Update locales from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
39 changed files with 629 additions and 587 deletions
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.attach.fileLink "Stagañ ul liamm d'ar restr...">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.restoreToLibrary "Adsevel d'al levraoueg">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.duplicateItem "Eilskrivañ an eilfenn">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.duplicateItem "Eilskrivañ an elfenn">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.mergeItems "Kendeuziñ an elfennoù...">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.unrecognize "Nullañ an adpakañ metaroadennoù">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.reportMetadata "Danevelliñ metaroadennoù direizh">
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sincronitza els fitxers adjunts de la biblioteca mitjançant">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sincronitza els fitxers adjunts de les biblioteques de grup mitjançant l'emmagatzematge del Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download "Descarrega els fitxers">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.atSyncTime "quan es sincronitzi">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.atSyncTime "quan se sincronitzi">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.onDemand "segons sigui necessari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.verifyServer "Verifica el servidor">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Amb l'ús de l'emmagatzematge del Zotero, accepteu quedar obligat pels">
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Tanca">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY manageAttachments.label "Manage Attachments">
<!ENTITY convertToStored.label "Convert Linked Files to Stored Files…">
<!ENTITY manageAttachments.label "Gestiona les adjuncions">
<!ENTITY convertToStored.label "Converteix els fitxers enllaçats a fitxers emmagatzemats…">
<!ENTITY importCmd.label "Importa…">
<!ENTITY importCmd.key "I">
<!ENTITY importFromClipboardCmd.label "Importa del portaretalls">
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.commandkey "X">
<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "Vista">
<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "Visualitza">
<!ENTITY layout.label "Disposició">
<!ENTITY standardView.label "Vista estàndard">
<!ENTITY stackedView.label "Vista apilada">
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.label "Quant a &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY aboutProduct.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY productHelp.label "Assistència i documentació">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "d">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Informació de resolució de problemes">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "p">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Fòrums de debat">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.accesskey "F">
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ general.serverError=El servidor ha enviat un missatge d'error. Torneu-ho a inten
general.pleaseRestart=Reinicieu el %S.
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=Reinicieu el %S i torneu-ho a provar.
general.checkForUpdate=Cerca si hi ha cap actualització
general.checkForUpdates=Check for Updates
general.checkForUpdates=Comprova si hi ha actualitzacions
general.actionCannotBeUndone=Aquesta acció no es pot desfer.
general.updateAvailable=Hi ha una actualització disponible
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ general.showDirectory=Mostra el directori
general.copyToClipboard=Copia al portaretalls
general.processing=S'està processant
general.finished=Ha acabat
general.submitted=S'ha enviat
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=Si us plau, espereu fin
networkError.connectionNotSecure=El %S no ha pogut establir una connexió segura.
networkError.errorViaProxy=S'ha produït un error en connectar-se a través del servidor intermediari
about.createdBy=Zotero is a project of the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] and is developed by a [global community].
about.createdBy=El Zotero és un projecte del [Centre Roy Rosenzweig d'Història i Nous mitjans] i està desenvolupat per una [comunitat global].
about.getInvolved=Voleu ajudar-hi? [Impliqueu-vos-hi] avui mateix!
@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=La vostra base de dades del Zotero s'ha de reparada
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Carrega l'Eina de reparació de la bases de dades
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=El Zotero no pot moure tots els fitxers necessaris.\nTanqueu tots els fitxers adjunts que estiguin oberts i reinicieu el Firefox per tornar a intentar l'actualització.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=Si continueu rebent aquest missatge, reinicieu l'ordinador.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB1=Zotero found an old database that cannot be upgraded to work with this version of Zotero.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB2=To continue, upgrade your database using Zotero %S first or delete your Zotero data directory to start with a new database.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB1=El Zotero ha trobat una base de dades antiga i no pot actualitzar-se per a treballar amb aquesta versió.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB2=Per a continuar, actualitzeu la vostra base de dades utilitzant Zotero %S primer o elimineu el vostre directori de dades de Zotero per a començar amb una base de dades nova.
errorReport.reportError=Notifica un error...
errorReport.reportErrors=Notifica errors...
errorReport.reportInstructions=You can report this error by selecting "%S" from the Help menu.
errorReport.reportInstructions=Podeu informar de l'error seleccionant «%S» del menú d'ajuda.
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=S'enviarà l'informe següent:
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=No errors have been logged since %S started.
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=No s'ha registrat cap error d'ençà que ha iniciat %S.
errorReport.advanceMessage=Premeu %S per enviar un informe als desenvolupadors de Zotero.
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Passos per a reproduir-lo:
errorReport.expectedResult=Resultat esperat:
@ -124,24 +124,24 @@ errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=No es pot contactar amb el dipòsit.
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Tria el directori base
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirma el directori base nou
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Els fitxers adjunts enllaçats per sota d'aquest directori es desaran fent servir camins relatius.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=S'ha trobat una adjunció que ja existia en el directori base nou.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=S'han trobat %S adjuncions que ja existien en el directori base nou.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Canvia el paràmetre de directori base
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Reverteix a camins absoluts
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=Els fitxers adjunts enllaçats nous es desaran fent servir camins absoluts.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=Una adjunció que ja existia en el directori base antic es convertirà per a fer servir un camí absolut.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S adjuncions que ja existien en el directori base antic es convertiran per a fer servir camins absoluts.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Paràmetre de neteja del directori base
dataDir.dirCannotBeCreated=The %S data directory (%S) cannot be created.
dataDir.checkDirWriteAccess=Make sure you have write access to this directory and that security software isn’t preventing %S from writing to the disk.
dataDir.dirCannotBeCreated=No es pot crear el directori de dades del %S (%S)
dataDir.checkDirWriteAccess=Assegureu-vos que teniu permisos d'escriptura en aquest directori i que cap programari de seguretat no estigui evitant que %S pugui escriure al disc.
dataDir.databaseCannotBeOpened=No es pot obrir la base de dades %S.
dataDir.checkPermissions=Make sure you have read and write permissions for all files in the %1$S data directory and that security software isn’t preventing %1$S from accessing that directory.
dataDir.moveToDefaultLocation=You may be able to fix this problem by moving the data directory to the new default location in your home directory. %S will automatically detect the new location.
dataDir.checkPermissions=Assegureu-vos que teniu permisos de lectura i escriptura per a tots els fitxers en el directori de dades del %1$S i que cap programari de seguretat està evitant que el %1$S accedeixi al directori.
dataDir.moveToDefaultLocation=Podríeu arreglar el problema movent el directori de dades a la ubicació per defecte nova en el vostre directori d'inici. El %S detectarà automàticament la ubicació nova.
dataDir.location=Directori de dades: %S
dataDir.notFound=The %S data directory could not be found.
dataDir.notFound.defaultFound=The %S data directory could not be found at %S, but a data directory was found at %S. Use this directory instead?
dataDir.notFound=No s'ha pogut trobar el directori de dades %S.
dataDir.notFound.defaultFound=No s'ha pogut trobar el directori de dades del %S a %S, però s'ha trobat un directori de dades a %S. Voleu utilitzar-lo?
dataDir.useNewLocation=Utilitza una ubicació nova
dataDir.previousDir=Directori anterior:
dataDir.default=Per defecte (%S)
@ -150,33 +150,33 @@ dataDir.selectDir=Selecciona el directori de dades per al Zotero
dataDir.selectNewDir=Seleccioneu un nou directori de dades del %S
dataDir.changeDataDirectory=Canvia el directori de dades…
dataDir.chooseNewDataDirectory=Trieu un directori de dades nou…
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.dropbox=Choosing a data directory within Dropbox may corrupt your database.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.dropbox=Triar un directori de dades que es trobi en un directori de Dropbox podria corrompre la base de dades.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.useAnyway=Voleu utilitzar aquest directori igualment?
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.dropbox=Your Zotero data directory is within Dropbox, which may lead to data corruption.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.dropbox=El vostre directori de dades de Zotero es troba en un directori de Dropbox. Això pot corrompre'n les dades.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.chooseDifferent=Voldríeu triar una ubicació diferent ara?
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=El directori no està buit
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=El directori que has seleccionat no està buit i no sembla que sigui un directori de dades del Zotero.\n\n Vols crear arxius de Zotero en aquest directori de totes maneres?
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.title=El directori no està buit
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.text=El directori que heu seleccionat no és buit. Seleccioneu-ne un de buit per a continuar.
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directori buit
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually move files from the existing data directory to the new location after %1$S has closed.
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=El directori que heu seleccionat està buit. Per a moure un directori de dades de Zotero que ja existeixi, caldrà que mogueu manualment els fitxers d'aquell directori de dades a la nova ubicació després que el %1$S s'hagi tancat.
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.useNewDir=Fer servir el nou directori
dataDir.moveFilesToNewLocation=Be sure to move files from your existing Zotero data directory to the new location before reopening %1$S.
dataDir.moveFilesToNewLocation=Assegureu-vos de moure els fitxers del vostre directori de dades de Zotero actual a una ubicació nova abans de tornar a obrir el %1$S.
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Versió incompatible de la base de dades
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The selected data directory is too old to be used with this version of Zotero. Please first upgrade the data directory using Zotero 4.0 for Firefox or select a different directory.
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=El directori de dades seleccionat és massa antic per ser utilitzat amb aquesta versió del Zotero. Primer actualitzeu el directori de dades fent servir el Zotero 4.0 per al Firefox o bé seleccioneu un directori diferent.
dataDir.migration.inProgress=Migració del directori de dades en curs…
dataDir.migration.failure.title=Error de la migració del directori de dades
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.automatic.text=%1$S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but some files could not be transferred. Close any open attachment files and try again. You can also quit %2$S and attempt to move the remaining files manually.
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.manual.text=Some files in your %1$S data directory could not be transferred to the new location. Close any open attachment files and try again. You can also quit %2$S and attempt to move the remaining files manually.
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.automatic.text=El %1$S ha intentat moure el vostre directori de dades a una ubicació per defecte nova, però alguns fitxers no s'han pogut transferir. Tanqueu qualsevol adjunció que tingueu oberta i torneu-ho a provar. També podeu sortir del %2$S i intentar moure els fitxers que queden manualment.
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.manual.text=No s'han pogut transferir alguns fitxers del vostre directori de dades %1$S a la nova ubicació. Tanqueu les adjuncions que tingueu obertes i torneu-ho a provar. També podeu sortir del %2$S i intentar moure els fitxers que queden manualment.
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.old=Directori antic: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.new=Directori nou: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.showDirectoriesAndQuit=Mostra els directoris i surt
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.text1=%S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but the migration could not be completed.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.text1=El %S ha intentat moure el vostre directori de dades a una nova ubicació per defecte, però la migració no s'ha pogut completar.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.text2=Es recomana que tanqueu el %S i mogueu el vostre directori de dades manualment.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.newDirOnDifferentDrive=%S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but the old directory is on a different drive and cannot be migrated automatically.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text1=Your %S data directory could not be migrated.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text2=It is recommended that you close %S and manually move your data directory to the new default location.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.firefoxOpen=Your data directory cannot be migrated while Zotero for Firefox is open. Please close Firefox and try again.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.newDirOnDifferentDrive=El %S ha intentat moure el vostre directori de dades a una nova ubicació per defecte, però el directori antic es troba en un disc diferent i no es pot migrar automàticament.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text1=No s'ha pogut el vostre directori de dades %S.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text2=Es recomana que tanqueu el %S i mogueu manualment el vostre directori de dades a una ubicació per defecte nova.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.firefoxOpen=No es pot migrar el directori de dades mentre el Zotero per al Firefox estigui obert. Tanqueu el Firefox i torneu-ho a provar.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.current=Ubicació actual: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.full.recommended=Ubicació recomanada: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.full.showCurrentDirectoryAndQuit=Mostra el directori actual i surt
@ -189,14 +189,14 @@ startupError.databaseInUse=La teva base de dades de Zotero està actualment en
startupError.closeStandalone=Si el Zotero Independent és obert, tanqueu-lo i reinicieu Firefox.
startupError.closeFirefox=Si Firefox amb l'extensió Zotero és obert, tanqueu i reinicieu Zotero Independent.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder=Aquesta versió de Zotero és més vella que la darrera versió què s'utilitzà amb la teva base de dades.
startupError.incompatibleDBVersion=This %1$S database requires %1$S %2$S or later.
startupError.incompatibleDBVersion=Aquesta base de dades de %1$S necessita %1$S %2$S o superior.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.current=Versió actual: %S
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Actualitzeu a la darrera versió del %S.
startupError.databaseUpgradeError=Error d'actualització de la base de dades
startupError.internetFunctionalityMayNotWork=Functionality that depends on an internet connection may not work.
startupError.bundledFileUpdateError=%S was unable to load translators and styles.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage1=%S was started from a disk image, which can break some functionality.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage2=To install %1$S properly, quit the program, open the disk image you downloaded, and drag “%1$S” to the alias of the Applications folder shown in the window. Then eject the disk image and launch Zotero by opening it from your Applications folder.
startupError.internetFunctionalityMayNotWork=La funcionalitat que depèn d'una connexió a Internet potser no funciona.
startupError.bundledFileUpdateError=%S no ha pogut carregar els traductors i els estils.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage1=El %S s'ha iniciat d'una imatge de disc, fet que pot portar a que es trenqui alguna funcionalitat.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage2=Per a instal·lar el %1$S adequadament, sortiu del programa, obriu la imatge de disc que heu baixat i arrossegueu «%1$S» a l'àlies de la carpeta d'Aplicacions que es mostra en la finestra. Llavors expulseu la imatge de disc i executeu el Zotero obrint-lo de la carpeta d'Aplicacions.
date.relative.secondsAgo.one=Fa 1 segon
date.relative.secondsAgo.multiple=Fa %S segons
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ pane.collections.unfiled=Elements sense emplenar
pane.collections.retracted=Elements retractats
pane.collections.duplicate=Elements duplicats
pane.collections.removeLibrary=Suprimeix la biblioteca
pane.collections.removeLibrary.text=Are you sure you want to permanently remove “%S” from this computer?
pane.collections.removeLibrary.text=Esteu segur que voleu suprimir permanentment el «%S» del vostre ordinador?
pane.collections.menu.rename.collection=Canvia el nom de la col·lecció...
pane.collections.menu.duplicate.savedSearch=Duplica la cerca desada
@ -251,9 +251,9 @@ pane.collections.menu.delete.feedAndItems=Cancel·la la subscripció del canal
pane.collections.menu.export.collection=Exporta la col·lecció...
pane.collections.menu.export.savedSearch=Exporta la cerca desada...
pane.collections.menu.export.feed=Exporta el canal…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.collection=Create Bibliography from Collection…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.savedSearch=Create Bibliography from Saved Search…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.feed=Create Bibliography from Feed…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.collection=Crea bibliografia d'una col·lecció…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.savedSearch=Crea bibliografia d'una cerca desada…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.feed=Crea bibliografia d'un canal…
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Mostra la col·lecció en la biblioteca
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.collection=Genera un informe a partir de la col·lecció...
@ -267,23 +267,23 @@ pane.tagSelector.rename.message=Aquesta etiqueta es canviarà per a tots els ele
pane.tagSelector.delete.title=Segur que voleu esborrar aquesta etiqueta?
pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Aquesta etiqueta s'esborrarà de tots els elements.
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.title=Elimina les etiquetes automàtiques
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.message=Are you sure you want to delete %1$S automatic tag in this library?;Are you sure you want to delete %1$S automatic tags in this library?
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.message=Esteu segur que voleu eliminar %1$S etiqueta automàtica en aquesta biblioteca?;Esteu segur que voleu eliminar %1$S etiquetes automàtiques en aquesta biblioteca?
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=No hi ha cap etiqueta seleccionada
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S etiqueta seleccionada
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S etiquetes seleccionades
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Només a %S etiquetes de cada biblioteca poden tenir colors assignats.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=Podeu afegir aquesta etiqueta als elements seleccionats prement la tecla $NUMBER en el teclat.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Fins a %S etiquetes de cada biblioteca poden tenir colors assignats.
pane.items.intro.text1=Us donem la benvinguda a %S!
pane.items.intro.text2=View the [Quick Start Guide] to learn how to begin building your library, and be sure to [install a %S] so you can add items to %S as you browse the web.
pane.items.intro.text3=Already using %S on another computer? [Set up syncing] to pick up right where you left off.
pane.items.intro.text2=Consulteu la [guia de primers passos] per a aprendre a confeccionar la vostra biblioteca, i assegureu-vos d'[instal·lar un %S] per a poder afegir elements al %S a mesura que navegueu.
pane.items.intro.text3=Utilitzeu el %S en un altre ordinador? [Configureu la sincronització] per a reprendre-ho allà on ho hàgiu deixat.
pane.items.loading=S'estan carregant els elements…
pane.items.columnChooser.moreColumns=Més columnes
pane.items.columnChooser.secondarySort=Ordenació secundària (%S)
pane.items.attach.link.uri.unrecognized=Zotero did not recognize the URI you entered. Please check the address and try again.
pane.items.attach.link.uri.unrecognized=El Zotero no ha reconegut l'URI que heu introduït. Comproveu l'adreça i torneu-ho a provar.
pane.items.attach.link.uri.file=Per a adjuntar un enllaç a un fitxer, feu servir «%S».
pane.items.trash.title=Mou a la paperera
pane.items.trash=Segur que voleu moure l'element seleccionat a la paperera?
