Remove obsolete sync code
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 488 deletions
@ -94,112 +94,6 @@ Zotero.Sync = new function() {
* @param {Date} olderThanDate Retrieve objects last updated before this date
* @param {Date} newerThanDate Retrieve objects last updated after this date
* @param {Zotero.Sync.Server.ObjectKeySet}
this.getObjectsByDate = function (olderThanDate, newerThanDate, objectKeySet) {
var funcName = "Zotero.Sync.getObjectsByDate()";
if (olderThanDate && != 'Date') {
throw ("olderThanDate must be a Date or FALSE in " + funcName)
if (newerThanDate && != 'Date') {
throw ("newerThanDate must be a Date or FALSE in " + funcName)
// If either not set (first sync) or dates overlap, retrieve all objects
if ((!olderThanDate || !newerThanDate) ||
(olderThanDate && newerThanDate && olderThanDate > newerThanDate)) {
olderThanDate = null;
newerThanDate = null;
var all = true;
for (var type in this.syncObjects) {
if (type == 'setting' || type == 'fulltext') {
var Types = this.syncObjects[type].plural; // 'Items'
var types = Types.toLowerCase(); // 'items'
Zotero.debug("Getting updated local " + types);
if (olderThanDate) {
var earlierIDs = Zotero[Types].getOlder(olderThanDate);
if (earlierIDs) {
objectKeySet.addIDs(type, earlierIDs);
if (newerThanDate || all) {
var laterIDs = Zotero[Types].getNewer(newerThanDate);
if (laterIDs) {
objectKeySet.addIDs(type, laterIDs);
* @param {Date} lastSyncDate JS Date object
* @param {Zotero.Sync.Server.ObjectKeySet}
* @return TRUE if found, FALSE if none, or -1 if last sync time is before start of log
this.getDeletedObjects = function (lastSyncDate, objectKeySet) {
if (lastSyncDate && != 'Date') {
throw ('lastSyncDate must be a Date or FALSE in '
+ 'Zotero.Sync.getDeletedObjects()')
var sql = "SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='syncdeletelog'";
var syncLogStart = Zotero.DB.valueQuery(sql);
if (!syncLogStart) {
throw ('syncLogStart not found in Zotero.Sync.getDeletedObjects()');
// Last sync time is before start of log
if (lastSyncDate && new Date(syncLogStart * 1000) > lastSyncDate) {
return -1;
var param = false;
var sql = "SELECT syncObjectTypeID, libraryID, key FROM syncDeleteLog";
if (lastSyncDate) {
param = Zotero.Date.toUnixTimestamp(lastSyncDate);
sql += " WHERE timestamp>?";
sql += " ORDER BY timestamp";
var rows = Zotero.DB.query(sql, param);
if (!rows) {
return false;
var keys = {};
for (var type in this.syncObjects) {
keys[type] = [];
var type;
for each(var row in rows) {
type = this.getObjectTypeName(row.syncObjectTypeID);
libraryID: row.libraryID,
key: row.key
for (var type in keys) {
objectKeySet.addLibraryKeyPairs(type, keys[type]);
return true;
* @param int deleteOlderThan Unix timestamp
@ -229,134 +123,6 @@ Zotero.Sync = new function() {
Zotero.Sync.ObjectKeySet = function () {
// Set up key holders for different types
var syncTypes = Zotero.Sync.syncObjects;
for each(var type in syncTypes) {
this[type.plural.toLowerCase()] = {};
Zotero.Sync.ObjectKeySet.prototype.addIDs = function (type, ids) {
var Types = Zotero.Sync.syncObjects[type].plural;
var types = Types.toLowerCase();
var obj, libraryID, key;
for each(var id in ids) {
obj = Zotero[Types].get(id);
libraryID = obj.libraryID;
if (!libraryID) {
libraryID = 0; // current user
key = obj.key;
if (!this[types][libraryID]) {
this[types][libraryID] = {};
this[types][libraryID][key] = true;
* @param {String} type Sync object type (e.g., 'item', 'collection')
* @param {Object[]} keyPairs Array of objects with 'libraryID' and 'key'
Zotero.Sync.ObjectKeySet.prototype.addLibraryKeys = function (type, libraryID, keys) {
var Types = Zotero.Sync.syncObjects[type].plural;
var types = Types.toLowerCase();
var key;
for each(var key in keys) {
if (!libraryID) {
libraryID = 0; // current user
if (!this[types][libraryID]) {
this[types][libraryID] = {};
this[types][libraryID][key] = true;
* @param {String} type Sync object type (e.g., 'item', 'collection')
* @param {Object[]} keyPairs Array of objects with 'libraryID' and 'key'
Zotero.Sync.ObjectKeySet.prototype.addLibraryKeyPairs = function (type, keyPairs) {
var Types = Zotero.Sync.syncObjects[type].plural;
var types = Types.toLowerCase();
var libraryID, key;
for each(var pair in keyPairs) {
