File sync optimizations
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 449 additions and 313 deletions
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Zotero.Notifier = new function(){
var _observers = {};
var _disabled = false;
var _types = [
'collection', 'creator', 'search', 'share', 'share-items', 'item',
'collection', 'creator', 'search', 'share', 'share-items', 'item', 'file',
'collection-item', 'item-tag', 'tag', 'setting', 'group', 'trash', 'bucket', 'relation'
var _inTransaction;
@ -75,17 +75,23 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver(this, ['file']);
// Private properties
var _maxCheckAgeInSeconds = 10800; // maximum age for upload modification check (3 hours)
var _syncInProgress;
var _updatesInProgress;
var _itemDownloadPercentages = {};
var _uploadCheckFiles = [];
var _lastFullFileCheck = {};
this.sync = function (libraries) {
if (libraries) {
Zotero.debug("Starting file sync for libraries " + libraries);
this.sync = function (options) {
if (options.libraries) {
Zotero.debug("Starting file sync for libraries " + options.libraries);
else {
Zotero.debug("Starting file sync");
@ -100,7 +106,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
return Q.fcall(function () {
// TODO: Make sure modes are active
if (libraries && libraries.indexOf(0) == -1) {
if (options.libraries && options.libraries.indexOf(0) == -1) {
@ -116,7 +122,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
if (Zotero.Sync.Storage.ZFS.includeGroupFiles) {
var groups = Zotero.Groups.getAll();
for each(var group in groups) {
if (libraries && libraries.indexOf(group.libraryID) == -1) {
if (options.libraries && options.libraries.indexOf(group.libraryID) == -1) {
// TODO: if library file syncing enabled
@ -214,8 +220,37 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
// Check for updated files to upload in each library
return Q.all([self.checkForUpdatedFiles(null, parseInt(libraryID))
for (libraryID in librarySyncTimes)])
var promises = [];
for (let libraryID in librarySyncTimes) {
let promise;
libraryID = parseInt(libraryID);
if (!Zotero.Libraries.isFilesEditable(libraryID)) {
Zotero.debug("No file editing access -- skipping file "
+ "modification check for library " + libraryID);
// If this is a background sync, it's not the first sync of
// the session, the library has had at least one full check
// this session, and it's been less than _maxCheckAgeInSeconds
// since the last full check of this library, check only files
// that were previously modified or opened recently
else if (options.background
&& !options.firstInSession
&& _lastFullFileCheck[libraryID]
&& (_lastFullFileCheck[libraryID] + (_maxCheckAgeInSeconds * 1000))
> new Date().getTime()) {
let itemIDs = _getFilesToCheck(libraryID);
promise = self.checkForUpdatedFiles(libraryID, itemIDs);
// Otherwise check all files in the library
else {
_lastFullFileCheck[libraryID] = new Date().getTime();
promise = self.checkForUpdatedFiles(libraryID);
return Q.all(promises)
.then(function () {
// Queue files to download and upload from each library
for (let libraryID in librarySyncTimes) {
@ -646,251 +681,155 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
* Scans local files and marks any that have changed for uploading
* and any that are missing for downloading
* @param {Object} [itemModTimes] Item mod times indexed by item ids;
* items with stored mod times
* that differ from the provided
* time but file mod times
* matching the stored time will
* be marked for download
* @param {Boolean} [includePersonalItems=false]
* @param {Boolean} [includeGroupItems=false]
* @param {Integer} [libraryID]
* @param {Integer[]} [itemIDs]
* @param {Object} [itemModTimes] Item mod times indexed by item ids;
* items with stored mod times
* that differ from the provided
* time but file mod times
* matching the stored time will
* be marked for download
* @return {Promise} Promise resolving to TRUE if any items changed state,
* FALSE otherwise
this.checkForUpdatedFiles = function (itemModTimes, libraryID) {
var msg = "Checking for locally changed attachment files";
var memmgr = Components.classes[";1"]
Zotero.debug("Memory usage: " + memmgr.resident);
if (typeof libraryID != 'undefined') {
msg += " in library " + libraryID;
if (itemModTimes) {
throw new Error("libraryID is not allowed when itemModTimes is set");
