diff --git a/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/zotero.dtd
index f34c383667..43b7861cfa 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/zotero.properties
index 7dba6ada02..10dcd79f66 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/af-ZA/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Saving Link...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Collapse Annotation
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expand Annotation
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Annotations for a snapshot may only be opened in one browser window simultaneously. This snapshot will be opened without annotations.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Fields are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .odt file format.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Do you want to regenerate the citation?
integration.regenerate.body=The changes you have made in the citation editor will be lost.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=The highlighted citation no longer exists in your
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 0a4db13c0f..946bdb3238 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/zotero.properties
index d5900423f6..3fa241c276 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ar/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=حفظ الرابط...
save.link.error=حدث خطأ أثناء حفظ هذا الرابط
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=لا يمكن عمل تعديلات لمجموعة العناصر المحددة حاليا.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=لا يمكن اضافة ملفات لمجموعة العناصر المحددة.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=حفظ في زوتيرو
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=طي التعليق
annotations.expand.tooltip=بسط التعليق
annotations.oneWindowWarning=لا يمكن عرض تعليقات اللقطات الفوتوغرافية لأكثر من نافذة في نفس الوقت. سيتم عرض هذه اللقطة بدون تعليقات.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=العلامات المرجعية
-integration.fields.caption=الحقول في مايكروسوفت وورد أقل عرضة للتعديل الغير مقصود ، ولكن لا يمكن مشاركتها مع برنامج أوبن أوفيس.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=العلامات المرجعية في أوبن أوفيس أقل عرضة للتعديل الغير مقصود ، ولكن لا يمكن مشاركتها مع برنامج مايكروسوفت وورد.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=يجب حفظ المستند بصيغة .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=هل تريد إعادة إنتاج الاستشهاد؟
integration.regenerate.body=سيتم فقدان التغييرات التي أجريتها في محرر الاستشهاد.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=هذا العنصر لم يعد موجودا في
integration.missingItem.multiple=العنصر %1$S في هذا الاستشهاد لم يعد موجودا في قاعدة بيانات زوتيرو الخاصة بك. هل ترغب في تحديد عنصر بديل؟
integration.missingItem.description=بالضغط على "لا" سيتم حذف رموز حقول الاستشهادات التي تحتوي على هذا عنصر، مع المحافظة على نص الاستشهاد والقيام بحذفه من قائمة المراجع الخاصة بك.
integration.removeCodesWarning=عند حذف رموز الحقول سيتم منع زوتيرو من تحديث الاستشهادات وقائمة المراجع بهذا المستند. هل ترغب في المتابعة؟
-integration.upgradeWarning=يجب ترقية مستندك بشكل دائم للعمل مع إصدارة زوتيرو 2.1 أو الأحدث. من المفضل أن تقوم بإجراء النسخ الاحتياطي قبل المتابعة. هل ترغب في المتابعة؟
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=رمز حقل زوتيرو المقابلة لهذا الاستشهاد, التي تخبر زوتيرو أي عنصر في مكتبتك يمثل هذا الاستشهاد، قد حدث به عطب. هل ترغب على إعادة تحديد العنصر؟
integration.corruptField.description=عند الضغط على "لا" سيتم حذف رموز الحقول للاستشهادات التي تحتوي على هذا العنصر، سيتم المحافظة على نص الاستشهاد لكن يحتمل أن يحذف من قائمة المراجع الخاص بك.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/zotero.dtd
index b49743f5a0..e14bf9e242 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/zotero.properties
index b32f54342e..39498997e3 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Записва връзка...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Съхранява в Зотеро
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Свива анотация
annotations.expand.tooltip=Разгръща анотация
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Анотациите на копие могат да бъдат отворени само в един прозорец на браузера. Това копие ще бъде отворено без анотации.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Полета с отпратки
-integration.fields.caption=По-малко вероятно е полетата Microsoft Word да бъдат променени по грешка, но те не могат да бъдат прехвърляни в OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=По-малко вероятно е полетата с отпратки на OpenOffice да бъдат променени по грешка, но те не могат да бъдат прехвърляни в Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Документът трябва да бъде съхранен в .odt файлов формат.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Искате ли да възстановите цитата?
integration.regenerate.body=Промените, които направихте в редактора на цитатите ще бъдат загубени.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Този запис не съществува в
integration.missingItem.multiple=Запис %1$S в този цитат не съществува във вашата Зотеро база дани. Желаете ли да изберете друг запис, който да го замести?
integration.missingItem.description=Избирайки "Не" Вие ще изтриете кодовете на полетата за цитатите съдържащи този запис, запазвайки техният текст. Записа ще бъде остранен и от библиографията.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Премахването на кодовете на полетата ще попречи на Зотеро да осъвременява цитатите и библиографиите в този документ. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да прдължите?
-integration.upgradeWarning=За да работи с 2.0b7 или последващи версии на Зотеро, Вашият документ трябва да бъде осъвременен. Препоръчва ме ви да направите копие от документа преди да продължите с тази операция. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да продължите?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=Кода на полето на Зотеро, който съдържа информацията за записа от библиотеката свързан с този цитат е повреден. Желаете ли да изберете отново съответният запис?
integration.corruptField.description=Избирайки "Не" Вие ще изтриете кодовете на полетата за цитатите съдържащи този запис, запазвайки техният текст. Вероятно е този записа да бъде остранен и от библиографията.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 10cb4fcc03..9671e0a404 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ca-AD/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -232,9 +232,6 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/zotero.dtd
index ef26fcd68c..cafd5be334 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/zotero.properties
index 1eca8f9f3a..7602921526 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Ukládá se odkaz...
save.link.error=Při ukládání tohoto odkazu došlo k chybě.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=V aktuálně vybrané kolekci nemůžete provádět změny.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Do aktuálně vybrané kolekce nemůžete přidávat soubory.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Nelze ukládat položky přímo do Mých publikací. Chcete-li přidat položky do mých publikací, přetáhněte je z jiné knihovny.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Nelze ukládat položky do kanálů.
ingester.saveToZotero=Uložit do Zotera
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Složit anotace
annotations.expand.tooltip=Rozložit anotace
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Anotace pro snímek může být najednou otevřena jen v jednom okně. Tento snímek bude otevřen bez anotací.
-integration.fields.caption=U Polí aplikace Microsoft Word je menší pravděpodobnost náhodných změn, ale nemohou být sdílena s OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Dokument musí být uložen ve formátu .doc nebo .docx.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=U ReferenceMarks v OpenOffice je menší pravděpodobnost náhodných změn, ale nemohou být sdílena s Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokument musí být uložen ve formátu .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Chcete obnovit citaci?
integration.regenerate.body=Změny, které jste provedli v citačním editoru, budou ztraceny.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Tato položka už v databázi Zotera neexistuje.
integration.missingItem.multiple=Položka %1$S v této citaci už dále neexistuje v databázi Zotera. Přejete si zvolit jinou položku?
integration.missingItem.description=Kliknutím na "Ne" smažete kódy pole pro citace obsahujících tuto položku, text citace bude zachován, ale bude smazána z vaší bibliografie.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Odstranění kódů polí neumožní Zoteru aktualizaci citací a bibliografií v tomto dokumentu. Jste si jistí, že chcete pokračovat?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Váš dokument musí být permanentně aktualizován, abyste mohli pracovat se Zoterem 2.0b7 a vyšším. Před pokračováním je doporučeno vytvoření záložní kopie dokumentu. Jste si jisti, že chcete pokračovat?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Váš dokument byl vytvořen v novější verzi Zotera (%1$S), než je ta současně nainstalovaná (%2$S). Před úpravami tohoto dokumentu prosím aktualizujte Zotero.
integration.corruptField=Kód pole Zotera odpovídající této citaci, který označuje, které položky ve vaší knihovně tato citace reprezentuje, byl poškozen. Přejete si znovu vybrat položku?
integration.corruptField.description=Kliknutím na "Ne" smažete kódy pole pro citace obsahující tuto položku, text citace bude zachován, ale citace může být smazána z vaší bibliografie.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Jednotlivá citace (s pozicí "první")
styles.preview.instructions=Pro náhled těchto položek pomocí nainstalovaných citačních stylů CSL vyberte v Zoteru jednu nebo více položek a klikněte tlačítko "Obnovit".
publications.intro.text1=Moje publikace vám umožní vytvořit seznam vlastní prací a sdílet je na stránce vašeho profilu na %S. Můžete přidat poznámky o každé položce a dokonce sdílet soubory ve formátu PDF nebo jiné soubory na základě licence, kterou určíte.
-publications.intro.text2=Chcete-li přidat položky, přetáhněte je z jiné knihovny. Budete si moci vybrat, zda zahrnout připojené poznámky a soubory.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Přidávejte pouze práci, kterou jste sami vytvořili a připojte pouze soubory, ke kterým máte práva k jejich veřejné distribuci.
publications.intro.authorship=Vytvořil jsem tuto práci.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Vytvořil jsem tuto práci a mám právo na distribuci připojených souborů.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 8f9b4339ac..dbf1f21ec9 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/zotero.properties
index f84b89b368..7c2c63e0b6 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/da-DK/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Gemmer henvisning...
save.link.error=Der opstod en fejl, mens henvisningen blev forsøgt gemt.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Du kan ikke lave ændringer til den valgte samling.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Du kan ikke tilføje filer til den valgte samling.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Du kan ikke gemme elementer direkte i Mine publikationer. Træk elementer fra et andet bibliotek for at tilføje dem til Mine publikationer.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Du kan ikke gemme elementer til nyhedsstrømme.
ingester.saveToZotero=Gem i Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Slå annoteringerne sammen
annotations.expand.tooltip=Udvid annoteringerne
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Annoteringer til et øjebliksbillede kan kun åbnes i ét browser-vindue ad gangen. Dette øjebliksbillede bliver åbnet uden annoteringer.
-integration.fields.caption=Risikoen for, at Microsoft Word-felter ændres ved en fejltagelse, er mindre, men de kan ikke deles med OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Dokumentet skal gemmes i .doc- eller .docx-filformatet.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Risikoen for, at OpenOffice-referencemarkører ændres ved en fejltagelse, er mindre, men de kan ikke deles med Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokumentet skal gemmes i .odt-formatet.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Vil du gendanne henvisningen?
integration.regenerate.body=Dine ændringer til henvisningen vil gå tabt.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Den markerede henvisning findes ikke længere i d
integration.missingItem.multiple=Elementet %1$S i denne henvisning findes ikke længere i din Zotero-database. Vil du vælge et andet til erstatning?
integration.missingItem.description=Hvis du trykker "Nej", vil feltkoderne for henvisninger, der indeholder dette element, blive slettet. Henvisningsteksten vil blive bevaret, men slettes i referencelisten.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Fjernes feltkoderne vil det forhindre Zotero i at opdatere henvisninger og referencelister i dette dokument. Vil du fortsætte?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Dit dokument skal opgraderes permanent for at virke med Zotero 2.1 og senere. Det anbefales, at du laver en sikkerhedskopi, inden du fortsætter. Vil du fortsætte?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Dit dokument blev oprettet med en nyere version af Zotero (%1$S) end den nuværende installerede version (%2$S). Opgradér venligst Zotero, inden du redigerer dette dokument.
integration.corruptField=Zotero-feltkoden svarende til denne henvisning, som fortæller Zotero, hvilket element i din samling denne henvisning repræsenterer, er ødelagt. Ønsker du at vælge elementet igen?
integration.corruptField.description=Hvis du trykker "Nej", vil feltkoderne for henvisninger, der indeholder dette element, blive slettet. Henvisningsteksten vil blive bevaret, men slettes muligvis i referencelisten.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Enkelt henvisning (med positionen "fornavn")
styles.preview.instructions=Vælg et eller flere elementer i Zotero og klik på "Opdatér"-knappen for at se, hvordan disse elementer gengives af de installerede CSL-
publications.intro.text1=Mine publikationer tillader dig at oprette en liste over dine egne arbejder og dele den på din profilside på %S. Du kan tilføje noter om hvert element og endda dele PDF'er eller andre filer underlagt en licens, som du specificerer.
-publications.intro.text2=Træk elementer fra et andet bibliotek for at tilføje dem. Du kan vælge om vedhæftede noter og filer skal inkluderes.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Tilføj kun arbejder, du selv har lavet, og inkludér kun filer, hvis du har rettighederne til at distribuere dem offentligt og ønsker at gøre det.
publications.intro.authorship=Jeg lavede dette arbejde.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Jeg lavede dette arbejde og har rettighederne til at distribuere inkluderede filer.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/de/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/de/zotero/zotero.dtd
index ea5e6e084e..0cf8530753 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/de/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/de/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/de/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/de/zotero/zotero.properties
index 680cbd722b..a371bebec3 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/de/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/de/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Speichere Link...
save.link.error=Beim Speichern dieses Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Sie können keine Änderungen an der im Moment ausgewählten Sammlung vornehmen.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Sie können keine Dateien zur im Moment ausgewählten Sammlung hinzufügen.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Sie können Einträge nicht direkt in Meine Publikationen speichern. Um Einträge zu Meine Publikationen hinzuzufügen, ziehen Sie sie aus einer anderen Bibliothek.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Sie können Einträge nicht in Feeds speichern.
ingester.saveToZotero=In Zotero speichern
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Anmerkung einklappen
annotations.expand.tooltip=Anmerkung ausklappen
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Anmerkungen für einen Schnappschuss können nur in einem Browserfenster auf einmal geöffnet werden. Dieser Schnappschuss wird ohne Anmerkungen geöffnet werden.
