Update citeproc-js to 1.1.45
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 107 additions and 65 deletions
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ if (!Array.indexOf) {
var CSL = {
PLAIN_HYPHEN_REGEX: /(?:[^\\]-|\u2013)/,
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ var CSL = {
ret[ret.length - 1] += str;
return ret;
SKIP_WORDS: ["about","above","across","afore","after","against","along","alongside","amid","amidst","among","amongst","anenst","apropos","apud","around","as","aside","astride","at","athwart","atop","barring","before","behind","below","beneath","beside","besides","between","beyond","but","by","circa","despite","down","during","except","for","forenenst","from","given","in","inside","into","lest","like","modulo","near","next","notwithstanding","of","off","on","onto","out","over","per","plus","pro","qua","sans","since","than","through"," thru","throughout","thruout","till","to","toward","towards","under","underneath","until","unto","up","upon","versus","vs.","v.","vs","v","via","vis-Ã -vis","with","within","without","according to","ahead of","apart from","as for","as of","as per","as regards","aside from","back to","because of","close to","due to","except for","far from","inside of","instead of","near to","next to","on to","out from","out of","outside of","prior to","pursuant to","rather than","regardless of","such as","that of","up to","where as","or", "yet", "so", "for", "and", "nor", "a", "an", "the", "de", "d'", "von", "van", "c", "et", "ca"],
SKIP_WORDS: ["about","above","across","afore","after","against","along","alongside","amid","amidst","among","amongst","anenst","apropos","apud","around","as","aside","astride","at","athwart","atop","barring","before","behind","below","beneath","beside","besides","between","beyond","but","by","circa","despite","down","during","except","for","forenenst","from","given","in","inside","into","lest","like","modulo","near","next","notwithstanding","of","off","on","onto","out","over","per","plus","pro","qua","sans","since","than","through"," thru","throughout","thruout","till","to","toward","towards","under","underneath","until","unto","up","upon","versus","vs.","v.","vs","v","via","vis-à-vis","with","within","without","according to","ahead of","apart from","as for","as of","as per","as regards","aside from","back to","because of","close to","due to","except for","far from","inside of","instead of","near to","next to","on to","out from","out of","outside of","prior to","pursuant to","rather than","regardless of","such as","that of","up to","where as","or", "yet", "so", "for", "and", "nor", "a", "an", "the", "de", "d'", "von", "van", "c", "et", "ca"],
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ var CSL = {
"nb-NO":"Norwegian (Bokmål)",
"nb-NO":"Norwegian (Bokmål)",
"nn-NO":"Norwegian (Nynorsk)",
@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ CSL.DateParser = function () {
jiymatcher = "(?:" + jiymatchstring + ")(?:[0-9]+)";
jiymatcher = new RegExp(jiymatcher, "g");
jmd = /(\u6708|\u5E74)/g;
jy = /\u65E5/;
jy = /\u65E5/g;
jr = /\u301c/g;
yearlast = "(?:[?0-9]{1,2}%%NUMD%%){0,2}[?0-9]{4}(?![0-9])";
yearfirst = "[?0-9]{4}(?:%%NUMD%%[?0-9]{1,2}){0,2}(?![0-9])";
@ -1117,11 +1117,11 @@ CSL.DateParser = function () {
m = txt.match(jmd);
if (m) {
txt = txt.replace(/\s+/, "", "g");
txt = txt.replace(jy, "", "g");
txt = txt.replace(jmd, "-", "g");
txt = txt.replace(jr, "/", "g");
txt = txt.replace("-/", "/", "g");
txt = txt.replace(/-$/,"", "g");
txt = txt.replace(jy, "");
txt = txt.replace(jmd, "-");
txt = txt.replace(jr, "/");
txt = txt.replace(/\-\//g, "/");
txt = txt.replace(/-$/g,"");
slst = txt.split(jiysplitter);
lst = [];
mm = txt.match(jiymatcher);
@ -1430,6 +1430,7 @@ CSL.Engine = function (sys, style, lang, forceLang) {
this.opt.development_extensions.rtl_support = true;
this.opt.development_extensions.expect_and_symbol_form = true;
this.opt.development_extensions.require_explicit_legal_case_title_short = true;
this.opt.development_extensions.force_jurisdiction = true;
if (lang) {