else {
if (!itemModTimes) {
return Q(false);
var changed = false;
var itemIDs = Object.keys(itemModTimes ? itemModTimes : {});
// Can only handle 999 bound parameters at a time
var numIDs = itemIDs.length;
var maxIDs = 990;
var done = 0;
var rows = [];
do {
var chunk = itemIDs.splice(0, maxIDs);
var sql = "SELECT itemID, linkMode, path, storageModTime, storageHash, syncState "
+ "FROM itemAttachments JOIN items USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE linkMode IN (?,?) AND syncState IN (?,?)";
var params = [];
if (typeof libraryID != 'undefined') {
sql += " AND libraryID=?";
params.push(libraryID == 0 ? null : libraryID);
if (chunk.length) {
sql += " AND itemID IN (" + () '?').join() + ")";
params = params.concat(chunk);
var chunkRows = Zotero.DB.query(sql, params);
if (chunkRows) {
rows = rows.concat(chunkRows);
done += chunk.length;
while (done < numIDs);
// If no files, or everything is already marked for download,
// we don't need to do anything
if (!rows.length) {
var msg = "No in-sync or to-upload files found";
if (typeof libraryID != 'undefined') {
msg += " in library " + libraryID;
return Q(changed);
this.checkForUpdatedFiles = function (libraryID, itemIDs, itemModTimes) {
libraryID = parseInt(libraryID);
if (isNaN(libraryID)) {
libraryID = false;
// Index attachment data by item id
var itemIDs = [];
var attachmentData = {};
for each(let row in rows) {
var id = row.itemID;
attachmentData[id] = {
linkMode: row.linkMode,
path: row.path,
mtime: row.storageModTime,
hash: row.storageHash,
state: row.syncState
rows = null;
// OS.File didn't work reliably before Firefox 23, so use the old code
if (Zotero.platformMajorVersion < 23) {
var updatedStates = {};
var items = Zotero.Items.get(itemIDs);
for each(var item in items) {
Zotero.debug("Memory usage: " + memmgr.resident);
let row = attachmentData[];
let lk = item.libraryID + "/" + item.key;
Zotero.debug("Checking attachment file for item " + lk);
var file = item.getFile(row);
if (!file) {
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " as missing");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_DOWNLOAD;
// If file is already marked for upload, skip check. Even if this
// is download-marking mode (itemModTimes) and the file was
// changed remotely, conflicts are checked at upload time, so we
// don't need to worry about it here.
if (row.state == Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_UPLOAD) {
var fmtime = item.attachmentModificationTime;
//Zotero.debug("Stored mtime is " + row.mtime);
//Zotero.debug("File mtime is " + fmtime);
// Download-marking mode
if (itemModTimes) {
Zotero.debug("Remote mod time for item " + lk + " is " + itemModTimes[]);
// Ignore attachments whose stored mod times haven't changed
if (row.storageModTime == itemModTimes[id]) {
Zotero.debug("Storage mod time (" + row.storageModTime + ") "
+ "hasn't changed for item " + lk);
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " for download");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_FORCE_DOWNLOAD;
var mtime = row.mtime;
// If stored time matches file, it hasn't changed locally
if (mtime == fmtime) {
// Allow floored timestamps for filesystems that don't support
// millisecond precision (e.g., HFS+)
if (Math.floor(mtime / 1000) * 1000 == fmtime || Math.floor(fmtime / 1000) * 1000 == mtime) {
Zotero.debug("File mod times are within one-second precision "
+ "(" + fmtime + " ≅ " + mtime + ") for " + file.leafName
+ " for item " + lk + " -- ignoring");
// Allow timestamp to be exactly one hour off to get around
// time zone issues -- there may be a proper way to fix this
if (Math.abs(fmtime - mtime) == 3600000
// And check with one-second precision as well
|| Math.abs(fmtime - Math.floor(mtime / 1000) * 1000) == 3600000
|| Math.abs(Math.floor(fmtime / 1000) * 1000 - mtime) == 3600000) {
Zotero.debug("File mod time (" + fmtime + ") is exactly one "
+ "hour off remote file (" + mtime + ") for item " + lk
+ "-- assuming time zone issue and skipping upload");
// If file hash matches stored hash, only the mod time changed, so skip
var f = item.getFile();
if (f) {
else {
Zotero.debug("File for item " + lk + " missing before getting hash");
var fileHash = item.attachmentHash;
if (row.hash && row.hash == fileHash) {
Zotero.debug("Mod time didn't match (" + fmtime + "!=" + mtime + ") "