libraryID = pair.libraryID;
if (!libraryID) {
libraryID = 0; // current user
key = pair.key;
if (!this[types][libraryID]) {
this[types][libraryID] = {};
this[types][libraryID][key] = true;
Zotero.Sync.ObjectKeySet.prototype.hasLibraryKey = function (type, libraryID, key) {
var Types = Zotero.Sync.syncObjects[type].plural;
var types = Types.toLowerCase();
if (!libraryID) {
libraryID = 0;
if (this[types] && this[types][libraryID] && this[types][libraryID][key]) {
return true;
return false;
Zotero.Sync.ObjectKeySet.prototype.getKeys = function (type, libraryID) {
var Types = Zotero.Sync.syncObjects[type].plural;
var types = Types.toLowerCase();
if (!libraryID) {
libraryID = 0;
if (!this[types] || !this[types][libraryID]) {
return [];
var keys = [];
for (var key in this[types][libraryID]) {
return keys;
Zotero.Sync.ObjectKeySet.prototype.removeLibraryKeyPairs = function (type, keyPairs) {
var Types = Zotero.Sync.syncObjects[type].plural;
var types = Types.toLowerCase();
var libraryID, key;
for each(var pair in keyPairs) {
libraryID = pair.libraryID;
if (!libraryID) {
libraryID = 0; // current user
key = pair.key;
if (this[types][libraryID]) {
delete this[types][libraryID][key];
* Methods for syncing with the Zotero Server
@ -365,7 +131,6 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server = new function () {
this.sync = sync;
this.clear = clear;
this.resetClient = resetClient;
this.logout = logout;
this.__defineGetter__('enabled', function () {
if (_throttleTimeout && new Date() < _throttleTimeout) {
@ -375,96 +140,6 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server = new function () {
return this.username && this.password;
this.__defineGetter__('username', function () {
return Zotero.Prefs.get('sync.server.username');
this.__defineGetter__('password', function () {
var username = this.username;
if (!username) {
return '';
if (_cachedCredentials.username == username && _cachedCredentials.password) {
return _cachedCredentials.password;
Zotero.debug('Getting Zotero sync password');
var loginManager = Components.classes[";1"]
try {
var logins = loginManager.findLogins({}, _loginManagerHost, _loginManagerURL, null);
catch (e) {
if (Zotero.isStandalone) {
var msg = Zotero.getString('sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1', Zotero.appName) + "\n\n"
+ Zotero.getString('sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2', [Zotero.appName, Zotero.appName]);
else {
var msg = Zotero.getString('sync.error.loginManagerInaccessible') + "\n\n"
+ Zotero.getString('sync.error.checkMasterPassword', Zotero.appName) + "\n\n"
+ Zotero.getString('sync.error.corruptedLoginManager', Zotero.appName);
var ps = Components.classes[";1"]
ps.alert(null, Zotero.getString('general.error'), msg);
return '';
// Find user from returned array of nsILoginInfo objects
for (var i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) {
if (logins[i].username == username) {
_cachedCredentials = {
username: username,
password: logins[i].password
return logins[i].password;
return '';
this.__defineSetter__('password', function (password) {
_sessionID = null;
var loginManager = Components.classes[";1"]
var logins = loginManager.findLogins({}, _loginManagerHost, _loginManagerURL, null);
for (var i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) {
Zotero.debug('Clearing Zotero sync credentials');
// Clear password for file sync
_cachedCredentials = {};
var username = this.username;
if (!username) {
if (password) {
var nsLoginInfo = new Components.Constructor(";1",
Components.interfaces.nsILoginInfo, "init");
Zotero.debug('Setting Zotero sync password');
var loginInfo = new nsLoginInfo(_loginManagerHost, _loginManagerURL,
null, username, password, "", "");
_cachedCredentials = {
username: username,
password: password
this.__defineGetter__("syncInProgress", function () _syncInProgress);
this.__defineGetter__("updatesInProgress", function () _updatesInProgress);
this.__defineGetter__("sessionIDComponent", function () {
@ -479,15 +154,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server = new function () {
this.manualSyncRequired = false;
this.upgradeRequired = false;
this.nextLocalSyncDate = false;
this.apiVersion = 9;
var _loginManagerHost = 'chrome://zotero';
var _loginManagerURL = 'Zotero Sync Server';
