diff --git a/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/cite.js b/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/cite.js
index 76d3474f7d..dac7c6386c 100644
--- a/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/cite.js
+++ b/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/cite.js
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ Zotero.Cite.makeFormattedBibliography = function(cslEngine, format) {
var str;
try {
var parser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMParser),
+ .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMParser),
doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "application/xml");
var leftMarginDivs = Zotero.Utilities.xpath(doc, '//div[@class="csl-left-margin"]'),
diff --git a/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/enstyle.js b/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/enstyle.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a430ce47b1..0000000000
--- a/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/enstyle.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1383 +0,0 @@
- Copyright © 2009 Center for History and New Media
- George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
- http://zotero.org
- This file is part of Zotero.
- Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- along with Zotero. If not, see .
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Constructor for EN converter
- * @constructor
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter = function(styleData, date, fileTitle) {
- this.data = styleData;
- if(date) this.date = date;
- if(fileTitle) this.fileTitle = fileTitle;
- var formatCode = this.data.substr(8, 8);
- if(formatCode != "RSFTSTYL" && formatCode != "ENDNENFT") {
- throw "Zotero.ENConverter: File not recognized. Is this a style file?";
- }
-// The URI prefix for EN styles
-Zotero.ENConverter.uriPrefix = "http://zotero.org/styles/en-converted/";
- * Mappings for item types
- *
- * Those in lower case are not in the mapping list because they are implemented
- * elsewhere in the code.
- * Those in upper case are not implemented.
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.typeMappings = {
- "\x00":"article-journal",
- "\x01":"book",
- "\x02":"thesis",
- "\x04":"personal_communication",
- "\x05":"article-newspaper",
-// \x06 - PROGRAM
- "\x07":"chapter",
- "\x08":"article-magazine",
-// \x09 - Edited Book
- "\x0A":"report",
- "\x0B":"map",
- "\x0D":"graphic",
-// \x0E - UNUSED 1
- "\x0F":"patent",
- "\x10":"webpage",
- "\x11":"bill",
- "\x12":"legal_case",
-// \x13 - HEARING
- "\x14":"manuscript",
- "\x15":"motion_picture",
-// \x16 - STATUTE
-// \x17 - UNUSED 2
-// \x18 - UNUSED 3
- "\x19":"figure",
-// \x1B - EQUATION
-// \x1C - Electronic Article
-// \x1D - Electronic Book
-// \x1F - Generic
- "\x21":"paper-conference",
- "\x24":"legislation",
-// \x26 - ANCIENT TEXT
- "\x27":"entry-dictionary",
- "\x28":"entry-encyclopedia"
-// \x29 - GRANT
- * List of CSL fallback types
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.fallbackTypes = {
- "book":true,
- "chapter":true,
- "article":true
- * List of types that we should parse, but not map directly
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.supplementalTypes = {
- "\x09":true, // Edited Book (use conditional on book)
- "\x1C":true, // Electronic Article (use conditional on article)
- "\x1D":true, // Electronic Book (use conditional on book)
- "\x1F":true // Generic (use for all unspecified types)
- * Mappings for text variables
- *
- * Those in lower case are not in the mapping list because they are implemented
- * elsewhere in the code.
- * Those in upper case are not implemented.
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.variableMappings = {
-// \x02 - Author/Editor
-// \x03 - Year
- "\x05":"page",
-// \x06 - Secondary/Series/Publication Title/Bill Code
- "\x07":"volume",
- "\x08":"issue",
- "\x09":"number-of-volumes",
-// \x0A - Secondary/Series Author
- "\x0B":"publisher-place",
- "\x0C":"publisher",
-// \x0D - Translator/Subsidiary Author
-// \x0F - KEYWORD
- "\x10":"genre",
-// \x11 - Date
- "\x12":"abstract",
- "\x13":"citation-label",
- "\x14":"URL",
- "\x17":"note",
- "\x18":"ISBN",
-// \x19 - CUSTOM 1
-// \x1A - CUSTOM 2
-// \x1B - CUSTOM 3
-// \x1C - CUSTOM 4
-// \x1F - CALL NUMBER
-// \x21 - CUSTOM 5
-// \x22 - CUSTOM 6
-// \x23 - SECTION/PAGES CITED/Chapter Title
-// \x26 - REVIEWED ITEM
-// \x28 - IMAGE
-// \x29 - CAPTION
-// \x2A - CUSTOM 7
-// \x2C - LINK TO PDF
-// \x32 - LANGUAGE
-// \x33 - accessed
-// \x34 - LAST MODIFIED
-// \x00\x40 - citation
- "\x01\x40":"citation-number",
-// \x02\x40 - RECORD NUMBER
- "\x06\x40":"locator"
- * List of types that we should map to macros.