@ -295,14 +295,14 @@ pane.items.remove.title=Elimina de la col·lecció
pane.items.remove=Segur que voleu eliminar l'element seleccionat d'aquesta col·lecció?
pane.items.remove.multiple=Segur que voleu eliminar els elements seleccionats d'aquesta col·lecció?
pane.items.removeFromPublications.title=Suprimeix de les meves publicacions
pane.items.removeFromPublications=Are you sure you want to remove the selected item from My Publications?
pane.items.removeFromPublications.multiple=Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from My Publications?
pane.items.removeFromPublications=Esteu segur que voleu suprimir l'element seleccionat de 'Les meves publicacions'?
pane.items.removeFromPublications.multiple=Esteu segur que voleu suprimir els elements seleccionats de 'Les meves publicacions'?
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF=Cerca els PDF disponibles
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple=Cerca els PDF disponibles
pane.items.menu.remove=Elimina l'element de la col·lecció...
pane.items.menu.remove.multiple=Elimina els elements de la col·lecció...
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications=Remove Item from My Publications…
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications.multiple=Remove Items from My Publications…
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications=Suprimeix l'element de les meves publicacions…
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications.multiple=Suprimeix els elements de les meves publicacions…
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash=Desplaça l'element a la paperera.
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash.multiple=Desplaça els elements a la paperera...
pane.items.menu.delete=Elimina l'element…
@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ pane.item.unselected.plural=%S elements en aquesta visualització
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Seleccioneu elements per combinar
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=Combina %S elements
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to merge items.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Cal accés d'escriptura a la biblioteca per fusionar els elements.
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Només els elements sencers de primer nivell poden fusionar-se.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Els elements combinats han de ser elements del mateix tipus.
pane.item.markAsRead=Marca com a llegit
@ -370,17 +370,17 @@ pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Canvia el nom del fitxer assoc
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=S'ha produït un error quan es canviava el nom del fitxer.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=No s'ha trobat el fitxer
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1=No s'ha pogut trobar el fitxer adjunt.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1.path=The attached file could not be found at the following path:
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.linked=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or a Linked Attachment Base Directory may be set incorrectly on one of your computers.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1.path=No s'ha pogut trobar el fitxer adjunt en el camí següent:
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored=Potser s'ha mogut o eliminat fora del %1$S o, si s'ha afegit el fitxer en un altre ordinador, podria no haver-se sincronitzat amb el %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=Potser s'ha mogut o eliminat fora del %1$S o, si s'ha afegit el fitxer en un altre ordinador, podria no haver-se sincronitzat amb el %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.linked=Potser s'ha mogut o eliminat fora del %1$S o potser s'ha configurat incorrectament un director base d'adjuncions enllaçades en un dels vostres ordinadors.
pane.item.attachments.delete.confirm=Estàs segur que vols eliminar aquest arxiu adjunt?
pane.item.attachments.count.zero=Cap fitxer adjunt:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S arxiu adjunt:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S fitxers adjunts:
pane.item.attachments.select=Selecciona un fitxer
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools no es troba instal·lat
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=To use this feature, you must first install the PDF tools in the Search pane of the Zotero preferences.
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=Per a utilitzar aquesta funcionalitat, heu d'instal·lar primer les eines PDF en la subfinestra Cerca de les preferències del Zotero.
pane.item.attachments.filename=Nom de fitxer
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=clica aquí
pane.item.tags.count.zero=Cap etiqueta:
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ itemFields.conferenceName=Títol de la conferència
itemFields.encyclopediaTitle=Títol de l'enciclopèdia
itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Títol del diccionari
itemFields.programmingLanguage=Prog. Language
itemFields.programmingLanguage=Llenguatge de prog.
itemFields.websiteTitle=Títol del web
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ fileTypes.document=Document
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=No podeu fer canvis a la col·lecció seleccionada actualment.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=No podeu afegir fitxers a la col·lecció seleccionada actualment.
save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=No podeu desar elements directament a 'Les meves publicacions'. Per a afegir-hi elements, arrossegueu-los de qualsevol lloc a la vostra biblioteca.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=No es poden desar els elements als canals.
ingester.scraping=Desant l'element...
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ ingester.lookup.performing=Realitzant una cerca...
ingester.lookup.error=S'ha produït un error mentre se cercava aquest element.
findPDF.searchingForAvailablePDFs=S'estan cercant els PDF disponibles…
findPDF.checkingItems=Checking %1$S item;Checking %1$S items
findPDF.checkingItems=S'està comprovant %1$S element;S'estan comprovant %1$S elements
findPDF.pdfsAdded=S'ha afegit %1$S PDF;S'han afegit %1$S PDF
findPDF.openAccessPDF=PDF d'accés obert
findPDF.pdfWithMethod=PDF (%S)
@ -614,15 +614,15 @@ findPDF.noPDFFound=No s'ha trobat cap PDF
attachment.fullText=Text complet
attachment.acceptedVersion=Versió acceptada
attachment.submittedVersion=Versió enviada
attachment.convertToStored.title=Convert to Stored File;Convert to Stored Files
attachment.convertToStored.text=%1$S attachment will be converted from a linked file to a stored file.;%1$S attachments will be converted from linked files to stored files.
attachment.convertToStored.deleteOriginal=Delete original file after storing;Delete original files after storing
attachment.convertToStored.title=Converteix a fitxer emmagatzemat;Converteix a fitxers emmagatzemats
attachment.convertToStored.text=%1$S adjunció es convertirà de fitxer adjunt a fitxer emmagatzemat.;%1$S adjuncions es convertiran de fitxers adjunts a fitxers emmagatzemats.
attachment.convertToStored.deleteOriginal=Elimina el fitxer original després d'emmagatzemar-lo;Elimina els fitxers originals després d'emmagatzemar-los
db.dbCorrupted=Sembla que la base de dades '%S' del Zotero està malmesa.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Reinicieu el Firefox per intentar una restauració automàtica a partir de l'última còpia de seguretat.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and no automatic backup is available.\n\nA new database has been created. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbRestored=The Zotero database '%1$S' appears to have become corrupted.\n\nYour data was restored from the last automatic backup made on %2$S at %3$S. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbRestoreFailed=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and an attempt to restore from the last automatic backup failed.\n\nA new database has been created. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=Sembla que la base de dades del Zotero '%S' s'ha corromput i no hi ha cap còpia de seguretat automàtica disponible.\n\nS'ha creat una base de dades nova. El fitxer malmès s'ha desat en el vostre directori de dades del Zotero.
db.dbRestored=Sembla que la base de dades del Zotero '%1$S' s'ha corromput.\n\nLes dades s'han restaurat de la darrera còpia de seguretat automàtica feta el %2$S a les %3$S. El fitxer malmès s'ha desat en el vostre directori de dades del Zotero.
db.dbRestoreFailed=La base de dades de Zotero «%S» sembla que estigui corrupta. Ha fallat un intent de restaurar-la de la darrera còpia de seguretat automàtica.\n\nS'ha creat una base de dades nova. El fitxer malmès s'ha desat al directori de dades del Zotero.
db.integrityCheck.passed=No s'han trobat erros a la base de dades.
db.integrityCheck.failed=S'han trobat erros a la base de dades.
@ -646,19 +646,19 @@ zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resoledor found
zotero.preferences.locale.automaticWithLocale=Automàtic (%S)
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on zotero.org.
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Voleu purgar els fitxers adjunts en els servidors de Zotero?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=Si planegeu utilitzar WebDav per a la sincronització de fitxers i anteriorment heu sincronitzat fitxers de 'La meva biblioteca' als servidors de Zotero, podeu purgar aquests fitxers dels servidors de Zotero per a proporcionar-vos més espai d'emmagatzematge per als grups.\n\nPodeu purgar fitxers en qualsevol moment des dels paràmetres de compte a zotero.org.
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purga els fitxers ara
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=No els purguis
zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.loadingLibraries=S'estan carregant les biblioteques…
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=Heu d'introduir un nom d'usuari i contrasenya en la pestanya %S abans d'utilitzar les opcions de reinicialització.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=S'esborraran totes les dades en aquesta còpia del Zotero i es reemplaçaran amb dades que pertanyen a l'usuari «%S» del servidor de Zotero.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Substituteix les dades locals
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=S'ha de reiniciar Firefox per tal de completar el procés de restauració.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=%1$S will replace data in “%2$S” on %3$S with data from this computer.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=El %1$S reemplaçarà les dades en «%2$S» sobre %3$S amb dades d'aquest ordinador.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.button=Reemplaça les dades en la biblioteca en línia
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=On the next sync, %1$S will check all attachment files in “%2$S” against the storage service. Any remote attachment files that are missing locally will be downloaded, and local attachment files missing remotely will be uploaded.\n\nThis option is not necessary during normal usage.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=The file sync history for “%S” has been cleared.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=En la sincronització següent, el %1$S comprovarà tots els fitxers adjunts en el «%2$S» respecte al dispositu d'emmagatzematge. Si hi ha cap fitxer d'adjunt remot que no hi sigui localment, es baixarà; i els fitxers adjunts locals que no hi siguin remotament, es pujaran.\n\nAquesta opció no és necessària durant l'ús normal.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=S'ha esborrat l'historial de sincronització de fitxers de «%S».
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildIndex=Reconstruir índex
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildWarning=Voleu reconstruir l'índex sencer? Això pot tardar una mica.\n\nPer indexar només els elements que no han estat indexats feu servir %S.
@ -668,18 +668,18 @@ zotero.preferences.search.clearNonLinkedURLs=Neteja-ho to excepte els enllaços
zotero.preferences.search.indexUnindexed=Indexa els elements no indexats
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationStyles=Estils de cita
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Formats d'exportació
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=Quick Copy allows you to quickly export items in a given format. You can copy selected items to the clipboard by pressing %S or drag items directly into a text box in another program.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=For citation styles, you can copy citations or footnotes by pressing %S or holding down Shift before dragging items.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=La còpia ràpida us permet exportar elements ràpidament en un format donat. Podeu copiar elements seleccionats al porta-retalls prement %S o arrossegant elements directament en un quatre de text d'un altre programa.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=Per als estils de cita, podeu copiar les cites o les notes al peu prement %S o la tecla Maj abans d'arrossegar els elements.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationSuccess=La instal·lació s'ha realitzat amb èxit.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationError=Installation could not be completed because an error occurred. Please ensure that %1$S is closed, and then restart %2$S.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installed=The %S add-in is currently installed.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.notInstalled=The %S add-in is not currently installed.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.install=Install %S Add-in
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.reinstall=Reinstall %S Add-in
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationError=No s'ha pogut completar la instal·lació perquè s'ha produït un error. Assegureu-vos que el %1$S estigui tancant i llavors reinicieu-lo.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installed=El complement %S està instal·lat.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.notInstalled=El complement %S no està instal·lat.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.install=Instal·la el connector %S
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.reinstall=Torna a instal·lar el connector %S
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installing=S'està instal·lant…
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions1=%1$S %2$S is incompatible with versions of %3$S before %4$S. Please remove %3$S, or download the latest version from %5$S.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions2=%1$S %2$S requires %3$S %4$S or later to run. Please download the latest version of %3$S from %5$S.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions1=%1$S %2$S és incompatible amb les versions de %3$S abans de %4$S. Suprimiu el %3$S, o baixeu la darrera versió de %5$S.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions2=%1$S %2$S necessita %3$S %4$S o superior per a executar-se. Baixeu la darrera versió del %3$S de %5$S.
zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Afegeix un estil
@ -694,21 +694,21 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryExists1=Ja existeix un direc
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryExists2=Moveu-lo o reanomeneu-lo i torneu-ho a provar.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryWillBeMoved=Es mourà el vostre directori de dades %1$S a %2$S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.appMustBeRestarted=Cal reiniciar el %S per a completar la migració.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.manualMigration=You can also quit %1$S and move your existing data directory to %2$S manually, which may be faster for larger data directories. %3$S will automatically detect the new location.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.manualMigration=Podeu també sortir del %1$S i moure les dades que ja existeixen al directori de dades al %2$S manualment, que pot ser més ràpid per directoris de dades grans. El %3$S detectarà automàticament la nova ubicació.
zotero.debugOutputLogging=Debug Output Logging
zotero.debugOutputLogging.linesLogged=%1$S line logged;%1$S lines logged
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.sent=Debug output has been sent to %S.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.enabledAfterRestart=Debug output logging will be enabled after %S restarts.
zotero.debugOutputLogging=Registre de la sortida de depuració
zotero.debugOutputLogging.linesLogged=S'ha registrat %1$S línia;S'han registrat %1$S línies
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.title=S'ha tramès la sortida de depuració
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.sent=S'ha enviat la sortida de depuració a %S.\n\nL'ID de depuració és D%S.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.error=S'ha produït un error en enviar la sortida de depuració.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.enabledAfterRestart=S'habilitarà el registre de la sortida de depuració després que es reiniciï el %S.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Els fitxers següents ja existeixen al directori de destinació i no es poden copiar:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Els fitxers següents no s'han trobat i no s'han pogut copiar:
fileInterface.importing=S'està important…
fileInterface.importComplete=S'ha completat la importació
fileInterface.itemsWereImported=%1$S item was imported;%1$S items were imported
fileInterface.itemsWereImported=S'ha importat %1$S element;S'han importat %1$S elements
fileInterface.itemsExported=Exportant elements...
fileInterface.chooseAppDatabaseToImport=Trieu la base de dades de %S per importar
@ -716,8 +716,8 @@ fileInterface.export=Exporta
fileInterface.exportedItems=Elements exportats
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=El fitxer seleccionat té un format no admès.
fileInterface.appDatabase=%S Database
fileInterface.appImportCollection=%S Import
fileInterface.appDatabase=Base de dades %S
fileInterface.appImportCollection=Importació %S
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=Mostra els formats compatibles...
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Bibliografia sense títol
@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ citation.locator.book=Llibre
@ -836,10 +836,10 @@ annotations.expand.tooltip=Expandeix l'anotació.
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Les anotacions en una captura només es poden obrir en una finestra del navegador simultàniament. Aquesta captura s'obrirà sense anotacions.
integration.fields.label=Camps (recomanat)
integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recomanat)
integration.fields.caption=No es poden compartir els camps amb el LibreOffice.
integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=Cal desar el document com a .doc o .docx.
integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks no pot compartir-se amb el Word.
integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=Cal desar el document com a .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Voleu regenerar la cita?
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Obre a %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Aquesta versió del connector de processador de textos del Zotero ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) és incompatible ambla versió actual del Zotero (%1$S). Assegureu-vos que feu servir les darreres versions de tots dos components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requereix %2$S %3$S o versions posteriors. Descarregueu la darrera versió de %2$S des de zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Error d'integració del Zotero
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.notInstalled=El Zotero no ha pogut carregar el component necessari per a comunicar-se amb el processador de textos. Aneu a Eines → Complements → Extensions des del Zotero i assegureu-vos que l'extensió del vostre processador de textos estigui habilitada.
integration.error.generic=S'ha produït un error al Zotero en l'actualització del document.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Cal inserir una cita abans de realitzar aquesta operació.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Cal inserir una bibliografia abans de realitzar aquesta operació.
@ -874,12 +874,12 @@ integration.error.notInCitation=Cal situar el cursor en una cita de Zotero per a
integration.error.noBibliography=L'estil bibliogràfic actual no defineix una bibliografia. Si voleu afegir una bibliografia, trieu un altre estil.
integration.error.deletePipe=No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el conducte que Zotero utilitza per comunicar-se amb el processador de textos. Voleu que el Zotero intenti corregir aquest error? Se us demanarà la contrasenya.
integration.error.invalidStyle=L'estil que heu seleccionat no sembla vàlid. Si heu creat aquest estil, assegureu-vos que passa la validació tal i com es descriu a https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/wiki/Validation. Com a alternativa, proveu de seleccionar un altre estil.
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=Zotero cannot update this document because it was created by a different word processing application with an incompatible field encoding. In order to make a document compatible with both Word and LibreOffice, open the document in the word processor with which it was originally created and switch the field type to Bookmarks in the Zotero Document Preferences.
integration.error.styleMissing=The citation style used in this document is missing. Would you like to install it from %S?
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=El Zotero no pot actualitzar el document perquè va ser creat per una aplicació de processament de textos diferent amb un camp de codificació incompatible. Per tal de fer el document compatible tant amb el Word com amb el LibreOffice, obriu el document en el processador de textos amb què s'ha creat originalment i canvieu el tipus de camp a Adreces d'interès des de les preferències d'interès del Zotero.
integration.error.styleMissing=No hi ha l'estil de cita utilitzat en el document. Voleu instal·lar-lo del %S?
integration.error.styleNotFound=No s'ha pogut trobar l'estil de cita %S.
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.title=Hi manca el permís
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing=Zotero does not have permission to control Word. To grant this permission:\n\n1) Open System Preferences\n2) Click on “Security & Privacy”\n3) Select the “Privacy” tab\n4) Find and select “Automation” on the left\n5) Check the checkbox for “Microsoft Word” under “Zotero”\n6) Restart Word
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.pre2016=If “Microsoft Word” does not appear under “Automation”, make sure you are running Word 2011 version 14.7.7 or later.
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing=El Zotero no té permisos per a controlar el Word. Per a atorgar-li:\n\n1) Obriu les preferències del sistema\n2) Feu clic a «Seguretat i privadesa»\n3) Seleccioneu la pestanya de «Privadesa»\n4) Trobeu i seleccioneu «Automatització» a l'esquerra\n5) Marqueu la casella de «Microsoft Word» sota «Zotero»\n6) Reinicieu el Word
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.pre2016=Si «Microsoft Word» no apareix sota «Automatització», assegureu-vos que esteu executant el Word 2011 versió 14.7.7 o superior.
integration.error.viewTroubleshootingInfo=Voleu veure les instruccions de resolució de problemes?
integration.replace=Substitueix aquest camp del Zotero?
