
929 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"use strict";
describe("Zotero.Sync.Storage.Mode.ZFS", function () {
// Setup
var apiKey = Zotero.Utilities.randomString(24);
var port = 16213;
var baseURL = `http://localhost:${port}/`;
var win, server, requestCount;
var responses = {};
function setResponse(response) {
setHTTPResponse(server, baseURL, response, responses);
function resetRequestCount() {
requestCount = server.requests.filter(r => r.responseHeaders["Fake-Server-Match"]).length;
function assertRequestCount(count) {
server.requests.filter(r => r.responseHeaders["Fake-Server-Match"]).length - requestCount,
function parseQueryString(str) {
var queryStringParams = str.split('&');
var params = {};
for (let param of queryStringParams) {
let [ key, val ] = param.split('=');
params[key] = decodeURIComponent(val);
return params;
function assertAPIKey(request) {
assert.equal(request.requestHeaders["Zotero-API-Key"], apiKey);
// Tests
beforeEach(function* () {
yield resetDB({
thisArg: this,
skipBundledFiles: true
win = yield loadZoteroPane();
Zotero.HTTP.mock = sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest;
server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
server.autoRespond = true;
this.httpd = new HttpServer();
yield Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
yield Zotero.Users.setCurrentUsername("testuser");
Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.setModeForLibrary(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, 'zfs');
// Set download-on-sync by default
Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, true
var setup = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options = {}) {
var caller = new ConcurrentCaller(1);
caller.setLogger(msg => Zotero.debug(msg));
caller.stopOnError = true;
var client = new Zotero.Sync.APIClient({
apiVersion: options.apiVersion || ZOTERO_CONFIG.API_VERSION,
background: options.background || true
var engine = new Zotero.Sync.Storage.Engine({
libraryID: options.libraryID || Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID,
controller: new Zotero.Sync.Storage.Mode.ZFS({
apiClient: client,
maxS3ConsecutiveFailures: 2
stopOnError: true
return { engine, client, caller };
afterEach(function* () {
var defer = new Zotero.Promise.defer();
this.httpd.stop(() => defer.resolve());
yield defer.promise;
after(function* () {
//yield resetDB();
describe("Syncing", function () {
it("should skip downloads if not marked as needed", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var library = Zotero.Libraries.userLibrary;
library.libraryVersion = 5;
yield library.saveTx();
var result = yield engine.start();
assert.equal(library.storageVersion, library.libraryVersion);
it("should ignore a remotely missing file", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var library = Zotero.Libraries.userLibrary;
library.libraryVersion = 5;
yield library.saveTx();
library.storageDownloadNeeded = true;
var item = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'imported_file';
item.attachmentPath = 'storage:test.txt';
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
item.attachmentSyncState = "to_download";
yield item.saveTx();
handle: function (request, response) {
response.setStatusLine(null, 404, null);
var result = yield engine.start();
assert.equal(library.storageVersion, library.libraryVersion);
it("should handle a remotely failing file", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var library = Zotero.Libraries.userLibrary;
library.libraryVersion = 5;
yield library.saveTx();
library.storageDownloadNeeded = true;
var item = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'imported_file';
item.attachmentPath = 'storage:test.txt';
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
item.attachmentSyncState = "to_download";
yield item.saveTx();
handle: function (request, response) {
response.setStatusLine(null, 500, null);
// TODO: In stopOnError mode, this the promise is rejected.
// This should probably test with stopOnError mode turned off instead.
