From 52e735b0355ccf6f4eeac867f99f106cc6135118 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dan Stillman Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 20:29:33 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Merge locales from Transifex --- chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/de/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/preferences.dtd | 10 ++-- chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ | 35 ++++++++------ chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ | 31 ++++++------ chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/km/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/preferences.dtd | 4 +- chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.dtd | 2 +- chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ | 51 +++++++++++--------- chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ | 3 ++ chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ | 3 ++ 47 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-) diff --git a/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ index f42d731430..184cd38e5e 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remove Groups and Sync sync.localObject=Local Object sync.remoteObject=Remote Object sync.mergedObject=Merged Object +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ index 4aef0e0443..ad98106622 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=حذف مجموعات المشاركة و المزام sync.localObject=كائن محلي sync.remoteObject=كائن عن بعد sync.mergedObject=كائن مدمج +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=لم يتم تعيين اسم المستخدم sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ index 15ad292933..b89861172e 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Отстранява групите и синхрони sync.localObject=Локален запис sync.remoteObject=Делечен запис sync.mergedObject=Слят запис +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Потребителското име не е въведено sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ index 0a7bfaede0..3c3a0b974f 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Elimina el grup i sincronitza sync.localObject=Objecte local sync.remoteObject=Objecte remot sync.mergedObject=Objecte fusionat +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=No s'ha establit un nom d'usuari sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ index a5bfc99c8f..2ebde2695f 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Odstranit skupinu a synchronizovat sync.localObject=Lokální objekt sync.remoteObject=Vzdálený objekt sync.mergedObject=Sloučený objekt +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Uživatelské jméno není nastaveno sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Musíte zadat své uživatelské jméno a heslo ze v Nastavení Zotera, pokud chcete provést synchronizaci s Zotero serverem. diff --git a/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ index 0b160efbf2..111ea0a2d0 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Fjern grupper og synkronisering sync.localObject=Lokalt objekt sync.remoteObject=Eksternt objekt sync.mergedObject=Sammenflettet objekt +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Brugernavn ikke angivet sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Du skal indtaste dit brugernavn og adgangskode i Zotero-indstillingerne for at synkronisere med Zotero-serveren. diff --git a/chrome/locale/de/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/de/zotero/ index 7ebe46d603..f119d92f14 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/de/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/de/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Gruppen entfernen und synchronisieren sync.localObject=Lokales Objekt sync.remoteObject=Remote-Objekt sync.mergedObject=Zusammengeführtes Objekt +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Benutzername nicht definiert sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Sie müssen Ihren Benutzernamen und Passwort in den Zotero Einstellungen eingeben, um mit dem Zotero Server zu synchronisieren. diff --git a/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ index ecc153f898..0e7ba7a0cf 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remove Groups and Sync sync.localObject=Local Object sync.remoteObject=Remote Object sync.mergedObject=Merged Object +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/preferences.dtd b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/preferences.dtd index bb0ca42f2e..0f0b6c5f76 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/preferences.dtd +++ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/preferences.dtd @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ - + @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ - + @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ - + @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ - + @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ - + diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ index 