Update citeproc-js to 1.1.113
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 276 additions and 162 deletions
@ -22,19 +22,8 @@
* this program. If not, see <https://opensource.org/licenses/> or
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> respectively.
if (!Array.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (obj) {
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i += 1) {
if (this[i] === obj) {
return i;
return -1;
var CSL = {
PLAIN_HYPHEN_REGEX: /(?:[^\\]-|\u2013)/,
@ -206,6 +195,38 @@ var CSL = {
this["container-phrase"] = {};
this["title-phrase"] = {};
parseLocator: function(item) {
if (this.opt.development_extensions.locator_date_and_revision) {
if (item.locator) {
item.locator = "" + item.locator;
var idx = item.locator.indexOf("|");
if (idx > -1) {
var raw_locator = item.locator;
item.locator = raw_locator.slice(0, idx);
raw_locator = raw_locator.slice(idx + 1);
m = raw_locator.match(/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/);
if (m) {
item["locator-date"] = this.fun.dateparser.parseDateToObject(m[1]);
raw_locator = raw_locator.slice(m[1].length);
item["locator-extra"] = raw_locator.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
if (item.locator) {
item.locator = ("" + item.locator).replace(/\s+$/, '');
return item;
normalizeLocaleStr: function(str) {
if (!str) return;
var lst = str.split('-');
lst[0] = lst[0].toLowerCase();
if (lst[1]) {
lst[1] = lst[1].toUpperCase();
return lst.join("-");
parseNoteFieldHacks: function(Item, validFieldsForType) {
if ("string" !== typeof Item.note) return;
var elems = [];
@ -372,8 +393,7 @@ var CSL = {
@ -398,11 +418,11 @@ var CSL = {
var stack = [];
str = str.replace(/(<span)\s+(class=\"no(?:case|decor)\")\s*(>)/g, "$1 $2$3");
var m1match = str.match(/((?: \"| \'|\" |\'[-.,;\?:]|\[|\]|\(|\)|<span class=\"no(?:case|decor)\">|<\/span>|<\/?(?:i|sc|b)>))/g);
var m1match = str.match(/((?: \"| \'|\" |\'[-.,;\?:]|\[|\]|\(|\)|<span class=\"no(?:case|decor)\">|<\/span>|<\/?(?:i|sc|b|sub|sup)>))/g);
if (!m1match) {
return [str];
var m1split = str.split(/(?: \"| \'|\" |\'[-.,;\?:]|\[|\]|\(|\)|<span class=\"no(?:case|decor)\">|<\/span>|<\/?(?:i|sc|b)>)/g);
var m1split = str.split(/(?: \"| \'|\" |\'[-.,;\?:]|\[|\]|\(|\)|<span class=\"no(?:case|decor)\">|<\/span>|<\/?(?:i|sc|b|sub|sup)>)/g);
outer: for (var i=0,ilen=m1match.length; i<ilen; i++) {
if (pairs[m1match[i]]) {
@ -761,18 +781,20 @@ if (typeof require !== "undefined" && typeof module !== 'undefined' && "exports"
CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION_REGEXP = new RegExp("^([" + CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.slice(0, -1).join("") + "])(.*)");
CSL.CLOSURES = new RegExp(".*[\\]\\)]");
if ("object" === typeof console && "function" === typeof console.log) {
if ("undefined" === typeof console) {
CSL.debug = function (str) {
dump("CSL: " + str + "\n");
CSL.error = function (str) {
dump("CSL error: " + str + "\n");
} else {
CSL.debug = function (str) {
console.log("CSL: " + str);
CSL.error = function (str) {
console.log("CSL error: " + str);
} else {
CSL.debug = function () {};
CSL.error = function (str) {
throw "CSL error: " + str;
CSL.XmlJSON = function (dataObj) {
this.dataObj = dataObj;
@ -2430,9 +2452,11 @@ CSL.Engine = function (sys, style, lang, forceLang) {
if (lang) {
lang = lang.replace("_", "-");
lang = CSL.normalizeLocaleStr(lang);
if (this.opt["default-locale"][0]) {
this.opt["default-locale"][0] = this.opt["default-locale"][0].replace("_", "-");
this.opt["default-locale"][0] = CSL.normalizeLocaleStr(this.opt["default-locale"][0]);
if (lang && forceLang) {
this.opt["default-locale"] = [lang];
@ -2456,6 +2480,11 @@ CSL.Engine = function (sys, style, lang, forceLang) {
if (!this.opt["default-locale-sort"]) {
this.opt["default-locale-sort"] = this.opt["default-locale"][0];