var _apiVersionComponent = "version=" + this.apiVersion;
var _cachedCredentials = {};
var _syncInProgress;
var _updatesInProgress;
var _sessionID;
@ -1086,34 +753,6 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server = new function () {
function logout(callback) {
var url = _serverURL + "logout";
var body = _apiVersionComponent
+ '&' + Zotero.Sync.Server.sessionIDComponent;
_sessionID = null;
Zotero.HTTP.doPost(url, body, function (xmlhttp) {
var response = xmlhttp.responseXML.childNodes[0];
if (response.firstChild.tagName == 'error') {
if (response.firstChild.tagName != 'loggedout') {
_error('Invalid response from server', xmlhttp.responseText);
if (callback) {
function _checkResponse(xmlhttp, noReloadOnFailure) {
if (!xmlhttp.responseText) {
var channel =;
@ -2924,134 +2563,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server.Data = new function() {
this.tagToXML = function (tag, doc) {
var tagElem = doc.createElement('tag');
tagElem.setAttribute('libraryID', tag.libraryID ? tag.libraryID : Zotero.libraryID);
tagElem.setAttribute('key', tag.key);
tagElem.setAttribute('name', _xmlize(;
if (tag.type) {
tagElem.setAttribute('type', tag.type);
tagElem.setAttribute('dateAdded', tag.dateAdded);
tagElem.setAttribute('dateModified', tag.dateModified);
var linkedItems = tag.getLinkedItems();
if (linkedItems) {
var linkedItemKeys = [];
for each(var linkedItem in linkedItems) {
var itemsElem = doc.createElement('items');
itemsElem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(linkedItemKeys.join(' ')));
return tagElem;
* Convert DOM <tag> node into an unsaved Zotero.Tag
* @param object tagNode DOM XML node with tag data
* @param object tag (Optional) Existing Zotero.Tag to update
* @param bool skipPrimary (Optional) Ignore passed primary fields
this.xmlToTag = function (tagNode, tag, skipPrimary, defaultLibraryID, deletedItemKeys) {
if (!tag) {
tag = new Zotero.Tag;
else if (skipPrimary) {
throw ("Cannot use new id with existing tag in "
+ "Zotero.Sync.Server.Data.xmlToTag()");
if (!skipPrimary) {
tag.libraryID = _getLibraryID(tagNode.getAttribute('libraryID'), defaultLibraryID);
tag.key = tagNode.getAttribute('key');
tag.dateAdded = tagNode.getAttribute('dateAdded');
tag.dateModified = tagNode.getAttribute('dateModified');
|||| = tagNode.getAttribute('name');
var type = tagNode.getAttribute('type');
tag.type = type ? parseInt(type) : 0;
var keys = _getFirstChildContent(tagNode, 'items');
if (keys) {
keys = keys.split(' ');
var ids = [];
for each(var key in keys) {
var item = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(tag.libraryID, key);
if (!item) {
// See note in xmlToCollection()
if (deletedItemKeys && deletedItemKeys.indexOf(key) != -1) {
Zotero.debug("Ignoring deleted linked item '" + key + "'");
var msg = "Linked item " + key + " doesn't exist in Zotero.Sync.Server.Data.xmlToTag()";
var e = new Zotero.Error(msg, "MISSING_OBJECT");
throw (e);
else {
var ids = [];
tag.linkedItems = ids;
return tag;
* @param {String} name Tag name
* @param {Integer} type Tag type
* @return {Integer[]|FALSE} Array of itemIDs of items linked to
* deleted tag, or FALSE if no
* matching tag found
function _deleteConflictingTag(syncSession, name, type, libraryID) {
var tagID = Zotero.Tags.getID(name, type, libraryID);
if (tagID) {
Zotero.debug("Deleting conflicting local '" + name + "' tag " + tagID);
var tag = Zotero.Tags.get(tagID);
// Tag has already been deleted, which can happen if the server has
// two new tags that differ only in case, and one matches a local tag
// with a different key, causing that tag to be deleted already.
if (!tag) {
Zotero.debug("Local tag " + tagID + " doesn't exist");
return false;
var linkedItems = tag.getLinkedItems(true);
return linkedItems ? linkedItems : [];
return false;
function _getFirstChildContent(node, childName) {
var elems = Zotero.Utilities.xpath(node, childName);
return elems.length ? elems[0].textContent : "";
function _xmlize(str) {
return str.replace(/[\u0000-\u0008\u000b\u000c\u000e-\u001f\ud800-\udfff\ufffe\uffff]/g, '\u2B1A');
function _getLibraryID(libraryID, defaultLibraryID) {
if (!libraryID) {
return null;
return libraryID == defaultLibraryID ? null : parseInt(libraryID);
Add table
Reference in a new issue