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.macroVariables = {
- "\x02":["author-citation", "author-bibliography"], // Author
- "\x03":["year-citation", "year-bibliography"], // Year
- "\x04":["title-citation", "title-bibliography"], // Title/Book Title
- "\x06":"secondary_title", // Series/Publication Title
- "\x0A":["secondary_author-citation", "secondary_author-bibliography"], // Editor/Series Editor
- "\x0D":["translator-citation", "translator-bibliography"], // Translator
- "\x0E":"edition", // Edition
- "\x11":"date", // Date
- "\x15":"tertiary_title",
- "\x16":["tertiary_author-citation", "tertiary_author-bibliography"], // Chapter Series Editor
- "\x20":"short-title", // Short Title/Short Book Title
- "\x23":"chapter_title", // Chapter Title
- "\x33":"accessed",
- "\x00\x40":"citation" // Citation
- * List of types where \x06 maps to collection-title (rather than
- * container-title)
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.seriesTypes = "book report map motion_picture";
-Zotero.ENConverter.seriesCodes = ["\x01", "\x09", "\x0A", "\x0B", "\x15", "\x1D"];
- * Generates the element for the style
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.prototype.parseInfo = function() {
- default xml namespace = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl"; with({});
- if(this.fileTitle) {
- var title = this.fileTitle;
- } else {
- var title = this.convertFromUTF16(this.findField(this.fields, "\x10")[0].data.replace("\xFB", "", "g"));
- }
- if(!title) {
- var title = "Untitled Style";
- var identifier = "";
- for(var i=0; i<16; i++) {
- var bite = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
- if(i == 4 || i == 6 || i == 8 || i == 10) {
- identifier += "-";
- // version
- if(i == 6) bite = bite & 0x0f | 0x40;
- // variant
- if(i == 8) bite = bite & 0x3f | 0x80;
- }
- var str = bite.toString(16);
- identifier += str.length == 1 ? '0' + str : str;
- }
- } else {
- var identifier = encodeURIComponent(title);
- }
- this.xml.info.title = title;
- this.xml.info.id = Zotero.ENConverter.uriPrefix+identifier;
- if(this.date) {
- var date = this.date;
- } else {
- var date = new Date();
- }
- var y = date.getFullYear().toString();
- var m = (date.getUTCMonth()+1).toString();
- var d = date.getUTCDay().toString();
- var h = date.getUTCHours().toString();
- var n = date.getUTCMinutes().toString();
- var s = date.getUTCSeconds().toString();
- if(m.length == 1) m = "0"+m;
- if(d.length == 1) d = "0"+d;
- if(h.length == 1) h = "0"+h;
- if(n.length == 1) n = "0"+n;
- if(s.length == 1) s = "0"+s;
- this.xml.info.updated = y+"-"+m+"-"+d+"T"+h+":"+n+":"+s+"+00:00";
- * Converts a little endian binary representation of an integer into a JS integer
- *
- * @param {String} binaryData The binary representation of the integer
- * @returns The JS integer
- * @type Integer
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.prototype.parseInt = function(binaryData) {
- if(binaryData.length == 4) {
- // since this is so common, avoid overhead
- return binaryData.charCodeAt(0)+binaryData.charCodeAt(1)*0x100
- +binaryData.charCodeAt(2)*0x10000+binaryData.charCodeAt(3)*0x1000000;
- } else {
- var integer = 0;
- for(var i=0; i tags instead of
- * plain text
- *
- * @returns Plain text, or the XML representation as tags, depending on
- * the richOutput parameter
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.prototype.parseFormattedString = function(string, richOutput) {
- default xml namespace = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl"; with({});
- var stringLength = this.parseInt(string.substr(4, 4))-8;
- if(stringLength == 0) return richOutput ? false : "";
- var newString = this.convertFromUTF16(string.substr(8, stringLength));
- // strip out chars that shouldn't be there
- newString = newString.replace(/[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F]/g, "");
- if(richOutput) {
- var formattedXML = new XML();
- var lastOffset = 0;
- var style = false;
- var i = stringLength + 8;
- while(i < string.length) {
- var length = this.parseInt(string.substr(i+4, 4));
- var data = string.substr(i+8, length-8);
- if(length == 0) break;
- var startOffset = this.parseInt(data.substr(4, 4));
- // add term containing text from last element to new element