-integration.fields.caption=Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Microsoft-Word-Felder verändert werden, ist geringer; aber diese können nicht mit OpenOffice.org ausgetauscht werden.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Das Dokument muss im .doc- oder .docx-Format gespeichert werden.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass OpenOffice.org-Referenzmarken verändert werden, ist geringer; aber sie können nicht mit Microsoft-Word ausgetauscht werden.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Das Dokument muss im .odt-Format gespeichert werden.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Wollen Sie diese Zitation neu erzeugen?
integration.regenerate.body=Die Änderungen, die Sie an der Zitation vorgenommen haben, werden verloren gehen.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Dieser Eintrag existiert nicht mehr in Ihrer Zote
integration.missingItem.multiple=Eintrag %1$S in dieser Zitation existiert nicht mehr in Ihrer Zotero-Datenbank. Wollen Sie einen anderen Eintrag als Ersatz auswählen?
integration.missingItem.description=Wenn Sie "Nein" anklicken, werden die Feld-Codes für Zitationen, die diesen Eintrag enthalten, gelöscht, und damit der Zitationstext erhalten, aber aus dem Literaturverzeichnis gelöscht.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Nach dem Entfernen von Feld-Codes kann Zotero Zitationen und Literaturverzeichnissen in diesem Dokument nicht mehr aktualisieren. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Ihr Dokument muss permanent aktualisiert werden, um mit Zotero 2.1 oder neueren Versionen zu funktionieren. Das Anlegen eines Backups wird empfohlen, bevor Sie fortfahren. Sind Sie sicher, dass sich fortfahren möchten?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Ihr Dokument wurde mit einer aktuelleren Version von Zotero (%1$S) als der momentan installierten ((%2$S) erstellt. Bitte installieren Sie die neueste Version von Zotero, bevor Sie das Dokument bearbeiten.
integration.corruptField=Der Zotero-Feld-Code zu dieser Zitation, der Zotero mitteilt, zu welchem Eintrag in Ihrer Bibliothek die Zitation gehört, ist beschädigt. Wollen Sie den Eintrag erneut auswählen?
integration.corruptField.description=Wenn Sie "Nein" anklicken, werden die Feld-Codes für Zitationen, die diesen Eintrag enthalten, gelöscht, und damit der Zitationstext erhalten, aber möglicherweise aus dem Literaturverzeichnis gelöscht.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Einzelne Zitation (an erster Stelle)
styles.preview.instructions=Wählen SIe einen oder mehrere Einträge in Zotero aus und klicken Sie den "Aktualisieren"-Button, um zu sehen, wie diese Einträge mit den installierten CSL-Zitationsstilen jeweils angezeigt werden.
publications.intro.text1=Meine Publikationen ermöglicht es Ihnen, eine Liste Ihrer eigenen Arbeiten zu erstellen und auf Ihrer Profilseite on %S zu veröffentlichen. Sie können Notizen zu jedem Eintrag hinzufügen und sogar PDFs oder andere Dateien unter einer von Ihnen gewählten Lizenz teilen.
-publications.intro.text2=Um Einträge hinzuzufügen, ziehen Sie sie von einer anderen Bibliothek herüber. Sie können wählen ob auch angehängte Dateien und Notizen kopiert werden.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Fügen Sie nur Werke hinzu die Sie selber kreiert haben und hängen Sie nur Dateien an wenn Sie befugt sind und wünschen diese öffentlich zu teilen.
publications.intro.authorship=Ich habe dieses Werk erstellt.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Ich habe dieses Werk erstellt und ich habe die Nutzungsrechte, um die enthaltenen Dateien zu verbreiten.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 68d13d3d0a..1644461fb4 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/zotero.properties
index f1325bddbd..91f1f530b6 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/el-GR/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Saving Link...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Collapse Annotation
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expand Annotation
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Annotations for a snapshot may only be opened in one browser window simultaneously. This snapshot will be opened without annotations.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Fields are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .odt file format.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Do you want to regenerate the citation?
integration.regenerate.body=The changes you have made in the citation editor will be lost.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=The highlighted citation no longer exists in your
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 2684556f99..f2eff34017 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/zotero.properties
index 950092279a..d13b87bcea 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Guardando enlace...
save.link.error=Ha ocurrido un error guardando este enlace.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=No puedes hacer cambios a la actual colección.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=No puedes agregar archivos a la actual colección.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=No puede guardar elementos directamente en Mis Publicaciones. Para agregar elementos a Mis Publicaciones, arrástrelos desde otra biblioteca.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=No puede guardar elementos en las fuentes.
ingester.saveToZotero=Guardar en Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Colapsar anotación
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expandir anotación
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Sólo se pueden abrir las anotaciones de una instantánea en una ventana de navegador simultáneamente. Esta instantánea se abrirá sin anotaciones.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Marcas de referencia
-integration.fields.caption=Es menos probable que se modifiquen accidentalmente los campos de Microsoft Word, pero no pueden compartirse con OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=El documento debe ser guardado en el formato de archivo .doc o .docx
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Es menos probable que se modifiquen accidentalmente las marcas de referencia de OpenOffice, pero no pueden compartirse con Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=El documento debe guardarse en formato de archivo .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=¿Quieres regenerar la cita?
integration.regenerate.body=Se perderán los cambios hechos en el editor de citas.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Este ítem ya no existe en tu base de datos de Zo
integration.missingItem.multiple=El ítem %1$S en esta cita ya no existe en tu base de datos de Zotero. ¿Quieres seleccionar un ítem para sustituirlo?
integration.missingItem.description=Al pulsar "No" borrarás los códigos de campo para citas conteniendo este ítem, manteniendo el texto de la cita pero borrándolo de tu bibliografía.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Quitando los códigos de campo impedirás que Zotero de actualice citas y bibliografías en este documento. ¿Estás seguro de que deseas continuar?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Tu documento debe ser actualizado de versión de manera permanente para poder funcionar con Zotero 2.1 o posterior. Se recomienda hacer una copia de seguridad antes de proceder. ¿Seguro que quieres continuar?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Su documento fue creado con una versión más reciente de Zotero (%1$S) que la actual versión instalada (%2$S). Por favor actualice Zotero antes de editar este documento.
integration.corruptField=El código de campo Zotero correspondiente a esta cita, el cual señala a Zotero qué ítem en su biblioteca esta cita representa, se ha dañado. ¿Te gustaría volver a seleccionar este ítem?
integration.corruptField.description=Al pulsar "No" borrarás los códigos de campo para las citas conteniendo este ítem, preservando este texto de cita pero potencialmente borrándolo de tu bibliografía.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Unica cita (con posición "primera")
styles.preview.instructions=Seleccionar uno o más elementos en Zotero y presione el botón "Actualizar" para ver como estos artículos son visualizados por los estilos de citas CSL.
publications.intro.text1=Mis Publicaciones le permite crear un listado de sus propios trabajos y compartirlos en su página de perfil en %S. Puede agregar notas en cada elemento e incluso compartir PDFs u otros archivos bajo la licencia que especifique.
-publications.intro.text2=Para agregar elementos, arrástrelos desde otra biblioteca. Podrá elegir entre incluid notas adjuntas y archivos.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Solo agregue trabajos que ha creado, y solo incluya archivos de los cuales posee derechos para distribuirlos públicamente y así desea hacerlo.
publications.intro.authorship=Creé este trabajo.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Creé este trabajo y poseo los derechos para distribuirlos incluyendo sus archivos.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 5fdeb39ba7..5ee5d996c9 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/zotero.properties
index 0b803b88fc..81d07c74e1 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/et-EE/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Lingi salvestamine...
save.link.error=Selle lingi salvestamisel tekkis viga
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Valitud teemasse ei ole võimalik muutuseid salvestada.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Valitud teemasse ei ole võimalik kirjeid lisada.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Salvestada Zoterosse
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Annotatsiooni peitmine
annotations.expand.tooltip=Annotatsiooni näitamine
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Momentülesvõtte annotatsiooni saab korraga näidata vaid ühes brauseri aknas. See momentülesvõte avatakse ilma annotatsioonideta.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Fields (väljad) on juhuslikule muutmisele vähem vastuvõtlikud, kuid ei ühildu OpenOffice-ga.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks on juhuslikule muutmisele vähem vastuvõtlikud, kuid ei ühildu Microsoft Word-iga.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokument peab olema salvestatud .odt formaadis.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Soovite taasluua tsiteeringut?
integration.regenerate.body=Muudatused, mis on tehtud tsitaadiredaktoris, hävivad.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=See kirje ei ole enam Zotero andmebaasis. Kas soo
integration.missingItem.multiple=Kirje %1$S ei ole enam Zotero andmebaasis. Kas soovite valida mõne teise kirje?
integration.missingItem.description=Vajutades "Ei" kustutate väljakoodid viidetele, mis sisaldavad seda kirjet. Tsiteeringu tekst säilib, aga bibliograafiast kirje kustutatakse.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Väljakoodide eemaldamine ei luba Zoterol enam uuendada selles dokumendis viiteid ja bibliograafiaid. Olete selles toimingus kindel?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Dokument on loodud uuema versiooniga Zoterost (%1$S) kui installeeritud versioon (%2$S). Palun uuendada Zotero viimasele versioonile.
integration.corruptField=Zotero väljakood, mis vastab sellele kirjele, on vigane. Kas soovite kirje uuesti valida.
integration.corruptField.description=Vajutades "Ei" kustutate väljakoodid viidetele, mis sisaldavad seda kirjet. Tsiteeringu tekst säilib, aga kirje bibliograafiast kirje võib kustuda.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 6be206da38..10a61c1350 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/zotero.properties
index 61a7ce0daf..f0e78dfd7f 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/eu-ES/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=URLa gordetzen ari...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Zotero-n gorde
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Tolestu ohartxoa
annotations.expand.tooltip=Zabaldu ohartxoa
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Annotations for a snapshot may only be opened in one browser window simultaneously. This snapshot will be opened without annotations.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Eremuak ez dabiltza Open-Officen.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks ez dabiltza Microsoft Officen.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokumentua .odt formatuan gorde behar da.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=aipamena birsortu nahi duzu?
integration.regenerate.body=Editoreari dagozkion aldaketak ez dira gordeko.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Aipatutako itema ez dago zure Zotero datu-basean.
integration.missingItem.multiple=Aipamen honetako %1$S.garren itema ez dago zure Zotero datu-basean. Lotura berrezarri nahi duzu?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 2a3d041f2b..08b71d4dc3 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/zotero.properties
index 26edaada3f..652704e5a3 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/fa/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=در حال ذخیره پیوند...
save.link.error=هنگام ذخیره لینک خطایی رخ داد.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=شما نمیتوانید تغییراتی در مجموعه انتخابشده بدهید.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=شما نمیتوانید به مجموعه انتخابشده، فایلها را اضافه کنید.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=ذخیره در زوترو
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=بستن حاشیهنویسی
annotations.expand.tooltip=باز کردن حاشیهنویسی
annotations.oneWindowWarning=حاشیهنویسی فقط در یک پنجره میتواند فعال باشد. این پنجره بدون حاشیهنویسی باز خواهد شد.
