Merge pull request #409 from aurimasv/cookies
Manage cookies received from other hosts.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 250 additions and 30 deletions
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Zotero.Connector = new function() {
* @param {Object} data RPC data. See documentation above.
* @param {Function} callback Function to be called when requests complete.
this.callMethod = function(method, data, callback) {
this.callMethod = function(method, data, callback, tab) {
// Don't bother trying if not online in bookmarklet
if(Zotero.isBookmarklet && this.isOnline === false) {
callback(false, 0);
@ -211,6 +211,57 @@ Zotero.Connector = new function() {
* Adds detailed cookies to the data before sending "saveItems" request to
* the server/Standalone
* @param {Object} data RPC data. See documentation above.
* @param {Function} callback Function to be called when requests complete.
this.setCookiesThenSaveItems = function(data, callback, tab) {
if(Zotero.isFx && !Zotero.isBookmarklet && data.uri) {
var host = Services.ios.newURI(data.uri, null, null).host;
var cookieEnum = Services.cookies.getCookiesFromHost(host);
var cookieHeader = '';
while(cookieEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
var cookie = cookieEnum.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICookie2);
cookieHeader += '\n' + + '=' + cookie.value
+ ';Domain=' +
+ (cookie.path ? ';Path=' + cookie.path : '')
+ (!cookie.isDomain ? ';hostOnly' : '') //not a legit flag, but we have to use it internally
+ (cookie.isSecure ? ';secure' : '');
if(cookieHeader) {
data.detailedCookies = cookieHeader.substr(1);
this.callMethod("saveItems", data, callback, tab);
} else if(Zotero.isChrome && !Zotero.isBookmarklet) {
var self = this;
chrome.cookies.getAll({url: tab.url}, function(cookies) {
var cookieHeader = '';
for(var i=0, n=cookies.length; i<n; i++) {
cookieHeader += '\n' + cookies[i].name + '=' + cookies[i].value
+ ';Domain=' + cookies[i].domain
+ (cookies[i].path ? ';Path=' + cookies[i].path : '')
+ (cookies[i].hostOnly ? ';hostOnly' : '') //not a legit flag, but we have to use it internally
+ (cookies[i].secure ? ';secure' : '');
if(cookieHeader) {
data.detailedCookies = cookieHeader.substr(1);
self.callMethod("saveItems", data, callback, tab);
this.callMethod("saveItems", data, callback, tab);
@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ Zotero.Translate.ItemSaver.prototype = {
payload.uri = this._uri;
payload.cookie = this._cookie;
Zotero.Connector.callMethod("saveItems", payload, function(data, status) {
Zotero.Connector.setCookiesThenSaveItems(payload, function(data, status) {
if(data !== false) {
Zotero.debug("Translate: Save via Standalone succeeded");
var haveAttachments = false;
@ -47,11 +47,9 @@ Zotero.CookieSandbox = function(browser, uri, cookieData, userAgent) {
this._cookies = {};
if(cookieData) {
var splitCookies = cookieData.split(/; ?/);
var splitCookies = cookieData.split(/;\s*/);
for each(var cookie in splitCookies) {
var key = cookie.substr(0, cookie.indexOf("="));
var value = cookie.substr(cookie.indexOf("=")+1);
this._cookies[key] = value;
@ -63,29 +61,93 @@ Zotero.CookieSandbox = function(browser, uri, cookieData, userAgent) {
* Normalizes the host string: lower-case, remove leading period, some more cleanup
* @param {String} host;
Zotero.CookieSandbox.normalizeHost = function(host) {
return host.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/^\.+|[:\/].*/g, '');
* Normalizes the path string
* @param {String} path;
Zotero.CookieSandbox.normalizePath = function(path) {
return '/' + path.trim().replace(/^\/+|[?#].*/g, '');
* Generates a semicolon-separated string of cookie values from a list of cookies
* @param {Object} cookies Object containing key: value cookie pairs
Zotero.CookieSandbox.generateCookieString = function(cookies) {
var str = '';
for(var key in cookies) {
str += '; ' + key + '=' + cookies[key];
return str ? str.substr(2) : '';
Zotero.CookieSandbox.prototype = {
* Adds cookies to this CookieSandbox based on a cookie header
* @param {String} cookieString;
* @param {nsIURI} [uri] URI of the header origin.