if ('dale|'.localeCompare('daleb', this.opt["default-locale-sort"]) > -1) {
this.opt.sort_sep = "@";
} else {
this.opt.sort_sep = "|";
function makeRegExp(lst) {
var lst = lst.slice();
@ -3133,6 +3162,25 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.getCitationLabel = function (Item) {
if (!label) {
if (Item.title) {
var skipWords = this.locale[this.opt.lang].opts["skip-words"];
var lst = Item.title.split(/\s+/);
for (var i = lst.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
if (skipWords.indexOf(lst[i]) > -1) {
lst = lst.slice(0, i).concat(lst.slice(i + 1));
var str = lst.join('');
str = str.slice(0, params[0].authors[0]);
if (str.length > 1) {
str = str.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase();
} else if (str.length === 1) {
str = str.toUpperCase();
label = str;
var year = "0000";
if (Item.issued) {
if (Item.issued.year) {
@ -4616,27 +4664,10 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processCitationCluster = function (citation, citationsPre,
if (Item.id) {
this.transform.loadAbbreviation("default", "hereinafter", Item.id);
if (this.opt.development_extensions.locator_date_and_revision) {
if (item.locator) {
item.locator = "" + item.locator;
var idx = item.locator.indexOf("|");
if (idx > -1) {
var raw_locator = item.locator;
item.locator = raw_locator.slice(0, idx);
raw_locator = raw_locator.slice(idx + 1);
m = raw_locator.match(/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/);
if (m) {
item["locator-date"] = this.fun.dateparser.parseDateToObject(m[1]);
raw_locator = raw_locator.slice(m[1].length);
item["locator-extra"] = raw_locator.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
item = CSL.parseLocator.call(this, item);
if (this.opt.development_extensions.static_statute_locator) {
if (item.locator) {
item.locator = ("" + item.locator).replace(/\s+$/, '');
if (this.opt.development_extensions.locator_label_parse) {
if (item.locator && ["bill","gazette","legislation","regulation","treaty"].indexOf(Item.type) === -1 && (!item.label || item.label === 'page')) {
m = CSL.LOCATOR_LABELS_REGEXP.exec(item.locator);
@ -5006,6 +5037,7 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processCitationCluster = function (citation, citationsPre,
obj = [];
obj.push(this.process_CitationCluster.call(this, mycitation.sortedItems, mycitation.citationID));
this.tmp.taintedItemIDs = {};
@ -5016,6 +5048,7 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processCitationCluster = function (citation, citationsPre,
obj = [];
obj.push(this.process_CitationCluster.call(this, sortedItems, citation.citationID));
ret.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a[0] > b[0]) {
@ -5064,7 +5097,9 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.makeCitationCluster = function (rawList) {
newitem = [Item, item];
if (this.opt.development_extensions.static_statute_locator) {
if (inputList && inputList.length > 1 && this.citation_sort.tokens.length > 0) {
len = inputList.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
@ -5225,6 +5260,7 @@ CSL.getCitationCluster = function (inputList, citationID) {
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 1) {
Item = inputList[pos][0];
item = inputList[pos][1];
item = CSL.parseLocator.call(this, item);
last_collapsed = this.tmp.have_collapsed;
params = {};
this.tmp.shadow_numbers = {};
@ -5995,11 +6031,6 @@ CSL.localeResolve = function (langstr, defaultLocale) {
CSL.Engine.prototype.localeConfigure = function (langspec, beShy) {
var localexml;
if (this.opt.development_extensions.normalize_lang_keys_to_lowercase) {
langspec.best = langspec.best.toLowerCase();
langspec.bare = langspec.bare.toLowerCase();
langspec.base = langspec.base.toLowerCase();
if (beShy && this.locale[langspec.best]) {
@ -6535,7 +6566,7 @@ CSL.Node["date-part"] = {
myform = "numeric";