-integration.fields.caption=استفاده از فیلدهای Microsoft Word احتمال تغییر تصادفی را کاهش میدهد ولی امکان استفاده در OpenOffice را از بین خواهد برد.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=احتمال تغییر تصادفی ReferenceMarkها در OpenOffice کمتر است، اما نمیتوان آنها را در Microsoft Word استفاده کرد.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=سند باید در قالب پرونده .odt ذخیره شود.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=آیا میخواهید یادکرد دوباره ساخته شود؟
integration.regenerate.body=تغییراتی که در ویرایشگر یادکرد انجام دادید، از بین خواهد رفت.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=این آیتم دیگر در دادگان ز
integration.missingItem.multiple=آیتم %1$S در این یادکرد، دیگر در دادگان زوترو وجود ندارد. آیا میخواهید یک آیتم جایگزین انتخاب کنید؟
integration.missingItem.description=با انتخاب "خیر"، کد فیلد در یادکردهایی که شامل این آیتم باشند، پاک خواهد شد. البته متن یادکرد باقی میماند، ولی آیتم از کتابنامه حذف خواهد شد.
integration.removeCodesWarning=با حذف کدهای فیلد، زوترو قادر به روزآمدسازی یادکردها و کتابنامه این سند نخواهد بود. آیا واقعا میخواهید ادامه دهید؟
-integration.upgradeWarning=برای کار کردن با نگارش ۲.۱ یا جدیدتر زوترو، سند شما باید ارتقا یابد. توصیه میشود قبل از ادامه کار یک نسخه پشتیبان از سند تهیه کنید. آیا واقعا میخواهید ادامه دهید؟
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=کد فیلد مربوط به این یادکرد زوترو، که مشخص میکند این یادکرد به کدام آیتم در کتابخانه مربوط است، خراب شده است. آیا میخواهید آیتم را دوباره انتخاب کنید؟
integration.corruptField.description=با انتخاب "خیر"، کد فیلد یادکردهایی که شامل این آیتم باشند، پاک خواهد شد. البته متن یادکرد باقی میماند ولی احتمالا آیتم از کتابنامه حذف خواهد شد.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/zotero.dtd
index e2d2cdab74..9954a673b8 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/zotero.properties
index c2d4a868bf..e8a4f378bf 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/fi-FI/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Saving Link...
save.link.error=Linkkiä tallennettaessa tapahtui virhe.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Et voi tehdä muutoksia valittuun kokoelmaan.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Et voi lisätä tiedostoja valittuun kokoelmaan.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Tallenna Zoteroon
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Kokoa huomautus
annotations.expand.tooltip=Laajenna huomautus
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Tilannekuvan huomautuksen voidaan avata samanaikaisesti vain yhdessä selainikkunassa. Tilannekuva avataan ilman huomautuksia.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Wordin kentät eivät tule niin helposti vahingossa muokatuiksi, mutta niitä ei voi jakaa OpenOfficen kanssa.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOfficen ReferenceMarksit eivät tule niin helposti vahingossa muokautuiksi, mutta niitä ei voi jakaa Microsoft Wordin kanssa.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Asiakirja täytyy tallentaa .odt-tiedostomuodossa.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Haluatko tuottaa sitaatin uudelleen?
integration.regenerate.body=Sitaattimuokkaimessa tekemäsi muutokset kadotetaan.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Tätä nimikettä ei enää ole Zotero-tietokanna
integration.missingItem.multiple=Nimikettä %1$S tässä sitaatissa ei enää ole Zotero-tietokannassasi. Valitaanko korvaava nimike?
integration.missingItem.description=Jos painat "Ei", kaikki kenttäkoodit tämän nimikkeen sisältäville sitaateille poistetaan. Sitaatin teksti säilyy, mutta sitaatti poistetaan lähdeluettelosta.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Kenttäkoodien poistaminen estää Zoteroa päivittämästä sitaatteja ja lähdeluetteloja tässä asiakirjassa. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=Tätä sitaattia vastaava Zoteron kenttäkoodi, joka kertoo Zoterolle, mitä nimikettä kirjastossasi tämä sitaatti edustaa, on vioittunut. Haluatko valita nimikkeen uudelleen?
integration.corruptField.description=Jos painat "Ei", kenttäkoodit nimikkeen sisältäville sitaateille poistetaan. Sitaatin teksti säilyy, mutta sitaatti mahdollisesti poistetaan lähdeluettelosta.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 53363418bc..2e147adc9d 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/zotero.properties
index b0b6e09f72..f6d4b8edd4 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/fr-FR/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ itemTypes.presentation=Présentation
itemTypes.videoRecording=Enregistrement vidéo
itemTypes.tvBroadcast=Émission de TV
itemTypes.radioBroadcast=Émission de radio
-itemTypes.podcast=Baladodiffusion (Podcast)
+itemTypes.podcast=Balado (Podcast)
itemTypes.computerProgram=Programme informatique
itemTypes.conferencePaper=Article de colloque
@@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ itemFields.versionNumber=Version
itemFields.conferenceName=Intitulé du colloque
-itemFields.encyclopediaTitle=Titre de l'encyclopédie
-itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Titre du dictionnaire
+itemFields.encyclopediaTitle=Titre de l'encycl.
+itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Titre du dict.
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ creatorTypes.artist=Artiste
-creatorTypes.podcaster=Baladodiffuseur (podcaster)
creatorTypes.reviewedAuthor=Auteur recensé
creatorTypes.bookAuthor=Auteur du livre
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Enregistrement du lien en cours…
save.link.error=Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de ce lien.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Vous ne pouvez pas modifier la collection actuellement sélectionnée.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter des fichiers à la collection actuellement sélectionnée.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer des documents directement dans Mes publications. Pour ajouter des documents à Mes publications, glissez-les depuis une autre bibliothèque.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer des documents dans des flux.
ingester.saveToZotero=Enregistrer dans Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Réduire l'annotation
annotations.expand.tooltip=Développer l'annotation
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Les annotations d'une capture d'écran ne peuvent être ouvertes simultanément dans une fenêtre du navigateur. Cette capture sera ouverte sans annotation.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Marques de référence
-integration.fields.caption=Les champs de Microsoft Word risquent moins d'être modifiés accidentellement mais ne peuvent pas être partagés avec OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Le document doit être enregistré dans le format de fichier .doc ou .docx.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Les marques de référence d'OpenOffice/LibreOffice risquent moins d'être modifiés accidentellement mais ne peuvent pas être partagés avec Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Le document doit être enregistré dans le format de fichier .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Voulez-vous générer à nouveau la citation ?
integration.regenerate.body=Les modifications que vous avez effectuées dans cet éditeur de citation seront perdues.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=La citation en surbrillance n'existe plus dans vo
integration.missingItem.multiple=Le document %1$S de la citation en surbrillance n'existe plus dans votre base de données Zotero. Voulez-vous sélectionner un document de substitution ?
integration.missingItem.description=Cliquer sur "Non" supprimera les codes de champ pour les citations comportant ce document, conservant le texte de la citation mais le supprimant de votre bibliographie.
integration.removeCodesWarning=La suppression des codes de champ empêchera Zotero de mettre à jour les citations et bibliographies dans ce document. Voulez-vous vraiment continuer ?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Votre document doit être mis à jour de façon définitive pour fonctionner avec Zotero 2.0b7 ou ultérieur. Il est conseillé de faire une sauvegarde avant de poursuivre. Voulez-vous vraiment continuer ?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Votre document a été créé avec une version plus récente de Zotero (%1$S) que celle installée actuellement (%2$S). Veuillez mettre Zotero à jour avant de modifier ce document.
integration.corruptField=Le code de champ Zotero correspondant à cette citation, lequel indique à Zotero quel document représente cette citation dans votre bibliothèque, a été corrompu. Voulez-vous sélectionner à nouveau le document ?
integration.corruptField.description=Cliquer "Non" effacera les codes de champ pour les citations comportant ce document, préservant ainsi le texte de la citation mais le supprimant potentiellement de votre bibliographie.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Citation unique (en position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs documents dans Zotero et cliquez sur le bouton "Actualiser" pour voir comment ces documents sont mis en forme avec les styles de citation CSL installés.
publications.intro.text1=Mes publications vous permet de créer une liste contenant vos travaux et de la partager sur la page de votre profil sur %S. Vous pouvez ajouter des notes à chaque document et même partager des PDF ou d'autres fichiers selon une licence que vous choisissez.
-publications.intro.text2=Pour ajouter des documents, glissez-les depuis une autre bibliothèque. Vous pourrez choisir ensuite d'ajouter les notes et les pièces jointes.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Ajoutez seulement des travaux que vous avez vous-même créés, et n'ajoutez des fichiers que si vous avez le droit de les distribuer publiquement et seulement si vous le souhaitez.
publications.intro.authorship=Je suis l'auteur de ce travail.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Je suis l'auteur de ce travail et j'ai le droit de distribuer les fichiers qui y sont attachés
diff --git a/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd
index c59feb965c..c322669d7f 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/zotero.properties
index cea76fcdaa..3d0e074728 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/gl-ES/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Gardando a ligazón
save.link.error=Aconteceu un erro gardando esta ligazón.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Non pode facer cambios na colección que ten agora seleccionada.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Non pode engadir ficheiros á colección que ten agora seleccionada.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Non se poden gardar elementos directamente en «As miñas publicacións». Para engadir elementos alí, arrástraos desde outra biblioteca.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Nas fontes de novas non se poden gardar elementos.
ingester.saveToZotero=Gardar en Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Colapsar a anotación
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expandir a anotación
annotations.oneWindowWarning=As anotacións dunha captura non se poderán abrir simultaneamente en máis dunha xanela do navegador. Esta captura abrirase sen anotacións.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Marcas de referencia
-integration.fields.caption=Os campos Microsoft Word teñen menos probabilidades de ser modificados accidentalmente mais non se poden compartir con OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=O documento hai que gardalo no formato de ficheiro .doc ou .docx.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=As Marcas de referencia OpenOffice teñen menos probabilidades de ser modificadas accidentalmente mais non se poden compartir con Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=O documento teñen que gardarse no formato de ficheiro .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Quere rexenerar a cita?
integration.regenerate.body=Perderanse os cambios realizados no editor de citas.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Este elemento non existe na súa base de datos Zo
integration.missingItem.multiple=Xa non existe na súa base de datos Zotero elemento %1$S esta cita. Quere seleccionar outro elemento para substituílo?
integration.missingItem.description=Facendo clic en «Non» borra os códigos de campo para as citas que conteñen este elemento, mantendo o texto das citas, mais borrándoo da súa bibliografía.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Eliminar os códigos de campo impide que Zotero actualice as citas e bibliografías neste documento. Seguro que quere continuar?
-integration.upgradeWarning=O seu documento ten que ser actualizado permanentemente para que se poida traballar con Zotero 2.1 ou posteriores. É recomendable que faga unha copia de seguridade antes de continuar. Seguro que quere continuar?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=O seu documento creouse cunha versión de Zotero máis recente (a %1$S) que a súa actual (%2$S). Actualice Zotero á nova versión antes de editar este documento.
integration.corruptField=O código de campo de Zotero correspondente a esta cita, e que lle di a Zotero a que elemento representa esta cita na súa biblioteca, corrompeuse. Gustaríalle volver a seleccionar o elemento?
integration.corruptField.description=Facendo clic en «Non» bórranse os códigos de campo para as citas que conteñen este elemento, mantendo o texto das citas, mais potencialmente pode borralo da súa bibliografía.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Cita única (coa posición "primeiro")
styles.preview.instructions=Escolle un ou máis elementos e preme «Refrescar» para ver como aparecerán cando os produzan os estilos de cita CSL instalados.
publications.intro.text1=«As miñas publicacións» permíteche crear unha lista do teu traballo propio e compartilo na túa páxina de perfil en %S. Podes engadir notas sobre cada elemento e compartilo en PDF, ou outro formato, coa licenza que lle especificaches.
-publications.intro.text2=Para engadir elementos, arrástraos doutra librería. Serás quen de escoller se inclúes as notas ou os ficheiros anexos que teñen.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Engade só o traballo que ti crearas e inclúe só os ficheiros dos que teñas permisos, e queiras facelo, para distribuílos de xeito público.
publications.intro.authorship=Creei este traballo.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Creei eu este traballo co que teño todos os dereitos para difundir os ficheiros que inclúe.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 61b0d1878e..bfa309f3f1 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/zotero.properties
index 6f45a06406..a9c1a02464 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/he-IL/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Saving Link...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Collapse Annotation
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expand Annotation
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Annotations for a snapshot may only be opened in one browser window simultaneously. This snapshot will be opened without annotations.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Fields are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .odt file format.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Do you want to regenerate the citation?
integration.regenerate.body=The changes you have made in the citation editor will be lost.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=The highlighted citation no longer exists in your
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/zotero.dtd
index f99d3dc4a5..1cee0dcbab 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/zotero.properties
index 7dba6ada02..10dcd79f66 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/hr-HR/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Saving Link...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Collapse Annotation
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expand Annotation
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Annotations for a snapshot may only be opened in one browser window simultaneously. This snapshot will be opened without annotations.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Fields are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .odt file format.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Do you want to regenerate the citation?
integration.regenerate.body=The changes you have made in the citation editor will be lost.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=The highlighted citation no longer exists in your
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/zotero.dtd
index dfa749c5c4..992011f692 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/zotero.properties
index 7b4911503f..714dd76a93 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/hu-HU/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Hivatkozás mentése...
save.link.error=Hiba történt a link mentésekor.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Nem módosíthatja a jelenleg kiválasztott gyűjteményt.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Nem adhat hozzá fájlokat a jelenleg kiválasztott gyűjteményhez.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Mentés a Zoteroba
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Jegyzet bezárása
annotations.expand.tooltip=Jegyzet megnyitása
annotations.oneWindowWarning=A pillanatfelvételhez kapcsolódó jegyzeteket egyszerre csak egy ablakban lehet megnyitni. A pillanatfelvétel jegyzetek nélkül lesz megnyitva.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Hivatkozási jelek
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word mezők esetében nem valószínű a véletlen módosítás, de nem kompatibilis az OpenOffice-gal.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice hivatkozási jelek esetében nem valószínű a véletlen módosítás, de nem kompatibilis a Microsoft Worddel.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=A dokumentumot csak .odt formátumban lehet elmenteni.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=A hivatkozás újragenerálása?
integration.regenerate.body=A hivatkozásszerkesztőben elvégzett módosítások elvesznek.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=A kiemelt hivatkozás már nem létezik a Zotero
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=A mezőkódok eltávolítása megakadályozza, hogy a Zotero frissítse a hivatkozásokat és bibliográfiákat ebben a dokumentumban. Biztos benne, hogy folytatni akarja?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Ha a "Nem"-re kattint, törli azoknak a hivatkozásoknak a mezőkódjait, amelyek ezeket az elemeket tartalmazzák, a hivatkozott szöveg megmarad, de törlődhet a bibliográfiából.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 948540d3b5..1214bccdb0 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/zotero.properties
index 937e6e6e7d..4293c90085 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/id-ID/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Menyimpan Tautan...
