- Use popup for reference list rather than appending to bottom of window
- Disable animation, as it is no longer smooth
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 123 additions and 100 deletions
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
var Zotero_QuickFormat = new function () {
var io, qfs, qfi, qfiWindow, qfiDocument, qfe, qfb, qfbHeight, keepSorted, showEditor,
referenceBox, referenceHeight, dragX, dragY, curLocator, curLocatorLabel, curIDs = [],
curResizer, dragging;
referencePanel, referenceBox, referenceHeight, dragX, dragY, curLocator, curLocatorLabel,
curIDs = [], curResizer, dragging;
@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ var Zotero_QuickFormat = new function () {
qfi = document.getElementById("quick-format-iframe");
qfb = document.getElementById("quick-format-entry");
qfbHeight = qfb.scrollHeight;
referencePanel = document.getElementById("quick-format-reference-panel");
referencePanel.addEventListener("popuphidden", function() {
}, false);
referenceBox = document.getElementById("quick-format-reference-list");
qfiWindow = qfi.contentWindow;
qfiDocument = qfi.contentDocument;
@ -123,80 +128,76 @@ var Zotero_QuickFormat = new function () {
function _quickFormat() {
var str = _getEditorContent();
if(!str || str.length === 1) {
// if only one char or no string, remove references and break
while(referenceBox.hasChildNodes()) referenceBox.removeChild(referenceBox.firstChild);
const specifiedLocatorRe = /,? *(pp|p)(?:\. *| +)([0-9\-]+) *$/;
const yearPageLocatorRe = /,? *([0-9]+) *((B[. ]*C[. ]*|B[. ]*)|[AC][. ]*|A[. ]*D[. ]*|C[. ]*E[. ]*)?,? *(?:([0-9\-]+))?$/i;
const creatorSplitRe = /(?:,| *(?:and|\&)) +/;
const charRe = /[\w\u007F-\uFFFF]/;
const etAl = " et al.";
var m,
year = false,
isBC = false,
dateID = false;
curLocator = false;
curLocatorLabel = false;
// check for specified locator
m = specifiedLocatorRe.exec(str);
if(m) {
if(m.index === 0) {
// add to previous cite
var node = _getCurrentEditorTextNode();
var prevNode = node.previousSibling;
if(prevNode && prevNode.citationItem) {
prevNode.citationItem.locator = m[2];
prevNode.value = _buildBubbleString(prevNode.citationItem);
node.nodeValue = "";
// TODO support types other than page
curLocator = m[2];
str = str.substring(0, m.index);
// check for year and pages
m = yearPageLocatorRe.exec(str);
if(m) {
if(m[1].length === 4 || m[2] || m[4]) {
year = parseInt(m[1]);
if(m[3]) {
isBC = true;
if(!curLocator && m[4]) {
curLocator = m[4];
} else {
curLocator = m[1];
str = str.substr(0, m.index)+str.substring(m.index+m[0].length);
var s = new Zotero.Search();
var haveConditions = false;
if(charRe.test(str)) {
Zotero.debug("QuickFormat: QuickSearch: "+str);
s.addCondition("quicksearch-titlesAndCreators", "contains", str);
haveConditions = true;
if(year) {
Zotero.debug("QuickFormat: Year: "+year);
s.addCondition("date", "isAfter", (year)+"-01-01 00:00:00");
s.addCondition("date", "isBefore", (year)+"-12-31 23:59:59");
haveConditions = true;
if(str && str.length > 1) {
const specifiedLocatorRe = /,? *(pp|p)(?:\. *| +)([0-9\-]+) *$/;
const yearPageLocatorRe = /,? *([0-9]+) *((B[. ]*C[. ]*|B[. ]*)|[AC][. ]*|A[. ]*D[. ]*|C[. ]*E[. ]*)?,? *(?:([0-9\-]+))?$/i;
const creatorSplitRe = /(?:,| *(?:and|\&)) +/;
const charRe = /[\w\u007F-\uFFFF]/;
const etAl = " et al.";
var m,
year = false,
isBC = false,
dateID = false;
curLocator = false;
curLocatorLabel = false;
// check for specified locator
m = specifiedLocatorRe.exec(str);
if(m) {
if(m.index === 0) {
// add to previous cite
var node = _getCurrentEditorTextNode();
var prevNode = node.previousSibling;
if(prevNode && prevNode.citationItem) {
prevNode.citationItem.locator = m[2];
prevNode.value = _buildBubbleString(prevNode.citationItem);
node.nodeValue = "";
// TODO support types other than page
curLocator = m[2];
str = str.substring(0, m.index);
// check for year and pages
m = yearPageLocatorRe.exec(str);
if(m) {
if(m[1].length === 4 || m[2] || m[4]) {
year = parseInt(m[1]);
if(m[3]) {
isBC = true;
if(!curLocator && m[4]) {
curLocator = m[4];
} else {
curLocator = m[1];
str = str.substr(0, m.index)+str.substring(m.index+m[0].length);
var s = new Zotero.Search();