5e98764464..4bb73516fe 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/ @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ general.create=Crear general.delete=Borrar general.moreInformation=Más información general.seeForMoreInformation=Mira en %S para más información %S %S general.enable=Activar general.disable=Desactivar general.remove=Eliminar @@ -204,11 +204,11 @@ pane.items.trash.multiple=¿Seguro que quieres enviar los ítems a la papelera? pane.items.delete.title=Borrar pane.items.delete=¿Seguro que quieres borrar el ítem asociado? pane.items.delete.multiple=¿Seguro que quieres borrar los ítems seleccionados? -pane.items.remove.title=Remove from Collection -pane.items.remove=Are you sure you want to remove the selected item from this collection? -pane.items.remove.multiple=Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from this collection? Item from Collection… Items from Collection… +pane.items.remove.title=Quitar de la colección +pane.items.remove=¿Seguro que quiere eliminar el elemento seleccionado de esta colección? +pane.items.remove.multiple=¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar estos elementos seleccionados de esta colección? ítem de la colección... ítems de la colección... ítem a la papelera... ítems a la papelera... el ítem seleccionado... @@ -566,15 +566,15 @@ zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Formatos de exportación zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=La copia rápida te permite copiar referencias seleccionadas al portapapeles pulsando un atajo (%S) o arrastrando ítems a una casilla de texto en una página web. zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=Para estilos bibliográficos, puedes copiar las citas o pies de página presionando %S o manteniendo pulsada la tecla Mayúsculas antes de arrastrar los ítems. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationSuccess=Installation was successful. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationError=Installation could not be completed because an error occurred. Please ensure that %1$S is closed, and then restart %2$S. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installed=The %S add-in is currently installed. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.notInstalled=The %S add-in is not currently installed. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.install=Install %S Add-in -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.reinstall=Reinstall %S Add-in -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installing=Installing %S… -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions1=%1$S %2$S is incompatible with versions of %3$S before %4$S. Please remove %3$S, or download the latest version from %5$S. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions2=%1$S %2$S requires %3$S %4$S or later to run. Please download the latest version of %3$S from %5$S. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationSuccess=Instalación fue exitosa. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationError=Instalación no pudo ser completada debido a que un error ocurrió. Por favor asegúrese que %1$S está cerrado, posteriormente reinicie %2$S. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installed=El complemento %S está actualmente instalado. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.notInstalled=El complemento %S no está actualmente instalado. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.install=Instalar complemento %S +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.reinstall=Reinstalar complemento %S +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installing=Instalado %S... +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions1=%1$S %2$S es incompatible con las versiones de %3$S anteriores %4$S. Por favor quite %3$S, o descargue la última versión desde %5$S. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions2=%1$S %2$S requiere %3$S %4$S o posteriores para funcionar. Por favor descargue la última versión de %3$S desde %5$S. zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Agregar estilo @@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ integration.missingItem.multiple=El ítem %1$S en esta cita ya no existe en tu b integration.missingItem.description=Al pulsar "No" borrarás los códigos de campo para citas conteniendo este ítem, manteniendo el texto de la cita pero borrándolo de tu bibliografía. integration.removeCodesWarning=Quitando los códigos de campo impedirás que Zotero de actualice citas y bibliografías en este documento. ¿Estás seguro de que deseas continuar? integration.upgradeWarning=Tu documento debe ser actualizado de versión de manera permanente para poder funcionar con Zotero 2.1 o posterior. Se recomienda hacer una copia de seguridad antes de proceder. ¿Seguro que quieres continuar? -integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document. +integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Su documento fue creado con una versión más reciente de Zotero (%1$S) que la actual versión instalada (%2$S). Por favor actualice Zotero antes de editar este documento. integration.corruptField=El código de campo Zotero correspondiente a esta cita, el cual señala a Zotero qué ítem en su biblioteca esta cita representa, se ha dañado. ¿Te gustaría volver a seleccionar este ítem? integration.corruptField.description=Al pulsar "No" borrarás los códigos de campo para las citas conteniendo este ítem, preservando este texto de cita pero potencialmente borrándolo de tu bibliografía. integration.corruptBibliography=El código de campo Zotero en tu bibliografía está corrupto. ¿Debería Zotero borrar este código de campo y generar una nueva bibliografía? @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Quitar grupos y sincronizar sync.localObject=Objeto local sync.remoteObject=Objeto remoto sync.mergedObject=Unir objeto +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nombre de usuario no provisto sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Debes introducir tu usuario y contraseña de en las preferencias de Zotero para sincronizar con el servidor de Zotero. diff --git a/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ index 7dd48ee29b..6feae0d6ff 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Eemalda Grupid ja Sync sync.localObject=Kohalik objekt sync.remoteObject=Serveri objekt sync.mergedObject=Liidetud objekt +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Kasutajanimi ei ole määratud sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ index 73c763c172..daab73d9ef 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Ezabatu Groups eta Sync sync.localObject=item lokala sync.remoteObject=serbidoreko itema sync.mergedObject=proposamen automatikoa +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Erabiltzaile izena ezarri gabe sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ index 11a0a78ed2..817b1eae05 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=حذف گروه‌ها و همزمان‌‌سازی sync.localObject=شیء محلی sync.remoteObject=شیء دور sync.mergedObject=شیء تلفیقی +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=نام کاربری وارد نشده است sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ index b5e8b04758..969febb14e 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Poista ryhmät ja synkronointi sync.localObject=Paikallinen objekti sync.remoteObject=Etäobjekti sync.mergedObject=Yhdistetty objekti +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Käyttäjänimeä ei määritetty sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Syötä zotero.orgin käyttäjätunnus ja salasana Zoteron asetuksissa, jotta voit synkronoida tiedot Zotero-palvelimen kanssa. diff --git a/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ index 6d9bf15b40..481126775f 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Retirer les groupes et synchroniser sync.localObject=Objet local sync.remoteObject=Objet distant sync.mergedObject=Objet fusionné +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Identifiant non défini sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Vous devez saisir vos nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe, propres à, dans les Préférences de Zotero pour synchroniser avec le serveur Zotero. diff --git a/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ index ac2e4724e5..bd97e6c818 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Borrar o grupo e a sincronización sync.localObject=Obxecto local sync.remoteObject=Obxecto remoto sync.mergedObject=Obxecto unido +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nome de usuario sen definir sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Tes que introducir o teu nome de usuario de e o contrasinal nas preferencias de Zotero e con iso poder sincronizar co servidor de Zotero. diff --git a/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ index 030378a8d9..7fb3d67523 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remove Groups and Sync sync.localObject=Local Object sync.remoteObject=Remote Object sync.mergedObject=Merged Object +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ index f42d731430..184cd38e5e 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remove Groups and Sync sync.localObject=Local Object sync.remoteObject=Remote Object sync.mergedObject=Merged Object +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ index cb5d9b4606..c113c7392d 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/ @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ general.create=Új general.delete=Törlés general.moreInformation=További információ general.seeForMoreInformation=A %S bővebb információkat tartalmaz. %Sás %S general.enable=Bekapcsolás general.disable=Kikapcsolás general.remove=Eltávolítás @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned. pane.items.loading=Elemek listájának betöltése... -pane.items.columnChooser.moreColumns=More Columns +pane.items.columnChooser.moreColumns=Több oszlop pane.items.columnChooser.secondarySort=Másodlagos adatrendezés (%S) Zotero nem ismerte fel a beírt URI-t. Kérem ellenőrizze a címet és próbálja újra. linket szeretne csatolni egy fájlhoz, kérem használja a “%S”-t. @@ -204,11 +204,11 @@ pane.items.trash.multiple=A Kukába helyezés megerősítése? pane.items.delete.title=Törlés pane.items.delete=A kijelölt elem törlésének megerősítése? pane.items.delete.multiple=A kijelölt elemek törlésének megerősítése? -pane.items.remove.title=Remove from Collection -pane.items.remove=Are you sure you want to remove the selected item from this collection? -pane.items.remove.multiple=Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from this collection? Item from Collection… Items from Collection… +pane.items.remove.title=Gyűjtemény törlése... +pane.items.remove=Biztos, hogy el akarja távolítani a kijelölt elemet a gyűjteményből? +pane.items.remove.multiple=Biztos, hogy el akarja távolítani a kijelölt elemeket a gyűjteményből?ölt elem törléseölt elemek törlése mozgatása a Kukába… mozgatása a Kukába…álasztott elem exportálása... @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ülőelem létrehozása a kijelölt elem alapjánülőelemek létrehozása a kijelölt elemek alapján fájl átnevezése a szülő metaadata alapján fájlok átnevezése a szülők metaadata alapján -pane.items.showItemInLibrary=Show Item in Library +pane.items.showItemInLibrary=Az elem megjelenítése könyvtárban pane.items.letter.oneParticipant=Levél (címzett: %S) pane.items.letter.twoParticipants=Levél (címzett: %S és %S) @@ -566,13 +566,13 @@ zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Exportálási formátumok zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=A Gyorsmásolás segítségével a kiválasztott hivatkozásokat a vágólapra lehet másolni a %S gyorsbillentyű lenyomásával. A hivatkozást egy tetszőleges weboldal szövegmezőjébe is be lehet másolni, ha a kijelölt hivatkozást a szövegmezőbe húzzuk. zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=Bibliográfia-stílusokhoz, %S megnyomásával másolhat hivatkozásokat vagy lábjegyzeteket, vagy tartsa lenyomva a Shift-et az elemek áthúzáshoz. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationSuccess=Installation was successful. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationSuccess=A telepítés sikeresen befejeződött. zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationError=Installation could not be completed because an error occurred. Please ensure that %1$S is closed, and then restart %2$S. zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installed=The %S add-in is currently installed. zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.notInstalled=The %S add-in is not currently installed. zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.install=Install %S Add-in zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.reinstall=Reinstall %S Add-in -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installing=Installing %S… +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installing=Telepítés %S… zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions1=%1$S %2$S is incompatible with versions of %3$S before %4$S. Please remove %3$S, or download the latest version from %5$S. zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions2=%1$S %2$S requires %3$S %4$S or later to run. Please download the latest version of %3$S from %5$S. @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Csoport és szinkronizáció eltávolítása sync.localObject=Helyi objektum sync.remoteObject=Távoli objektum sync.mergedObject=Összefésült objektum +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Felhasználónév nincs megadva sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. @@ -985,11 +988,11 @@ firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Type a title or author to search for a reference Zotero megnyitásához kattintásához kattintson ide, vagy használja a %S billentyűparancsot. firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=A Zotero ikon mostantól a Firefox eszköztárán található. A Zotero megnyitásához kattintson az ikonra, vagy használja a %S gyorsbillentyűt. -styles.bibliography=Bibliography Citation Style -styles.editor.warning.noItems=No items selected in Zotero. +styles.bibliography=Bibliográfiaási stílus mentése +styles.editor.warning.noItems=Nincs kiválasztott elem a Zoteroban. styles.editor.warning.parseError=Error parsing style: -styles.editor.warning.renderError=Error generating citations and bibliography: +styles.editor.warning.renderError=Hiba a hivatkozások és a bibliográfia generálása közben: styles.editor.output.individualCitations=Individual Citations styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first") styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles. diff --git a/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ index 7fc8cfca7f..c32b67e5d0 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Hapus Grup dan Sinkronisasi sync.localObject=Objek Lokal sync.remoteObject=Objek Jauh sync.mergedObject=Objek Gabungan +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nama