@ -887,8 +887,8 @@ integration.missingItem.single=Aquest element ja no existeix a la base de dades
integration.missingItem.multiple=L'element %1$S d'aquesta cita ja no existeix a la base de dades del Zotero. Voleu seleccionar un altre element?
integration.missingItem.description=Si feu clic a "No" se suprimiran els codis de camp de les cites que continguin aquest element i es mantindrà el text de la cita, però se suprimirà de la vostra bibliografia.
integration.removeCodesWarning=L'eliminació dels codis de camp evitarà que Zotero actualitzi les cites i bibliografies en aquest document. Segur que vols continuar?
integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Your document was created with a newer version of Zotero (%1$S) than the currently installed version (%2$S). Please upgrade Zotero before editing this document.
integration.upgradeWarning=El vostre document cal que s'actualitzi permanentment per tal de funcionar amb el %S %S o superior. Es recomana que feu una còpia de seguretat abans de procedir. Esteu segur que voleu continuar?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=El document s'ha creat amb una versió més nova del Zotero (%1$S) que la versió actualment instal·lada (%2$S). Actualitzeu el Zotero abans d'editar el document.
integration.corruptField=El codi de camp del Zotero corresponent a aquesta cita, que diu Zotero l'element de la biblioteca al qual la cita representa, s'ha malmès. Voleu tornar a seleccionar aquest element?
integration.corruptField.description=En fer clic a "No" se suprimiran els codis de camp de les cites que continguin aquest element i es mantindrà el text la cita, però potencialment se suprimirà la teva bibliografia.
integration.corruptBibliography=El codi de camp del Zotero de la teva bibliografia està danyat. Ha de netejar Zotero aquest codi de camp i generar una nova bibliografia?
@ -898,20 +898,20 @@ integration.citationChanged.description=En feu clic a "Sí" evitareu que el Zote
integration.citationChanged.edit=Heu modificat aquesta cita des que el Zotero la generà. Si l'editeu netejareu les modificacions. Voleu continuar?
integration.citationChanged.original=Original: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Modificat: %S
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.tab=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero tab when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=L'actualització de les cites del document està trigant molt. Voleu inhabilitar les actualitzacions automàtiques de les cites?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=Caldrà que feu clic a Refresca en la barra d'eines del Zotero quan hàgiu acabat d'inserir cites.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.tab=Caldrà que feu clic a Refresca a la pestanya del Zotero quan hàgiu acabat d'inserir cites.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=Podeu canviar aquesta preferència més endavant en les preferències del document.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.tab=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero tab.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=S'ha inhabilitat l'actualització de les cites automàtiques. Per a veure la bibliografia, feu clic a Refresca en la barra d'eines del Zotero.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.tab=Les actualitzacions de les cites automàtiques estan inhabilitades. Per a veure la bibliografia, feu clic a Refresca en la pestanya del Zotero.
integration.importDocument.title=Document transferit
integration.importDocument.description=Would you like to restore the %S citations in this document for use in %S?
integration.importDocument.description=Voleu restaurar les %S cites d'aquest document per a utilitzar-les en el %S?
integration.importDocument.button=Restaura les cites
integration.importDocument.notAvailable=Your version of %S does not support document transfer. Please update to a newer version.
integration.importDocument.notAvailable=La vostra versió del %S no accepta la transferència de documents. Actualitzeu a una versió més nova.
integration.exportDocument.title=Prepara les cites per transferir
integration.exportDocument.description1=Zotero will convert citations in the document to a format that can be safely transferred to another supported word processor.
integration.exportDocument.description1=El Zotero convertirà les cites del document a un format que pot transferir-se de forma segura a un altre processador de text acceptat.
integration.exportDocument.description2=Caldria que féssiu una còpia de seguretat del document abans de procedir.
integration.importInstructions=The Zotero citations in this document have been converted to a format that can be safely transferred between word processors. Open this document in a supported word processor and press Refresh in the Zotero plugin to continue working with the citations.
integration.importInstructions=Les cites de Zotero d'aquest document s'han convertit a un format que pot transferir-se de forma segura entre diferents processadors de text. Obriu el document en un processador de text que ho accepti i premeu Refresca des del connector del Zotero per a continuar treballant amb les cites.
styles.install.title=Instal·la l'estil
styles.install.unexpectedError=S'ha produït un error inesperat durant la instal·lació de "%1$S"
@ -919,14 +919,14 @@ styles.installStyle=Instal·la estil "%1$S" des de %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Actualitza l'estil existent "%1$S" amb "%2$S" des de %3$S?
styles.installed=L'estil "%S" s'ha instal·lat correctament
styles.installError=%S no sembla un fitxer d'estil vàlid.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not a valid CSL 1.0.1 style file, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.validationWarning=«%S» no és un fitxer d'estil CSL 1.0.1 vàlid i podria no funcionar correctament amb el Zotero.\n\nEsteu segur que voleu continuar?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S fa referència a un fitxer inexistent o no vàlid a %2$S com la seva font.
styles.deleteStyle=Segur que voleu suprimir l'estil "%1$S"?
styles.deleteStyles=Segur que voleu suprimir els estils seleccionats?
styles.abbreviations.title=Carrega les abreviacions
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
styles.abbreviations.parseError=El fitxer d'abreviacions «%1$S» no és un JSON vàlid.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=El fitxer d'abreviacions «%1$S» no especifica un bloc complet d'informació.
sync.syncWith=Sincronitza amb %S
@ -942,58 +942,58 @@ sync.error.usernameNotSet=No s'ha establit un nom d'usuari
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Cal que introduïu el vostre nom d'usuari i contrasenya de zotero.org en les preferències de Zotero per a sincronitzar amb el servidor de Zotero.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=No s'ha establit una contrasenya
sync.error.invalidLogin=Nom d'usuari o contrasenya no vàlid
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=El servidor de sincronització del Zotero no ha acceptat el vostre nom d'usuari i contrasenya.\n\nComproveu que heu introduït la informació d'inici de sessió correctament en les preferències de sincronització del Zotero.
sync.error.enterPassword=Introduïu una contrasenya.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=El Zotero no pot accedir a la vostra informació d'inici de sessió, possiblement a causa d'una base de dades de sessió de %S corrupta.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Tanqueu el %1$S, suprimiu cert8.db, key3.db, i logins.json del directori de perfil del %2$S, i torneu a introduir les credencials de sessió del Zotero en el tauler de sincronització de les preferències.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Ja està en marxa una operació de sincronització.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.groupFileWriteAccessLost=You no longer have file editing access for the group ‘%1$S’, and files you’ve changed locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, all group files will be reset to their state on %2$S.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, you can skip syncing of the group now.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedFiles=If you would like a chance to copy modified files elsewhere or to request file editing access from a group administrator, you can skip syncing of the group now.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=Ja no teniu permisos d'escriptura al grup «%1$S», i els canvis que heu fet localment no es poden pujar. Si continueu, la vostra còpia del grup es reiniciarà al seu estat en %2$S, i els canvis locals als elements i fitxers es perdran.
sync.error.groupFileWriteAccessLost=Ja no teniu accés d'edició de fitxers per al grup ‘%1$S’, i els fitxers que heu canviat localment no poden pujar-se. Si continueu, tots els fitxers del grup es reiniciaran a l'estat que tenien el %2$S.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedItems=Si voleu una oportunitat per copiar fitxers modificats a algun altre lloc o bé sol·licitar accés d'escriptura d'un administrador de grup, podeu ometre la sincronització del grup.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedFiles=Si voleu una oportunitat per copiar fitxers modificats a algun altre lloc o bé sol·licitar accés d'edició als fitxers d'un administrador de grup, podeu ometre la sincronització del grup.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Una sincronització automàtica ha donat lloc a un conflicte que requereix intervenció manual.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Fes clic a la icona de sincronització per sincronitzar de forma manual.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.invalidClock=El rellotge del sistema està configurat a una hora incorrecta. Caldrà que ho corregiu perquè pugui sincronitzar-se amb el servidor de Zotero.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=Error de certificat SSL
sync.error.checkConnection=Error en conectar-se al servidor. Comproveu la connexió a Internet.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Resposta buida del servidor.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.error.apiKeyInvalid=%S could not authenticate your account. Please re-enter your account details.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=The collection name “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the name and sync again.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=The %1$S value “%2$S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=The creator name “%S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Notes with embedded images cannot currently be synced. Syncing of embedded images may be supported in a future version.
sync.error.noteTooLong=The note “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the note and sync again.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=If you receive this message repeatedly for items saved from a particular site, you can report this issue in the %S Forums.
sync.error.invalidDataError=Some data in %S could not be downloaded. It may have been saved with a newer version of %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError.otherData=Other data will continue to sync.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=El nom de fitxer «%S» conté caràcters no vàlids.\n\nReanomeneu el fitxer i torneu-ho a provar. Si reanomeneu el fitxer des del sistema operatiu, caldrà que el torneu a enllaçar des del Zotero.
sync.error.apiKeyInvalid=El %S no ha pogut autenticar el vostre compte. Torneu a introduir-ne els detalls.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=El nom de la col·lecció «%S» és massa llarg per a sincronitzar. Escurceu-lo i proveu a sincronitzar de nou.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=El valor de %1$S «%2$S» d'un dels vostres elements és massa llarg per sincronitzar-se. Escurceu-lo i torneu a sincronitzar.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=El nom de creador «%S» d'un dels vostres elements és massa llarg per sincronitzar-se. Escurceu-lo i torneu a sincronitzar.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Actualment no es poden sincronitzar les notes amb imatges incrustades. La sincronització d'imatges incrustades podria funcionar en properes versions.
sync.error.noteTooLong=La nota «%S» és massa llarga per sincronitzar-la. Escurceu-la i torneu a sincronitzar.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=Si rebeu aquest missatge repetidament per als elements desats d'un lloc particular, podeu informar de la incidència als fòrums del %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError=No s'han pogut baixar algunes dades del %S. Podria haver-se desat en una versió nova del %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError.otherData=Altres dades continuaran sincronitzant-se.
account.unlinkWarning=Unlinking your account will prevent %S from syncing your data.
account.unlinkWarning=Si es desvincula el vostre compte, s'evitarà que %S sincronitzi les vostres dades.
account.unlinkWarning.removeData=Suprimeix les meves dades de %S d'aquest ordinador
account.unlinkWarning.button=Desvincula el compte
account.warning.emptyLibrary=You are about to sync the ‘%1$S’ account to an empty %2$S database. This could happen if you removed your previous database or if the location of your %2$S data directory changed.
account.warning.existingDataElsewhere=If your %S data exists elsewhere on this computer, you should move it to the current data directory or change the data directory location to point to your existing data.
account.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This %1$S database was last synced with a different account (‘%2$S’) from the current one (‘%3$S’). If you continue, data associated with the ‘%2$S’ account will be removed from this computer.
account.confirmDelete=Remove existing data
account.warning.emptyLibrary=Esteu a punt de sincronitzar el compte ‘%1$S’ a una base de dades %2$S buida. Això podria estar passant si heu suprimit la base de dades anterior o si la ubicació del directori de dades %2$S ha canviat.
account.warning.existingDataElsewhere=Si les dades del %S existeixen en un altre lloc de l'ordinador, caldria que les mogueu al directori de dades actual o bé canvieu la ubicació del directori de dades perquè apunti on es troben les dades que ja existeixen.
account.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=La base de dades del %1$S s'ha sincronitzat per darrera vegada amb un compte diferent (‘%2$S') de l'actual (‘%3$S'). Si continueu, les dades associades amb el compte '%2$S' se suprimiran d'aquest ordinador.
account.confirmDelete=Suprimeix les dades existents
account.confirmDelete.button=Canvia de compte
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=Un o més %S eliminats localment del Zotero s'han modificat remotament d'ençà de la darrera sincronització.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=Un %S de Zotero ha canviat localment i remotament d'ençà de la darrera sincronització.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=S'han mantigut les versiones remotes.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=S'ha mantingut la versió remota.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=S'han mantingut les versiones locals.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=S'ha mantingut la versió local.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=S'han mantigut les versions més recents.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=S'ha mantingut la versio més recent '%S'
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the %S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=Mostra la consola d'errors de %S per a una llista sencera d'aquests canvis.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Versió local: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Versió remota: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=Un o més elements de Zotero s'han afegit i/o suprimit de la mateixa col·lecció en diferents ordinadors d'ençà de la darrera sincronització.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Els elements de Zotero en la col·lecció «%S» s'han afegit o suprimit en diferents ordinadors des de la darrera sincronització. Els elements següents s'han afegit a la col·lecció:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=S'han afegit o suprimit una o més etiquetes de Zotero als elements en diferents ordinadors des de la darrera sincronització. S'han combinat els diferents conjunts d'etiquetes.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=S'ha afegit o suprimit l'etiqueta de Zotero «%S» als elements en diferents ordinadors des de la darrera sincronització.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=S'ha afegit als següents elements remots:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=S'ha afegit als següents elements locals:
@ -1002,25 +1002,25 @@ sync.conflict.remoteItem=Element remot
sync.conflict.mergedItem=Element fusionat
sync.conflict.localFile=Fitxer local
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Fitxer remot
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Utilitza la versió local per a la resta de conflictes que queden
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Utilitza la versió remota per a la resta de conflictes que queden
sync.conflict.itemChanged=L'element següent s'ha canviat en múltiples ubicacions. Feu clic a la versió per utilitzar per a resoldre els camps en conflicte, i llavors feu clic a %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=El fitxer següent s'ha canviat en múltiples ubicacions. Feu clic a la versió per utilitzar i llavors feu clic a %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Tria aquesta versió
sync.status.notYetSynced=Encara no s'ha sincronitzat
sync.status.lastSync=Darrera sincronització:
sync.status.waiting=Waiting for other operations to finish
sync.status.preparing=Preparing sync
sync.status.waiting=S'està esperant que les altres operacions finalitzin
sync.status.preparing=S'està preparant per a sincronitzar
sync.status.loggingIn=Inici de sessió al servidor de sincronització
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=Obtenint dades actualitzades de servidor de sincronització
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Processant les dades actualitzades del servidor de sincronització
sync.status.uploadingData=Carregant dades per sincronitzar el servidor
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Càrrega acceptada \u2014 en espera del servidor de sincronització
sync.status.syncingFiles=Sincronització dels fitxers
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibrary=Syncing files in %S
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibraryWithRemaining=Syncing files in %1$S (%2$S remaining);Syncing files in %1$S (%2$S remaining)
sync.status.syncingFullText=Syncing full-text content
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibrary=S'estan sincronitzant els fitxers en %S
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibraryWithRemaining=S'estan sincronitzant fitxers en %1$S (en queda %2$S);S'estan sincronitzant fitxers en %1$S (en queden %2$S)
sync.status.syncingFullText=S'està sincronitzant el contingut de text complet
sync.storage.mbRemaining=resten %SMB
sync.storage.kbRemaining=resten %S kB
@ -1035,8 +1035,8 @@ sync.storage.serverConfigurationVerified=Configuració del servidor verificada
sync.storage.fileSyncSetUp=La sincronització de fitxers és configurada correctament.
sync.storage.openAccountSettings=Obre la configuració del compte
sync.storage.error.default=A file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
sync.storage.error.defaultRestart=A file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
sync.storage.error.default=S'ha produït un error de sincronització. Torneu a sincronitzar.\n\nSi rebeu aquest missatge repetidament, reinicieu el %S i/o el vostre ordinador i torneu-ho a provar. Si continueu rebent el missatge, envieu un informe d'error i trameteu l'ID d'informe a un fil nou dels fòrums del Zotero.
sync.storage.error.defaultRestart=S'ha produït un error de sincronització de fitxers. Reinicieu el %S i/o el vostre ordinador i torneu a sincronitzar.\n\nSi rebeu el missatge repetidament, envieu un informe d'error i trameteu un ID d'informe en un fil nou dels fòrums del Zotero.
sync.storage.error.serverCouldNotBeReached=No s'ha pogut contactar amb el servidor %S.
sync.storage.error.permissionDeniedAtAddress=No teniu permís per crear un directori del Zotero a l'adreça següent:
sync.storage.error.checkFileSyncSettings=Comproveu la configuració de sincronització dels fitxers o poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador del servidor.
@ -1050,8 +1050,8 @@ sync.storage.error.directoryNotFound=No s'ha trobat el directori
sync.storage.error.doesNotExist=%S no existeix.
sync.storage.error.createNow=Voleu crear-lo ara?
sync.storage.error.webdav.default=A WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.storage.error.webdav.defaultRestart=A WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.storage.error.webdav.default=S'ha produït un error de sincronització de fitxers de WebDAV. Torneu a sincronitzar.\n\nSi rebeu el missatge repetidament, comproveu la configuració del servidor de WebDAV en el tauler de sincronització de les preferències del Zotero.
sync.storage.error.webdav.defaultRestart=S'ha produït un error de sincronització de fitxers de WebDAV. Reinicieu el %S i torneu a sincronitzar.\n\nSi rebeu aquest missatge repetidament, comproveu la configuració del vostre servidor WebDAV en el tauler Sincronització de les preferències del Zotero.
sync.storage.error.webdav.enterURL=Introduïu una URL WebDAV.
sync.storage.error.webdav.invalidURL=%S no és una URL WebDAV vàlida.
sync.storage.error.webdav.invalidLogin=El servidor WebDAV no accepta el nom d'usuari i contrasenya.
