Search results scraping for VTLS

This commit is contained in:
Simon Kornblith 2006-06-23 19:22:24 +00:00
parent 641d7054cc
commit 8fe72b3e3c

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- 12
-- 13
-- Set the following timestamp to the most recent scraper update date
REPLACE INTO "version" VALUES ('repository', STRFTIME('%s', '2006-06-23 13:34:00'));
REPLACE INTO "version" VALUES ('repository', STRFTIME('%s', '2006-06-23 15:21:00'));
REPLACE INTO "scrapers" VALUES('96b9f483-c44d-5784-cdad-ce21b984fe01', '2006-06-22 22:58:00', ' Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://www\.amazon\.com/(?:gp/(?:product|search)/|exec/obidos/search-handle-url/)', NULL, 'var prefixRDF = '''';
var prefixDC = '''';
@ -1199,17 +1199,81 @@ utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
REPLACE INTO "scrapers" VALUES('63a0a351-3131-18f4-21aa-f46b9ac51d87', '2006-06-18 11:19:00', 'VTLS Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', 'chameleon\?.*function=(?:CARDSCR|INITREQ)', NULL,
REPLACE INTO "scrapers" VALUES('63a0a351-3131-18f4-21aa-f46b9ac51d87', '2006-06-23 15:21:00', 'VTLS Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', '\/chameleon(?:\?|$)',
'var node = utilities.getNode(doc, doc, ''//a[text()="marc"]'', null);
if(node) {
return true;
var node = utilities.getNode(doc, doc, ''//tr[@class="intrRow"]/td/table/tbody/tr[th]'', null);
if(node) {
return true;
return false;',
'var prefixRDF = '''';
var prefixDC = '''';
var prefixDCMI = '''';
var prefixDummy = '''';
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUri = uri.replace(/function=[A-Z]{7}/, "function=MARCSCR");
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
newDoc = newBrowser.contentDocument;
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUris = new Array();
var marcs = utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''//a[text()="marc"]'', nsResolver);
if(marcs.length == 1) {
} else {
// Require link to match this
var tagRegexp = new RegExp();
var items = new Array();
var tableRows = utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''//tr[@class="intrRow"]'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
var links = utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, tableRows[i], ''.//a'', nsResolver);
// Go through links
var url;
for(var j=0; j<links.length; j++) {
if(tagRegexp.test(links[j].href)) {
url = links[j].href;
if(url) {
// Collect title information
var fields = utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, tableRows[i], ''./td/table/tbody/tr[th]'', nsResolver);
for(var j=0; j<fields.length; j++) {
var field = utilities.getNode(doc, fields[j], ''./th/text()'', nsResolver);
if(field.nodeValue == "Title") {
var value = utilities.getNodeString(doc, fields[j], ''./td//text()'', nsResolver);
if(value) {
items[url] = utilities.cleanString(value);
items = utilities.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(i in items) {
utilities.debugPrint(i.replace(/function=[A-Z]{7}/, "function=MARCSCR"));
newUris.push(i.replace(/function=[A-Z]{7}/, "function=MARCSCR"));
utilities.processDocuments(browser, null, newUris, function(newBrowser) {
var newDoc = newBrowser.contentDocument;
var uri = newDoc.location.href
var namespace = newDoc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
@ -1231,8 +1295,7 @@ utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
utilities.importMARCRecord(record, uri, model);
}, function() {})
}, function(){ done(); }, function() {});