more localization
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 49 additions and 51 deletions
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
<!DOCTYPE window SYSTEM "chrome://zotero/locale/zotero.dtd">
<!-- TODO: localize -->
<wizard xmlns=""
id="zotero-error-report" title="Zotero Error Report">
id="zotero-error-report" title="&zotero.errorReport.title;">
@ -69,14 +68,14 @@
if (!xmlhttp.responseXML){
try {
if (xmlhttp.status>1000){
alert('No network connection');
else {
alert('Invalid response from repository');
catch (e){
alert('Repository cannot be contacted');
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@
var reported = xmlhttp.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('reported');
if (reported.length != 1) {
alert('Invalid response from repository');
@ -364,9 +364,6 @@ var Zotero_File_Interface = new function() {
}, 0);
} else {
// TODO: localize and remove fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported string
var unsupportedFormat = "The selected file is not in a supported format.";
var viewSupportedFormats = "View Supported Formats...";
var ps = Components.classes[";1"]
@ -375,10 +372,10 @@ var Zotero_File_Interface = new function() {
var index = ps.confirmEx(
null, null, {}
if (index == 1) {
@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE window SYSTEM "chrome://zotero/locale/zotero.dtd">
<!-- TODO: localize -->
<wizard id="zotero-schema-upgrade" title="Zotero Upgrade Wizard"
<wizard id="zotero-schema-upgrade" title="&zotero.upgrade.title;"
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Zotero.CollectionTreeView.prototype.refresh = function()
this._showRow(new Zotero.ItemGroup('separator', false));
var header = {
id: "group-libraries-header",
label: "Group Libraries", // TODO: localize
label: Zotero.getString('pane.collections.groupLibraries'),
expand: function (beforeRow, groups) {
if (!groups) {
var groups = Zotero.Groups.getAll();
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ Zotero.Sync.Runner = new function () {
if (Zotero.HTTP.browserIsOffline()){
this.clearSyncTimeout(); // DEBUG: necessary?
var msg = "Zotero cannot sync while " + Zotero.appName + " is in offline mode.";
var msg = "Zotero cannot sync because " + Zotero.getString('general.browserIsOffline', Zotero.appName);
var e = new Zotero.Error(msg, 0, { dialogButtonText: null })
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
@ -1838,12 +1838,12 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server = new function () {
// TODO: localize
_error("SSL certificate error connecting to " + host
+ "\n\nSee for more information.",
_error(Zotero.getString('', host)
+ Zotero.getString('sync.error.seeCertificateErrorDoc'),
false, noReloadOnFailure);
else if ((secInfo.securityState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_BROKEN) == Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_BROKEN) {
_error("SSL connection error", false, noReloadOnFailure);
_error(Zotero.getString('sync.error.sslConnectionError'), false, noReloadOnFailure);
// TODO: localize
@ -3179,10 +3179,9 @@ Zotero.Sync.Server.Data = new function() {
if (Zotero.Sync.Runner.background) {
Zotero.Sync.Server.manualSyncRequired = true;
// TODO: localize again
var msg = "Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.\n\nClick the sync icon to resolve them.";
var msg = Zotero.getString('sync.error.manualInterventionRequired')
+ "\n\n"
+ Zotero.getString('sync.error.clickSyncIcon');
var e = new Zotero.Error(msg, 0, { dialogButtonText: null });
throw (e);
@ -555,17 +555,7 @@ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
var dir = Zotero.getProfileDirectory();
var zs = Zotero.getString('app.standalone');
var zf = Zotero.getString('app.firefox');
// TODO: localize
var msg = "The currently selected data directory is not compatible "
+ "with " + zs + ", which can share a database only with "
+ zf + " 2.1b3 or later."