@ -1062,15 +1062,15 @@ sync.storage.error.webdav.sslConnectionError=Error de certificat SSL en connecta
sync.storage.error.webdav.loadURLForMoreInfo=Carregueu la URL WebDAV al navegador per obtenir més informació.
sync.storage.error.webdav.seeCertOverrideDocumentation=Consulteu la documentació d'anul·lació del certificat per a més informació.
sync.storage.error.webdav.loadURL=Carrega la URL WebDAV
sync.storage.error.webdav.fileMissingAfterUpload=A potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
sync.storage.error.webdav.nonexistentFileNotMissing=Your WebDAV server is claiming that a nonexistent file exists. Contact your WebDAV server administrator for assistance.
sync.storage.error.webdav.fileMissingAfterUpload=S'ha trobat un potencial problema amb el servidor WebDAV.\n\nUn fitxer pujat no està disponible immediatament per a ser baixat. Podria haver-hi un cert retard entre que pugeu fitxers i que aquests esdevinguin disponibles, especialment si feu servir un servei d'emmagatzematge al núvol.\n\nSi el sistema de sincronització de fitxers del Zotero semblés que funciona correctament, podeu ignorar el missatge. Si teniu cap problema, envieu un missatge als fòrums del Zotero.
sync.storage.error.webdav.nonexistentFileNotMissing=El vostre servidor WebDAV afirma que existeix un fitxer no existent. Contacteu amb l'administrador del vostre servidor WebDAV per a assistència.
sync.storage.error.webdav.serverConfig.title=Error de configuració del servidor WebDAV
sync.storage.error.webdav.serverConfig=El vostre servidor WebDAV ha tornat un error intern.
sync.storage.error.webdav.requestError=Your WebDAV server returned an HTTP %1$S error for a %2$S request.
sync.storage.error.webdav.checkSettingsOrContactAdmin=If you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings or contact your WebDAV server administrator.
sync.storage.error.webdav.requestError=El servidor WebDAV ha retornat un error HTTP %1$S per a una sol·licitud %2$S.
sync.storage.error.webdav.checkSettingsOrContactAdmin=Si rebeu aquest missatge repetidament, comproveu els paràmetres de configuració del vostre servidor WebDAV o contacteu amb el seu administrador.
sync.storage.error.webdav.url=URL: %S
sync.storage.error.zfs.restart=A file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
sync.storage.error.zfs.restart=S'ha produït un error de sincronització de fitxers. Reinicieu el %S i/o el vostre ordinador i torneu a sincronitzar.\n\nSi l'error persisteix, pot haver-hi un problema amb el vostre ordinador o bé amb la vostra xarxa: programari de seguretat, servidor intermediari, VPN, etc. Proveu d'inhabilitar el programari de seguretat o de tallafocs que estigueu fent servir o, si es tracta d'un portàtil, proveu de fer servir una altra xarxa.
sync.storage.error.zfs.tooManyQueuedUploads=Teniu massa càrregues a la cua. Torneu a intentar d'aquí a %S minuts.
sync.storage.error.zfs.personalQuotaReached1=Heu arribat al límit d'emmagatzematge de fitxers al Zotero. Alguns fitxers no s'han carregat. La resta de dades del Zotero se seguiran sincronitzant amb el servidor.
sync.storage.error.zfs.personalQuotaReached2=Llegiu la configuració del vostre compte a zotero.org per conèixer opcions addicionals d'emmagatzematge.
@ -1098,15 +1098,15 @@ proxies.notification.settings.button=Proxy Settings...
proxies.recognized.message=L'addició d'aquest servidor intermediari permet que el Zotero reconegui els elements de les pàgines i redirigeixi automàticament les peticions futures a %1$S a través de %2$S.
proxies.recognized.add=Afegeix el servidor intermediari
recognizePDF.title=PDF Metadata Retrieval
recognizePDF.title=Recuperació de metadades de PDF
recognizePDF.noOCR=El PDF no conté text reconeixible
recognizePDF.couldNotRead=No s'ha pogut llegir el text d'un PDF
recognizePDF.noMatches=No s'han trobat referències coincidents
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=No s'ha trobat el fitxer
recognizePDF.error=S'ha produït un error inesperat
recognizePDF.recognizing.label=Retrieving Metadata…
recognizePDF.recognizing.label=S'estan recuperant les metadades…
recognizePDF.complete.label=Recuperació de metadades completa
recognizePDF.reportMetadata=Report Incorrect Metadata
recognizePDF.reportMetadata=Informa de metadades incortectes
recognizePDF.pdfName.label=Nom del PDF
recognizePDF.itemName.label=Nom de l'element
@ -1119,17 +1119,17 @@ rtfScan.scannedFileSuffix=(Escanejat)
extractedAnnotations=Anotacions extretes
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeCreated=The file '%S' cannot be created.
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeUpdated=The file '%S' cannot be updated.
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeDeleted=The file '%S' cannot be deleted.
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeCreated=No es pot crear el fitxer '%S'.
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeUpdated=No es pot actualitzar el fitxer '%S'.
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeDeleted=No es pot eliminar el fitxer '%S'.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeCreated=No es pot crear un fitxer.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeUpdated=No es pot actualitzar un fitxer.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeDeleted=A file cannot be deleted.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeDeleted=No es pot eliminar un fitxer.
file.accessError.message.windows=Comproveu que el fitxer no estigui actualment en ús, perquè té permisos que permeten l'escriptura i el nom del fitxer és vàlid.
file.accessError.message.other=Comproveu que el fitxer no estigui obert i que tingui els permisos per poder-hi escriure.
file.accessError.restart=Reiniciar l'ordinador o desactivar el programari de seguretat us hi pot ajudar.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Mostra el directori principal
file.error.cannotAddShortcut=Shortcut files cannot be added directly. Please select the original file.
file.error.cannotAddShortcut=Els fitxers de drecera no es poden afegir directament. Seleccioneu el fitxer original.
lookup.failure.title=Error en la cerca
lookup.failure.description=El Zotero no ha pogut trobar un registre per a l'identificador especificat. Comproveu l'identificador i torneu-ho a intentar.
@ -1153,73 +1153,73 @@ locate.libraryLookup.label=Cerca la biblioteca
locate.libraryLookup.tooltip=Cerca aquest element utilitzant el resolutor OpenURL seleccionat
locate.manageLocateEngines=Manage Lookup Engines...
standalone.corruptInstallation=Your Zotero installation appears to be corrupted due to a failed auto-update. While Zotero may continue to function, to avoid potential bugs, please download the latest version of Zotero from https://www.zotero.org/download as soon as possible.
standalone.corruptInstallation=La instal·lació del Zotero sembla que està corrupta per una actualització automàtica que ha fallat. Tot i que el Zotero pot continuar funcionant, per a evitar potencials errades, baixeu-ne la darrera versió de https://www.zotero.org/download tan aviat com sigui possible.
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.title=La intal·lació del complement ha fallat
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.body=The add-on "%S" could not be installed. It may be incompatible with this version of Zotero.
standalone.rootWarning=You appear to be running Zotero as root. This is insecure and may prevent Zotero from functioning when launched from your user account.\n\nIf you wish to install an automatic update, modify the Zotero program directory to be writable by your user account.
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.body=No s'ha pogut instal·lar el complement «%S». Podria no ser compatible amb aquesta versió del Zotero.
standalone.rootWarning=Sembla que esteu executant el Zotero com a usuari root. Això és insegur i pot fer que el Zotero no pugui executar-se quan s'executi des d'un compte d'usuari.\n\nSi voleu instal·lar una actualització automàica, modifiqueu el directori de programa del Zotero perquè tingui permisos d'escriptura per al vostre compte d'usuari.
standalone.updateMessage=A recommended update is available, but you do not have permission to install it. To update automatically, modify the Zotero program directory to be writeable by your user account.
standalone.updateMessage=Hi ha disponible una actualització recomanada, però no teniu permisos per a instal·lar-la. Per a actualitzar-la automàticament, modifiqueu el directori de programa del Zotero per tal que tingui permisos d'escriptura pel vostre compte d'usuari.
connector.name=%S Connector
connector.name=Connector de %S
connector.error.title=Error del connector de Zotero
firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero també permet especificar editors i traductors. Pots convertir un autor en un editor o traductor mitjançant la selecció d'aquest menú.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Escriu un títol o autor per cercar una referència.\n\nDesprés que hagis fet la teva selecció, fes clic a la bombolla o prem Ctrl-\u2193 per afegir números de pàgina, prefixos o sufixos. També pots incloure un número de pàgina juntament amb els teus termes de cerca per afegir-lo directament.\n\nLes cites es poden editar directament en el document del processador de textos.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Escriu un títol o autor per cercar una referència.\n\nDesprés que hagis fet la teva selecció, fes clic a la bombolla o prem Cmd-\u2193 per afegir números de pàgina, prefixos o sufixos. També pots incloure un número de pàgina juntament amb els teus termes de cerca per afegir-lo directament.\n\nLes cites es poden editar directament en el document del processador de textos.
firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.new=Click the ‘Z’ button to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut.
firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut.
firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date.
firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.new=Feu clic al botó 'Z' per a obrir el Zotero, o bé utilitzeu la drecera de teclat %S.
firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=La icona del Zotero ja pot trobar-se a la barra d'eines del Firefox. Feu clic a la icona per a obrir el Zotero, o bé utilitzeu la drecera de teclat %S.
firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Feu clic al botó per a desar qualsevol pàgina web a la vostra biblioteca Zotero. En algunes pàgines el Zotero podrà desar-ne els detalls complets, incloent-hi l'autor i la data.
styles.editor.save=Desa l'estil de cita
styles.editor.warning.noItems=No s'han seleccionat elements en Zotero.
styles.editor.warning.parseError=S'ha produït un error en analitzar l'estil:
styles.editor.warning.renderError=Error generating citations and bibliography:
styles.editor.warning.renderError=S'ha produït un error en generar les cites i la bibliografia:
styles.editor.output.individualCitations=Cites individuals
styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Cita individual (amb la posició «primer»)
styles.preview.instructions=Seleccioneu un o més elements en el Zotero i feu clic al botó «Refresca» per a veure com es mostren a partir dels estils de cita CSL instal·lats.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=<b>Only add work you yourself have created</b>, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.text1=Les meves publicacions us permeten crear una llista dels vostres propis treballs i compartir-los en la vostra pàgina de perfil en el %S. Podeu afegir notes de cada element i fins i tot compartir fitxers PDF i altres sota la llicència que especifiqueu.
publications.intro.text2=Per a afegir elements, arrossegueu-los de qualsevol lloc a la vostra biblioteca. Podreu triar si incloure les notes i fitxers adjunts.
publications.intro.text3=<b>Només afegiu treballs que hàgiu creat</b>, i només inclogueu fitxers que en tingueu els drets de distribuir públicament i desitgeu fer-ho.
publications.intro.authorship=He creat aquesta obra.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
publications.sharing.keepRightsField=Keep the existing Rights field
publications.sharing.keepRightsFieldWhereAvailable=Keep the existing Rights field where available
publications.cc.moreInfo.text=Be sure you have read the Creative Commons %S before placing your work under a CC license. Note that the license you apply cannot be revoked, even if you later choose different terms or cease publishing the work.
publications.cc.moreInfo.linkText=Considerations for licensors
publications.cc0.moreInfo.text=Be sure you have read the Creative Commons %S before applying CC0 to your work. Please note that dedicating your work to the public domain is irreversible, even if you later choose different terms or cease publishing the work.
publications.cc0.moreInfo.linkText=CC0 FAQ
publications.error.linkedFilesCannotBeAdded=Linked files cannot be added to My Publications
publications.intro.authorship.files=He creat aquest treball i tinc els drets per a distribuir els fitxers inclosos.
publications.sharing.keepRightsField=Conserva el camp de Drets que existeix
publications.sharing.keepRightsFieldWhereAvailable=Conserva el camp de Drets existent quan sigui disponible
publications.cc.moreInfo.text=Assegureu-vos que heu llegit la Creative Commons %S abans de posar el vostre treball sota una llicència CC. Tingueu en compte que la llicència que apliqueu no pot revocar-se, fins i tot si després trieu unes condicions diferents o deixeu de fer públic el treball.
publications.cc.moreInfo.linkText=Consideracions per als llicenciadors
publications.cc0.moreInfo.text=Assegureu-vos que heu llegit la Creative Commons %S abans d'aplicar CC0 al vostre treball. Tingueu en compte que posar el vostre treball en el domini públic és irreversible, fins i tot si després trieu unes condicions diferents o deixeu de fer públic el treball.
publications.cc0.moreInfo.linkText=PMF sobre CC0
publications.error.linkedFilesCannotBeAdded=Els fitxers enllaçats no poden afegir-se a Les meves publicacions
publications.buttons.next=Següent: %S
publications.buttons.choose-sharing=S'està compartint
publications.buttons.choose-license=Trieu una llicència
publications.buttons.addToMyPublications=Afegeix a les meves publicacions
licenses.cc-by=Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-nd=Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-sa=Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-nc=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-nc-nd=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-nc-sa=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by=Creative Commons Reconeixement 4.0 Llicència Internacional
licenses.cc-by-nd=Creative Commons Reconeixement-SenseObraDerivada 4.0 Llicència Internacional
licenses.cc-by-sa=Creative Commons Reconeixement-CompartirIgual 4.0 Llicència Internacional
licenses.cc-by-nc=Creative Commons Reconeixement-NoComercial 4.0 Llicència Internacional
licenses.cc-by-nc-nd=Creative Commons Reconeixement-NoComercial-SenseObraDerivada 4.0 Llicència Internacional
licenses.cc-by-nc-sa=Creative Commons Reconeixement-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Llicència Internacional
retraction.alert.single=An item in your database has been retracted.
retraction.alert.multiple=Items in your database have been retracted.
retraction.alert.single=S'ha retractat un element de la vostra base de dades.
retraction.alert.multiple=S'han retractat elements de la vostra base de dades.
retraction.alert.view.single=Mostra l'element
retraction.alert.view.multiple=Mostra els elements
retraction.banner=This work has been retracted.
retraction.date=Retracted on %S
retraction.notice=Retraction Notice
retraction.banner=S'ha retractat aquest treball.
retraction.date=S'ha retractat el %S
retraction.notice=Avís de retractació
retraction.details=Més detalls:
retraction.credit=Dades de %S
retraction.replacedItem.hide=Hide warning for replaced work…
retraction.replacedItem.title=Retracted and Replaced Work
retraction.replacedItem.text1=This work has been retracted and replaced by its publisher, and this item may not represent the final version.
retraction.replacedItem.text2=Unfortunately, some publishers incorrectly reuse the original DOI and/or PMID when replacing a work. If you’ve checked that this is the latest version, you can permanently hide the retraction warning for this item.
retraction.replacedItem.button=Hide Retraction Warning
retraction.citeWarning.text1=The item you are citing has been retracted. Do you still want to add it to your document?
retraction.citeWarning.text2=You can view the item in your library for further details on the retraction.
retraction.citationWarning=A citation in your document has been retracted:
retraction.citationWarning.dontWarn=Don’t warn me about this item again
retraction.replacedItem.hide=Amaga l'avís per al treball reemplaçat…
retraction.replacedItem.title=Treball retractat i reemplaçat
retraction.replacedItem.text1=Aquest treball ha estat retractat i reemplaçat pel seu editor, i aquest element podria no representar-ne la versió final.
retraction.replacedItem.text2=Desafortunadament, alguns editors incorrectament reutilitzen els DOI originals i/o els PMID en reemplaçar un treball. Si heu comprovat que aquesta és la darrera versió, podeu amagar de forma permanent l'avís de retractació de l'element.
retraction.replacedItem.button=Amaga l'avís de retractació
retraction.citeWarning.text1=L'element que esteu citant ha estat retractat. Voleu encara afegir-lo al document?
retraction.citeWarning.text2=Podeu veure l'element en la vostra biblioteca per a més detalls de la retractació.