+ "but hash did for " + file.leafName + " for item " + lk
+ " -- updating file mod time");
try {
file.lastModifiedTime = row.mtime;
catch (e) {
Zotero.File.checkFileAccessError(e, file, 'update');
// Mark file for upload
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " as changed "
+ "(" + mtime + " != " + fmtime + ")");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_UPLOAD;
for (var itemID in updatedStates) {
Zotero.Sync.Storage.setSyncState(itemID, updatedStates[itemID]);
changed = true;
if (!changed) {
Zotero.debug("No synced files have changed locally");
return Q(changed);
var updatedStates = {};
var items = Zotero.Items.get(itemIDs);
let checkItems = function () {
if (!items.length) return;
return Q(Task.spawn(function () {
var msg = "Checking for locally changed attachment files";
var memmgr = Components.classes[";1"]
Zotero.debug("Memory usage: " + memmgr.resident);
let item = items.shift();
let row = attachmentData[];
let lk = item.libraryKey;
Zotero.debug("Checking attachment file for item " + lk);
if (libraryID !== false) {
if (itemIDs) {
if (!itemIDs.length) {
var msg = "No files to check for local changes in library " + libraryID;
throw new Task.Result(false);
if (itemModTimes) {
throw new Error("itemModTimes is not allowed when libraryID is set");
msg += " in library " + libraryID;
else if (itemIDs) {
throw new Error("libraryID not provided");
else if (itemModTimes) {
if (!Object.keys(itemModTimes).length) {
throw new Task.Result(false);
msg += " in download-marking mode";
else {
throw new Error("libraryID, itemIDs, or itemModTimes must be provided");
let nsIFile = item.getFile(row, true);
let file = null;
return Q(
.then(function (promisedFile) {
file = promisedFile;
return file.stat()
.then(function (info) {
var changed = false;
if (!itemIDs) {
itemIDs = Object.keys(itemModTimes ? itemModTimes : {});
// Can only handle 999 bound parameters at a time
var numIDs = itemIDs.length;
var maxIDs = 990;
var done = 0;
var rows = [];
do {
var chunk = itemIDs.splice(0, maxIDs);
var sql = "SELECT itemID, linkMode, path, storageModTime, storageHash, syncState "
+ "FROM itemAttachments JOIN items USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE linkMode IN (?,?) AND syncState IN (?,?)";
var params = [];
if (libraryID !== false) {
sql += " AND libraryID=?";
params.push(libraryID == 0 ? null : libraryID);
if (chunk.length) {
sql += " AND itemID IN (" + () '?').join() + ")";
params = params.concat(chunk);
var chunkRows = Zotero.DB.query(sql, params);
if (chunkRows) {
rows = rows.concat(chunkRows);
done += chunk.length;
while (done < numIDs);
// If no files, or everything is already marked for download,
// we don't need to do anything
if (!rows.length) {
var msg = "No in-sync or to-upload files found";
if (libraryID !== false) {
msg += " in library " + libraryID;
throw new Task.Result(changed);
// Index attachment data by item id
itemIDs = [];
var attachmentData = {};
for each(let row in rows) {
var id = row.itemID;
attachmentData[id] = {
linkMode: row.linkMode,
path: row.path,
mtime: row.storageModTime,
hash: row.storageHash,
state: row.syncState
rows = null;
var t = new Date();
var items = Zotero.Items.get(itemIDs);
var numItems = items.length;
var updatedStates = {};
// OS.File didn't work reliably before Firefox 23, so use the old code
if (Zotero.platformMajorVersion < 23) {
Zotero.debug("Performing synchronous file update check");
for each(var item in items) {
// Spin the event loop during synchronous file access
yield Q.delay(1);
Zotero.debug("Memory usage: " + memmgr.resident);
var fmtime = info.lastModificationDate.getTime();
Zotero.debug("File modification time for item " + lk + " is " + fmtime);
let row = attachmentData[];
let lk = item.libraryID + "/" + item.key;
Zotero.debug("Checking attachment file for item " + lk);
if (fmtime < 1) {
Zotero.debug("File mod time " + fmtime + " is less than 1 -- interpreting as 1", 2);
fmtime = 1;
var file = item.getFile(row);
if (!file) {
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " as missing");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_DOWNLOAD;
// If file is already marked for upload, skip check. Even if this
@ -898,9 +837,11 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
// changed remotely, conflicts are checked at upload time, so we
// don't need to worry about it here.
