Update locales from Transifex
And fix some whitespace issues
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 44 additions and 44 deletions
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ import-window =
import-where-from = من أين تريد الاستيراد؟
import-online-intro-title = المقدمة
import-source-file =
.label = ملف (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.)
.label = ملف (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.)
import-source-folder =
.label = A folder of PDFs or other files
import-source-online =
@ -267,9 +267,7 @@ integration-prefs-endnotes =
.label = تعليقات ختامية
integration-prefs-bookmarks =
.label = Store citation as bookmarks
integration-prefs-bookmarks-description =
يمكن مشاركة الإشارات المرجعية بين ورد و ليبرأوفيس، ولكن قد تسبب أخطاء إذا تم تعديلها بالخطأ ولا يمكن إدراجها في الحواشي السفلية.
integration-prefs-bookmarks-description = يمكن مشاركة الإشارات المرجعية بين ورد و ليبرأوفيس، ولكن قد تسبب أخطاء إذا تم تعديلها بالخطأ ولا يمكن إدراجها في الحواشي السفلية.
integration-prefs-bookmarks-formatNotice =
{ $show ->
[true] The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
@ -303,17 +301,17 @@ publications-sharing-keep-rights-field =
publications-sharing-keep-rights-field-where-available =
.label = Keep the existing Rights field where available
publications-sharing-text = يمكنك حفظ جميع الحقوق لعملك، أو ترخيصها تحت رخصة المشاع الإبداعي، أو هبتها كملكية عامة. في جميع الحالات، سيتاح مؤلفك للجمهور عبر zotero.org.
publications-sharing-prompt = هل ترغب في السماح للآخرين بمشاركة مؤلفك ؟
publications-sharing-prompt = هل ترغب في السماح للآخرين بمشاركة مؤلفك ؟
publications-sharing-reserved =
.label = لا ، انشر عملي علي zotero.org فقط
publications-sharing-cc =
.label = نعم ، برخصة المشاع الإبداعي
.label = نعم ، برخصة المشاع الإبداعي
publications-sharing-cc0 =
.label = نعم ، و ضع مؤلفي كملكية عامة
.label = نعم ، و ضع مؤلفي كملكية عامة
publications-license-page =
.label = اختر رخصة المشاع الإبداعي
.label = اختر رخصة المشاع الإبداعي
publications-choose-license-text = يسمح ترخيص المشاع الإبداعي للآخرين بنسخ وأعاده توزيع مؤلفك طالما انهم ينسبون العمل حسب الأصول ، ويوفرون رابطا للترخيص ، ويشيرون إلى التغييرات. ويمكن تحديد شروط اضافيه أدناه.
publications-choose-license-adaptations-prompt = السماح بمشاركه التعديلات على مؤلفك ؟
publications-choose-license-adaptations-prompt = السماح بمشاركه التعديلات على مؤلفك ؟
publications-choose-license-yes =
.label = نعم
.accesskey = Y
@ -323,7 +321,7 @@ publications-choose-license-no =
publications-choose-license-sharealike =
.label = نعم ، طالما ان الآخرين يشاركون بنفس الرخصة
.accesskey = S
publications-choose-license-commercial-prompt = السماح بالاستخدامات التجارية لعملك ؟
publications-choose-license-commercial-prompt = السماح بالاستخدامات التجارية لعملك ؟
publications-buttons-add-to-my-publications =
.label = أضف إلى منشوراتي
publications-buttons-next-sharing =
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ file-interface-items-were-relinked =
[one] Ein Eintrag wurde erneut verknüpft
*[other] { $numRelinked } Einträge wurden erneut verknüpft
import-mendeley-encrypted = Die ausgewählte Mendeley-Datenbank kann nicht gelesen werden, wahrscheinlich weil sie verschlüsselt ist. Lesen Sie <a data-l10n-name="mendeley-import-kb">How do I import a Mendeley library into Zotero? (Englisch)</a> für mehr Informationen.
import-mendeley-encrypted = Die ausgewählte Mendeley-Datenbank kann nicht gelesen werden, wahrscheinlich weil sie verschlüsselt ist. Lesen Sie <a data-l10n-name="mendeley-import-kb">How do I import a Mendeley library into Zotero? (Englisch)</a> für mehr Informationen.