retraction.citationWarning=S'ha retractat una cita del vostre document:
retraction.citationWarning.dontWarn=No tornis a avisar-me d'aquest element
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.intro "Items you add to My Publications will be shown on your profile page on zotero.org. If you choose to include attached files, they will be made publicly available under the license you specify. Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them and wish to do so.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.checkbox.files "Zahrnout soubory">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.checkbox.notes "Zahrnout poznámky">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.adjustAtAnyTime "You can adjust what to show at any time from the My Publications collection.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.adjustAtAnyTime "Můžete upřesnit, co se bude zobrazovat z kolekce Mé publikace.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.title "Vyberte, jak ám být vaše práce sdílena">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.text "You can reserve all rights to your work, license it under a Creative Commons license, or dedicate it to the public domain. In all cases, the work will be made publicly available via zotero.org.">
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ itemTypes.tvBroadcast=Pořad v TV
itemTypes.radioBroadcast=Pořad v rádiu
itemTypes.computerProgram=Počítačový program
itemTypes.conferencePaper=Příspěvek do konference
itemTypes.conferencePaper=Konferenční příspěvek
itemTypes.encyclopediaArticle=Článek v encyklopedii
itemTypes.dictionaryEntry=Záznam ve slovníku
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart %S.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Vigane kasutajanimi või salasõna
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Palun sisestada salasõna.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Andmeid juba sünkroonitakse.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Oodake kuni eelmine sünkroonimine lõpetab või tehke Firefoxile alglaadimine.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Erabiltzailea edo pasahitza okerra
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Sartu pasahitza, mesedez
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Beste Sync ekintza bat burutzen ari da.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Itxaron hura bukatu arte eta berrabiarazi Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=گذرواژه یا نام کاربری درست نیس
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=لطفا یک گذرواژه وارد کنید.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=عملیات همزمانسازی از قبل در جریان است.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=لطفا تا تکمیل همزمانسازی قبلی صبر کنید یا فایرفاکس را دوباره راهاندازی کنید.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.adjustAtAnyTime "A Saját publikációk gyűjteményből bármikor beállíthatja, hogy mit jelenítsen meg.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.title "Válassza ki, hogyan szeretné a munkáit megosztani">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.text "You can reserve all rights to your work, license it under a Creative Commons license, or dedicate it to the public domain. In all cases, the work will be made publicly available via zotero.org.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.text "Fenntarthatja a munkájához fűződő összes jogot, licencelheti a Creative Commons licenc alapján, vagy a köztulajdonnak nyilváníthatja. A munkát minden esetben nyilvánosan elérhetővé teszik a zotero.org oldalon.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.prompt "Engedélyezné, hogy mások is megosszák a munkáját?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc "Igen, Creative Commons licence szerint.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc0 "Igen és tegye a munkám a közkincs (public domain) közé">
@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.saveAs "Mentés másként…">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.options "Beállítások">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.advancedOptions.label "Haladó beállítások">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.tools "Tools">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.tools "Eszközök">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.more " Egyéb...">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.loading "Loading…">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.loading "Betöltés…">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.close "Bezárás">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.minimize "Kis méret">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.other "Másik…">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.bigger "Bigger">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.smaller "Smaller">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.bigger "Nagyobb">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.smaller "Kisebb">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.reset "Visszaállítás">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero hibajelentés">
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.moreItemTypes.label "Egyéb...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.lookup.label "Elem hozzáadása azonosító alapján">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.removeItem.label "Elem törlése...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newLibrary.label "New Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newLibrary.label "Könyvtár létrehozása">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newCollection.label "Új gyűjtemény...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.markFeedRead.label "Mark Feed as Read">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newGroup "Új csoport...">
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.openURL.tooltip "Hol találom a helyi könyvtárban?">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.feeds.new "New Feed">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.feeds.new.fromURL "From URL…">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.feeds.new.fromOPML "From OPML…">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.feeds.new.fromURL "URL-ből…">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.feeds.new.fromOPML "OPML-ből…">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.feeds.refresh "Refresh Feed">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.feeds.edit "Edit Feed…">
@ -143,9 +143,9 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Keresztnév/Vezetéknév felcserélése">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.viewOnline "Online megtekintés">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.copyAsURL "Másolás URL-ként">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.deletePermanently "Delete Permanently…">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.deletePermanently "Végleges törlés…">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.tags.removeAll "Remove All Tags…">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.tags.removeAll "Minden címke eltávolítása…">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.newNote "Új jegyzet">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.note.standalone "Új önálló jegyzet">
@ -157,10 +157,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.attachment.snapshot "Pillanatfelvétel az aktuális oldalról">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.noTagsToDisplay "Nincsenek címkék">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.loadingTags "Loading tags…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.loadingTags "Címkék betöltése…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.showAutomatic "Automatikus címkék megjelenítése">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.displayAllInLibrary "Display all tags in this library">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteAutomaticInLibrary "Delete Automatic Tags in This Library…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.deleteAutomaticInLibrary "Címkék automatikus törlése ebben a könyvtárban…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.clearAll "Összes címke kiválasztásának megszüntetése">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.assignColor "Szín kiválasztása…">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagSelector.renameTag "Címke átnevezése...">
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.references.label "Hivatkozások a bibliográfiában">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.stop "Stop Sync">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.stop "A szinkronizálás leállítása">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.error "Szinkronizációs hiba">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.storage.progress "Állapot:">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.storage.downloads "Letöltések:">
@ -289,9 +289,9 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.feedSettings.title.label "Cím:">
<!ENTITY zotero.feedSettings.refresh.label1 "Update feed every">
<!ENTITY zotero.feedSettings.refresh.label2 "óra">
<!ENTITY zotero.feedSettings.cleanupUnreadAfter.label1 "Remove unread feed items after">
<!ENTITY zotero.feedSettings.cleanupUnreadAfter.label1 "Az olvasatlan hírcsatorna elemek eltávolítása után">
<!ENTITY zotero.feedSettings.cleanupUnreadAfter.label2 "nap(ok)">
<!ENTITY zotero.feedSettings.cleanupReadAfter.label1 "Remove read feed items after">
<!ENTITY zotero.feedSettings.cleanupReadAfter.label1 "Az olvasott hírcsatorna elemek eltávolítása után">
<!ENTITY zotero.feedSettings.cleanupReadAfter.label2 "nap(ok)">
<!ENTITY zotero.rtfScan.title "RTF átvizsgálása…">
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Hibás felhasználónév vagy jelszó
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Adja meg a jelszót.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A szinkronizáció már folyamatban.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Várja meg, amíg a szinkronizáció befejeződik vagy indítsa újra a Firefoxot.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Nama pengguna atau password invalid
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Silakan masukkan password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Operasi sinkronisasi sedang dalam progres.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Tunggulah sinkronisasi sebelumnya selesasi atau restart %S.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Nome utente o password non validi
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Il server di sincronizzazione di Zotero non ha accettato le credenziali inserite..\n\nControllare di avere inserito correttamente le credenziali di zotero.org nelle impostazioni sulla sincronizzazione di Zotero.
sync.error.enterPassword=Immettere una password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Un'operazione di sincronizzazione è già in corso.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Attendere il completamento dell'operazione precedente o riavviare %S.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើ ឬ លេខស
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=សូមរង់ចាំឲសមកាលកម្មពីមុនបានបញ្ចប់សិន ឬ ចាប់ផ្តើម %S ជាថ្មីម្តងទៀត។
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download "Failus parsiųsti">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.atSyncTime "sinchronizuojant">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.onDemand "pagal poreikį">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.verifyServer "Verify Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.verifyServer "Tikrinti serverį">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Naudodamiesi Zotero saugykla Jūs savaime sutinkate su jos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "naudojimosi taisyklėmis ir sąlygomis">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync "Sinchronizuotinos bibliotekos">
@ -75,12 +75,12 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 " puslapyje.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetDataSyncHistory "Perrašyti duomenų sinchronizavimo žurnalą">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetDataSyncHistory.desc "Apjungti vietinius duomenis su duomenimis nuotoliniame serveryje, ignoruojant duombazės informaciją apie pakeitimus">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restore from Online Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Overwrite local Zotero data with data from the online library.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Replace Online Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Overwrite online library with local Zotero data">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Atkurti iš nuotolinės saugyklos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Vietinius Zotero duomenis pakeisti nuotolinės saugyklos duomenimis.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Pakeisti nuotolinėje saugykloje">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Nuotolinės saugyklos duomenis pakeisti vietinės saugyklos duomenimis.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Perrašyti failų sinchronizavimo žurnalą">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Compare all attachment files with the storage service">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Palyginti visas pridėtas rinkmenas su esančiomis saugykloje">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Atkūrimas">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Atkurti...">
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.useProfile "Naudoti profilio katalogą">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.custom "Savita:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.choose "Pasirinkti...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.viaCommandLine "(specified via command line)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.viaCommandLine "(nurodyta komandinėje eilutėje)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.reveal "Parodyti duomenų katalogą">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.dataDir.migrate "Perkelti į naują numatytąją vietą...">
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Užverti">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY manageAttachments.label "Manage Attachments">
<!ENTITY convertToStored.label "Convert Linked Files to Stored Files…">
<!ENTITY manageAttachments.label "Tvarkyti pridėtas rinkmenas">
<!ENTITY convertToStored.label "Nuorodas pakeisti tikromis rinkmenomis...">
<!ENTITY importCmd.label "Importuoti...">
<!ENTITY importCmd.key "I">
<!ENTITY importFromClipboardCmd.label "Importuoti iškarpinės turinį">
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ general.serverError=Serveris grąžino klaidą. Bandykite dar kartą.
general.pleaseRestart=Iš naujo paleiskite %S.
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=Iš naujo paleiskite %S ir bandykite vėl.
general.checkForUpdate=Ieškoti atnaujinimų
general.checkForUpdates=Check for Updates
general.checkForUpdates=Atnaujinimų paieška
general.actionCannotBeUndone=Šio veiksmo negalima atšaukti.
general.updateAvailable=Yra atnaujinimų
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=Palaukite, kol bus baig
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S negali užmegzti saugaus ryšio.
networkError.errorViaProxy=Klaida jungiantis per įgaliotąjį serverį
about.createdBy=Zotero is a project of the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] and is developed by a [global community].
about.createdBy=Zotero yra [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] projektas, o programuoja [tarptautinė bendruomenė].
about.getInvolved=Norite padėti? [Įsitraukite] jau dabar!
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Pervadinti susijusį failą
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=Klaida pervadinant failą.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=Failo neradome
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1=Nepavyko rasti prisegto dokumento.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1.path=The attached file could not be found at the following path:
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1.path=Pridėtos rinkmenos nepavyko rasti kelyje:
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.linked=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or a Linked Attachment Base Directory may be set incorrectly on one of your computers.
@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ findPDF.noPDFFound=PDF rinkmena nerasta
attachment.fullText=Pilnas tekstas
attachment.acceptedVersion=Priimta versija
attachment.submittedVersion=Išsiųsta versija
attachment.convertToStored.title=Convert to Stored File;Convert to Stored Files
attachment.convertToStored.title=Konvertuoti į talpinamą rinkmeną;Konvertuoti į talpinamas rinkmenas
attachment.convertToStored.text=%1$S attachment will be converted from a linked file to a stored file.;%1$S attachments will be converted from linked files to stored files.
attachment.convertToStored.deleteOriginal=Delete original file after storing;Delete original files after storing
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Ugyldig brukarnamn eller passord
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Skriv inn passord.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Ei synkronisering er allereie i gang.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Vent til den førre synkroniseringa er ferdig eller start om att %S.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ pane.collections.menu.export.feed=Exportă flux...
pane.collections.menu.createBib.collection=Creează bibliografie din colecție...
pane.collections.menu.createBib.savedSearch=Creează bibliografie dintr-o căutare salvată...
pane.collections.menu.createBib.feed=Creează bibliografie din flux...
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Show Collection in Library
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Afișează colecțiile în bibliotecă.
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.collection=Generează un raport din colecție...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.savedSearch=Generează un raport din căutarea salvată...
@ -364,16 +364,16 @@ pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Sigur vrei să ștergi această notă?
pane.item.notes.count.zero=%S note:
pane.item.notes.count.singular=%S notă:
pane.item.notes.count.plural=%S note:
pane.item.notes.editingInWindow=Editing in separate window
pane.item.notes.editingInWindow=Editează într-o fereastră separată
pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Titlu nou:
pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Redenumește fișierul asociat
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=A apărut o eroare în timpul redenumirii fișierului.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=Fișier inexistent
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1=Fișierul anexat nu a putut fi găsit.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1.path=Fișierul anexat nu a putut fi găsit la următoarea cale:
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.linked=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or a Linked Attachment Base Directory may be set incorrectly on one of your computers.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored=Fișierul a fost mutat sau șters din %1$S, sau, dacă a fost adăugat pe un alt calculator, ar putea să nu fi fost încă sincronizat cu %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=Fișierul a fost mutat sau șters din %1$S, sau, dacă a fost adăugat pe un alt calculator, ar putea să nu fi fost încă sincronizat cu %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.linked=Fișierul a fost mutat sau șters din %1$S, sau un director de bază pentru legăturile la anexă ar putea fi configurat incorect pe unul dintre calculatoarele dvs.
pane.item.attachments.delete.confirm=Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi această anexă?
pane.item.attachments.count.zero=%S anexe:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S anexă:
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ itemFields.conferenceName=Titlu conferință
itemFields.encyclopediaTitle=Titlu enciclopedie
itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Titlu dicționar
itemFields.programmingLanguage=Prog. Language
itemFields.programmingLanguage=Limbaj de programare
itemFields.websiteTitle=Titlu site web
@ -614,9 +614,9 @@ findPDF.noPDFFound=Nu s-a găsit niciun PDF
attachment.fullText=Text complet
attachment.acceptedVersion=Versiune acceptată
attachment.submittedVersion=Versiune trimisă
attachment.convertToStored.title=Convert to Stored File;Convert to Stored Files
attachment.convertToStored.text=%1$S attachment will be converted from a linked file to a stored file.;%1$S attachments will be converted from linked files to stored files.
attachment.convertToStored.deleteOriginal=Delete original file after storing;Delete original files after storing
attachment.convertToStored.title=Convertește la fișier depozitat;Convertește la fișirere depozitate
attachment.convertToStored.text=Anexa %1$S va fi convertită de la un fișier legat la un fișier depozitat.;Anexele %1$S vor fi convertite de la fișiere legate la fișiere depozitate.
attachment.convertToStored.deleteOriginal=Șterge fișierul original după depozitare;Șterege fișierele originale după depozitare
db.dbCorrupted=Baza de date '%S' din Zotero pare coruptă.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Te rog să repornești %S, pentru a permite o restaurare automată din ultima copie de siguranță.
@ -655,10 +655,10 @@ zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=Trebuie să introduci un nume de u
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=Toate datele din această copie Zotero vor fi șterse și înlocuite cu datele aparținând utilizatorului '%S' de pe serverul Zotero.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Înlocuiește datele locale
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox trebuie repornit pentru a completa procesul de restaurare.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=%1$S will replace data in “%2$S” on %3$S with data from this computer.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.button=Replace Data in Online Library
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=On the next sync, %1$S will check all attachment files in “%2$S” against the storage service. Any remote attachment files that are missing locally will be downloaded, and local attachment files missing remotely will be uploaded.\n\nThis option is not necessary during normal usage.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=The file sync history for “%S” has been cleared.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=%1$S va înlocui datele din “%2$S” pe %3$S cu datele din acest calculator.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.button=Înlocuiește datele din biblioteca online.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=La următoarea sincronizare, %1$S va verifica toate fișierele anexate din “%2$S” cu cele din serviciul de depozitare. Orice fișier anexat care lipsește local va fi descărcat și fișierele locale anexate care lipsesc vor fi încărcate la distanță.\n\nAceastă opțiune nu este necesară în timpul unei utilizări normale.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=Istoria fișierului de sincronizare “%S” a fost ștearsă.
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildIndex=Reconstruire index
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildWarning=Vrei să reconstruiești întregul index? Asta poate dura ceva timp.\n\nPentru a indexa doar înregistrările care nu au fost indexate, folosește %S.
@ -898,10 +898,10 @@ integration.citationChanged.description=Dacă apeși pe "Da", Zotero va fi împi
integration.citationChanged.edit=Ai modificat această citare de când Zotero a generat-o. Editarea va șterge modificările tale. Vrei să continui?
integration.citationChanged.original=Original: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Modificat: %S
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Actualizarea citărilor în acest document durează mult. Vrei să dezactivezi actualizarea automată a citărilor?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=Va trebui să apeși pe butonul Reîmprospătare din bara de instrumente Zotero, după ce ai terminat de introdus citările.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.tab=Va trebui să apeși pe butonul Reîmprospătare din fila Zotero, după ce ai terminat de introdus citările.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=Poți schimba această configurare mai târziu, în preferințele documentului.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=Actualizările automate ale citărilor sunt dezactivate. Pentru a vedea bibliografia, clic pe Reîmprospătare în bara de instrumente Zotero.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.tab=Actualizările automate ale citărilor sunt dezactivate. Pentru a vedea bibliografia, clic pe Reîmprospătare în fila Zotero.
integration.importDocument.title=Document transferat
@ -960,14 +960,14 @@ sync.error.checkConnection=Eroare la conectarea la server. Controlează conexiun
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Răspuns vid de la server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=Numele fișierului '%S' conține caractere invalide.\n\nRedenumiți fișierul și încercați din nou. Dacă redenumiți fișierul via sistemul de operare, va trebui să-l relegați în Zotero.
sync.error.apiKeyInvalid=%S nu a putut să se autentifice în contul dvs. Vă rog să reintroduceți detaliile contului dvs.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=The collection name “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the name and sync again.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=The %1$S value “%2$S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=The creator name “%S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Notes with embedded images cannot currently be synced. Syncing of embedded images may be supported in a future version.
sync.error.noteTooLong=The note “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the note and sync again.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=If you receive this message repeatedly for items saved from a particular site, you can report this issue in the %S Forums.
sync.error.invalidDataError=Some data in %S could not be downloaded. It may have been saved with a newer version of %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError.otherData=Other data will continue to sync.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=Numele colecției “%S” este prea lung pentru sincronizare. Scurtează numele și sincronizează din nou.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=Valoarea %1$S pentru “%2$S” este, în una din înregistrările tale, prea lungă pentru a se sincroniza. Scurtează câmpul și sincronizează din nou.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=Numele creatorului “%S” din una din înregistrările tale este prea lung pentru a se sincroniza. Scurtează câmpul și sincronizează din nou.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Notele cu imagini adăugate nu pot fi sincronizate în acest moment. Sincronizarea imaginilor adăugate poate fi suportată într-o versiune viitoare.
sync.error.noteTooLong=Nota “%S” este prea lungă pentru a se sincroniza. Scurtează nota și sincronizează din nou.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=Dacă primeșt acest mesaj de mai multe ori pentru itemii salvați de pe un anumit site, poți raporta această problemă pe forumurile %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError=Anumite date din %S nu au putut fi descărcate. Ar fi putut fi salvate cu o versiune mai nouă a %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError.otherData=Alte date vor continua să se sincronizeze.
account.unlinkWarning=Ștergerea legăturii contului dvs. va preveni %S din sincronizarea datelor dvs.
account.unlinkWarning.removeData=Șterge datele mele %S din acest calculator
@ -1010,8 +1010,8 @@ sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Alege această versiune
sync.status.notYetSynced=Încă nesincronizate
sync.status.lastSync=Ultima sincronizare:
sync.status.waiting=Waiting for other operations to finish
sync.status.preparing=Preparing sync
sync.status.waiting=Așteaptă finalizarea altor operațiuni.
sync.status.preparing=Pregătește sincronizarea
sync.status.loggingIn=Autentificare la serverul de sincronizare
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=Obține datele actualizate de la serverul de sincronizare
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Procesează datele actualizate de la serverul de sincronizare
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ pane.collections.menu.export.feed=Izvozi vir ...
pane.collections.menu.createBib.collection=Ustvari bibliografijo iz zbirke ...
pane.collections.menu.createBib.savedSearch=Ustvari bibliografijo iz shranjenega iskanja ...
pane.collections.menu.createBib.feed=Ustvari bibliografijo iz vira ...
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Show Collection in Library
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Pokaži zbirko v knjižnici
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.collection=Ustvari poročilo iz zbirke ...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.savedSearch=Ustvari poročilo iz shranjenega iskanja ...
@ -898,10 +898,10 @@ integration.citationChanged.description=S klikom »Da« boste preprečili Zoteru
integration.citationChanged.edit=Ta navedek ste spremenili, odkar ga je Zotero izdelal. Z urejanjem boste počistili svoje spremembe. Želite nadaljevati?
integration.citationChanged.original=Izvirnik: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Spremenjeno: %S
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Posodabljanje citatov v tem dokumentu traja dolgo. Ali želite onemogoči samodejne posodobitve citatov?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=Ko opravite z vstavljanjem navedkov, morate klikniti Osveži v orodni vrstici Zotera.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.tab=Ko opravite z vstavljanjem navedkov, morate klikniti Osveži na zavihku Zotera.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=To možnost lahko spremenite kasneje v nastavitvah dokumenta.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=Samodejne posodobitve citatov so onemogočene. Če si želite ogledati bibliografijo, kliknite Osveži v orodni vrstici Zotero.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.tab=Samodejne posodobitve citatov so onemogočene. Če si želite ogledati bibliografijo, kliknite Osveži na zavihku Zotero.
integration.importDocument.title=Preneseni dokument
@ -960,12 +960,12 @@ sync.error.checkConnection=Napaka pri povezovanju s strežnikom. Preverite svojo
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Prazen odgovor strežnika.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=Datoteka '%S' vsebuje neveljavne znake.\n\nPreimenujte datoteko in poskusite znova. Če ste datoteko preimenovali prek operacijskega sistema, jo morate znova povezati v Zoteru.
sync.error.apiKeyInvalid=%S ne more overiti vašega računa. Ponovno vnesite podrobnosti računa.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=The collection name “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the name and sync again.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=The %1$S value “%2$S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=The creator name “%S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Notes with embedded images cannot currently be synced. Syncing of embedded images may be supported in a future version.
sync.error.noteTooLong=The note “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the note and sync again.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=If you receive this message repeatedly for items saved from a particular site, you can report this issue in the %S Forums.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=Ime zbirke »$S« je predolgo za usklajevanje. Skrajšajte ime in znova uskladite.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=Vrednost »%2$S« %1$S v enem vaših vnosov je predolga za usklajevanje. Skrajšajte polje in znova uskladite.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=Ime ustvarjalca »%S« v enem od vaših vnosov je predolgo za usklajevanje. Skrajšajte polje in znova uskladite.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Opomb z vdelanimi slikami trenutno ni mogoče usklajevati. Usklajevanje vdelanih slik bo morda podprto v prihodnjih različicah.
sync.error.noteTooLong=Opomba »%S« je predolga za usklajevanje. Skrajšajte opombo in znova uskladite.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=Če to sporočilo prejmete večkrat za vnose, shranjene z določenega spletišča, lahko o tej težavi poročate na forumih %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError=Nekaterih podatkov v %S ni mogoče prenesti. Morda so shranjeni z novejšo različico %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError.otherData=Drugi podatki se bodo še naprej usklajevali.
@ -1010,8 +1010,8 @@ sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Izberite to različico
sync.status.notYetSynced=Še ni usklajeno
sync.status.lastSync=Zadnja uskladitev:
sync.status.waiting=Waiting for other operations to finish
sync.status.preparing=Preparing sync
sync.status.waiting=Čakanje na zaključek drugih operacij
sync.status.preparing=Priprava usklajevanja
sync.status.loggingIn=Prijavljanje v uskladitveni strežnik
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=Pridobivanje posodobljenih podatkov z uskladitvenega strežnika
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Obdelovanje posodobljenih podatkov
@ -5,6 +5,15 @@
"general_done": {
"message": "Готово"
"general_tryAgain": {
"message": "Покушај поново"
"general_warning": {
"message": "Упозорење"
"general_cancel": {
"message": "Откажи"
"progressWindow_savingTo": {
"message": "Чувам у"
@ -26,6 +35,39 @@
"progressWindow_error_upgradeClient_latestVersion": {
"message": "последња верзија"
"appConnector": {
"message": "$1 повезник"
"upgradeApp": {
"message": "Надогради $1"
"error_connection_isAppRunning": {
"message": "Да ли је $1 покренут?"
"error_connection_save": {
"message": "$1 не може да ступи у везу са $2 програмом за рачунар. Повезник може да сачува неке странице на ваш $3 налог, али је најбоље да проверите да ли је $2 отворен пре покушаја чувања."
"error_connection_downloadOrTroubleshoot": {
"message": "Можете <a href=\"$1\">преузети $2</a> или <a href=\"$3\">потражити грешку у вези </a> уколико је неопходно."
"error_connection_enableSavingToOnlineLibrary": {
"message": "Омогући чување у мрежну библиотеку"
"integration_error_clientUpgrade": {
"message": "Цитирање помоћу веба захтева издање $1 или новије."
"integration_error_connection": {
"message": "$1 не може да ступи у везу са $2 програмом за рачунар. $2 мора бити отворен како би користили цитирање помоћу веба."
"integration_googleDocs_unlinkBeforeSaving_warning": {
"message": "Овај документ садржи активне Зотерове цитате који ће бити приказани као везе на zotero.org у преузетим копијама."
"integration_googleDocs_unlinkBeforeSaving_instructions": {
"message": "Да направите верзију која је погодна за дељење, изаберите <b>Направи копију…</b> из менија ставке, а затим <b>Уклони везе до цитата</b> из Зотеровог менија нове ставке и на крају преузмите копију без веза. Увек чувајте оригиналне везе до докумената у случају да вам буду потребне додатне измене."
"integration_googleDocs_unlinkBeforeSaving_downloadAnyway": {
"message": "Ипак преузми верзију са везама"
"general_saveTo": {
"message": "Сачувај у $1"
@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.items "ставке">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.period ".">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.settings "Подешавања">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.custom "Custom…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.custom "Произвољно…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "Опште">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandling "File Handling">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandling "Рад са датотекама">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticSnapshots "Самостално узми снимак када се прави ставка са веб странице">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.downloadAssociatedFiles "Самостално приложи повезане PDF и друге датотека када чуваш ставке">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRecognizeFiles "Automatically retrieve metadata for PDFs">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRenameFiles "Automatically rename attachment files using parent metadata">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRenameFiles.renameLinked "Rename linked files">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandler.openPDFsUsing "Open PDFs using">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandler.systemDefault "System Default">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRecognizeFiles "Сам преузми метаподатке за ПДФ датотеке">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRenameFiles "Сам преименуј приложене датотеке на основу метаподатака">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRenameFiles.renameLinked "Преименуј повезане датотеке">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandler.openPDFsUsing "Отварај ПДФ помоћу">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandler.systemDefault "Подразумевано на систему">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.miscellaneous "Остале поставке">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoUpdate "Аутоматски потражи нова ажурирања превода и стилова">
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.trashAutoEmptyDaysPost "дана">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups "Групе">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.whenCopyingInclude "Прилико умножавања ставке у другу библиотеку задржи:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.whenCopyingInclude "Приликом копирања ставке у другу библиотеку задржи:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childNotes "подбелешке">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childFiles "приложене фотке и увезене датотеке">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childLinks "приложене везе">
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download "Преузми датотеке">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.atSyncTime "током усклаљивања">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.onDemand "по потреби">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.verifyServer "Verify Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.verifyServer "Провери сервер">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Коришћењем Зотеровог складишта, слажете се са његовим">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "одредбама и условима коришћења">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync "Библиотеке за усклађивање">
@ -75,13 +75,13 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 "за више података.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetDataSyncHistory "Поништи историју усклађивања податка">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetDataSyncHistory.desc "Споји локалне податке са подацима на серверу, занемарујући историју усклађивања.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Restore from Online Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Overwrite local Zotero data with data from the online library.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Replace Online Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Overwrite online library with local Zotero data">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Врати податке из библиотеке на мрежи">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Преписује Зотерове локалне податке онима који се налазе у билиотеци на интернету.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Замени мрежну библиотеку овом">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Преписује податке који се налазе у билиотеци на интернету Зотеровим локалним подацима са овог рачунара.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Поништи историју усклађивања">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Compare all attachment files with the storage service">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Врати">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Упореди све приложене датотеке са онима на остави">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Враћање података">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Врати…">
@ -103,22 +103,22 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL "Укључи УРЛе чланака у референцама">
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@ -200,4 +200,4 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.title "Choose how your work may be shared">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.text "You can reserve all rights to your work, license it under a Creative Commons license, or dedicate it to the public domain. In all cases, the work will be made publicly available via zotero.org.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.prompt "Would you like to allow your work to be shared by others?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc "Yes, under a Creative Commons license">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc0 "Yes, and place my work in the public domain">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.reserved "No, only publish my work on zotero.org">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.title "Изаберите како ћете делити ваш рад са другима">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.text "Можете задржати сва права над својим радом, поставити слободну лиценцу или доделити јавни домен. У свим случајевима ће рад бити јавно доступан на страници zotero.org.">
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<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc "Да, под слободном Creative Commons лиценцом">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc0 "Да, постави мој рад у јавни домен">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.reserved "Не, само објави моје податке на zotero.org.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.title "Choose a Creative Commons license">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.text "A Creative Commons license allows others to copy and redistribute your work as long as they give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Additional conditions can be specified below.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.prompt "Allow adaptations of your work to be shared?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.sharealike "Yes, as long as others share alike">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.commercial.prompt "Allow commercial uses of your work?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.title "Изаберите Creative Commons лиценцу">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.text "Creative Commons лиценца дозвољава другима да копирају и даље деле ваш рад док год је ваша заслуга јасно истакнута, уз давање везе до лиценце и навођење ако је дошло до неких промена. Додатни услови могу бити постављени овде.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.prompt "Да ли да дозволим дељење измена вашег рада?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.sharealike "Да, док год га и други деле под истим условима">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.commercial.prompt "Да ли дозвољавате употребу вашег рада у комерцијалне сврхе?">
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
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@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.import.whereToImportFrom "Одакле желите да увезете?">
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@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.exportDocument "Пребаците се на други програм за обраду текста…">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.showEditor.label "Прикажи уређивача">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.classicView.label "Класични приказ">
@ -11,30 +11,30 @@ general.restartRequiredForChange=Морате поново покренути %S
general.restartRequiredForChanges=Морате поново покренути %S да би применили ова подешавања.
general.restartNow=Поново покрени
general.restartLater=Поново покрени касније
general.restartApp=Restart %S
general.quitApp=Quit %S
general.restartApp=Поново покрени %S
general.quitApp=Напусти %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Дошло је до грешке.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Дошло је до непознате грешке.
general.invalidResponseServer=Invalid response from server.
general.tryAgainLater=Please try again in a few minutes.
general.serverError=The server returned an error. Please try again.
general.invalidResponseServer=Неисправан одговор са сервера.
general.tryAgainLater=Покушајте поново за неколико минута.
general.serverError=Сервер је вратио грешку. Покушајте поново.
general.pleaseRestart=Поново покрените %S.
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=Понови покрените %S и покушајте опет.
general.checkForUpdate=Потражи ажурирања
general.checkForUpdates=Check for Updates
general.checkForUpdates=Потражи ажурирања
general.actionCannotBeUndone=Ова акција не може да буде опозвана.
general.updateAvailable=Доступна ажурурања
general.noUpdatesFound=No Updates Found
general.isUpToDate=%S is up to date.
general.noUpdatesFound=Нису пронађена ажурирања
general.isUpToDate=%S је ажуран.
general.notNow=Not Now
general.notNow=Не сада
general.etAl=et al.
general.etAl=и сар.
general.accessDenied=Приступ је одбијен
general.permissionDenied=Дозвола је одбијена
@ -42,97 +42,97 @@ general.character.plural=знаци
general.moreInformation=More Information
general.moreInformation=Више података
general.seeForMoreInformation=Погледајте %S за више информација.
general.open=Open %S
general.open=Отвори %S
general.useDefault=Use Default
general.openDocumentation=Open Documentation
general.numMore=%S more…
general.openPreferences=Open Preferences
general.useDefault=Користи подразумевано
general.openDocumentation=Отвори документацију
general.numMore=Још %S…
general.openPreferences=Отвори Поставке
general.dontShowAgain=Don’t Show Again
general.tryAgain=Try Again
general.tryLater=Try Later
general.showDirectory=Show Directory
general.copyToClipboard=Copy to Clipboard
general.thanksForHelpingImprove=Thanks for helping to improve %S!
general.describeProblem=Briefly describe the problem:
general.dontShowAgain=Не приказуј поново
general.tryAgain=Покушај поново
general.tryLater=Покушај касније
general.showDirectory=Прикажи директоријум
general.copyToClipboard=Копирај у оставу
general.thanksForHelpingImprove=Хвала што помажете да унапредимо %S!
general.describeProblem=Укратко опишите проблем:
general.nMegabytes=%S MB
general.operationInProgress=Зотеро тренутно обавља задату радњу.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Сачекајте док се не заврши.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=Сачекајте док се не заврши, па покушајте поново.
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S could not make a secure connection.
networkError.errorViaProxy=Error connecting via proxy server
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S не може да се направи сигурносну везу.
networkError.errorViaProxy=Грешка приликом повезивања на посреднички (прокси) сервер
about.createdBy=Zotero is a project of the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] and is developed by a [global community].
about.getInvolved=Want to help? [Get involved] today!
about.createdBy=Зотеро је пројекат [Роја Розенвига (Roy Rosenzweig) из Центра за историју и нове медије] и развија се захваљујући [глобалној заједници].
about.getInvolved=Желите да помогнете? [Придружите нам се] већ данас!
install.quickStartGuide=Упутство за коришћење Зотера
install.quickStartGuide.message.welcome=Добродошли у Зотеро!
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=Погледајте Упутство за коришћење Зотера да научите како се сакупљају, уређују, цитирају и деле истраживања.
install.quickStartGuide.message.thanks=Хвала вам што сте инсталирали Зотеро.
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=Погледајте Упутство за коришћење Зотера да научите како се сакупљају, уређују, цитирају и деле резултати истраживања.
install.quickStartGuide.message.thanks=Хвала што сте инсталирали Зотеро.
upgrade.status=Upgrading database…
upgrade.status=Ажурирам базу података…
upgrade.failed.title=Ажурирање није успело
upgrade.failed=Надоградња Зотерове базе података је није успела:
upgrade.advanceMessage=Притисните %S да бисте надоградили сада.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=Зотерова база података мора да буде ажурирана.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Зотерова база података мора да буде поправљена пре даљег ажурирања.
upgrade.advanceMessage=Притисните %S за надоградњу.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=Морате да ажурирате Зотерову базу података.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Морате да поправите Зотерову базу података пре даљег ажурирања.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Покрени алат за поправљање базе података
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Зотеро не може да премести потребне датотеке.\nЗатворите све отворене прилоге, поново покрените Firefox и покушајте поново.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Зотеро не може да премести потребне датотеке.\nЗатворите приложене датотеке које су отворене и поново покрените %S да би опет покушали ажурирање.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=Ако и даље будете добијали ову поруку, поново покрените рачунар.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB1=Zotero found an old database that cannot be upgraded to work with this version of Zotero.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB2=To continue, upgrade your database using Zotero %S first or delete your Zotero data directory to start with a new database.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB1=Пронађена је и сувише стара база података која не може бити ажурирана овом верзијом Зотера.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB2=Морате да ажурирајте базу података помоћу Зотера %S или избришете директоријум са Зотеровим подацима како би направили нову базу података.
errorReport.reportError=Грешка у извештају…
errorReport.reportErrors=Направи извештај о грешкама…
errorReport.reportInstructions=You can report this error by selecting "%S" from the Help menu.
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=The following report will be submitted:
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=No errors have been logged since %S started.
errorReport.reportInstructions=Можете пријавити ову грешку избором „%S“ из менија Помоћ.
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=Послаћете следећи извештај:
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=Нису пронађене грешке од како је %S покренут.
errorReport.advanceMessage=Притисните %S да пошаљете извештај о грешци програмерима Зотера.
