingsinnstikket ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) er ikkje kompatibelt med noverande installasjon av Zotero (%1$S). Sjekk at du brukar siste versjon av båe to.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or lèt. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero kunne ikkje lasta inn komponenten som trengs for å kommunisere med teksthandsamingsprogrammet ditt. Sjekk att teksthandsamingsinnstikket er installert og prøv om att.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Du må leggja til ein bibliografi før du kan utføra denne handlinga.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Otwórz w %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Ta wersja wtyczki edytora tekstu Zotero ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) jest niezgodna z aktualnie zainstalowaną wersją Zotero (%1$S). Upewnij się, że używasz najnowszych wersji obu składników.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S wymaga %2$S %3$S lub nowszego. Proszę pobrać najnowszą wersję %2$S z witryny zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Błąd integracji Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero nie może wczytać składnika wymaganego do komunikacji z twoim procesorem tekstu. Proszę się upewnić, że odpowiedni dodatek jest zainstalowany, a następnie spróbować ponownie.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Wystąpił błąd podczas aktualizacji twojego dokumentu.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Musisz wstawić cytowanie przed wykonaniem tej operacji.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Musisz wstawić bibliografię przed wykonaniem tej operacji.
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.submit "Enviar a saída">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.view "Ver a saída">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.clear "Limpar a saída">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.restartWithLoggingEnabled "Reiniciar com o Registro Habilitado">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.restartWithLoggingEnabled "Reiniciar com o registro habilitado...">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.label "Buscar atualizações...">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.accesskey "U">
@ -197,13 +197,13 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.import "Importar">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.whereToImportFrom "De onde você deseja importar?">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.source.file "A file (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.)">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.importing "Importing…">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.database "Database">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.lastModified "Last Modified">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.size "Size">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.createCollection "Place imported collections and items into new collection">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.fileHandling "File Handling">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.source.file "Um arquivo (BibTeX, RIS, RDF do Zotero, etc.)">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.importing "Importando...">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.database "Banco de dados">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.lastModified "Última modificação">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.size "Tamanho">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.createCollection "Coloque coleções importadas e itens dentro de novas coleções">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.fileHandling "Manipulação de arquivo">
<!ENTITY zotero.exportOptions.title "Exportar...">
<!ENTITY zotero.exportOptions.format.label "Formato:">
@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ general.copyToClipboard=Copy to Clipboard
general.thanksForHelpingImprove=Obrigado por ajudar a melhorar %S!
general.describeProblem=Descreva brevemente o problema:
general.nMegabytes=%S MB
general.nMegabytes=%S Mb
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ general.operationInProgress=Existe uma operação do Zotero atualmente em progre
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Por favor, aguarde até que ela termine.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=Por favor, aguarde até que ela termine e tente novamente.
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S could not make a secure connection.
networkError.errorViaProxy=Error connecting via proxy server
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S não conseguiu estabelecer uma conexão segura.
networkError.errorViaProxy=Erro ao conectar via servidor proxy
about.createdBy=Zotero is a project of the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] and is developed by a [global community].
about.getInvolved=Want to help? [Get involved] today!
@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ startupError.incompatibleDBVersion=Esse banco de dados de %1$S requer %1$S %2$S
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.current=Versão atual: %S
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Por favor, atualize para a última versão de %S.
startupError.databaseUpgradeError=Erro na atualização do banco de dados
startupError.internetFunctionalityMayNotWork=Functionality that depends on an internet connection may not work.
startupError.bundledFileUpdateError=%S was unable to load translators and styles.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage1=%S was started from a disk image, which can break some functionality.
startupError.internetFunctionalityMayNotWork=Funcionalidade que depende de uma conexão com a Internet, ou não irá funcionar.
startupError.bundledFileUpdateError=%S não conseguiu carregar as traduções e estilos.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage1=%S foi iniciado de uma imagem em disco, que pode quebrar algumas funcionalidades.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage2=To install %1$S properly, quit the program, open the disk image you downloaded, and drag “%1$S” to the alias of the Applications folder shown in the window. Then eject the disk image and launch Zotero by opening it from your Applications folder.