var e = yield getPromiseError(engine.start());
assert.equal(e.message, Zotero.Sync.Storage.defaultError);
assert.equal(library.storageVersion, 0);
it("should download a missing file", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var library = Zotero.Libraries.userLibrary;
library.libraryVersion = 5;
yield library.saveTx();
library.storageDownloadNeeded = true;
var item = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'imported_file';
item.attachmentPath = 'storage:test.txt';
// TODO: Test binary data
var text = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
item.attachmentSyncState = "to_download";
yield item.saveTx();
var mtime = "1441252524905";
var md5 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.md5(text)
var s3Path = `pretend-s3/${item.key}`;
handle: function (request, response) {
if (!request.hasHeader('Zotero-API-Key')) {
response.setStatusLine(null, 403, "Forbidden");
var key = request.getHeader('Zotero-API-Key');
if (key != apiKey) {
response.setStatusLine(null, 403, "Invalid key");
response.setStatusLine(null, 302, "Found");
response.setHeader("Zotero-File-Modification-Time", mtime, false);
response.setHeader("Zotero-File-MD5", md5, false);
response.setHeader("Zotero-File-Compressed", "No", false);
response.setHeader("Location", baseURL + s3Path, false);
"/" + s3Path,
handle: function (request, response) {
response.setStatusLine(null, 200, "OK");
var result = yield engine.start();
var contents = yield Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(yield item.getFilePathAsync());
assert.equal(contents, text);
assert.equal(library.storageVersion, library.libraryVersion);
it("should upload new files", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
// Single file
var file1 = getTestDataDirectory();
var item1 = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file: file1 });
var mtime1 = yield item1.attachmentModificationTime;
var hash1 = yield item1.attachmentHash;
var path1 = item1.getFilePath();
var filename1 = 'test.png';
var size1 = (yield OS.File.stat(path1)).size;
var contentType1 = 'image/png';
var prefix1 = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var suffix1 = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var uploadKey1 = Zotero.Utilities.randomString(32, 'abcdef0123456789');
// HTML file with auxiliary image
var file2 = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'snapshot', 'index.html');
var parentItem = yield createDataObject('item');
var item2 = yield Zotero.Attachments.importSnapshotFromFile({
file: file2,
url: 'http://example.com/',
parentItemID: parentItem.id,
title: 'Test',
contentType: 'text/html',
charset: 'utf-8'
var mtime2 = yield item2.attachmentModificationTime;
var hash2 = yield item2.attachmentHash;
var path2 = item2.getFilePath();
var filename2 = 'index.html';
var size2 = (yield OS.File.stat(path2)).size;
var contentType2 = 'text/html';
var charset2 = 'utf-8';
var prefix2 = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var suffix2 = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var uploadKey2 = Zotero.Utilities.randomString(32, 'abcdef0123456789');
var deferreds = [];
// https://github.com/cjohansen/Sinon.JS/issues/607
let fixSinonBug = ";charset=utf-8";
server.respond(function (req) {
// Get upload authorization for single file
if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item1.key}/file`
&& req.requestBody.indexOf('upload=') == -1) {
assert.equal(req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"], "*");
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + fixSinonBug
let parts = req.requestBody.split('&');
let params = {};
for (let part of parts) {
let [key, val] = part.split('=');
params[key] = decodeURIComponent(val);
assert.equal(params.md5, hash1);
assert.equal(params.mtime, mtime1);
assert.equal(params.filename, filename1);
assert.equal(params.filesize, size1);
"Content-Type": "application/json"
url: baseURL + "pretend-s3/1",
contentType: contentType1,
prefix: prefix1,
suffix: suffix1,
uploadKey: uploadKey1
// Get upload authorization for multi-file zip
else if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item2.key}/file`
&& req.requestBody.indexOf('upload=') == -1) {
assert.equal(req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"], "*");
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + fixSinonBug
// Verify ZIP hash
let tmpZipPath = OS.Path.join(
item2.key + '.zip'
promise: Zotero.Utilities.Internal.md5Async(tmpZipPath)
.then(function (md5) {
assert.equal(params.zipMD5, md5);
let parts = req.requestBody.split('&');
let params = {};
for (let part of parts) {
let [key, val] = part.split('=');
params[key] = decodeURIComponent(val);
assert.equal(params.md5, hash2);
assert.notEqual(params.zipMD5, hash2);
assert.equal(params.mtime, mtime2);
assert.equal(params.filename, filename2);
assert.equal(params.zipFilename, item2.key + ".zip");
assert.isTrue(parseInt(params.filesize) == params.filesize);