value = CSL.Util.Dates[this.strings.name][myform](state, value, gender, ("accessed" === date_variable));
value = CSL.Util.Dates[this.strings.name][myform](state, value, gender, this.default_locale);
if ("month" === this.strings.name) {
if (state.tmp.strip_periods) {
value = value.replace(/\./g, "");
@ -7246,7 +7277,7 @@ CSL.Node.key = {
if (state.sys.normalizeUnicode) {
keystring = state.sys.normalizeUnicode(keystring);
keystring = keystring.split(" ").join("A");
keystring = keystring ? (keystring.split(" ").join(state.opt.sort_sep) + state.opt.sort_sep) : "";
if ("" === keystring) {
keystring = undefined;
@ -8619,34 +8650,57 @@ CSL.NameOutput.prototype._renderInstitutionName = function (v, name, slot, j) {
tertiary = this.fixupInstitution(tertiary, v, j);
var n = {
l: {
pri: false,
sec: false,
ter: false
s: {
pri: false,
sec: false,
ter: false
if (primary) {
n.l.pri = primary["long"];
n.s.pri = primary["short"].length ? primary["short"] : primary["long"];
if (secondary) {
n.l.sec = secondary["long"];
n.s.sec = secondary["short"].length ? secondary["short"] : secondary["long"];
if (tertiary) {
n.l.ter = tertiary["long"];
n.s.ter = tertiary["short"].length ? tertiary["short"] : tertiary["long"];
switch (this.institution.strings["institution-parts"]) {
case "short":
if (primary["short"].length) {
short_style = this._getShortStyle();
institution = [this._renderOneInstitutionPart(primary["short"], short_style)];
institution = [this._composeOneInstitutionPart([n.s.pri, n.s.sec, n.s.ter], slot, short_style)];
} else {
long_style = this._getLongStyle(primary, v, j);
institution_long = this._composeOneInstitutionPart([primary, secondary, tertiary], slot, long_style);
institution = [institution_long];
institution = [this._composeOneInstitutionPart([n.l.pri, n.l.sec, n.l.ter], slot, long_style)];
case "short-long":
long_style = this._getLongStyle(primary, v, j);
short_style = this._getShortStyle();
institution_short = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(primary["short"], short_style);
institution_long = this._composeOneInstitutionPart([primary, secondary, tertiary], slot, long_style);
institution_long = this._composeOneInstitutionPart([n.l.pri, n.l.sec, n.l.ter], slot, long_style);
institution = [institution_short, institution_long];
case "long-short":
long_style = this._getLongStyle(primary, v, j);
short_style = this._getShortStyle();
institution_short = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(primary["short"], short_style);
institution_long = this._composeOneInstitutionPart([primary, secondary, tertiary], slot, long_style, true);
institution_long = this._composeOneInstitutionPart([n.l.pri, n.l.sec, n.l.ter], slot, long_style, true);
institution = [institution_long, institution_short];
long_style = this._getLongStyle(primary, v, j);
institution = [this._composeOneInstitutionPart([primary, secondary, tertiary], slot, long_style)];
institution = [this._composeOneInstitutionPart([n.l.pri, n.l.sec, n.l.ter], slot, long_style)];
return this._join(institution, " ");
@ -8654,13 +8708,13 @@ CSL.NameOutput.prototype._renderInstitutionName = function (v, name, slot, j) {
CSL.NameOutput.prototype._composeOneInstitutionPart = function (names, slot, style) {
var primary = false, secondary = false, tertiary = false;
if (names[0]) {
primary = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(names[0]["long"], style);
primary = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(names[0], style);
if (names[1]) {
secondary = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(names[1]["long"], style);
secondary = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(names[1], style);
if (names[2]) {
tertiary = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(names[2]["long"], style);
tertiary = this._renderOneInstitutionPart(names[2], style);
var institutionblob;