lang = lang.replace("_", "-");
@ -1877,6 +1878,11 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.retrieveItem = function (id) {
var isLegalType = ["bill","legal_case","legislation","gazette","regulation"].indexOf(Item.type) > -1;
if (this.opt.development_extensions.force_jurisdiction && isLegalType) {
if (!Item.jurisdiction) {
Item.jurisdiction = "us";
if (!isLegalType && Item.title && this.sys.getAbbreviation) {
var noHints = false;
if (!Item.jurisdiction) {
@ -2174,7 +2180,7 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.getCitationLabel = function (Item) {
if (m) {
myname = myname.slice(m[1].length);
myname = myname.replace(CSL.ROMANESQUE_NOT_REGEXP, "", "g");
myname = myname.replace(CSL.ROMANESQUE_NOT_REGEXP, "");
if (!myname) {
@ -2933,7 +2939,7 @@ CSL.Output.Queue.adjust = function (punctInQuote) {
PUNCT_OR_SPACE[" "] = true;
PUNCT_OR_SPACE["Â "] = true;
PUNCT_OR_SPACE[" "] = true;
var RtoL_MAP = {};
for (var key in LtoR_MAP) {
for (var subkey in LtoR_MAP[key]) {
@ -3204,7 +3210,7 @@ CSL.Output.Queue.adjust = function (punctInQuote) {
if (childStrings.suffix.slice(-1) === "Â " && parentStrings.suffix.slice(0,1) === " ") {
if (childStrings.suffix.slice(-1) === " " && parentStrings.suffix.slice(0,1) === " ") {
parentStrings.suffix = parentStrings.suffix.slice(1);
if (PUNCT_OR_SPACE[childStrings.suffix.slice(0,1)]) {
@ -3443,6 +3449,8 @@ CSL.Engine.Opt = function () {
this.development_extensions.expect_and_symbol_form = false;
this.development_extensions.require_explicit_legal_case_title_short = false;
this.development_extensions.spoof_institutional_affiliations = false;
this.development_extensions.force_jurisdiction = false;
this.development_extensions.parse_names = true;
CSL.Engine.Tmp = function () {
this.names_max = new CSL.Stack();
@ -7747,7 +7755,7 @@ CSL.NameOutput.prototype._renderPersonalName = function (v, name, slot, pos, i,
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._isRomanesque = function (name) {
var ret = 2;
if (!name.family.replace('"', '', 'g').match(CSL.ROMANESQUE_REGEXP)) {
if (!name.family.replace(/\"/g, '').match(CSL.ROMANESQUE_REGEXP)) {
ret = 0;
if (!ret && name.given && name.given.match(CSL.STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP)) {
@ -7810,7 +7818,7 @@ CSL.NameOutput.prototype._renderOnePersonalName = function (value, pos, i, j) {
if (["Lord", "Lady"].indexOf(name.given) > -1) {
sort_sep = ", ";
if (["always", "display-and-sort"].indexOf(this.state.opt["demote-non-dropping-particle"]) > -1 && !has_hyphenated_non_dropping_particle) {
if (["always", "display-and-sort"].indexOf(this.state.opt["demote-non-dropping-particle"]) > -1) {
second = this._join([given, dropping_particle], (name["comma-dropping-particle"] + " "));
second = this._join([second, non_dropping_particle], " ");
if (second && this.given) {
@ -8051,34 +8059,11 @@ CSL.NameOutput.prototype._parseName = function (name) {
} else {
noparse = false;
if (!name["non-dropping-particle"] && name.family && !noparse && name.given) {
if (!name["static-particles"]) {
CSL.parseParticles(name, true);
if (!name.suffix && name.given) {
m = name.given.match(/(\s*,!*\s*)/);
if (m) {
idx = name.given.indexOf(m[1]);
var possible_suffix = name.given.slice(idx + m[1].length);
var possible_comma = name.given.slice(idx, idx + m[1].length).replace(/\s*/g, "");
if (possible_suffix.length <= 3) {
if (possible_comma.length === 2) {
name["comma-suffix"] = true;
name.suffix = possible_suffix;
} else if (!name["dropping-particle"] && name.given) {
name["dropping-particle"] = possible_suffix;
name["comma-dropping-particle"] = ",";
if (this.state.opt.development_extensions.parse_names) {
if (!name["non-dropping-particle"] && name.family && !noparse && name.given) {
if (!name["static-particles"]) {
CSL.parseParticles(name, true);
name.given = name.given.slice(0, idx);
if (!name["dropping-particle"] && name.given) {
m = name.given.match(/(\s+)([a-z][ \'\u2019a-z]*)$/);
if (m) {
name.given = name.given.slice(0, (m[1].length + m[2].length) * -1);
name["dropping-particle"] = m[2];
