Add SIRSI (old) scraper
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 144 additions and 63 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- 2
-- 3
DELETE FROM scrapers;
INSERT INTO "scrapers" VALUES(1, NULL, NULL, 20060603002000, ' Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://www\.amazon\.com/gp/product/', NULL, 'var prefixRDF = '''';
var prefixDC = '''';
@ -131,63 +131,63 @@ utilities.HTTPUtilities.doPost(newUri, ''exportselect=record&exporttype=plaintex
for(var i=0;i<lines.length;i++) {
match = lineRegexp.exec(lines[i]);
if(match) {
if(match[1] == ''Title'') {
var title = match[2];
if(!lineRegexp.test(lines[i+1])) {
title += '' ''+lines[i];
if(title.substring(title.length-2) == " /") {
title = title.substring(0, title.length-2);
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''title'', title);
} else if(match[1] == ''Author(s)'') {
var authors = match[2].split('';'');
if(authors) {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''creator'', cleanAuthor(authors[0]));
for(var j=1; j<authors.length; j+=2) {
if(authors[j-1].substring(0, 1) == ''('') {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''creator'', cleanAuthor(authors[j]));
} else {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''creator'', utilities.trimString(match[2]));
} else if(match[1] == ''Publication'') {
// Don''t even try to deal with this. The WorldCat metadata is of poor enough quality that this isn''t worth it.
match[2] = utilities.trimString(match[2]);
if(match[2].substring(match[2].length-1) == '','') {
match[2] = match[2].substring(0, match[2].length-1);
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''publisher'', match[2]);
} else if(match[1] == ''Language'') {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''language'', utilities.trimString(match[2]));
} else if(match[1] == ''Standard No'') {
var identifiers = match[2].split(/ +/);
var j=0;
while(j<(identifiers.length-1)) {
var type = identifiers[j].substring(0, identifiers[j].length-1);
var lastChar;
var value;
if(match[1] == ''Title'') {
var title = match[2];
if(!lineRegexp.test(lines[i+1])) {
title += '' ''+lines[i];
if(title.substring(title.length-2) == " /") {
title = title.substring(0, title.length-2);
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''title'', title);
} else if(match[1] == ''Author(s)'') {
var authors = match[2].split('';'');
if(authors) {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''creator'', cleanAuthor(authors[0]));
for(var j=1; j<authors.length; j+=2) {
if(authors[j-1].substring(0, 1) == ''('') {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''creator'', cleanAuthor(authors[j]));
} else {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''creator'', utilities.trimString(match[2]));
} else if(match[1] == ''Publication'') {
// Don''t even try to deal with this. The WorldCat metadata is of poor enough quality that this isn''t worth it.
match[2] = utilities.trimString(match[2]);
if(match[2].substring(match[2].length-1) == '','') {
match[2] = match[2].substring(0, match[2].length-1);
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''publisher'', match[2]);
} else if(match[1] == ''Language'') {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''language'', utilities.trimString(match[2]));
} else if(match[1] == ''Standard No'') {
var identifiers = match[2].split(/ +/);
var j=0;
while(j<(identifiers.length-1)) {
var type = identifiers[j].substring(0, identifiers[j].length-1);
var lastChar;
var value;
while(j<identifiers.length && (lastChar = identifiers[j].substring(identifiers[j].length-1)) != '':'') {
if(identifiers[j].substring(0, 1) != ''('') {
if(lastChar == '';'') {
value = identifiers[j].substring(0, identifiers[j].length-1);
} else {
value = identifiers[j];
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''identifier'', type + '' '' + value);
while(j<identifiers.length && (lastChar = identifiers[j].substring(identifiers[j].length-1)) != '':'') {
if(identifiers[j].substring(0, 1) != ''('') {
if(lastChar == '';'') {
value = identifiers[j].substring(0, identifiers[j].length-1);
} else {
value = identifiers[j];