Used to verify same origin. If omitted validation is not performed
"addCookiesFromHeader":function(cookieString) {
"addCookiesFromHeader":function(cookieString, uri) {
var cookies = cookieString.split("\n");
if(uri) {
var validDomain = '.' + Zotero.CookieSandbox.normalizeHost(;
for(var i=0, n=cookies.length; i<n; i++) {
var cookieInfo = cookies[i].split(/; ?/);
var secure = false;
var cookieInfo = cookies[i].split(/;\s*/);
var secure = false, path = '', domain = '', hostOnly = false;
for(var j=1, m=cookieInfo.length; j<m; j++) {
if(cookieInfo[j].substr(0, cookieInfo[j].indexOf("=")).toLowerCase() === "secure") {
secure = true;
var pair = cookieInfo[j].split(/\s*=\s*/);
switch(pair[0].trim().toLowerCase()) {
case 'secure':
secure = true;
case 'domain':
domain = pair[1];
case 'path':
path = pair[1];
case 'hostonly':
hostOnly = true;
if(secure && domain && path && hostOnly) break;
// Domain must be a suffix of the host setting the cookie
if(validDomain && domain) {
var normalizedDomain = Zotero.CookieSandbox.normalizeHost(domain);
var substrMatch = validDomain.lastIndexOf(normalizedDomain);
var publicSuffix;
try { publicSuffix = Services.eTLD.getPublicSuffix(uri) } catch(e) {}
if(substrMatch == -1 || !publicSuffix || publicSuffix == normalizedDomain
|| (substrMatch + normalizedDomain.length != validDomain.length)
|| (validDomain.charAt(substrMatch-1) != '.')) {
Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: Ignoring attempt to set a cookie for different host");
if(!secure) {
var key = cookieInfo[0].substr(0, cookieInfo[0].indexOf("="));
var value = cookieInfo[0].substr(cookieInfo[0].indexOf("=")+1);
this._cookies[key] = value;
// When no domain is set, use requestor's host (hostOnly cookie)
if(validDomain && !domain) {
domain = validDomain.substr(1);
hostOnly = true;
this.setCookie(cookieInfo[0], domain, path, secure, hostOnly);
@ -104,13 +166,112 @@ Zotero.CookieSandbox.prototype = {
"attachToInterfaceRequestor": function(ir) {
* Set a cookie for a specified host
* @param {String} cookiePair A single cookie pair in the form key=value
* @param {String} [host] Host to bind the cookie to.
* Defaults to the host set on this.URI
* @param {String} [path]
* @param {Boolean} [secure] Whether the cookie has the secure attribute set
* @param {Boolean} [hostOnly] Whether the cookie is a host-only cookie
"setCookie": function(cookiePair, host, path, secure, hostOnly) {
var splitAt = cookiePair.indexOf('=');
if(splitAt === -1) {
Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: Not setting invalid cookie.");
var pair = [cookiePair.substring(0,splitAt), cookiePair.substring(splitAt+1)];
var name = pair[0].trim();
var value = pair[1].trim();
if(!name) {
Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: Ignoring attempt to set cookie with no name");
host = '.' + Zotero.CookieSandbox.normalizeHost(host);
if(!path) path = '/';
path = Zotero.CookieSandbox.normalizePath(path);
if(!this._cookies[host]) {
this._cookies[host] = {};
if(!this._cookies[host][path]) {
this._cookies[host][path] = {};
/*Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: adding cookie " + name + '='
+ value + ' for host ' + host + ' and path ' + path
+ '[' + (hostOnly?'hostOnly,':'') + (secure?'secure':'') + ']');*/
this._cookies[host][path][name] = {
value: value,
secure: !!secure,
hostOnly: !!hostOnly
* Returns a list of cookies that should be sent to the given URI
* @param {nsIURI} uri
"getCookiesForURI": function(uri) {
var hostParts = Zotero.CookieSandbox.normalizeHost('.'),
pathParts = Zotero.CookieSandbox.normalizePath(uri.path).split('/'),
cookies = {}, found = false, secure = uri.scheme.toUpperCase() == 'HTTPS';
// Fetch cookies starting from the highest level domain
var cookieHost = '.' + hostParts[hostParts.length-1];