+ "\n\n"
+ "Upgrade to the latest version of " + zf + " first or select a "
+ "different data directory for use with " + zs + ".";
var ps = Components.classes[";1"]
var buttonFlags = (ps.BUTTON_POS_0) * (ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING)
@ -574,13 +564,12 @@ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
var index = ps.confirmEx(
// TODO: localize
"Incompatible Database Version",
"Use Default",
@ -1079,13 +1068,8 @@ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
else {
var buttonFlags = ps.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS;
var index = ps.confirmEx(null,
'Directory Empty',
'The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, '
+ 'you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. '
+ 'See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?',
buttonFlags, null, null, null, null, {});
// Not OK -- return to file picker
@ -1733,15 +1717,15 @@ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
var modes = {
titleCreatorYear: {
label: "Title, Creator, Year"
label: Zotero.getString('quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear')
fields: {
label: "All Fields & Tags"
label: Zotero.getString('quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags')
everything: {
label: "Everything"
label: Zotero.getString('quickSearch.mode.everything')
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.edit "Edit">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.delete "Delete">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zotero Error Report">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.unrelatedMessages "The error log may include messages unrelated to Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submissionInProgress "Please wait while the error report is submitted.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.submitted "Your error report has been submitted.">
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.postToForums "Please post a message to the Zotero forums ( with this Report ID, a description of the problem, and any steps necessary to reproduce it.">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.notReviewed "Error reports are not reviewed unless referred to in the forums.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.title "Zotero Upgrade Wizard">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled "You have installed a new version of Zotero.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.upgradeRequired "Your Zotero database must be upgraded to work with the new version.">
<!ENTITY zotero.upgrade.autoBackup "Your existing database will be backed up automatically before any changes are made.">
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ general.enable = Enable
general.disable = Disable
general.remove = Remove
general.reset = Reset
general.quit = Quit
general.useDefault = Use Default
general.openDocumentation = Open Documentation
general.numMore = %S more…
@ -71,6 +73,10 @@ errorReport.advanceMessage = Press %S to send an error report to the Zotero de
errorReport.stepsToReproduce = Steps to Reproduce:
errorReport.expectedResult = Expected result:
errorReport.actualResult = Actual result:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection = No network connection
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository = Invalid response from repository
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted = Repository cannot be contacted
attachmentBasePath.selectDir = Choose Base Directory
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title = Confirm New Base Directory
@ -90,6 +96,10 @@ dataDir.useProfileDir = Use %S profile directory
dataDir.selectDir = Select a Zotero data directory
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title = Directory Not Empty
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text = The directory you selected is not empty and does not appear to be a Zotero data directory.\n\nCreate Zotero files in this directory anyway?
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title = Directory Empty
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text = The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually copy files from the existing data directory to the new location. See for more information.\n\nUse the new directory?
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title = Incompatible Database Version
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text = The currently selected data directory is not compatible with Zotero Standalone, which can share a database only with Zotero for Firefox 2.1b3 or later.\n\nUpgrade to the latest version of Zotero for Firefox first or select a different data directory for use with Zotero Standalone.
dataDir.standaloneMigration.title = Existing Zotero Library Found
dataDir.standaloneMigration.description = This appears to be your first time using %1$S. Would you like %1$S to import settings from %2$S and use your existing data directory?
dataDir.standaloneMigration.multipleProfiles = %1$S will share its data directory with the most recently used profile.
@ -129,6 +139,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach = New Saved Search
pane.collections.savedSearchName = Enter a name for this saved search:
pane.collections.rename = Rename collection:
pane.collections.library = My Library
pane.collections.groupLibraries = Group Libraries
pane.collections.trash = Trash
pane.collections.untitled = Untitled
pane.collections.unfiled = Unfiled Items
@ -534,7 +545,8 @@ fileInterface.import = Import
fileInterface.export = Export
fileInterface.exportedItems = Exported Items
fileInterface.imported = Imported
fileInterface.fileFormatUnsupported = No translator could be found for the given file.
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat = The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats = View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography = Untitled Bibliography
fileInterface.bibliographyHTMLTitle = Bibliography
fileInterface.importError = An error occurred while trying to import the selected file. Please ensure that the file is valid and try again.
@ -543,6 +555,10 @@ fileInterface.noReferencesError = The items you have selected contain no referen
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError = An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again.
fileInterface.exportError = An error occurred while trying to export the selected file.
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear = Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags = All Fields & Tags
quickSearch.mode.everything = Everything
advancedSearchMode = Advanced search mode — press Enter to search.
searchInProgress = Search in progress — please wait.
@ -712,8 +728,10 @@ sync.error.syncInProgress.wait = Wait for the previous sync to complete or rest
sync.error.writeAccessLost = You no longer have write access to the Zotero group '%S', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server.
sync.error.groupWillBeReset = If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on the server, and local modifications to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.copyChangedItems = If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, cancel the sync now.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired = An automatic sync resulted in a conflict that requires manual intervention.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon = Click the sync icon to sync manually.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired = Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon = Click the sync icon to resolve them.
sync.error.seeCertificateErrorDoc = \n\nSee for more information.
sync.error.sslConnectionError = SSL connection error
sync.status.notYetSynced = Not yet synced
sync.status.lastSync = Last sync:
Add table
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