if (row.state == Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_UPLOAD) {
var fmtime = item.attachmentModificationTime;
//Zotero.debug("Stored mtime is " + row.mtime);
//Zotero.debug("File mtime is " + fmtime);
@ -912,7 +853,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
if (row.storageModTime == itemModTimes[id]) {
Zotero.debug("Storage mod time (" + row.storageModTime + ") "
+ "hasn't changed for item " + lk);
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " for download");
@ -923,7 +864,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
// If stored time matches file, it hasn't changed locally
if (mtime == fmtime) {
// Allow floored timestamps for filesystems that don't support
@ -932,7 +873,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
Zotero.debug("File mod times are within one-second precision "
+ "(" + fmtime + " ≅ " + mtime + ") for " + file.leafName
+ " for item " + lk + " -- ignoring");
// Allow timestamp to be exactly one hour off to get around
@ -944,73 +885,201 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
Zotero.debug("File mod time (" + fmtime + ") is exactly one "
+ "hour off remote file (" + mtime + ") for item " + lk
+ "-- assuming time zone issue and skipping upload");
// If file hash matches stored hash, only the mod time changed, so skip
return Zotero.Utilities.Internal.md5Async(file)
.then(function (fileHash) {
if (row.hash && row.hash == fileHash) {
Zotero.debug("Mod time didn't match (" + fmtime + "!=" + mtime + ") "
+ "but hash did for " + file.leafName + " for item " + lk
+ " -- updating file mod time");
try {
nsIFile.lastModifiedTime = row.mtime;
catch (e) {
Zotero.File.checkFileAccessError(e, nsIFile, 'update');
var f = item.getFile();
if (f) {
else {
Zotero.debug("File for item " + lk + " missing before getting hash");
var fileHash = item.attachmentHash;
if (row.hash && row.hash == fileHash) {
Zotero.debug("Mod time didn't match (" + fmtime + "!=" + mtime + ") "
+ "but hash did for " + file.leafName + " for item " + lk
+ " -- updating file mod time");
try {
file.lastModifiedTime = row.mtime;
catch (e) {
Zotero.File.checkFileAccessError(e, file, 'update');
// Mark file for upload
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " as changed "
+ "(" + mtime + " != " + fmtime + ")");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_UPLOAD;
for (var itemID in updatedStates) {
Zotero.Sync.Storage.setSyncState(itemID, updatedStates[itemID]);
changed = true;
if (!changed) {
Zotero.debug("No synced files have changed locally");
Zotero.debug("Checked " + numItems + " files in " + (new Date() - t) + "ms");
throw new Task.Result(changed);
let checkItems = function () {
if (!items.length) return;
Zotero.debug("Memory usage: " + memmgr.resident);
let item = items.shift();
let row = attachmentData[];
let lk = item.libraryKey;
Zotero.debug("Checking attachment file for item " + lk);
let nsIFile = item.getFile(row, true);
let file = null;
return Q(
.then(function (promisedFile) {
file = promisedFile;
return file.stat()
.then(function (info) {
Zotero.debug("Memory usage: " + memmgr.resident);
var fmtime = info.lastModificationDate.getTime();
Zotero.debug("File modification time for item " + lk + " is " + fmtime);
if (fmtime < 1) {
Zotero.debug("File mod time " + fmtime + " is less than 1 -- interpreting as 1", 2);
fmtime = 1;
// If file is already marked for upload, skip check. Even if this
// is download-marking mode (itemModTimes) and the file was
// changed remotely, conflicts are checked at upload time, so we
// don't need to worry about it here.