date.relative.secondsAgo.one=1 segundo atrás
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ pane.collections.removeLibrary=Remove Library
pane.collections.removeLibrary.text=Are you sure you want to permanently remove “%S” from this computer?
pane.collections.menu.rename.collection=Renomear a coleção...
pane.collections.menu.duplicate.savedSearch=Duplicate Saved Search
pane.collections.menu.duplicate.savedSearch=Duplicar a pesquisa salva
pane.collections.menu.edit.savedSearch=Editar a pesquisa salva...
pane.collections.menu.edit.feed=Editar a fonte...
pane.collections.menu.remove.library=Remove Library…
@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ pane.items.remove.multiple=Você está certo de que deseja remover os itens sele
pane.items.removeFromPublications.title=Remove from My Publications
pane.items.removeFromPublications=Are you sure you want to remove the selected item from My Publications?
pane.items.removeFromPublications.multiple=Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from My Publications?
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF=Find Available PDF
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple=Find Available PDFs
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF=Encontrar PDF disponível
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple=Encontrar PDFs disponíveis
pane.items.menu.remove=Remover item da coleção...
pane.items.menu.remove.multiple=Remover itens da coleção...
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications=Remove Item from My Publications…
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ pane.item.defaultLastName=último
pane.item.defaultFullName=nome completo
pane.item.switchFieldMode.one=Mudar para campo único
pane.item.switchFieldMode.two=Mudar para dois campos
pane.item.creator.moveToTop=Move to Top
pane.item.creator.moveToTop=Mover para o alto
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Mover para cima
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Mover para baixo
pane.item.notes.untitled=Nota sem título
@ -600,17 +600,17 @@ ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Importar para nova coleção
ingester.lookup.error=Ocorreu um erro durante a procura por esse item.
findPDF.searchingForAvailablePDFs=Searching for available PDFs…
findPDF.checkingItems=Checking %1$S item;Checking %1$S items
findPDF.pdfsAdded=%1$S PDF added;%1$S PDFs added
findPDF.openAccessPDF=Open-Access PDF
findPDF.searchingForAvailablePDFs=Procurando por PDFs disponíveis...
findPDF.checkingItems=Checando %1$S item;Checando %1$S itens
findPDF.pdfsAdded=%1$S PDF adicionado;%1$S PDFs adicionados
findPDF.openAccessPDF=PDF Open-Access
findPDF.pdfWithMethod=PDF (%S)
findPDF.noPDFsFound=No PDFs found
findPDF.noPDFFound=No PDF found
findPDF.noPDFsFound=Nenhum PDF encontrado
findPDF.noPDFFound=Nenhum PDF encontrado
attachment.fullText=Full Text
attachment.acceptedVersion=Accepted Version
attachment.submittedVersion=Submitted Version
attachment.fullText=Texto completo
attachment.acceptedVersion=Versão aceita
attachment.submittedVersion=Versão submetida
db.dbCorrupted=O banco de dados Zotero '%S' parece ter sido corrompido.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Por favor, reinicie o Firefox para tentar uma restauração automática a partir da última cópia de segurança.
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=Os erros na base de dados do seu Zotero foram corr
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=O Zotero não pôde corrigir todos os erros na sua base de dados.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=Você pode comunicar esse problema no Fórum Zotero.
zotero.preferences.chooseApplication=Choose Application
zotero.preferences.chooseApplication=Selecione a aplicação
@ -705,13 +705,13 @@ fileInterface.importComplete=Importação completa
fileInterface.itemsWereImported=%1$S item was imported;%1$S items were imported
fileInterface.itemsExported=Exportando itens...
fileInterface.chooseAppDatabaseToImport=Choose the %S database to import
fileInterface.chooseAppDatabaseToImport=Selecione o banco de dados de %S para importar
fileInterface.exportedItems=Itens exportados
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=O arquivo selecionado não é de formato suportado.
fileInterface.appDatabase=%S Database
fileInterface.appImportCollection=%S Import
fileInterface.appDatabase=Banco de dados %S
fileInterface.appImportCollection=Importar %S
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=Ver formatos suportados...