if (secondary || tertiary) {
@ -8674,7 +8728,12 @@ CSL.NameOutput.prototype._composeOneInstitutionPart = function (names, slot, sty
secondary_tok.strings.prefix = " ";
var secondary_outer = new CSL.Token();
secondary_outer.decorations.push(["@font-style", "normal"]);
secondary_outer.decorations.push(["@font-weight", "normal"]);
this.state.output.append(secondary, secondary_tok);
tertiary_tok = CSL.Util.cloneToken(style);
if (slot.tertiary) {
tertiary_tok.strings.prefix = this.state.opt.citeAffixes.institutions[slot.tertiary].prefix;
@ -8683,8 +8742,13 @@ CSL.NameOutput.prototype._composeOneInstitutionPart = function (names, slot, sty
tertiary_tok.strings.prefix = " ";
var tertiary_outer = new CSL.Token();
tertiary_outer.decorations.push(["@font-style", "normal"]);
tertiary_outer.decorations.push(["@font-weight", "normal"]);
this.state.output.append(tertiary, tertiary_tok);
institutionblob = this.state.output.pop();
} else {
institutionblob = primary;
@ -8866,11 +8930,11 @@ CSL.NameOutput.prototype._renderOnePersonalName = function (value, pos, i, j) {
} else if (this.state.tmp.sort_key_flag) {
if (this.state.opt["demote-non-dropping-particle"] === "never") {
first = this._join([non_dropping_particle, family, dropping_particle], " ");
merged = this._join([first, given], "0");
merged = this._join([first, given], this.state.opt.sort_sep);
blob = this._join([merged, suffix], " ");
} else {
second = this._join([given, dropping_particle, non_dropping_particle], " ");
merged = this._join([family, second], "0");
merged = this._join([family, second], this.state.opt.sort_sep);
blob = this._join([merged, suffix], " ");
} else if (this.name.strings["name-as-sort-order"] === "all" || (this.name.strings["name-as-sort-order"] === "first" && i === 0 && (j === 0 || "undefined" === typeof j))) {
@ -8920,7 +8984,7 @@ CSL.NameOutput.prototype._renderOnePersonalName = function (value, pos, i, j) {
var space = " ";
if (this.name.strings["initialize-with"]
&& this.name.strings["initialize-with"].match(/[\u00a0\ufeff]/)
&& ["fr", "ru"].indexOf(this.state.opt["default-locale"][0].slice(0, 2)) > -1) {
&& ["fr", "ru", "cs"].indexOf(this.state.opt["default-locale"][0].slice(0, 2)) > -1) {
space = "\u00a0"
if (has_hyphenated_non_dropping_particle) {
@ -9511,7 +9575,7 @@ CSL.castLabel = function (state, node, term, plural, mode) {
if (state.tmp.group_context.tip.label_form && label_form !== "static") {
label_form = state.tmp.group_context.tip.label_form;
var ret = state.getTerm(term, label_form, plural, false, mode);
var ret = state.getTerm(term, label_form, plural, false, mode, node.default_locale);
if (state.tmp.strip_periods) {
ret = ret.replace(/\./g, "");
} else {
@ -9949,7 +10013,7 @@ CSL.Node.text = {
if (this.strings.plural) {
plural = this.strings.plural;
if ("citation-number" === this.variables_real[0] || "citation-label" === this.variables_real[0]) {
if ("citation-number" === this.variables_real[0] || "year-suffix" === this.variables_real[0] || "citation-label" === this.variables_real[0]) {
if (this.variables_real[0] === "citation-number") {
if (state.build.root === "citation") {
state.opt.update_mode = CSL.NUMERIC;
@ -9994,9 +10058,43 @@ CSL.Node.text = {
} else if (this.variables_real[0] === "citation-label") {
} else if (this.variables_real[0] === "year-suffix") {
state.opt.has_year_suffix = true;
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt.collapse === "year-suffix-ranged") {
this.range_prefix = state.getTerm("citation-range-delimiter");
this.successor_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"]) {
this.successor_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"];
func = function (state, Item) {
if (state.registry.registry[Item.id] && state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix !== false && !state.tmp.just_looking) {