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Кораци за долазак до ове грешке:
errorReport.expectedResult=Очекивани резултати:
errorReport.actualResult=Стварни резултат:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repository cannot be contacted
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=Нема везе са интернетом
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Неисправан одговор из ризнице
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Не могу да ступим у везу са ризницом
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Confirm New Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Linked file attachments below this directory will be saved using relative paths.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment was found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments were found within the new base directory.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Change Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Revert to Absolute Paths
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=New linked file attachments will be saved using absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=One existing attachment within the old base directory will be converted to use an absolute path.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S existing attachments within the old base directory will be converted to use absolute paths.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Clear Base Directory Setting
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Изаберите основни директоријум
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Потврдите нови основни директоријум
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Повезане датотеке са прилозима унутар овог директоријума ће бити сачуване као релативне путање
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=Један постојећи прилог је пронађен унутар новог основног директоријума.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=%S постојећих прилога је пронађено унутар новог основног директоријума.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Промени поставку основног директоријума
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Врати на апсолутне путање
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=Нови прилози у виду веза ће бити сачувани као апсолутне путање.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=Један постојећи прилог у старом основном директоријуму ће бити пребачен тако да користи апсолутну путању.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S постојећих прилог у старом основном директоријуму ће бити пребачен тако да користи апсолутну путању.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Очисти поставке основног директоријума
dataDir.dirCannotBeCreated=The %S data directory (%S) cannot be created.
dataDir.checkDirWriteAccess=Make sure you have write access to this directory and that security software isn’t preventing %S from writing to the disk.
@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ dataDir.location=Data Directory: %S
dataDir.notFound=The %S data directory could not be found.
dataDir.notFound.defaultFound=The %S data directory could not be found at %S, but a data directory was found at %S. Use this directory instead?
dataDir.useNewLocation=Use New Location
dataDir.previousDir=Предходни директоријум:
dataDir.previousDir=Претходни директоријум:
dataDir.default=Default (%S)
dataDir.useDefaultLocation=Use Default Location
dataDir.selectDir=Изабери директоријум за Зотеро податке
dataDir.selectDir=Изабери директоријум за Зотерове податке
dataDir.selectNewDir=Select a new %S data directory
dataDir.changeDataDirectory=Change Data Directory…
dataDir.chooseNewDataDirectory=Choose New Data Directory…
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.useAnyway=Use this directory anyway?
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.dropbox=Your Zotero data directory is within Dropbox, which may lead to data corruption.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.chooseDifferent=Would you like to choose a different location now?
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Директоријум није празан
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Директоријум који сте изабрали није празан и не изгледа као Зотеро директоријум за податке.\n\nДа ли да ипак направим Зотерове датотеке у овај директоријуму?
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Директоријум који сте изабрали није празан и не изгледа као Зотеров директоријум за податке.\n\nДа ли да ипак направим Зотерове датотеке у овај директоријуму?
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.title=Directory Not Empty
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.text=The directory you selected is not empty. You must select an empty directory to continue.
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directory Empty
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ app.standalone=Самостални Зотеро
app.firefox=Зотеро за Firefox
startupError=Дошло је до грешке приликом покретања Зотера.
startupError.databaseInUse=Зотерова база података је у употреби. Истовремено не можете покренути више од једног Зотера по бази података.
startupError.databaseInUse=Зотерова база података се већ користи. Не можете покренути више од једног Зотера по бази података.
startupError.closeStandalone=Уколико је отворен Самостални Зотеро, затворите га и поново покрените Firefox.
startupError.closeFirefox=Уколико је отворен Firefox са Зотеро додатком, затворите да и поново покрените Самостални Зотеро.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder=Ова верзија Зотера је старија од верзије којом је измењена база података.
@ -210,64 +210,64 @@ date.relative.yearsAgo.one=Прошле године
date.relative.yearsAgo.multiple=Пре %S година
pane.collections.delete.title=Delete Collection
pane.collections.delete=Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати изабране збирке?
pane.collections.delete=Да ли желите да избришете изабране збирке?
pane.collections.delete.keepItems=Items within this collection will not be deleted.
pane.collections.deleteWithItems.title=Delete Collection and Items
pane.collections.deleteWithItems=Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати изабрану збирку и преместити све њене ставке у Смеће?
pane.collections.deleteWithItems=Да ли желите да избришете изабрану збирку и преместити све њене ставке у Смеће?
pane.feed.deleteWithItems=Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this feed?
pane.collections.deleteSearch.title=Delete Search
pane.collections.deleteSearch=Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати изабране претраге?
pane.collections.emptyTrash=Да ли сте сигурни да желите трајно избрисати ставке из Смећа?
pane.collections.deleteSearch=Да ли желите да избришете изабране претраге?
pane.collections.emptyTrash=Да ли желите да трајно избришете ставке из Смећа?
pane.collections.newCollection=Нова збирка
pane.collections.name=Име збирке:
pane.collections.name=Унесите назив ове збирке:
pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Нова сачувана претрага
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Упишите назив за ову сачувану претрагу:
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Унесите назив за ову сачувану претрагу:
pane.collections.rename=Преименуј збирку:
pane.collections.library=Моја библиотека
pane.collections.publications=My Publications
pane.collections.libraryAndFeeds=My Library & Feeds
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Group Libraries
pane.collections.publications=Моје публикације
pane.collections.libraryAndFeeds=Моја библиотека и доводи
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Групне библиотеке
pane.collections.untitled=Без назива
pane.collections.unfiled=Без збирке
pane.collections.retracted=Retracted Items
pane.collections.duplicate=Duplicate Items
pane.collections.unfiled=Неразврстане ставке
pane.collections.retracted=Сакупљене ставке
pane.collections.duplicate=Дуплиране ставке
pane.collections.removeLibrary=Уклони библиотеку
pane.collections.removeLibrary.text=Are you sure you want to permanently remove “%S” from this computer?
pane.collections.removeLibrary.text=Да ли желите да трајно уклоните „%S“ са вашег рачунара?
pane.collections.menu.rename.collection=Преименуј збирку…
pane.collections.menu.duplicate.savedSearch=Duplicate Saved Search
pane.collections.menu.duplicate.savedSearch=Удвостручи сачувану претрагу
pane.collections.menu.edit.savedSearch=Уреди сачувану претрагу…
pane.collections.menu.edit.feed=Edit Feed…
pane.collections.menu.edit.feed=Уреди довоз…
pane.collections.menu.remove.library=Уклони библиотеку…
pane.collections.menu.delete.collection=Delete Collection…
pane.collections.menu.delete.collectionAndItems=Delete Collection and Items…
pane.collections.menu.delete.savedSearch=Delete Saved Search…
pane.collections.menu.delete.feedAndItems=Unsubscribe from Feed…
pane.collections.menu.delete.collection=Обриши збирку…
pane.collections.menu.delete.collectionAndItems=Обриши збирку и ставке…
pane.collections.menu.delete.savedSearch=Обриши сачувану претрагу…
pane.collections.menu.delete.feedAndItems=Одјави се са довода…
pane.collections.menu.export.collection=Извези збирку…
pane.collections.menu.export.savedSearch=Извези сачувану претрагу…
pane.collections.menu.export.feed=Export Feed…
pane.collections.menu.export.feed=Извези довод…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.collection=Направи библиографију од збирке…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.savedSearch=Направи бибилиографију од сачуване претраге…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.feed=Create Bibliography from Feed…
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Show Collection in Library
pane.collections.menu.createBib.feed=Направи библиографију из довода…
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Прикажи збирку у билиотеци
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.collection=Направи извештај од збирке...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.savedSearch=Направи извештај од сачуване претраге...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.feed=Generate Report from Feed…
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.collection=Напиши извештај на основу збирке...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.savedSearch=Напиши извештај на основу сачуване претраге...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.feed=Направи извештај на основу довода…
pane.collections.menu.refresh.feed=Refresh Feed
pane.collections.menu.refresh.feed=Освежи довод
pane.tagSelector.rename.title=Преименуј ознаку
pane.tagSelector.rename.message=Унеси ново име за ову ознаку.\n\nОзнака ће бити промењена у свим повезаним ставкама.
pane.tagSelector.rename.message=Унесите ново име за ову ознаку.\n\nОзнака ће бити промењена за све повезане ставке.
pane.tagSelector.delete.title=Избриши ознаку
pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати ову ознаку?\n\nОзнака ће бити уклоњена са свих ставки.
pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Да ли желите да избришете ову ознаку?\n\nОзнака ће бити уклоњена са свих ставки.
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.title=Избриши аутоматске ознаке
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.message=Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати %1$S аутоматску ознаку из ове библиотеке?;Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати %1$S аутоматске ознаке из ове библиотеке?;Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати %1$S аутоматских ознака из ове библиотеке?;Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати %1$S аутоматску ознаку из ове библиотеке?
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.message=Да ли желите да избришете %1$S аутоматску ознаку из ове библиотеке?;Да ли желите да избришете %1$S аутоматске ознаке из ове библиотеке?
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=Нема изабраних ознака
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S ознака је изабрана
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S ознака је изабрано
@ -285,12 +285,12 @@ pane.items.columnChooser.moreColumns=Још колона
pane.items.columnChooser.secondarySort=Secondary Sort (%S)
pane.items.attach.link.uri.unrecognized=Zotero did not recognize the URI you entered. Please check the address and try again.
pane.items.attach.link.uri.file=To attach a link to a file, please use “%S”.
pane.items.trash.title=Премести у корпу за отпатке
pane.items.trash.title=Премести у Смеће
pane.items.trash=Да ли сигурно желите да преместите изабрану ставку у Смеће?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Да ли сигурно желите да преместите изабране ставке у Смеће?
pane.items.delete=Да ли сигурно желите да избришете изабрану ставку?
pane.items.delete.multiple=Да ли сигурно желите да избришете изабране ставке?
pane.items.delete=Да ли желите да избришете изабрану ставку?
pane.items.delete.multiple=Да ли желите да избришете изабране ставке?
pane.items.remove.title=Remove from Collection
pane.items.remove=Are you sure you want to remove the selected item from this collection?
pane.items.remove.multiple=Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from this collection?
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ pane.items.menu.remove=Уклони ставку из збирке…
pane.items.menu.remove.multiple=Уклони ставке из збирке…
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications=Remove Item from My Publications…
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications.multiple=Remove Items from My Publications…
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash=Move Item to Trash…
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash.multiple=Move Items to Trash…
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash=Премести ставку у Смеће…
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash.multiple=Премести ставке у Смеће…
pane.items.menu.delete=Delete Item…
pane.items.menu.delete.multiple=Delete Items…
pane.items.menu.export=Извези изабрану ставку…
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ pane.items.menu.createBib=Направи библиографију од иза
pane.items.menu.createBib.multiple=Направи библиографију од изабраних ставки…
pane.items.menu.generateReport=Направи извештај од изабране ставке…
pane.items.menu.generateReport.multiple=Направи извештај од изабраних ставки…
pane.items.menu.reindexItem=Поново индексирај ставке
pane.items.menu.reindexItem=Поново индексирај ставку
pane.items.menu.reindexItem.multiple=Поново индексирај ставке
pane.items.menu.recognizePDF=Преузми метаподатке за ПДФ датотеку
pane.items.menu.recognizePDF.multiple=Преузми метаподатке за ПДФ датотеке
@ -326,15 +326,15 @@ pane.items.showItemInLibrary=Show Item in Library
pane.items.letter.oneParticipant=Писмо за %S
pane.items.letter.twoParticipants=Писмо за %S и %S
pane.items.letter.threeParticipants=Писмо за %S, %S и %S
pane.items.letter.manyParticipants=Писмо за %S и остале
pane.items.interview.oneParticipant=Интервју %S
pane.items.interview.twoParticipants=Интервју %S и %S
pane.items.interview.threeParticipants=Интервју %S, %S и %S
pane.items.interview.manyParticipants=Интервју %S и осталих
pane.items.letter.manyParticipants=Писмо за %S и сар.
pane.items.interview.oneParticipant=Интервју са %S
pane.items.interview.twoParticipants=Интервју са %S и %S
pane.items.interview.threeParticipants=Интервју са %S, %S и %S
pane.items.interview.manyParticipants=Интервју са %S и сар.
pane.item.selected.zero=Нису изабране ставке
pane.item.selected.multiple=%S изабраних ставки
pane.item.unselected.zero=No items in this view
pane.item.unselected.zero=Нема ставки за приказ
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S item in this view
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S items in this view
@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ pane.item.markAsRead=Mark As Read
pane.item.markAsUnread=Mark As Unread
pane.item.addTo=Add to “%S”
pane.item.showInMyPublications=Show in My Publications
pane.item.hideFromMyPublications=Сакриј у мојим публикацијама
pane.item.hideFromMyPublications=Не приказуј у Мојим публикацијама
pane.item.changeType.title=Промени врсту ставке
pane.item.changeType.text=Да ли сте сигурни да желите променити врсту ставке?\n\nСледећа поља ће бити изгубљена:
pane.item.changeType.text=Да ли желите да промените врсту ставке?\n\nСледећа поља ће бити изгубљена:
pane.item.defaultFullName=пуно име
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ pane.item.creator.moveToTop=Move to Top
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Move Up
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Move Down
pane.item.notes.untitled=Безимена белешка
pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати ову белешку?
pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Да ли желите да избришете ову белешку?
pane.item.notes.count.zero=%S белешки:
pane.item.notes.count.singular=%S белешка:
pane.item.notes.count.plural=%S белешки:
@ -374,20 +374,20 @@ pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1.path=The attached file could not be fou
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.linked=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or a Linked Attachment Base Directory may be set incorrectly on one of your computers.
pane.item.attachments.delete.confirm=Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати овај прилог?
pane.item.attachments.delete.confirm=Да ли желите да избришете овај прилог?
pane.item.attachments.count.zero=%S прилога:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S прилог:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S прилога:
pane.item.attachments.select=Изабери датотеку
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools Not Installed
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=За употребу ових могућности морате најпре инсталирати ПДФ алате из поставки претраге Зотера.
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=Морате инсталирати ПДФ алате у подешавањима претраге из Поставки Зотера како би користили ове могућности.
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=Кликни овде
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=кликните овде
pane.item.tags.count.zero=%S ознака:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S ознака:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S ознака:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Ознаке додате од стране корисника
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Самостално додате ознаке
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Ознаке које је додао корисник
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Аутоматски додате ознаке
pane.item.tags.removeAll=Remove all tags from this item?
pane.item.related.count.zero=%S сродних:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S сродна:
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ itemTypes.film=Филм
itemTypes.artwork=Уметничко дело
itemTypes.webpage=Веб страница
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ itemFields.url=УРЛ
itemFields.issue=Бр. издања
itemFields.issue=Брoj издања
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ itemFields.code=Код
itemFields.legislativeBody=Законодавно тело
itemFields.numberOfVolumes=Бр. томова
@ -481,9 +481,9 @@ itemFields.patentNumber=Број патента
itemFields.priorityNumbers=Бројеви приоритета
itemFields.issueDate=Датум издања
itemFields.legalStatus=Правни положај
itemFields.legalStatus=Правни статус
itemFields.codeNumber=Број кода
itemFields.artworkMedium=Медијум уметничког дела
itemFields.artworkSize=Величина уметничког дела
itemFields.libraryCatalog=Каталог библиотеке
@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ itemFields.university=Универзитет
itemFields.websiteTitle=Наслов веб странице
itemFields.reportNumber=Број извештаја
itemFields.billNumber=Број закона
itemFields.billNumber=Број рачуна
itemFields.codeVolume=Код тома
itemFields.codePages=Код страница
itemFields.dateDecided=Датум одлуке
@ -524,9 +524,9 @@ itemFields.reporterVolume=Том известиоца
itemFields.firstPage=Прва страница
itemFields.documentNumber=Број документа
itemFields.dateEnacted=Датум озакоњена
itemFields.publicLawNumber=Јавни број закона
itemFields.applicationNumber=Број програма
itemFields.publicLawNumber=Број јавног закона
itemFields.applicationNumber=Број апликације
itemFields.forumTitle=Наслов форума или listserv-а
itemFields.episodeNumber=Број епизоде
itemFields.blogTitle=Наслов блога
@ -534,11 +534,11 @@ itemFields.medium=Медијум
itemFields.caseName=Број случаја
itemFields.nameOfAct=Име указа
itemFields.proceedingsTitle=Наслов списа
itemFields.proceedingsTitle=Наслов зборника
itemFields.bookTitle=Наслов књиге
itemFields.shortTitle=Кратак наслов
itemFields.shortTitle=Скраћени наслов
itemFields.docketNumber=Docket Number
itemFields.numPages=Бр. страница
itemFields.numPages=Брoj страница
itemFields.programTitle=Назив програма
itemFields.issuingAuthority=Issuing Authority
itemFields.filingDate=Filing Date
@ -551,11 +551,11 @@ creatorTypes.editor=Уредник
creatorTypes.seriesEditor=Уредник серије
creatorTypes.interviewee=Разговор са
creatorTypes.interviewer=Водич интервјуа
creatorTypes.castMember=Члан посаде
@ -568,10 +568,10 @@ creatorTypes.cartographer=Картограф
creatorTypes.reviewedAuthor=Оверени аутор
creatorTypes.reviewedAuthor=Оцењени аутор
creatorTypes.bookAuthor=Аутор књиге
@ -590,11 +590,11 @@ save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.scraping=Чувам ставку...
ingester.scrapingTo=Saving to
ingester.scrapeComplete=Ставка сачувана.
ingester.scrapeError=Нисам могао сачувати ставку.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Грешка је начињена током чувања ове ставке. Погледајте %S за више података.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.linkText=Troubleshooting Translator Issues
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.previousError=Процес чувања није успео због предходне грешке у Зотеру.
ingester.scrapeComplete=Ставка је сачувана
ingester.scrapeError=Не могу да сачувам ставку
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Грешка приликом чувања ове ставке. Погледајте %S за више података.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.linkText=Исправљање проблема у преводу
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.previousError=Чување није успео због предходне грешке у Зотеру.
ingester.importFile.title=Import File
ingester.importFile.text=Do you want to import the file "%S"?