- var text = newString.substring(lastOffset, startOffset);
- if(lastOffset != startOffset) {
- var textElement = ;
- if(style) this.applyFormattingAttributes(textElement, style);
- formattedXML += textElement;
- }
- var style = data.substr(data.indexOf("&")+4, 4);
- lastOffset = startOffset;
- i += length + length % 4;
- }
- if(lastOffset != newString.length) {
- var text = newString.substring(lastOffset);
- var textElement = ;
- if(style) this.applyFormattingAttributes(textElement, style);
- formattedXML += textElement;
- }
- return formattedXML;
- } else {
- return newString;
- }
- * Applies the formatting attributes specified by a binary string to a given
- * text element
- *
- * @param {XML} element The element to which the formatting attributes will be
- * applied
- * @param {String} formatCode The binary format string
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.prototype.applyFormattingAttributes = function(element, formatCode) {
- default xml namespace = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl"; with({});
- if(!formatCode) return;
- var binaryDigits = this.parseInt(formatCode).toString(2);
- // pad to 7 digits
- while(binaryDigits.length < 7) binaryDigits = "0"+binaryDigits;
- if(binaryDigits[6] == "1") { // italics
- element["@font-weight"] = "bold";
- }
- if(binaryDigits[5] == "1") { // bold
- element["@font-style"] = "italic";
- }
- if(binaryDigits[4] == "1") { // underline
- element["@text-decoration"] = "underline";
- }
- // what are bits 3 and 2?
- if(binaryDigits[1] == "1") { // subscript
- element["@vertical-align"] = "sup";
- } else if(binaryDigits[0] == "1") { // superscript
- element["@vertical-align"] = "sub";
- }
- * Parses format to create a hierarchical data structure
- *
- * @param {String} styleData The EN style file, as binary data
- * @returns An array of objects representing the structure of the EN file
- * @type Array
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.prototype.parseFormat = function(styleData) {
- default xml namespace = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl"; with({});
- var fields = [];
- var offset1 = styleData.indexOf("\x10");
- var offset2 = styleData.indexOf("\x11");
- if(offset1 != -1 && (offset2 == -1 || offset1 < offset2)) { // \x10 comes first
- var offset = offset1;
- } else if(offset2 != -1) { // \x11 comes first
- var offset = offset2;
- } else { // both must be -1; no tags here
- return [styleData.replace("\xFB", "", "g")];
- }
- // want to start with tag before
- offset--;
- // for the \x10\x10 case
- if(offset === -1) offset = 0;
- if(offset !== 0) {
- fields.push(styleData.substr(0, offset).replace("\xFB", "", "g"));
- }
- while(offset < styleData.length) {
- if((styleData[offset] == "\x10" || styleData[offset] == "\x11" || styleData[offset] == "\x12")
- && styleData[offset+1] == "\x00" && styleData[offset+2] == "\x03") {
- // 10 00 02 style short tag (use unknown)
- fields.push({dle:styleData[offset],
- type:"\x00",
- flags:styleData[offset+3],
- data:styleData.substr(offset+4, 4)});
- offset += 8;
- } else if(styleData[offset+2] == "\x01" || styleData[offset+2] == "\x02") {
- // standard data-bearing tag
- // size is little endian
- var size = this.parseInt(styleData.substr(offset+4, 4));
- size += size % 4;
- // set field data
- var field = {code:styleData[offset],
- dle:styleData[offset+1],
- type:styleData[offset+2],
- flags:styleData[offset+3],
- size:size,
- data:styleData.substr(offset+8, size-8)};
- field.subfields = this.parseFormat(field.data);
- fields.push(field);
- offset += size;
- } else if(styleData[offset+2] == "\x03" || styleData[offset+2] == "\x00") {
- // 10 03 style short tag (use unknown)
- fields.push({code:styleData[offset],
- dle:styleData[offset+1],
- type:"\x03",
- flags:styleData[offset+3],
- data:styleData.substr(offset+4, 4)});
- offset += 8;
- } else if(styleData[offset+1] != "\x10" && styleData[offset+1] != "\x11") {
- // unknown tag; error out
- throw("Zotero.ENConverter: Unexpected end of file at "+offset.toString(16)+"; "+varDump(styleData.substr(offset, offset+4)));
- }
- }
- return fields;
- * Finds all instances of a given field at a given level of the hierarchy
- * @param {Array} fields The array of fields
- * @param {String} code The field code
