Update citeproc-js to 1.1.212
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 273 additions and 30 deletions
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
var CSL = {
PLAIN_HYPHEN_REGEX: /(?:[^\\]-|\u2013)/,
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ var CSL = {
@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ var CSL = {
"event-place": "places",
"archive-place": "places",
"jurisdiction": "places",
"number": "number",
"number": "places",
AbbreviationSegments: function () {
this["container-title"] = {};
@ -489,6 +489,21 @@ var CSL = {
@ -750,7 +765,7 @@ var CSL = {
"zh-CN":"Chinese (CN)",
"zh-TW":"Chinese (TW)"
@ -7753,6 +7768,9 @@ CSL.Node.label = {
} else {
if (!this.strings.form) {
this.strings.form = "long";
var namevars = state.build.names_variables.slice(-1)[0];
if (!state.build.name_label) {
state.build.name_label = {};
@ -10215,6 +10233,7 @@ CSL.Node.names = {
if (this.tokentype === CSL.START) {
state.build.names_flag = true;
state.build.name_flag = false;
state.build.names_level += 1;
if (state.build.names_level === 1) {
state.build.names_variables = [];
@ -10648,7 +10667,7 @@ CSL.Node.text = {
var transfall = false;
if (form === "short" || ["country", "jurisdiction"].indexOf(this.variables_real[0]) > -1) {
if (this.variables_real[0] === "container-title") {
altvar = "journalAbbreviation";
altvar = "container-title-short";
} else if (this.variables_real[0] === "title") {
altvar = "title-short";
@ -10687,20 +10706,22 @@ CSL.Node.text = {
if (value) {
if (state.opt.development_extensions.wrap_url_and_doi) {
if (!this.decorations.length || this.decorations[0][0] !== "@" + this.variables[0]) {
if (this.variables_real[0] === "DOI" && this.strings.prefix === "https://doi.org/") {
if (this.variables_real[0] === "DOI") {
var clonetoken = CSL.Util.cloneToken(this);
var groupblob = new CSL.Blob(null, null, "url-wrapper");
groupblob.decorations.push(["@DOI", "true"]);
value = value.replace(/^https?:\/\/doi\.org\//, "");
var prefix;
if (value.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
prefix = "";
} else {
prefix = "https://doi.org/";
if (this.strings.prefix && this.strings.prefix.match(/^.*https:\/\/doi\.org\/$/)) {
value = value.replace(/^https?:\/\/doi\.org\//, "");
if (value.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
prefix = "";
} else {
prefix = "https://doi.org/";
clonetoken.strings.prefix = this.strings.prefix.slice(0, clonetoken.strings.prefix.length-16);
var prefixblob = new CSL.Blob(prefix);
var valueblob = new CSL.Blob(value);
clonetoken.strings.prefix = "";
state.output.append(groupblob, clonetoken, false, false, true);
@ -11023,7 +11044,7 @@ CSL.Attributes["@variable"] = function (state, arg) {
if (variable === "title") {
variable = "title-short";
} else if (variable === "container-title") {
variable = "journalAbbreviation";
variable = "container-title-short";
if (variable === "year-suffix") {
@ -13984,12 +14005,22 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processNumber = function (node, ItemObject, variable, type)
var m = str.match(/(;\s+|,\s+|\s*\\*[\-\u2013]+\s*|\s*&\s*)/g);
if (m) {
var lst = str.split(/(?:;\s+|,\s+|\s*\\*[\-\u2013]+\s*|\s*&\s*)/);
for (var i=0,ilen=lst.length-1; i<ilen; i++) {
var recombine = false;
for (var i in lst) {
if (lst[i].replace(/^[a-z]\.\s+/, "").match(/[^\s0-9ivxlcmIVXLCM]/)) {
if (recombine) {
elems = [str];
} else {
for (var i=0,ilen=lst.length-1; i<ilen; i++) {
elems = fixupSubsections(elems);
elems = fixupSubsections(elems);
} else {
var elems = [str];
@ -14199,7 +14230,7 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processNumber = function (node, ItemObject, variable, type)
if (hasTerm && rangeDelimiter === "-") {
if (isNumeric) {
if (isPage || ["locator", "issue", "volume", "edition", "number"].indexOf(variable) > -1) {
rangeDelimiter = me.getTerm("page-range-delimiter")