file-interface-import-error-translator = Beim Importieren der ausgewählten Datei mit „{ $translator }“ ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei korrekt ist, und versuchen Sie es erneut.
import-online-intro = Im nächsten Schritt werden Sie gebeten, sich in { $targetAppOnline } einzuloggen und { -app-name } Zugriff zu gewähren. Dies ist notwendig, um Ihre { $targetApp }-Bibliothek in { -app-name } zu importieren.
import-online-intro2 = { -app-name } wird ihr { $targetApp }-Passwort niemals sehen oder speichern.
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ toggle-preview =
[open] verstecken
[collapsed] anzeigen
*[unknown] umschalten
quickformat-general-instructions =
Die Pfeiltasten verwenden, um zwischen den Einträgen in dieser Zitation zu navigieren. { $dialogMenu ->
[active] Shift+Tab drücken, um das Menü des Dialogs zu fokussieren
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ quickformat-locator-value = Fundstelle
quickformat-citation-options =
.tooltiptext = Zitations-Optionen anzeigen
insert-note-aria-input = Tippen um eine Notiz zu finden. Tab drücken, um in der Ergebnisliste zu navigieren. Escape drücken, um den Dialog zu schließen.
insert-note-aria-item = { return-or-enter } drücken, um diese Notiz auszuwählen. Tab drücken, um zurück ins Suchfeld zu wechseln. Escape, um den Dialog zu schließen.
insert-note-aria-item = { return-or-enter } drücken, um diese Notiz auszuwählen. Tab drücken, um zurück ins Suchfeld zu wechseln. Escape, um den Dialog zu schließen.
quicksearch-mode =
.aria-label = Schnellsuche-Modus
quicksearch-input =
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ publications-sharing-cc0 =
.label = Bai, domeinu publikoan
publications-license-page =
.label = Hautatu Creative Commons lizentzia bat
publications-choose-license-text = Creative Commons lizentzia batek zure lana kopiatu eta birbanatzeko ahalbidetzen ditu besteak, beti ere iturria behar bezala aitortu, lizentzia estekatu eta aldaketarik ote duen adierazten badute. Baldintza gehigarriak beherago zehaztu daitezke.
publications-choose-license-text = Creative Commons lizentzia batek zure lana kopiatu eta birbanatzeko ahalbidetzen ditu besteak, beti ere iturria behar bezala aitortu, lizentzia estekatu eta aldaketarik ote duen adierazten badute. Baldintza gehigarriak beherago zehaztu daitezke.
publications-choose-license-adaptations-prompt = Zure lanaren moldaketak partekatzea baimendu nahi al duzu?
publications-choose-license-yes =
.label = Bai
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ rtfScan-format-page =
rtfScan-format-page-description = { -app-name } is processing and formatting your RTF file. Please be patient.
rtfScan-complete-page =
.label = پیمایش RTF به پایان رسید.
rtfScan-complete-page-description = سند شما اکنون پردازش شده است. لطفا سند را برای اطمینان از درستی قالببندی بررسی کنید.
rtfScan-complete-page-description = سند شما اکنون پردازش شده است. لطفا سند را برای اطمینان از درستی قالببندی بررسی کنید.
rtfScan-action-find-match =
.title = Select matching item
rtfScan-action-accept-match =
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ integration-prefs-bookmarks-formatNotice =
integration-prefs-automaticCitationUpdates =
.label = Päivitä viitteet automaattisesti
.tooltip = Viitteet, joilla on odottavia päivityksiä, korostetaan asiakirjassa
integration-prefs-automaticCitationUpdates-description = Päivittämisen poiskytkentä voi nopeuttaa viitteiden lisäämistä pitkissä asiakirjoissa. Päivitä asiakirjan viitteet käsin valitsemalla Päivitä.
integration-prefs-automaticCitationUpdates-description = Päivittämisen poiskytkentä voi nopeuttaa viitteiden lisäämistä pitkissä asiakirjoissa. Päivitä asiakirjan viitteet käsin valitsemalla Päivitä.
integration-prefs-automaticJournalAbbeviations =
.label = Käytä MEDLINEn lehtilyhenteitä
integration-prefs-automaticJournalAbbeviations-description = Lehden lyhenne -kenttää ei huomioida.