if (row.state == Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_UPLOAD) {
// Mark file for upload
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " as changed "
+ "(" + mtime + " != " + fmtime + ")");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_UPLOAD;
//Zotero.debug("Stored mtime is " + row.mtime);
//Zotero.debug("File mtime is " + fmtime);
// Download-marking mode
if (itemModTimes) {
Zotero.debug("Remote mod time for item " + lk + " is " + itemModTimes[]);
// Ignore attachments whose stored mod times haven't changed
if (row.storageModTime == itemModTimes[id]) {
Zotero.debug("Storage mod time (" + row.storageModTime + ") "
+ "hasn't changed for item " + lk);
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " for download");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_FORCE_DOWNLOAD;
var mtime = row.mtime;
// If stored time matches file, it hasn't changed locally
if (mtime == fmtime) {
// Allow floored timestamps for filesystems that don't support
// millisecond precision (e.g., HFS+)
if (Math.floor(mtime / 1000) * 1000 == fmtime || Math.floor(fmtime / 1000) * 1000 == mtime) {
Zotero.debug("File mod times are within one-second precision "
+ "(" + fmtime + " ≅ " + mtime + ") for " + file.leafName
+ " for item " + lk + " -- ignoring");
// Allow timestamp to be exactly one hour off to get around
// time zone issues -- there may be a proper way to fix this
if (Math.abs(fmtime - mtime) == 3600000
// And check with one-second precision as well
|| Math.abs(fmtime - Math.floor(mtime / 1000) * 1000) == 3600000
|| Math.abs(Math.floor(fmtime / 1000) * 1000 - mtime) == 3600000) {
Zotero.debug("File mod time (" + fmtime + ") is exactly one "
+ "hour off remote file (" + mtime + ") for item " + lk
+ "-- assuming time zone issue and skipping upload");
// If file hash matches stored hash, only the mod time changed, so skip
return Zotero.Utilities.Internal.md5Async(file)
.then(function (fileHash) {
if (row.hash && row.hash == fileHash) {
Zotero.debug("Mod time didn't match (" + fmtime + "!=" + mtime + ") "
+ "but hash did for " + file.leafName + " for item " + lk
+ " -- updating file mod time");
try {
nsIFile.lastModifiedTime = row.mtime;
catch (e) {
Zotero.File.checkFileAccessError(e, nsIFile, 'update');
// Mark file for upload
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " as changed "
+ "(" + mtime + " != " + fmtime + ")");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_UPLOAD;
.finally(function () {
if (file) {
Zotero.debug("Closing file for item " + lk);
.catch(function (e) {
if (e instanceof OS.File.Error && e.becauseNoSuchFile) {
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " as missing");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_DOWNLOAD;
if (e instanceof OS.File.Error && e.becauseClosed) {
Zotero.debug("File was closed", 2);
else {
throw new Error("Error " + e.operation + " " + nsIFile.path);
.then(function () {
return checkItems();
.finally(function () {
if (file) {
Zotero.debug("Closing file for item " + lk);
.catch(function (e) {
if (e instanceof OS.File.Error && e.becauseNoSuchFile) {
Zotero.debug("Marking attachment " + lk + " as missing");
updatedStates[] = Zotero.Sync.Storage.SYNC_STATE_TO_DOWNLOAD;
throw new Task.Result(checkItems()
.then(function () {
for (let itemID in updatedStates) {
Zotero.Sync.Storage.setSyncState(itemID, updatedStates[itemID]);
changed = true;
if (e instanceof OS.File.Error && e.becauseClosed) {
Zotero.debug("File was closed", 2);
if (!changed) {
Zotero.debug("No synced files have changed locally");
else {
throw new Error("Error " + e.operation + " " + nsIFile.path);
.then(function () {
return checkItems();
return checkItems()
.then(function () {
for (let itemID in updatedStates) {
Zotero.Sync.Storage.setSyncState(itemID, updatedStates[itemID]);
changed = true;
if (!changed) {
Zotero.debug("No synced files have changed locally");
return changed;
Zotero.debug("Checked " + numItems + " files in " + (new Date() - t) + "ms");
return changed;
@ -1310,6 +1379,20 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
this.notify = function(event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (event == 'open' && type == 'file') {
let timestamp = new Date().getTime();
for each(let id in ids) {
itemID: id,
timestamp: timestamp
// Private methods
@ -1940,6 +2023,36 @@ Zotero.Sync.Storage = new function () {
* Get files to check for local modifications for uploading
* This includes files previously modified and files opened externally
* via Zotero within _maxCheckAgeInSeconds.