rangeDelimiter = me.getTerm("page-range-delimiter");
if (!rangeDelimiter) {
rangeDelimiter = "\u2013";
@ -14243,7 +14274,7 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processNumber = function (node, ItemObject, variable, type)
currentInfo.count = 1;
if (!me.opt["page-range-format"] && parseInt(values[i-1].value, 10) > parseInt(values[i].value, 10)) {
if (!me.opt["page-range-format"] && (parseInt(values[i-1].value, 10) > parseInt(values[i].value, 10))) {
values[i-1].joiningSuffix = fixupRangeDelimiter(variable, values[i], values[i-1].joiningSuffix, true);
@ -14259,7 +14290,7 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processNumber = function (node, ItemObject, variable, type)
str = values[i-1].value + stripHyphenBackslash(values[i-1].joiningSuffix) + values[i].value;
var m = str.match(/^((?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*))?([0-9]+)(\s*[^0-9]+\s*)([-,a-zA-Z]?0*)([0-9]+)$/);
var m = str.match(/^((?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*))?([0-9]+[a-z]*)(\s*[^0-9]+\s*)([-,a-zA-Z]?0*)([0-9]+[a-z]*)$/);
if (m) {
var rangeDelimiter = m[3];
rangeDelimiter = fixupRangeDelimiter(variable, val, rangeDelimiter, values[i].numeric);
@ -14462,7 +14493,7 @@ CSL.Util.PageRangeMangler = {};
CSL.Util.PageRangeMangler.getFunction = function (state, rangeType) {
var rangerex, pos, len, stringify, listify, expand, minimize, minimize_internal, chicago, lst, m, b, e, ret, begin, end, ret_func, ppos, llen;
var range_delimiter = state.getTerm(rangeType + "-range-delimiter");
rangerex = /([0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?([0-9]+)\s*(?:\u2013|-)\s*([0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?([0-9]+)/;
rangerex = /([0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?([0-9]+[a-z]*)\s*(?:\u2013|-)\s*([0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?([0-9]+[a-z]*)/;
stringify = function (lst) {
len = lst.length;
for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos += 2) {
@ -14480,8 +14511,8 @@ CSL.Util.PageRangeMangler.getFunction = function (state, rangeType) {
var this_range_delimiter = range_delimiter === "-" ? "" : range_delimiter;
var delimRex = new RegExp("([^\\\\])[-" + this_range_delimiter + "\\u2013]", "g");
str = str.replace(delimRex, "$1 - ").replace(/\s+-\s+/g, " - ");
var rexm = new RegExp("((?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?[0-9]+" + hyphens + "(?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?[0-9]+)", "g");
var rexlst = new RegExp("(?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?[0-9]+" + hyphens + "(?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?[0-9]+");
var rexm = new RegExp("((?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?[0-9]+[a-z]*" + hyphens + "(?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?[0-9]+[a-z]*)", "g");
var rexlst = new RegExp("(?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?[0-9]+[a-z]*" + hyphens + "(?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+0*)?[0-9]+[a-z]*");
m = str.match(rexm);
lst = str.split(rexlst);
if (lst.length === 0) {
@ -15169,7 +15200,10 @@ CSL.Output.Formatters = new function () {
var _tagParams = {
"<span style=\"font-variant: small-caps;\">": "</span>",
"<span class=\"nocase\">": "</span>",
"<span class=\"nodecor\">": "</span>"
"<span class=\"nodecor\">": "</span>",
"<sc>": "</sc>",
"<sub>": "</sub>",
"<sup>": "</sup>"
function _capitalise (word, force) {
var m = word.match(/(^\s*)((?:[\0-\t\x0B\f\x0E-\u2027\u202A-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]))(.*)/);
@ -15294,8 +15328,11 @@ CSL.Output.Formatters = new function () {
if (config.lastWordPos) {
var lastWords = wordDoppel.split(config.doppel.strings[config.lastWordPos.strings]);
var lastWord = _capitalise(lastWords.strings[config.lastWordPos.words]);
