Update locales and submodules
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 40 additions and 40 deletions
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c4e0c8bc52eb42edfc195a49198056acb754aea0
Subproject commit ccfd0a246c1205fb24d3d4fd5c1cf0cf1c6b4091
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Zotero-synkroniseringsserveren godkendte ikke dit b
sync.error.enterPassword=Indtast venligst en adgangskode.
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero kan ikke få adgang til din login-information.
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=Hvis du bruger en master-adgangskode til %S, så sikr dig, at du har indtastet det korrekt.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=Dette kunne også skyldes fejl i %1$S logindatabase. Kontrollér ved at lukke %1$S, fjern cert8.db, key3.db, og logins.json fra din %1$S profilmappe, og genindtast din Zotero-logininformation i Synkroniserpanelet under indstillinger.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero kan ikke få adgang til din login-information, muligvis pga. fejl i %S logindatabase.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Luk %1$S, fjern cert8.db, key3.db, og logins.json fra din %2$S profilmappe, og genindtast din Zotero-logininformation i Synkroniserpanelet under indstillinger.
sync.error.syncInProgress=En synkroniseringshandling er allerede i gang.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Vent på den foregående synkronisering er færdig eller genstart %S.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Du har ikke længere skriveadgang til Zotero-gruppen '%S', og tilføjede eller redigerede elementer kan ikke synkroniseres med serveren.
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Der Zotero Sync Server hat Ihren Benutzernamen und
sync.error.enterPassword=Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort ein.
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero kann nicht auf ihre Login-Informationen zugreifen.
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=Wenn sie ein Master Passwort in %S verwenden, stellen sie sicher, dass sie es korrekt eingegeben haben.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=Eine andere mögliche Ursache ist eine beschädigte %1$S-Login-Datenbank. Um dies zu testen, schließen Sie %1$S, löschen Sie cert8.db, key3.db und logins.json aus Ihrem %1$S Profilordner und geben Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten erneut im Sync-Reiter in den Zotero Einstellungen ein.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero kann nicht auf Ihre Zugangsdaten zugreifen, vermutlich wegen einer beschädigten %S-Login-Datenbank.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Schließen Sie %1$S, löschen Sie cert8.db, key3.db und logins.json aus Ihrem %2$S Profilordner und geben Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten erneut im Sync-Reiter in den Zotero Einstellungen ein.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Ein Sync-Vorgang läuft bereits.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Warten Sie, bis der aktuelle Sync-Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, oder starten Sie Firefox neu.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Sie haben keine Schreibberechtigung mehr für die Zotero-Gruppe '%S', und die Einträge, die Sie hinzugefügt oder bearbeitet haben, können nicht mit dem Server synchronisiert werden.
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Le serveur de synchronisation Zotero n'a pas accept
sync.error.enterPassword=Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe.
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero ne peut pas accéder à vos informations de connexion.
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=Si vous utilisez un mot de passe maître dans %S, assurez-vous de l'avoir saisi correctement.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=Cela peut aussi être dû à une corruption de la base de données des identifiants de %1$S. Pour vérifier, fermez %1$S, supprimez les fichiers cert8.db, key3.db, et logins.json de votre dossier de profil %2$S, puis entrez à nouveau vos identifiants de connexion Zotero dans le panneau Synchronisation des préférences de Zotero.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero ne peut pas accéder à vos identifiants de connexion, peut-être à cause d'une corruption de la base de données des identifiants de %S.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Fermez %1$S, supprimez les fichiers cert8.db, key3.db, et logins.json de votre dossier de profil %2$S, puis entrez à nouveau vos identifiants de connexion Zotero dans le panneau Synchronisation des préférences de Zotero.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Une opération de synchronisation est déjà en cours.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Attendez que la synchronisation précédente soit terminée ou redémarrez %S.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Vous n'avez plus d'accès en écriture au groupe Zotero '%S', et les documents que vous avez ajoutés ou modifiés ne peuvent pas être synchronisés avec le serveur.
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ creatorTypes.author=Autor
creatorTypes.seriesEditor=Redaktor serii wyd.
creatorTypes.seriesEditor=Redaktor serii
creatorTypes.interviewee=Wywiad z
creatorTypes.interviewer=Prowadzący wywiad
@ -676,8 +676,8 @@ date.tomorrow=jutro
citation.multipleSources=Wiele źródeł
citation.singleSource=Pojedyncze źródło
citation.showEditor=Wyświetl redaktora
citation.hideEditor=Ukryj redaktora
citation.showEditor=Wyświetl redaktora...
citation.hideEditor=Ukryj redaktora...
@ -802,8 +802,8 @@ sync.error.enterPassword=Proszę podać hasło.
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero nie może uzyskać dostępu do twoich danych logowania.
