2015-03-07 12:18:27 -05:00
describe ( "Zotero.Utilities" , function ( ) {
describe ( "cleanAuthor" , function ( ) {
it ( 'should parse author names' , function ( ) {
for ( let useComma of [ false , true ] ) {
for ( let first _expected of [ [ "First" , "First" ] ,
[ "First Middle" , "First Middle" ] ,
[ "F. R. S." , "F. R. S." ] ,
[ "F.R.S." , "F. R. S." ] ,
[ "F R S" , "F. R. S." ] ,
[ "FRS" , "F. R. S." ] ] ) {
let [ first , expected ] = first _expected ;
let str = useComma ? "Last, " + first : first + " Last" ;
let author = Zotero . Utilities . cleanAuthor ( str , "author" , useComma ) ;
assert . equal ( author . firstName , expected ) ;
assert . equal ( author . lastName , "Last" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2015-03-24 17:54:32 -05:00
describe ( "cleanISBN" , function ( ) {
let cleanISBN = Zotero . Utilities . cleanISBN ;
it ( "should return false for non-ISBN string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '' ) , 'returned false for empty string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( 'Random String 123' ) , 'returned false for non-ISBN string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1234X67890' ) , 'returned false for ISBN10-looking string with X in the middle' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '987123456789X' ) , 'returned false for ISBN13-looking string with X as check-digit' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return false for invalid ISBN string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1234567890' ) , 'returned false for invalid ISBN10' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '9871234567890' ) , 'returned false for invalid ISBN13' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return valid ISBN string given clean, valid ISBN string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '123456789X' ) , '123456789X' , 'passed through valid ISBN10' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '123456789x' ) , '123456789X' , 'passed through valid ISBN10 with lower case input' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'passed through valid ISBN13' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9791843123391' ) , '9791843123391' , 'passed through valid ISBN13 in 979 range' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should strip off internal characters in ISBN string" , function ( ) {
let ignoredChars = '\x2D\xAD\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u2015\u2043\u2212' // Dashes
+ ' \xA0\r\n\t\x0B\x0C\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005' // Spaces
+ '\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF' ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < ignoredChars . length ; i ++ ) {
let charCode = '\\u' + Zotero . Utilities . lpad ( ignoredChars . charCodeAt ( i ) . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) , '0' , 4 ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781' + ignoredChars . charAt ( i ) + '234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off ' + charCode ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781' + ignoredChars + '234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off all ignored characters' ) ;
let isbnChars = ignoredChars + '1234567890' ;
2015-03-30 16:28:12 -05:00
for ( let i = 1 ; i < 1327 ; i ++ ) { // More common characters through Cyrillic letters
2015-03-24 17:54:32 -05:00
let c = String . fromCharCode ( i ) ;
if ( isbnChars . indexOf ( c ) != - 1 ) continue ;
let charCode = '\\u' + Zotero . Utilities . lpad ( i . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) , '0' , 4 ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '9781' + c + '234567897' ) , 'did not ignore internal character ' + charCode ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should strip off surrounding non-ISBN string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( 'ISBN 9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off preceding string (with space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( 'ISBN:9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off preceding string (without space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897 ISBN13' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off trailing string (with space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897(ISBN13)' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off trailing string (without space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( 'ISBN13:9781234567897 (print)' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off surrounding string' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '978 9781234567 897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'stripped off pseudo-ISBN prefix' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return the first valid ISBN from a string with multiple ISBNs" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897, 9791843123391' ) , '9781234567897' , 'returned first valid ISBN13 from list of valid ISBN13s' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '123456789X, 