if(charRe.test(str)) {
Zotero.debug("QuickFormat: QuickSearch: "+str);
s.addCondition("quicksearch-titlesAndCreators", "contains", str);
haveConditions = true;
if(year) {
Zotero.debug("QuickFormat: Year: "+year);
s.addCondition("date", "isAfter", (year)+"-01-01 00:00:00");
s.addCondition("date", "isBefore", (year)+"-12-31 23:59:59");
haveConditions = true;
var ids = (haveConditions ? s.search() : []);
@ -413,31 +414,43 @@ var Zotero_QuickFormat = new function () {
function _resize() {
var numReferences = referenceBox.childNodes.length, height;
var qfeHeight = qfe.scrollHeight;
if(numReferences) {
referenceBox.hidden = false;
if(!referenceHeight) {
referenceHeight = referenceBox.firstChild.scrollHeight;
height = qfbHeight+qfeHeight-14+
+(numReferences < SHOWN_REFERENCES ? numReferences : SHOWN_REFERENCES)*referenceHeight;
} else {
referenceBox.hidden = true;
height = qfbHeight+qfeHeight-14;
if(height === window.innerHeight) return;
if(qfeHeight > 20) {
qfs.style.height = (22-16+qfeHeight+(qfs.style.height == "22px" ? 2 : -2))+"px";
var height = (22-16+qfeHeight+(qfs.style.height == "22px" ? 2 : -2));
window.resizeTo(window.innerWidth, height+20);
qfs.style.height = height+"px";
qfe.style.lineHeight = "18px";
qfs.setAttribute("multiline", true);
} else {
qfs.style.height = "22px";
var height = 22;
window.resizeTo(window.innerWidth, height+20);
qfs.style.height = height+"px";
qfe.style.lineHeight = "16px";
if(curResizer) curResizer.stop();
curResizer = new Resizer(window, null, height, 10, 100);
var panelShowing = referencePanel.state === "open" || referencePanel.state === "showing";
if(numReferences) {
const referenceHeight = 39;
var height = (numReferences < SHOWN_REFERENCES ? numReferences : SHOWN_REFERENCES)*referenceHeight+2;
if(panelShowing && height !== referencePanel.clientHeight) {
referencePanel.sizeTo((window.innerWidth-30), height);
/*if(curResizer) curResizer.stop();
curResizer = new Resizer(referencePanel, null, height, 30, 1000);
} else {
referencePanel.sizeTo((window.innerWidth-30), height);
referencePanel.openPopup(document.documentElement, "after_start", 15, null,
false, false, null);
} else {
if(panelShowing) {
referencePanel.sizeTo(referencePanel.clientWidth, 0);
@ -728,14 +741,15 @@ var Zotero_QuickFormat = new function () {
* Resizes windows
* @constructor
var Resizer = function(window, targetWidth, targetHeight, steps, time) {
this.curWidth = window.innerWidth;
this.curHeight = window.innerHeight;
var Resizer = function(panel, targetWidth, targetHeight, pixelsPerStep, stepsPerSecond) {
this.panel = panel;
this.curWidth = panel.clientWidth;
this.curHeight = panel.clientHeight;
this.difX = (targetWidth ? targetWidth - this.curWidth : 0);
this.difY = (targetHeight ? targetHeight - this.curHeight : 0);
this.step = 0;
this.steps = steps;
this.timeout = time/steps;
this.steps = Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.abs(this.difX), Math.abs(this.difY))/pixelsPerStep);
this.timeout = (1000/stepsPerSecond);
var me = this;
this._animateCallback = function() { me.animate() };
@ -747,7 +761,7 @@ var Zotero_QuickFormat = new function () {
Resizer.prototype.animate = function() {
if(this.stopped) return;
if(this.step !== this.steps) {
window.setTimeout(this._animateCallback, this.timeout);
@ -65,8 +65,10 @@
tabindex="1" flex="1"/>
<richlistbox id="quick-format-reference-list" hidden="true" flex="1"/>
<panel id="quick-format-reference-panel" noautofocus="true" noautohide="true" norestorefocus="true" onfocus="window.focus()" onpopupshowing="window.focus()">
<richlistbox id="quick-format-reference-list" flex="1"/>
<panel id="citation-properties" type="arrow" orient="vertical" onkeypress="Zotero_QuickFormat.onPanelKeyPress(event)">
<grid flex="1">
@ -187,11 +187,18 @@ richlistitem[selected="true"] {
padding: 10px;
#quick-format-reference-list {
margin: 0 15px 0 15px;
#quick-format-reference-panel {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: white;
opacity: 0.9;
-moz-user-focus: ignore;
height: 37px;
#quick-format-reference-list {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#citation-properties menulist {
Add table
Reference in a new issue