save.link.error=Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan tautan ini.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Anda tidak dapat melakukan perubahan pada koleksi yang saat ini terpilih.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Anda tidak dapat menambahkan berkas ke dalam koleksi yang saat ini terpilih.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Menyimpan ke Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Kempiskan Anotasi
annotations.expand.tooltip=Kembangkan Anotasi
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Anotasi untuk satu snaphot hanya dapat terbuka di dalam satu jendela peramban secara simultan. Snapshot ini akan dibuka tanpa anotasi.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Field lebih sedikit kemungkinannya untuk diubah tanpa disengaja, tetapi tidak dapat dibagikan dengan OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks lebih sedikit kemungkinannya untuk diubah tanpa disengaja, tetapi tidak dapat dibagikan dengan Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokumen harus disimpan dalam format berkas .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Apakah Anda ingin menyusun ulang sitasi?
integration.regenerate.body=Perubahan yang telah Anda buat dalam editor sitasi akan hilang.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Item tidak lagi ada di dalam database Zotero Anda
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S di dalam sitasi ini tidak lagi ada di dalam database Zotero Anda. Apakah Anda ingin memilih item pengganti?
integration.missingItem.description=Mengklik "No" akan menghapus field code untuk sitasi yang mengandung item ini, mempertahankan sitasi teks tetapi menghapusnya dari bibliografi Anda.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Menghapus kode field akan mencegah Zotero memutakhirkan sitasi dan bibliografi di dalam dokumen ini. Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Dokumen Anda harus di-upgrade secara permanen agar dapat bekerja dengan Zotero 2.1 atau yang lebih baru. Direkomendasikan agar Anda membuat backup terlebih dahulu. Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=Kode field Zotero yang terkait dengan sitasi ini, yang menerangkan Zotero item apa pada perpustakaan Anda yang merepresentasikan sitasi ini, telah mengalami kerusakan. Apakah Anda ingin memilih ulang item ini?
integration.corruptField.description=Mengklik "Tidak" akan menghapus kode field untuk sitasi yang mengandung item ini, tetap menjaga teks sitasi, tetapi berpotensi menghapusnya dari bibliografi Anda.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/zotero.dtd
index fc4c9829d7..5b396998d3 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/zotero.properties
index 7e1bc111bb..aeba571920 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/is-IS/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Saving Link...
save.link.error=Villa átti sér stað við vistun þessarar slóðar
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Þú getur ekki breytt því safni sem er núna valið.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Þú getur ekki bætt skrám við safnið sem er núna valið.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Vista í Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Minnka skýringu
annotations.expand.tooltip=Stækka skýringu
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Skýringar á skyndimynd geta einungis verið opnar í einum vafraglugga í einu. Þessi skyndimynd mun opnast án skýringa.
-integration.fields.caption=Erfitt er að breyta svæðum í Microsoft Word fyrir slysni en þeim verður ekki deilt með OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Erfitt er að breyta TiltvitnunarMerkingum í OpenOffice fyrir slysni en þeim verður ekki deilt með Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Skjalið verður að vistast á .odt skráarformi.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Viltu endurskapa tilvitnunina?
integration.regenerate.body=Breytingarnar sem þú gerðir í tilvitnunarritlinum munu glatast.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Upplýsta tilvitnunin er ekki lengur til í Zoter
integration.missingItem.multiple=Færsla %1$S í upplýstu tilvísuninni er ekki lengur til í Zotero gagnagrunninum þínum. Viltu velja aðra færslu í staðinn?
integration.missingItem.description=Ef "Nei" er valið þá eyðast svæðiskóðarnir í tilvitnunum sem innihald þessa færslu og varðveita tilvísunartextann en eyða honum úr heimildaskránni.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Þegar svæðiskóðar eru fjarlægðir getur Zotero ekki uppfært tilvísanir og heimildaskrár í þessu skjali. Ertu viss um að þú viljir halda áfram?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Skjalið þitt var búið til með nýrri útgáfu af Zotero (%1$S) en þeirri sem nú er í notkun (%2$S). Vinsamlegast uppfærðu Zotero áður en þú breytir þessu skjali.
integration.corruptField=Zotero svæðiskóðarnir sem svara til þessarar tilvitnunar, sem segja Zotero hvaða færsla í þínu safni á við þessa tilvitnun, hafa skemmst. Viltu endurvelja færsluna?
integration.corruptField.description=Ef "Nei" er valið þá eyðast svæðiskóðarnir í tilvitnunum sem innihalda þessa færslu og varðveita tilvitnunartextann en eyðir þeim hugsanlega úr heimildaskránni.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Ein tilvísun (staðsett "fremst")
styles.preview.instructions=Veldu eina eða fleiri færslur í Zotero og ýttu á "Endurnýja" takkann til að sjá hvernig þær birtast í uppsettum CSL tilvísunarstílum.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=Ég bjó til þetta verk.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/zotero.dtd
index fffe671f2d..122675eac5 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
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index 84515e6e6d..46af6b6e62 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/it-IT/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Salvataggio collegamento in corso...
save.link.error=Si è verificato un errore nel salvataggio del collegamento.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Non è possibile apportare modifiche alla collezione selezionata.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Non è possibile aggiungere file alla collezione selezionata.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Salva in Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Collassa annotazione
annotations.expand.tooltip=Espandi annotazione
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Le annotazioni di un'istantanea sono visualizzabili contemporaneamente solo all'interno di un'unica pagina. Questa istantanea verrà visualizzata senza annotazioni.
-integration.fields.caption=Ci sono scarse probabilità che i campi di Microsoft Word subiscano modifiche non previste, ma non saranno compatibili con OpenOffice
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Ci sono scarse probabilità che i contrassegni di OpenOffice subiscano modifiche non previste, ma non saranno compatibili con Microsoft Word
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Il documento deve essere salvato nel formato .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Ricreare la citazione?
integration.regenerate.body=Le modifiche apportate alla citazione andranno perse.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Questo elemento non è più presente nel database
integration.missingItem.multiple=L'elemento %1$S in questa citazione non è più presente nel database di Zotero. Si desidera selezionare un elemento sostitutivo?
integration.missingItem.description=Selezionando "No" si cancellerà il campo identificativo per la citazione che contiene questo elemento, mantenendo inalterato il testo della citazione ma eliminandola dalla bibliografia.
integration.removeCodesWarning=La rimozione di codici di campo impedirà a Zotero di aggiornare le citazioni e le bibliografie nel documento corrente. Si è certi di voler continuare?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=Il campo identificativo della citazione, che permette a Zotero di identificare l'elemento corrente nella libreria, è corrotto. Si desidera selezionare nuovamente tale elemento?
integration.corruptField.description=Selezionando "No" si rimuoverà il campo identificativo per la citazione che contiene l'emento corrente. Il testo della citazione verrà mantenuto, ma la stessa potrebbe risultare assente dalla bibliografia.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 8f7a41b5be..30687fa44f 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/zotero.dtd
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index 7fe6816c01..c9f86ccf38 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ja-JP/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=リンクを保存...
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
ingester.saveToZotero=Zotero に保存
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=注釈を折りたたみ表示
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word のフィールドは、偶然に変更される可能性は低いものの、OpenOffice と共有することができません。
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice の参照記号は、偶然に変更される可能性は低いものの、Microsoft Word と共有することができません。
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=ドキュメントは .odt ファイル形式として保存する必要があります。
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=このアイテムはあなたの Zotero デー
integration.missingItem.multiple=この出典表記の中のアイテム %1$S は、あなたの Zotero データベースの中にはもう存在しません。代わりのアイテムを選択しますか?
integration.removeCodesWarning=フィールドコードを取り除くと、Zotero はこの文書中の出典表記と参考文献目録を更新することができなくなります。本当に続けてよろしいですか?
-integration.upgradeWarning=あなたの文書は Zotero 2.1 以降を使用するために、恒久的に更新される必要があります。これより先に進む前に文書のバックアップを作成することを推奨します。本当に続けてもよろしいですか?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=あなたの文書は、現在インストールされているヴァージョン (%2$S) より新しいヴァージョンの Zotero (%1$S) によって作られました。この文書を編集する前にZotero を更新してください。
integration.corruptField=この出典表記のに対応するフィールドコードが損傷しました。このフィールドコードとは、あなたのライブラリのどのアイテムがこの出典表記に該当するかを Zotero に指定するためのものです。このアイテムをもう一度選択しますか?
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=単一の出典表記 (with position "first"
publications.intro.text1=「私の出版物」を使えば、あなたはご自分の著作のリストを作成し、それを %S におけるご自身のプロファイルページ上で共有することができます。個々のアイテムについてのメモを追加することができ、あなたの指定したライセンスの元でPDFや他のファイルを共有することも可能です。
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/km/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/km/zotero/zotero.dtd
index df8c7bf392..61284c1313 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/km/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/km/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
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--- a/chrome/locale/km/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/km/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=ទាញកម្ជាប់រក្សាទុក...
save.link.error=មានកំហុសកើតឡើង ខណៈពេលទាញកម្ជាប់នេះរក្សាទុក
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=វេញចំណារពន្យល់
annotations.oneWindowWarning=ចំណារពន្យល់លើអត្ថបទអាចបង្ហាញនៅលើកម្មវិធីរុករកទន្ទឹមគ្នា។ អត្ថបទនេះអាចបើកដោយគ្មានចំណារពន្យល់។
-integration.fields.caption=វិស័យម៉ាយក្រូសូហ្វធ៍វើដមានភាពតិចតួចដែលអាចត្រូវបានកែតម្រូវដោយចៃដន្យ ប៉ុន្តែ មិនអាចចែករំលែកជាមួយអូផិនអប់ហ្វីស។
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=កំណត់យោងអូផិនអប់ហ្វីសមានភាពតិចតួចដែលអាចត្រូវបានកែតម្រូវដោយចៃដន្យ ប៉ុន្តែ មិនអាចចែករំលែកជាមួយម៉ាយក្រូសូហ្វធ៍វើដ។
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=ឯកសារនេះលែងមានក្
integration.missingItem.multiple=ឯកសារ %1$S នៅក្នុងអាគតដ្ឋាននេះលែងមានក្នុងទិន្នន័យហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូរបស់អ្នកទៀតហើយ។ តើអ្នកចង់ជ្រើសរើសឯកសារមកជំនួសវិញទេ?
integration.missingItem.description=សូមចុច "ទេ" ដើម្បីលុបរាល់វិស័យកូដអាគតដ្ឋានដែលមានក្នុងឯកសារនេះ ហើយ រក្សាអត្ថបទអាគតដ្ឋាន ប៉ុន្តែ លុបចេញពីគន្ថនិទេ្ទសរបស់អ្នក។
integration.removeCodesWarning=ការលុបវិស័យកូដនៅក្នុងអត្ថបទនេះនឹងធ្វើឲហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូលែងធ្វើទំនើបកម្មអាគតដ្ឋាន និង គន្ថនិទេ្ទសតបានទៀត។ តើអ្នកចង់លុបដែរឬទេ?
-integration.upgradeWarning=អ្នកត្រូវតែធ្វើទំនើបកម្មឯកសារជានិច្ច ដើម្បីដំណើរការជាមួយហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូកំណែថ្មី២.១ ឬ កំណែថ្មីបន្តបន្ទាប់ទៀត។ សូមណែនាំឲអ្នកទាញឯកសាររក្សាបម្រុងទុកជាមុនសិន មុនពេលអ្នកបន្តដំណើរការនេះ។ តើអ្នកចង់បន្តដំណើរការនេះទៅមុខទៀតទេ?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=វិស័យកូដហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងអាគតដ្ឋានដែលចង្អុលបង្ហាញហ្ស៊ូតេរ៉ូឯកសារណាមួយនៅក្នុងបណ្ណាល័យរបស់អ្នកត្រូវបានលើកយកមយោងនោះបានខូច។ តើអ្នកចង់ជ្រើសរើសឯកសារជាថ្មី?
integration.corruptField.description=សូមចុច "ទេ" ដើម្បីលុបរាល់វិស័យកូដអាគតដ្ឋានដែលមានឯកសារនេះ ហើយ រក្សាអត្ថបទអាគតដ្ឋាន ប៉ុន្តែ លុបវាចេញពីគន្ថនិទេ្ទសរបស់អ្នក។
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/zotero.dtd
index c6a98edd34..1b02cd0655 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/zotero.properties
index b2ad9e8318..fd00decf04 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ko-KR/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=링크 저장...
save.link.error=이 링크를 저장하는 동안 에러 발생함.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=현재 선택된 컬렉션을 변경할 수 없습니다.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=현재 선택된 컬렉션에 파일을 추가할 수 없습니다.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=항목을 피드에 저장할 수 없습니다.
ingester.saveToZotero=Zotero로 저장
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=주석 접기
annotations.expand.tooltip=주석 펼치기
annotations.oneWindowWarning=스냅샷을 위한 주석은 오직 1개의 브라우저 윈도우에서만 동시에 열릴지 모릅니다. 이 스냅샷은 주석 없이 열릴 겁니다.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=참조 부호
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word 필드는 때때로 더 작게 변경됩니다만, OpenOffice와 공유할 수는 없습니다.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=문서는 .doc 또는.docx 파일 포맷으로 저장되어야 합니다.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice 참조표시는 때때로 더 적게 변경됩니다만, Microsoft Word와 공유할 수는 없습니다.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=문서는 반드시 .odt파일 포맷으로 저장되야만 합니다.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=인용을 재생성하길 원하십니까?
