Faster indexed word insert, faster word splitter
Uses SQL insert ... select to speed up the inserts, and ports the Firefox word splitter to JS to prevent xpcom call overhead
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 85 additions and 126 deletions
@ -71,6 +71,16 @@ Zotero.Fulltext = new function(){
const _processorCacheFile = '.zotero-ft-unprocessed';
const kWbClassSpace = 0;
const kWbClassAlphaLetter = 1;
const kWbClassPunct = 2;
const kWbClassHanLetter = 3;
const kWbClassKatakanaLetter = 4;
const kWbClassHiraganaLetter = 5;
const kWbClassHWKatakanaLetter = 6;
const kWbClassThaiLetter = 7;
var _pdfConverterVersion = null;
var _pdfConverterFileName = null;
var _pdfConverter = null; // nsIFile to executable
@ -92,6 +102,12 @@ Zotero.Fulltext = new function(){
var self = this;
function init() {
Zotero.DB.query("ATTACH ':memory:' AS 'indexing'");
Zotero.DB.query('CREATE TABLE indexing.fulltextWords (word NOT NULL)');
this.decoder = Components.classes[";1"].
var platform = Zotero.platform.replace(' ', '-');
_pdfConverterFileName = this.pdfConverterName + '-' + platform;
_pdfInfoFileName = this.pdfInfoName + '-' + platform;
@ -122,6 +138,31 @@ Zotero.Fulltext = new function(){
// this is a port from to
// Javascript to avoid the overhead of xpcom calls. The port keeps to the mozilla naming of interfaces/constants as
// closely as possible.
function getClass(c, cc) {
if (cc < 0x2E80) { //alphabetical script
if ((cc & 0xFF80) == 0) { // ascii
if (c == ' ' || c == "\t" || c == "\r" || c == "\n") { return kWbClassSpace; }
// deviation from Mozilla algorithm: count "'" as an alphaletter
if (c == "'" || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { return kWbClassAlphaLetter; }
return kWbClassPunct;
if ((0xFF80 & cc) == 0x0E00) { return kWbClassThaiLetter; }
if (cc == 0x00A0/*NBSP*/) { return kWbClassSpace; }
return kWbClassAlphaLetter;
if ((cc >= 0x3400 && cc <= 0x9fff) || (cc>= 0xf900 && cc <= 0xfaff)) /*han*/ { return kWbClassHanLetter; }
if (cc >= 0x30A0 && cc <= 0x30FF) { return kWbClassKatakanaLetter; }
if (cc >= 0x3040 && cc <= 0x309F) { return kWbClassHiraganaLetter; }
if (cc>= 0xFF60 && cc <= 0xFF9F) { return kWbClassHWKatakanaLetter; }
return kWbClassAlphaLetter;
* Looks for pdftotext-{platform}[.exe] in the Zotero data directory
@ -135,12 +176,12 @@ Zotero.Fulltext = new function(){
switch (tool) {
case 'converter':
var toolName = this.pdfConverterName;
var fileName = _pdfConverterFileName
var fileName = _pdfConverterFileName;
case 'info':
var toolName = this.pdfInfoName;
var fileName = _pdfInfoFileName
var fileName = _pdfInfoFileName;
@ -214,77 +255,21 @@ Zotero.Fulltext = new function(){
* Index multiple words at once
function indexWords(itemID, words) {
if (!words || !words.length || !itemID){
return false;
var existing = [];
var done = 0;
var maxWords = 999; // compiled limit
var numWords = words.length;
let chunk;
var origWords = [];
do {
var chunk = words.splice(0, maxWords);
origWords = origWords.concat(chunk);
var sqlQues = [];
var sqlParams = [];
for each(var word in chunk) {
sqlParams.push( { string: word } );
var sql = "SELECT word, wordID from fulltextWords WHERE word IN ("
sql += sqlQues.join() + ")";
var wordIDs = Zotero.DB.query(sql, sqlParams);
for (var i in wordIDs) {
// Underscore avoids problems with JS reserved words
existing['_' + wordIDs[i].word] = wordIDs[i].wordID;
done += chunk.length;
Zotero.DB.query("DELETE FROM indexing.fulltextWords");
while (words.length > 0) {
chunk = words.splice(0, 100);
Zotero.DB.query('INSERT INTO indexing.fulltextWords (word) ' + ['SELECT ?' for (word of chunk)].join(' UNION '), chunk);
while (done < numWords);
if (!Zotero.DB.valueQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fulltextItems WHERE itemID=?", itemID)) {