lastWords.strings[config.lastWordPos.words] = lastWord;
var lastWord = lastWords.strings[config.lastWordPos.words];
if (lastWord.length > 1 && lastWord.toLowerCase().match(config.skipWordsRex)) {
lastWord = _capitalise(lastWord);
lastWords.strings[config.lastWordPos.words] = lastWord;
config.doppel.strings[config.lastWordPos.strings] = wordDoppel.join(lastWords);
return tagDoppel.join(config.doppel);
@ -15707,6 +15744,212 @@ CSL.Output.Formats.prototype.rtf = {
return str;
CSL.Output.Formats.prototype.asciidoc = {
"text_escape": function (text) {
if (!text) {
text = "";
return text.replace("*", "pass:[*]", "g")
.replace("_", "pass:[_]", "g")
.replace("#", "pass:[#]", "g")
.replace("^", "pass:[^]", "g")
.replace("~", "pass:[~]", "g")
.replace("[[", "pass:[[[]", "g")
.replace(" ", "  ", "g")
.replace(CSL.SUPERSCRIPTS_REGEXP, function(aChar) {
return "^" + CSL.SUPERSCRIPTS[aChar] + "^";
"bibstart": "",
"bibend": "",
"@passthrough/true": CSL.Output.Formatters.passthrough,
"@font-style/italic": "__%%STRING%%__",
"@font-style/oblique": "__%%STRING%%__",
"@font-style/normal": false,
"@font-variant/small-caps": "[small-caps]#%%STRING%%#",
"@font-variant/normal": false,
"@font-weight/bold": "**%%STRING%%**",
"@font-weight/normal": false,
"@font-weight/light": false,
"@text-decoration/none": false,
"@text-decoration/underline": "[underline]##%%STRING%%##",
"@vertical-align/sup": "^^%%STRING%%^^",
"@vertical-align/sub": "~~%%STRING%%~~",
"@vertical-align/baseline": false,
"@strip-periods/true": CSL.Output.Formatters.passthrough,
"@strip-periods/false": CSL.Output.Formatters.passthrough,
"@quotes/true": function (state, str) {
if ("undefined" === typeof str) {
return "``";
return "``" + str + "''";
"@quotes/inner": function (state, str) {
if ("undefined" === typeof str) {
return "`";
return "`" + str + "'";
"@quotes/false": false,
"@cite/entry": function (state, str) {
return state.sys.wrapCitationEntry(str, this.item_id, this.locator_txt, this.suffix_txt);
"@bibliography/entry": function (state, str) {
return str + "\n";
"@display/block": function (state, str) {
return str;
"@display/left-margin": function (state, str) {
return str;
"@display/right-inline": function (state, str) {
return " " + str;
"@display/indent": function (state, str) {
return " " + str;
"@showid/true": function (state, str, cslid) {
if (!state.tmp.just_looking && !state.tmp.suppress_decorations && this.params && "string" === typeof str) {
var prePunct = "";
if (str) {
prePunct = m[1];
str = m[2];
var postPunct = "";
if (str && CSL.SWAPPING_PUNCTUATION.indexOf(str.slice(-1)) > -1) {
postPunct = str.slice(-1);
str = str.slice(0,-1);
return state.sys.variableWrapper(this.params, prePunct, str, postPunct);
} else {
return str;
"@URL/true": function (state, str) {
return str;
"@DOI/true": function (state, str) {
var doiurl = str;
if (!str.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
doiurl = "https://doi.org/" + str;
return doiurl + "[" + str + "]";
CSL.Output.Formats.prototype.fo = {
"text_escape": function (text) {
if (!text) {
text = "";
return text.replace(/&/g, "&")
.replace(/</g, "<")
.replace(/>/g, ">")
.replace(" ", "  ", "g")
.replace(CSL.SUPERSCRIPTS_REGEXP, function(aChar) {
return "<fo:inline vertical-align=\"super\">" + CSL.SUPERSCRIPTS[aChar] + "</fo:inline>";
"bibstart": "",
"bibend": "",
"@passthrough/true": CSL.Output.Formatters.passthrough,