integration.regenerate.body=해당 변경내용은 인용 편집기를 손실시킵니다.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Zotero 데이터베이스에 이 항목이 더
integration.missingItem.multiple=이 인용의 %1$S 항목이 Zotero 데이터베이스에 더 이상 존재하지 않습니다. 다른 항목으로 대체하시겠습니까?
integration.missingItem.description="아니오"를 선택하면 이 항목을 포함한 인용에서 필드 코드를 삭제하게 됩니다. 인용문은 그대로 있지만, 해당 부분은 참고도서 목록에서 삭제됩니다.
integration.removeCodesWarning=필드 코드를 삭제하면 Zotero가 인용 및 참고도서 목록을 업데이트하지 못하게 됩니다. 계속하길 원하십니까?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=Zotero 필드 코드는 Zotero가 라이브러리에서 해당 인용이 나타내는 항목을 식별하는 자료입니다. 그런데 이 인용의 필드코드가 손상되었습니다. 이 항목을 재선택하시겠습니까?
integration.corruptField.description="아니오"를 선택하면 이 항목을 포함한 인용에서 필드 코드를 삭제하게 됩니다. 인용문은 그대로 있지만, 해당 부분은 참고도서 목록에서 삭제될 가능성이 높습니다.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 5a824d322d..7520021fe2 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/zotero.properties
index c853cf36c0..4cb84902f4 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/lt-LT/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Įrašoma nuoroda...
save.link.error=Klaida įrašant nuorodą.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Negalite nieko pakeisti dabar pasirinktame rinkinyje.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Prie dabar pasirinkto rinkinio negalite pridėti failų.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Negalite pačių įrašų saugoti bibliotekoje „Mano publikacijos“. Norėdami ten pridėti įrašų, tiesiog nutempkite juos pele iš kitos bibliotekos.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Įrašų negalima saugoti naujienų kanaluose.
ingester.saveToZotero=Įrašyti į Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Suskleisti anotaciją
annotations.expand.tooltip=Išplėsti anotaciją
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Momentinių kopijų anotacijas galima atverti vienu metu tik tame pačiame naršyklės lange. Momentinės kopijos atversimos be anotacijų.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Vietinės nuorodos
-integration.fields.caption=Mažesnė tikimybė, kad Microsoft Word laukai bus netyčia modifikuoti, tačiau jų negalima dalintis su OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Dokumentą reikia įrašyti DOC arba DOCX formatu.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Mažesnė tikimybė, kad OpenOffice vietinės nuorodos bus netyčia modifikuoti, tačiau jų negalima dalintis su Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokumentą reikia įrašyti .odt formatu.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Norėtumėte iš naujo sukurti citavimą?
integration.regenerate.body=Prarasite citavimo rengyklėje savo atliktus pakeitimus.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Pažymėto citavimo nebėra Zotero duomenų bazė
integration.missingItem.multiple=Pažymėto citavimo „%1$S“ įrašo nebėra Zotero duomenų bazėje. Norėtumėte pasirinkti jį pakeičiantį įrašą?
integration.missingItem.description=Spausdami „Ne“ ištrinsite citavimo laukų kodus, turinčius šį įrašą, tad išsaugosite citavimo tekstą, bet pašalinsite jį iš bibliografijos.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Pašalinus laukų kodus, Zotero programai šiame dokumente nebeleisite atnaujinti citavimų ir bibliografijos. Tikrai norite tęsti?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Jūsų dokumentą reikia negrįžtamai atnaujinti tam, kad su juo galėtų dirbti Zotero 2.1 ir vėlesnės versijos. Prieš tęsiant patariame pasidaryti atsarginę kopiją. Tikrai norite tęsti?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Dokumentą sukūrėte naujesne Zotero versija (%1$S) negu šiuo metu naudojate (%2$S). Prieš redaguodami šį dokumentą, atnaujinkite Zotero.
integration.corruptField=Buvo sugadintas šį citavimą atitinkantis Zotero lauko kodas, kuris Zotero programai nurodo įrašų atitikmenis bibliotekoje. Ar norėtumėte įrašą pasirinkti iš naujo?
integration.corruptField.description=Spausdami „Ne“ ištrinsite citavimo laukų kodus, turinčius šį įrašą, tad išsaugosite citavimo tekstą, bet galbūt pašalinsite jį iš savo bibliografijos.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Citavimas bendrai (pirmoje padėtyje)
styles.preview.instructions=Zotero lange pažymėję vieną ar kelis įrašus, nuspauskite mygtuką „Atnaujinti“ – tuomet galėsite peržiūrėti, kaip tie įrašai atrodys pritaikius įdiegtus CSL citavimo stilius.
publications.intro.text1=Bibliotekoje „Mano publikacijos“ galite patalpinti savo darbus ir dalintis jais savo profilio %S svetainėje. Prie įrašų galite pridėti pastabas ir netgi PDF ar kitus dokumentus, nurodydami jų platinimo licencijas.
-publications.intro.text2=Norėdami įtraukti įrašų, atitempkite juos pele iš kitos bibliotekos. Tuomet galėsite pasirinkti, ar įtraukti prie įrašų prisegtus failus bei pastabas.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Pridėkite tik tuos darbus, kuriuos pats kūrėte, ir tik tuos dokumentus, kuriais turite teisę bei norą dalintis viešai.
publications.intro.authorship=Esu šio darbo kūrėjas.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Esu šio darbo kūrėjas ir turiu teisę platinti dokumentus.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 8d56828344..27a458644a 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/zotero.properties
index a081336442..832e75357f 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/mn-MN/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Холбоосыг хадгалж байна...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Save to Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Collapse Annotation
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expand Annotation
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Annotations for a snapshot may only be opened in one browser window simultaneously. This snapshot will be opened without annotations.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Fields are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks are less likely to be accidentally modified, but cannot be shared with Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .odt file format.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Do you want to regenerate the citation?
integration.regenerate.body=The changes you have made in the citation editor will be lost.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=The highlighted citation no longer exists in your
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/zotero.dtd
index aa60f636b1..8569069932 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/zotero.properties
index 0c582757b5..4df0beb4c0 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Lagrer lenke...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Lagre i Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Skjul kommentar
annotations.expand.tooltip=Vis kommentar
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Kommentarer til et snapshot kan bare åpnes i ett nettleservindu samtidig. Dette snapshotet blir åpnet uten kommentarer.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Words felter er i mindre grad utsatt for utilsiktede endringer, men kan ikke deles med OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Referansefeltene i OpenOffice er i mindre grad utsatt for utilsiktede endringer, men kan ikke deles med Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .odt file format.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Ønsker du å lage henvisningen på nytt?
integration.regenerate.body=Du mister de forandringene som er gjort i referanse-behandleren.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=The highlighted citation no longer exists in your
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 787f3815c1..3365c0edcb 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/zotero.properties
index 669df1ca90..b671525944 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/nl-NL/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Koppeling wordt opgeslagen…
save.link.error=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het opslaan van deze koppeling.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=U kunt geen wijzingen aanbrengen in de nu geselecteerde verzameling.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=U kunt geen bestanden toevoegen aan de nu geselecteerde verzameling.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=In Zotero opslaan
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Annotatie inklappen
annotations.expand.tooltip=Annotatie uitklappen
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Annotaties van een snapshot kunnen slechts in één webbrowser-venster tegelijk worden geopend. Dit snapshot zal worden geopend zonder annotaties.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word-velden worden minder snel per ongeluk gewijzigd, maar kunnen niet gedeeld worden met OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks worden minder snel per ongeluk gewijzigd, maar kunnen niet gedeeld worden met Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Het document moet worden opgeslagen in het .odt bestandsformaat.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Wilt u de verwijzing opnieuw aanmaken?
integration.regenerate.body=De veranderingen die u in de verwijzing-bewerker heeft gemaakt zullen verloren gaan.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=De gemarkeerde verwijzing bestaat niet meer in uw
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in deze gemarkeerde verwijzing bestaat niet meer in uw Zotero-database. Wilt u een ander item hiervoor in de plaats te zetten?
integration.missingItem.description=Als u op "Nee" klikt worden de veldcodes van verwijzingen naar dit item verwijderd. De tekst van de verwijzing wordt behouden, maar de verwijzing wordt verwijderd uit uw bibliografie.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Als veldcodes zijn verwijderd kan Zotero de verwijzingen en bibliografieen in dit document niet meer bijwerken. Weet u zeker dat u door wil doorgaan?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Uw document moet permanent bijgewerkt worden om te kunnen werken met Zotero 2.1 en hoger. Het is aan te raden om eerst een backup te maken voordat u verder gaat. Weet u zeker dat u wil doorgaan?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=De Zotero-veldcode bij deze verwijzing is beschadigd. Deze code vertelt Zotero welk item bij deze verwijzing hoort. Wilt u het item opnieuw selecteren?
integration.corruptField.description=Als u op "Nee" klikt worden de veldcodes van dit item verwijderd. De tekst van verwijzingen naar dit item blijven staan, maar de verwijzingen worden mogelijk verwijderd uit de bibliografie.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Eerste citaat (met positie "eerste")
styles.preview.instructions=Selecteer een of meer items in Zotero en klik op de "Vernieuwen"-knop om te zien hoe deze items weergeven wordt door de geïnstalleerde CSL citeerstijl.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/zotero.dtd
index f8b7db895c..8e4b6ac101 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/zotero.properties
index ea6f285cc9..b2b028b32c 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/nn-NO/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Lagrar lenkje …
save.link.error=Ein feil oppstod ved lagring av lenkja.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Lagre i Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Skjul kommentar
annotations.expand.tooltip=Vis kommentar
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Kommentarar til eit snapshot kan berre opnast i eitt nettlesarvindauge samstundes. Dette snapshotet vert opna utan kommentarar.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Words felt er i mindre grad utsett for utilsikta endringar, men kan ikkje delast med OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Referansefelta i OpenOffice er i mindre grad utsett for utilsikta endringar, men kan ikkje delast med Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .odt fila format.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Ynskjer du å laga tilvisinga på nytt?
integration.regenerate.body=Du mistar dei forandringane som er gjorde i referanse-behandlaren.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=The highlighted citation no longer exists in your
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.1 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, havast been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 64d0221728..41a07df8eb 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/zotero.properties
index 88a546c1e9..b7d0c7ecb5 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/pl-PL/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Zapisywanie odnośnika...
save.link.error=Podczas zapisywania tego odnośnika wystąpił błąd.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Nie możesz zmieniać aktualnie wybranej kolekcji.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Nie możesz dodać plików do aktualnie wybranej kolekcji.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Nie można zapisywać bezpośrednio elementów w kolekcji Moje Publikacje. Aby dodać elementy do Moich Publikacji, przeciągnij je z innej biblioteki.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Nie możesz zapisywać elementów w kanałach.
ingester.saveToZotero=Zapisz w Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Zwiń adnotację
annotations.expand.tooltip=Rozwiń adnotację
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Adnotacja do zrzutu ekranu może być otwarta tylko w jednym oknie przeglądarki. Ten zrzut zostanie otwarty bez adnotacji.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Znaki odniesienia
-integration.fields.caption=Jest mało prawdopodobne, by znaki odniesienia w programie Microsoft Word były przypadkiem modyfikowane, ale nie mogą być wspóldzielone z programem OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Dokument musi być zapisany w formacie pliku .doc lub .docx.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Jest mało prawdopodobne, by znaki odniesienia w programie OpenOffice były przypadkiem modyfikowane, ale nie mogą być wspóldzielone z programem Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokument musi być zapisany w formacie .ODT.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Czy chcesz odtworzyć cytat?
integration.regenerate.body=Zmiany naniesione w edytorze cytowań zostaną utracone.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Ten element już nie istnieje w twojej bazie dany
integration.missingItem.multiple=Element %1$S w tym cytowaniu już nie istnieje w twojej bazie danych Zotero. Czy chcesz wybrać element zastępczy?
integration.missingItem.description=Wybranie "Nie" usunie kody pól dla odnośników do tego elementu, zachowując tekst odnośników, ale usuwając element z bibliografii.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Usunięcie kodów pól spowoduje, że Zotero nie będzie w stanie zaktualizować odnośników oraz bibliografii w tym dokumencie. Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz kontynuować?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Twój dokument musi zostać na stałe zaktualizowany aby mógł współpracować z Zotero 2.0b7 lub nowszym. Zaleca się wykonanie kopii zapasowej. Czy chcesz kontynuować?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Twój dokument został utworzony z użyciem nowszej wersji Zotero (%1$S) niż obecnie zainstalowana wersja (%2$S). Proszę uaktualnij Zotero przed edycją tego dokumentu.
integration.corruptField=Kod pola Zotero odpowiadający temu odnośnikowi, dzięki któremu Zotero jest w stanie powiązać ten odnośnik z pozycją w bibliotece, został uszkodzony. Czy chcesz ponownie wybrać element?
integration.corruptField.description=Wybranie "Nie" usunie kody pól dla odnośników do tego elementu, zachowując tekst odnośników, ale potencjalnie usuwając element z bibliografii.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Wybierz jeden lub więcej elementów w Zotero i kliknij przycisk "Odśwież", aby zobaczyć w jaki sposób te elementy będą wyświetlone za pomocą zainstalowanych stylów cytowania CSL.
publications.intro.text1=Moje Publikacje umożliwiają ci utworzenie listy własnych prac i dzielenie się nimi na twojej stronie profilu na %S. Możesz dodawać notatki o każdym elemencie, pliki PDF i inne zasoby na licencji którą określisz.