@ -10898,12 +10883,8 @@ CSL.Transform = function (state) {
if (["archive"].indexOf(myabbrev_family) > -1) {
myabbrev_family = "collection-title";
if (variable === "jurisdiction" && basevalue && state.sys.getHumanForm) {
var jcode = basevalue;
if (variable === "jurisdiction" && basevalue && state.sys.suppressJurisdictions) {
basevalue = state.sys.getHumanForm(basevalue);
if (state.sys.suppressJurisdictions) {
basevalue = state.sys.suppressJurisdictions(jcode,basevalue);
value = "";
if (state.sys.getAbbreviation) {
@ -10990,6 +10971,9 @@ CSL.Transform = function (state) {
if (!ret.name && use_default) {
ret = {name:Item[field], usedOrig:true, locale:getFieldLocale(Item,field)};
if (field === 'jurisdiction') {
ret.name = state.sys.suppressJurisdictions(Item[field], ret.name);
return ret;
function loadAbbreviation(jurisdiction, category, orig, itemType, noHints) {
@ -11051,6 +11035,14 @@ CSL.Transform = function (state) {
return false;
var suppressJurisdictions;
if (state.sys.suppressJurisdictions) {
suppressJurisdictions = state.sys.suppressJurisdictions;
} else {
suppressJurisdictions = function(codeStr, humanStr) {
return humanStr;
function getOutputFunction(variables, myabbrev_family, abbreviation_fallback, alternative_varname, transform_fallback) {
var localesets;
var langPrefs = CSL.LangPrefsMap[variables[0]];
@ -12497,7 +12489,7 @@ CSL.Util.PageRangeMangler.getFunction = function (state, rangeType) {
} else {
ret = [lst[0]];
for (pos = 1, len = lst.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
ret.push(m[pos - 1].replace(/\s*\-\s*/, "-", "g"));
ret.push(m[pos - 1].replace(/\s*\-\s*/g, "-"));
@ -12521,7 +12513,7 @@ CSL.Util.PageRangeMangler.getFunction = function (state, rangeType) {
if ("string" === typeof lst[pos]) {
lst[pos] = lst[pos].replace("-", range_delimiter, "g");
lst[pos] = lst[pos].replace(/\-/g, range_delimiter);
return lst;
@ -12720,7 +12712,7 @@ CSL.Util.FlipFlopper.prototype.init = function (str, blob) {
CSL.Util.FlipFlopper.prototype._normalizeString = function (str) {
var i, ilen;
str = str.replace(/\s+'\s+/g," ’ ");
str = str.replace(/\s+'\s+/g," ’ ");
if (str.indexOf(this.quotechars[0]) > -1) {
for (i = 0, ilen = 2; i < ilen; i += 1) {
if (this.quotechars[i + 2]) {
@ -13148,7 +13140,7 @@ CSL.Output.Formats.prototype.html = {
return text.replace(/&/g, "&")
.replace(/</g, "<")
.replace(/>/g, ">")
.replace(" ", "  ", "g")
.replace(/\s\s/g, "\u00A0 ")
function(aChar) {
return "<sup>" + CSL.SUPERSCRIPTS[aChar] + "</sup>";
@ -13364,7 +13356,7 @@ CSL.Output.Formats.prototype.rtf = {
return str+"\\tab ";
"@display/right-inline": function (state, str) {
return str+"\\line\r\n";
return str+"\r\n";
"@display/indent": function (state, str) {
return "\n\\tab "+str+"\\line\r\n";
@ -13773,7 +13765,7 @@ CSL.Registry.NameReg = function (state) {
if (!str) {
str = "";
return str.replace(".", " ", "g").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/\s+$/,"");
return str.replace(/\./g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/\s+$/,"");
set_keys = function (state, itemid, nameobj) {
pkey = strip_periods(nameobj.family);
@ -14388,26 +14380,58 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.retrieveAllStyleModules = function (jurisdictionList) {
CSL.parseParticles = function(){
["al-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["at-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["ath-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["aṯ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["ad-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["adh-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["aḏ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["ar-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["az-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["as-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["ash-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["aš-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["aṣ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["aḍ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["aṭ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["aẓ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["an-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["et-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["eth-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["eṯ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["ed-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["edh-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["eḏ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["er-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["ez-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["es-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["esh-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["eš-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["eṣ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["eḍ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["eṭ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["eẓ-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["el-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["en-", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["'s-", [[[0,1], null]]],
["'t", [[[0,1], null]]],
["abbé d'", [[[0,2], null]]],
["af", [[[0,1], null]]],
["al", [[[0,1], null]]],
["al-", [[[0,1], null]],[[null,[0,1]]]],
["auf den", [[[0,2], null]]],
["auf der", [[[0,1], null]]],
["aus der", [[[0,1], null]]],
["auf der", [[[0,2], null]]],
["aus der", [[[0,2], null]]],
["aus'm", [[null, [0,1]]]],
["ben", [[null, [0,1]]]],
["bin", [[null, [0,1]]]],
["d'", [[[0,1], null]],[[null,[0,1]]]],
["d'", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["da", [[null, [0,1]]]],
["dall'", [[null, [0,1]]]],
["das", [[[0,1], null]]],
["de", [[null, [0,1]],[[0,1],null]]],
["de la", [[[0,1], [1,2]]]],
["de las", [[[0,1], [1,2]]]],
["de li", [[[0,1], null]]],
["de la", [[null, [0,2]], [[0,1], [1,2]]]],
["de las", [[null, [0,2]], [[0,1], [1,2]]]],
["de li", [[[0,2], null]]],
["de'", [[[0,1], null]]],
["degli", [[[0,1], null]]],
["dei", [[[0,1], null]]],
@ -14426,7 +14450,7 @@ CSL.parseParticles = function(){
["il", [[[0,1], null]]],
["in 't", [[[0,2], null]]],
["in de", [[[0,2], null]]],
["in der", [[[0,1], null]]],
["in der", [[[0,2], null]]],
["in het", [[[0,2], null]]],
["lo", [[[0,1], null]]],
["les", [[[0,1], null]]],
@ -14456,15 +14480,15 @@ CSL.parseParticles = function(){
["vander", [[null, [0,1]]]],
["vd", [[null, [0,1]]]],
["ver", [[null, [0,1]]]],
["von", [[[0,1], null]],[[null,[0,1]]]],
["von", [[[0,1], null],[null,[0,1]]]],
["von der", [[[0,2], null]]],
["von dem",[[[0,2], null]]],
["von und zu", [[[0,1], null]]],
["von und zu", [[[0,3], null]]],
["von zu", [[[0,2], null]]],
["v.", [[[0,1], null]]],
["v", [[[0,1], null]]],
["vom", [[[0,1], null]]],
["vom und zum", [[[0,1], null]]],
["vom und zum", [[[0,3], null]]],
["z", [[[0,1], null]]],
["ze", [[[0,1], null]]],
["zum", [[[0,1], null]]],
@ -14629,7 +14653,7 @@ CSL.parseParticles = function(){
var pSet = pInfo[i];
if (!result.family.str) result.family.str = "";
if (!result.given.str) result.given.str = "";
if (result.given.str === pSet.strings[0] && result.family.str === pSet.strings[1]) {
if (result.given.str.toLowerCase() === pSet.strings[0] && result.family.str.toLowerCase() === pSet.strings[1]) {
@ -14641,6 +14665,24 @@ CSL.parseParticles = function(){
if (!name.suffix && name.given) {
m = name.given.match(/(\s*,!*\s*)/);
if (m) {
idx = name.given.indexOf(m[1]);
var possible_suffix = name.given.slice(idx + m[1].length);
var possible_comma = name.given.slice(idx, idx + m[1].length).replace(/\s*/g, "");
if (possible_suffix.length <= 3) {
if (possible_comma.length === 2) {
name["comma-suffix"] = true;
name.suffix = possible_suffix;
} else if (!name["dropping-particle"] && name.given) {
name["dropping-particle"] = possible_suffix;
name["comma-dropping-particle"] = ",";
name.given = name.given.slice(0, idx);
if (normalizeApostrophe) {
apostropheNormalizer(name, true);
Add table
Reference in a new issue