num = parseInt(state.registry.registry[Item.id].disambig.year_suffix, 10);
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt.cite_group_delimiter) {
this.successor_prefix = state[state.tmp.area].opt.cite_group_delimiter;
number = new CSL.NumericBlob(false, num, this, Item.id);
formatter = new CSL.Util.Suffixator(CSL.SUFFIX_CHARS);
state.output.append(number, "literal");
firstoutput = false;
for (var i=0,ilen=state.tmp.group_context.mystack.length; i<ilen; i++) {
flags = state.tmp.group_context.mystack[i];
if (!flags.variable_success && (flags.variable_attempt || (!flags.variable_attempt && !flags.term_intended))) {
firstoutput = true;
specialdelimiter = state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"];
if (firstoutput && specialdelimiter && !state.tmp.sort_key_flag) {
state.tmp.splice_delimiter = state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"];
} else if (this.variables_real[0] === "citation-label") {
state.opt.has_year_suffix = true;
func = function (state, Item) {
state.tmp.has_done_year_suffix = true;
label = Item["citation-label"];
if (!label) {
label = state.getCitationLabel(Item);
@ -10018,7 +10116,7 @@ CSL.Node.text = {
func = function (state, Item, item) {
var gender = state.opt.gender[Item.type];
var term = this.strings.term;
term = state.getTerm(term, form, plural, gender, false, ("accessed" === term));
term = state.getTerm(term, form, plural, gender, false, this.default_locale);
var myterm;
if (term !== "") {
state.tmp.group_context.tip.term_intended = true;
@ -10094,17 +10192,7 @@ CSL.Node.text = {
} else if (["page", "page-first", "chapter-number", "collection-number", "edition", "issue", "number", "number-of-pages", "number-of-volumes", "volume", "year-suffix"].indexOf(this.variables_real[0]) > -1) {
if (this.variables_real[0] === "year-suffix") {
state.opt.has_year_suffix = true;
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt.collapse === "year-suffix-ranged") {
this.range_prefix = state.getTerm("citation-range-delimiter");
this.successor_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"]) {
this.successor_prefix = state[state.build.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"];
} else if (["page", "page-first", "chapter-number", "collection-number", "edition", "issue", "number", "number-of-pages", "number-of-volumes", "volume"].indexOf(this.variables_real[0]) > -1) {
func = function(state, Item) {
state.processNumber(this, Item, this.variables[0], Item.type);
CSL.Util.outputNumericField(state, this.variables[0], Item.id);
@ -10382,21 +10470,39 @@ CSL.Attributes["@variable"] = function (state, arg) {
if (["authority", "committee"].indexOf(variable) > -1
&& "string" === typeof Item[variable]
&& "names" === this.name) {
var creatorParent = {
if (Item.multi && Item.multi._keys && Item.multi._keys[variable]) {
var creatorParents = [];
var isValid = true;
var rawNames = Item[variable].split(/\s*;\s*/);
var rawMultiNames = {};
if (Item.multi && Item.multi._keys[variable]) {
for (var langTag in Item.multi._keys[variable]) {
rawMultiNames[langTag] = Item.multi._keys[variable][langTag].split(/\s*;\s*/);
if (rawMultiNames[langTag].length !== rawNames.length) {
isValid = false;
if (!isValid) {
rawNames = [Item[variable]];
rawMultiNames = Item.multi._keys[variable];
for (var j = 0, jlen = rawNames.length; j < jlen; j++) {
var creatorParent = {
for (var langTag in rawMultiNames) {
var creatorChild = {
creatorParent.multi._key[langTag] = creatorChild;
rawNames[j] = creatorParent;
Item[variable] = [creatorParent];
Item[variable] = rawNames;
if (this.strings.form === "short" && !Item[variable]) {
if (variable === "title") {
@ -11140,28 +11246,32 @@ CSL.Attributes["@year-range-format"] = function (state, arg) {
state.opt["year-range-format"] = arg;
CSL.Attributes["@default-locale"] = function (state, arg) {