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Bibliografia sem título
@ -723,9 +723,9 @@ fileInterface.exportError=Um erro ocorreu ao tentar exportar o arquivo seleciona
fileInterface.importOPML=Importar fontes de OPML
fileInterface.OPMLFeedFilter=Lista de fontes OPML
import.fileHandling.store=Copy files to the %S storage folder
import.fileHandling.link=Link to files in original location
import.fileHandling.description=Linked files cannot be synced by %S.
import.fileHandling.store=Copiar arquivos para a pasta de armazenamento %S
import.fileHandling.link=Link para arquivos na localização original
import.fileHandling.description=Arquivos com link não podem ser sincronizados por %S.
quickCopy.copyAs=Copy as %S
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Abrir em %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Esta versão do plugin Zotero para processador de textos ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) é incompatível com a versão atualmente instalada da extensão Firefox Zotero (%1$S). Por favor, certifique-se de instalar as versões mais recentes de ambos os componentes.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=O Zotero %1$S requer %2$S %3$S ou superior. Por favor, faça o download da última versão de %2$S a partir de zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Erro de integração Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=O Firefox não pôde carregar o componente necessário para se comunicar com seu processador de textos. Por favor, certifique-se de que a extensão Firefox apropriada está instalada, e em seguida tente novamente.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero encontrou um erro ao atualizar seu documento.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Você deve inserir uma citação antes de executar esta operação.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Você deve inserir uma bibliografia antes de executar esta operação.
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ integration.error.invalidStyle=O estilo que você selecionou não parece ser vá
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=Não foi possível atualizar este documento porque ele foi criado por um editor de textos diferente, com uma codificação de campo incompatível. Para criar um documento compatível tanto com o Microsoft Word quanto com o LibreOffice Writer, abra o documento no editor de textos em que ele foi originalmente criado e altere o tipo do campo para Marcadores, nas Preferências do documento do Zotero.
integration.error.styleMissing=The citation style used in this document is missing. Would you like to install it from %S?
integration.error.styleNotFound=The citation style %S could not be found.
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.title=Missing Permission
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.title=Permissão ausente
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing=Zotero does not have permission to control Word. To grant this permission:\n\n1) Open System Preferences\n2) Click on “Security & Privacy”\n3) Select the “Privacy” tab\n4) Find and select “Automation” on the left\n5) Check the checkbox for “Microsoft Word” under “Zotero”\n6) Restart Word
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.pre2016=If “Microsoft Word” does not appear under “Automation”, make sure you are running Word 2011 version 14.7.7 or later.
integration.error.viewTroubleshootingInfo=Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?
@ -891,9 +891,9 @@ integration.citationChanged=Você modificou essa citação desde que o Zotero a
integration.citationChanged.description=Clicar em "Sim" impedirá que o Zoter atualize essa citação se você vier a adicionar citações suplementares, alterar estilos, ou mesmo modificar as referências a que ela se refere. Clicar em "Não" apagará as suas modificações.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Você modificou essa citação desde que o Zotero a gerou. Sua edição irá apagar as modificações. Você quer continuar?