"@font-style/italic": "<fo:inline font-style=\"italic\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@font-style/oblique": "<fo:inline font-style=\"oblique\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@font-style/normal": "<fo:inline font-style=\"normal\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@font-variant/small-caps": "<fo:inline font-variant=\"small-caps\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@font-variant/normal": "<fo:inline font-variant=\"normal\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@font-weight/bold": "<fo:inline font-weight=\"bold\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@font-weight/normal": "<fo:inline font-weight=\"normal\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@font-weight/light": "<fo:inline font-weight=\"lighter\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@text-decoration/none": "<fo:inline text-decoration=\"none\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@text-decoration/underline": "<fo:inline text-decoration=\"underline\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@vertical-align/sup": "<fo:inline vertical-align=\"super\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@vertical-align/sub": "<fo:inline vertical-align=\"sub\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@vertical-align/baseline": "<fo:inline vertical-align=\"baseline\">%%STRING%%</fo:inline>",
"@strip-periods/true": CSL.Output.Formatters.passthrough,
"@strip-periods/false": CSL.Output.Formatters.passthrough,
"@quotes/true": function (state, str) {
if ("undefined" === typeof str) {
return state.getTerm("open-quote");
return state.getTerm("open-quote") + str + state.getTerm("close-quote");
"@quotes/inner": function (state, str) {
if ("undefined" === typeof str) {
return "\u2019";
return state.getTerm("open-inner-quote") + str + state.getTerm("close-inner-quote");
"@quotes/false": false,
"@cite/entry": function (state, str) {
return state.sys.wrapCitationEntry(str, this.item_id, this.locator_txt, this.suffix_txt);
"@bibliography/entry": function (state, str) {
var indent = "";
if (state.bibliography && state.bibliography.opt && state.bibliography.opt.hangingindent) {
var hi = state.bibliography.opt.hangingindent;
indent = " start-indent=\"" + hi +"em\" text-indent=\"-" + hi + "em\"";
var insert = "";
if (state.sys.embedBibliographyEntry) {
insert = state.sys.embedBibliographyEntry(this.item_id) + "\n";
return "<fo:block id=\"" + this.system_id + "\"" + indent + ">" + str + "</fo:block>\n" + insert;
"@display/block": function (state, str) {
return "\n <fo:block>" + str + "</fo:block>\n";
"@display/left-margin": function (state, str) {
return "\n <fo:table table-layout=\"fixed\" width=\"100%\">\n " +
"<fo:table-column column-number=\"1\" column-width=\"$$$__COLUMN_WIDTH_1__$$$\"/>\n " +
"<fo:table-column column-number=\"2\" column-width=\"proportional-column-width(1)\"/>\n " +
"<fo:table-body>\n " +
"<fo:table-row>\n " +
"<fo:table-cell>\n " +
"<fo:block>" + str + "</fo:block>\n " +
"</fo:table-cell>\n ";
"@display/right-inline": function (state, str) {
return "<fo:table-cell>\n " +
"<fo:block>" + str + "</fo:block>\n " +
"</fo:table-cell>\n " +
"</fo:table-row>\n " +
"</fo:table-body>\n " +
"@display/indent": function (state, str) {
return "<fo:block margin-left=\"2em\">" + str + "</fo:block>\n";
"@showid/true": function (state, str, cslid) {
if (!state.tmp.just_looking && !state.tmp.suppress_decorations && this.params && "string" === typeof str) {
var prePunct = "";
if (str) {
prePunct = m[1];
str = m[2];
var postPunct = "";
if (str && CSL.SWAPPING_PUNCTUATION.indexOf(str.slice(-1)) > -1) {
postPunct = str.slice(-1);
str = str.slice(0,-1);
return state.sys.variableWrapper(this.params, prePunct, str, postPunct);
} else {
return str;
"@URL/true": function (state, str) {
return "<fo:basic-link external-destination=\"url('" + str + "')\">" + str + "</fo:basic-link>";
"@DOI/true": function (state, str) {
var doiurl = str;
if (!str.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
doiurl = "https://doi.org/" + str;
return "<fo:basic-link external-destination=\"url('" + doiurl + "')\">" + str + "</fo:basic-link>";
CSL.Output.Formats = new CSL.Output.Formats();
CSL.Registry = function (state) {
var pos, len, ret, i, ilen;
Add table
Reference in a new issue