var lst, len, pos, m, ret;
m = arg.match(/-x-(sort|translit|translat)-/g);
if (m) {
for (pos = 0, len = m.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
m[pos] = m[pos].replace(/^-x-/, "").replace(/-$/, "");
if (this.name === 'style') {
var lst, len, pos, m, ret;
m = arg.match(/-x-(sort|translit|translat)-/g);
if (m) {
for (pos = 0, len = m.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
m[pos] = m[pos].replace(/^-x-/, "").replace(/-$/, "");
lst = arg.split(/-x-(?:sort|translit|translat)-/);
ret = [lst[0]];
for (pos = 1, len = lst.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
ret.push(m[pos - 1]);
lst = ret.slice();
len = lst.length;
for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos += 2) {
state.opt[("locale-" + lst[pos])].push(lst[(pos + 1)].replace(/^\s*/g, "").replace(/\s*$/g, ""));
if (lst.length) {
state.opt["default-locale"] = lst.slice(0, 1);
} else {
state.opt["default-locale"] = ["en"];
lst = arg.split(/-x-(?:sort|translit|translat)-/);
ret = [lst[0]];
for (pos = 1, len = lst.length; pos < len; pos += 1) {
ret.push(m[pos - 1]);
lst = ret.slice();
len = lst.length;
for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos += 2) {
state.opt[("locale-" + lst[pos])].push(lst[(pos + 1)].replace(/^\s*/g, "").replace(/\s*$/g, ""));
if (lst.length) {
state.opt["default-locale"] = lst.slice(0, 1);
} else {
state.opt["default-locale"] = ["en"];
} else if (arg === "true") {
this.default_locale = true;
CSL.Attributes["@default-locale-sort"] = function (state, arg) {
@ -12081,14 +12191,19 @@ CSL.Transform = function (state) {
secondary_tok.strings.prefix = " ";
for (var i = secondary_tok.decorations.length - 1; i > -1; i += -1) {
if (['@quotes/true','@font-style/italic','@font-style/oblique','@font-weight/bold'].indexOf(secondary_tok.decorations[i].join('/')) > -1) {
if (['@quotes/true', '@font-style/italic', '@font-style/oblique', '@font-weight/bold'].indexOf(secondary_tok.decorations[i].join('/')) > -1) {
secondary_tok.decorations = secondary_tok.decorations.slice(0, i).concat(secondary_tok.decorations.slice(i + 1))
if (secondary_locale !== "en" && secondary_tok.strings["text-case"] === "title") {
secondary_tok.strings["text-case"] = "passthrough";
var secondary_outer = new CSL.Token();
secondary_outer.decorations.push(["@font-style", "normal"]);
secondary_outer.decorations.push(["@font-weight", "normal"]);
state.output.append(secondary, secondary_tok);
var blob_obj = state.output.current.value();
var blobs_pos = state.output.current.value().blobs.length - 1;
if (state.parallel.use_parallels) {
@ -12104,14 +12219,19 @@ CSL.Transform = function (state) {
tertiary_tok.strings.prefix = " ";
for (var i = tertiary_tok.decorations.length - 1; i > -1; i += -1) {
if (['@quotes/true','@font-style/italic','@font-style/oblique','@font-weight/bold'].indexOf(tertiary_tok.decorations[i].join('/')) > -1) {
if (['@quotes/true', '@font-style/italic', '@font-style/oblique', '@font-weight/bold'].indexOf(tertiary_tok.decorations[i].join('/')) > -1) {
tertiary_tok.decorations = tertiary_tok.decorations.slice(0, i).concat(tertiary_tok.decorations.slice(i + 1))
if (tertiary_locale !== "en" && tertiary_tok.strings["text-case"] === "title") {
tertiary_tok.strings["text-case"] = "passthrough";
var tertiary_outer = new CSL.Token();
tertiary_outer.decorations.push(["@font-style", "normal"]);
tertiary_outer.decorations.push(["@font-weight", "normal"]);
state.output.append(tertiary, tertiary_tok);
var blob_obj = state.output.current.value();
var blobs_pos = state.output.current.value().blobs.length - 1;
if (state.parallel.use_parallels) {
@ -12319,15 +12439,17 @@ CSL.NumericBlob.prototype.checkLast = function (last) {
CSL.Util.fixDateNode = function (parent, pos, node) {
var form, variable, datexml, subnode, partname, attr, val, prefix, suffix, children, key, subchildren, kkey, display, cslid;