"Content-Type": "application/json"
url: baseURL + "pretend-s3/2",
contentType: 'application/zip',
prefix: prefix2,
suffix: suffix2,
uploadKey: uploadKey2
// Upload single file to S3
else if (req.method == "POST" && req.url == baseURL + "pretend-s3/1") {
assert.equal(req.requestHeaders["Content-Type"], contentType1 + fixSinonBug);
assert.equal(req.requestBody.size, (new Blob([prefix1, new File(file1), suffix1]).size));
req.respond(201, {}, "");
// Upload multi-file ZIP to S3
else if (req.method == "POST" && req.url == baseURL + "pretend-s3/2") {
assert.equal(req.requestHeaders["Content-Type"], "application/zip" + fixSinonBug);
// Verify uploaded ZIP file
let tmpZipPath = OS.Path.join(
Zotero.Utilities.randomString() + '.zip'
let deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("loadend", Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
try {
let file = yield OS.File.open(tmpZipPath, {
create: true
var contents = new Uint8Array(reader.result);
contents = contents.slice(prefix2.length, suffix2.length * -1);
yield file.write(contents);
yield file.close();
var zr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"]
var entries = zr.findEntries('*');
var entryNames = [];
while (entries.hasMore()) {
assert.equal(entryNames.length, 2);
assert.sameMembers(entryNames, ['index.html', 'img.gif']);
assert.equal(zr.getEntry('index.html').realSize, size2);
assert.equal(zr.getEntry('img.gif').realSize, 42);
catch (e) {
req.respond(201, {}, "");
// Register single-file upload
else if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item1.key}/file`
&& req.requestBody.indexOf('upload=') != -1) {
assert.equal(req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"], "*");
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + fixSinonBug
let parts = req.requestBody.split('&');
let params = {};
for (let part of parts) {
let [key, val] = part.split('=');
params[key] = decodeURIComponent(val);
assert.equal(params.upload, uploadKey1);
"Last-Modified-Version": 10
// Register multi-file upload
else if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item2.key}/file`
&& req.requestBody.indexOf('upload=') != -1) {
assert.equal(req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"], "*");
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + fixSinonBug
let parts = req.requestBody.split('&');
let params = {};
for (let part of parts) {
let [key, val] = part.split('=');
params[key] = decodeURIComponent(val);
assert.equal(params.upload, uploadKey2);
"Last-Modified-Version": 15
// TODO: One-step uploads
/*// https://github.com/cjohansen/Sinon.JS/issues/607
let fixSinonBug = ";charset=utf-8";
server.respond(function (req) {
if (req.method == "POST" && req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item.key}/file`) {
assert.equal(req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"], "*");
"application/json" + fixSinonBug
let params = JSON.parse(req.requestBody);
assert.equal(params.md5, hash);
assert.equal(params.mtime, mtime);
assert.equal(params.filename, filename);
assert.equal(params.size, size);
assert.equal(params.contentType, contentType);
"Content-Type": "application/json"
url: baseURL + "pretend-s3",
headers: {
"Content-Type": contentType,
"Content-MD5": hash,
//"Content-Length": params.size, process but don't return
else if (req.method == "PUT" && req.url == baseURL + "pretend-s3") {
assert.equal(req.requestHeaders["Content-Type"], contentType + fixSinonBug);
assert.instanceOf(req.requestBody, File);
req.respond(201, {}, "");
var result = yield engine.start();
yield Zotero.Promise.all(deferreds.map(d => d.promise));
// Check local objects
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
assert.equal(item1.attachmentSyncedModificationTime, mtime1);
assert.equal(item1.attachmentSyncedHash, hash1);
assert.equal(item1.version, 10);
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
assert.equal(item2.attachmentSyncedModificationTime, mtime2);
assert.equal(item2.attachmentSyncedHash, hash2);
assert.equal(item2.version, 15);
it("should update local info for remotely updated file that matches local file", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var library = Zotero.Libraries.userLibrary;
library.libraryVersion = 5;
yield library.saveTx();
library.storageDownloadNeeded = true;
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
item.version = 5;
item.attachmentSyncState = "to_download";
yield item.saveTx();
var path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
yield OS.File.setDates(path, null, new Date() - 100000);
var json = item.toJSON();
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.saveCacheObject('item', item.libraryID, json);
var mtime = (Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) * 1000) + "";
var md5 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.md5(file)
var s3Path = `pretend-s3/${item.key}`;
handle: function (request, response) {