pengguna belum diset sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ index cbfb0fff21..b78819e7f7 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Fjarlægja hópa og samhæfa sync.localObject=Staðbundinn hlutur sync.remoteObject=Fjartengdur hlutur sync.mergedObject=Sameinaður hlutur +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Notandanafn ekki tilgreint sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Þú verður að færa inn notandanafn og lykilorð í Zotero kjörstillingum til að samhæfa Zotero þjóni. diff --git a/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ index 8a3317d6a5..5bf41139e7 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Rimuovere i Gruppi e la Sincronizzazione sync.localObject=Oggetto locale sync.remoteObject=Oggetto remoto sync.mergedObject=Oggetto unificato +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nome utente non impostato sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=È necessario inserire le proprie credenziali di nelle impostazioni di Zotero per attivare la sincronizzazione con il server Zotero. diff --git a/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ index c1657a4e6d..4f0ddc86f0 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=グループと同期を取り除く sync.localObject=ローカル(手元)のオブジェクト sync.remoteObject=リモート(サーバ側)のオブジェクト sync.mergedObject=統合されたオブジェクト +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=ユーザーネームが指定されていません sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Zotero サーバーと同期するためには、Zotero 環境設定において、 のユーザー名とパスワードを入力する必要があります。 diff --git a/chrome/locale/km/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/km/zotero/ index fb05361ed6..fd6a8005ef 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/km/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/km/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=លុបក្រុម និង សមកាលក sync.localObject=វត្ថុមូលដ្ឋាន sync.remoteObject=វត្ថុឆ្ងាយ sync.mergedObject=វត្ថុរួម +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=មិនបានដាក់ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើ sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ index d2f2f10f3c..3b5e3b8f96 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=그룹 및 동기화 제거 sync.localObject=지역 개체 sync.remoteObject=원격 개체 sync.mergedObject=병합된 개체 +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=사용자명 설정되지 않음 sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ index 0bc7421d15..c3c2be77ea 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Pašalinti grupes ir sinchronizuoti sync.localObject=Vietinis objektas sync.remoteObject=Nutolęs objektas sync.mergedObject=Apjungtas objektas +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nenurodytas naudotojo vardas sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Norėdami duomenis sinchronizuoti su Zotero serveriu, įveskite savo naudotojo vardą ir slaptažodį. diff --git a/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ index 2cf0f811a4..44bfb24b1a 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remove Groups and Sync sync.localObject=Local Object sync.remoteObject=Remote Object sync.mergedObject=Merged Object +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ index 15c3cb60e6..c3bf28fae7 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remove Groups and Sync sync.localObject=Local Object sync.remoteObject=Remote Object sync.mergedObject=Merged Object +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ index 74fd49f43e..19caf1d7d8 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Groepen en synchronisatie verwijderen sync.localObject=Lokaal item sync.remoteObject=Item van server sync.mergedObject=Samengevoegd item +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Gebruikersnaam niet ingesteld sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=U moet uw gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord in de Zotero-voorkeuren invoeren om te kunnen synchroniseren met de Zotero-server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ index cfa7f47b88..511a5f7969 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remove Groups and Sync sync.localObject=Local Object sync.remoteObject=Remote Object sync.mergedObject=Merged Object +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ index 7c6e337b5b..a00ee0f139 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Usuń grupy i synchronizuj sync.localObject=Obiekt lokalny sync.remoteObject=Obiekt zdalny sync.mergedObject=Złączony obiekt +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nie podano nazwy użytkownika sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=W celu synchronizacji z serwerem Zotero musisz podać w ustawieniach Zotero swoją nazwę użytkownika i hasło używane w serwisie diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ index b8e45a4492..356a132e2b 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remover grupos e sincronização sync.localObject=Objeto local sync.remoteObject=Objeto remoto sync.mergedObject=Objeto mesclado +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nome de usuário não configurado sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Você deve inserir seu nome de usuário e senha do nas preferências do Zotero para sincronizar os dados com o servidor Zotero. diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ index 5f8dd5e6c4..1c416af7ab 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remover Grupos e Sincronização sync.localObject=Objecto Local sync.remoteObject=Objecto Remoto sync.mergedObject=Objecto Integrado +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nome de utilizador por indicar sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Tem de introduzir o seu nome de utilizador e a sua palavra-passe do nas preferências Zotero para sincronizar com o servidor Zotero. diff --git a/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ index bbe895dae8..ae949aec24 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Șterge Grupuri și Sincronizare sync.localObject=Obiect local sync.remoteObject=Obiect la distanță sync.mergedObject=Obiect unificat +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nume de utilizator neconfigurat sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Trebuie să introduci numele de utilizator și parola în preferințele Zotero pentru a sincroniza cu serverul Zotero. diff --git a/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ index 878a22c738..bf01e5e0ed 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Обнулить группы и синхронизир sync.localObject=Локальный объект sync.remoteObject=Удаленный объект sync.mergedObject=Объединенный объект +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Имя пользователя не установлено sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Для выполнения синхронизации с сервером Zotero необходимо указать имя и пароль пользователя для в настройках Zotero. diff --git a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ index b13606bcc4..480a019c88 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Odstrániť skupiny a synchronizovať sync.localObject=Miestny objekt sync.remoteObject=Vzdialený objekt sync.mergedObject=Zlúčený objekt +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Nie je nastavené meno používateľa sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Pre synchronizáciu so serverom Zotero musíte zadať vaše užívateľské meno a heslo pre v predvoľbách Zotera. diff --git a/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ index 542ba7c59c..8f3f640ba8 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Odstrani skupine in usklajevanje sync.localObject=Krajevni predmet sync.remoteObject=Oddaljeni predmet sync.mergedObject=Spojeni predmet +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Uporabniško ime ni določeno sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Za usklajevanje s strežnikom Zotero morate v nastavitvah Zotero vnesti svoje uporabniško ime in geslo za diff --git a/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ index ea801d86b1..b44d57ef7d 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remove Groups and Sync sync.localObject=Local Object sync.remoteObject=Remote Object sync.mergedObject=Merged Object +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ index 4c73f4ea3d..015a16c87b 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Ta bort grupp och synkronisering sync.localObject=Lokalt objekt sync.remoteObject=Fjärrobjekt sync.mergedObject=Ihopsatt objekt +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Användarnamn är inte valt sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Du måste ange dittändarnamn och lösenord i Zoteros egenskaper för att synkronisera med Zotero-servern. diff --git a/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ index 791710cdcb..491942eb97 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=ลบกลุ่มและการเชื่อ sync.localObject=อ็อบเจกต์ในเครื่อง sync.remoteObject=อ็อบเจกต์ทางไกล sync.mergedObject=รวมอ็อบเจกต์ +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=ไม่ได้ตั้งชื่อผู้ใช้ั sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/preferences.dtd b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/preferences.dtd index c16f9c7b6f..7223e057f4 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/preferences.dtd +++ b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/preferences.dtd @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - + @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ - + diff --git a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.dtd index 26a5b93f85..3d11fe53d2 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.dtd +++ b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.dtd @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ - + diff --git a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ index 804cd80875..644e8d8e48 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/ @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ general.create=Oluştur general.delete=Sil general.moreInformation=Daha