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ publications-buttons-next-sharing =
.label = Suivant : partager
publications-buttons-next-choose-license =
.label = Choisir une licence
licenses-cc-0 = Versement au domaine public en vertu de CC0 1.0 Universel.
licenses-cc-0 = Versement au domaine public en vertu de CC0 1.0 Universel.
licenses-cc-by = Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
licenses-cc-by-nd = Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas de modification 4.0 International
licenses-cc-by-sa = Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International
@ -407,10 +407,10 @@ section-button-add =
.tooltiptext = { general-add }
section-button-expand =
.dynamic-tooltiptext = Développer la section
.label = Développer la section { $section }
.label = Développer la section { $section }
section-button-collapse =
.dynamic-tooltiptext = Réduire la section
.label = Réduire la section { $section }
.label = Réduire la section { $section }
annotations-count =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } annotation
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ quickformat-general-instructions =
} Appuyez sur { return-or-enter } pour enregistrer les modifications de cette citation. Appuyez sur Échap pour annuler les modifications et fermer la fenêtre.
quickformat-aria-bubble = Ce document est inclus dans la citation. Appuyez sur la barre d'espace pour personnaliser ce document. { quickformat-general-instructions }
quickformat-aria-input = Commencez la saisie pour rechercher un document à ajouter dans cette citation. Appuyez sur "Tabulation" pour naviguer dans la liste des résultats de recherche. { quickformat-general-instructions }
quickformat-aria-item = Appuyez sur { return-or-enter } pour ajouter ce document à la citation. Appuyez sur Tab pour revenir au champ de recherche.
quickformat-aria-item = Appuyez sur { return-or-enter } pour ajouter ce document à la citation. Appuyez sur Tab pour revenir au champ de recherche.
quickformat-accept =
.tooltiptext = Enregistrer les modifications de cette citation
quickformat-locator-type =
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ integration-prefs-automaticCitationUpdates =
integration-prefs-automaticCitationUpdates-description = Desactivar as actualizacións pode acelerar a introdución de citas nos documentos grandes. Preme en refrescar para actualizar as citas de xeito manual.
integration-prefs-automaticJournalAbbeviations =
.label = Empregar as abreviaturas de MEDLINE
integration-prefs-automaticJournalAbbeviations-description = O campo «Abrv. Xornal» hase ignorar.
integration-prefs-automaticJournalAbbeviations-description = O campo «Abrv. Xornal» hase ignorar.
integration-prefs-exportDocument =
.label = Mudar a outro editor de textos...
publications-intro-page =
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ report-error =
rtfScan-wizard =
.title = RTF 스캔
rtfScan-introPage-description = { -app-name } can automatically extract and reformat citations and insert a bibliography into RTF files. It currently supports citations in variations of the following formats:
rtfScan-introPage-description2 = 시작하려면, 입력할 RTF 파일과 출력할 RTF 파일을 선택하세요 :
rtfScan-introPage-description2 = 시작하려면, 입력할 RTF 파일과 출력할 RTF 파일을 선택하세요 :
rtfScan-input-file = Input File:
rtfScan-output-file = Output File:
rtfScan-no-file-selected = 선택된 파일 없음
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ bibliography-window =
bibliography-style-label = 인용 스타일:
bibliography-locale-label = 언어:
bibliography-displayAs-label = Display citations as:
bibliography-advancedOptions-label = 고급
bibliography-advancedOptions-label = 고급
bibliography-outputMode-label = 출력 방식:
bibliography-outputMode-citations =
.label =
@ -527,9 +527,11 @@ item-pane-header-more-options =
.label = Daugiau parinkčių
item-pane-message-items-selected =
{ $count ->
[0] No items selected
[one] { $count } item selected
*[other] { $count } items selected
[0] Nepasirinktas nei vienas
[one] Pasirinktas { $count } įrašas
[few] Pasirinkti { $count } įrašai
[many] Pasirinkta { $count } įrašų
*[other] Pasirinktas { $count } įrašas
item-pane-message-collections-selected =
{ $count ->
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
preferences-window =