integration.citationChanged.original=Original: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Modified: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Modificado: %S
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=Você precisará clicar em Atualizar, na barra de ferramentas do Zotero, quando terminar de inserir as citações.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.tab=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero tab when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Abrir em %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Esta versão do extra para o processador de texto ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) é incompatível com a versão da extensão Zotero para o Firefox instalada actualmente (%1$S). Por favor assegure-se de que está a usar as últimas versões de ambos os componentes.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=O Zotero %1$S requer o %2$S %3$S ou uma versão mais recente. Por favor descarregue uma versão mais recente do %2$S a partir de zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Erro de Integração com o Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=O Firefox não pode carregar o componente necessário para comunicar com o seu processador de texto. Por favor assegure-se de que a extensão do Firefox apropriada está instalada e tente de novo.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=O Zotero detectou um erro ao actualizar o seu documento.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Tem de inserir uma citação antes de executar esta operação.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Tem de inserir uma bibliografia antes de executar esta operação.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Deschide în %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Această versiune a plugin-ului pentru procesorul de texte ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) este incompatibilă cu versiunea curentă instalată a lui Zotero (%1$S). Asigură-te, te rog, că folosești ultimele versiuni ale ambelor componente.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S are nevoie de %2$S %3$S sau mai nou. Te rog să descarci ultima versiune de %2$S de la zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Eroare de integrare Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox nu poate încărca componenta necesară pentru comunicarea cu procesorul tău de texte. Te rog să te asiguri că extensia Firefox corespunzătoare este instalată, apoi încearcă din nou.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero a întâlnit o eroare în timpul actualizării.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Trebuie să introduci o citare înainte de a executa această operație.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Trebuie să introduci o bibliografie înainte de executa această operație.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Открыть с помощью %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Эта версия модуля Zotero для текстового процессора ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) несовместима с установленной версией самого Zotero — расширения для Firefox (%1$S). Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы используете последние версии обоих компонентов.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Для Zotero %1$S необходим %2$S %3$S или более поздний. Пожалуйста, загрузите последнюю версию %2$S с zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Ошибка интеграции Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox не смог загрузить компонент необходимый для соединения с вашим текстовым процессором. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что соответствующее расширение Firefox установлено, и попробуйте ещё раз.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Возникла ошибка в Zotero при обновлении вашего документа.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Вы должны вставить хотя бы одну цитату перед выполнением этой операции.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Вы должны вставить библиографию перед выполнением этой операции.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Otvoriť v %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Táto verzia doplnku Zotero pre textový editor Word ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) nie je kompatibilná s akutálne nainštalovanou verziou rozšírenia Zotero pre Firefox (%1$S). Prosím ubezpečte sa, že používate najaktuálnejšie verzie z oboch komponentov.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S vyžaduje %2$S %3$S alebo novší. Stiahnite si prosím najnovšiu verziu %2$S zo stránky www.zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Chyba pri intergrácii Zotera
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox nemohol nahrať súčasť potrebnú pre komunikáciu s textovým procesorom. Prosím uistite sa, že používate správnu verziu rozšírenia a skúste to znova.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Pri aktualizácii dokumentu narazil Zotero na chybu.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Skôr ako môže byť vykonaná táto operácia musíte vložiť citáciu.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Skôr ako môže byť vykonaná táto operácia musíte vložiť bibliografiu.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Odpri v %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Ta različica razširitve Zotero za urejevalnik besedila ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) ni združljiva s trenutno nameščeno različico razširitve Zotero (%1$S). Zagotovite, da uporabljate najnovejše različice obeh komponent.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S potrebuje %2$S %3$S ali novejšo. Najnovejšo različico %2$S prenesite z zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Napaka integracije Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero ne more naložiti komponente, potrebne za komunikacijo z vašim urejevalnikom dokumentov. Zagotovite, da je ustrezna razširitev nameščena, nato poskusite znova.