Display "Migration in progress — do not interrupt…" during migration

Would be nice to have a determinate progress meter on Windows, but that
will require enumerating all files, which maybe would just make things
slower. Might be safer, though, by discouraging people from
This commit is contained in:
Dan Stillman 2016-11-16 01:07:26 -05:00
parent 062ff18596
commit 4863670104
2 changed files with 8 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1466,9 +1466,15 @@ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm");
partial = true;
// Not yet used
let progressHandler = function (progress, progressMax) {
this.updateZoteroPaneProgressMeter(Math.round(progress / progressMax));
let errors;
try {
errors = yield Zotero.migrateDataDirectory(oldDir, newDir, partial);
errors = yield Zotero.migrateDataDirectory(oldDir, newDir, partial, progressHandler);
catch (e) {
// Complete failure (failed to create new directory, copy marker, or move database)

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@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.useNewDir = Use the new directory?
dataDir.moveFilesToNewLocation = Be sure to move files from your existing Zotero data directory to the new location before reopening %1$S.
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title = Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text = The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.migration.inProgress = Migration in progress — do not interrupt…
dataDir.migration.failure.title = Data Directory Migration Error
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.text = Some files in your old %1$S data directory could not be transferred to the new location. You should close %2$S and attempt to move the remaining files manually.
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.old = Old directory: %S