let sql = "INSERT INTO fulltextItems (itemID, version) VALUES (?,?)";
Zotero.DB.query(sql, [itemID, 0]);
// Handle bound parameters manually for optimal speed
var statement1 = Zotero.DB.getStatement("INSERT INTO fulltextWords (word) VALUES (?)");
var statement2 = Zotero.DB.getStatement("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO fulltextItemWords VALUES (?,?)");
for each(var word in origWords) {
// Skip words containing invalid characters
if (word.match(/[\u0000-\u0008\u000b\u000c\u000e-\u001f\ud800-\udfff\ufffe\uffff]/)) {
Zotero.debug("Skipping word '" + word + "' due to invalid characters");
if (existing['_' + word]){
var wordID = existing['_' + word];
else {
statement1.bindUTF8StringParameter(0, word);
var wordID = Zotero.DB.getLastInsertID();
statement2.bindInt32Parameter(0, wordID);
statement2.bindInt32Parameter(1, itemID);
Zotero.DB.query('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO fulltextWords (word) SELECT word FROM indexing.fulltextWords');
Zotero.DB.query('DELETE FROM fulltextItemWords WHERE itemID = ?', [itemID]);
Zotero.DB.query('INSERT INTO fulltextItemWords (wordID, itemID) SELECT wordID, ? FROM fulltextWords JOIN indexing.fulltextWords USING(word)', [itemID]);
Zotero.DB.query("REPLACE INTO fulltextItems (itemID, version) VALUES (?,?)", [itemID, 0]);
Zotero.DB.query("DELETE FROM indexing.fulltextWords");
return true;
@ -937,16 +922,6 @@ Zotero.Fulltext = new function(){
.then(function (json) {
data = JSON.parse(json);
// TEMP: until we replace nsISemanticUnitScanner
if (data.text.length > 250000) {
let item = Zotero.Items.get(itemID);
Zotero.debug("Skipping processing of full-text content for item "
+ item.libraryKey + " with length " + data.text.length
+ " -- will be processed in future version", 2);
_processorBlacklist[itemID] = true;
return false;
// Write the text content to the regular cache file
cacheFile = self.getItemCacheFile(itemID);
@ -1553,43 +1528,39 @@ Zotero.Fulltext = new function(){
Zotero.debug('No text to index');
text = _markTroubleChars(text);
var serv = Components.classes[";1"]
var words = [], unique = {}, begin = {}, end = {}, nextPos = 0;
serv.start(charset ? charset : null);
do {
var next =, text.length, nextPos, true, begin, end);
var str = text.substring(begin.value, end.value);
// Skip non-breaking spaces
if (!str || str.charCodeAt(0)==32 || str.charCodeAt(0)==160){
nextPos = end.value;
begin = {}, end = {};
try {
if (charset && charset != 'utf-8') {
text = this.decoder.convertStringToUTF8(text, charset, true);
// Create alphanum hash keys out of the character codes
var lc = str.toLowerCase();
// And store the unique ones
if (!unique[lc]){
unique[lc] = true;
nextPos = end.value;
begin = {}, end = {};
while (next);
for (var i in unique){
} catch (err) {
Zotero.debug(err, 1);
return words;
var words = {};
var word = '';
var cclass = null;
var strlen = text.length;
for (var i = 0; i < strlen; i++) {
var c = text.charAt(i);
var cc = getClass(c, text.charCodeAt(i));
if (cc == kWbClassSpace || cc == kWbClassPunct) {
if (word != '') { words[word] = true; word = ''; }
} else if (cc == kWbClassHanLetter) {
if (word != '') { words[word] = true; word = ''; }
words[c] = true;
} else if (cc == cclass) {
word += c.toLowerCase();
} else {
if (word != '') { words[word] = true; }
word = c.toLowerCase();
cclass = cc;
if (word != '') { words[word] = true; }
return Object.keys(words);
@ -1610,16 +1581,4 @@ Zotero.Fulltext = new function(){
while (next = next.nextSibling);
function _markTroubleChars(text){
text = text.replace(/'/g, "zoteroapostrophe");
return text;
function _restoreTroubleChars(text){
text = text.replace(/zoteroapostrophe/g, "'");
return text;
Add table
Reference in a new issue