@ -618,14 +618,14 @@ attachment.convertToStored.title=Convert to Stored File;Convert to Stored Files
attachment.convertToStored.text=%1$S attachment will be converted from a linked file to a stored file.;%1$S attachments will be converted from linked files to stored files.
attachment.convertToStored.deleteOriginal=Delete original file after storing;Delete original files after storing
db.dbCorrupted=Зотеро база података „%S“ изгледа оштећена.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Поново покрените Firefox да би покушали самостални повраћај података из најновије резерве.
db.dbCorrupted=Изгледа да је Зотерова база података „%S“ оштећена.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Поново покрените Firefox да би покушали самостално враћање података из најновије резервне копије.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and no automatic backup is available.\n\nA new database has been created. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbRestored=The Zotero database '%1$S' appears to have become corrupted.\n\nYour data was restored from the last automatic backup made on %2$S at %3$S. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbRestoreFailed=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and an attempt to restore from the last automatic backup failed.\n\nA new database has been created. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.integrityCheck.passed=База података нема грешака.
db.integrityCheck.failed=Постоје грешке у Зотеровој бази података!
db.integrityCheck.passed=Није пронађена грешка у бази података.
db.integrityCheck.failed=Пронађене су грешке у Зотеровој бази података!
db.integrityCheck.dbRepairTool=You can use the database repair tool at http://zotero.org/utils/dbfix to attempt to correct these errors.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero can attempt to correct these errors.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=%S will need to be restarted.
@ -637,12 +637,12 @@ db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=You can report this problem in the Zotero Forum
zotero.preferences.chooseApplication=Choose Application
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Open PDFs and other files within %S when possible
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.zero=%S система за решавање нађено
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S систем за решавање нађен
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S система за решавања нађено
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.zero=Пронађено је %S система за решавање
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=Пронађен је %S систем за решавање
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=Пронађено је %S система за решавања
zotero.preferences.locale.automaticWithLocale=Automatic (%S)
@ -661,13 +661,13 @@ zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=On the next sync, %1$S will check
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=The file sync history for “%S” has been cleared.
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildIndex=Поново изгради индекс
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildWarning=Да ли желите изградити читав индекс? Ово може узети доста времена.\n\nДа би индексирали само ставке које нису биле индексиране користите %S.
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildWarning=Да ли желите изградити читав индекс? Ово може потрајати.\n\nДа би индексирали само ставке које нису биле индексиране користите %S.
zotero.preferences.search.clearIndex=Очисти индекс
zotero.preferences.search.clearWarning=После чишћења индекса, садржај прилога се неће више моћи претраживати.\n\nПрилози у облику веб везе не могу бити поновно индексирани без посећивања странице. Да би оставили веб везе индексиране, изаберите %S.
zotero.preferences.search.clearNonLinkedURLs=Избриши све осим веб веза
zotero.preferences.search.clearWarning=После чишћења индекса, нећете моћи да претражите садржај приложених датотека.\n\nПрилози у облику везе на вебу се могу индексирати само ако посетите веб страницу. Ако желите да оставите индексе веб прилоге, изаберите %S.
zotero.preferences.search.clearNonLinkedURLs=Избриши све осим веб прилога
zotero.preferences.search.indexUnindexed=Индексирај неиндексиране ставке
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationStyles=Citation Styles
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Извозни формат
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Формат за извоз
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=Quick Copy allows you to quickly export items in a given format. You can copy selected items to the clipboard by pressing %S or drag items directly into a text box in another program.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=For citation styles, you can copy citations or footnotes by pressing %S or holding down Shift before dragging items.
@ -683,11 +683,11 @@ zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions2=%1$S %2$S requires %3$S
zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Add Style
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles=Постави на почетне вредности преводиоце и стилове
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles=Врати преводиоце и стилове на подразумевано
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles.changesLost=Сви нови или измењени преводиоци или стилови ће бити изгубљени.
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators=Постави на почетне вредности преводиоце
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators=Врати преводиоце на подразумевано
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Сви нови или измењени преводиоци ће бити изгубљени.
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Постави на почетне вредности стилове
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Врати стилове на подрзумевано
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Сви нови или измењени стилови ће бити изгубљени.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.title=Migrate Data Directory
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryExists1=A directory already exists at %S.
@ -703,17 +703,17 @@ zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.sent=Debug output has been sent to %S.\n\nThe D
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.enabledAfterRestart=Debug output logging will be enabled after %S restarts.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Следеће датотеке већ постоје у одредишном директоријуму и нису умножене:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Следеће датотеке нису нађене и због тога нису умножене:
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Следеће датотеке већ постоје у одредишном директоријуму, тако да нису копиране:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Следеће датотеке нису нађене, тако да нису копиране:
fileInterface.importComplete=Import Complete
fileInterface.itemsWereImported=%1$S item was imported;%1$S items were imported
fileInterface.itemsExported=Извоз ставки...
fileInterface.itemsExported=Извозим ставке...
fileInterface.chooseAppDatabaseToImport=Choose the %S database to import
fileInterface.exportedItems=Изведене ставке
fileInterface.exportedItems=Извезене ставке
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.appDatabase=%S Database
@ -721,11 +721,11 @@ fileInterface.appImportCollection=%S Import
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Безимена библиографија
fileInterface.importError=Грешка се десила током покушаја увеза изабране датотеке. Молим проверите исправност датотеке и покушајте поново.
fileInterface.importError=Грешка при покушају увеза изабране датотеке. Проверите да ли је датотека исправна и покушајте поново.
fileInterface.importClipboardNoDataError=No importable data could be read from the clipboard.
fileInterface.noReferencesError=Ставке које сте изабрали не садрже референце. Молимо изаберите једну или више референци и покушајте поново.
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Грешка се десила током прављења библиографије. Покушајте поново.
fileInterface.exportError=Грешка се десила током покушаја извоза изабране датотеке.
fileInterface.noReferencesError=Ставке које сте изабрали не садрже референце. Изаберите једну или више референци и покушајте поново.
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Грешка током израде библиографије. Покушајте поново.
fileInterface.exportError=Грешка током извоза изабране датотеке.
fileInterface.importOPML=Import Feeds from OPML
fileInterface.OPMLFeedFilter=OPML Feed List
@ -736,11 +736,11 @@ import.fileHandling.description=Linked files cannot be synced by %S.
quickCopy.copyAs=Copy as %S
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=Сва поља и ознаке
advancedSearchMode=Напредни режим претраге -- притисните Enter за претрагу.
searchInProgress=Претрага у току -- молим сачекајте.
searchInProgress=Претрага је у току -- сачекајте.
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ searchConditions.dateModified=Датум измене
searchConditions.fulltextContent=Садржај прилога
searchConditions.programmingLanguage=Програмски језик
searchConditions.fileTypeID=Врста приложене датотеке
@ -799,10 +799,10 @@ date.yesterday=yesterday
citation.multipleSources=Вишеструки извори...
citation.singleSource=Један извор...
citation.showEditor=Прикажи уређивач...
citation.hideEditor=Сакриј уређивач...
citation.multipleSources=Вишеструки извори…
citation.singleSource=Један извор…
citation.showEditor=Прикажи уређивача…
citation.hideEditor=Сакриј уређивача...
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ citation.locator.chapter=Поглавље
citation.locator.issue=Бр. издања
citation.locator.issue=Број издања
@ -822,18 +822,18 @@ citation.locator.subverbo=Sub verbo
report.title.default=Зотеро извештај
report.title.default=Зотеров извештај
report.parentItem=Родитељска ставка:
annotations.confirmClose.title=Да ли сте сигурни да желите затворити ову напомену?
annotations.confirmClose.title=Да ли желите да затворити ову напомену?
annotations.confirmClose.body=Текст ће бити изгубљен.
annotations.close.tooltip=Избриши напомену
annotations.move.tooltip=Премести напомену
annotations.collapse.tooltip=Скупи напомену
annotations.expand.tooltip=Рашири напомену
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Напомене за снимак могу једино бити отворене у једном прозору веб читача истовремено. Овај снимак ће бити отворен без напомена.
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Забелешке уз снимак могу једино бити отворене само у једном прозору веб читача. Овај снимак ће бити отворен без напомена.
integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Да ли желите поново направити табелу цитата?
integration.regenerate.title=Да ли да поново изградим све цитате?
integration.regenerate.body=Промене које сте направили у уређивачу цитата ће бити изгубљене.
integration.regenerate.saveBehavior=Увек прати овај избор.
@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Blank Citation
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=The citation you have specified would be empty in the currently selected style. Are you sure you want to add it?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=This version of the Zotero word processor plugin ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (%1$S). Please ensure you are using the latest versions of both components.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Ова верзија Зотеровог додатка за програме за обраду текста ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) није сагласна са инсталираном верзијом Зотера (%1$S). Проверите да ли користите последње верзије програма и додатка.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S requires %2$S %3$S or later. Please download the latest version of %2$S from zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero Integration Error
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
@ -915,14 +915,14 @@ integration.importInstructions=The Zotero citations in this document have been c
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Инсталирати стил „%1$S“ из %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Ажурирати постојећи стил „%1$S“ са „%2$S“ из %3$S?
styles.installed=Стил „%S“ је успешно инсталиран.
styles.installStyle=Да ли да инсталирам стил „%1$S“ из %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Да ли да ажурирам постојећи стил „%1$S“ са „%2$S“ из %3$S?
styles.installed=Успешно је инсталиран стил „%S“.
styles.installError="%S" is not a valid style file.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not a valid CSL 1.0.1 style file, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S references an invalid or non-existent CSL file at %2$S as its source.
styles.deleteStyle=Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати стил „%1$S“?
styles.deleteStyles=Да ли сте сигурни да желите избрисати изабране стилове?
styles.deleteStyle=Да ли желите да избришете стил „%1$S“?
styles.deleteStyles=Да ли желите да избришете изабране стилове?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ sync.sync=Sync
sync.syncWith=Sync with %S
sync.cancel=Cancel Sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Open Sync Preferences...
sync.openSyncPreferences=Отвори подешавања усклађивања
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reset Group and Sync
sync.resetGroupFilesAndSync=Reset Group Files and Sync
sync.skipGroup=Skip Group
@ -945,9 +945,9 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Корисничко име или лозинка нис
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Сачекајте да се заврши претходно усклађивање или поново покрените %S.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.groupFileWriteAccessLost=You no longer have file editing access for the group ‘%1$S’, and files you’ve changed locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, all group files will be reset to their state on %2$S.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, you can skip syncing of the group now.
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ sync.error.fieldTooLong=The %1$S value “%2$S” in one of your items is too lo
sync.error.creatorTooLong=The creator name “%S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Notes with embedded images cannot currently be synced. Syncing of embedded images may be supported in a future version.
sync.error.noteTooLong=The note “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the note and sync again.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=If you receive this message repeatedly for items saved from a particular site, you can report this issue in the %S Forums.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=Уколико стално добијате ову поруку за ставке које сте сачували са неког сајта. можете пријавити проблем на %S форуму.
sync.error.invalidDataError=Some data in %S could not be downloaded. It may have been saved with a newer version of %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError.otherData=Other data will continue to sync.
@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ sync.status.waiting=Waiting for other operations to finish
sync.status.preparing=Preparing sync
sync.status.loggingIn=Logging in to sync server
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=Getting updated data from sync server
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Processing updated data
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Обрађујем ажуриране податке са сервера за усклађивање
sync.status.uploadingData=Uploading data to sync server
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Upload accepted \u2014 waiting for sync server
sync.status.syncingFiles=Syncing files
@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Save Tags
sync.longTagFixer.deleteTag=Delete Tag
proxies.error=Information Validation Error
proxies.error=Погрешна подешавања мрежног посредника
proxies.error.scheme.noHTTP=Valid proxy schemes must start with "http://" or "https://"
proxies.error.host.invalid=You must enter a full hostname for the site served by this proxy (e.g., jstor.org).
proxies.error.scheme.noHost=A multi-site proxy scheme must contain the host variable (%h).
@ -1093,8 +1093,8 @@ proxies.error.scheme.invalid=The entered proxy scheme is invalid; it would apply
proxies.notification.recognized.label=Zotero detected that you are accessing this website through a proxy. Would you like to automatically redirect future requests to %1$S through %2$S?
proxies.notification.associated.label=Zotero automatically associated this site with a previously defined proxy. Future requests to %1$S will be redirected to %2$S.
proxies.notification.redirected.label=Zotero automatically redirected your request to %1$S through the proxy at %2$S.
proxies.notification.settings.button=Proxy Settings...
proxies.notification.settings.button=Подешавања мрежног посредника (проскија)…
proxies.recognized.message=Adding this proxy will allow Zotero to recognize items from its pages and will automatically redirect future requests to %1$S through %2$S.
proxies.recognized.add=Add Proxy
@ -1111,8 +1111,8 @@ recognizePDF.pdfName.label=PDF Name
recognizePDF.itemName.label=Item Name
rtfScan.openTitle=Select a file to scan
rtfScan.scanning.label=Scanning RTF Document...
rtfScan.saving.label=Formatting RTF Document...
rtfScan.scanning.label=Скенирам РТФ документ…
rtfScan.saving.label=Форматирам РТФ документ…
rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Select a location in which to save the formatted file
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ locate.online.tooltip=Go to this item online
locate.pdf.label=View PDF
locate.pdf.tooltip=Open PDF using the selected viewer
locate.snapshot.label=View Snapshot
locate.snapshot.tooltip=View snapshot for this item
locate.snapshot.tooltip=Прегледај и додај забелешке на снимак ове ставке
locate.file.label=View File
locate.file.tooltip=Open file using the selected viewer
locate.externalViewer.label=Open in External Viewer
@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ locate.showFile.label=Show File
locate.showFile.tooltip=Open the directory in which this file resides
locate.libraryLookup.label=Library Lookup
locate.libraryLookup.tooltip=Look up this item using the selected OpenURL resolver
locate.manageLocateEngines=Manage Lookup Engines...
locate.manageLocateEngines=Управљај претраживачима научних радова…
standalone.corruptInstallation=Your Zotero installation appears to be corrupted due to a failed auto-update. While Zotero may continue to function, to avoid potential bugs, please download the latest version of Zotero from https://www.zotero.org/download as soon as possible.
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.title=Add-on Installation Failed
@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zoter
styles.editor.save=Save Citation Style
styles.editor.warning.noItems=No items selected in Zotero.
styles.editor.warning.noItems=Нису изабране ставке у Зотеру.
styles.editor.warning.parseError=Error parsing style:
styles.editor.warning.renderError=Error generating citations and bibliography:
styles.editor.output.individualCitations=Individual Citations
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=ชื่อผู้ใช้หรือรหัส
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=รอให้การเชื่อมประสานครั้งก่อนเสร็จสิ้นหรือเริ่ม %S ใหม่
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Invalid username or password
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Please enter a password.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=A sync operation is already in progress.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group ‘%1$S’, and changes you’ve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.intro "你添加到我的出版物的条目将在 zotero.org 上你的个人主页上显示。如果你选择加入附件,这些文件将在你指定的许可下向公众开放下载。请仅添加你自己创建的论文,并仅上传你有权并愿意分享的文件。">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.checkbox.files "包括文件">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.checkbox.notes "包括笔记">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.adjustAtAnyTime "You can adjust what to show at any time from the My Publications collection.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.adjustAtAnyTime "你可以在任何时间从“我的出版物”中调整显示的项目。">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.title "Choose how your work may be shared">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.title "选择你分享论文的方式">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.text "You can reserve all rights to your work, license it under a Creative Commons license, or dedicate it to the public domain. In all cases, the work will be made publicly available via zotero.org.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.prompt "Would you like to allow your work to be shared by others?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc "Yes, under a Creative Commons license">
@ -15,5 +15,5 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.title "Choose a Creative Commons license">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.text "A Creative Commons license allows others to copy and redistribute your work as long as they give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Additional conditions can be specified below.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.prompt "Allow adaptations of your work to be shared?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.sharealike "Yes, as long as others share alike">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.sharealike "是的,如果其他人也分享同样的">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.commercial.prompt "允许你的工作的商业使用吗?">
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "关闭">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY manageAttachments.label "Manage Attachments">
<!ENTITY convertToStored.label "Convert Linked Files to Stored Files…">
<!ENTITY manageAttachments.label "管理附件">
<!ENTITY convertToStored.label "转换已链接文件为已存储文件...">
<!ENTITY importCmd.label "导入…">
<!ENTITY importCmd.key "I">
<!ENTITY importFromClipboardCmd.label "从剪贴板导入">
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ general.serverError=服务器响应错误,请稍后再试。
general.pleaseRestart=请重启 %S。
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=请重启 %S 后重试。
general.checkForUpdates=Check for Updates
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ pane.collections.menu.export.feed=导出订阅
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Show Collection in Library
@ -364,13 +364,13 @@ pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=您确定要删除本条笔记吗?
pane.item.notes.count.zero=%S 条笔记:
pane.item.notes.count.singular=%S 条笔记:
pane.item.notes.count.plural=%S 条笔记:
pane.item.notes.editingInWindow=Editing in separate window
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1.path=The attached file could not be found at the following path:
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.linked=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or a Linked Attachment Base Directory may be set incorrectly on one of your computers.
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Notes with embedded images cannot currently be sync
sync.error.noteTooLong=The note “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the note and sync again.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=If you receive this message repeatedly for items saved from a particular site, you can report this issue in the %S Forums.
sync.error.invalidDataError=Some data in %S could not be downloaded. It may have been saved with a newer version of %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError.otherData=Other data will continue to sync.
account.unlinkWarning=解除您的账户管理将使得 %S 无法同步您的数据。
account.unlinkWarning.removeData=从此计算机中移除我的 %S 数据。
@ -1010,8 +1010,8 @@ sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=选择此版本
sync.status.waiting=Waiting for other operations to finish
sync.status.preparing=Preparing sync
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