var lingo = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "lingo");
var default_locale = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "default-locale");
this.build.date_key = true;
form = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "form");
var lingo;
if ("accessed" === this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "variable")) {
if (default_locale) {
lingo = this.opt["default-locale"][0];
} else {
lingo = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "lingo");
if (!this.getDate(form)) {
if (!this.getDate(form, default_locale)) {
return parent;
var dateparts = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "date-parts");
@ -12336,12 +12458,13 @@ CSL.Util.fixDateNode = function (parent, pos, node) {
suffix = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "suffix");
display = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "display");
cslid = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "cslid");
datexml = this.cslXml.nodeCopy(this.getDate(form, ("accessed" === variable)));
datexml = this.cslXml.nodeCopy(this.getDate(form, default_locale));
this.cslXml.setAttribute(datexml, 'lingo', this.opt.lang);
this.cslXml.setAttribute(datexml, 'form', form);
this.cslXml.setAttribute(datexml, 'date-parts', dateparts);
this.cslXml.setAttribute(datexml, "cslid", cslid);
this.cslXml.setAttribute(datexml, 'variable', variable);
this.cslXml.setAttribute(datexml, 'default-locale', default_locale);
if (prefix) {
this.cslXml.setAttribute(datexml, "prefix", prefix);
@ -12351,27 +12474,35 @@ CSL.Util.fixDateNode = function (parent, pos, node) {
if (display) {
this.cslXml.setAttribute(datexml, "display", display);
children = this.cslXml.children(datexml);
for (key in children) {
subnode = children[key];
if ("date-part" === this.cslXml.nodename(subnode)) {
partname = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(subnode, "name");
if (default_locale) {
this.cslXml.setAttributeOnNodeIdentifiedByNameAttribute(datexml, "date-part", partname, "@default-locale", "true");
children = this.cslXml.children(node);
for (key in children) {
subnode = children[key];
if ("date-part" === this.cslXml.nodename(subnode)) {
partname = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(subnode, "name");
subchildren = this.cslXml.attributes(subnode);
for (attr in subchildren) {
if (subchildren.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
if ("@name" === attr) {
if (lingo && lingo !== this.opt.lang) {
if (["@suffix", "@prefix", "@form"].indexOf(attr) > -1) {
val = subchildren[attr];
this.cslXml.setAttributeOnNodeIdentifiedByNameAttribute(datexml, "date-part", partname, attr, val);
subnode = children[key];
if ("date-part" === this.cslXml.nodename(subnode)) {
partname = this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(subnode, "name");
subchildren = this.cslXml.attributes(subnode);
for (attr in subchildren) {
if ("@name" === attr) {
if (lingo && lingo !== this.opt.lang) {
if (["@suffix", "@prefix", "@form"].indexOf(attr) > -1) {
val = subchildren[attr];
this.cslXml.setAttributeOnNodeIdentifiedByNameAttribute(datexml, "date-part", partname, attr, val);
if ("year" === this.cslXml.getAttributeValue(node, "date-parts")) {
this.cslXml.deleteNodeByNameAttribute(datexml, 'month');
@ -13431,8 +13562,6 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processNumber = function (node, ItemObject, variable, type)
function setStyling(values) {
var masterNode = CSL.Util.cloneToken(node);
var masterStyling = new CSL.Token();
masterStyling.range_prefix = node.range_prefix;
masterStyling.successor_prefix = node.successor_prefix;
if (!me.tmp.just_looking) {
for (var j=masterNode.decorations.length-1;j>-1;j--) {
if (masterNode.decorations[j][0] === "@quotes") {