Bilgi general.seeForMoreInformation=Daha fazla bilgi için bakınız: %S %S'u aç general.enable=Etkinleştir: general.disable=Seçilemez Kıl general.remove=Kaldır @@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ pane.collections.delete.title=Dermeyi Sil pane.collections.delete=Seçili dermeyi silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? pane.collections.delete.keepItems=Derme içerisindeki eserler silinmeyecektir. pane.collections.deleteWithItems.title=Dermeyi ve Eserleri Sil -pane.collections.deleteWithItems=Seçili derme ile birlikte tüm eserleri silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? +pane.collections.deleteWithItems=Seçili dermeyi silip, içindeki tüm eserleri Çöp Sepetine taşımak istediğinize emin misiniz? pane.collections.deleteSearch.title=Aramayı Sil pane.collections.deleteSearch=Seçili aramayı silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? -pane.collections.emptyTrash=Çöp kutusundaki tüm eserleri kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? +pane.collections.emptyTrash=Çöp Sepetindeki tüm eserleri kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? pane.collections.newCollection=Yeni Derme derme için bir isim girin: pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Yeni Kaydedilen Arama @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ pane.collections.savedSearchName=Bu kayıtlı arama için bir isim giriniz: pane.collections.rename=Dermeyi yeniden adlandır: pane.collections.library=Kitaplığım pane.collections.groupLibraries=Grup Kitaplıkları -pane.collections.trash=Çöp +pane.collections.trash=Çöp Sepeti pane.collections.untitled=İsimsiz pane.collections.unfiled=Dosyalanmamış Eserler pane.collections.duplicate=Yinelenen Öğeler @@ -198,19 +198,19 @@ pane.items.columnChooser.moreColumns=Başka Sütun pane.items.columnChooser.secondarySort=İkincil Sıralama (%S) girdiğiniz URI'yi tanımadı. Adresi kontrol edip tekrar deneyiniz. dosyaya bağlantı iliştirmek için lütfen “%S”'u kullanınız. -pane.items.trash.title=Çöpe Gönder -pane.items.trash=Seçili eseri çöpe göndermeyi istediğinize emin misiniz? -pane.items.trash.multiple=Seçili eserleri çöpe göndermeyi istediğinize emin misiniz? +pane.items.trash.title=Çöp Sepetine Gönder +pane.items.trash=Seçili eseri Çöp Sepetine göndermeyi istediğinize emin misiniz? +pane.items.trash.multiple=Seçili eserleri Çöp Sepetine göndermeyi istediğinize emin misiniz? pane.items.delete.title=Sil pane.items.delete=Seçili olan bu eseri silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? pane.items.delete.multiple=Seçili olan bu eserleri silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? -pane.items.remove.title=Remove from Collection -pane.items.remove=Are you sure you want to remove the selected item from this collection? -pane.items.remove.multiple=Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from this collection? Item from Collection… Items from Collection… sil... sil +pane.items.remove.title=Dermeden Sil +pane.items.remove=Seçili eseri, bu dermeden kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz? +pane.items.remove.multiple=Seçili eserleri bu dermeden kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz? Dermeden Sil... Dermeden Sil... Çöp Sepetine Gönder... Çöp Sepetine Gönder...çili Eseri Dışarı Aktar...çili Eserleri Dışarı Aktar...çili Eserden Bibliyografya Yarat... @@ -566,15 +566,15 @@ zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Dışarı Aktarım Biçimleri zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=Çabuk Kopyala, bir kısayol tuşuna (%S) basarak seçilen kaynakların panoya kopyalanmasını ya da eserlerin bir web sayfasındaki bir metin kutusuna sürüklenebilmesini sağlar. zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=Bibliyografik stiller için, gönderme ve dipnotları, %S tuşuna basarak veya Shift/ÜstKarakter tuşuna basarken eserleri sürükleyerek kopyalayabilirsiniz. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationSuccess=Installation was successful. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationError=Installation could not be completed because an error occurred. Please ensure that %1$S is closed, and then restart %2$S. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installed=The %S add-in is currently installed. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.notInstalled=The %S add-in is not currently installed. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.install=Install %S Add-in -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.reinstall=Reinstall %S Add-in -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installing=Installing %S… -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions1=%1$S %2$S is incompatible with versions of %3$S before %4$S. Please remove %3$S, or download the latest version from %5$S. -zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions2=%1$S %2$S requires %3$S %4$S or later to run. Please download the latest version of %3$S from %5$S. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationSuccess=Kurulum başarıyla sonuçlandı. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationError=Bir hata oluştuğu için kurulum tamamlanamadı. %1$S'ün kapalı olduğuna emin olduktan sonra %2$S'u yeniden başlatın. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installed=%S eklentisi kurulu. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.notInstalled=%S eklentisi kurulu değil. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.install=%S Eklentisini Kur +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.reinstall=%S Eklentisini Tekrar Kur +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installing=%S Kuruluyor... +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions1=%1$S %2$S, %3$S uygulamasının %4$S sürümünden önceki sürümleri ile uyumsuz. Lütfen %3$S uygulamasını kaldırınız, ya da en yeni sürümü %5$S adresinden indiriniz. +zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions2=%1$S %2$S doğru çalışabilmek için, %3$S uygulamasının %4$S sürümünü ya da sonraki sürümlerini gerektirmektedir. Lütfen %3$S uygulamasının en yeni sürümünü %5$S adresinden indiriniz. zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Stil Ekle @@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ integration.missingItem.multiple=Zotero veritabanınızda, bu göndermedeki %1$S integration.missingItem.description="Hayır"ı tıklamak bu eseri içeren göndermelerin alan kodlarını silecek, gönderme metnini koruyacak, ama kaynakçanızdan silecektir. integration.removeCodesWarning=Alan kodlarının silinmesi Zotero'nun bu belgedeki göndermeleri ve kaynakçaları güncellemesini engelleyecektir. Devam etmek istediğinize emin misiniz? integration.upgradeWarning=Belgeniz Zotero 2.0b7 ve sonrası ile birlikte çalışabilmesi için kalıcı olarak yükseltilmelidir. İşlemi gerçekleştirmeden önce yedek almanız önerilir. Devam etmek istediğinize emin misiniz? -integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document. +integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Belgeniz şu an kurulu olan Zotero sürümünden (%2$S) daha yeni bir sürümle (%1$S) yaratılmış. Lütfen bu belgeyi değiştirmeden önce Zotero'yu yükseltiniz. integration.corruptField=Kitaplığınızdaki hangi eserde bu göndermenin temsil edildiğini Zotero'ya söyleyen bu göndermeye ilişkin Zotero alan kodu bozulmuştur. Eseri tekrar seçmek ister misiniz? integration.corruptField.description="Hayır"ı tıklamak bu eseri içeren göndermelerin alan kodlarını silecek, gönderme metnini koruyacak, ama bir olasılıkla kaynakçanızdan silecektir. integration.corruptBibliography=Kaynakçanızın Zotero alan kodu bozulmuştur. Zotero bu alan kodunu silerek yeni bir kaynakça oluştursun mu? @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Grubu Kaldır ve Eşitle sync.localObject=Yerel Nesne sync.remoteObject=Uzak Nesne sync.mergedObject=Nesneyi Birleştir +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Kullanıcı adı yok sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Zotero sunucusu ile eşitlenebilmek için Zotero tercihleri altında kullanıcı adı ve parolanızı girmelisiniz. diff --git a/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ index 1f8e0c16ba..ce3eb44e40 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Обнулити групи і синхронізува sync.localObject=Локальний об'єкт sync.remoteObject=Видалений об'єкт sync.mergedObject=Об'єднаний об'єкт +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Ім'я користувача не встановлено sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Для синхронізації з сервером Zotero ви повинні ввести ім'я користувача та пароль для в налаштуваннях Zotero. diff --git a/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ index f00b5df7d4..0f7bb9b75b 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Remove Groups and Sync sync.localObject=Local Object sync.remoteObject=Remote Object sync.mergedObject=Merged Object +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=Username not set sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server. diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ index 9b7002d845..6a178b7985 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=移除群组和同步 sync.localObject=本地对象 sync.remoteObject=远程对象 sync.mergedObject=合并的对象 +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=未设置用户名 sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=要与Zotero服务器同步, 您需要在Zotero首选项面板中输入zotero.org的用户名及密码. diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ index bb70b4e3b1..583cb0145d 100644 --- a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ +++ b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/ @@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ sync.removeGroupsAndSync=移除群組與同步 sync.localObject=本機的物件 sync.remoteObject=遠端的物件 sync.mergedObject=合併的物件 +sync.merge.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts +sync.merge.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts + sync.error.usernameNotSet=沒有設定使用者名稱 sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=於 Zotero 偏好設定中一定得輸入 使用者名稱與密碼才能與 Zotero 伺服器同步。