if (!request.hasHeader('Zotero-API-Key')) {
response.setStatusLine(null, 403, "Forbidden");
var key = request.getHeader('Zotero-API-Key');
if (key != apiKey) {
response.setStatusLine(null, 403, "Invalid key");
response.setStatusLine(null, 302, "Found");
response.setHeader("Zotero-File-Modification-Time", mtime, false);
response.setHeader("Zotero-File-MD5", md5, false);
response.setHeader("Zotero-File-Compressed", "No", false);
response.setHeader("Location", baseURL + s3Path, false);
var result = yield engine.start();
assert.equal(item.attachmentSyncedModificationTime, mtime);
yield assert.eventually.equal(item.attachmentModificationTime, mtime);
it("should update local info for file that already exists on the server", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file: file });
item.version = 5;
yield item.saveTx();
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
var json = item.toJSON();
yield Zotero.Sync.Data.Local.saveCacheObject('item', item.libraryID, json);
var mtime = yield item.attachmentModificationTime;
var hash = yield item.attachmentHash;
var path = item.getFilePath();
var filename = 'test.png';
var size = (yield OS.File.stat(path)).size;
var contentType = 'image/png';
var newVersion = 10;
// https://github.com/cjohansen/Sinon.JS/issues/607
let fixSinonBug = ";charset=utf-8";
server.respond(function (req) {
// Get upload authorization for single file
if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item.key}/file`
&& req.requestBody.indexOf('upload=') == -1) {
assert.equal(req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"], "*");
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + fixSinonBug
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Last-Modified-Version": newVersion
exists: 1,
// TODO: One-step uploads
var result = yield engine.start();
// Check local objects
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
assert.equal(item.attachmentSyncedModificationTime, mtime);
assert.equal(item.attachmentSyncedHash, hash);
assert.equal(item.version, newVersion);
describe("#_processUploadFile()", function () {
it("should handle 412 with matching version and hash matching local file", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var zfs = new Zotero.Sync.Storage.Mode.ZFS({
apiClient: client
var filePath = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png');
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file: filePath });
item.version = 5;
item.synced = true;
yield item.saveTx();
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
var itemJSON = item.toResponseJSON();
itemJSON.data.mtime = yield item.attachmentModificationTime;
itemJSON.data.md5 = yield item.attachmentHash;
// Set saved hash to a different value, which should be overwritten
// We're also testing cases where a hash isn't set for a file (e.g., if the
// storage directory was transferred, the mtime doesn't match, but the file was
// never downloaded), but there's no difference in behavior
var dbHash = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
item.attachmentSyncedHash = dbHash;
yield item.saveTx({ skipAll: true });
server.respond(function (req) {
if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item.key}/file`
&& req.requestBody.indexOf('upload=') == -1
&& req.requestHeaders["If-Match"] == dbHash) {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Last-Modified-Version": 5
"ETag does not match current version of file"
method: "GET",
url: `users/1/items?format=json&itemKey=${item.key}&includeTrashed=1`,
status: 200,
text: JSON.stringify([itemJSON])
var result = yield zfs._processUploadFile({
name: item.libraryKey
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
assert.equal(item.attachmentSyncedHash, (yield item.attachmentHash));
it("should handle 412 with matching version and hash not matching local file", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var zfs = new Zotero.Sync.Storage.Mode.ZFS({
apiClient: client
var filePath = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png');
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file: filePath });
item.version = 5;
item.synced = true;
yield item.saveTx();
var fileHash = yield item.attachmentHash;
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
var itemJSON = item.toResponseJSON();
itemJSON.data.md5 = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
server.respond(function (req) {
if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item.key}/file`
&& req.requestBody.indexOf('upload=') == -1
&& req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"] == "*") {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Last-Modified-Version": 5
"If-None-Match: * set but file exists"
method: "GET",
url: `users/1/items?format=json&itemKey=${item.key}&includeTrashed=1`,
status: 200,
text: JSON.stringify([itemJSON])
var result = yield zfs._processUploadFile({
name: item.libraryKey
