"Restore to Online Library" → "Replace Online Library"

Without an accompanying "Restore from Online Library" option, which
doesn't currently exist, "Restore to Online Library" can be interpreted
two ways. It's clear if you read the text below or the confirmation
prompt, but if you don't you might accidentally do something very bad.

This was almost certainly also translated in misleading ways in other
This commit is contained in:
Dan Stillman 2019-06-22 05:44:50 -04:00
parent ead93b6ccc
commit 99613b0cbe

View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetDataSyncHistory.desc "Merge local data with remote data, ignoring sync history">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restore from Online Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Overwrite local Zotero data with data from the online library.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Restore to Online Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Replace Online Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Overwrite online library with local Zotero data">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reset File Sync History">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Compare all attachment files with the storage service">