-publications.intro.text2=Aby dodać elementy, przeciągnij je z innej biblioteki. Będzie można wybrać, czy dodać także załączone notatki i pliki.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Dodaj tylko prace których jesteś autorem i załącz jedynie te pliki, do których posiadasz prawa do rozpowszechniania publicznego i chcesz je rozpowszechniać.
publications.intro.authorship=Jestem autorem tej pracy.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Jestem autorem tej pracy i mam prawa autorskie do rozpowszechniania załączonych plików.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 1aa97e7740..e509853656 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/zotero.properties
index 09d07912c5..68bc6e3283 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Salvando link...
save.link.error=Um erro ocorreu enquanto esse link era salvo.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Você não pode fazer alterações na coleção selecionada.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Você não pode adicionar arquivos à coleção selecionada.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Você não pode salvar itens diretamente em Minhas Publicações. Para adicionar itens em Minhas Publicações, arraste-os de outra biblioteca.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Você não pode salvar itens nas fontes.
ingester.saveToZotero=Salvar em Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Ocultar anotação
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expandir anotação
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Anotações feitas em um instantâneo só podem ser abertas em uma janela do navegador de cada vez. Esse instantâneo será aberto sem anotações.
-integration.fields.caption=Os campos do Microsoft Word são menos vulneráveis a modificações acidentais, mas não podem ser compartilhados com o OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=O documento deve ser salvo no formato .doc ou .docx.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=As ReferenceMarks do OpenOffice são menos vulneráveis a modificações acidentais, mas não podem ser compartilhadas com o Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=O documento deve ser salvo no formato de arquivo .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Deseja gerar esta citação novamente?
integration.regenerate.body=As mudanças feitas no editor de citação serão perdidas.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Este item não existe mais em seu banco de dados
integration.missingItem.multiple=O item %1$S nesta citação não existe mais em seu banco de dados Zotero. Deseja selecionar um item substituto?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicar em "Não" excluirá os códigos do campo de citações que contém este item, preservando o texto da citação, mas excluindo-a de sua bibliografia.
integration.removeCodesWarning=A remoção dos códigos de campo impedirá que Zotero atualize citações e bibliografias neste documento. Tem certeza de que deseja continuar?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Seu documento deve ser atualizado permanentemente para trabalhar com a versão Zotero 2.0b7 ou posterior. É recomendado que você faça uma cópia de segurança antes de prosseguir. Tem certeza de que deseja continuar?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Esse documento foi criado em uma versão mais recente do Zotero (%1$S) do que a atualmente instalada (%2$S). Por favor, atualize o Zotero antes de editar esse documento.
integration.corruptField=O código do campo Zotero correspondente a esta citação, que diz a Zotero qual item em sua bibliografia esta citação representa, foi corrompido. Gostaria de selecionar este item novamente?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicar em "Não" excluirá os códigos do campo de citações que contém este item, preservando o texto da citação mas potencialmente excluindo-a de sua bibliografia.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Citação única (com a posição "primeira"
styles.preview.instructions=Selecione um ou mais itens no Zotero e pressione o botão "Atualizar" para ver como esses itens são carregados pelos estilos de citação CSL instalados.
publications.intro.text1=Minhas Publicações permite que você crie uma lista do seu próprio trabalho e compartilhe-a na sua página de perfil em %S. Você pode adicionar notas sobre cada um dos itens e até mesmo compartilhar PDFs ou outros arquivos sob a licença que você especificar.
-publications.intro.text2=Para adicionar itens, arraste-os de outra biblioteca. Você poderá escolher se deseja incluir notas ou arquivos anexos.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Adicione somente trabalhos que você mesmo criou, e só inclua arquivos se você tiver os direitos e o desejo de distribui-los publicamente.
publications.intro.authorship=Eu criei este trabalho.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Eu criei este trabalho e tenho os direitos de distribuição dos arquivos inclusos.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/zotero.dtd
index fca5ae32d7..a21f577780 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/zotero.properties
index 4c64f88d1b..a8ae5efc2a 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/pt-PT/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Guardando Ligação...
save.link.error=Ocorreu um erro ao guardar esta ligação.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Não pode fazer alterações à colecção seleccionada.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Não pode adicionar ficheiros à colecção seleccionada.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Não pode guardar itens directamente em As Minhas Publicações. Para adicionar itens a As Minhas Publicações, arraste-os a partir de outra biblioteca.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Não pode guardar itens em feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Guardar no Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Colapsar Anotação
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expandir Anotação
annotations.oneWindowWarning=As anotações de uma captura não podem ser abertas simultaneamente em mais do que uma janela do navegador. Esta captura será aberta sem anotações.
-integration.fields.caption=Os campos do Microsoft Word são menos propícios a modificações acidentais, mas não podem ser partilhados com OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=As ReferenceMarks do OpenOffice são menos propícias a modificações acidentais, mas não podem ser partilhadas com o Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=O documento tem de ser guardado no formato de arquivo .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Quer regenerar a citação?
integration.regenerate.body=As modificações que fez no editor de citações serão perdidas.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Este item já não existe na sua base de dados Zo
integration.missingItem.multiple=O item %1$S nesta citação já não existe na sua base de dados Zotero. Deseja escolher um item para o substituir?
integration.missingItem.description=Carregar em "Não" removerá os códigos de campo para citações contendo este item, preservando o texto da citação mas removendo-a da sua bibliografia.
integration.removeCodesWarning=A remoção de códigos de campos impedirá o Zotero de actualizar as citações e as bibliografias neste documentos. Quer mesmo continuar?
-integration.upgradeWarning=O seu documento terá de ser permanentemente actualizado de modo a funcionar com o Zotero 2.0b7 ou outra versão mais recente. Recomenda-se que faça uma cópia de segurança antes de continuar. Quer mesmo continuar?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=O seu documento foi criado com uma versão do Zotero (%1$S) mais recente do que a que está instalada (%2$S). Por favor actualize o Zotero antes de editar este documento.
integration.corruptField=O código de campo Zotero correspondente a esta citação, que indica ao Zotero qual o item na sua colecção que esta citação representa, foi corrompido. Deseja voltar a seleccionar o item?
integration.corruptField.description=Carregar em "Não" removerá os códigos de campo para citações contendo este item, preservando o texto da citação mas potencialmente removendo-a da sua bibliografia.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Citação Única (com posição «primeira»
styles.preview.instructions=Seleccione um ou mais itens no Zotero e clique no botão «Refrescar» para ver como esses itens são apresentados pelos estilos de citação CSL instalados.
publications.intro.text1=As Minhas Publicações permite-lhe criar uma lista das suas próprias obras e partilhá-la na sua página de perfil no %S. Pode adicionar notas acerca de cada item e mesmo partilhar PDF ou arquivos de outros tipos sob a licença que especificar.
-publications.intro.text2=Para adicionar itens, arraste-os a partir de outra biblioteca. Poderá escolher se pretende ou não incluir notas e arquivos anexos.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Adicione apenas obras que tenha criado e inclua arquivos apenas se tiver direitos para os distribuir publicamente e se o desejar fazer.
publications.intro.authorship=Criei esta obra.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Criei esta obra e tenho os direitos necessários para distribuir os arquivos incluídos.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/zotero.dtd
index aebc50526c..1bb2d45791 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/zotero.properties
index 714fab2e8e..26ca6e2196 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ro-RO/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Salvează legătură...
save.link.error=A apărut o eroare în timp ce se salva această legătură.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Nu poți face schimbări în colecția selectată în prezent.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Nu poți adăuga fișiere în colecția selectată în acest moment.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Nu puteți salva înregistrările direct în Publicațiile mele. Pentru a adăuga înregistrări în Publicațiile mele, trageți-le din altă bibliotecă.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Nu puteți salva înregistrări în fluxuri.
ingester.saveToZotero=Salvează în Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Restrânge adnotare
annotations.expand.tooltip=Extinde adnotare
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Adnotările unui instantaneu pot fi deschise simultan doar în fereastra unui browser. Acest instantaneu va fi deschis fără adnotări.
-integration.fields.caption=Câmpurile din Microsoft Word nu pot fi modificate accidental cu ușurință, dar nu pot fi nici partajate cu OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Documentul trebuie salvat în formatele .doc sau .docx.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Referințele din OpenOffice nu pot fi modificate accidental cu ușurință, dar nu pot fi nici partajate cu Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Documentul trebuie salvat în format .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Vrei să regenerezi citarea?
integration.regenerate.body=Schimbările făcute în editorul de citare vor fi pierdute.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Această înregistrare nu mai există în baza ta
integration.missingItem.multiple=Înregistrarea %1$S din această citare nu mai există în baza ta de date Zotero. Vrei să selectezi o înregistrare înlocuitoare?
integration.missingItem.description=Dacă se apasă „Nu”, va fi șters câmpul condificat pentru citările care conțin această înregistrare, păstrând textul citării, dar ștergând-o din bibliografia ta.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Ștergerea codurilor câmpului va face imposibilă actualizarea de către Zotero a citărilor și bibliografiilor din acest document. Sigur vrei să continui?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Documentul tău trebuie să fie actualizat definitiv pentru a lucra cu Zotero 2.1 sau mai nou. Se recomandă să faci o copie de siguranță înainte de a proceda la această operațiune. Sigur vrei să continui?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Documentul tău a fost creat cu o versiune de Zotero (%1$S) mai nouă decât versiunea instalată acum (%2$S). Te rog să actualizezi Zotero înainte de a modifica acest document.
integration.corruptField=Codul de câmp Zotero corespunzător acestei citări, care îi spune lui Zotero cărei înregistrări din biblioteca ta îi corespunde această citare, a fost corupt. Vrei să reselectezi înregistrarea?
integration.corruptField.description=Dacă se apasă „Nu” va fi șters câmpul codificat pentru citările care conțin această înregistrare, păstrând textul citării, dar ștergând-o din bibliografia ta.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Citare unică (cu poziția „prima”)
styles.preview.instructions=Selectează una sau mai multe înregistrări în Zotero, apoi fă clic pe butonul „Reîmprospătare” pentru a vedea cum apar aceste înregistrări în stilurile de citare CSL instalate.
publications.intro.text1=Publicațiile mele vă permite să creați o listă a lucrărilor dvs. proprii și să o partajați pe pagina profilului dvs pe %S. Puteți adăuga note despre fiecare item și chiar să partajați PDF-uri sau alte fișiere sub o licență pe care o specificați.
-publications.intro.text2=Pentru a adăuga înregistrări, trageți-le dintr-o altă bibliotecă. Veți putea alege dacă să includeți note și fișiere anexate.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Adăugați doar lucările pe care le-ați creat dvs. înșivă și includeți fișiere doar dacă aveți drepturi de distribuire publică și doriți să faceți acest lucru.
publications.intro.authorship=Eu am creat această lucrare.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Eu am creat această lucrare și am drepturi pentru distribuirea fișierelor incluse.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 89c0f6ccca..bc550661b0 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/zotero.properties
index bd22fd40fa..2a13165ff1 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ru-RU/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Сохранение ссылки…
save.link.error=При сохранении этой ссылки произошла ошибка.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Вы не можете менять выбранную подборку.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Вы не можете добавить файлы к текущей выбранной подборке.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Сохранить в Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Свернуть аннотацию
annotations.expand.tooltip=Развернуть аннотацию
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Аннотации к снимку могут быть одновременно открыты только в одном окне браузера. Этот снимок будет открыт без аннотаций.