@ -13475,9 +13604,10 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processNumber = function (node, ItemObject, variable, type)
function fixupRangeDelimiter(variable, val, rangeDelimiter, isNumeric) {
var isPage = checkPage(variable, val);
if (rangeDelimiter === "-") {
var hasTerm = checkTerm(variable, val);
if (hasTerm && rangeDelimiter === "-") {
if (isNumeric) {
if (isPage || (variable === "locator" && val.label === "art.") || ["issue", "volume", "edition", "number"].indexOf(variable) > -1) {
if (isPage || ["locator", "issue", "volume", "edition", "number"].indexOf(variable) > -1) {
rangeDelimiter = me.getTerm("page-range-delimiter")
if (!rangeDelimiter) {
rangeDelimiter = "\u2013";
@ -13495,7 +13625,14 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processNumber = function (node, ItemObject, variable, type)
function checkPage(variable, val) {
return variable === "page"
|| (variable === "locator" && (["p.", "para.", "ch."].indexOf(val.label) > -1));
|| (variable === "locator" && (["p."].indexOf(val.label) > -1));
function checkTerm(variable, val) {
var ret = true;
if (variable === "locator") {
ret = !!me.getTerm(CSL.STATUTE_SUBDIV_STRINGS[val.label]);
return ret;
function manglePageNumbers(values, i, currentInfo) {
if (i<1) return;
@ -13597,12 +13734,6 @@ CSL.Engine.prototype.processNumber = function (node, ItemObject, variable, type)
var localeType = this.opt["cite-lang-prefs"][languageRole][0];
val = this.transform.getTextSubField(ItemObject, variable, "locale-"+localeType, true);
val = val.name;
} else if (variable === "year-suffix" && this.registry.registry[ItemObject.id]) {
this.opt.has_year_suffix = true;
val = parseInt(this.registry.registry[ItemObject.id].disambig.year_suffix, 10);
if (!val && val !== 0) {
val = "";
} else {
val = ItemObject[variable];
@ -13638,7 +13769,6 @@ CSL.Util.outputNumericField = function(state, varname, itemID) {
var nums = state.tmp.shadow_numbers[varname].values;
var masterLabel = nums.length ? nums[0].label : null;
var masterStyling = state.tmp.shadow_numbers[varname].masterStyling;
var labelForm = state.tmp.shadow_numbers[varname].labelForm;
var embeddedLabelForm;
if (labelForm) {
@ -13682,23 +13812,7 @@ CSL.Util.outputNumericField = function(state, varname, itemID) {
if (num.collapsible) {
if (varname === "year-suffix") {
numStyling.range_prefix = masterStyling.range_prefix;
numStyling.successor_prefix = masterStyling.successor_prefix;
var blob = new CSL.NumericBlob(num.particle, parseInt(num.value, 10), numStyling, itemID);
if (varname === "year-suffix") {
state.tmp.has_done_year_suffix = true;
var formatter = new CSL.Util.Suffixator(CSL.SUFFIX_CHARS);
if (state[state.tmp.area].opt.cite_group_delimiter) {
blob.successor_prefix = state[state.tmp.area].opt.cite_group_delimiter;
} else if (state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"]) {
blob.successor_prefix = state[state.tmp.area].opt["year-suffix-delimiter"];
} else {
blob.successor_prefix = state[state.tmp.area].opt.layout_delimiter;
if ("undefined" === typeof blob.gender) {
blob.gender = state.locale[state.opt.lang]["noun-genders"][varname];
@ -14289,12 +14403,12 @@ CSL.Output.Formatters.title = function (state, string) {
return word;
function splitme (str, rex) {
var res, seps = str.match(rex);
if (seps) {
var m = str.match(rex);
if (m) {
var splits = str.split(rex);
res = [splits[0]];
for (var i=0; i<seps.length; i++) {
for (var i=0; i<m.length; i++) {
} else {
@ -14316,7 +14430,7 @@ CSL.Output.Formatters.title = function (state, string) {
lst[lst.length-2] = capitalise(lst[lst.length-2]);
for (var i=0,ilen=lst.length;i<ilen;i+=2) {
var words = lst[i].split(/([:?!]*\s+|-)/);
var words = lst[i].split(/([:?!]*\s+|\/|-)/);
for (var k=0,klen=words.length;k<klen;k+=2) {
if (words[k].length !== 0) {
upperCaseVariant = words[k].toUpperCase();
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