.title = Configurações do { -app-name }
.title = Configurações do { -app-name }
preferences-auto-recognize-files =
.label = Extrair metadados de PDFs e e-books automaticamente
preferences-file-renaming-title = Renomeação do arquivo
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ file-renaming-file-renamed-to = File renamed to { $filename }
itembox-button-options =
.tooltiptext = Abrir menu de contexto
itembox-button-merge =
.aria-label = Selecionar versão do campo { $field }
.aria-label = Selecionar versão do campo { $field }
create-parent-intro = Insira um DOI, ISBN, PMID, arXiv ID, ou ADS Bibcode para identificar este arquivo:
reader-use-dark-mode-for-content =
.label = Usar modo escuro para o conteúdo
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ import-source-file =
import-source-folder =
.label = Uma pasta de PDFs ou outros arquivos
import-source-online =
.label = Importação on-line a partir de { $targetApp }
.label = Importação on-line a partir de { $targetApp }
import-options = Opções
import-importing = Importando...
import-create-collection =
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ import-fileTypes-other =
.placeholder = Outros padrões de arquivos, separados por vírgula (ex.: *.jpg,*.png)
import-file-handling = Manipulação de arquivo
import-file-handling-store =
.label = Copiar arquivos para a pasta de armazenamento do { -app-name }
.label = Copiar arquivos para a pasta de armazenamento do { -app-name }
import-file-handling-link =
.label = Link para arquivos na localização original
import-fileHandling-description = Arquivos linkados não podem ser sincronizados pelo { -app-name }.
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ items-table-cell-notes =
report-error =
.label = Relatar erro...
rtfScan-wizard =
.title = Vasculhar RTF
.title = Vasculhar RTF
rtfScan-introPage-description = { -app-name } can automatically extract and reformat citations and insert a bibliography into RTF files. It currently supports citations in variations of the following formats:
rtfScan-introPage-description2 = Para começar, selecione um arquivo RTF de entrada e um arquivo de saída abaixo:
rtfScan-input-file = Input File:
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ attachment-info-convert-note =
[standalone] isolada
[child] filha
*[unknown] nova
.tooltiptext = Adicionar notas nos anexos não é mais permitido, mas você pode editar esta nota transformando em uma nota separada.
attachment-preview-placeholder = Sem anexo para visualizar
toggle-preview =
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ item-pane-duplicates-merge-items =
locate-library-lookup-no-resolver = Você deve escolher um resolvedor a partir do painel { $pane } nas configurações do { -app-name } .
architecture-win32-warning-message = { -app-name } está rodando no modo 32-bit em um Windows de versão 64-bit. { -app-name } será mais eficiente se rodar no modo 64-bit.
architecture-warning-action = Baixar { -app-name } 64-bit
architecture-warning-action = Baixar { -app-name } 64-bit
first-run-guidance-quickFormat =
Digitar um título, autor e/ou um ano para buscar uma referência.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
preferences-window =
.title = Configurações do { -app-name }
.title = Configurações do { -app-name }
preferences-auto-recognize-files =
.label = Extrair metadados de PDFs e e-books automaticamente
preferences-file-renaming-title = Renomeação do arquivo
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ file-renaming-file-renamed-to = File renamed to { $filename }
itembox-button-options =
.tooltiptext = Abrir menu de contexto
itembox-button-merge =
.aria-label = Selecionar versão do campo { $field }
.aria-label = Selecionar versão do campo { $field }
create-parent-intro = Insira um DOI, ISBN, PMID, arXiv ID, ou ADS Bibcode para identificar este arquivo:
reader-use-dark-mode-for-content =
.label = Usar modo escuro para o conteúdo
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ import-source-file =
import-source-folder =
.label = Uma pasta de PDFs ou outros arquivos
import-source-online =
.label = Importação on-line a partir de { $targetApp }
.label = Importação on-line a partir de { $targetApp }
import-options = Opções
import-importing = A importar...