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero je naletel na napako pri posodobitvi vašega dokumenta.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Citat morate vstaviti pred izvajanjem tega dejanja.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Bibliografijo morate vstaviti pred izvajanjem tega dejanja.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Öppna i %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Denna version av Zoteros ordbehandlarinsticksprogram ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) är inkompatibel med denna version av Zotero (%1$S). Kolla så du har senaste version av båda programmen.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S behöver %2$S %3$S eller nyare. Ladda ner den senaste versionen av %2$S från zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero integreringsfel
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero kunde inte ladda en komponent som behövs för att kommunicera med ordbehandlaren. Kolla att rätt tillägg är installerat och försök igen.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero råkade ut för ett fel när det uppdaterade ditt dokument.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Du måste sätta in en källhänvisning innan du gör detta.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Du måste sätta in en källförteckning innan du gör detta.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=ส่วนเสริม Zotero สำหรับโปรแกรมประมวลผลคำรุ่นนี้ ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) เข้ากันได้กับ Zotero รุ่นที่ติดตั้งขณะนี้ (%1$S) โปรดแน่ใจว่าคุณกำลังใช้รุ่นปัจจุบันทั้งสองส่วน
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S ต้องการ %2$S %3$S หรือใหม่กว่า กรุณาดาวน์โหลดรุ่นล่าสุดของ %2$S จาก zotero.org
integration.error.title=เกิดความผิดพลาดจากการรวม Zotero เข้าเป็นหนึ่งเดียวกัน
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero ไม่สามารถเรียกใช้ส่วนประกอบที่จำเป็นสำหรับสื่อสารกับโปรแกรมประมวลผลคำของคุณ โปรดตรวจสอบว่าโปรแกรมเสริมที่เหมาะสมได้ถูกติดตั้งแล้วและลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero พบความผิดพลาดการปรับแฟ้มเอกสารให้เป็นปัจจุบัน
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=%S'da Aç
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Zotero'nun bu sürümünün kelime işlemci eklentisi ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) Zotero'un şu anki kurulu sürümün firefox eklentisi (%1$S) ile uyumlu değildir. Lütfen her iki bileşenin de en son sürümünü kullandığınızdan emin olunuz.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S, %2$S %3$S'i ve sonrasındakileri gerektirmektedir. Lütfen, %2$S'in en son sürümünü zotero.org adresinden indiriniz.
integration.error.title=Zotero Birleştirme Hatası
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox kelime işlemciniz ile bağlantı için gerekli bileşeni yükleyemiyor. Lütfen uygun Firefox eklentisinin kurulu olduğundan emin olunuz ve tekrar deneyiniz.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero belgenizi güncellerken bir hata ile karşılaştı.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Bu işlemi gerçekleştirmeden önce bir gönderme koymalısınız.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Bu işlemi gerçekleştirmeden önce bir kaynakça koymalısınız.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Відкрити за допомогою %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Ця версія модулю Zotero для текстового процесора ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) несумісна з встановленою версією самого Zotero (%1$S). Будь ласка, переконайтеся, що ви використовуєте останні версії обох компонентів.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Для Zotero %1$S необхідний %2$S %3$S або пізніший. Будь ласка, завантажте останню версію %2$S з zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Помилка інтеграції Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero не зміг завантажити компонент необхідний для зв'язку з вашим текстовим процесором. Будь ласка, переконайтесь, що відповідне розширення встановлено та спробуйте ще раз.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Виникла помилка в Zotero при оновленні вашого документа.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Ви повинні вставити хочаб одну цитату перед виконанням цієї операції.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Ви повинні вставити список літератури перед виконанням цієї операції.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=You must insert a citation before performing this operation.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=You must insert a bibliography before performing this operation.
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=在 %S 中打开
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=此版本的 Zotero word 插件($INTEGRATION_VERSION)与当前安装的 Zotero Firefox 扩展 (%1$S)不兼容。请确保您所使用的两个组件均为最新版本。
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S 要求 %2$S %3$S 或更新。请从 zotero.org 下载最新的 %2$S。
integration.error.title=Zotero 整合错误
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero 无法加载与文字处理软件通讯所需要的组件。请确保您安装了正确的扩展,然后重试。
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero 在更新文档时出错。
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=以 %S 開啟
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=此版本的 Zotero 文書處理器外掛 ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) 與目前安裝的 Zotero Firefox 擴充套件 (%1$S) 不相容。請確認正使用兩者的最新版。
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S 需要 %2$S %3$S 或更晚。請由 zotero.org 下載 %2$S 的最新版。
integration.error.title=Zotero 整合錯誤
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox 無法載入與文字處理器溝通所需的元件。確定有安裝合適的 Firefox 擴充套件 後,再試一次。
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.generic=Zotero 更新文件時遇到一個錯誤。
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