function _getFilesToCheck(libraryID) {
var minTime = new Date().getTime() - (_maxCheckAgeInSeconds * 1000);
// Get files by modification time
var sql = "SELECT itemID FROM itemAttachments JOIN items USING (itemID) "
+ "WHERE libraryID=? AND linkMode IN (?,?) AND syncState IN (?) AND "
+ "storageModTime>=?";
var params = [
libraryID == 0 ? null : libraryID,
var itemIDs = Zotero.DB.columnQuery(sql, params) || [];
// Get files by open time
_uploadCheckFiles.filter(function (x) x.timestamp >= minTime);
itemIDs = itemIDs.concat([x.itemID for each(x in _uploadCheckFiles)])
return Zotero.Utilities.arrayUnique(itemIDs);
* @inner
* @return {String[]|FALSE} Array of keys, or FALSE if none
@ -520,6 +520,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Runner = new function () {
var _autoSyncTimer;
var _queue;
var _background;
var _firstInSession = true;
var _lastSyncStatus;
var _currentSyncStatusLabel;
@ -533,7 +534,13 @@ Zotero.Sync.Runner = new function () {
this.sync = function (background) {
this.sync = function (options) {
if (!options) options = {};
if (_firstInSession) {
options.firstInSession = true;
_firstInSession = false;
_warning = null;
if (Zotero.HTTP.browserIsOffline()){
@ -549,7 +556,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Runner = new function () {
// Purge deleted objects so they don't cause sync errors (e.g., long tags)
_background = !!background;
_background = !!options.background;
var finalCallbacks = {
@ -562,7 +569,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Runner = new function () {
var storageSync = function () {
.then(function (results) {
Zotero.debug("File sync is finished");
@ -692,7 +699,9 @@ Zotero.Sync.Runner = new function () {
background: background
@ -1143,8 +1152,10 @@ Zotero.Sync.Runner.IdleListener = {
Zotero.debug("Beginning idle sync");
Zotero.Sync.Runner.setSyncTimeout(this._idleTimeout, true);
background: true
Zotero.Sync.Runner.setSyncTimeout(this._idleTimeout, true, true);
_backObserver: {
@ -1160,7 +1171,9 @@ Zotero.Sync.Runner.IdleListener = {
Zotero.debug("Beginning return-from-idle sync");
background: true
@ -2021,7 +2034,9 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server = new function () {
Zotero.Sync.Server.canAutoResetClient = false;
background: background
}, 1);
@ -2124,7 +2139,9 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server = new function () {
Zotero.Sync.Server.canAutoResetClient = false;
background: background
}, 1);
@ -2359,7 +2376,9 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server = new function () {
Zotero.Sync.Server.canAutoResetClient = false;
background: background
}, 1);
@ -3430,7 +3449,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server.Data = new function() {
// Check mod times and hashes of updated items against stored values to see
// if they've been updated elsewhere and mark for download if so
if (type == 'item' && Object.keys(itemStorageModTimes).length) {
yield Zotero.Sync.Storage.checkForUpdatedFiles(itemStorageModTimes);
yield Zotero.Sync.Storage.checkForUpdatedFiles(null, null, itemStorageModTimes);
@ -433,7 +433,9 @@ var ZoteroPane = new function()
background: true
@ -3492,6 +3494,7 @@ var ZoteroPane = new function()
this.loadURI(url, event);
else {
Zotero.Notifier.trigger('open', 'file', itemID);
@ -3613,6 +3616,7 @@ var ZoteroPane = new function()
var parent = file.parent.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
Zotero.Notifier.trigger('open', 'file',;
else {
this.showAttachmentNotFoundDialog(, noLocateOnMissing)
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