0199535922' ) , '123456789X' , 'returned first valid ISBN13 from list of valid ISBN13s' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '123456789X 9781234567897' ) , '123456789X' , 'returned first valid ISBN (10) from a list of mixed-length ISBNs' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897 123456789X' ) , '9781234567897' , 'returned first valid ISBN (13) from a list of mixed-length ISBNs' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '1234567890 9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'returned first valid ISBN in the list with valid and invalid ISBNs' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not return an ISBN from a middle of a longer number string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1239781234567897' ) , 'did not ignore number prefix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897123' ) , 'did not ignore number suffix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1239781234567897123' ) , 'did not ignore surrounding numbers' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return valid ISBN from a dirty string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '<b>ISBN</b>:978-1 234\xA056789 - 7(print)\n<b>ISBN-10</b>:123\x2D456789X (print)' ) , '9781234567897' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not validate check digit when dontValidate is set" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567890' , true ) , '9781234567890' , 'plain ISBN13 with wrong check digit' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '1234567890' , true ) , '1234567890' , 'plain ISBN10 with wrong check digit' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '1234567890 9781234567897' , true ) , '1234567890' , 'returned first ISBN10 (invalid) in the list with valid and invalid ISBNs' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567890 123456789X' , true ) , '9781234567890' , 'returned first ISBN13 (invalid) in the list with valid and invalid ISBNs' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not pass non-ISBN strings if dontValidate is set" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '' , true ) , 'returned false for empty string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( 'Random String 123' , true ) , 'returned false for non-ISBN string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1234X67890' , true ) , 'returned false for ISBN10-looking string with X in the middle' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '123456789Y' , true ) , 'returned false for ISBN10-looking string with Y as check digit' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '987123456789X' , true ) , 'returned false for ISBN13-looking string with X as check-digit' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1239781234567897' , true ) , 'did not ignore number prefix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '9781234567897123' , true ) , 'did not ignore number suffix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISBN ( '1239781234567897123' , true ) , 'did not ignore surrounding numbers' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "toISBN13" , function ( ) {
let toISBN13 = Zotero . Utilities . toISBN13 ;
it ( "should throw on invalid ISBN" , function ( ) {
let errorMsg = 'ISBN not found in "' ,
invalidStrings = [ '' , 'random string' , '1234567890123' ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < invalidStrings . length ; i ++ ) {
assert . throws ( toISBN13 . bind ( null , invalidStrings [ i ] ) , errorMsg + invalidStrings [ i ] + '"' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should convert to ISBN13" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '123456789X' ) , '9781234567897' , 'converts ISBN10 to ISBN13' ) ;
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '9781234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'ISBN13 stays the same' ) ;
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '9791843123391' ) , '9791843123391' , '979 ISBN13 stays the same' ) ;
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '978-1234567897' ) , '9781234567897' , 'accepts hyphenated ISBN' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should ignore invalid check digit" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '1234567890' ) , '9781234567897' , 'converts ISBN10 with invalid check digit to ISBN13' ) ;
assert . equal ( toISBN13 ( '9781234567890' ) , '9781234567897' , 'corrects invalid ISBN13 check digit' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( "cleanISSN" , function ( ) {
let cleanISSN = Zotero . Utilities . cleanISSN ;
it ( "should return false for non-ISSN string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '' ) , 'returned false for empty string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( 'Random String 123' ) , 'returned false for non-ISSN string' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '123X-5679' ) , 'returned false for ISSN-looking string with X in the middle' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return false for invalid ISSN string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '12345678' ) , 'returned false for invalid ISSN' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5678' ) , 'returned false for invalid ISSN with hyphen' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return valid ISSN string given clean, valid ISSN string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'passed through valid ISSN' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '2090-424X' ) , '2090-424X' , 'passed through valid ISSN with X check digit' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should hyphenate valid ISSN" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '12345679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'hyphenated valid ISSN' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should strip off internal characters in ISSN string" , function ( ) {
let ignoredChars = '\x2D\xAD\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u2015\u2043\u2212' // Dashes
+ ' \xA0\r\n\t\x0B\x0C\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005' // Spaces
+ '\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF' ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < ignoredChars . length ; i ++ ) {
let charCode = '\\u' + Zotero . Utilities . lpad ( ignoredChars . charCodeAt ( i ) . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) , '0' , 4 ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1' + ignoredChars . charAt ( i ) + '2345679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off ' + charCode ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1' + ignoredChars + '2345679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off all ignored characters' ) ;
let isbnChars = ignoredChars + '1234567890' ;
2015-03-30 16:28:12 -05:00
for ( let i = 1 ; i < 1327 ; i ++ ) { // More common characters through Cyrillic letters
2015-03-24 17:54:32 -05:00
let c = String . fromCharCode ( i ) ;
if ( isbnChars . indexOf ( c ) != - 1 ) continue ;
let charCode = '\\u' + Zotero . Utilities . lpad ( i . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) , '0' , 4 ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '1' + c + '2345679' ) , 'did not ignore internal character ' + charCode ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should strip off surrounding non-ISSN string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( 'ISSN 1234-5679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off preceding string (with space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( 'ISSN:1234-5679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off preceding string (without space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5679 ISSN' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off trailing string (with space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5679(ISSN)' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off trailing string (without space)' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( 'ISSN:1234-5679 (print)' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off surrounding string' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '123 12345 679' ) , '1234-5679' , 'stripped off pseudo-ISSN prefix' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return the first valid ISSN from a string with multiple ISSNs" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5679, 0028-0836' ) , '1234-5679' , 'returned first valid ISSN from list of valid ISSNs' ) ;
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '1234-5678, 0028-0836' ) , '0028-0836' , 'returned first valid ISSN in the list with valid and invalid ISSNs' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should not return an ISSN from a middle of a longer number string" , function ( ) {
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '12312345679' ) , 'did not ignore number prefix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '12345679123' ) , 'did not ignore number suffix' ) ;
assert . isFalse ( cleanISSN ( '12312345679123' ) , 'did not ignore surrounding numbers' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should return valid ISSN from a dirty string" , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( cleanISSN ( '<b>ISSN</b>:1234\xA0-\t5679(print)\n<b>eISSN (electronic)</b>:0028-0836' ) , '1234-5679' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
describe ( "itemToCSLJSON" , function ( ) {
it ( "should accept Zotero.Item and Zotero export item format" , function ( ) {
let data = populateDBWithSampleData ( loadSampleData ( 'journalArticle' ) ) ;
let item = Zotero . Items . get ( data . journalArticle . id ) ;
let fromZoteroItem ;
try {
fromZoteroItem = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
assert . fail ( e , null , 'accepts Zotero Item' ) ;
assert . isObject ( fromZoteroItem , 'converts Zotero Item to object' ) ;
assert . isNotNull ( fromZoteroItem , 'converts Zotero Item to non-null object' ) ;
let fromExportItem ;
try {
fromExportItem = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON (
Zotero . Utilities . Internal . itemToExportFormat ( item )
) ;
} catch ( e ) {
assert . fail ( e , null , 'accepts Zotero export item' ) ;
assert . isObject ( fromExportItem , 'converts Zotero export item to object' ) ;
assert . isNotNull ( fromExportItem , 'converts Zotero export item to non-null object' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( fromZoteroItem , fromExportItem , 'conversion from Zotero Item and from export item are the same' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should convert standalone notes to expected format" , function ( ) {
let note = new Zotero . Item ( 'note' ) ;
note . setNote ( 'Some note longer than 50 characters, which will become the title.' ) ;
note = Zotero . Items . get ( note . save ( ) ) ;
let cslJSONNote = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( note ) ;
assert . equal ( cslJSONNote . type , 'article' , 'note is exported as "article"' ) ;
2015-05-12 18:36:27 -05:00
assert . equal ( cslJSONNote . title , note . getNoteTitle ( ) , 'note title is set to Zotero pseudo-title' ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
} ) ;
it ( "should convert standalone attachments to expected format" , function ( ) {
let file = getTestDataDirectory ( ) ;
file . append ( "empty.pdf" ) ;
let attachment = Zotero . Items . get ( Zotero . Attachments . importFromFile ( file ) ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'title' , 'Empty' ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'accessDate' , '2001-02-03 12:13:14' ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'url' , 'http://example.com' ) ;
attachment . setNote ( 'Note' ) ;
attachment . save ( ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
let cslJSONAttachment = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( attachment ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
assert . equal ( cslJSONAttachment . type , 'article' , 'attachment is exported as "article"' ) ;
assert . equal ( cslJSONAttachment . title , 'Empty' , 'attachment title is correct' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslJSONAttachment . accessed , { "date-parts" : [ [ "2001" , 2 , 3 ] ] } , 'attachment access date is mapped correctly' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should refuse to convert unexpected item types" , function ( ) {
let data = populateDBWithSampleData ( loadSampleData ( 'journalArticle' ) ) ;
let item = Zotero . Items . get ( data . journalArticle . id ) ;
let exportFormat = Zotero . Utilities . Internal . itemToExportFormat ( item ) ;
exportFormat . itemType = 'foo' ;
assert . throws ( Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON . bind ( Zotero . Utilities , exportFormat ) , /^Unexpected Zotero Item type ".*"$/ , 'throws an error when trying to map invalid item types' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should map additional fields from Extra field" , function ( ) {
let item = new Zotero . Item ( 'journalArticle' ) ;
2016-09-13 17:31:26 -06:00
item . setField ( 'extra' , 'PMID: 12345\nPMCID:123456\nDOI:10.5064/F6PN93H4' ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
item = Zotero . Items . get ( item . save ( ) ) ;
let cslJSON = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) ;
assert . equal ( cslJSON . PMID , '12345' , 'PMID from Extra is mapped to PMID' ) ;
assert . equal ( cslJSON . PMCID , '123456' , 'PMCID from Extra is mapped to PMCID' ) ;
2016-09-13 17:31:26 -06:00
assert . equal ( cslJSON . DOI , '10.5064/F6PN93H4' , 'DOI from Extra field is mapped to DOI' ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
item . setField ( 'extra' , 'PMID: 12345' ) ;
item . save ( ) ;
cslJSON = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) ;
assert . equal ( cslJSON . PMID , '12345' , 'single-line entry is extracted correctly' ) ;
2016-09-13 17:31:26 -06:00
item . setField ( 'extra' , 'some junk: note\nPMID: 12345\nstuff in-between\nPMCID: 123456\nDOI: 10.5064/F6PN93H4\nlast bit of junk!' ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
item . save ( ) ;
cslJSON = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) ;
assert . equal ( cslJSON . PMID , '12345' , 'PMID from mixed Extra field is mapped to PMID' ) ;
assert . equal ( cslJSON . PMCID , '123456' , 'PMCID from mixed Extra field is mapped to PMCID' ) ;
2016-09-13 17:31:26 -06:00
assert . equal ( cslJSON . DOI , '10.5064/F6PN93H4' , 'DOI from mixed Extra field is mapped to DOI' ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
2016-09-13 17:31:26 -06:00
item . setField ( 'extra' , 'a\n PMID: 12345\nfoo PMCID: 123456\n10.5064/F6PN93H4' ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
item . save ( ) ;
cslJSON = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) ;
assert . isUndefined ( cslJSON . PMCID , 'field label must not be preceded by other text' ) ;
assert . isUndefined ( cslJSON . PMID , 'field label must not be preceded by a space' ) ;
2016-09-13 17:31:26 -06:00
assert . isUndefined ( cslJSON . DOI , 'DOI must be preceded by label' ) ;
assert . equal ( cslJSON . note , 'a\n PMID: 12345\nfoo PMCID: 123456\n10.5064/F6PN93H4' , 'note is left untouched if nothing is extracted' ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
item . setField ( 'extra' , 'something\npmid: 12345\n' ) ;
item . save ( ) ;
cslJSON = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) ;
assert . isUndefined ( cslJSON . PMID , 'field labels are case-sensitive' ) ;
} ) ;
2015-07-20 20:09:33 -05:00
it ( "should parse particles in creator names" , function ( ) {
let creators = [
// No particles
firstName : 'John' ,
lastName : 'Smith' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'John' ,
family : 'Smith'
} ,
// dropping and non-dropping
firstName : 'Jean de' ,
lastName : 'la Fontaine' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'Jean' ,
"dropping-particle" : 'de' ,
"non-dropping-particle" : 'la' ,
family : 'Fontaine'
} ,
// only non-dropping
firstName : 'Vincent' ,
lastName : 'van Gogh' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'Vincent' ,
"non-dropping-particle" : 'van' ,
family : 'Gogh'
} ,
// only dropping
firstName : 'Alexander von' ,
lastName : 'Humboldt' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'Alexander' ,
"dropping-particle" : 'von' ,
family : 'Humboldt'
} ,
// institutional author
lastName : 'Jean de la Fontaine' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
fieldMode : 1 ,
expect : {
literal : 'Jean de la Fontaine'
} ,
// protected last name
firstName : 'Jean de' ,
lastName : '"la Fontaine"' ,
creatorType : 'author' ,
expect : {
given : 'Jean de' ,
family : 'la Fontaine'
] ;
let data = populateDBWithSampleData ( {
item : {
itemType : 'journalArticle' ,
creators : creators
} ) ;
let item = Zotero . Items . get ( data . item . id ) ;
let cslCreators = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( item ) . author ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 0 ] , creators [ 0 ] . expect , 'simple name is not parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 1 ] , creators [ 1 ] . expect , 'name with dropping and non-dropping particles is parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 2 ] , creators [ 2 ] . expect , 'name with only non-dropping particle is parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 3 ] , creators [ 3 ] . expect , 'name with only dropping particle is parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 4 ] , creators [ 4 ] . expect , 'institutional author is not parsed' ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( cslCreators [ 5 ] , creators [ 5 ] . expect , 'protected last name prevents parsing' ) ;
} ) ;
2015-03-01 23:49:23 -06:00
} ) ;
2015-08-04 15:22:35 -05:00
describe ( "itemFromCSLJSON" , function ( ) {
it ( "should stably perform itemToCSLJSON -> itemFromCSLJSON -> itemToCSLJSON" , function ( ) {
let data = loadSampleData ( 'citeProcJSExport' ) ;
Zotero . DB . beginTransaction ( ) ;
for ( let i in data ) {
let item = data [ i ] ;
let zItem = new Zotero . Item ( ) ;
Zotero . Utilities . itemFromCSLJSON ( zItem , item ) ;
zItem = Zotero . Items . get ( zItem . save ( ) ) ;
let newItem = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( zItem ) ;
delete newItem . id ;
delete item . id ;
assert . deepEqual ( newItem , item , i + ' export -> import -> export is stable' ) ;
Zotero . DB . commitTransaction ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should import exported standalone note" , function ( ) {
let note = new Zotero . Item ( 'note' ) ;
note . setNote ( 'Some note longer than 50 characters, which will become the title.' ) ;
note = Zotero . Items . get ( note . save ( ) ) ;
let jsonNote = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( note ) ;
let zItem = new Zotero . Item ( ) ;
Zotero . Utilities . itemFromCSLJSON ( zItem , jsonNote ) ;
zItem = Zotero . Items . get ( zItem . save ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( zItem . getField ( 'title' ) , jsonNote . title , 'title imported correctly' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "should import exported standalone attachment" , function ( ) {
let file = getTestDataDirectory ( ) ;
file . append ( "empty.pdf" ) ;
let attachment = Zotero . Items . get ( Zotero . Attachments . importFromFile ( file ) ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'title' , 'Empty' ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'accessDate' , '2001-02-03 12:13:14' ) ;
attachment . setField ( 'url' , 'http://example.com' ) ;
attachment . setNote ( 'Note' ) ;
attachment . save ( ) ;
let jsonAttachment = Zotero . Utilities . itemToCSLJSON ( attachment ) ;
let zItem = new Zotero . Item ( ) ;
Zotero . Utilities . itemFromCSLJSON ( zItem , jsonAttachment ) ;
zItem = Zotero . Items . get ( zItem . save ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( zItem . getField ( 'title' ) , jsonAttachment . title , 'title imported correctly' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2015-03-07 12:18:27 -05:00
} ) ;