} else if(match[1] == ''Year'') {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''year'', match[2]);
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''identifier'', type + '' '' + value);
} else if(match[1] == ''Year'') {
model.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''year'', match[2]);
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
INSERT INTO "scrapers" VALUES(7, NULL, NULL, 20060603002000, 'SIRSI Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', '/uhtbin/cgisirsi',
INSERT INTO "scrapers" VALUES(7, NULL, NULL, 20060603002000, 'SIRSI 2003+ Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', '/uhtbin/cgisirsi',
'var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
@ -1097,8 +1097,10 @@ var prefixDummy = '''';
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUri = uri.replace(/([:&])next=html\/geacnffull.html/, "$1next=html/marc.html");
newUri = newUri.replace(/([:&])next=html\/record.html/, "$1next=html/marc.html");
var getNode = function(doc, contextNode, xpath, nsResolver) {
return doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null).iterateNext();
utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
newDoc = newBrowser.contentDocument;
@ -1107,11 +1109,6 @@ utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var getNode = function(doc, contextNode, xpath, nsResolver) {
return doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null).iterateNext();
var record = new MARC_Record();
@ -1123,6 +1120,7 @@ utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
if(line.substring(0, 6) == " ") {
content += " "+line.substring(6);
} else {
if(tag) {
record.add_field(tag, ind1, ind2, content);
@ -1145,11 +1143,94 @@ utilities.loadDocument(newUri, browser, function(newBrowser) {
content = line.substring(4);
utilities.debugPrint(''tag:''+tag+'' ind1:''+ind1+'' ind2:''+ind2+'' content:''+content);
model = utilities.importMARCRecord(record, uri, model);
}, function() {});
INSERT INTO "scrapers" VALUES(16, NULL, NULL, 20060603002000, 'SIRSI -2003 Scraper', 'Simon Kornblith', '/uhtbin/cgisirsi',
'var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var elmts = utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''/html/body/form/p/text()[1]'', nsResolver);
for(i in elmts) {
if(elmts[i].nodeValue == "\n\nViewing record\n") {
return true;
return false;',
'var prefixRDF = '''';
var prefixDC = '''';
var prefixDCMI = '''';
var prefixDummy = '''';
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var getNode = function(doc, contextNode, xpath, nsResolver) {
return doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null).iterateNext();
var uri = doc.location.href;
var uriRegexp = /^(.*)(\/[0-9]+)$/;
var m = uriRegexp.exec(uri);
var newUri = m[1]+"/40";
var elmts = utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''/html/body/form/p'', nsResolver);
for(i in elmts) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
var initialText = getNode(doc, elmt, ''./text()[1]'', nsResolver);
if(initialText.nodeValue == "\n\nViewing record\n") {
var recNumber = getNode(doc, elmt, ''./b[1]/text()[1]'', nsResolver).nodeValue;
utilities.HTTPUtilities.doPost(newUri, ''marks=''+recNumber+''&shadow=NO&format=FLAT+ASCII&sort=TITLE&vopt_elst=ALL&library=ALL&display_rule=ASCENDING&duedate_code=l&holdcount_code=t&DOWNLOAD_x=22&DOWNLOAD_y=12&address=&form_type='', null, function(text) {
var texts = text.split("<PRE>");
texts = texts[1].split("</PRE>");
text = texts[0];
var lines = text.split("\n");
var record = new MARC_Record();
var tag, ind1, ind2, content;
for(var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if(line.substr(0, 1) == "." && line.substr(4,2) == ". ") {
if(tag) {
content = content.replace(/\|([a-z])/g, record.subfield_delimiter+"$1");
record.add_field(tag, ind1, ind2, content);
} else {
content += " "+line.substring(6);
tag = line.substr(1, 3);
if(parseInt(tag) > 10) {
ind1 = line.substr(6, 1);
ind2 = line.substr(7, 1);
content = line.substr(8);
} else {
ind1 = "";
ind2 = "";
content = line.substring(6);
model = utilities.importMARCRecord(record, uri, model);
Reference in a new issue