Deasyncification :back: :cry: While trying to get translation and citing working with asynchronously generated data, we realized that drag-and-drop support was going to be...problematic. Firefox only supports synchronous methods for providing drag data (unlike, it seems, the DataTransferItem interface supported by Chrome), which means that we'd need to preload all relevant data on item selection (bounded by export.quickCopy.dragLimit) and keep the translate/cite methods synchronous (or maintain two separate versions). What we're trying instead is doing what I said in #518 we weren't going to do: loading most object data on startup and leaving many more functions synchronous. Essentially, this takes the various load*() methods described in #518, moves them to startup, and makes them operate on entire libraries rather than individual objects. The obvious downside here (other than undoing much of the work of the last many months) is that it increases startup time, potentially quite a lot for larger libraries. On my laptop, with a 3,000-item library, this adds about 3 seconds to startup time. I haven't yet tested with larger libraries. But I'm hoping that we can optimize this further to reduce that delay. Among other things, this is loading data for all libraries, when it should be able to load data only for the library being viewed. But this is also fundamentally just doing some SELECT queries and storing the results, so it really shouldn't need to be that slow (though performance may be bounded a bit here by XPCOM overhead). If we can make this fast enough, it means that third-party plugins should be able to remain much closer to their current designs. (Some things, including saving, will still need to be made asynchronous.)
2016-03-07 16:05:51 -05:00
assert.equal(item.attachmentSyncState, Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.SYNC_STATE_IN_CONFLICT);
it("should handle 412 with greater version", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var zfs = new Zotero.Sync.Storage.Mode.ZFS({
apiClient: client
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
item.version = 5;
item.synced = true;
yield item.saveTx();
server.respond(function (req) {
if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item.key}/file`
&& req.requestBody.indexOf('upload=') == -1
&& req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"] == "*") {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Last-Modified-Version": 10
"If-None-Match: * set but file exists"
var result = yield zfs._processUploadFile({
name: item.libraryKey
assert.equal(item.version, 5);
assert.equal(item.synced, true);
it("should retry with If-None-Match on 412 with missing remote hash", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var zfs = new Zotero.Sync.Storage.Mode.ZFS({
apiClient: client
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
item.version = 5;
item.synced = true;
item.attachmentSyncedModificationTime = Date.now();
item.attachmentSyncedHash = 'bd4c33e03798a7e8bc0b46f8bda74fac'
yield item.saveTx();
var contentType = 'image/png';
var prefix = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var suffix = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var uploadKey = Zotero.Utilities.randomString(32, 'abcdef0123456789');
var called = 0;
server.respond(function (req) {
if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item.key}/file`
&& !req.requestBody.includes('upload=')
&& req.requestHeaders["If-Match"] == item.attachmentSyncedHash) {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"If-Match set but file does not exist"
else if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item.key}/file`
&& !req.requestBody.includes('upload=')
&& req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"] == "*") {
assert.equal(called++, 1)
"Content-Type": "application/json"
url: baseURL + "pretend-s3/1",
contentType: contentType,
prefix: prefix,
suffix: suffix,
uploadKey: uploadKey
var stub = sinon.stub(zfs, "_uploadFile");
yield zfs._processUploadFile({
name: item.libraryKey
assert.equal(called, 2);
it("should handle 413 on quota limit", function* () {
var { engine, client, caller } = yield setup();
var zfs = new Zotero.Sync.Storage.Mode.ZFS({
apiClient: client
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
item.version = 5;
item.synced = true;
yield item.saveTx();
server.respond(function (req) {
if (req.method == "POST"
&& req.url == `${baseURL}users/1/items/${item.key}/file`
&& req.requestBody.indexOf('upload=') == -1
&& req.requestHeaders["If-None-Match"] == "*") {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Last-Modified-Version": 10
"File would exceed quota (299.7 + 0.5 > 300)"
var e = yield getPromiseError(zfs._processUploadFile({
name: item.libraryKey
assert.equal(e.errorType, 'warning');
2016-04-26 21:32:18 -04:00
assert.include(e.message, 'test.png');
assert.equal(e.dialogButtonText, Zotero.getString('sync.storage.openAccountSettings'));