-integration.fields.caption=Поля Microsoft Word наименее подвержены случайным изменениям, но не совместимы с OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Элементы ReferenceMarks в OpenOffice наименее подвержены случайным изменениям, но не совместимы с Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Документ должен быть сохранен в формате .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Вы хотите восстановить цитату?
integration.regenerate.body=Изменения, которые вы сделали в редакторе цитат, будут утеряны.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Этот документ больше не су
integration.missingItem.multiple=Документ %1$S в этой цитате больше не существует в вашей базе данных Zotero. Вы хотите выбрать ему замену?
integration.missingItem.description=Нажатие "Нет" удалит коды полей цитат, содержащих этот документ, сохранив текст цитат, но удалив этот документ из вашей библиографии.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Удаление кодов полей не позволит Zotero в будущем обновлять цитаты и библиографии в этом документе. Вы уверены, что хотите продолжить?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Ваш документ должен быть навсегда обновлён, чтобы работать с Zotero 2.1 или более поздней версией. Рекомендуется сделать резервную копию перед продолжением. Вы уверены, что хотите продолжить?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Ваш документ был создан в Zotero более новой версии (%1$S), чем установленная сейчас (%2$S). Пожалуйста, обновите Zotero перед началом редактирования документа.
integration.corruptField=Код поля Zotero, соответствующий этой цитате и указывающий Zotero на документ из вашей библиотеки, был поврежден. Вы хотите заново выбрать соответствующий документ?
integration.corruptField.description=Нажатие "Нет" удалит коды полей цитат, содержащих этот документ, сохранив текст цитат, но при этом потенциально возможно удаление этого документа из вашей библиографии.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/zotero.dtd
index bcbe8f35a2..22b1f711a9 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/zotero.properties
index a33dcc7b2e..bdcd1a2249 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Ukladám odkaz...
save.link.error=Pri ukladaní tohto odkazu sa vyskytla chyba.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Nemôžete vykonať zmeny do práve vybranej kolekcie.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Nemôžete pridať súbory do práve vybranej kolekcie.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Nemôžete ukladať exempláre priamo do Mojich publikácií. Môžete ich pretiahnuť z inej knižnice.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Nemôžete uložiť exempláre do RSS správ.
ingester.saveToZotero=Uložiť do Zotera
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Zbaliť anotáciu
annotations.expand.tooltip=Rozbaliť anotáciu
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Anotácie k snímkam môžu byť naraz otvorené iba v jednom okne. Táto snímka bude otvorená bez anotácií.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Odkazy na referencie
-integration.fields.caption=Pri poliach v MS Word je menšia pravdepodobnosť, že budú náhodne modifikované, ale nie je ich možné zdieľať s OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Dokument je nutné uložiť vo formáte .doc alebo .docx.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Pri odkazoch na referencie v OpenOffice je menšia pravdepodobnosť, že budú náhodne modifikované, ale nie je ich možné zdieľať s MS Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokument je nutné uložiť vo formáte .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Chcete znovu vygenerovať citácie?
integration.regenerate.body=Zmeny, ktoré ste urobili v editore citácií, nebudú zachované.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Táto položka sa už vo vašej Zotero databáze
integration.missingItem.multiple=Položka %1$S v tejto citácii sa už vo vašej Zotero databáze nenachádza. Chcete namiesto nej vybrať náhradnú položku?
integration.missingItem.description=Kliknutím na "Nie" odstránite kódy pre polia obsahujúce túto citáciu. Text citácie sa v dokumente zachová, ale citácia bude odstránená z bibliografie.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Odstránením kódov polí zabránite Zoteru v budúcnosti aktualizovať citácie a bibliografiu v tomto dokumente. Ste si istí, že chcete pokračovať?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Na to, aby tento dokument bolo možné použiť so Zoterom 2.0b7 a novším je potrebné ho trvalo upgradovať. Odporúčame vám vytvoriť zálohu dokumentu pred samotným upgradom. Ste si istí, že chcete pokračovať?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Váš dokument bol vytvorený novšou verziou Zotera (%1$S), než je aktuálne nainštalovaná verzia (%2$S). Aktualizujte, prosím, Zotero pred úpravou tohto dokumentu.
integration.corruptField=Kód poľa pre túto citáciu, ktorý hovorí Zoteru, ktorú položku vo vašej knižnici táto citácia predstavuje, bol poškodený. Chcete opätovne vybrať prislúchajúcu položku?
integration.corruptField.description=Kliknutím na "Nie" odstránite kódy pre polia obsahujúce túto citáciu. Text citácie sa v dokumente zachová, ale citácia môže byť potenciálne odstránená z bibliografie.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Jediná citácia (uvedená "prvýkrát")
styles.preview.instructions=Vyberte jeden alebo viac exemplárov v Zotere a kliknite na tlačidlo "Obnoviť", aby ste videli, ako sa tieto exempláre budú zobrazovať pri nainštalovaných citačných štýloch CSL.
publications.intro.text1=Moje publikácie vám umožňujú vytvoriť zoznam vašej vlastnej práce a zdieľať ju na vašej profilovej stránke na %S. Môžete pridávať poznámky o každom exemplári and dokonca zdieľať PDF a iné súbory pod licenciou, ktorú určíte.
-publications.intro.text2=Pre pridanie exemplárov, pretiahnite ich z inej knižnice. Máte možnosť si vybrať, či pripojíte priložené poznámky a súbory.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Pridajte iba prácu, ktorú ste sami vytvorilid, a pripojte iba súbory, ku ktorým máte právo verejnej distribúcie, ak si tak želáte.
publications.intro.authorship=Toto dielo som zhotovil ja.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Toto dielo som zhotovil ja a mám práva šíriť priložené súbory.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/zotero.dtd
index d4988c32aa..f1b8e515d9 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/zotero.properties
index 30729d458b..b1f82dc96f 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/sl-SI/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Shranjevanje povezave ...
save.link.error=Pri shranjevanju te povezave je prišlo do napake.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Trenutno izbrane zbirke ne morete spreminjati.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Trenutno izbrani zbirki ne morete dodajati datotek.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Elementov ne morete shraniti neposredno v Moje objave. Če jih želite dodati tja, jih povlecite iz druge knjižnice.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Elementov ne morete shraniti v vire.
ingester.saveToZotero=Shrani v Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Zloži zaznamke
annotations.expand.tooltip=Razširi zaznamek
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Zaznamke za posnetek je mogoče odpreti le v enem oknu brskalnika naenkrat. Ta posnetek bo odprt brez zaznamkov.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Oznake sklicev
-integration.fields.caption=Polja Microsoft Word bodo manj verjetno neželeno spremenjena, vendar jih ni mogoče uporabljati skupaj z LibreOffice/OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Dokument mora biti shranjen v zapisu .doc in .docx.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Sklicna polja LibreOffice/OpenOffice bodo manj verjetno neželeno spremenjena, vendar jih ni mogoče uporabljati skupaj s programom Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokument morate shraniti v zapisu .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Želite ponovno izdelati citat?
integration.regenerate.body=Spremembe iz urejevalnika navedkov bodo izgubljene.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Ta vnos več ne obstaja v vaši zbirki podatkov Z
integration.missingItem.multiple=Vnos %1$S iz tega citata ne obstaja več v vaši zbirki podatkov Zotero. Želite izbrati nadomestni vnos?
integration.missingItem.description=Z »Ne« boste izbrisali kode polj za citate, ki vsebujejo ta vnos, s čimer boste obdržali besedilo citata, vendar ga boste izbrisali iz bibliografije.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Odstranitev kod polj bo preprečila Zoteru posodabljanje citatov in bibliografij v tem dokumentu. Ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Vaš dokument mora biti trajno posodobljen, da bi deloval z Zoterom 2.1 ali novejšim. Priporočamo, da pred nadaljevanjem naredite varnostno kopijo. Ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Vaš dokument je nastal z novejšo različico Zotera (%1$S) od trenutno nameščene (%2$S). Pred urejanjem tega dokumenta raje nadgradite Zotero.
integration.corruptField=Koda polja Zotero, ki ustreza temu citatu, ki pove Zoteru, kateri vnos iz vaše knjižnice citat predstavlja, je bila okvarjena. Želite ponovno izbrati vnos?
integration.corruptField.description=Z »Ne« boste izbrisali kode polj za citate, ki vsebujejo ta vnos, s čimer boste ohranili besedilo citata in ga morebiti izbrisali iz bibliografije.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Posamezen citat (s položajem »prvi«)
styles.preview.instructions=Izberite enega ali več elementov v Zoteru in kliknite gumb »Osveži«, da vidite, kako se izbrani upodobijo z nameščenimi slogi navajanja CSL.
publications.intro.text1=Moje objave omogočajo sestavo seznama lastnih del in deljenje tega seznama na strani profila %S. Dodate lahko opombe o vsakem vnosu in celo delite PDF-je ali druge datoteke pod dovoljenjem, ki ga izberete.
-publications.intro.text2=Če želite dodati vsebine, jih povlecite iz druge knjižnice. Izbrali boste lahko, ali naj bodo pripete opombe in datoteke vključene.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Dodajte le dela, ki ste jih ustvarili sami; datoteke vključite le, če imate pravice, da jih razširjate javno ter to seveda tudi želite storiti.
publications.intro.authorship=Ustvaril(a) sem to delo.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Ustvaril(a) sem to delo in imam pravice do razširjanja vključenih datotek.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/zotero.dtd
index f91c6623bc..20c204692d 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/zotero.properties
index e5cfc24720..b1a4fd6db2 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/sr-RS/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Чувам везу...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Сачувај у Зотеру
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Скупи напомену
annotations.expand.tooltip=Рашири напомену
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Напомене за снимак могу једино бити отворене у једном прозору веб читача истовремено. Овај снимак ће бити отворен без напомена.
-integration.fields.caption=Мања је могућност случајне промене Microsoft Word поља, али она не могу бити дељена са OpenOffice-ом.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Мања је могућност случајне промене OpenOffice референтних ознака, али оне не могу бити дељене са Microsoft Word-ом.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .odt file format.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Да ли желите поново направити табелу цитата?
integration.regenerate.body=Промене које сте направили у уређивачу цитата ће бити изгубљене.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=The highlighted citation no longer exists in your
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 47b08cafdf..e56b034469 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/zotero.properties
index 28a69d4af7..044719fefd 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Sparar länk...
save.link.error=Ett fel inträffade när länken sparades.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Du kan inte göra ändringar i den valda samlingen.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Du kan inte lägga till filer i den valda samlingen.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Du kan inte spara källor direkt till Mina publikationer. För att lägga till källor till Mina publikationer, dra dem från ett annat bibliotek.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Du kan inte spara källor till matningar.
ingester.saveToZotero=Spara i Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Stäng kommentar
annotations.expand.tooltip=Öppna kommentar
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Kommentarer till en lokalt sparad webbsida kan bara öppnas i ett webbläsarfönster åt gången. Den här lokalt sparade webbsidan kommer att öppnas utan kommentarer.
-integration.fields.caption=Det är mindre risk att Microsoft Word-fält ändras oavsiktligt, men de fungerar inte i OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Dokumentet måste sparas i formaten .doc eller .docx.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Det är mindre risk att OpenOffice ReferenceMarks ändras oavsiktligt, men de fungerar inte i Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Dokumentet måste sparas i formatet .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Vill du skapa om källhänvisningen?
integration.regenerate.body=Ändringarna du har gjort i källhänvisningen kommer att förloras.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Denna källa finns inte längre i Zoteros databas
integration.missingItem.multiple=Källorna %1$S finns inte längre i Zoteros databas. Vill du välja några andra källor istället?
integration.missingItem.description=Klickar du på "Nej" så kommer fältkoderna för källanteckningar som innehåller denna källa att raderas; referenstexten kommer att finnas kvar men inte längre i din källförteckning.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Tas fältkoderna bort kommer Zotero inte kunna uppdatera källhänvisningar och källförteckningar i detta dokument. Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Ditt dokument måste uppgraderas permanent för att fungera med Zotero 2.1 eller senare. Det rekommenderas att du gör en säkerhetskopia innan du fortsätter. Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Ditt dokument skapades med en nyare version av Zotero (%1$S) än den du har installerad (%2$S). Du måste uppgradera Zotero innan du redigerar detta dokument.
integration.corruptField=Fältkoden för källhänvisningen har blivit skadad. Den talade om för Zotero vilken källa i ditt bibliotek denna referens hör till. Vill du välja om källan?
integration.corruptField.description=Klickar du på "Nej" så kommer fältkoderna för denna källa raderas, vilket sparar källhänvisningen men kanske raderar den från källförteckningen.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Enskild referens (med positionen "första")
styles.preview.instructions=Markera en eller flera källor i Zotero och klicka på Uppdatera-knappen för att se hur dessa källor framställs i de installerade CSL-stilarna.
publications.intro.text1=Mina publikationer ger dig möjlighet att skapa en lista av dina egna verk och dela dem på din profilsida på %S. Du kan lägga till anteckningar om varje källa och dela PDF:er och andra filer under en licens som du får välja.
-publications.intro.text2=Lägg till källor genom att dra dem från ett annat bibliotek. Du får sedan välja om du vill inkludera bifogade anteckningar och filer.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Lägg bara till verk du själv har skapat och bifoga filer endast om du har rätt att distribuera dem till allmänheten och önskar att göra så.
publications.intro.authorship=Jag skapade detta verk.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Jag skapade detta verk och har rättigheterna att distribuera bifogade filer.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/zotero.dtd
index b982d6b00c..380d4367b8 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/zotero.properties
index f2ef270e9d..b6ee25a8fc 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/th-TH/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=บันทึกลิงค์...
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=บันทึกใน Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=ฟุบความเห็นประกอบ
annotations.oneWindowWarning=ความเห็นประกอบภาพหน้าจออาจถูกเปิดในหน้าต่างเบราว์เซอร์หนึ่งโดยพร้อมกันเท่านั้น ภาพหน้าจอนี้จะไม่ถูกเปิดโดยไม่มีความเห็นประกอบ
-integration.fields.caption=เขตข้อมูลของ Microsoft Word ไม่ค่อยพบการแก้ไขโดยบังเอิญ แต่ไม่สามารถแบ่งปันกับ OpenOffice
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=เครื่องหมายเอกสารอ้างอิงใน OpenOffice ไม่ค่อยพบการแก้ไขโดยบังเอิญ แต่ไม่สามารถใช้ร่วมกับ Microsoft Word
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=แฟ้มเอกสารต้องบันทึกในรูปแบบ .odt
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=รายการนี้ไม่มีอย
integration.missingItem.multiple=รายการ %1$S ในการอ้างอิงนี้ไม่มีอยู่ในฐานข้อมูล Zotero ของคุณ คุณต้องการเลือกรายการอื่นแทนหรือไม่?
integration.missingItem.description=คลิก "ไม่ใช่" จะลบรหัสเขตข้อมูลสำหรับการอ้างอิงที่มีรายการนี้ คงการอ้างอิงแต่ลบจากบรรณานุกรมของคุณ
integration.removeCodesWarning=การลบรหัสเขตข้อมูลจะทำให้ Zotero ปรับการอ้างอิงและบรรณานุกรมในแฟ้มเอกสารนี้ให้เป็นปัจจุบันไม่ได้ คุณต้องการทำต่อไปใช่หรือไม่?