for(var i=hostParts.length-2; i>=0; i--) {
cookieHost = '.' + hostParts[i] + cookieHost;
if(this._cookies[cookieHost]) {
found = this._getCookiesForPath(cookies, this._cookies[cookieHost], pathParts, secure, i==0) || found;
//Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: returning cookies:");
return found ? cookies : null;
"_getCookiesForPath": function(cookies, cookiePaths, pathParts, secure, isHost) {
var found = false;
var path = '';
for(var i=0, n=pathParts.length; i<n; i++) {
path += pathParts[i];
var cookiesForPath = cookiePaths[path];
if(cookiesForPath) {
for(var key in cookiesForPath) {
if(cookiesForPath[key].secure && !secure) continue;
if(cookiesForPath[key].hostOnly && !isHost) continue;
found = true;
cookies[key] = cookiesForPath[key].value;
// Also check paths with trailing / (but not for last part)
path += '/';
cookiesForPath = cookiePaths[path];
if(cookiesForPath && i != n-1) {
for(var key in cookiesForPath) {
if(cookiesForPath[key].secure && !secure) continue;
if(cookiesForPath[key].hostOnly && !isHost) continue;
found = true;
cookies[key] = cookiesForPath[key].value;
return found;
Zotero.CookieSandbox.prototype.__defineGetter__("cookieString", function() {
return [key+"="+this._cookies[key] for(key in this._cookies)].join("; ");
* nsIObserver implementation for adding, clearing, and slurping cookies
@ -218,8 +379,12 @@ Zotero.CookieSandbox.Observer = new function() {
if(topic == "http-on-modify-request") {
// clear cookies to be sent to other domains
if(!trackedBy || != {
// Clear cookies to be sent to other domains if we're not explicitly managing them
if(trackedBy) {
var cookiesForURI = trackedBy.getCookiesForURI(channel.URI);
if(!trackedBy || !cookiesForURI) {
channel.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "", false);
channel.setRequestHeader("Cookie2", "", false);
Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: Cleared cookies to be sent to "+channelURI, 5);
@ -231,26 +396,27 @@ Zotero.CookieSandbox.Observer = new function() {
// add cookies to be sent to this domain
channel.setRequestHeader("Cookie", trackedBy.cookieString, false);
channel.setRequestHeader("Cookie", Zotero.CookieSandbox.generateCookieString(cookiesForURI), false);
Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: Added cookies for request to "+channelURI, 5);
} else if(topic == "http-on-examine-response") {
// clear cookies being received
try {
var cookieHeader = channel.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie");
} catch(e) {
Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: No Set-Cookie header received for "+channelURI, 5);
channel.setResponseHeader("Set-Cookie", "", false);
channel.setResponseHeader("Set-Cookie2", "", false);
// don't process further if these cookies are for another set of domains
if(!trackedBy || != {
Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: Rejected cookies from "+channelURI, 5);
if(!cookieHeader || !trackedBy) {
Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: Not tracking received cookies for "+channelURI, 5);
// put new cookies into our sandbox
if(cookieHeader) trackedBy.addCookiesFromHeader(cookieHeader);
// Put new cookies into our sandbox
trackedBy.addCookiesFromHeader(cookieHeader, channel.URI);
Zotero.debug("CookieSandbox: Slurped cookies from "+channelURI, 5);
@ -339,7 +339,11 @@ Zotero.Server.Connector.SaveItem.prototype = {
} catch(e) {}
var cookieSandbox = data["uri"] ? new Zotero.CookieSandbox(null, data["uri"],
data["cookie"] || "", url.userAgent) : null;
data["detailedCookies"] ? "" : data["cookie"] || "", url.userAgent) : null;
if(cookieSandbox && data.detailedCookies) {
for(var i=0; i<data.items.length; i++) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue