2022-10-10 16:51:07 +03:00
"use strict";
describe("PDF Reader", function () {
var win, zp;
before(function* () {
win = yield loadZoteroPane();
zp = win.ZoteroPane;
after(function () {
describe('Reader', function () {
2022-10-11 18:06:10 +03:00
it('should create/update annotations', async function () {
2022-10-10 16:51:07 +03:00
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
2022-10-11 18:06:10 +03:00
// Existing highlight annotation
await Zotero.Annotations.saveFromJSON(attachment, {
key: 'AAAAAAAA',
type: 'highlight',
color: '#ffd400',
sortIndex: '00000|003305|00000',
position: {
pageIndex: 0,
rects: [[0, 0, 100, 100]]
// Existing note annotation
await Zotero.Annotations.saveFromJSON(attachment, {
key: 'BBBBBBBB',
type: 'note',
color: '#ffd400',
sortIndex: '00000|003305|00000',
position: {
pageIndex: 0,
rects: [[0, 0, 100, 100]]
// Existing image annotation
await Zotero.Annotations.saveFromJSON(attachment, {
key: 'CCCCCCCC',
type: 'image',
color: '#ffd400',
sortIndex: '00000|003305|00000',
comment: 'asdf',
position: {
pageIndex: 0,
rects: [[0, 0, 100, 100]]
// Existing ink annotation
await Zotero.Annotations.saveFromJSON(attachment, {
key: 'DDDDDDDD',
type: 'ink',
color: '#ffd400',
sortIndex: '00000|003305|00000',
position: {
pageIndex: 0,
paths: [[517.759, 760.229]],
width: 2,
unknownField: 'test'
2022-10-10 16:51:07 +03:00
var reader = await Zotero.Reader.open(attachment.itemID);
// TODO: Implement a promise that would be resolved when pdf-reader is completely loaded
var n = 0;
2022-10-31 18:03:42 +02:00
while ((!reader._iframeWindow || !reader._iframeWindow.wrappedJSObject.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument) && n++ < 150) {
2022-10-10 16:51:07 +03:00
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
await reader._iframeWindow.wrappedJSObject.viewerInstance._viewer._pdfjsPromise;
2022-10-11 18:06:10 +03:00
// Create highlight annotation
2022-10-10 16:51:07 +03:00
await reader._iframeWindow.wrappedJSObject.viewerInstance._viewer._annotationsStore.addAnnotation(
type: 'highlight',
color: '#ffd400',
sortIndex: '00000|003305|00000',
position: {
pageIndex: 0,
rects: [[0, 0, 100, 100]]
text: 'test'
}, reader._iframeWindow)
2022-10-11 18:06:10 +03:00
// Create note annotation
2022-10-10 16:51:07 +03:00
await reader._iframeWindow.wrappedJSObject.viewerInstance._viewer._annotationsStore.addAnnotation(
type: 'note',
color: '#ffd400',
sortIndex: '00000|003305|00000',
comment: 'test',
position: {
pageIndex: 0,
rects: [[0, 0, 100, 100]]
text: 'test'
}, reader._iframeWindow)
2022-10-11 18:06:10 +03:00
// Create image annotation
2022-10-10 16:51:07 +03:00
await reader._iframeWindow.wrappedJSObject.viewerInstance._viewer._annotationsStore.addAnnotation(
type: 'image',
color: '#ffd400',
sortIndex: '00000|003305|00000',
comment: 'test',
position: {
pageIndex: 0,
rects: [[0, 0, 100, 100]]
}, reader._iframeWindow)
2022-10-11 18:06:10 +03:00
// Update 4 items
await reader._iframeWindow.wrappedJSObject.viewerInstance._viewer._annotationsStore.updateAnnotations(
text: 'test'
color: '#aabbcc'
comment: 'test'
position: { pageIndex: 2 }
], reader._iframeWindow)
2022-10-10 16:51:07 +03:00
// TODO: Try to avoid pdf-reader annotation saving debounce which is now 1000ms
await Zotero.Promise.delay(1500);
var annotations = attachment.getAnnotations();
2022-10-11 18:06:10 +03:00
// 4 existing + 3 created
assert.equal(annotations.length, 7);
// Test 4 updated annotations
assert.equal(annotations.find(x => x.key === 'AAAAAAAA').annotationText, 'test');
assert.equal(annotations.find(x => x.key === 'BBBBBBBB').annotationColor, '#aabbcc');
assert.equal(annotations.find(x => x.key === 'CCCCCCCC').annotationComment, 'test');
// Test updated position pageIndex, and make sure unknownField is preserved
assert.equal(JSON.parse(annotations.find(x => x.key === 'DDDDDDDD').annotationPosition).pageIndex, 2);
assert.equal(JSON.parse(annotations.find(x => x.key === 'DDDDDDDD').annotationPosition).unknownField, 'test');
2022-10-10 16:51:07 +03:00