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=Jeśli używasz hasła głównego w %S upewnij się, że zostało ono wprowadzone poprawnie.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero nie może uzyskać dostępu do twoich informacji logowania z powodu uszkodzonej bazy danych logowania %S.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Zamknij %1$S, usuń pliki cert8.db, key3.db oraz logins.json ze swojego katalogu profilu %2$S, a następnie ponownie wprowadź swoje dane logowania Zotero w zakładce Synchronizacja w ustawieniach Zotero.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Synchronizacja jest aktualnie w trakcie.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Poczekaj na zakończenie poprzedniej synchronizacji albo uruchom ponownie %S.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Nie masz już uprawnień zapisu do grupy Zotero "%S", a więc dodane lub edytowane elementy nie mogą zostać zsynchronizowane z serwerem.
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ file.accessError.message.windows=Sprawdź, czy plik nie jest obecnie w użyciu,
file.accessError.message.other=Sprawdź, czy plik nie jest aktualnie w użyciu i czy prawa dostępu do niego zezwalają na zapis.
file.accessError.restart=Ponowne uruchomienie komputera lub wyłączenie oprogramowania zabezpieczającego (np. antywirusowego) również może pomóc.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Wyświetl katalog nadrzędny
file.error.cannotAddShortcut=Shortcut files cannot be added directly. Please select the original file.
file.error.cannotAddShortcut=Pliki skrótów nie mogą być bezpośrednio dodane. Wybierz proszę oryginalny plik.
lookup.failure.title=Wyszukiwanie nieudane
lookup.failure.description=Zotero nie potrafi odnaleźć wpisu dla podanego identyfikatora. Sprawdź proszę identyfikator i spróbuj ponownie.
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<!ENTITY styles.editor "Editor de estilos do Zotero">
<!ENTITY styles.editor.citePosition "Cite Position:">
<!ENTITY styles.editor.citePosition "Citar Posição:">
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ citation.locator.book=Livro
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ citation.locator.part=Parte
citation.locator.subverbo=Sub verbo
report.title.default=Relatório Zotero
report.parentItem=Item no nível acima:
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin.text=O servidor de sincronização do Zotero não aceita
sync.error.enterPassword=Por favor, digite sua senha.
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero não consegue acessar suas informações de login.
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=Se você estiver usando uma senha master em %S, certifique-se de que você a inseriu corretamente.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=O mesmo pode ter ocorrido devido a um %1$S corrompido no banco de dados de login. Para certificar-se, encerre %1$S, remova cert8.db, key3.db, e logins.json de seu %1$S diretório de perfil, e reinsira suas informações de login do Zotero no painel de Sincronização das preferências do Zotero.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=O Zotero não consegue acessar sua informação de login, provavelmente devido a um %S na base de dados de login que se encontra corrompido.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Feche %1$S, remova cert8.db, key3.db, e logins.json de seu %2$S diretório de perfil, e reinsira suas informações de login do Zotero no painel de Sincronização das preferências do Zotero.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Uma operação de sincronização já está em progresso.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Aguarde o fim da operação de sincronização anterior or reinicie o Firefox.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Você não tem mais privilégios de escrita no grupo Zotero '%S', e os itens que você adicionou ou editou não podem ser sincronizados no servidor.
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Zotero sync server godtog inte ditt användarnamn o
sync.error.enterPassword=Skriv ett lösenord.
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero kan inte nå din inloggningsinformation.
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=Om du använder ett huvudlösenord i %S, kontrollera att du har skrivit in rätt lösenord.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=Det kan också bero på en trasig %1$S logindatabas. För att kontrollera detta, stäng %1$S, radera cert8.db, key3.db och logins.json från din %1$S profilmapp och skriv på nytt in dina Zotero inloggningsuppgifter i synkroniseringsrutan i Zoteros inställningar.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero kan inte komma åt din inloggningsinformation, antagligen på grund av en trasig %S inloggningsdatabas.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Stäng %1$S, radera cert8.db, key3.db och logins.json från din %2$S profilmapp och skriv på nytt in dina Zotero inloggningsuppgifter i synkroniseringsrutan i Zoteros inställningar.
sync.error.syncInProgress=En synkroniseringsprocess är redan igång.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Vänta till den förra synkroniseringen är klar eller starta om %S.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Du har inte längre skrivåtkomst till Zoterogruppen '%S'. De källor som du lagt till eller redigerat kan inte synkroniseras med servern.
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ ingester.lookup.error=Bu eser için bir bakma yaparken bir hata oldu.
db.dbCorrupted=Zotero veri tabanı '%S' bozulmuş görülüyor.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Son yapılan yedekten otomatik geri yüklemek için lütfen Firefox'u yeniden başlatın.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=Zotero veri tabanı bozulmuş görülüyor, ve herhangi bir otomatik yedek mevcut değil.\n\nYeni bir veri tabanı yaratıldı. Bozulmuş dosya sizin Zotero dizininize kaydedildi.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=Zotero veri tabanı '%S' bozulmuş görülüyor, ve herhangi bir otomatik yedeği mevcut değil.\n\nYeni bir veri tabanı dosyası yaratıldı. Bozulmuş dosya sizin Zotero dizininize kaydedildi.
db.dbRestored=Zotero veri tabanı '%1$S' bozulmuş görülüyor.\n\nVerileriniz otomatik olarak en son %2$S %3$S tarihinde yapılan yedekten geri yüklendi. Bozulmuş dosya sizin Zotero dizininize kaydedildi.
db.dbRestoreFailed=Zotero veri tabanı '%S' bozulmuş görülüyor, ve son yapılan otomatik yedekten geri yükleme başarısız oldu.\n\nYeni bir veri tabanı oluşturuldu. Bozulmuş dosya sizin Zotero dizininize kaydedildi.