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.prototype.findField = function(fields, code) {
- default xml namespace = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl"; with({});
- var output = [];
- while(code.length) {
- if(typeof code != "object") {
- var searchCode = code;
- code = [];
- } else {
- var searchCode = code.shift();
- }
- for(var i=0; i tag
- *
- * @param {Object} options A binary field object
- * @returns A tag
- * @type XML
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.prototype.parseName = function(options) {
- default xml namespace = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl"; with({});
- var authorXML = ;
- // "Author Lists" preferences
- var delimiterOptions = this.findField(options.subfields, ["t", "x"]);
- if(this.parseInt(this.findField(delimiterOptions[0].subfields, ["z"])[0].data) == 2) {
- // this probably means delimiter-precedes-last shouldn't be set, because
- // this is probably configured such that, from 1-2, we use no delimiter
- // before the last, but for all other numbers of authors we do
- var delimiter = this.parseFormattedString(this.findField(delimiterOptions[1].subfields, "{")[0].data);
- var lastDelimiter = this.parseFormattedString(this.findField(delimiterOptions[1].subfields, "|")[0].data);
- } else {
- var delimiter = this.parseFormattedString(this.findField(delimiterOptions[0].subfields, "{")[0].data);
- var lastDelimiter = this.parseFormattedString(this.findField(delimiterOptions[0].subfields, "|")[0].data);
- // delimiter-precedes-last should probably be "always" or "never"
- // ignore second set of list separator options
- if(lastDelimiter.length >= delimiter.length
- && lastDelimiter.substr(0, delimiter.length) == delimiter) {
- // there is a delimiter preceding the last
- authorXML["@delimiter-precedes-last"] = "always";
- } else {
- // there is no delimiter
- authorXML["@delimiter-precedes-last"] = "never";
- }
- }
- if(delimiter !== "") authorXML["@delimiter"] = delimiter;
- // TODO: alter locale "and" if neither text nor symbol
- if(lastDelimiter.indexOf("and") !== -1) {
- // text and
- authorXML["@and"] = "text";
- } else if(lastDelimiter.indexOf("&") !== -1) {
- // symbol and
- authorXML["@and"] = "symbol";
- }
- // "Author Name" preferences
- var firstAuthorPref = this.findField(options.subfields, "q")[0].data[0];
- var subsequentAuthorPref = this.findField(options.subfields, "r")[0].data[0];
- if(firstAuthorPref != "\x00") {
- if(subsequentAuthorPref != "\x00") {
- authorXML["@name-as-sort-order"] = "all";
- } else {
- authorXML["@name-as-sort-order"] = "first";
- }
- }
- if(firstAuthorPref == "\x01") {
- authorXML["@sort-separator"] = ", ";
- } else if(firstAuthorPref == "\x02") {
- authorXML["@sort-separator"] = " ";
- }
- var capitalizationPref = this.findField(options.subfields, "s")[0].data[0];
- if(capitalizationPref == "\x02") {
- authorXML["@text-case"] = "uppercase";
- } else if(capitalizationPref == "\x03") {
- authorXML["@font-variant"] = "small-caps";
- }
- var initialPref = this.findField(options.subfields, "p")[0].data[0];
- if(initialPref == "\x01") { // B. C.
- authorXML["@initialize-with"] = ". ";
- } else if(initialPref == "\x02") { // B.C.
- authorXML["@initialize-with"] = ".";
- } else if(initialPref == "\x03") { // B C
- authorXML["@initialize-with"] = " ";
- } else if(initialPref == "\x04") { // BC
- authorXML["@initialize-with"] = "";
- } else if(initialPref == "\x05") { // just last name
- authorXML["@form"] = "short";
- }
- return authorXML;
- * Parses options pertaining to subsequent author handling
- *
- * @param {Object} etAlOptions A binary field object
- * @param {XML} context The CSL context ( or tag)
- * @param {Boolean} subsequent Whether this set of fields controls the behavior
- * of subsequent references.
- **/
-Zotero.ENConverter.prototype.parseEtAl = function(etAlOptions, context, subsequent) {
- default xml namespace = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl"; with({});
- if(this.findField(etAlOptions.subfields, "}")[0].data[0] == "\x01") {
- // if author list abbreviation is on
- // et-al-min
- var value = this.parseInt(this.findField(etAlOptions.subfields, "~")[0].data);
- var optionName = subsequent ? "et-al-subsequent-min" : "et-al-min";
- context.prependChild(