import-create-collection =
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ import-fileTypes-other =
.placeholder = Outros padrões de arquivos, separados por vírgula (ex.: *.jpg,*.png)
import-file-handling = Manipulação de Ficheiros
import-file-handling-store =
.label = Copiar arquivos para a pasta de armazenamento do { -app-name }
.label = Copiar arquivos para a pasta de armazenamento do { -app-name }
import-file-handling-link =
.label = Ligar a arquivos na localização original
import-fileHandling-description = Arquivos linkados não podem ser sincronizados pelo { -app-name }.
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ attachment-info-convert-note =
[standalone] isolada
[child] filha
*[unknown] nova
.tooltiptext = Adicionar notas nos anexos não é mais permitido, mas você pode editar esta nota transformando em uma nota separada.
attachment-preview-placeholder = Sem anexo para visualizar
toggle-preview =
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ item-pane-duplicates-merge-items =
locate-library-lookup-no-resolver = Você deve escolher um resolvedor a partir do painel { $pane } nas configurações do { -app-name } .
architecture-win32-warning-message = { -app-name } está rodando no modo 32-bit em um Windows de versão 64-bit. { -app-name } será mais eficiente se rodar no modo 64-bit.
architecture-warning-action = Baixar { -app-name } 64-bit
architecture-warning-action = Baixar { -app-name } 64-bit
first-run-guidance-quickFormat =
Digitar um título, autor e/ou um ano para buscar uma referência.
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ publications-sharing-keep-rights-field-where-available =
publications-sharing-text = Du kan reservera alla rättigheter till det verk, licensiera det enligt en Creative Commons-licens eller överlämna det som allmän egendom (public domain). I samtliga fall kommer verket att vara tillgängligt för allmänheten via zotero.org.
publications-sharing-prompt = Medger du att ditt verk delas med andra?
publications-sharing-reserved =
.label = Nej, publicera mitt verk endast på zotero.org
.label = Nej, publicera mitt verk endast på zotero.org
publications-sharing-cc =
.label = Ja, med Creative Commns-licens
publications-sharing-cc0 =
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ preferences-item-pane-header-style = Header Citation Style:
preferences-item-pane-header-locale = Header Language:
preferences-item-pane-header-missing-style = Missing style: <{ $shortName }>
preferences-locate-library-lookup-intro = Library Lookup can find a resource online using your library’s OpenURL resolver.
preferences-locate-resolver = ตัวแก้ปัญหา:
preferences-locate-resolver = ตัวแก้ปัญหา:
preferences-locate-base-url = Base URL:
preferences-quickCopy-minus =
.aria-label = { general-remove }
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ import-file-handling-store =
.label = 将文件复制到 { -app-name } 存储文件夹
import-file-handling-link =
.label = 在初始位置链接到文件
import-fileHandling-description = { -app-name } 无法同步链接的文件。
import-fileHandling-description = { -app-name } 无法同步链接的文件。
import-online-new =
.label = 仅下载新条目,不更新之前已导入的条目
import-mendeley-username = 用户名
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-menuitem =
.label = 以故障排除模式重启...
.accesskey = T
restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-dialog-title = 以故障排除模式重启
restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-dialog-description = { -app-name } 将重新启动并禁用所有插件。启用故障排除模式时,某些功能可能无法正常工作。
restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-dialog-description = { -app-name } 将重新启动并禁用所有插件。启用故障排除模式时,某些功能可能无法正常工作。
menu-ui-density =
.label = 密度
menu-ui-density-comfortable =
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-menuitem =
.label = 以除錯模式重新啟動……
.accesskey = T
restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-dialog-title = 以除錯模式重新啟動
restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-dialog-description = { -app-name } 將重新啟動並停用所有附加元件。啟用除錯模式時,某些功能可能無法正確運作。
restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-dialog-description = { -app-name } 將重新啟動並停用所有附加元件。啟用除錯模式時,某些功能可能無法正確運作。
menu-ui-density =
.label = 密度
menu-ui-density-comfortable =
Add table
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