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Zotero eşitleme sunucusu kullanıcı adınızı ve
sync.error.enterPassword=Lütfen bir şifre giriniz.
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero oturum açma bilgilerinize erişemiyor.
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=Eğer %S içinde bir ana parola kullanıyorsanız, bu parolayı başarıyla girdiğinize emin olunuz.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=Bu, bozulmuş bir %1$S oturum açma veritabanından da kaynaklanıyor olabilir. Bunu kontrol etmek için, %1$S'u kapatın, %1$S profil dizininizden cert8.db, key3.db ve logins.json dosyalarını silin ve Zotero oturum açma bilgilerinizi Zotero tercihlerindeki Eşitleme bölmesinde tekrar girin.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero oturum açma bilgilerinize ulaşamıyor. Bu, bozulmuş bir %S oturum açma veritabanından kaynaklanıyor olabilir.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=%1$S'u kapatın, %2$S profil dizininizden cert8.db, key3.db ve logins.json dosyalarını silin ve Zotero oturum açma bilgilerinizi Zotero tercihlerindeki Eşitleme bölmesinde tekrar girin.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Bir eşitleme işlemi şu an yürütülüyor.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Bir önceki eşitlemenin bitmesini bekleyin ve %S'u tekrar başlatın.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Zotero grubu '%S''ye yazma hakkınız yok. Bu nedenle düzenlediğiniz veya eklediğiniz dertler sunucuyla eşitlenmeyecektir.
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Сервер синхронізації Zotero не
sync.error.enterPassword=Будь ласка, введіть пароль.
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero не може
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=Якщо ви використовуєте майстер-пароль у %S, переконайтеся, що ви ввели його успішно.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=Це також може бути через пошкоджену базу даних входу %1$S. Щоб перевірити, закрийте %1$S, видалить cert8.db, key3.db і logins.json з вашого %2$S каталогу профілю та введіть заново ваш Zotero логін та пароль в панелі синхронізації налаштувань Zotero.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero не може отримати інформацію для входу, можливо, через пошкоджену базу даних %S.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Закрийте %1$S, видалить cert8.db, key3.db і logins.json з вашого %2$S каталогу профілю та введіть заново ваш Zotero логін та пароль в панелі синхронізації налаштувань Zotero.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Синхронізація вже виконується.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Зачекайте завершення попередньої синхронізації або перезапустіть %S.
sync.error.writeAccessLost=Вам більше не має прав запису в групи Zotero '%S', а елементи, додані або змінені не можуть бути синхронізовані з сервером.
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Zotero同步服务器拒绝了您的用户名及密
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero 无法获取您的登录信息.
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=如果您在 %S 中使用了主密码, 请确保您已经设置成功.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=这也可能是由于 %1$S 的登录数据库已损坏 。若要检查,请关闭 %1$S,从 %1$S 配置文件目录,删除 cert8.db,key3.db 和 logins.json 并重新输入您的 Zotero 配置同步窗格中 Zotero 的登录信息。
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero 无法访问您的登录信息,可能是由于%s 的登录数据库已损坏。
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=关闭 %1$S,从 %2$S 配置文件目录,删除 cert8.db,key3.db 和 logins.json 并重新输入您的 Zotero 配置同步窗格中 Zotero 的登录信息。
sync.error.writeAccessLost=你已无权编辑Zotero群组 '%S', 你新增的或编辑过的项目将无法同步到服务器.
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Zotero 同步伺服器不接受您的使用者名
sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible=Zotero 無法存取登入資訊。
sync.error.checkMasterPassword=如果有使用主密碼 (master password) 於 %S,請確認已成功輸入。
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=This could also be due to a corrupted %1$S logins database. To check, close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.corruptedLoginManager=這可能是由於 %1$S 登入資料庫錯誤,請關閉 %1$S,刪除您 %1$S profile 中的cert8.db、key3.db及 logins.json,並在 Zotero 偏好設定的同步窗格中重新輸入你的 Zotero 登入資訊。
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero 無法存取你的登入資訊,可能是由於 %S 登入資料庫壞掉了。
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=關閉 %1$S,備份並刪除你 %2$S profile 中的cert8.db、key3.db及 logins.json,並在 Zotero 偏好設定的同步窗格中重新輸入你的 Zotero 登入資訊。
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=等候先前的同步作業完成,或重新啟動 %S。
sync.error.writeAccessLost=您不再有寫入 Zotero 群組 '%S' 的權限,所新增或編輯的項目無法被同步到伺服器。
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f18898c58d69fd3fad40e2b5e60c4f024b11bac7
Subproject commit 1ae90e58ecf070eee939752b460fe96d9e80fd89
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f0a605ac9d76dc03a7c1a516dca18361de169a66
Subproject commit b91bf458ef97d06d7731cfc3c71d23af3659fa38
Add table
Reference in a new issue