-integration.upgradeWarning=แฟ้มเอกสารของคุณต้องปรับสู่รุ่นปัจจุบันเพื่อให้สามารถทำงานร่วมกับ Zotero 2.1 หรือใหม่กว่า แนะนำให้ทำการสำรองข้อมูลก่อนดำเนินการ คุณต้องการทำต่อใช่หรือไม่?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=รหัสเขตข้อมูล Zotero สอดคล้องกับการอ้างอิงนี้ซึ่งช่วยให้ Zotero รู้ว่ารายการใดในไลบรารี่ของคุณที่ใช้ในการอ้างอิงนี้เกิดการวิบัติ คุณต้องการเลือกรายการอีกครั้งหรือไม่?
integration.corruptField.description=คลิก "ไม่ใช่" จะลบรหัสเขตข้อมูลสำหรับการอ้างอิงที่มีรายการนี้ คงการอ้างอิงในเอกสาร แต่ลบออกจากบรรณานุกรมของคุณได้
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 7cd8fafd60..05d033f940 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.properties
index 892b2b8870..8be77a726e 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/tr-TR/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Bağlantıyı Kaydet...
save.link.error=Bu bağlantıyı kaydederken bir hata oldu.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Şu an seçili olan dermeye değişiklik yapamazsınız.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Şu an seçili olan dermeye dosya ekleyemezsiniz.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=Eserleri doğrudan Yayınlarım'a kaydedemezsiniz. Yayınlarım'a eser ekleyebilmek için, eserleri başka bir kitaplıktan sürükleyiniz.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=Eserler, beslemelere kaydedilemez.
ingester.saveToZotero=Zotero'ya Kaydet
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Açıklamayı Daralt
annotations.expand.tooltip=Açıklamayı Genişlet
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Bir enstantene için dipnotlar aynı anda yalnızca bir tarayıcı penceresinde açılabilir. Bu enstantene dipnontlar olmaksızın açılacaktır.
-integration.referenceMarks.label=Kaynak İmleri
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Alanlarının kazara değiştirilmesi daha az olasıdır, fakat Alanlar OpenOffice ile paylaşılamaz.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Bu belge .doc veya .docx dosya formatında kaydedilmelidir.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks'larının kazara değiştirilmesi daha az olasıdır, fakat ReferenceMarks'lar Microsoft Word ile paylaşılamaz.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Bu belge .odf dosya biçiminde kaydedilmelidir.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Göndermeyi tekrar oluşturmak istiyor musunuz?
integration.regenerate.body=Gönderme düzenleyicide yaptığınız değişiklikler kaybolacak.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Bu eser Zotero veritabanınızda artık mevcut de
integration.missingItem.multiple=Zotero veritabanınızda, bu göndermedeki %1$S eser artık mevcut değil. Yerine başka bir eser seçmek ister misiniz?
integration.missingItem.description="Hayır"ı tıklamak bu eseri içeren göndermelerin alan kodlarını silecek, gönderme metnini koruyacak, ama kaynakçanızdan silecektir.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Alan kodlarının silinmesi Zotero'nun bu belgedeki göndermeleri ve kaynakçaları güncellemesini engelleyecektir. Devam etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Belgeniz Zotero 2.0b7 ve sonrası ile birlikte çalışabilmesi için kalıcı olarak yükseltilmelidir. İşlemi gerçekleştirmeden önce yedek almanız önerilir. Devam etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Belgeniz şu an kurulu olan Zotero sürümünden (%2$S) daha yeni bir sürümle (%1$S) yaratılmış. Lütfen bu belgeyi değiştirmeden önce Zotero'yu yükseltiniz.
integration.corruptField=Kitaplığınızdaki hangi eserde bu göndermenin temsil edildiğini Zotero'ya söyleyen bu göndermeye ilişkin Zotero alan kodu bozulmuştur. Eseri tekrar seçmek ister misiniz?
integration.corruptField.description="Hayır"ı tıklamak bu eseri içeren göndermelerin alan kodlarını silecek, gönderme metnini koruyacak, ama bir olasılıkla kaynakçanızdan silecektir.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Tek Gönderme ("birinci" sırada olan)
styles.preview.instructions=Zotero'da bir ya da birden çok eser seçip "Yenile" düğmesine basarak, bu eserlerin, kurulmuş CSL gönderme stilleri aracılığıyla nasıl sunulacağını görebilirsiniz.
publications.intro.text1='Yayınlarım', eserlerinizin bir listesini oluşturmanızı ve bu listeyi %S üzerindeki profil sayfanızda paylaşmanızı sağlamaktadır. Her eser için notlar ekleyebilir ve hatta PDF'ler ve başka dosyaları belirteceğiniz bir lisans altında paylaşabilirsiniz.
-publications.intro.text2=Eser ekleyebilmek için, eserleri başka bir kitaplıktan sürükleyin. Eklenmiş notlar ve dosyaları da dahil etmeyi seçme opsiyonunuz olacak.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Yalnızca kendi yarattığınız eserleri ekleyiniz ve yalnızca yayınlama haklarına sahip olduğunuz ve dağıtılmasını istediğiniz dosyaları dahil ediniz.
publications.intro.authorship=Bu eseri ben yarattım.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Bu eseri ben yarattım ve dahil edilmiş dosyaları dağıtma hakkına sahibim.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/zotero.dtd
index 7c861ea20a..9ea7e7b332 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/zotero.properties
index c90cce3387..bb539c19aa 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/uk-UA/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Збереження посилання...
save.link.error=При збереженні цього посилання сталась помилка.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Ви не можете міняти вибрану колекцію.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Ви не можете додати файли до вибраної колекції.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Зберегти в Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Згорнути анотацію
annotations.expand.tooltip=Розгорнути анотацію
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Анотації до знімку можуть бути одночасно відкриті тільки в одному вікні браузера. Цей знімок буде відкритий без анотацій.
-integration.fields.caption=Поля Microsoft Word найменш схильні до випадкових змін, але не сумісні з OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=Елементи ReferenceMarks в OpenOffice найменш схильні до випадкових змін, але не сумісні з Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Документ має бути збережений в форматі .odt.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Ви бажаєте відновити цитату?
integration.regenerate.body=Зміни, які ви зробили в редакторі цитат, будуть втрачені.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Цей документ більше не існ
integration.missingItem.multiple=Документ %1$S в цій цитаті більше не існує в вашій базі даних Zotero. Ви бажаєте вибрати йому заміну?
integration.missingItem.description=Натискання "Ні" видалить коди полів цитат, які містять цей документ, зберігаючи текст цитат, але видаливши цей документ з вашого списку літератури.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Видалення кодів полів не дозволить Zotero в майбутньому оновлбвати цитати і бібліографії в цьому документі. Ви впевнені, що хочете продовжити?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Ваш документ має бути остаточно оновлений, щоб працювати з Zotero 2.1 або пізнішої версії. Рекомендується створити резервну копію, перш ніж приступити. Ви впевнені, що хочете продовжити?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Ваш документ був створений більш новою версією Zotero (%1$S), ніж поточна версія (%2$S). Будь ласка, оновіть Zotero до редагування цього документа.
integration.corruptField=Код поля Zotero, відповідний цій цитаті, яка вказує Zotero, який документ у вашій бібліотеці представляє ця цитата, був пошкоджений. Хочете повторно вибрати пункт?
integration.corruptField.description=Натискання "Ні" видалить коди полів для цитат, що містять цей документ, зберігши текст цитування, але потенційно видаляючи його зі списку літератури.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Окреме цитування (з пози
styles.preview.instructions=Виберіть один чи більше документів Zotero та натисніть кнопку "Оновити", щоб побачити, як ці документи будуть представлені відповідно до встановлених стилів цитування CSL.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/zotero.dtd
index a64c124427..d0a7191f0e 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/zotero.properties
index 110e177b6e..4f9998ed8e 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/vi-VN/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=Đang ghi lại đường dẫn Web...
save.link.error=An error occurred while saving this link.
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=You cannot add files to the currently selected collection.
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=Lưu vào Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Thu gọn Chú thích
annotations.expand.tooltip=Mở rộng Chú thích
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Các chú thích của một bản lưu trang Web chỉ có thể được hiển thị trong một cửa sổ trình duyệt. Bản lưu trang Web này sẽ được hiển thị không có chú thích.
-integration.fields.label=Fields (trường mã)
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word Fields ít có khả năng bị thay đổi một cách tình cờ, nhưng nó lại không dùng chung được với OpenOffice.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice ReferenceMarks ít có khả năng bị thay đổi một cách tình cờ, nhưng nó lại không dùng chung được với Microsoft Word.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .odt file format.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Bạn có muốn tái tạo trích dẫn này?
integration.regenerate.body=Các thay đổi bạn vừa làm trong cửa sổ Soạn thảo Trích dẫn sẽ bị mất.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=The highlighted citation no longer exists in your
integration.missingItem.multiple=Item %1$S in the highlighted citation no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
integration.missingItem.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Removing field codes will prevent Zotero from updating citations and bibliographies in this document. Are you sure you want to continue?
-integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with Zotero 2.0b7 or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.corruptField=The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
integration.corruptField.description=Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/zotero.dtd
index a021949b0a..48f1a59adf 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/zotero.properties
index 1900665191..dd946206a9 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=保存链接...
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=折叠标注
annotations.oneWindowWarning=快照的标注只能在一个浏览窗口中同时显示. 此快照将以无标注的形式打开.
-integration.fields.caption=Microsoft Word域极少情况下会被意外修改, 但不能与OpenOffice共用.
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=该文档必须保存为 .doc 或 .docx 文件格式。\n
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice引用标记极少情况下会被意外修改, 但不能与Microsoft Word共用.
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=文档必须以 .odt 的格式保存.
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=高亮的引文已经不在您的Zotero 文献库
integration.missingItem.multiple=高亮的引文中的条目 %1$S 已经不在您的 Zotero 文献库中了. 您想要选择一个替代的条目吗?
integration.missingItem.description=点击“取消”将删除包含此条目的引文的域代码, 保留引用文本并从引文目录中删除.
integration.removeCodesWarning=移除域代码将使 Zotero 无法更新本文档的引文及引文目录, 您确定要继续吗?
-integration.upgradeWarning=为使您的文档可以在 Zotero 2.1 或更新的版本中工作, 我们需要您永久升级您的文档. 在继续进行前, 我们建议您做一个备份. 您确定要继续吗?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=创建本文档的 Zotero 版本 (%1$S) 比当前安装的 Zotero 版本 (%2$S)新。编辑本文档前,请先升级 Zotero。
integration.corruptField=本引文的域代码--负责通知 Zotero 本引文在文献库里所指向的条目--已经损坏. 您要重新选择该条目吗?
integration.corruptField.description=点击“取消”将删除包含此条目的引文的域代码, 保留引用文本, 但可能将它从您的引文目录中删除.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=单引文 (位于 "第一")
styles.preview.instructions=在 Zotero 中选择一个或多个项并单击 "刷新" 按钮,以查看这些项目用已安装的 CSL 引文样式呈现。
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/zotero.dtd b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/zotero.dtd
index a07153cd00..b3f817c0a2 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/zotero.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/zotero.dtd
@@ -224,16 +224,13 @@
diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/zotero.properties b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/zotero.properties
index febf79f73d..8834b18f2b 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/zotero.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/zotero/zotero.properties
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ save.link=儲存連結中…
-save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items to My Publications, drag them from another library.
+save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.saveToZotero=儲存到 Zotero
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=摺疊備註
-integration.fields.caption=微軟 Word 的欄位比較不會受到意外的更動,但是不能和 OpenOffice 通用。
-integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved in the .doc or .docx file format.
-integration.referenceMarks.caption=OpenOffice 的參考文獻條標記比較不會受到意外的更動,但是不能和微軟的 Word 通用。
-integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=這份文件必須存成 .odt 檔。
+integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
+integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
+integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
+integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
+integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
+integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ integration.missingItem.single=所標示的引用文獻條已不在 Zotero 資
integration.missingItem.multiple=引用文獻條中的 %1$S 項已不在 Zotero 資料庫中。要選擇一個替代項目嗎?
integration.removeCodesWarning=移除欄位碼會使 Zotero 無法更新這個文件中的引用文獻條及參考文獻表。. 要繼續嗎?
-integration.upgradeWarning=文件檔得升級才能使用 Zotero 2.1 或更新的版本。繼續之前最好先備份。要繼續嗎?
+integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=您的文件由較Zotero (%2$S) 版本新的 (%1$S) 版本所建立,請在編輯此文件前更新Zotero。
integration.corruptField=用來告訴 Zotero 這個引用文獻條在文獻庫中代表的那一個項目的 Zotero 欄位碼已損毀。要重選這個項目嗎?
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ styles.editor.output.singleCitation=單一引用(具position "first"者)
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
-publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from another library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
+publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.